The Signal, 1910-12-8, Page 9T1 gI.GNAL GODERICH. ONTARIO
wi' 444**********441*, 44*****44************ *449494
The News of the District.
Scott's Emulsion
MONDAY. Dec.5t1,t MuNuAY. Dec., 5th.
mi.. and Mrs. Will Allen, of „intim. thSee:1.rt 1{LrofruxT. lJ,St S, -Thexo. follll, owingutwpis
ts••re visitors with the fot•iners pat'• ships of Ashfield and Colborne, fur Lite
tints here..„mouth of Noverutwwr. These marked
J. (i. Anderson, who has heeu ll * were &Wwent. from one or all of the
with typhoid fever, is reported 'to be 'examinations. • Nantes are in order of
11,.t,ressmg favorably. mootA'.-11.tirahaui. Sr. 111.-M,
lb./. J. W. Bowering, B. A.. who Meoary. 1. newtons. 1.'. D'•nglierty.
w,as hero on account of his mother's Jr. IIL -- E. Graham. M. 1).wgherty,
11,.µt1'. has returned) to lair haute at 1. Johnston, C. Brinley. Sr. 1I. -H.
a.•adat& Mao. Tigers, It, Bogie. M.. Thr at. E.
Among those who have returned Bermes. Jr. 11, -- M. •luuuston,
tioui the West are A. R. Andersen. C. Bogle. F. " Dougherty. L.
John --and Alex. McLeod. Root. Young. ••l. Carnet. hart•. ll. -F.
'(hem peon. -James And KennyMein- Johesurn. Sr. Part, 1.--1i. J)oogh-
ea, t.eorde McNeil, Joe lanHarry erty. K. Graham: W. Tigelt1. Bogie,
Nixon aq Louts Murray. L. Kerr. Jr. Part 1. G. Smith, 1l.;
Deet( or, Mee. WK.IITII.--The Sill'''. :Average attendance, 'a. M.
dritth'''is recorded of Mn'. %oo s
Mani). of Ladgside, which took WEST WAWANObH. 'e
plirn'-uu Sunday, November 13th.
.She was eighty years of age, tend was T. xsuu' (34 IF II. MKirr1%o.,-The
tar, in Tyrone, :ounty, Ireland. She council- met Nuv,inhei 22nd as per
was ,.,orated at (ioderich fifty-seven adjournulent. Members all '.resent.
tent•, ego to the late'Vhomaa Wraith. Rem e Medd in the chair. Minutes ..t
el„ prtdeceas d her nine months. last meeting read and confirmed, ole
nu.tion of Councillors '1'h psen and
'f (dere were among the pioneer set tlrrr
e• liMhos tosnship•Winson. A. cowmiumcntion (rola
_,rtieo, M. Wibon, in 'weld to the re-
- P RAMOUNT. patting -of a .•sheet off _cnncersion I.
was reed. On motion of Councillors
Tt11 IWDAY, Dec. lst Wilson and 4itcbeson tbs-mett.•r was
a. moon:Th
. Raf•er. e'fullowine la. left its the hands df uoltfnillm-s AVitt-
1 .-trt of S. S. No. 14, Paramount, Mat and Thompson with power to .rte
• for ti, month of November : DAMPS in if n.•cessary. -1 number of comouuni-
.n,lerofmerit :-Sr. IV. -Maty Pick- cations wrr.• read from Colonel Mc-
.•sin , Margaret Mrcln:tes. Margaret . Donald, of Guelph. regardiog the
(14 suR, ) ill Smith. Jr. LY. T1 Cole tsuelph JunctionRailwayCo. end on
CI. k. Lall4•.. _MacKenzie. Emersion motion of Councillor*. Wilson and
T le, Prancer Maaanntts, Diane ; •Thomps.•n the Reeve and clerk were
a.•1 ennen. _$r. III:-tCulvin Towle, appointed t•• go to Guelph end,have
,nine Hamilton, ties), Greta \Lactiar• +•ail the necessary palters signed -re the
Cuid; Meliin• Clark. Lillian Rayner . el. .1. Hallway that arab to go liefor.•
Fretk Clark." IdH
don enderam', Jr.the railway hoard. Orders for. the
I I1. Bertha. C•Iarkson, Edith. Mac- 1 Itwrite i. of accnnnts tto the amount of
limes, Annie "Pickering. Eddie An- 111197 were passed, on 10otio0 of cones
eii, Adam Ni" -Adam. li+I1 \Wel• cillors Wilson, and Watson. On mo-
ats , izzie Sure' It, Margaret MecDier- `lion .if Councillors Thompson: and
nod, Ketebahaw. Ji, IL -Ree Micheletti. couneii aijourned to
alacDiar , anie Ketchabaw, Jen'-' meet on I►ec,•inher 15th at in o'clock.
_nit Towle. 'Wade . acl)onttld. .lohnnie1 W. S. Mti'Kts-TIE. Clerk.
AnJi w Herold - • t meld, Metviilr
Itaynerd. St. Pt. '1.-•' nley Mac- . . LOTHIAN,
Kenzie: Willie ' Ketch/the . .\n.•tte
Towle, Nelson Rayoard, Keith • eh- I . Te :sway, Dec.. ttth.
ver. .Ir. Pt. I. -Ada Pickering. He
\b i)onald, Number ou the roll -.:fl.
\v Attendance for the month- ' Lh
wu.t KeNzte. Te:u•ber. ' his hum
arrived home
Li • • ERICH TOWNSHIP. 1 the Sort -barest.
%'ti76eDAY, Dec. 61h.
\IL•Nll'll'.tL .1FF.tIRe.-As yet there
is very little talk of municipal mat -
tans, so it is hard to say whether there
will be a run this year or not. Reeve
Hill has had only one year and it is
generally understood that • Reeve
should have at least 1 wo terms: but
there are quite a number of the elect-
ors who are dissatisfied, so after all
there tuay be a change.
Hi mENtt.t1..-Misr Maggie }goody,
one of Blyth', estimable young ladies,
lett but Mondry mornir:g for 7brootu
to visit her brother Ed. until 1Vednes-
d,ay, when she is to be married to
Rev. W. H. Couper. the former Meth-
tdiet minister here, who uuw ie in
change of the Milverton church. The
best • wishes of the bride's many
friends here, will accompany her.
\Vhile here she always took au active
interest in church work, leading the
chair fora long time, ro she -ought to They are like thin milk -
choir Iwo meat assistance to Mr. Cooper iu
his work. It. is the intention of the SCO'r'r'� is thick like a
mother also to live with her daughter.
Nees Sires. -Rev. Neil Shaw. of
l-;gwe•ndville, preached two splendid
serturais in ttfe Preshnterien church
here last Sabbath Miss Meli►ou-
alal, of Auburn, visited with her sister
here thin weep,.. •, .Mie. Fiugland. of
• tulturn. visited in town this week
Mr. an tis. C.. Spofford. who have
been viitlta in.lnnerkip and vicinity
for the pea o weeks. returned
borne Saturday 1e litig quite it lot
sUueger tfohn Rei1S, u1 Clinton,
deCOIOl jtuied by his um \I. Kelly,
of Morris, started for Clio leets
\Vednesdae night. When they go
the Clinton turn. instead ot cumin
they went ahead, g ' g over the
hank. ' The. horse was /to badly - in-
jured that it had to he shot,but we
are glad to say; that neither of the
Kelly left on
is the original -has been
the standard for thi rty-five
There are thousands of
so-called "just ?s good"
Emulsions, but' they are
not -they are simply_imi-
tations which are never
as good as the original.
heavy cream.
If you want it thin, do.
it yourself -with water -
but dont buy it thin.
' s dais SY ALL D11343011/141A
IA.. WO Se .arse .ed In,. ,,1. as A.
Y..aait.l s..r.s. 5. 8 ..e Mad . tik.t<s
re W4t o, .0. . o./ lest r.rr.
scow at 11011/MEttoE
1 w.�iaetos Str..8. West Tsr
... Oat
Signal readers who club at this office
then was injured. Mr. e Y e
the train the next day The L with other papers are requesteed,to
-l:eorge Club held a club dance last .make their renewals as• early as pw-
I-riday evening. three strolling harp ,fele. At tbe end 0f the year"thire ie �,
_:era-turnob g the, mucic in splendid such it.,L4ub- of renewals in the big
dyle T Enfold;"-ediGir-ot ftte
Standard. t•.•turhid to town Friday otrices'tist mixdips occur and cont'u-
Aod we are glad to say- his mother is ,inn is catiysd and it sometimes takes
still living N. Bamford also. has considerate.• time to get the tangle
to his work on the paper. I straightened. Weare pleased to at-
$3.90 _TTU RN
First Annual
Fat Stock Show
L,rrHLtN Lo .u.-. - Alt. Ritchie.
has been 'in the West for the past
rs, is at uresent visiting at.
here Thos. Sand`'
week from a visit to
le,- was accont-
MosinAv. De• . {milled -by his brother 'ea T A.
Ei-Lurwr - ' K.(HAN. --- Wednesday , McKeith ha-arritariilto:nes :.1,askat-
evening of last eek a very pleasant (-bewail. He secured :t' at, s f
. event took place t the borne of Mr. l land • and intends leaving in
• and ,J$rr. Jas. lir .am, of the lith oaring t•• commence homestead duties•
there T. F. Henderson has re -
of this to 'whip. It weethe ; turned home atter spending the sum -
the 'occasion daughter rho • d- hous of the l 1llel in Alberta Misses Cora an.i'
Bertha t .tatof t1'. home, Mies Myrtle Gibson. of Tiverton. are vitae -
' t ofthe
Bertha Eli tat Gene' l Ellett
line. At (S o'clock the bride ing friends here this week.. ...Thos.
entered the drawing room. lertning on Harnby has i•eturLed h after
the ariu of het father. and took her spending a month in Lambeth. with
his son. Rev. R. H. Barnby F. J.
Maclennan has mold his he to
Archie MuAcley. of Huron township.
place under an evergreen arch an
large white hell. She was charmingly
gowned in a costume of white voile
trimmed with lace ribbon. Mrs. W.
11. Graham played the wedding
Si Hawn. Am....KT.-The following is
the school report of 8. S. No. 7, Ash -
march ami the ceremony was per- field. for the • month of November.
formed by Bev. J. Snowden. of Nacres occur in order of merit : V•-
- Holmenville. After congratulations John McKeitb. Sr. IV.-1)onelda
were offered the guests to the number Hogan. Kenneth Heniler•s..n. Jr. 1V.
of about forty repaired to the dining -Kelso McNey, Sr. 111. -Olive Mc -
room. where an excellent "'honer was Keith. Clare nee. Henderson. Je.,l ll. -
served. Many beautiful presents -Evelyn Wellingtou..ienuie Johnston.
were received which indicated the May Stein. Evs'Llogan, Graham Mc-
•steem in which the pride and groom Nay. Earl Swann. 'Dimities Cooke.
eld. The young couple will take Sr. I i.=ltob Helm.. Jr. I i. -Laura
keeping on the groom's fare: Stein. Sr. l't. IL= tV.ilington Heti-
eeeld line. ettended" by the Berson. Alex. McNay. Jr. Pt. II. -
urge circle of friends. henry Gilmore, Beatrice S t e i n ,
Is of the Bat- Thomas Helm, John Gilmore. • Sr.
on Novelle Pt. L-Besil Hoaan. Louis Barge. sire
rd Mee,
l't. L=David Cooke. .1. E. JoHN-
oev. "T.lN. Teacher.
feeling somewhat better Council-
lor Carter was in Toronto.," business
last week -Cohn Barr and Jas.
l'urmuings took a car of stock to the
Guelph Winter Fair last Saturday
and John Powney showed some
brown Leghorn -sultry. It ie to be
hoped they may secure some of the
Rrzee ... The boys have now com-
menced to skate when there is good
Gloating Miss Barker, of Clinton,
visited IIisaes Livingstone in town
..ver Sunday Jas. Cutt ■nd Miss
\lcArter visited friends in Brussels
over Sunday.. .. Miss J. Baintou vis-
ited with her sister, Mrs. Leech, in
Goderich. over Sunday... .. We re-
ported a while ago that F.. Metcalf
had heen appointed agent for the
Lineal Telephone Co. This was cor-
met. but the Bell Telephone Co., of
which also be is.lagent, mule objec-
tions to his having totb,'so ke had to
give up the Rural and we understand
now that it is the intention of the
Rural Company to have their office in
the old :Anderson store. This will
melee a good place for it, but it will
cost them considerable mitre than if
Mr. Metcalf had taken it Reeve
'HiIl, of town. and Reeve Taylor, of
Morris. are in Goderich this week at-
tending the- county • ,ouncil . . For
the last number of years we have had
monthly fairs, but so far thin year no
arrangement hats been made t.o hold
them. They used to draw a great
many farmers into town, and it is too
bad if they tire going to let them dt-op.
A number of the farmers ate
using the sidewalk at the north end of
the town for driving on instead of the
road. This shoe:d not he allowed ...
Mr. Sherlock. of Winnipeg, was visit-
ing at D. t•'loody's this week and has
returned to hie home accompanied by
his children: who had been living with
their gtiendrnother her. Quite a
few (ram here took in the Winter
' r at Guelph this week There
was* man in the lock-up for a few
hours one night last week. as he had
hien taking too -much fire -water : but
he was let nut and went home quite
peaceably Mitts McDowell. who
had been assistant in the millinery de-
partment of Popplestone & Gardiner's
store, left for her home at Westfield
this week 11r. and Mrd. John
Carter. who have been in the West
for the pact two years, have returned
to town. They think Ontario is good
enough for them Mrs. W. Fyle
visited in Toronto this week
Next Wednesday will be the last day
for paying the taxes. After that five
per cent. will bre added. Collector
Somers says the tales are coming in
well and the last week he expects
there will be very little onL He will
he at the fire hall every day now to
receive the money S Westlake
visiG•d with friends in Goderich over
tsunday. ....We have been having
surae very cold weather this week.
For example, Tuesday morning the
thermometer registered below zero.
up ho
ori the Be
hest wishes o
Two former rem
Held line died in Engle
-leer 211th. They were Mr:
4 ieotge Day. and their ages we
enty-seven and eighty-eight years Pe- i
spectively. It is thivty-five years! THAT BALD SPOT.
-ince they lived in this township. ' Don't let that bald spot grow
Ho to your druggist at once and'let
GOOD TO HAVE HANDY. bottle -of Parisian Sage ,and if that
Mr. Bs d Sa sof Dodd's Kidney j don't check the falling heir,' and cause
t illt- A Great h7amilyMedicine. . new hair to grow. nothing will.
Meidetune, Sask., iter. ith.-(f(�ec- Dandruff is the cause of haldnees:
ial.l-Mr. Samuel M. Bo,yol, well dandruff, germs cause dandruff. Pari -
tumuli and highly res tested here, test -1 Plan Sage kills tbe earns, eradicates
K t dendrnff stows fallinghair and itc
Hies to the good work Doa)d'•, Kidney I ing wap i. `Ve will refund
Pills are duing: money, if it fails to do tlr'
"It is nearly a month since i quit week.. Psrisiaq
e w
teing rdd's 'Kidney Pills for kidne hafttoRrow.theg' -
trouble," says Mr. Boyd. "i must say dead. It mutes
1 lam perfectly satisfied. 1 feel like a . thicker, more
new person. My kidneys have been 1 life into it
ia'iog me trouble for five years, and The
now they are acting just as good as if ev
there was never anything wrong with
••1 would not be without them
horse. 1 cheerfully r•comme
Kidney Pills to anyone for kidney I side of slimy,.
11 ithle."
Dodd's Kidney Pills are the greatest - --
family medicine of the century. Not Exrtravagant.
•• I've taken a liking to you. Miss
ST. HELENS. Petite.' declared Mr. Olosephist, "be-
1�'AN"TED. TE. - CHICKENS. 11 E NS, cause vim do -it seem to be extravagant
duck.. geese and turkeys, alive or in any way. May 1 call on you an
poce. Taken every day and Thurs - ed. We pay theWednesbIgheet 0.0,h or trade evening a week
Sorry, Mr. Cl .mephist, but I'm not
extravagant with my evenings tither."
n two
cause the
root ►
s not
hair to grow
meant. and puts new
tend w renewing outside papers,for
subscribers, but it would he more of a
pleasure:if w{ readers would melee an
effort td attend to the matter early.
A Plea for Farmers' Sons.
The following letter appeared in
The Stratford Beacon a few days ago:
Sir. -In your last evening's issue
train -
you had a
iboys with narticle
hole id keepintt ing[ur
them ,an the farm. Nuw, more power
to all boys who au.eud the manual
training school of Stratford, or any.
other school -ot' this Hoe e a creiitto town
yours. for your schools r
Stratford, also their principals and
teacgoing Is. but vrtnit Me to these
receive for their trouble of
study and hard work at home on the
farm under their pytenIe guidance?
As a rule they receive practically
nothing, for the fat•aers ore to blame
they will work 1 heir own boys to
death alunsst without offering them
a twenty Hve-cent piece At the end of
the week for spending money. but
they have In pay the hired man from
th up. end es high as $3 a
day ur $72 a mutat in harvest time.
&o you see that there is not the
slightest wonder at le,ys and young
room leavir•g the, farina early and
going to cities where >15, 48 and $lt•
looks good to them, and a little pleas-
ure thrown. in with the city life.
!'know of many mean cases where)
Young men never see a ' nue-dol-
ler hill from one month's end to
another from their dollar -grabbing
parents one in pa, t:cutetr of a farmer
who give his sant tobacco and church
money at the week -end and found
• him his clothes, and yet he wondered
why his son did not stay in the good
home. etc. Ile said he. had J romined
him son the farm when he died, but
that did not seem t., be any induce-
iment to the go-ahead son of his to
stay on it.
Ferment, don't be mean, bat pay
your son a (biller or two and grad-
ually raise hie pry end treat him as
fair as you treses the hired man then
he will stay with you and look after
your interests, bus not until then,
beciose malt pork and tot -veer money
won't keep amhitiun down.
Yours very truly,
Can. Gov. inspector. .
X33 Church street. Stratford. Nov.
99, lel(). - _
Tickets g;,'oti going i,. m1.
trains I Weather loth : end
all trains December 11th.
12th. l:3th.• -
Return, limit Amore. 14th. 1910.
and Florida
at Low Rates
Full particulars aqd ti•:ket. irons
Town Agent,
Office loam d,,3J a.m. to 11 pan.
Or: address J. 1). %LIiDotteld Distri.•t
'Passenger Agent, (.'cion Meatball.
Toronto. i tut.4rio.
with the auburn hair is on
package of Parisian Sage. it is
id fob• rete. by all druggists or tent
postpaid by The Giroux Mfg. Co.. Fort
e • Erbe. Ont.. on receint of price. Sold
dost 1 and gusrantee,l by E. 1{. Wigle. north
.l.,1 morning. Fowl must be Carved a
I olwllyy dressed. R. K. MILLER ESTATE.
w.. 114 -lens.
-T igep.tY, Dec. (ith.
8411001 R1I•o eT.-Following is the
report of St. Helens public school :
V. --Margaret Miller. Sr. iV.-Ma'Id
McQuifiln, Bert Miller. •1 r. iV.- A doctor's flat question when con -
Woods, Winnie Wood., Fannie''ulted by a patient is, "Are your
Anderson, Hazel Anderson, Ernest bowels regular's" He knows that
('.aunt, Roy McQuillio, or. itL--WII- ninety-eight p•r cent. of illness it
tied McQuillan, Ewart McPherson, nttended fifth in:utive bowels and
Gurdon McPherson, Stewart McGuire, tot id liver, and that this condition
Earl Cranston, Cecil Hyde, McKenzie moit be i.rnanved gently and this -
Roy Smith, Beattie S►nith, ou hly before health can be restored.-
Aodrew Grunt. Jr. 111. Della Cram g
aton) John Gaunt Iegttal), Mary Me- 1(a,xall Orderlies are a positive,
Quillin, Gladys Hyde. Ethel ander- pleasant and safe remedy tor collation
ton, Gladys Webb, Clain McQtiillin. tion and bowel disorder* in general.
Sr. 11. --Lorne Woods, Wilson Wood,. W'' are so certain of their great cum -
Carlyle McDonald, Vera* Wends, tive value that we promise to retro n
Eddie McQnillin• Alex. Purvis. Willie the pttrea money in every case
Forster. Matijeska (taunt., Herbert when they fail to panduce entire satis-
McQuiltin. Sr•. Pt. 11. --Evan McQuil_ (actino.
lin, Joseph Forster. Willie MrQ.lillin. Revell Diderliee Are eaten like
Jr. Pt. 11. -Jean McQuillan. Terrine, ands• they act quietly, end have a
soothing. strengthening, healing influ-
ence on the entire intestinal tract..
They do not purge, gripe, cause
nansea, flatulence. exslssive l.,oaensss,
Canadian Northern
Steamships Limited
Business Education.
Much Sickness Die to Bowel Disorders. The success of the majority of the
busiieee colleges in Ontario at least is
s good indication of the demand for
practical education and should prompt
our authorities to give more attention
to this particular work in our public
and high schools. We learn on good
authority that one prnminent bumines
collage -The Central Business llolleg
of Toronto -enrolls Annually mor
than fifteen hundred atowlent*, and
that it never has any graduates out
of ployment. Indeed, we are tolda
manybutnnes@ firms find much diffi-
culty in securing the necessary well-
trained assistants to carry on their
work .uoceaaftilly, and they ars now
compelled to look to the business col-
lege' almost exclusively to supply
their requiremnentw. A huainese edit
cation is a very site guarantee of a
good salary in these times of commer-
cial activity.-- Advt.
Anderson, Stanley Todd. Lizzie Pur-
vis, :Madeline Gaunt, Lemma McQuil-
lin. Sr. Pt. i.-B.•atrioe M.•QublIin•
Juan Haunt. Jr. l't. 1. -Earl (taunt. di hire ..r either wnnn)ing effect.
Leslie Purvis, Mabel Woods, Annie They are especially good for ehlldren, I "Every time the baby looks into my
Pervis, Lorne Woods. (k+dl Forster, week persons or old folks. Two aired, face he unites," maid Mr. Meekina.
Verna McQ,dllln, Thelma eolith.
Number on roll U. Average at4an- 2Sc and Mr. Sold onlyat our store- '•'Well," answered his wife, •9t ma+
dance 42. LtU. S. a sit t-. The Rexall Store. 11. C. Dunlop, not he exactly polite. but it shows he
dancher. mouth Olds of Square. has a sense of humor."
.s :he speed.est.
most comfortable
and best route to
The Old Guinan/
will sail .te follow'-
1:oy al Edward
From Halifax. N. S. , Doe Bristol
Weil., I pec. 7th Tues., Dec, kith.
Royal (George
From Halifax, N. S. Due Bristol
Wed.. Dec. lith. Tues.. I )ec.
For rates and reservations .ipply
to Local .\gent, or -to Mr. H C.
Bourlier, General Agent. Canadian
Northern Building. corner King
and Toronto Ste., Toronto, Ont.
More than Men.
Women have more than their share
of the aches and pains that afflict)
humanity. They must "keep up in
spite of constantly aching backs, or .
headaches, dizzy Peelle, etc. Mrs. Ed -
weed Cslwood, nt 1Z3 ti Harold street,
Fort William, Ont.. says :
••i muttered with dull, miserable
pains. soreness /teres my hack an 1 in
my sides Inc n,nunths. They would
catch me so hsdly at times that 1
could scarcely move &round. i would
have d•zzy • cells and alt, getber felt
generally run down. After using s
number of remedies without finding
relief, 1 lemrned of Boothe Kidney
Pill(' and found thein an excellent
reinec y. They not only relieved the
of the miserable pains and soreness in
my black but cured me of my kidney
1i di�Pc
Ronth's Kidney
Pills cure back-
schP, dull shoot:
inn Mine. thick
and cloudy
trine. gravel or
stone, rheuma-
Ham aind all
dis,aaeu ot the
kidneys and
Good going
December 3rd to 9th
Returning eqt �o I ece'nbcr 1211'.
Fare $245
&,y vour tickets from
Jos. Kids,
Agent. Godert. 1-
we would likei-tO wind oft
that we are prepared
annual gift se.'s.ari with
up-to-date stock of Alen's
This week we would like
to cell attentiu•4 Lo the full
line of
Gents' Gloves
.vJsiclr We ba els. During
this frosty weather an essen-
tial article of wear i- a paisut
Gloves, and what would he a
more sensible Christmas gift y
i RUMMY. Dwoli I ii y, 19O 7
Call early and make your selection.
We handle Stan'.eld'. Uns'trinkablc Unnerve... .r
111 druggists And dealers fide, lox or
poetpsid from the R. T. Booth Co.,
Fort Erie, Ont_ 1f yon derive no hen-
eflt your money will he i#f led.
Could we aey more ? gold and guar- by E. R. \Vigil', north side of
S quare.
Etc.. Etc.
I have rece:ved a :a:'oad
of tee celebrated
and should like you to see
them. We back the Gray
Cutter against any other
Cum'-jn the market.
Robett Wilson
Massey Harris Agency.
R!ght in the
That's where we are
'sleben you are talking
ab. .tat l:theories
are not all ver tising
specie) hagain., for our
prices are always at t•ock-
MitWtu Inc good.; of
quality. Try •1, for
Canned Goods
Butter and Eggs,
Et:., et:.. etc.
\Ve know we Can pie, ee you
Sturdy & Co.
LI )1 it-
1)p the S p/.tre Phone :4)
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
W. R. Pinder
''hone IJ:,.
111*Phones :
Store 'Phase b
--the most reliable and economical coal heater
on the market. Come4•in and look at ,our stock,
get our prices and decide for yourself.
We have a number of second-hand Heater-.
in stock now at greatly reduced prices.
Our stock of Gloves and Mitts was never
more complete. We have all grades from ioc to
Horse Blankets 1 •w open for inspection,
Prices ranging from $1.4. to $3.5o each.
Just arrived -a case of Foot Warmers --the
very thing•to keep you warm whil�driving. Don't
until they are :111 gone before'eoming to see °
1)r. Hess's Stock Food and Panacea atwa
on hand. This is the profitable time of the year
to feed it.
Snow Shovels 10e to 50e.
All kinds of Sporting Goods.
Hardware, Plumbing and Heating.
H,,,,, „_ CHAS. C. LEE