HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-8, Page 17rt 11
'I'ttus►s :►:?
II,t(tn:rus 4'ra►sK1'
Ykristma8 Jhoppin9
',1(r the next few -flays l'hria-
whopping •will lw• itl full •
Jut: we have antiriluatwl thi.
I •lair tbereft we prepared to
111 order% I ith the tIueir1•.l
. 1.. th at wimpy, can l ty ,at
.11 1"' e..•
h:1ve it full line sit choice
' Witlt the experigiee of maty years of
successful C(tristutas trading to guide us. v:e
have gathered together for this year's
CHRISTMAS selling a splendid collection
of the choicest of staple and fancy articles,
suitalile for HOLIDAY buying. The goods
toil of in each item are all new and desirable
:_.•elf well as the best'oi their kind, and you
t1 i(1 tinil our prices the lowest fur * Bich
• dependable good:; of their character can 1)e
Lawn Waists Shams, Drapes,
\\•Ir171t'11-1 hr 1111e.t u'. "'i t 111.•111.
Covers, Centre
wai'v.'r• oITa'ii 1 : direct fr.1111 th,•
M.t1:Kit".:u111-toad*• specially foraur 1'ht•i.t1111 u+ute. TIuy
a Iiia• showing. in 4141• newest
klYles, 1Ms •, , I.IM1,*t 2'), tlt1.: 11,
$I.73. *too. *2.'S\.
$3.21 an.1 $I110.
Black Silk Waists
\\•.• 01.11•1. •11444.11 .suit `11
a1i. ly iu lite... him.. 'll i, I"pet
fl•oul t Ile maker.. 4%4'1.4 and get
oIfl IiIixe..
‘Vt.. know we sur
right ..11 (Ill's•• good.,
• .11i 1t'fr14 .p,•riul make. fur,.
the 4'hri tn1111rule. ;stent --.Har: -
!/l'i'es wilt Ise foutul:athesl-r,i,•k.
\\'x al... hate a line lif Chum
• .tx. patellas's! 1(r' right
in Gert we ran i.rinl it. at •
Usual AIli .1evtle prire 1 •
h:iVI it marked its this W1►y.
\\'I. will give literal retitle' ism.
Intuit.' Set. tot 1.1111.t
"pet,. Ally; 11 t1141 s 111 Te-
i r :. .et !..1i.;141y 11171 .ave
..•y by buying from li•. A
:I1.slirilea.• .
11'1. de.i14.. to .1Xpre w 1111 1•'
,K:,ititlule to Alt salt' •leasitIi•I•.
t 1 their patronage uInig tlf.•
1..•.t year lural to .. a•1t A rink\
1111lli11ir1• of the .all
inns ails will 111• to give •
. 1.11 •I14-t•I4tlir1' gllwt. nt_righl
I.1 lees.
N% .• w?.11 Tom and itt) it Nervy
I. i i-tnla+ rand •.ttwrahnppy And
i ,i.,•rou. \1'w V...tr.
Morrish & McClinton
Waists Fronts
\•-iiig lot d \\•ai.t Fronts.
twain tinny en
,use 'slaking ia1
of them.
.\ go.w1r1..1 at loan`\11n•ilee. got
for quirk selling in he holiday
time. l'''ine and get
hi•. iiderwt. a -t w -i
w '131 Mire* on 11.4)•...
Black Sateen
Intiafoget tb.1t tIIi.. i. tIo
'I.Tay-nos( ..f -all kind-.
. sk for Little tla11lina
pnfk• reds tan troll -ky : -Ilk 1... -
i►t1l heels, •
1 large. 11x44 lot iu T:11ei1.•iel'
1119k, tor••{1•rtt'. 011111•y. 1 h•i.•11t11
111141 I•1.11.1 other Inak. •, " 1'riclw
sat t 110414•1•1•111.
Oar ass .i t 1111'114 114 .
f,,, IN•1.11. eauatlerl: to as
Hu •1' and fall.kit:t width
Every tlieve nen: J11,4Vsee what •
we Call du flit yttu.. .
j• hi'-
\v I>nll'4IIi: ti.r1w \\ a never 1,1rrtt l suet' vadat'.In•
nhit1', wdt11991 111 Ilri1+. in fahrir /at.vt•s. 311•. 431• Ito
nur1• a at, rl.ln ' , all the new
�rlnvitterest and Ilk. I'It11.11;;S-- rohnl.
11 or •2 for rwt, n. or 6 fol i•" -111o, • . ..
44., IIh, 1211, 111, Lite, 'w, M, KID GLOVES. all lyernn's. in
sail wtill het sig. and ' k'. 17t14k' and rolol.. PI,IMI mud
I1iriler 91 f,.1• false\• week !'initi 4 ! .�;, twill buy the tw••I. AI -
14h• to .:IIs 1•Iullh1i1I1'1t 11. 11 '•-w•,.y• Iwil Perrin s: h.y :11,• the
' t'2}r. 1:w•, :bk.. 'L:1•. a1111.4iH belle • Iw,a.
10111.•: large initial .ilk. :1(k,: a
ver tint. Pith It lawn;hairy Yid -
111.,91 borders. III.II'Iihh' 110110114
in tw•o sizes. 1.,i ttid1 "Jt'% and can
11• Kot only at his store.
It'.1 Heal fancy boxes to
1w• given to han.lket•rhi.t buyers.t 41' d,unlu a .halve 1
Collars and Jabots
:1 tOntirliq,• u,•at• bit 3111
nai, e,
1'. • hero for ,a'lwal•ga1R t
tura left Awl -w1.are not lo',kin foie profits-wha$-"they rust
will .111 fur 111ic1'.
Fur.. We lace 14ely.a few
(lnl•Y 1111,•ft : '1•'' • and g.' one. 7 1'9.:,1'110 *11.11)
Cats Coals only tits.° i. this fall'. 1 11141••.
W. will Rinke I1Tir.••• get. your ('hri.t 11411. • 1')4,4111» •
e head of Cameron's Depart-
mental Store: _,,,
•1 r. Cameron is not by any.
r IIs amcitg the, c!dest of
:erich's businessmen, but
e he came to this town
a years' ago he has made a
Died impression in the busi-
community. Perhaps his
F = ancestry has, scme
to • .r. ,with at any
it is impcs. - for -..him to
151 still, • as _ .
a : ,rids is not in his way o
t' igs the• natural consequen
•_ _ r hat he_ is going forward by
1 ps and bounds, aggressively
ending his business and add -
to the facilities . of his store
d he can rightly claim for
t busy estalblishment the title
c: "Goderich's Departmental
ire." What it means to
.\ppers to be able to do their
..ding under one roof needs
\ i ,rdly to be stated one can
a very good idea of it from
perusal of the Departmental
.ire's big ad. on the first page
this issue. - -
• �a
What Would Christmas
Be Without M11usic ?
• \1111,4'4 114.4 11x.•.14,
go,wl. • f all kinds. F'it. P�janos
ui11nuGn lot.•.1 by tile .1141 volt "1,1.• firm or 11.'iutznl.11t 4 '.
,1011 111141 f:l,t i -.lily ktu 4411 111 t 111441 n.• flirt 111.1. rouun,•nt.•
• 7 eint3maq yer piano
Htt,•,1 will.411._ %lnnlinnlll Action.I Iking it pt iii Aga at.st ,lila
at ie rh:u.gr..:11-u placing it Ihtei•n yx r+ in advance of 1111.1 •111111
for 410 all r,lltxr u.,ike
G'oaerich, Befl ard Domi:nioq Organs
irhe Victrola
. (11!1,111111.,. IIx 1..„"Ixr1n1 \ i'ta.J:. IIx• 1I.11t.l p"• I
n talking nlal lin, ii -fix 1 111 noihoa;.in1
edisoq Y'honographs• A. .
'1t',• -:11,•.'4 I!'ii_.•.. 1'h,uu.gtnl,li_ •„1!1 '•_ 1., in itm
r.• .� r) Iw>♦n11:u•' \Iglrxriatx,l 40 '11 11.!11 1111• I ,Ila nij\
IA. %OIL'.n11 it. I hut. 'Itol9• is fall;x.:t Uo1,l• .
and fotrtta•.t 111.1' 1111' relrigllte.1
Violins, etc. •
\lu•i.' Bonk
., .I, ..n., Th."!h 1►rgan., I� lute•..
• Seiving,,,lachiges
.•11.111)11' and 11.x41(1 gift for l'hr1.1 ala. would Iw•,
a• •:NEtt' \\ Il.1.1,a>1 Kitting ,larhini
a. « sat pairs men s, patent. eolt, timelier
only. Regular
valtwa up style. Ri7A"e from (t to 14)1. It.•golal
$1.q Fileari aApt't to 0.1. Special h.trgain (.2 9Q
posh. Clearing p1'1 4'.gS per plain..... L �77Q
posh. .0 . .
211 11..7.011 .•ilk 111.111.'0.1'.. Fenth:•1..
Wings And Rurkle..rl.•w ring rtott
111 exsetl.
Halt -price
111AtwIt cigar. ,nly,w.t
grafi.. handled, 211 Ila. for
Christmas Cards
oar.. 1 ':11'i1R< 1' a x .1.' i -. ..t.•
Irl+, 11 tar u1., :f f.,,• •'itt.)11111 :r.' .•a
1'111 and •4•x 11111 I'91104.1
1'1114a tiro. :mil Nen Year'
froitt 01.00111;.
!ant able pi't
untain pens
rrlitIg 1'4.1)4, \!•,,1."v N.ui1.•.k,11.1.' 1...
t latlO'M.
s F. Thomson's Music Store
1>.t.lxltrw .•.x11 • null anis (iterates.
:1) to 14. with And a•ithoht
I 111111, regillar prix1'*1. t(!w•
1 00 .1 t• tiniherga1at un1 ......S5C
.... C7
worsts mints, Runs .elk 'w
11.1 a t•r ( perrt e np �a
Irat•inK per N t
only .....