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The Signal, 1910-12-8, Page 7
THE SIGNAL, CODKUICII' ON1T %RIfO TeUUDAY, DBcilisII 8, 1910 1 %w� t•tke district T wecll� aL �t w urplbs the et -� aper is shout to he roxeter, Thomas Nash 'tor. The house of Mrs. JoMOS Bellan- tyne, Udwrne Wsrnrhip, wee the scene of la pleasant event on %%Woes - t da November 4, when her (laugh - John Kansford, of Clinton. ret urueti y• 0th Wet week from* six weeks' leeriness ter, Mies Margaret. was united in the Old Country. mairiege 1..0 \1'alt o Kereleke, of Hike trip t0 l bort H4•v. C. Fletcher, of Thames gr, and Mrs, John Ilrethauer, of Road, performed the cerc•mon)•. 11'roxeter, celeliratad the fortieth an- niversary of their stat ring. recently. While working un the Farmer's nw. has building at Dashwood, Hebert Maxwell, of'WiughFrank purchased it fruit fain at lamming-4Neet, the mason contractor. stepped tossed will louse to it in the spring. out a joist on the second story. which Broke and let hitt throughato the lire[ D, M, .Iermyo, the recently ap- poieted it( of brother o f.1. Jeruyn,rofeMorrie lown- vhip. Mi, Nettie Sproat, it( S4'xforth, has Weil toieti inl@b Cn. o neervuet to ue yoftl%lime. in that city. os. ""I L the isi death ltThome. attformer fain- ormer „, d Exeter. Hemorrhage of n•vnl. the how i waft the cause, lie•rhe lets and W. Palmer, of gnosis, have traded farms, the inner giving his Ino acres in Grey fur Ile. Palmer's faro( in Morris. John A. Wallace, of Griswold, ger„ a former t i reyite, is renewing „b1,ueiutances in that township. It U twenty -three ) ear, Ninre he went Wet t. The 1t Aterwurks system at Exeter • searing completion. The water tower has iteen finished anti when tested it was found to he working sat- isfactorily. Ir, M. ,lees)sw, of \Viarlun. has "en appoit.t'd sheriff nt Blame county. the position having been rade agent by the death of the late !Merit Parke. Miss Gertrude hart. of Hensall. tau tempted a position in n town in 1:s.t- rn (bit •. as choir lead.+ :104 Jo•- Kinist. Her duties commenced on December let. Mia Raker. of-Kingetou, has sw- ,lawl the position of iommerri teacher at the Clinton (loll iate i - me, rendered vacant by t t - igna- tien of Mia Fisher. .1ft ar being in pt health for mune titer 31rs. J. . nnah Reidy passed away at a ome in Egmondville on , November 213th. the was y -three years of age. -©e, Took, who bati bean fi practise log physician in Brussels for the last - - years, will remove shortly to Sel- kirk,' Hsldimand county, where he Iwo purchased a practice. An o1d resident of Ethel, in the per- orate!. er- 100of Elizabeth Fisher. relict of the Tate Dsbiel Eckneier, was called away on Monday. November :Nth. She was n her ei,rhty-fourth year. Ther, wue a small fire at Clinton haat Fridau night, "Wonderland." owned le A. Hailes, taking fire from some unknown cause. It was put out be - re touch damage was done. .flims Taylor, Windt. has-l�een'en- saw 1 as teacher in the primary de - moment of the public acbool at Ninghath, to take the place of Miss Hawkins, who recently resigned. 1.twrsnce Chisholm, the six -year - son of A. P. Chisholm, of -Welker- , formerly of The Wroxeter Planet. was opereted on recently for be removal of it decayed bone in his At Narputbet. on Prides. Novetr• le, ..th the death (occurt•ed of Miss' Ave. tl. Harvey. She was seventy learn of age and had beeu for some lute a sufferer from cancer. which as the cause of death. Dr...litho Gunn, brother of Dr. Gunn o(t'Iinlon, died last week at. his home t Allot Craig. where he had practised utedieine for thirty -flue yeats. This I the third death among the Gunn brothers in about it year. Mims Mabel Butt, of Centralia. who baa been nursing In a hu+pitttl at De- troit. is home recuperating from the Pifer( .4 of an operation which she had ashamed on her foot, when three• fractured bones vete removed. A happy event at l'entrelia on the "and ult. vent the solemnizins of the eddingof Miss Adeline Holt -nen to w4. Mellhargey, Rev. Father O'Neill �tleitited et the ceremony. which was I In St. Peter's church. After a severe illness of typhoid ver and pneumonia, Archie Kerr cNair, a Well-known young man of rey township, died in the hospital at orse Jaw on Sunday, November th. The remains were-- br.mght 4me fnr interment. 11q1 THE MARKETS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Higher-Livs"Stock- Latest Quotations. Monday Evening. -Dec- 5. Liverpool wheat futures clotted t cad' tad to %d higher than us Saturday; care %d to %d Mater. At Chicago. December wtket /•luded tee day lee hlghor than'on tfaturday; Dsoslb- bee corn es- higher, sand December 0 5 %e tower. Winnipeg Options. at wins/mem December wheat ...used tkc tower thea un Saturday, December usttl iso lower. Wheat -December iliftc, MAY %%e•, amt story, where he landed on another aline• joist which broke and let him into the outs-Ueoemtaer Wim. W?Sir Y 3c• cellar on to a brick wall. Ile es.•aped , Toronto drain Market. with a few bruises: 1t waw a lucky es wheat, bombe& to so to Ira Wheat, ruse, bosh 0 st Rye, bushed -... 0 R Parley, burbel .... .......... a M Due-kwbwt, Mabel ........ 0 45 Ftaaa, bush+' 0 7e Oats, bomber 0 gl cape from serious injut y. At the bonito of Mr. and alts. Jo- siah Hands, of Clinton, on Thursday evening, Noventlwr'211h, the marriage ; was solemnized of the youngest daughter of the host an 1 hooters, :11 ism Toronto Dairy Macke' Atosalehe, to Albert Furniss. The gutter, senorator. dairy. lb . 0 :a bridesmaid was Miss Lillie • May Blotter, pure lute .... u 1 Hands, the bride's sister. ('harlee Rutter, creamer). ib roil.' 0 $ Oliver,. cousin of thee bride, was Rutter, rrei i , minds .... 0.M groomswan. HWesleyMum ey T. Cosens less "_ a41r waw the, officiating clergyman. "Mr. l wid rwr.r. e n and al rm. Fits-nisei/ill reside in (`lin Huoeytsnnbr, ,.ti-. ave Um. t. lei livery. extra.ted, Ib ..... 0 10 Waters Commissioners for Clinton. ytowPre York Dairy Market. I next meeting of the town council 01 tomW4• W 2R: ma Clinton to provide for the election of V:: bd. .rsiumrY, two .water commissioners, who, with N`4.-- tq. ''r`stat" the Mayor, will conetitute the hoard. et- 1# '• t" �`' lui The -election will take place at the • n�i to r same trine as tbs. trufc: rieipal electionrri w - •du.. Barn Burned in Turnberry. ray A disastrous fire occurred on the r faun of Mrs. War. Wright. e( th gravel rata, '1`urnlwnrv, on Me evening. Novi•mlwr *nth. o'clock the barn orae flames, which, toge OW OP us 1014 •4l 3M an tooter- `Stem' -i-'. A bylaw will be submitted el he �ey,o,, 4150. ,- spe[Ws, 311r:,lra- w first, is esea'adto Du- rwood record W ops creamery. fust. make. lira. DMA yrtiAt., crane` nary, wais.A 1., 441- to Ake • to 47c. do.. do.,- fair le ed. white, rtra fleet rrrrlge- rtor- te fic: 1100'14 4.11 The st. The ty mut s oveled in r,with the see- ms ' replet•ly destroyed. saved with difficulty. to suppose(' to be the work of ntendiary.. Fingers Cut in Root Pulper. 'A painful accident .happened W Norman, the five-year-old son of "Mr. Mrs. Wm, Sanders, of the :Irl ession of Stephen, the other day. s elder brother was turning a root pulper in the barn when Norman attempted to dislodge a piece which was stuck. His hand came in contact with the knives, the first and second Engen being painfully cut. requiring the attention of a doctor. The Baro Was Saved. The driving house on the farm of J. Ste•kle, near Blake. was destroyed by fire one day last week. .1, spark ft an engine blew into the driving house and ignited some corn. Before it wa4 noticed the blaze had gained guilt headway that it was impossible to sale the building. Alt the for'ut im- plements with the exception of the tuower were de,troyed together with a adjoining hog -pen. - Thebar saved with difficulty. an r, N'nrd has been receiven at eterof he death of Charles O. Harris. at No- ,imb., Soak. I)el-easeti was well erose at Exeter, where he had lived ntil twelve years ago. His mother, r«, sir .ane Harris survives him rid resideu at Exeter. Rev. T. W. Covens officiated at a yuiet welding at the Outset* street Methotlist parsonage. Clinton, on Wednesday, November 30th. 1'h e root racting porkies were Mise Jean B. ie Campbell, of London, and Ernest ileweliffe. of nickel -smith. The marriage of Miss Eva M. Wheaton to \Vestey Thotupion. of 1(il'ley, took place very quietly at the home of the bride's sister. Airs. Mgr- Ift1). Madden, pine -Ritter, on Thtirs- r.iy, November - T7. M r. sod Mrs. )(Fh000r,Qofl wilireside at Ripley. The tintth of an old resident of T�lw�efamith in Lhe person of lames iekatti took glare on Friday. Mavens. ,l•er'L;th, nr his home on the rtth coo- re.cion. ile had reached the good oge of eighty-one )-ears and four months. and is survived hy one Carroll Knows at Exeter. Exeter Times : \A w. Ca roll. •who ii under arrest at Blin 1 Riker, for Lhe much -r of his comrade, Joseph'1'ailloit, in a lumber camp near that Obabe, i« wall known t. a number of Kzeter ppeeoople. H,, leas born at Saintsbury. Biddulph, two miles-vtutt of Centralia. and lived tbet•e the greater part. of his lite. He left there some years eg.. f parts unkliown. IL is stated thatroll was always eccentric/1nd tet one time spent a term iuDeath of Exeter Resident After being confined to the house fur nearly two months suffering from an atfection of the heart, Miss Mary Passmore passed away at her home in Exeter on the :Seth ult.. aged sixty- seven years. Deceased was a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Paestnore and was torn oo what is now known as the Coates. farm on th e std concession of Usborne, which farm was homesteaded by ler parents. In they moved to the Thames road and resided there until about, t wenty- seven years. ago, when she with her parents retired to Exeter. She is sur- vived by three brothers and five fis- t ers. Elierington-Quinton Nuptials. Ittghter, t eeditrnt-M,-ttnxbiet rhtrcb env re- opened on Sunday. November 27th. after having undengnne a thotough renovation. The event was fittingly celebrated M appropriate cervices ON Sunday and a fowl Napper and enter- tainment, nn the evening of the follow- ing 'I'uesde y. A pretty wedding wax solemnized in "it• Peter's church, Drysdale. on Thutsduiy, November 24th, when Miss " lieorgine (otriveum daughter of Mr. alta %Ire. Oliver Corriveau, teas united intnaringe to Fled Rohinett, of Okla- Iht.ma City. Mian Marie Ducharure, niece oft he bride, was bridesmaid and the groomsman's; duties were ler- nt (nod by Joe Corriveat. The young ample will reside at Oklahoma. s A pretty wedding took place at. the home of Win. Quinton, Centralia, on Wednesday, November :filth, when Ms daughter. Ellen Albertha, became the bride of Frederick A. Ellerington. of t sborne. The bride was attended hy her sister Margaret and her cotisid. Miss I.'xie Cousins, of Liman, aetid its flower girl. Master Donald Graham. another cousin, performed the dud ies of page. The groom was supported by Charles Monteith, of the Thames marl. The, trremnny was pet'fnrnied by 1). C. (1. W. Itacey• of Ktrkton,-in the presence of a large number of in- vited guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ellering- ton are away on a welding tip to Niagara Falls,,,Toronto, and other eastern points. On their return they will commence.. married life on the groom's floe farm near Lutnley. Mother --"See the little birdie on the wing." Mamie --"Oh, mamma, suppose his motor should atop 1" resetpts, and oearby. n.e do.. gathered. homier), brown. teary, gather•r41. brown, 4t« -good JM• W Sac. wnester'n, Jk to 44c. fresh eatberwd. Se to int•: es., nest. Jac to rater, spacial mark, fancy, in etget...tioc to' k; du, Orel. • sear.d. its.. W 3.c. 4lseene--SN.rad,: reosspta. 1.7tC. whole milk. `Seta. Ouati'tY. sto'cia to 17'4c. do., [envy, colored. fancy, write. 1144 to Wee' do... w 16c. do., (Jet. quality, tine, .currant rriake, fair. LSW:. c�aa. las to.11AW, nLlma.fc w Ih:. CATTLE StARKET$ United Stites Exchanges Strong -Hogs Unchangsd.r- N1t:W TORI(. Lr■ . S London patoisgstate American e.tUe west. at 1,2C 1 o,lPbepar lb., refrigerator beer at mot: to 1•e p4tr lb. Union Steck Veeds.TORONTO, Dee. b. -Receipt& of live stock at tate 'Union (Stock Yards were 147 carloads, consisting of 2549 cattle, t 4 hogs, 21A8 sheep and lambs 'Ind 23 calves 'EK- ' NOLE UND��EAR- �- THAT is the name, and below is the trademark. • you are to look for next time you buy underwear Your size in any garment with that trademark will fit perfectly, will outwear ordinary underwear, will not shrink. Yet you par - nothing nothing extra for this extra vain!) : and you get our Guarantee of " money back if you van fairly claim it." Mgtde at Paris in Canada, by P E N M AN S Limitct!. .e• 0�i A. P r 4t.ir -eA e!'4PlSiillKKABLEk.47 , sTrt Ingle oliday Goods L' It sl,,lst.t'elieve'that those+ who buy tee [" 1 lu'istmas gifts now will have a letter and w ,a,,.• choice stock to choset from than they will at • 1 the cleventit hour -whoa all the • hest gifts hese I,Cen Outman-Uui stock includes everything in EBONY MIRRORS? HAIRBRUSHES MILITARY BRUSHES MANICURE SETS PERFUMES, PINES CIGARS TOBACCO POUCHES, Etc. A nice lila of CHOCOLATES to fancy packages. 11. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South Side Square,•^� - -JI:1, - Godcrich. The Signal and Weekly Globe to Jan. Ist, 25c Your underwear that shrinks '• i little" iy a worse bargain than yotl think. Fur the merest , shrinkage chewsthous:andsof fluffy air cells through which sour tnkly should ventilate. And when itinteifercd - 7stt+r hetilth, your ' comfort suffer. state. halos W HAIR HEALTH. a Exporters. •Ilray1wr a Wilson bought 101 asport cat - 11e on order, ISA to 1300 obs- each, u 16.5.to t0.Js. This fire will be buyers of ex- port cattle next week. Butchers. The beet butchers' cattle were firm to lac higher than latst week, that Is a few picked Iota, good eouugh for the limas trade which noel up to ri per cwt.which wee higher than the bulk of the export cattle dd at. Prune picked lots of butt t - era void u Pr•. to li but we on1Y- heard $ rattle that brought 25 for botcher pureness, and they were bought by A1er- aader Levadt; toads of gaud. 16.40 to 16.70; medium. 16.10 to #a; common, r4 to P. wad two or three iota sold urder 14; COWLIP to 14.76 -sinners. 1475 to $750 toelters and Feeder's. lin 4k ('n. red Ore Wad of shert- keep feeders. L i) Ila. each, at 16.5.. (loon straight feeders said from 14.75 to 1625; aenw•tere. N to 14.60. Milkers and SpringersThe htgtawt price paid to-do w•a.. 515. whit. was for t colic that would have brought 510 not long ago, which shows that the keen edge Ls somewhat off, on the milker and springer :ractet to -der. Fred Rownter boeght all on sale at *40 40 *455yid only two brought the tattier Veal Calves. Deliveries were light uaty :5. and these sold at filo priors, hoar ELIO to IR, and two or three ,ztra gtsltty sold at Pb0. Sheep artd Lambs. Tose was. a serious break on the sheep and lamb market to -day, as will h seen by the quutatbos given and toe various sales made by' tote eommario1 wtie(4mera. Whey [twat Quoted streep, ewer, at N to 34.0, ratan, is to 51.. i. Iambs, If..11 to 16.q- Hcgs.W. 1. Join ston, buyer for Gamna. quot- ed hoes Pe per cwt. lower. as follows: Meiecta, fed and watered. at the mar 1(76 and 1[40 to drovers for hogs. Lab., a.rs ax eamtry points.``- Montreal Litre,>saarr..M(N7TP.F.AL. Deo. 6-- (8pedal.)`-At the lsootr•sal Stock Tardy Wet Find Market retsdpts last week were ?;MYI oatUesheep and lamb.:, 150) togs arta Pe calves. Supplies' thin mer9/n,J were 1400 tattle. 400 Mien and tombs, (240 hogs and DO ca1ves. (Utile prices show art advance of 10c pre cwt., stnnewt,t a surprise to the trade', ave uffMnea were even larger than lest work, MHwtthat.tnding (ewer receipts of northwest ryuttitters. There wan a good demand from local buyers On account cot favorable weather. A few picked steers Teat Staufirld's l'nshriukable l'nderwear as st- ert-ly as you will: it can't posaibly shrink. !tee:time vigorous laundry tests must prove the effectiveness of our secret unshrinklble process on every single garment before it is allowed to les s the factor'.Thus is our " Money-back-if-it-sbri.1ket'guarantee made possible. Will stand the aeverest tub test:` t 1f You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer. '1Ve could not afford to so strongly endorse Retell "(K3" }lair Tonic and continue to still it Se we do, if it did not do all we claitn IL will. Should our enthusiasm curry us away, and Rexall 'VI" Hair Tonic aoi: give eels -re eatiefaction to the user., they would In, faith in us and our .fete- nrente, Ind in consequence our bind - nem prestige would «utter. We assure you that if your hair N beginning to unnaturally fall out or If you have any scalp trouble, Rexall "1*3" Hair Tonic will promptly eradi- citte dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature haldnp-.4 Our faith in Rexall '1(3' Hair Tonic 3f.10 to h ere, good to ohotea, hews. M.S IN 140 strong that we oak yon to try it to ELM. pigs, Wm to p.M, batt cot sans. on our positive guarantee thin your as to r m. money will he cheerfully refunded if it moor and Ia,"1+r-•-R00040s, ane0. mat- doesskst not do as we claim. Two sizes, subillit to 54.16.oativ.a, yaQet11.� 20 to 11. , 5o elle. and *Ism Sold only at bolt• store sines,, fayre. stat to 4115 toteems. Mit -The Rexall Stere. it. C. Ihilltop, ' lilrtlNrA south tido of Square. I ► ••"� AMY LW TANFIELI5 thorkwaarce. UNDERWEAR Made both for women and for men in perfectly fitting sizes. Twenty-enediferentweightsaedi *itiea: from warm, heavy ribbed garments particularly suitable for outdoor worker to the soft, finely Metered nnderw•ear so soothing to sensitive skins. Your local dealer sells Stanfeld's 1 nshrinkable Uadetwear. Catalog on request. STANFIELDS LIMITED. - - - TRURO, N S. "TEL ee to Stock and Poultry Raisers We will s- d, absolutely free, on the common diseaiiesiof horses, colts a mare so that they At a cost of only two-thl n day per Animal. Ito% Specific 'mikes each tent. more. 'You or e asking, postpaid, one of our large thirty -two-page booklets and poultry. Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light ch cows, calves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry ay just as well in winter as in summer. No farmer should be without it. ofevieerind h .,v. And it builds up - the health I'urple Stock end res lel-inif• former plumpness and vigor imal worth 25 .par of tun -d. n dock,. in little or no Ouse.° 'T very 'heard of any other Spee : (Mintier is S Lock Foody.,-- doing likewise. Properly olid � � Gag indigestion or 1o.tng flesh. Boyd Purple will permarlomr,- cure the . Ilut,.- Colic, Worms. Itiseas,•s and lehility, and roomer.- run - down Animals to plumpness anti vigor. - One r,Ocent Parka of 1:,,,.,1 I'urpl,• It Will" increase, the milk -011d three to will lent on,. .1nu.il - d..ys. 'ILa her pound* per cow • day inside of from Gcurea a little.over two-thirds of a r.•ut tan to three woke. It•makee the milk, i •r day, -._._-- richer than Aver before. - Noel "Stock. Food.•' In f,41-c.•nf I'urk- >tlt-ASDREIV w ifflniCR, M Waimlett, ag,•n- ;pet -hut :.e '6,�;s, ; and ar.- 4n'rn d best time to use this f on - 11 11 dig•^is the hard' food it t -nts the animals get - 50 mer cent. Cheaper tint., gays: '•'Phis is to certify that , l throe aim• s _a ay. - , have tried your Royal Purple Stork Hut Royal 1•urpte Specific is given only v pecifk for two weeks, on one row. 110 enc.• a day, and tests a t. per rent. tong's. We tntli- I. weighed, her milk as 17 ori $1.7.0 Pad. containing, four tine... soil to hitt, sows,. bat the bulk in ,holo.eboe pounds. I policed a change aitrr 5 or jh;; amount uf. I4e'Lo-ckuge .•rit 1'.u•, lents ▪ Iwo. ,• tone at wee W 16.7'.,• - good at tt ,Luys, as there leas an rttrn Weight d.iy,.) 1425 to P-ur, fairly good at 1175 to 15. fair milk. Ute the 29th. 1 carefully weighed ',;,r, you set., it i.; ..01y n. -.,--nary (0 give at 54.26 to e4 -t& and common at 1550 ton. s the milk, and she - gave. 22 pounds:; Roynl purplepte•IIlC'rn. eech dap! 9W' t.pfair.with rood demand ..v Wer. t .moth err (giving un twaar--Jue_-3_ luipSutm . as I fear Isa•-k ors std Cllr rumor price for .tea think 4,3 m�•Li.n: a ash An' 1 ded aoptIota www 17-11,per owl., weighed consider it the !nest i have-pver used." , h off tars There Is still a reeling that 1. wort 27. p.•r ,int. n\J't' gl'1 .'.w1 1! ltat price w411 come lower. owing to recent "Mtc.ck Fond" wl1LttM do this. itecause - p411 that in. un to you, Mr. Stock Owner I weaklier, in foreign rtastieeto for bacon "Stock Food': ar nothing more or 1.•n« J and supptieaq In the ere [Arne. The than a mistime of the very thine. which use of the market for and IamM WWI etr•onger and prices for the former yon• yourself. grOt�q your owh show an 'termite of 25e and the lata 100 It is not more food your Animals need. 1" 260 p.' cwt, ave compared with a week They must have something to help their ago. The demand waw peal with Sales of 1 she( -p :u $4.Mto 54.10 bodies and Iambs at 1a.35 get all the nouriahment from the to $6.2. I)errrand for calves was goad and food they -are getting-. So that they will offerhtg7 Small. Priors were ietnngt at fatten, end. Stay fat, all the year 'round. Ale* per 7e for choir* stock and at toye` to Theysomethingto prevent disease, b lb. for good live weight. need p New York Live Stock. to cure disease, and it. keep them In the N51W Y4.lR.K. bac. 5. -Beeves ---Receipts, bast of health, all the time. 3111115; steers steady to lee higher: bulla and ems' steady; steers, V to (1.M. bullet, 13.40 to 115.; rows, JUL to 1140: tall -cords, ii (7tvree-Hecelpls, 110; 'reale steady to iso highs. western , .wady : veal.. $7 to 111; cora. 14.60 to M -W: western. 14.30 to 17; barnyard and fed tares. 14 to R Sheep and Lambe-Rerwlptw, 12,710, sheep steady. at 37.4) to $4.40: culls, $2 to FLS; Ninths 10c to 15e lower, at 15.25 to IafA. culla. 1110 to L. yearllaga. 141.0 W 16- Hngs-- Rerebte, 13.4n0, market stead y to strong. at 37.5. to p. Chicago Live Stock. CHICAtlt. Dee. 1. -Cattle- Receipt-., 32,• woo; market slow and weak. beeves, 14-Y to 31.40; Teas wooers, 34.15 to 16.40. west- ern ,teens µ.10 to M., stocker' and feeders. I3.5 ter µ.70, sows and heifers, 12-110 to N.M. ealwe t. R to m. Heyes- ftereinla, =ono, 6r to lee higher Mier titnrlay; light- 31.10 to 3iho, !nisei. 17.16 to r M. heavy, 57.10 to 37.66, roughs Not • Stock Food Royal Purple la not a "Stack Food," nor a "medicine." 1l is • Conditioner. It does not Contain (Irate, nor term - products. Nor .does It contain "Dope," or any otherF telethons Ingredient. Uoval Purple dot slat, merely temporarily bloat or )l111t1F and strengthens it, permanent i0on 54thsr Rp.eiest known adds Mesh so quickly astftn i1 Purple. i1 makes a-Aeraks-old Calves as Targe as moll. nosey -fel (•etven ar" at 10 Rny'01 Torp!.' makes ns1 tecta thin Animals flit It n,alses the hens lay.F:g3s in winter as well as in the Summer. MILS. W1i. BU IISIIAM, Sanford. Ont., nnyn: "Lear stirs,-'1'11is is to certify that 1 hn,n used two boxes of your Poultry Mpet•ilie fur my hens- They laid no well while feeding it to then,, 1 wen -- tiered, if you would mind sending 'mt. word how or where I could get same this a inter. I bought it from your agent. hest 'winter. I had :12 hens, and wont., days 1 tart two dozen tome a day in February and March, while (ceding thew the Specific." Itnyal Purple Poultry- Specific prevents Fowls losing hest at moulting time, and 1s7-mnn.•ntly euro, every poultry diSeita,•. 11 makes their pl Oe bright and keepi . them always in prim: condition. It make* your Poultry worth more .then they could ever 1m without it. Yet one rot -cent I',ackage will last. 25, Ilene 70 days. fnr a 11 MI fall will do 23 liens 2Ma days. This Is four tlmee --score mate3tlsl at only three times the 'cost.. al Pa STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS 'Royal rtitt le creates an appetite for fried, and helps natt,• to digest and turn Make This 1 CSt. it into flesh and inuscle.. _ Every mon.. of Itnyal Purple Sleek and As a Ilog fattener. Royal, Purple hes +oultry specific is guaranteed. n0 ogoal Never Off Feed want equal, w'lo prove that Royal 1'tlrple has no et you to make this test : Tan McEwen, the horsemen, "says : Feed Royal Purple to any one of your '•1 list,. used linyal Purple Stock Animals for four weeks. And at th.' Specific persistently an feeding 'The Eel,' ARM. (nue feed any other preparation to 2.02i, largest ginner of any p0t-er on any other Animal in the same condition. Tfrand (-nru,t. in 7uVA and Mt., 'l315-- - 'llenry hinters.' 2.In}tr brother of 'Allen If Royal Purple does not prove to yen, by actual 'tesults, (huti1 is the Milken in inns; • hest ynu ever used, we'll return your pinters.' w• inner of 14:114,1 144 in trot( ing -These horses have never 'teen Off their fr•d mince i started rasing Itoyal Purple Specific. hfic. '1 will always have It In my etatisa., \ our Cough Powder works Ilkr wat{lc.':, money. And we'll ask no gtw.tinns-make no excuses. 1 ou will be the Judge - not us. This Is an honest-' fe.t. Isn't 0 ' pan � Ci sat via t•' make 11 t.' -'so,' we knew OT... POl1i>lfy (0.t ItOy111 Purple la 40' Mat Cnndlttnner s..---- l► . Revel 1'nr1`l. t'oolgtr., Steelfk la our on a market nth.. Sperte• It is fnr''Ylialtvy-.nJ If yea srr, ant. .")34504, after tenni for stork. ' it, you don't low anything, do you 1 Centralia, Ont.. Feb. 7. '10. Th.. %.,A. Jenkins Mfg. (2n., London. Ont.: Oenth•mea.-pe have been using Royal Purple Poultry and Stock Specific for the last three woke, and must say that re - suits are remarkable. Am feeling the stock $pontic to two milking cows, and they have increased ao per cent. In their milk. The Poultry result~ are even mors marked than this. Ste have about 114) h.•rgs, laying age. W'h••n we commoner11 • feedlny, we were getting dive and els eggs a day, and in the• last five days the Same flock of hens laid 1.70 eggs, almost an average of 31 each day, and those five day's have, Leon the coldest this winter. )1•4,11 can see results plainly in two or these days atter the use o1 "Royal Pur- ple," end the poultry have the eases hustle and appearance now aain the sum- mer time. With cows and poultry, ate using exactly the sane f.c4 and care as • before starting to feed "Royal 'Purple." Nhen farmers and stockmen get a-- . quainted with Royal Purple, it will have • greater demand than ail other tonics ■ 0d stock foods on the market combined. Yours truly, ANDREW WICKS. Aug. 28. 1010. W. A. Jehkine Mfg. Co.. London, Ont.: Oentlemeu,-Last Fall we had la. our stables a young mare belonging to Miss t'louston, of Montreal. We could not Med her my bran on account of causing violent scouring, consequently causing her, to (become weak and thin. - tie ceat- tmrnced using your Royal Purple Stoat Specific. and the - results' were wonderful. Atter using it three weeks, we -found we could heed the animal bran or any other neft feed without scouring her, and she actually took on In this time twenty -Ove 5 ,004 a0f 0.•stt, 5o working her at 10.. same time through the hunt. I can heartily recommend your stock Specific. TOM SMITH. Trainer fah the Lion. Adam Beck. W.• also manufacture : Royal Purple Lice `itler novel Purple 0411 Cure 2:.e. 25c. Royal Purple sweat Liniment Sec. 1,. tc . Our Cough (aur.. will cure any ordinary rough in four days, and will break up and cure distemper 1n ten to tWttve days. 1/ your dealer cannot supply' you with one Royal l'tirphe nand., we will elspply you upoe receipt of $1.:.O a tan,' Pre peld, tor- either- poultry or stock. or N you wast .-eey LIslsest, Ga11 Cent or Cough Powder, we will toad It by flash. postpaid. upon receipt of pales 110y111 i•urple tough 4•ure W. A. JEONTKIN M MF`G?. C0714.1,ICKV, J vOATDONT, ON'L'AI/RIO Royal Purple and Poultry Specifics and free hooklets can be obtained from A. J. COOPER, Flour and Feed, Goderich