HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-8, Page 14Opera House Grocery • First door o// Square, Kingston Street Evtryth.,ig In GIo,enes Fresh. Pure and GoodWe wish everyone in Gode rich and neighborhood' 1 1 a f oyous ,Christmas \an'd a appy at Pr. seer Year in 1911 J1o. W . Aanaller .I'.. \t- I urIk o."I ., .,.'111,•1.1 �..� I.:I:;�• .12 01' his i•.nr. .11 .1 t\', M •as0s.104.0.. 1 A. E. Look 'I'1•:.11'111•:11 1,I Piano Playing awl The,.n•t irn11•in hjevis, .iirhuling 11 .lord•; 'Pupils 1,teIuur.t far • Teal i, 1'oi1.i•rrvstory of Music Exitinirluiulir. tl.s•s Cf:l:I' OF 1 Wu •t'.ULIV A i.o“ St any 11..a.1.11,%> %arta lilt w•uu PIA•('iA$.t:.u%•s,A> • .H1.. AY 11111 IIUS>sA• 1: I.II.Y t;uupicd high upon the big glacier three diiierent times, ut:ly to be driven buck by storms. We succeeded in making tut, splendid climb, up the great cliffs of ice and snow on thtlt east side, reaching an altitude of 111,51X) fw•t the first tine•, oras high as 1ht-t.ip of \tr.unt Stephen, and 11.700 feet or •Iitghtr•-•than anoint Temple, -thea second attempt. All day long} on. each . trip we .labored "among extreme -dangers if avalanche auul.cri•vass.,.bnt,our efforts to reach. .the 1feak that year .were r(,t cri.wpetl with succeks.' y• Failing as a.party, h nuule•a two-day.lry up. the rock• face of thy Borth sht;ulder 1 the. mountain by myself: - I ,skid on a_stiow-eovereil ledge, -1.6(y) feet above tree line, and then toiled on -the next tier till.the middle of the after-. pooh, rcai•hitrg ' art altitude of neatly .,1.1.1101 feet, ,lut• a blizzard' drove me- down. so that -.attempt \failed also. This 'year, ItNM),• hearing that -- an .\n.Irrican party was-als,ut to • slDt•t rltt• ;pia -pied prize„ And. being. unable u, obtain.,conipanions 1 rya _party, l got together a pae•k train of three horse: and three months' prI isii ms and hit Edmonton alone t(rral,ture the mountain. hoping to :pick tip a cOnnlanion..un the Kati:• Countless difficulties retarded my proere•sv:' -horses would get • stuck in the muskegs ant) • packs ante off; 11(xxled rivers hart to be • crossed. in one of which J• nearly lost tm• whole outfit.' • At the place where t'swanl.ihy horses across the. .\thabasea:'-1 • fort inatcly fell iii, with Donald Phillips a young Ontario guide, —and persuaded bin( to; .gt along with ntc. We folloteed the route of 'the - Grand Trunk 'Pacific ostet the Yellow Head and down the Fraser as far as the .hoose.:River, .which we followed to Mouse Pass, and from'there we reached the east side Mount Robson -by .way of the rokcy. 'A yea fore when 1 went up the valley -of t 1 u,ldec jtI)1. Coleman and par • , • a ferritiitbc electrical storm was raging; ft,llos-- e(l by _a (heavy Rill of snow. Ilut this year Phillips and- 1 found the plate 11...uled• with glorious sun. shine•and a Cloudless sky; and as we swung - -around a promontory,- six trifles away Mount Rolismii stood a startling wonder -of mighty height and dazzling puritro On Saturday, Jtily twenty- fourth, Phillips ani 1 made our pertnan(•nt camp at tree line, on the mirth shotflder of Mount ]toh- e(tn. \1•e .turned our hotsser,��t.riose to wander where they�palei soil and' for three creeks- th((i• ' fattened on the sleet grasks of the -mountain meadows. • •Monday dawns.) tine and clear. Shoul•lt•ring our Bravo packs,- we climbed the cliffs and rolled up in our blankets that night in a shelter: ed milk on the west side. nearly left thousatul feet above the sea. The next day we fought -our Way up the almost vertical north ,side the peakand -chopped our way up steep lee of its couloirs, but by three hx•k we had attained . an altitude o much more than eleeen thousand po we re- turned to the p ettnanett amp at the' foot of the mountain re- provision fur another trip. hpp e Peerless Male Quartette \1.•nlla•,r, of %chub aur .1. Si .11.1; First T.. • A. E. 1'111111;. Nern1141 Te;line 11. 1,. M1'IIAF;FF.II,•Eii•sl Hann ss \. 'If. 11'11.1N, 41•r.gid tins. t2 STUDIO: Goderjch Conservatory of Music JUU. TV. 1 dllaller Opera House Mort, i'hone 104 (Kingston Street place was filled with snow and ice, and so fearful was the work of step - cutting in theice that it was after- noon before we had climbed , higher than 12.000 feet, That northern the Psaservalfey lay open below ns like.a map ani the mighty Fraser was but a tiny, crooked thtead 'of silver. Then the valleys disappeared and we were alone Witlt the stars atfd- , the snow-white peaks and the grinding avalanches. Friday, August thirteenth, dawned clear and cold, and edge of the peak. seemed only a few: by thew -ire the sun rose we were on our way to the peak._ hundred feet alcove us when`wc.turn- cd back for.camp.. • At a little below eleven thousand feet 1 k•ft Phillips in charge of the packs and.set ori to explore a better route for our ,next climb. Following a ledge around to the west and south for Bali a mile. •I rounded the north- western shoulder to find. that the great west side orthe peak offered far better climbing than the cliffs of the north. and hope sprang up afresh _in my heart. :111 we'nceded was }food weather. That little side trip had so delayed us allot it was long after dark before Phillips and I got back to "Camp Higher- up" on thelittic ledge, so we had to spend another wrethed nightin ttfe-eeld. A snowstorm rose in the night, and bk. early daylight the drip from the rooks above us had so soaked our bedding t]g:at cold, wet and breerkfastless we were finalLy routed froni our little • bed and, plunging through t&, screaming -gale. sought the comforts. of. our camp at the foot of the mountain. . • From July thirtieth to August ninth, it stormed ir1- cessantlf•,on the mountain ----:1's we were almost completely out of ' provisioes, we spent the .time in exploring the The many cliffs we had to clinlli were only from ten to a •hundred feet high, but .those hard, smoothy -icy slopes between were tipped at an angle of from fifty to seventy degrees.One slip on the part 116 either Of Us meant a fearful slide to. deatluirousands,,of feet below. The storm -clouds of sleet swept down and engulfed es while we were at little more than eleven thousand feet altitude. We had not enough provisions for another two- day. climb. This was our last possible chance and we de- spaired of"ever reaching the peak. But fortunately, though the clouds were very 'dense and cold, but little snow fell. The storm-w;is a blessing in a way', for though it spoiled our chance of getting pictures, it shutout of iii@w• those fearful sheer slopes-txtow. In live hours of steady work we reached the peak. The clouds broke open for one brief minute, revealing to us a wonder world, with the Fraser more than 11,000 feet,. beneath us: then the stor eswepit in worse than ever:: -- •It took, us seven hours to reach our "highest -up" camp, so dangerous had .the softened slopes become on ac- count of the storm, and by the time We reached our camp in the. valley the had had cost us twenty hoglrs of hard work --but we had finally. captured Mount Robson for our country and the Alpine Club of Canada. . Our provisions Were gone, and we were hundreds of miles from • Wednesday night, July twenty- eighth found us camped oft t►narrow icdgc�everal lltilldred county ant'gcrtmg•whatevcr-gatne Rg_t.............. ald find, ptarmic feet higher tha- our high-up camp of the Monday before. gam Ube grouse. marmots and gophers. E n'August ninth,' While eating our supper of warmed-over lx•ans an'd though the weather was still very unsettled. we sought to stew; we feasted our eyes on the wonderful scenes around u•s: 'make our" highest-up''campoa the ' With only one or two exceptions, the peaks -were Al on a- knob of the northwest shoulder. level with or below us. Countless glaciers of purest v.hite. V*e each carried a fifty-pouridl pack hung in long crystal curtaifis from the peaks and dotted un -our back to an altitude of 'ten theiandscape for hundreds of miles as far as the eye could thousand, feet, when a fierce bliz- see, as if a mighty tea (.f swirling billows had been turned card suddenly stopped our work. to stone anal its foaming fury to ice. The setting sun had Three inches of snow fell in the first bathed this scene in a flood of red and gold. But the ten minutes. Realizing our danger, blues shaded off into purples, and the purples to deepest for avalanches were already roaring indigo till the gathering night rose .sot of the- s afleys, about us, we cached our packs in a eigl• t thousand feet below, and changed those gorgeous nichein thecliffs and hurtle t no sunset tints to sombre blacks and 'greys, save where the'small risk, sought th valley belo snow -fields gleamed under the light of the suits. We r Three -days later we succeeded wrapped ourselves in rabbit -skin robes and eiderdowns t� in worrying our packs up to the keep out the` biting cold, tk•hile the wind, though only a " knob," between 10,500 and 10,- ' zephyr in the valley below and coming out of a fine weather . 700 feet altitude, on the west, sky, drowned the orchestia of a thousand waterfalls and where we succeeded in 'making a swept our high-up shelf with the fury of a fierce g le, while bed on a snow-covered shelf: Our gmand then the avalanche boomed and roare . Then sleeping place that night, •$s to the early morning brought again the son and panted the altitude and surroundings., would scene anew. Oh, it was well worth the desperate ght,juht closely resemble the very peak of to see the sun so rjse and set.,'t Sir Donald or• Stephen. excepting ev 1n that early morning Tight we tackled a nti route up that the valleys belowus were much y_deeper And. At the low altitasrlr of nine o'clock we had attained an altitude.: equal to the little more than two thousand feet. highest we had reached Tucgdav, July twenty-sevinth, over For hundreds of 'Miles the •peaks • 11,000 feet But at this height every possible- lodging • lay at our feet. Feilres of miles of N ' JOHN STEAD 1•'ul ('hinn. i.allen Write. iinmilton 1.ttreet, Oncle-ieh, out in (7hristsnas attire. - Warne- Hew fast the horse is You forgot rote 111 Peaeher—•' r of the 'sWolk•—'• (i> st How fast the honeiLlkklij1J,i is 'militia'!" . • anything like civilization:" We made the trip back on what •moun- tain -gophers and small birds we could pick up, and the•only r • son why me- didn't eat locusts-cw,phat they wouldn't kit still lung enough' to be caught. -.••Finally 1 reached -Edmonton n September 'sixth, only to find hat -Cook and Peary were monopol ing the interest of the world, and axing no room such small fry Mount anal tie. SIir ra >;'Qhristmasiiinnsr RE never was such a goose. T'-11ub - said - he didn't believe there ever was such a goose cooked. Its tenderness and flavor, size and cheapness were themes of universal admiration. Eked out by :apple ,sauce and m r ed -pota- toes, it- was a sufficient dinner for the whole family. . ..But now the plates bring -changed by Miss Belinda, . Mrs: ('ratchet left' the r. Ken alone • too •nervous . to bear Witness to take the pudding up and bring it in. Suppose it should not, be done enriukh!• Suppose it should break in turning out! .Suppose—,* • .• All s.,rts i.f horrors were supposed. Medio! a great ileal of steam! The pudding was out of the copper. :\` smell like a washing -day! That was the clout. :\ smell like 'an eating house .and a pastry -cook's next eloor to each" other, _with :t•. laundress' next to that! That -was the pudding! In half a minute Mrs._ 'Crotchet entered flushed, butsmiling -proudly—with the pudding like a speckled -kle.i; cannon- ball, so hard and firm; blazing in half of half a quarters of ignited brandy, and be,light with Christ- - -utas holly stuck into the top.. Oh, a .wonderful pudding! Bob Cratchet said. afel calmly, too, that he regal -tied it as the greatest success achieved by Mrs.. Crotchet • since their marriage: • * * * * At last the dinner was done, the cloth was cleared, the hearth was swept and the tire made up. The compound in the jug being tasted and considered' perfect, apples and oranges were put upon the table and a -shovel full of chestnuts on the fire. Then all the Cratchet.family drew around the hearth Then' flob proposed—"A Merry Christmas -to us all. my dears. God bless us?" which all the family re-echoed; " God bless us every one!" said Tiny Tim,' the last of alt.—Dickens' Christmas Carol. 1T wA s tcs•chhtn Or, TRW 5.*. fief sus PASTY or ipee lines 11 Useoec.se,ot Curse Ma'k(oniebod\ Happy cc flat a KODAK raking 1.ir• tur.•. ' with K.sl;lk 11,x111• that ,*Hypo.. • 1.31'1illl1•1,--1i, past iu11.. Id is ph..I.'g1:11d* uu 111.. I,r+1h.'1' !. I' ..Ili. N. '1.1 nein 1. nrr.•.•*Iy.t.. 10.Nlak f. I-.r.IN.1(tti..n, 11.11 1... litho.•• whet' -,.0 ii..• 10...1:11. I).•..•1'•,i,, . Inrhin.•. Fol-'if;q Pocket Series 1 1 i..•. 11.:w $1••.•1.1 111. E,111 lice .'d .1u1nh ur. �nlq.li.•- R. R. Sallofws r Christmas Frolis WE SPECIALIZE THEM BUY THEM NOW WI. •11'l 11rl1ryi' )you ran pili rha..' w.ne go..i•vir+ fur 1'Ii, hill. Irian .1- gaiter stork th yicit. will Hn.i at - - STURDY'S Joist leo 1•e 1 1'011 ..f yy I •) oir will require foie hint diem w e I:nuu a few sulkies: Shelled Almonds .Shelled Walnuts:. Jelly Powders - Icings. Flavorings • Fresh Currants Valencia Raisins Spanish Onions Cranberries Mince Meat Dates Prunes Cooking Figs. Oranges Lemons Mixed Peels Fresh Oysters (l'.',nnect ieut Needed Mimed) Leave noi your orders and ye will torero eon's -semi,' serve, prompt delivery and thehest K.ssl gutsy.. Sturdy & Co. The t;r"erle". - li— e ill. f L