The Signal, 1910-12-15, Page 2= TRUISDAY, DIC911tesa 15, 1910
irk SIGNAL ['HINTING CO. Limited
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Tnie. SIUN. L PRINTING ou„ Unfired
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G0111911iC11. THUBRUAY_911:045. 11M.
With the voting in the- Old Country
elect' s dratt'ing to a coacluslim. I lie
parties stand aL!,lost exactly est they
were at dissolution, and when Parlia-
ment aatei'mbier at Nest ' ter there
will he alttajotity of from IW to 1.21
or even more itt the co d of Mr.
Asquith and hie colleagues in t heir at-
tack upon the vetirof the ten' of
Lords. According to Acme' of the
t'nionists, however. a majority is not
always m majority, 1 they are
calmly declaring that the election re -
'sults do ,not give the Gtve •nt It
mandate to proceed With its program.
By what merttnl omelettes they arrive
at this co tiiltedon—that the nlitsority,
after 1I,i, successive beatings at the
polis. Is still to dictate to the majority
--it is difficult to underrt*nd ; but
when Mr. Asquith gets through with
them they will piohebly have
respect for Micheal !majorities than
they appear to have at present. It
has leen suspected that Mr. Asquith is
not so anxiow, to push ahead-w'ith .the
Radical business( A+ are sone of his
colleague's. notably Jtt•. Lloyd George
and Mr. Churchill : but this steels to
be altogether a Iliac •option of the
eider' . 11 Mr. Asquith is not s,
vehement in his tate-some:s as are
some ethers a g 4.he Radical le:ul-
et•s, he is quite as deaar wined, and
having taken up weapons against the
Nouse of Lords—or, rather', against
the eXressive powers exercised -by
that chanh1N•r—he will not lay thein
down until his work is arse plishetl.
Moberly eau misunderstand Mr. AA-
gnith's declaration that the willof the
`people is to 1'(111•, and the next few
11ltrntlls.will In•nluthh se thnt declara-
tion tf•ritlell.
Looking ' back a short twelve
ilt-ant I+w, it is -sr rr► to ti -get of
'for popular rights have already hewn
wen. The ••r.•tolutioonat•y" budget of
LI/ y.l George torp IePll accepted.
The Lends hate th•elni Lal Ulf wselves
le,uly 111 gi%e -up the hereditatry
tight to sitar legislators. and to ar-
er'pta, referendum to the electorate in
ruses of den/il '('14. .11141 11 o 4.1.Yeln-
tintl of the Ivey in I% hick toy tits ate
marching in Great Britain tint ;these
e•oneessinns already titling fret 1 the
party (•,1-pt•itilege xre hurt Aeveptell by
the penal• as payment in full of \the
debt titre thecal: 1here• utast he 0 Mill
' glentet surrender. Mr. Ilnlfnnr lists
given ) he' signal lar ;neither ort re,.t
seri+uirtg with. some bitterness
thartiee Liberate ryuno1 destroy for
yriltittrrt trrOf,-the-Lord,. it -gill
be restowed whet a 1'itionit t9_ again
serene n majority. tonight's the
riiinnist•. once Ute veto iv sliders.
going to the sound'}• an a 1.1.4 0.4.,,
I'e.1.nY' it if retut•tudlto officio! Jia.
ltalfour'44 taunt, if it means anything,
appears to signify that. the Loris will
yield- to the nutjt.ritV in the 1louse 11f
I'onunon44, and that, the linvt'rnnient'44
plan 111 groping .Ie•gislntinn through
the seennd chlun)'er will be accept.d -
like a dose of nasty medicine. Liter
4.1 1111111.• rule win be extelltit'ti 111 its•
lar>)1. and the Emerald 14414', like fans
ajLL.and IikesSuul.hAfrir•t, will u
Iain its place in the Empire, with loy-
alty and pride, and the Empire Witt
1e all the strom,ger fat• the sulee .ittit .ion
Id political hence• and conte•ntnu'nt for
t he present mime a and dissat in(
of the Irish people. • ,'•
Theme All` great lltysl dettioc'A'\'
in the little - t rlanrL5.atfi•.st+r the new,
of reducing the Government's' lead in
the Province of Quebec. This it fol-
lowed up in Chir way :
Suppose that the anti -Leerier forces
divide Quebec fairly evenly, obtaiuiug
thirty seats. and that the Cointerva-
Lives wilt ((MI seats elsewhere. the
House numbering 223, then Limier'.
position will be :
Frew Quebec
From elsewhere
Ilonservative j nals )IaVP die.
covered a new and faxrinnting pan -
time. It Wee suggested by the i)rawn-
rnond-Arthaleuska election, the reedit
of which gave the Conservatives hope
e ter
While against hint he would have :
Quebec anti-Laurieriteil.. :NI
Other anti-Laurierttes. lit)
Putting hint in a minority of 35.
-*ttlaiu, you may supreme that
Loonier gets only twenty +rets front
Quebec, leaving hint in a still wurYie
position. Or put it this way : ,
Hive Mr. Borden I011 seats outside of
Quebec, and he is in an excellent posi-
tion. (live hien 1111, and his pusitioiu is
commanding. Gives hint 1:1 0, and hie
position is uverwbehuing•
It is, &r We have said, a
game, weld the bendy sof it it that'Lib-
er&l. as .well as Conservatives ►nay
play at it. When a Grit gels tired of
•'peeks, kle," or domino t1. he can sit
down and figure it out this way: slay ;
Proem Quebec 33
Front other 411/evinces
(including additional seats he
w111' win in Ontario and the iW
West 1. .. •
Front Quehee-• :u
.Front other ['roil:Mee. if0
' ' 1$)
—giving Sir Wilfrid a Inajitrity of 45.
It that doesn't suit, the:Player can.
figure it out some other way, making
the majority smaller. ox• Jaeger es he
tray choose. It is wonder -int hew
many different ways the figures can
(w arranged.
It is really not a very serious game;
but there is something to think about
in the was the Conservative journals
welcome t.htt anti L Utier vote of Que-
bec. W heir Quebec votes Grit it is*
thing: but- wheu_kgueethe
other way the Quebec electors are tine
fellows. Ftlntry, isn't it?
This is our Christmas number. How
do you like it
Shop early, carry home small par-
cels, and don't forget to `smile.
This is the Christmas season : let us
say nothing unkind. even about the
Meuse of Lords: •
1f they would -only burry up with
that electric railway of'ours we might
have a riot in tioderich. Toronto
shouldn't have all tbetliun.
Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy left an estate
of $1,51)),000. It appears that Chris
Ban science is not incompatible with
a certain amount of worldly wisdom.
In the British electoral race Asquith
ie jogging along easily on the howe
stretch with Balfour hopelessly in the
distance and showing signs - of dis-
Newspaper men in Toronto are said
to he kick up a great fuss because
the street , conductors will not read
their instructions thus : " Pores All
Ya u,iit..�•s
'l'he German l'hancellir makes his
contribution to the Christmas peewit
by expn•eseing the • desite t o avoid
rivalry with Britain in the building of
One -of the best ebgns of the time* in
Huron county is the increased hart est
•.that is being taken in the Apple -grow-
ing industry.. Sthen'Huron coulee to
ittepwri. the value 111' its orchard prod -
trees will be i-ekoned in very large fig-
it. is reported that :t scheme for the
ineur•ance of fall fairs against loss,
through unfavorable weather may be
ubutitted to the Legislature at the
c�nrinj( ls(jriatv6: ?ts
Meet tents tl
to ,prolung the lives of a number of
fair* whose promoters are becoming
disco( raged.
seey-Hatrie-people ,are evi•
dent . afraid to meet the United
Stele( wa • cturl'rs un their own
ground. Th 111tatt bought. out a big
company of + •ricultatel implement
manufn.•turers Batavia 14,Y.. and
will conduct the plant there a
'branch of their Cat dian business.
They are telling a • 0oy1--story 015
for siottb ♦Veils on in . e House of
Oon,mone.i .• is one the lest
tipeakera'in the (louse, but a metintes
lex: of theta may make slip,
The other day, referring in a speech
to Mr. Foster, he spoke of .hint as
"treading on a roiled snake and dr(
ping it like a hot potato." Tha Houn
had a rare good laugh over the uncon-
scious mixture of rolmririsons.
A movement has neon star tied in the
county of lwmhton to bring the atl-
vent,lge% ail the county, particularly
in the way of fruit -growing, to general
public notice, and to advance the in-
terests of the County In other ways.
The Lembton county council Las voted
$I,INN1 to &heist the movement. 1Vould
a sirutler movement in Huron county
meet with any such encouragement
from the Huron county council
Dr. Chisholm, 91. P. fui• East' Huron,
speaking in the House of ('owuul )ns no
the reciprocity question. declared that
he was not prepared to ray that be
would vote against any arrenge►neut
that might 1* entered into, because.
ouch an arrangement might turn .tut to
Int a good one. He was doubtfUI. how-
ever, of the ability of the Lauder
Orverntnent to deal nrcceedully with
the representatives of the United
St:etes. The Doctor's attitude is at
any rate a uteric reasonable nue t han
that of some people who "go up ib the
air" as soon as the word "reoiplrocity"
is uttered. _.
The'l'oronto Telegram is excieding
wroth over -Mt; liordep'a course 1541
Remedy for the Blues.
Stretf.yd Herald
if you wet blue on. of these days
and think you ha%.•n'r +► friend. just
comic up the ntoathes of people you
have to give Christmas presents to.
Canadian Appiss for Christmas Cheer.
Leaden Advertiser.
Andrew Carnegie has puit'bas.`d
twen'fy bartebs of Canadian apples as
Ohristeuits preset) t for Scoatiels
friends. At this rear's pricer. these
are gifts worthy of a.. multi -million-
Dr. Cbisholm's "Bolt."
' Mater F:% press.
Dr. Chisholm. the 1•nnseevative
member• in the Coin 111 s for East
Huron. is an Orangeman. but he put
his principle. brims. the party hart
week. when he to .Ited en the Mttnk
amendment. The Doctor hike politely
refused to tie a piety to .any alliance
with the Nationalist movement. His
courage should he opPraciatad ltv all
honest elector''. The Doctor's tuaoy
Christmas though tB.
If any proof were needed of the divine origin
of the Christian religion. It would be found
, . in the fact that its Founder, instead of appear-
ing among men soddenly, as a great leader.
, attended by signs and wonders, and acclaimed
by the great and mighty of His race, came to
the world as a babe. in all the appealing help-
' Ies_sness and need of infancy.. that He grew
up among others. as another child would
grow: learning, developing gradually and pre
paring -tot' -His life work. apparently like any
other :of -=-the world's workers. . . The
corning of the Christ in this way to an earthly
home has sanctified 'he home, with all its
tender relationships, above all other institutions.
The common duties. the close associations of
the family. have been hallowed forever by
the life in that humble home in Nazareth . and
thus it is that Christmas is essentially a home
festival. The cheer, the atmosphere of peace
and good -will which should be manifest at
this season must have Its centre in the home
if it is to radiate true' warmth to all around.
. . Fortunately the power to enter heartily
into the joys of the season is not confined to
either the rich and•powerful on the one hand.
or to the poor on the other. The angels
song heralded the glorious birth to humble
shepherds. and the star guided the Wise Men
of the East carrying of their wealth to the
new King . so, today, the Christmas gladness
is shared alike by rich and poor, by. high and
lowly, and, the simple worship of the shep-
herds is as, acceptable as are the of
the Magi.. . Those who will not -glean
pleasure from the Christmastide are people
who, like Scrooge. see value only in material
good. and cry. "Out upon Merry Christmas'
What good has it ever done you:T. But to
• all who have found -that the spiritual is greater
than the material the thought of the 'Incarna-
tion opens avenues leading to lasting joy.
"How silently. how silently,
The ,wondrous gift is given :
So God imparts to human hearts _
Tt# blessings- of His Heaven.
No ear may hear His • . ming,
But in this w., • of sin
Where - souts will receive Him still,
T. - dear Christ enters in. -
the navy gneetion. it says that. his
IeGderebip proves that "oil A supreme!
question of Cannabis honor and Brit -
ain'e egfety the Coneervntivp party i
has nut a P'RINCiI'LE IThe Telegram i
!saints it in capitals( to its nems and i
cannot discover nr develop a better•
policy th in the Monk-Dottie/ea exped. i
lent of utilizing a plebiscite as a nteans
of asxassinating the whole movement
to aid iiritain." With language like i
this in his ears. Mr. Horden nitwit he- •
gin to feel rather uncomfortable in 1
Wbet•ea., the naval service will be
vein ntary :
Whereas, our autonomy is safe-
guarde.I ;
%V hereae, the navy will be essential- i
1y' Canadian
Whereas. all Ibe vessels will be con-
structed in this country and their
crews will he Canadian ;
Whereas. the construction and the
maintenance of our navy will not ne-
cessitate any additional taxation
Where&., it will protect our coasts
and 0111' coihmetce:
Whereas, it is opportune for us 10
prove our loy+tlty to the Crown :
Whereas, Canada hart become a na-
t i ori :
It hi resolved that this association
regret• the cawppsign in this Pro-
vince of the Natiraraliet group: this
association has confidence in the policy
of the government on the naval q ter -
tion ; and I his ,tss elation has. confi-
dence in Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
There area set of ions which
might well he. and should le, adopted
by every Liberal club in ('&nada. They
are the sentintenta of a united people.
and not those of any glom, of the
A Bouquet tor k. N. Lewis.
Ripley Express : A hill to deal with
the cocaine evil war introduced in the
Houselaet F. idsy afternoon by Mr. E.
N. Lewis ut West Huron. The hill
proposes legi.letion regarding the
whole lint of poisnnr, but Mr. Lewis
stated that it had epeeist reference to,
the ravages of cocaine, which it b-ing
largely used in local option towns.
such a statement coming from r re-
presentative of the people is ridicu-
lous. Cocaine in Local 0101100 town+ 1
Who Loewe anything about the owe of
cocaine in"this wuuicl ity outside of
our medical men ; \ e doubt if three
persons in the community could tell
the color of cocaine. Mr. Lewis was
situply saying things and didn't know
what tosay. Some person should put
It muzzle utu Edward Norman Lewis,
who is continually, wasting valuable
time in the House of Commons in in-
troducing bills thet would make a
peanut vendor blush.
fr•ieflris will regret to learn that)le hes
decided to retire from public life.
The Case in a Nutshell.
uttawn Free 1'.r--.
The tPISn114 why Canadians shooks
auppnrt the novas p (icy of the Irtllrier
(:nvrrgtnent lerave bt'en e.1 fm•th in
many' at% les during the past fear
months, but eve have never tonna a
case in which the arguments were bet-
ter slnnmarizeei than in a r4S0lutinn
adopted the other claw by the Yomm,g
Liberals of Qnetwe, as fnllnws:
Whereas, on Mereh l9, 11NM. tbe
Hoose of Commons unanimously en,
It region of the neck.
\ I darned the prinriplr of A navy
Farmers Are Thinking.
\ London Free nem.
The fanners' trek to Ottawa this
week is an indication P. 't there is
some thinking being don bete days.
\ i
rhe Leading School.
The t'enttel Business College ••t
Stratford rtaods to the forefront as
the great practical training school of
Western Ontario. it is not only the
largest of its kind in the West, but it
itt also tbe hest. Its good work le ap-
preciated. and its registration for the
tall terms is by far the largest in the
history of the college. and yet the de-
mand upon the school for trained help
was man% times the number graduat-
ing. By the college advertisement,
which appears elsewhere in this paper,
you will see that they have three die -
tinct departments -commercial. short -
band and telegraphy. Write tbe col-
lege for its free catalogue. You will
find it interesting.—advt.
Whereas, the eseverntnept, in decid-
ing on the sonnet.ieti.l0 of A tiers, has
only executed the men,ate which wax
given to It by the represintgtives of
the people :
Wheelie', the policy of the party Is
in the hest Interests of the country :
Mr. Lewis' Bills.
Ottawa, Dec. ft.—Tbe bill introduced
in the House of Commons by Mr. E.
N. Lewis. dealing with the cocaine
evil. ptbposc s Legislation regarding al•
most the whole het of 'wisoma, but
91r. Lewis stated that it had sM•cial
reference to the lavages of cocaine.
The hill is composed of t wo sections.
The first imposer a penalty of $1010
tine. or six mrtnths' imprisonment, or
troth. for the sale of and poison, with
the exception of Paris green nr similar
articles. without • medical prescrip-
tion. in giving the list of poisons
covered by his hill, NIr. Lewis made
special mention of cocaine and opium.
the serond section provides that all
poi -nes must be sold in bottles of blue
Klass, of prescribed shapes. This is
desigoed to pre%ent the swallowing of
piste -toe by mistake. The penalty is
the wane as in the other c+se. \Ir.
Lewis asked the Governtnent to ap-
point a special committee of medical
men to take his hill into consideration.
Yen's Record on the Great Lakes
Windsor, Dec. 12.-1'ompar•ed with
the season of IPIIN. the 'season just
ended bas not been is costly rine in
ue Stine casualiaes. 1n 1910 there
were eight important rrcidents. fires,
anar wrecks. en ibe fireat-7.4i7e.
The total los. entailed wax. $I,500,00tr
The 'greatest loss of the season wee
the stranding of the steamer W. t .
Moreland cn Eagle Riser reef, Lake.
Superior. The lose en the hull of the
Moreland amounted to $4er2,(N10 rind
the loss on tbe cargo was epproxim-
ately $4(1,OOI1. Other expenees whisk
were inenrred being the total tg}tbore
than $,-100,1NNt.
The most diesel roe. (*strophe of
the entire year wytta sinking of the
fere Mit,Ylue1te stir ferry No. 14 on
Lake Michigan, with the consequent
Inc. i,f-more than a score of lives.
Th total number of lives lost in IINt'
on the cbnin of lakes was l2$, hilt the
ental for 1910 will he far beton', that.
The %PA, has 'wen ,spoor one for prof-
its in insurance on hulls. though the
profits of inset -ewe nn grain have
been Large.
The davit are passing swiftly just as
swiftly -ass they may :
Howe you bought 'fen Vet
The early birds are taking all the choi-
cest worms away :
Have you bought `em yet p
There's no time like the present if
1 ou've duties to be done:
The cite who keeps delaying never is
the happy one:
The teak becomes store awful with
each rising of the atm —
Have you bought 'em yet
The strife becomes more frantic as the
brief dale come and gn :
Hive you bought 'em yet Y
The race, you should remlember, is hut'
seldom to the slow ;
Have you bought 'em y'et?
The one who waits t ill others shall have
kindly cleared the way
Might as well wit bark expecting green
r black to turn to grey :
The !wool., who accomplish are the
one( who start today—
H avevou bought 'em yet
Chicago Recont-Heraldf
'IPA.•her - "Now, Tommy, suppose
you had two apples sodou gave' an-
..ther IN. his choice of y them. Yon
wool.' tell hies to. take tbe biggest
one, wouldn't you 1"
Tnntniy "No, coram,"
Teacher "Why.
Tommy —' (kn twouldo't be peeve-
We have devoted very
special attention to our pur-
chases for our Christmas
business. High - class,
dainty and desirable goods
at moderate prices. In
Dry Goods we offer you
the largest, newest and
most up -to - date selection
in Goderich.
Men's Fur Coats—seventy-five. to choose from
and Alaska heaver
Ladies' Fur Chats and Cloth ('oats, reduced; formerly 1110 to
*21). special at as to $1 t
Men's and wowen's silk•li.1d (:loves, quality warranted, et el 5.1
Knitted Mufflers, beautifully knit, Casten snugly with dc.lne
fastener, neatly boxed, each t •
Men's and women's initial Handkerchiefs, and plain hem-
stitched, !NI dozen direct front Ireland; each 12it, 15(..34c. tic
Excelde and Mercelda Hat,dkerchiefe... ..suss... ........ We --
Mei( silk Pieslatest New York styles, handa,mely boxed
singly •
bllc and 75
Men's fine flannelette Night Gowns, neatly made and splendid
quality. at 73e end $1 est
('ashruere Sox, very swell patterns, new and saucy. •
beautifully boxed, at .. . . ... 35c, ailc, 7a•
Ladies' shirt WWaists, newest spring styles but brought on for
Christmas gifts, all boxed singly in a holly lox. at
each $1 'Gi. 111 N1, $'l
Ladies' Fur Boas, of mint, sable. fox and lynx, with muff to
match, at for set. eiU, $15. s1», fat. $f13, Liu
Hugs for tbe home. Wilton, Axminster and velvet. *1I at
Cht•ist,naa sale prices, exquiriCel• beeutiful Rugs, in
every leading use, specially priced.
$1(1, 1112 541, 11 I M, $2+, *22. /25. 7X11
White Blankets, finest Australian yarns,;h.'autiful borders.
at 119 !i $I, $( 511, $5, Mk lift till and 117 Isl
Hugs for lounges or miters. plaids and tartans. each 114. $5, VS. 37
The large scotch [tett greys and fawns, frinj(.d, very
full and soft, etari 11'-'• 53 50, 34, S i
-calf, dog
$14 too *27
hen in Doubt
As to %% hat is the
correct thing _ in
dm imi 1 There are people galore who call te-
I list anything reeve temptation.
Worry is simply trying to live tea
days at • time --one is enough.
The b'.+inew. world W -never .:rowded
with oomoetent help. if yo.. pesos.. e
' 1'. H. C. training and gradu,.te from
our school. we guarantee to place you
In n r'o.itlon or refund our lel
!ion. • Everything 14 In your favor.
send for new oatatoaue today and learn
more aboutour plane to hell{ yon.
t%. H. Shaw, Pre.ldent.
the school or Thorough Training
Winter Term Opens Jan. 3rd
Elliott Business College
Canada's High-class C n m m e r r i a l
School. Absolutely imperier instruc-
tion. Write today for Targe catalogue.
Easiness & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalserea Free
J. W. w.» -.e -.h, le . c.�..
Prhv.pal. Vi..-P.ta.iaat
1 W
is a link in Cane:bee greatest
chain of high-grade colleges
founded during the past
twenty-six years. This chain
in the largest trainers of
young people in Canada and
it is freely admitted that its
graduates get the best posi-
tions. There Ie a reason
writes for it. A diploma from
the Commercial Educators
Associntion of Canaria is a
passport to success.
You may study partly at
home and finish at . the
College. ^
Enter any day.
Fall Term Opens; Aa9tnst
0E0. *POTTON• Principal.