HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-8, Page 8a Turns')Ay, DEexMDSR 8, 1910
Canadians Taking a Prominent Part in
the Fight and Much Attention Paid
to Canadian Sentiment -- Lloyd
George's Commanding Position in
the Liberal Party.
ie+ptetal c'or eopondeoce ot The tlgoal.e
` London. November ;.f,tb.-Two ken-
eral elections its one year -an unpte-
rendented event, signifying the mo-
mentous issue at stake. one which will
not only alter the relations between
the three estates of the realm, but
must inevitably lead to further consti-
tutional changes in which the- over-
seas dominions may be deeply inter-
e,sted : such us the const itution of the
judicial committer of the Privy ('nu
oil an the final donut of appeal, for i
stance, and the,nature cif a reconsti-
tuted seeund chamber wehieh wiµiat
provide -in some toren for tee Fuipire
to he it -presented at Westwioste9,
The writer Is dnfortunat•ly old
enough to recollect the riots of I*Id
over the Returns Hill and: the tracing
down of Hyde Park railings near the
.IDnke of "Venin";ton a residence Aps-
ley House. which all Visitors'[. Lou•
don look upon as the lindwar k of
Hyde Park Corner. Mr. Hrece, the
Horne Secretory of the day in the
Derby -Disraeli Ministry. resigned in a
hpanic: the Hettirni Bill passel anti a
eated -general ' •eleection followed
whish led to the diseetablishulent of
The Iri.l► church. Still more suiting
and memorable elections .secs those
of IRs. and hoe, whirl" will be forcer'.
-gssoci,ttell with the names of Glad -
'done and Parnell in eonueetion web
that eternal iitiestion of home rule.
which is once more, tit the fore, al-
though nominally obaeured by the
mots- pritent war ere. the Peers vs.
the People, in the great constituenrie.
of England, Scotland :and Wakes
• In baster and Marr the writer hid the
pleasure of e'om raring the electioneer-
uig methods of the Dominion with
those of the \lotber Country : there,
great as was the excitement, it.'teemed
to him that a t -al and praiseworthy de-
sire existed on the pan of the- eleectotr
to hear what the candidates. on both
sidea had to say and to gauge thei
ability as exponents of the polieien
they advocated, by giving them a fair
hearing. •
Comrug (sick to England, hos first
experience of the altered ronditinns in
electoral warfare, brought about by
the last expansion of the franehise,
was the fierce fight waged hast Janu-
ary, culminating. like that of 1814 in
the home rule party- holding the bal-
ani of power and necessitating now •
as then -another speedy appeal to the
electorate. Old campaigners are
united in tbe opinion that the-.fanuary.
fight wase pretty bot, especially in
mach constituencies as Bethnal Green
in the east end of London and Batter-
sea in the south, where Canadian can-
didates were fighting on the losing
aide, or in that ',opulent' central Ism -
don constituency where the redoubt-
able "Joe" Martin created one of the
surprise, of the election by capturing
wbut was expected to he a safe Union-
ist Heat.
Lloyd George's Commanding Position.
This coming election. however,
promisees to he ten tirnen hotter and
the issues to be more crimplicated. On
the Ministerial side it spay he elated
that the hopes of the bulk of the party
for an adequate victory rest opsin the
personality of Mr. Lloyd George, who
huts risen to a cumtuanding position as
orator of the Liberal legions far more
rapidly tban did the greed Gladstone.
The fierce invective and pungent
humor of his attacks upon the Lords
and his support of a Socialist candi-
date in the opening speech of the Lon-
don campaign in AVhitecbapel have ral-
lied every element, of the Radical wing
of the old'(iladstonian Liberal party to
his Kanner, in fact he has in a her
briefer period than the great Liberal
statesman n t the seventies and
eighties made himself solid grid indis-
pensable to his party. The question
of the monient, indeed, is, will an
section of the Liberal party, which
has hitherto trusted in the caution of
Mr. Asquith and the ‘Vhiggism of Mir
Edward (trey to act as a brake upon
too rapid an advance in the direc
of what' is called "eircialiem • take
fright at the tele&e allianr , which
the redoubtable little % shnun is the
Thr eotlflden
reducing t
I.i lura
of the other side in
number of the itriigght,
d i.athe supporter,' of Mr.
A h rets greatly upon the alarm
ey believe Lloyd tleorge'. appetites
. j' have canned among the middle erases
--the tradesmen or shopkeepers with
small capital. Another • factor they
consider in their favor i= that the
Liberal-Lnhnt alliance polled a rico
united yore last .1itniritr•y, 'and ; a
• entailer pen and an older,- tegiater
they beliese the Iime -
lee yortble to them fo 1Ain election. The
her hope on wbichthey rely is that
again. its in 1 ,,-w. considerable num-
ber of l.ibeiil votes will be lost owing
to tbe'fcar that hetit.• 1111-, :is undo•
stolid by the Irinh•Atneriran type of
Boma ruler, in likely to become the
firer item on the .Ministerial program
when the 1. r(ls' veto is rendered
harmless. This sea tion refire' upon
the fact as stated in the' Statesman's
Year H..ok, page fi, and eojtied feel] a
Parliament:my return, that while
7.0110,teln electors in Greet Britnin only
return :e417 members to the Honse of
Commons, 111414,7S electors in Ie. -land
I 1411111 103 tuetulthre, The compare
vivo number of illit.erale voters is also
made touch of, me follows : T2:510
meats voters in Ireland 'sheer out of
I:Oi.1ef2 voters, while in England, Mco1
Land and Wales only 1.i1t4 illiterate
voters pellet' oat of a Intal VI t.• raid of
The point Miele b v I•i i.teist
speakers is that no meh,penetittit innal
changes as are proposed should be
made in a House of Commons which
dares not proportionately represent the
electorate and against the heats de-
cision of which a second chamber
is the only safeguard.- A. H. B.
Canadians in the Fight.
London, November 24th. As far as
Canada is concerned, the most import -
ant plume of the coming election is the
visit of the various Canadian I•peak'rt«
who will errtve in England shortly,
and whose arrangements were pub-
lished in ()snarls by the wriser, weeks
before the uat:ually welt -informed Tor-"
onto col respondent of The London
Times cabled the item to his; jour-
nal. Tbere are, of course, other fea-
tures of l anadian'intcreel.
The re-entry into English political
life of Mr. Maurer (1reenwood, K. C..,.
who was to contest a watt in London,
is one. Many requests have been
made to hila to contest constituencies
in various parts of the country, for he
is recognized as a fighter. Among
these are the City ofYork. his former
seal, and the division of Sunderland,
an old Liberal constituency, eepttireel
hy rhe tAt'ifT. irel'oru.et• and ev-Lilseral,
Mr. Salo Storey, at lhe.letet election.
Mr. Greenwood tell," me he dors not
want to go to the Provinces for elec-
tion, because the brief list of thinenow
eurce:sful barrister is growing ate'l:nge
shat he desires to stay in I.,ndon, but
party exigencies will exclude private
interest and it. will. be f 1 that he
will emeweit to centese Sunderland.
Bonar Law at Manchester.
Then there is the spectacular mud
daring action of another Canadian,
\Ir. ironer Law --with pet haps two ex-
ceptions the most brilliant tnan un the
Censere'-atiye side --in leaving his safe
sent at ih lwirh. which be e'ar'ed by
a I.urge nisiurity .it the last election.
and eauryuse the Tight for tariff re-
form into two citadel 01 free trade
Manchester. His speech in the ('ot -
Lonopolis ye .terday was a magnifier -tat
csli-t••-xi ale, and it is ieeoggnize%1 in
Fngl*Ail Ilia . after Mr. Balfour. the
s c' •t e
son M' ecu' Brun wk 111 bear i wh
Fortin( at rhe _tight .Mr. .Lis•ph Mar
tin'selteveh in 111..1%411 llllll which
he told hie Ie•adei Mr. Asquith that
there was no nerd to go to the
rouutry the question hail .been de-
rided .old in' .o d. ing maintained
that rbanae•let•Islle tinde•prndenre ""tarn
of leader and party which ked his
ps,litiral lite 11, Yamada, is also worth
not ing.-
All these are features of import -L
mare but the visit of Canadian pa•lia--`
mentaria lie tlruivat.es them all.
These mem who will elite England.
Me, tlaed and \\•Alco. and take an ac-
tive• iaail in the election, ere not seek-
eeking parliamentary honors: here ; 'they
are going to pre Bent to the English
Voter tate view. of a Liege Canadian
element. They will discuss the elec.
tion in its imperial's well as national
aspect : their remarks will be taken :1+
representative to a re -reset' extent of
what Causes thinks, of the big
st•uggle which is about to couunence.
Many issues Will be placed before
the electors : home rule, the reform of
the second 'chambers protection hid-
den under the name "tariff reform,"
the smatter of 'cowrie' consolidation :
but in each it is to he noted "bar Can-
edit ploys a hig part. if home rule is
mentioned, it is held by the one party
that Canada sympathizes with thin
netionlal aspiration of the Irish race ;
if the House of Lords be the theme, itis
stated that Canada would not tolerate
such an institution ; it tariff reform
is the subject, it is arguer" that thele is
a growing free trade party in tbe
Dominion and that Canada will dis-
approve of legal exactmenta which
way incteaee Lhe rest of food to the
puert•, and if the Imperial Federal idea
is quiaeed, the statement is made "bat
Canada deeply prizes its cherished
May Point to Imperial Federation,
iL is indicative of Canada's proud
position in !the Eremite that, discuss
an,ys phase of this many-sided subject,
yea' will Lind that Canadian opinion
is carefully consldel•1•de But the most
potent indication lies in the fact that
a body of Canadian ppu•liaraentarians
are now on the ocean, tit take part -in
the election in Old England. This, to
me, is"the most significant phase of
elm contest, for many think it may be
the first step on the road leading to an
Imperial Parliament ---when the voter
at .`sew Westminster, B. C., will have
as much elective power in matters im-
perial as .the English elector who
votes under the toll of Big Ben at
Westminster on the Thames itt rite
sbadow of the Mother of Parli-"Bents,
That Canadian opinion isdivided is
shown by the tact that in the late Par-
liament we saw mean of Canadian
birth sitting - 1 both sides or the
Speakers c r ; a condition very like-
ly to ire prated in the next Perlia -
e question of Canada's attitude on
preference will be the subject of con-
troversy by tstth parties: Liberals
will say that Canada's loyalty. ie too
real a think to be changed --that the
silken tie of sentiment cannotIs'
strengthened by the addition of any
mercenary li-nk, ('onservativet will
*chance the argument that eom-
mercinl rapprrichement must be put
forward as a (menace balance to t.ho,r•
co,ntuerrinl art tenet-tn.-nem-which they
think will interfere with and partially
destroy the benefit of the preference
wbirh Cannula has granted to Britain :
those treaties which the Dominion
has emieltided with Germany, Italy.
Belgium and .FIvenre, which in their
eye,' point the way to SOU further
trentim+-of-tttc aspire, among others
to reriprocits with the United Mt res.
of December 12, and .will be juined,at
Ottawa by stout three hundred repre-
sentatives from the le sateen Prov-
inces, principally Ontario.
Mr. R. MacKenzie, the r•epl•esente•
tive of the Western Grain ('rowers
Association, who is preparing the
itienIOFialn to present to Parlia-
ment, speaking with authority Mr
all agricultural organizatione, states
that among the recommendations
-to be made to the Government the
fainters will demand that the ter-
minal elevators at Port Arthur end
Fot•t' Will' he taken over and.con-
ducted al' it public utility. the present
system of p r i v ate ownership and
operation, it le alleged. constituting 0
natural monopoly which has proud
detrimental to the interest. of the
public, through the "nixing of inferior
grades of wit eat wit h the better
Mr. MacKenzie also stated that the
farmers would come out emphatically
for t h e Government construction,
ownership and operation of the pro-
posed Hudson's try Railway. They
would rather have no railway, he 'mid,
than one under the monopolies it tech
control Canada's three big transcon-
tinental systems.
Limited- Reciprocity Desired.
In regard to the I sri1f. Mr. Mac-
Kenzie says that a • demand wonid be
made for an immediate increase of the
preference en_ British gouda to fifty
per emit., with- a stated manner in-
crease until fres' trade with •Hritain is
obt lrinetl.
The farmer+ desired ne reeeiprucal
preference in r stun, he declares'. The
I'anaelimii farmer wanted only the con
lin►anre of the' open door for Can-
dia��► lercwluete. Ile demanded au in•
w•ftrase of the prererence for his own
goad, and a. n logical mei, toward free
trade as it is .in Britain.
The request will also be male for
1eciprocit% in natural -Products and
timber, and for (zee trade in •.gricul•
tura' implements with t h e United
States. ''hie, it is felt, would be
great loom to the Canadian- fanner,
lath as to buying and selling, na it
would eueble• him to get his iuutle-
Llents and farm etptipmeut cheaper,
and to Sell 11is wheel, for more, as farm
ere ;claim the -prices of wheat hi Min-
neapolis range from eight to ton cent«
per 'bushel more them the market
price in Winnipeg.
A general reduction will also be
asked in all customs duties and e•spe-
redly on woollens, cottons, sugar,
cement,' iron and feather Manufac-
Mr. Mackenzie slated the farmers
would suggest, as a means of supple-
menting the possible deetease in re-
venue which might ensue as a result
of the freer trade policy. the gradual
introduction of the taxation of the
values of coal, timber, mineral, agri-
cultural and urban lands. to absorb tor
public purposes a portion of the enor-
mous unearned inc' --lents, now en-
riching speculators.
The associated organization west of
the Great lakes now embrace s Men-
hership of thirty thousaee, esrulers.
It is a significant fact twat se, many
pbould unelelrteke an Aduous jou: Dry
ot one or two tbousatd miles, ctwtcq
them flfty thousand delhua, to plat e
the Government in possession of their
e irws.
Very Consoling.
Mr, Brown had gone up to the attic
and hanged himself. While the sor-
row of the widow was keenest, her
neighbor, Mrs. ,donee, came to comfort
her. Mrs. Jones, because of her repu-
tation for always Raying the wrong
thing. had secured the consent of her
own family to tuake the visit only on
her promise that she would talk about
subjects foreign to the cause of her
friend's grief. She commenced a fe
ground hy talking about the ether.
"Rather nice weather 're been
having. Mrs. Browo."
"Yes," said Mrs. Brewn; "hut it has
been too wetto our washing dry-."
"Oh, wells needn't worry aherut
that, M rown, as you have such a
leftist—tic to bang things in."
Ask Your Grocer
for Clark's Concentrated Soups, Cha-
teau Brand. Keep a few tins on hand
and you can quickly serve such'soup
as is made by the best hotel chefs.
Convenient and inexpensive. and on -
surpassed for quality and flavor.
Wm, Clark, Mfr., Montreal.
Doubtless you have heard sound .r•pro during in-
struments -perhaps you have had it in mind to
buy one -maybe you are uncertain which wake
'to buy -but
have you heard the
Edison Phonograph
play an Amberol Record7,
You can du this at the store of any Edition dealer.
When' you gi), mute the longer playing time of
Awberol Records (playing tet ice us long as the
Standarl,l':tiisuu Recurda.); note the Ambt.rol se-
lections,• not found on any utj r record ut' any
kidd; note, also the-l'epruducing point of the
Edison Phonograph that never wears out and
uceer needs changing; the motor, that rues as
silently and as e.enly as an eleectric tidier, 'arid
the special horn, so shaper) that it gather, eery
note or spoken word and brings it nut it ith start-
ling fidelity. It is these cuclua'e features, vital
to perfect work, that should claini yuur'atteutiou.
to $240.00
ppreciative lifts
t.b.on Standard Rec.
unb. tic. Ed8o11 Am
I.-rul arsine. (pIat
l s -ice as Ions), ek:
Kd,.ou Uran.I Opera
Nattasal Photograph. Ca, 100 L.kee..d. A..., Orn... N 1 . U S.A.
JAS. F. THOMSON. Goderich
«More bread
bread" --
We will send The Signal from noir• to i
Abe end of 1911, for ♦ -ns - - $1.00
Requests Which the Big Delegation
Will Submit to Government.
Winnipeg,. December 2.- Cont•su-e
to the impfeession which has gained
ground in some quarters that the
mammoth (Admen.' delegation which
knaves for Ottawa en I4ecemlrer 12 was
going to densnnd alr.olute reciprocity
with the United States in everything
mud that the Western people do not
care for the British tariff preference.
Which Sir Wilfrid l,am ser told them
on his recent \`e+tett lour wax an iuw
IlInyahle phurk in the (mei- nuteni s
platform, the delegation, which will
Is• n very representative eenr, and will
be joined at Ottawa by a delegation
alnmest as large from the Eastern Prov
inees, will demand from the powers
that be at the espied that the prefer-
ential tariff with the Motherland not
only stay its fearer as far as 1'anade is
concerned, htf.'that it bre increased to
fifty per cent. immediately, and even
more in tbe future.
The • ilelegal ion will neefther from
four hundred to six hundred, and will
I be drawn from an pats of the three -
IPrairie Provinces, They- will leave
Winnipeg by special train on the night
it out M
dollars . and
cents. If you
earn snake live teas
of coal last as long as
sic tons and with coal at
$6.00 :e ton, don't you rnaklt
$6,00 clear,Now the cast icon
r.ltlge illustrated will sate 20'b.of
your fuel when hard chid is burned, .lt
is fitted with that greatest of modern
stove intprovenlents the
t Pays
It is a device that is put on GurneyOxtord Stoves alone,
and in putting them out for your inspection we feel justly
proud of the choice we have made in selecting this line of
satisfaction giving stoves. Look them over on our floors.
Carpet Sweepers 1%1'n!amt ter I luau liirarll . t' u r p e•
liarep.•rs:• We have them at
$2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50 Ind $4.00.
Vacuum Carriers 00
A Regina .\':►emus ('leaner that
.weeps' easels wit hull[ $2 •
dust, and cleans perfectly Vl W
Christmas.- Flags11'e have4-{u'aty 160 of (:,hl- r
i'lags at small priors.
Kitchen Cabinets WPe are . showing aim except
- line of Kilrhen Cablmo,. as
$2.5.00 and $30.00. -
- Skatesf` -Skates! Tthe time ter the toys and girls Skates'
of 41 kinds at pikes to suit all pureed,
Hockey Sticks and Pucks. A large
-' stock just to hand.
Pocket and Pen Knives.
We are just as busy as we can be in getting goods in shape
jou. We have PO many things that you need, and our prices,
will find, are right, quality considered. We try to haveselwayh
best, and give entlf•e set election,
The Howell Hardware Co.
I.I \I I'l'l•; 11.
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offer, as The Family Herald and Weekly Star's repu-
tation would not allow any fake contest. Full par-
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