HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-8, Page 12:4.
ate• laking adveulutgtt of utu• full.
' fI.••h .luck 1.1 -get their ...,,ppli4'.
f Iwfnre. "I° 'Ili'''. \\'r have rr.
' 1.111111)..k1 4' :IN... 't 1114•I1t of I•'rtiit •.
Nut.. feel. -,, etc.. luchIwert• (row.
,Cayce ?aisigs
1'1141i.•e• I.:I). 1 11:ei.ill. f1•4i111
�nt.ny 41j2niu. 1 II., 25e ::{-11..
Iw.x)» 4'S•:: �•Il.. 14tse•.:g1.al.
Malaga grapits
- ate uttering ,.ut.u•lhing
extra in I42e11•',2 • large:crisp and
.w 1t•1. Yet. Ile •k1','
tgs agd .gates
1 b.1.•e 1.21:1rr F/}74F/g74 ($.I' 114., 151•
---Fi1$414112 e•-1174 244 -*4-2«r} *WAIL,
pit had are .lion and inviting
1'0x0) l:w
'JYavtl Aranges
A Pull Ike of \a2 e•1 Ih•auge••.
vets *•Moire -111111 W, I1'ob.nr•1l. at
:We. We. Nit' soul (11'4'• eq., *brie. 11 '
jfew Jfuts
\\':clout•. •Almond 't•t•ans,
Brazil.. 111111 1"i111t•tl+t:
our Xmas 1'11eali,•.1111' in 111w•k
We.lutvt',► full line ft• whirls
t•. i•h.rti t'. ranging in pl.iee• frveul
r:•• 111 lIk per 111. A'•1 to ww 11111'
•,1.4.41,1_1 noixture ..f ('iY•11nile and
1'hurnlitte.nt 2 11... f,ir .... 1D
Crystallized Cherries
'I'he:e• rme lvVI y clt•.ii',•, 1'el•"16..
Farley 3iscuits
Fru*•y Ili -1.,, it..'1.it h. t in Iw.x.r-
..r in bulk. ranging iu price frena
Ice lu:ace
per I1;.
_stir aWart
\\-1. 4111. 1/11'11 )41)4. cx1.4'pt 1,1 ;;
1111... in 4 1in;ew•et•e .nitnhl,.
1..1 1'h1'i.1 nt:i.. Inv•.,•rrt.. t'..44'1•12111'
i•,,1•b.. if 2211 rue 1..* kitig 129; :2
_oft m IIi*. 1111.. Our t 1:1•
11.1 2ri-e mph t c
-'rtln.•1.t. s.
green tuj/s
2% 111 have 14 11111 r1rt1¢,• ,.t
1 11 1. 1 Smit. toot' I11i•i.l ln:I...m. I�
:1- 1,111111.1•. 1•'4.1,'1.2'. I'ru"I'. t•I.
111 r 4- tin only ('hl•i>I ma,
212.1.. .
'1'hun.• '4112111. latr•fuIIy 1111.1
I•I"...pilo filled. •
Part on Earth. t,'ipobietLL.td gen.
.�10 WAR or battles' sound
F;Was heart she world around;
jj �r The idle spe•dr and shield Were high up -
The hue*kcd chat iot St rood,
Ututain'd with hostile blood;
The t: atniser•suake riot to the armed
' throne
Ani kings sat still with awtl.l e'vc,
As it tite.y surely knt-w their sovran
Lord was•bv.
But peaceful was the night,
Wherein,' the Prince of bight.
His reign of peace upon the earth lie-
' gar."
Peace reigned tl oughout the world on the starlit, wintry night,
two thousand year• gu, wilen tke t herald angels sang uf.the fulfilment''
of the promise oft a ages, tl'iecoming of a Saviour, Christ the -Lord.
'born it is true {lr' a manger in Bethlehem. but a Prince, nevertheless,
a Prince .*f Peace, the only and well-beloycd. Son of the Jing of Kings.
Peace anti joy mingled with al%&' inthe hears of the humble sheliherds,
who, hearin'g,'the song cif the.angelic hurt. left their -flocks and hastened,
never doubting, to pay homage to the long hoped for Messiah. Peace
and joy in -hope fultilled compensated the Wise Men' for the toil and
wcariuess of- the long journey O'er deserts and mountains as they -
knelt in adoration by the infant King and poured their treasures at
His feet. Peace and joy filled the virgin mother who pondered all
these things in -her heart.. And: each rit.uirnig Christmas -season
throug1iallfhe ceatunes has brought peace as ct good will-atrew to the -
hearts of hien, goodwill in the scathe on the lips and the friendly
greetings: peace to the fact that the. Joyous season is no time for the
bitterness that rankles, the unpleasant bygones. Armies .engaged
-tri battle hay, ceased for a little their warfare and as.lirothers, the .
hitter.. foes have raised together their voices in a'Christntas hymn of`
praise Once a year, at least, there is an approach to tile. true brother-
hood of man. The.air is electric with good feeling and poor indeed
isthe 'Man or woman, thoughndowed with all earth's riches -who is
incapable of feeling the -.thrill of hristmas, the'thrill of companionship.
in a common heritage with the whole: world, the thrill of mystery
that surrounds gift -giving and gift-rrceit'ing:the Shrill that- comes --
...through adding a little to the sum -total of the world's-happiness,'of
adding immeasurably to the joy in the season of some one individual`
or individuals. 1•
"attlg IOut tlir (®1b. Itng to the !btu.
•Fast upon the heels of Christwt ss. conies the baby new year, a
bundle of possibilities.. Few and fat between are the individuals who
do not snatch at Least a little time for mortal stock taking from the
closing days of
the old year
Pessimist indeed
is the man or -
woman -who doffs
not look for-
ward with a re-
newal of resolu-
tions of latex
'and of courage
to the days that.
are to come.
Have you failed
in your purpose
during the -year
that is quickly
passing into
eternity? Have
resolutions beer,
formed but 'to
be brukenagain?
Is'your grip up
on ,yourself less
firm than it was
a.year. ago
Have you been
disappi inted,be-
roaved' Sorro••2
and _suer g;
have but opened
the door upon a
broader wort'.
Only when the
datknessof night
has fallen do thi r .•�
myriads of star- ADu1Ah,u+ ur 111111 42,ap.s1D•
jewels reveal theinfinity of 'the- universe.. Have the three
an -d• a• sixty-five days of 1191n been ' paved with broken
purposes and shattered hopes? Even these may be .trans-
formed into "stepping stones to higher things."- Ito the chains of a
degrading habit bind you more- closely• than. a year ago? The little
new vear.eofnes eagerly, a smite On its lips to greet .you, tiny hands
A arm Qihrtstmas.
"Christthas comes but once a year." de are wont to say ristmas
with its merriment and good cheer, its holidaying for children, its -
surprises for old. and Young. and above all. Oris as -when grouches
and grievances are laid aside ;.when ailments overlooked and times
frQuid to, be pleasant. malty pleasant to ,se we love the most. to the
iends who have borne with .us, t next door neighbors and the
neighbors down the street, to people we meet in business or pro
fsssiunal life, to the but r, the baker, the candlestick -maker and
even to the -strange e meet in the street This is the very 'essence
of Christmas- t the -
dinner w• a . nor the
Yalu the gifts we'
0 or receive, but just
this spirit of good -will
and true courtesy. But
we are a hustling, bust-
ling, strenuous people,
every one of us, young
and old. We are busy --
with our toys, busy with
our school, busy , with
the preparation for life,
busy debuntantescaught
in a social whirl, busy
matrons keeping up with
the pace, busy house•
Wives oppressed • with
many cares,' busy min;
isters, doctors, lawyers,
busy. capitalists. day -
laborers, drummers,
-busy heads of firms,
busy office boys who find
life one long hustle.
• Perhaps we are 'only
busy- spending our
money, devising means
of reducing our flesh, of •
adding to our - avoirdu-
pois, or even busy killing
time, but everyone of us
is busy, busy,busy. Too
busy are we as we awake
in the morning to say to
ourselves, ." A Keri
• Day," and ha : ing said
'set - 'steadfastly
about making it the best kind of a day possible, let come what will. At
-btegkfast time we are shadowed by, the . tasks, the cares and the
--Worries of the coming hours. We forget that God has given us
another beautifu,, new, clean, white page and instead of writing the
introduction "with golden . word:; and smiles. we blot it. 'hith our
churlishness: There is no time to gladden the maid with .a gift of
smilesto cheer the cook with words of commendation; no time
to send husband. !tons and daughters forth to the battle of life equip-
ped with pleasant memories; no time• to start little .children to'
school with their birthright of happiness; no time •fof the little
thoughtfulnesses that will_.make brighter all the day for the ones who
remain at home. - -
Once a year we have a kindly greeting for atl whont'we meet,
for the employer, the bookkeeper, the office boy. Once a year we
have a smile for all who serve us and for all whotn we serve, for those
who jostle us in the highways, who crowd us in the street cars. Once
a y'ear'we take out our Christmas spirit, ake out the creases, dust
it, and the marvel is that we wear -it so • acefully. We don it for the
great occasion, for a few we ks'previo and, perchance, if our diges-
tions are in good repair, for a few d: •s after, --then we .fold it up with
moth balls and label it, "To be : ndled, with care, not warranted_ to
wear. Perhaps we toss it o he topmost shelf, or store it in the
attic with, other lumber tha las seen more gracious days. Passing
strange it is that it comes o each year sweet and fresh and guaranteed
to fit. What a blessed • tl world it Would be if the Christmas spirit
Vie Christmas Season
ied.to give you anew confidence, a new hold upon ourself and
n life. . Has 191(1 been i a happy year. a year of 'striving. and
achieving. a year of approach' to the ideal, which, like "the vision
with the beckoning hand, stitl_allures and still eludes." receding oto a._•
higherplane just as it seems within the grasp?
• If such has been your lot., you .have laid a splendid finmdation.
upon -which to build a greater success in the days that are to come. •
'Fo everyone in the world. great or humble. learned or illiterate. rich .
or poor, old or young;, wise or simple. is given this gift of 1911. a book
in which each and everyone must write deeds great and'smatl. Some
will .scarcely_ reach the end of the tirst chapter, others will write
"Finis" at the end of twelve. ltalance your accounts, take a little
time frtinl the festivities. the' rush and w.•rry of thou' cll.sing days
cduldbe donned for eadh and every day of the year, if the !Intik
/'hone 43
au% n. rauauCE
Opera House Mock.
Phase 1(14 Kingston Street
-.. Tog WWI.* . ibis ,
of the year to know yourself, to. take leave of the old before entering
on the new. • • •
When at midnight the bells "ring out the old, ring in the new', '
. may they truly ring out the "grief that saps the mind," the bitterness,
the spirit,of forgiving, 'of doubt, of meanness, of worry, of cherished
wrongs. Carry oyer; into the new_ nly_that_which hat-b€en worthy
in the old.
.May the bells ring in only peace and joy inyhopes renew•e nd
the will' to ,tare and to achieve. ,
If you have a task to perform. a habit to l,reak,.)an ensjmy to
: forgive. or a friend to make. begin it: • '
-'*fuse this da} loiterilIg. 'Twill be the same story
Tomorrow, and the next more dilatory;
True indecision brings its own d•las,
And days are lost lamenting over hays. •
Are you in earnest? Seize the very minute; .
' •• What you can do, or think you can, begin it;
Boldness has genius. power, and magic in it.
-Only beginit, and the mind grows heated;
Begin it and the work mill be corr,pleted.
Angry and worry are like echoes; they do not exist until we
for them • ane the louder s2 call h o r is i
of the. call Q 1 de e c 1 the louder their response
--Horace- c r. •
It dors not take long to learn that the good excludes the had;
that the highr�r always shuts out the lower. --Marden.
angels, "Peace on earth, good -wit to man," found an echo in -every Flet he
heart, not one day in three hundred and sixty-five, but each, and
ew,ty day in all the year
Fur,, Chinn, ladle: %. int•. 1(8111211mi Street, HudMieh.
nett ie (*. IJ....I r at etre. •
Wa111e . "bow fast the horse Is neo -
incl' r
Teacher--" Yon fornot the '
Wallle-" (lea t How fast teebowe
*5 motto' r
is always a source of worry
sorb people who cannot
make t'p their mihds what to
give ;' ,ir relations or friends.
This n '!ed not be the case if
they only knew how those
or relations would
appreciate some nice article of
selected from our carefully.
-chosen stock. Call on us,
make your setection, pay a
small deposit knd we..will set
aside any article you wish
and deliver it according to
amour instructioris.
Merry Christmas
appy Ne Year
The 10•11. new ringing 74u11 Iwr.;i,.-.. i, It tnueling its our ho21'4122'1u,•
+lure•. !(rulta.l'hot. awl rill his I1,It1'.n1- • ry Liu to H"well'• anal
get 1.0nu. 1.22111 111 lie. g..,sI thing- that they intoe .1.•- cell. Their
g,wws- ar,• .'h •ie.• fm• In tn. Wcoormi1 ur ehi111.•
Carving Sets.
('it ,• 1 .it ,•t" in rttttaeti%e
,71.1•.: +l lg, 1+1111' 11 nit ce11u1uid
,II2,r•un,utst,nl handle. ; in Iw•,t
,psnlit r S e.•giel.l 111411,(1•.. 4.urb it.
1. X. f... I1 phrey... K,wlg.•r'.. -
elle., .'te.. fruit. 042.59 1.. t}"t.l►t,
1'rtrv,•r- usaly. at price.. rang-
ing h•uu. *1... o (24. 1411.111 pee ..•t:
Carpet Sweepers
Iti.•elt-1'arpet Sue...INTT•-recd
\'neuatt . 1'I.:attter. fur• *IL'..,tt :Incl
Xitchen Cabinets
•hit4'ten l'nlcinet•. *2.1..lP1plul
t(r30.1111. • • -
TIn•r4ii,.. r ,t11e:_:
1'..ffe.• •l'ereulab.l•.r Iilr.ke it g.' si
Fancy ..tamps
Valley Lamp-. in, hiding the
Guunn. f{syn I.+uup-. 111 412.311
each. `
Silycrwara . .
K••dgrr. 1.1..'
11417 a n .t
\\'altar. 11140-.' 1,1:115112 4'r-011104
V444.1•. 114 (111,04 22;11 well-ht.'itt ii
lime. we 1111 V.' r. I11r}te 2)li'lety
Ih•..••t•t 111111 I'ah1.• S11,nun...
O• T 1141110, 1'.1111 M,•rll 1'..t•k..
1'nke'Fu .' Yoe KJlive., $1lg,tr
!thelia. .f{utte K.,ice., Frstit
Knive.. I)es.vet a Tort Kniv..
an11' 1'urkr. err.. rat 1 ' _ frons
:Pr to. *1:61111 per .et,
Skates, etc.
Ow. .I..ek .,f Ii,w•key !skater
rrit►ge-in pricy from :eek• to 16 i.(s►.
in 1.e.t make,
u•w k• t Stick•. P..• k.., Ankle
!Ntplw.clic)•., Leg Prot •1.1 '1.. etc..
Snow Shoes
Lot. of .now• fur .2122w-421w•-
irsg. 55'.• have 11 •l/wk of Screw
Slew% fill• ht.)•.. gill. and 1114'11.
114(11_,.,11, �Irigh. in *int -h
Luer 411111 w• - .11 •1'!• -kelt Ih,•
tlliltg jus tit her hay •.t• girt. Anil
rt line fnr'haby. - •-,
Safety razors
liillr•t1 Sat4'tyr I{azar. alnl'a
Targe •tuck nf'1.e.t titalj.t'4., Matt....
/toed Razn,'.. films 3 1e to Vaal'
Pocket Xnives
l'oeket KI/ive• it•unt :w• t"
1.75 emit. he b1., n k4'..
+14' sus 1 .d �In
For i'4e
\\'e have 14 t•I444i1.44 .elect'
of rhil11r.'n's
('hild'el .wts of Knife•. • Furk
i•tj,nj,.11.'Sp•win. nP F'1fh•, tut) awl
' fi cteo•1•• (
(ort . • of urn• Theist nirtw
(''lags at :M• each.
i/\'4' have ,illy begun to ;ikon* r2 few orf t' utny ,.•4'1111 thing,
thiYt Inane (11"11 Iry«care 111 he haul ref us:
This ts'the best place for YOU t buy.
Howell Hardware. Co.,
1,13111E1) .