The Signal, 1910-12-8, Page 18HELPFUL HINTS
for Christmas Shoppers ..
NF:.1111.1' a 1111011. Hage full of Them. .111.1 Lack of,' it is this
lig store full front ouli 111 Pull :1. 11,•cet 1N•f.w•r 11111 JIn•
u04.1111. file w•usible.-the pra1i.•:11• for I ..till: v ,Ki1'iug. M:%.. v•
thing i.s/Erangi•d just asesim•etli.•ntl,. tt. 1v. know low fur you
to save the ling sts wk.. with the least and thele• j. pieta
of round bit 'you to shop in eianforl, although the 1ift.•1'Uo..1i.
1.4.e HS putty \\ tiro%41.11, Visit 11ii. a.11•' any.d:ty,froni 111111 -
to 1'hl1.1tna.t The sti.. k. and 114.r1u'.i1i 111, ,car w111 it••'.itM�.r
111111 Y.41 ale 1f•ele. aIle 1t'IN•tIn•1' Y .tt 1.111111' 11111111k 111. 1.1 fitly.
Boys; Handkerchiefs
3 for 23c
Kid Gloves
t•k i. 1-.1111 sell...l inig'
front 0111 I _ i•, k of real
1 1. emit Kid I .te-. Evols.
pan .- 1'nllr geraltu.lewl. Ail
the leading att.' sizes
be"st.N•k. 11 the w'r.114.4 .i%•'
i-..•1.•. eJ. i% 1%ill11I 11.1 tall\
4.‘1 11.11 :;,• ale.. 111 111.1111..\ .
f:\I•1 c.11.1i1 1".t Op ill 1 ILu1,1:
1.un. Ip.s i1 11,'•11•al,
Its:11 11,'i, •Ki.l 1
»11 vu•.- 1..1.,1 1.. •,tr.l'311 tJtt•
i•Y,t -ptaiu mat toe-,,`._
.•vIltf, ., Mlle. wit 11 11411 and
1'111.. % .. LhMMI Iw.i t,•r. sum.
.1.o.1 I.N• Ihi.Nls e\,1c\\her,r.
S11, 1111. .. :I I•.1 ':.i,;
$vk'iss Embroidered
2 for 25
naturrti of Many a 31lork
WITIlOL1 -the -children how ,niuchif -the josT 111:4 the chil,h rtes l .• t„'hale fair 1 I • a..
of Christmas would be lost to us' Of all existence• 1.f Sato., l'Luis a real (,. r.. 111
holidays, this, the Jast' of the year, arouses more age' with )idly c'uunten,nl,c; t11.,w•ing beard, %lel,
anticipation and brinks More rent' pleasurr to reindeers and The rest of it he et•av`s to tui••} -
the little fr•lks• than any of thealt-,luzcn oL cn - .Christmas as bust it is cnjo eel, and We older ,nus'
upon Chr luras to that extent lose our interest in i'hristhfas 0 '.1s
the restof humanity a s. _we'Tvat,'h Illi ;1115 •• trove the fir. VS I. Ill t•
11* is «i41 it is sci: But w4 orSkew IC1,tu Ur' ft'etsrn•rV-forhim. Hut -he trdasures
i� ativantage that in .watt•hing :his earlier belief as tum; Is he can, anal tivallr. x\1.1.1
a i>rcaul enter into the spirit- of thsjx . he malfes 1}.11.1 to ettt. ire:, "-There is no `:,111,1
cnt, an.! in 1 wa4''antl for aw' ile li\e 'the Claus. -we (rel sorry him; for we _know. fir •
•wltich precede .t._. ('bit Irin
as THEIR. I1. lttl •ave •ati,l.0
lttoJ:er-on lou
the'littl •
appiest part ,•1 curhves•over. again. /- him Christmas has lust some of its
For Christmas Shoppers
Ladies' jnitial Hemstitched
Handkerchiefs, 3 for S'Oc
L+uti4.N' pule• litre h. nuti6'11441 lumadketrhiefN, very Nue
quality shee • lil1.•11. II/11'111W 111.111. 111.111 ill it in! 41111 x11171\'
1• til.ruider.Mt ill one e0rllt,1'. Itegtil,il• Gil• yualiliP.. 11`,.
1..11111 thecal direct (roan the utrlker'nnd our 1.1%44141 .
Christnul, price i.:I in a (alley io1x fur :+i.
•Gentlemen's initial tiandkerchie>s 2Sc
ti,mtleinen'N pour linen H uwlk. n hi.f.. half-inch hew,
ratite front very tine quality sheerIrirh. Initial
neatly entbnrideretl•iu-u
tre rul�l •r_ IL.gular-.13. quality,
Bought duct from tilt• maker. iljarextra ►Iw•ri41 Christ-
ina. price, eayh • -
Fancy Collars
and Jabots
1.ule•'.�tvi.- etultr.4.11v-,41
Ii-, ,ik••ilII,•1'.. seallope.1 cat• "
Iwo..! if .•10.4 ,Mag, s, I1,z.u,
..1 ncAU :111.1 t11rail ivr 11:11-.
'rill., Values up to 31e.
I•.„i1" ,.„1 fully guilt' Sw•rinl 1 ilti.tul:l. 111 re.%
:I IIle1•. 1, 11,•1 1..111. �...- 1¢1,101• ) 1111. •.N•
1111;11.1 ci .411.. .Ft.•neh kill
1111,\,•. 11:1.1, 111,111 .111N•lin1•
' •I. 111-1 1\\,. 1.,-1111• 111.1..11.•1••,
11111 :1 r-1 1 ilia. .111
1I to•k'.tal.l flit. le141114 i1.lu1.,
.\ 41,,•11'1'. 141-1.11;1(41..1 .• ♦t,.7: ;
mail.. 11'4.111 v. t y il?ia t sto-
11.11!.41 .kti rli •irk i.r r , f a..
Ladies' 1111 leather Wove.,
111111111 -h . Hilt;,. h .• a t• y
it eight 101411.• .4.1% It, lav-
dt.•._y•Iaa' 141111.1 \t.•:.i+. 1r.µ
.1111ii'.. ',OM!, $i..9
.Iis --•ie.1111%er (relit' tire
i Ilan%, an arr,•plahl.• gift
laud n sale one if, the Onto..
• illK is dine f1.1,, .1111' -stork
of high wad,. 1.1,In•c1I t- for
fatties And gentb'Ua•u' .\II
hat a -t 1.a,g listens, and t..p -
that 1\ ill 11.11 11,•1 own
111.1 v.
Umbrellas fair Ladies
I:iai ,tit,,,l tote.. •»Il-1lur-
able f,,,,,..:-,'httiu11,•. Rt wilt
neat ort polished wood, with
.ttr'ing. sit%ea, !Nlar1, glue -
metal of gold tdtti.d mount-
ing, and frit lion Ilnnd;
new and novel • d..:
N.. 1110 alikt•. 1•:nrh
.. 11.:511,1.. 1,117,101
dies' Linen
1.aai.1- :in,•n h1u,,,titclp•d
11 .11.Ik,•;-.'hi.•t'-.. .111 -the pop-
ular 'wi.111- in leati 'f•••1ua
.ii.-.i,titl11 incl t111. Ex113
.11ll1111Y .11t each !alit••. •
11.• 111Iy tIt.-.• qualities
elite.•t front 11.. Maker.. Pott
'vot,1 find W : 1toi,d for 111,
Inoney '0110.1• 111.1'...., Sloe -
11111 111 io,• Ply , he .1.•, . ,,t
`Latif lee, 13... L'1 ,•. 2.1e ate) :Pip
Fancy Handker-
chiefs 25c'
I.+Idi'• ftuu y tmhrniderrd
H: 11r,tk.rrhi..t-. .ra114g6.41 car
111111.101 11A edge.• III/111V
1r,1t1ret, 1.. -caret front. tins
of 1hew ileeide•lly nus 41he.
"'antral y. t•{Ir la :.w•
Fine Embroidered
11.1 are .howiI,g the handl-
,111111•14 1111 ,.f ellllll'nidl•nMl
umiak, rhieIM
71 pie ••• that ha. ever 'teen
:111 11911' t• I1.1:.. 111•4ig0lN
1111', 111.1\ 111111 111111;. Ir-- 1.11
the .ante tl.1alil% than w.•
lea%e Pier had IN•fot.'. We
alt them tali in fanry Loxesif el• sitrli.-_- _
l:e11tlenn•n'r 1•,tn.titched,
flu• i•ap,bri,• lawn. half -int -1t
helps. 1Y',• to 1:w• earls.
. fin.rg11illit•,f 1.111e Ii -tt
linen. S) 'nag., e\ e11 thread,
.beer rhit.b. hntt•tmir-hcmt.
Umbrellas for
sl tong Italie.., Iota. than
will not cut. the test hI:indles
of 'n.titttil wn.Nl .11' 1111111
with -..•,ling-ilv.•r or g.
EOM • -1 ,111,111111511•., Jl a 11
marl nll4n•tl t1..signs, vettii':o
atilt .1,1.1 y, 1.11'1 11,111.5101t. $11.1111
splendidtirtn•ing •11ty,.1afitie.,
este11'' ... - 211e. ;1'.n'_. :Iry fund :LN.
Fancy Veils
rind Motor Scarfs
Long\•claw." 111•u1,tit.I
,Mtge., full width, whit.
Mlnrk. -- nMtwtt. tt4ry an.:
• gory. I'.at•h_ in ,1 flue•,. 1....
au, . . ;Se and xi
Dooraad Hearth Rugs
'Ih,ozrn, 1111.1 d11z.•11s hen•
14, s.l,'t fnati. .\l1 the utile
old 111.1 tt' iwo11111,11• .IIt11N'.
wade, wJ it... Illnek- awl rot-
or.. 1.11 4.. .ilk. 114.1, i•m-
broidery. titer... l:'. 1.' $1511
Math: Robes
.-\uextr4J I:ug4.rttvou,•\.L
e 1,•N 111111... ill Atli,. hone,
t.1z,•tt. tuye 'mil/114r 1.
Christ Inas giving. .all g•,,
(411 tet•11., kis( 141 q1111111 V. or
plea .111g .odor rrulbiuttt i•n1-
Iltoor Rags. , 101,•, *Lon
R ". 1.:11 tit- K'sg., ,101. $2,0
i +ullcs'
;till 11 I{.1b••. 71111 :
lung Mahon.,.. lu:ak• fent
kills cloth. 7fth.c...1 de''•.
'stiletto and eid:•nlown. I'11in WC, 111
car , freiu- 1141/1441 •l. •igi},.
.;r'1w1 1..11.111
Fine Arlt
1'hr Signal Joh
went tnnka ►1
of fine comwer•cli
ing. ENtil.iateNfu
on any glue of
tlualit r$ y of work
"Int ced.
i' sial):.
for' rill
• Dressing Sacques .
u., $41 . N
Christmas Rib
.lust a Iittl. 1it iiiil',ir
.inlintry, (Nit sere "slept:
ail.• ft 1111 that..•x-
Beltli1r1A11i'Tllr..rite. twee 14. •
select (trap at ielulnwt any
.11t•iee !rim Ilk.; to 141'.
$1,:111 to 111.'011
11• Dozens ,,,f ttai -4-
Ileo IfbIsse. 11e will • it
4.,-11441-y-444.-. 4,4 d:1r -t ti. ---
1141 ,t•' 1.1• 11/1.111• -11,.11'1
rl.i;.o liking :r look at -the tai:
-I'a,,.\V Ilihls.11., i..•, '.101,1
1'hriu .r its' Itil.l..,l-
y111,1 .d.
111 111t• 1041 shad.•• I;:
•t. 1.. 'lt' is
ribbons per
yar.1 ..: . 1. 11.•.:4• ,111.1
ltilrl.,n. '10'1
g11.`11 v3t40•1y .
1111 ill h1u11•heN .i- !WV /111111.11
IN1111.1t • .
Holt,. anal Cirri.
hon. for tying pat
homilies, at per
Hose in Boxes
ludic.+' Waiii cilk, tai ley
einta-oidered cashmere. ,11.1e
1hernia Home. black anti tight
shades. Pitch 1,11111p in •tip-/
tattle isnxo,. all sixes, it
l4tit•. . 1th., i:w I::i t
Ma styli-. in
sni 41r1e for holiday gift
\1'itiv►s of silk, net ..4.11.011,
Autry 111• taitor-ni:t,b Peach
i11 :t s4•1111171 Iv 1...x if y•.11
Pinna it^
Silk i1"aists, VOA,. *4.444-
1�i1.INl, $l1,IN1, •
Initial Handkerchiefs
for, 25c
L. It bit. nul•lin Ilan•l-
.1andard.ize, half-
eatly- emhn;ld•
'17111 1 rot '.i•N•
. ke:rchie
inch hen,.
1•t'ed Illltlill.
Furs of Quality
11 In, world not like a
of Furs, 0 .IN•ciall%• the 1411.,,
it\' of i''nr•..fhis store .•.II -
hi. ..vaso,_ ..iii wt,).•k
111, for gift, in' unusual'
,r.tnplrte and you will f
ninny suitable art hi f
giytng in if. .enol
I',1 11 a 1117111 M
nk .l1.,'
• stun to M:
(:rIInflli• ('tuttliatl J1nrk
Pieces. $1,.111 (11 $1Nl;lri
Mink MI11411.t \14.k 1'1
$111.'11{11 •!:4 .411,
O1:111X1'i could I,e Ir,i're eloquent than 'the con -
"eluding scut},'t-ces ot` Dickens' ,Charming story. to this season of commemoration t J \h
"The Chimes": "So may the new year be a hapi,t-- h 1 I
one to \•nu, habil to .many ni�,re who§t• happine-, peace on earth, good -will to men • be not •only 1111
depends -nn \oto Vit, -n v each fear be 1: tpp:. r word of the Christmastide, but.+the work: t,t Christ- 1
than sthe a,t. debarredan.loftit. meanest .tf'our.11rrtrtren' endom throughout the year. ,:Cert as tLt' rh'tfr. h is
ori 1 i their rightful share in what, not to preach at the toiler one Sunday in the year,
our great•1 ri•at,.r f,lrntt then* tt. enjoy'" - Labor Sunday', so-called, but to preach for the toiler
y 'every Sunday in •the 'year: so the church is to fulfil
, - � the message of the Christmas season by -translating
Lor• ..f tient hen• 1" 1.,;11..• IT'S a world -full int hearts ami it ►. world oil which, -it into fuller life. " Peace on earth means •an end
1'hrl.Iluq- w•Iw•li.'rl. 11.111... 1 -
N,•tt ayle. 111111 nett' u1:lter the sun net•et-rises-btrt it looks up a thousand to internatt..n iii war, an end to racial .n•judtre,, an
dais, black and all t1/,• i t,kxtdless •battles that are crlrne set tiff al,.'.st the end to irreligious 1 itkrrings, an end to in•litstrial
fa,linnal.1, er.l•ir.. •Ot the ' miseries an•l \'ickcdnt*s of'-hattlt-fells; an • we• strife. "Good will to men" means jusiit;e to all,
' i'•a Inc mon' than im.• ,1 'Reed to.bc• careful how we libel -heaven forgive u, . freedom to all, love to all.,fellowslii, of all' ila\•e
• INo alike.. ;anything 1•y.•r 1
:'.'. * also.. u. a '.1lti-ilut } : -for it is a ;world of sacred mysteries, and" its such peace an.l good -\gill? l)o we really wish
•,.l,h•n.ii.F lnrirtr nt i,ii• 10 Lrxiiift ��t• esti et, lies bvite.ith-the surface trrh. pewee--anti-ggn�x1cct toll}. U•rftil•we-tlo, is
0 • . $a.:rl of His lightest irtlagti,.- The,llattle • f.l.ife. -there goo . o God in the heat
1 F - A JEW,' may offer a wnrli'•uf Christmas counsel
o the ew•.t i,
as given His name t,� the age, would urge that
Hand Bags
:1 useful. gift is a:, Nand
ling. 9'hete i, a good .t,w•k
t here ti'' buy (trail:
New .h:1pe. :0.1,1' /( 'rn'.(
si'Lr., S111i 1 leather; leather
liner!. •111:,11 corn tows'. 11x-
1111zed or Rllt trimmings..
Each *1.30 t.., $J.:n
L 1 S B R-0 S"
Ila. /1. ?MIMIC!
()pet• ['seise Ilan
Yhon. LN Kingntor Sire. t,
-, China. t.adi,'. 11 ear. II militia) St,,vt, Oodee irh,
..1tt' to llhrfNtmtte tat**..
Walde How ?ant the horse la ntn-
Teacher-" You forgot the
W$1114,•'s t How fast the
- (I horse
is tannin' r
N Ag
Fancy White Aprons
S• • nee% white int -tin
.tpt,,,1'I nr em1aroid.
1111.11. Neat,. Neat, -t t ty design..
Will Blake a Mot','' i'tllle
gift .. ... Si to 131.101
S veater •Coats
Already we ,,,a4 it.. a Lig -
deulnn/1 for t herrn For ht.Ii-
drty gifts they will I,• mem
ani..tnl.le. 11•,• tIy • show-
ing a h(vge• stork 1111111 1 ual-
itit•,, either white .rt• Allot.:
Garments snitahla'for chi,• -
dtrn. Kinn ..r -woolen 111
$1,1/11 to
Mee ' tont rpi•rihl 11111•.'
Sweater at i,4 t.. *1 tat
0A, Sable Muffs. 6.4'
14 e,t'•111 Mahle err k' 1'
$14.11)tol L#,4P.
11'"sttrp Mahle MhltT,, 1111.1.1
Lamb Midis and
[acres, $19,1.1 to XII 1.#
Men's Gloves -
- f1111rin-1/n
fancy bit
fancy it
Mrtt', . fir -lined (11'Ve,, .1lade (roan Nu .fnlly ,,lt•t•t0'4
skihs, lined tlwntgho111 with extr,, finality for. filmes
ttuit are .11Mfort al.le. Will w.,iv well ogi.IMland 11.501
H 'O
S4•tw 0t I