HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-8, Page 44 Tu etcher. 11Kcjeffe$H $, 1910 f.
district News.
TesleUAY, Dec. ttth.
Noeue.--Lorne Moffatt has come
'Lome frow Bahi ti, where he had a
good {oeitioo as engineer on the C. P.
K. He and Mrs. Moffett•sod children
Are now the guests of his father. John
Moffatt \Ire. Mew. of t3enmillei,
visited among her many friends here
!suit week .... Norman Jones began
this week a course in Clinton Business
College. This makes the fifth going
to this college from this section
this fall. We wish them all sUecce{•sns.
The Methoeists purpose holding
- their Christmas tree entertainment on
Mummy. Dec. 5th. ..
A debate whtcb proutbiee to be inter•
eating will take place. at Laurier un
Tuesday evening, December 13. The
subject is in reference to "bilingual
reboots." and those wbo are expected
to take part are H. McLeao, F. 1). Me -
Lougee', I). 11cLeau and Chas.
Hitters.- Mrs. Dan S. McDonald, ot
Huiou. spent a few days last week at
her father's, John Armstrong's
Alex. Hi 'Iton's repltetion 1.r a sk
ful hunter is growing fust,
Thursday evening, the -}Ind inst. The. week he shot two fuxrs; .', OX un
Presbyterrians intend bolding one ales,. each of two days in s ession, aid
bis without the es = .. duce of a dog.
WCKNOW. • ....\Ire. Jae pbb has - been con-
Hned to a room during the last
a set -rte at nek re lumbago,
' Rt:rt•RQE0 atITtt His Sema:.- Wil- week
liatu McKenzie. Lucknow'r well I %e'r-hope for a speedy recovery trues
known horse-buyere returned' la. -this painlltt trouble . ..ltev. end
Helens, were
n r . f t �
week from Brieieh l'ulumhit, be
)lro. S.H. M _ e .
•s bride with him. Mrs. M enzie regent et the services in Ashfield
Presbyterian chgrch last Sunday
"O cheerily is heard at break of day
r J'ung of our Jdr rtu.d itan.
en the Nuttily removed Aird".he tbcute of all bi• merry Icy.
eat. The'. twirl tog took place. 1- a charming •nigheana bnsan.' •
e renitence of the bride's parents. Tile L.o H.ttsII LiNE OF DEFENCE.- -
in Vencouver;in November Stith. \Vheth.•r it is on Account of the "liet-
.AM.yTEI a twee/tellers et KIN- nh'n.ireril, .r the •'yellow" petit," or
"cARUixe.: The l,•tcinow ':Drafteetie whet err trey' et,ute talent tear that
.Co+npeny weed to Kincardine on the -1 vele Sant may shp ,louse the lake.
35th tilt. end pres.•hted the play. '•The land up the boundary, under cover of
was formtte
formerly Miss A' ater.on,
Cerrito/nem. a
daughter of A. . rriterecnt. She was
a resident of 41icknnw until a few
years Ag
Stolen Diamonds' in aid of the Kin-
li sardine genet al tempest, Ncorirlg a
greet success. The Opera Hostas was
packed. and after deducting expenses
about (tee remaiys to the credit of the
hospitII. The Kineardine paper,
speak very highly of the pet for•meuce:
WEh .i sIlAY, Dec. 7th.
Miss Roby Young Wil ni (itderieh
Alf. ltollineu returned from ljode-
riee on Saturday.
Allister \Tann wee home from the
G. C. 1. last week.
Miss' Hahnah Mole was hie frOni
Seaforth fiow Friday tjjj- Siesday.
at toy;. but one thing is sure. and that
le.cheleh is taking; all pt•eceutious
net. to he sensed unawares. For lure
rifle club is peter wing every Sauna/4y
at the butte -and the' members have
recently secured the caboose used by
'\'bus. Sandy in his cement construc-
tion work, and hoe.• stationed it on
the filing eine. and installed in it it
gasoline heater. They can now, cote
leniently and coutte'tebly during' Lb.
cold winter, fire tht•ough the op-rf
door, and hit -or milts -the tat•gt t
Dotibt less aft et• a time Thr ()lobe and
This Signal will be on tile (our club is
"Gritty"). to he read by the members
-Waiting their turn-, wish one or two
c.•piew of The London 1 tree Press for
the consolation of a few who are yet
in gross •Ierkaess.
Mies May Ferquan visited Wing: A lei.u'RislhINei CoettREIi.eTH1N.-
laid friends on :\bride• laid Twee -lay . Communion services wereheld in the
Mr. and Mie..%Vu1. Mole, of Dun- Aehfi.dd I'rrebyteri*n church last
gannun, visited :he i'ormrr's parents Sunday. The utetnhrt•ehip of- the con-
bere on Sunday. • gregation was increased I.y forty new
Ralph Munro wen haws tiler Sep.tneeubers, an unesurlly large number
day. He it taking up' high school for s rut -sI cengregetion. This in -
work at Blyth, crease war doubtless due. in a large
Mrs. Geo. Denrtedt was celled away • measure. to the ep-cial meetings held
for three weeks prrviuwiy in the
on Saturday uu n count ..( the dinette cburch, at which the young people
of her sister urns Stratford. " were aroused to -their responsibilities
We ate eorry to hate to report the in this matter. A large attendance
continued illness of Mr. ,!.add; but was present at both services on Sun -
hope that hie health way improve day. which were conducted by the
speedily. pastor, Rey. J. S. Hardie. The cou-
A number of the y.,rrng people en- eluding service was held today IMon-
io'.ed their first skate of the season on day 1, at which Rev. 1). A. McLean,
Plaetzer's pond on Saturday evening, of Ripley. preached a vigorous settuou
The ice was fairly good. in which he in true orthodox style
Edna Raithby hes been ill with strongly .attacked modern. -higher
jaundice for aurae time. Ws are criticism," especially that of the so -
pleased to report that she was able to called 'destructive" kind, and gree it
st=et to school again on Monday.
Don't forget the bazaar to be held'in
the Temperance Hall Friday night
under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid
of Knox church. Refreshments will
be served.
Emil Badke left on Thursday, ,after
visiting two weeks with bis parents
here. to visit friend. at Brantford and
Berlin before returning Lo hie work in
the Bank at North Bay.
Rev. R. A. Miller's subject for next
Sunday morning is 'The Unpardon-
able in. eh. Miller's discourses
stimulate thought and are much ap-
preciated by his congregations.
Rev. R..1. Miller. and Mrs. Miller
have been visiting friends near' their
old homes in the vicinity ..f Varna
this Week. Mr. `Miller gave an ad-
dress et a tea -meeting in the eletbo-
dist:chtrrch there on Monday night.
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 7th.
Mr. and Mrs. George Willard 1.i.
rived here last Tu.wdsy. ' Mr. Willard
has been in the Western States and
British Columbia during the Inst nine
The sleighing has made things quite
lively. Large quantities of grain
have hett taken in at the elevatur et
the station dining the past week.
Logs ate heginniug to come in at.
the sawmills : both • of them are gee
tine quite a large number for this
seaeon of the year.
Things are beginning to look like
business at the new rounds Ieur-
,hared by tit..ltahk. The brick.' are
all on the grounds, and scene of the
lumber is three • also.
The cold weather has me sto.ped
the work on the telephone lines.
week th.• poles on the l'olbot•tt
cipait line hay's• beet- plat
tion to the bridge at
Guelph show 1
week. it leo
a1.e those
I the rage this
e easier to enuner-
t have stayed at home
who have gone, as nearly
ne is &wee,
George �,etflp has purchased a gas-
oline engine for his furniture shop.
Rev. N. Shaw, of Fgmondville,
was in the village last Tuesday.
George Y ounghlut shipped hogs
free) here Wednesday morning. He
intends shipping a carload of cattle on
The farmers of this vicinity are be-
ginning to believe in tbe co-operative
Ise, They received ieuseload of salt
Fast Tuesday.
MONDAY. Dec. 5th,
Domes OY •rHE \VltHu,-Among
those (tom here who ere attending the
fat stock show held at Guelph this
week are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell,
Maitland Henry, Will Fgthergill and
John (Scott Miss Lillian Clark
spent Saturday and Sunday visiting
her friends, Mr. and Mir. J.H. Met in -
tem of Godericb,.•...The Misses \'ruin
.f Darlow, visited their sister,
James Redmond. one day las�
The beef ring held it, anodal business
meeting on Naturd •h(rt.
.�.LI,I[OOw, has Ora -.ed K
vhdtln outside
y,rtuta and will henceforth give hl.. entire
attention to the home oltlo& Lueknow, where
he wilt be found every day. All modern meth-
W I,unaanuuo for The 8igualisat the tort•
attires Root and dtatlonery Store, where
orders wW to received for subscription,. ad•
vertleing and job work, sod receipts wul be
Karen no am isiita oatd fur the rause.
WEUNKSDAY. Dec. 7th.
Attie Roach, ot lioderich, visited his
frit lids in Dungannon Sunday.
Miss Rete Worrell. of lioderich, vis-
ited Miss Elva Johnston over Sunday.
Rev. L. liertlett has brbught hu
gasoline lauuctl beck frow the lake
tar tbe winter.
We are glad to see Mrs. J. Stone-
house out again- after eel; recent ill-
Miry Gladys McLean, of "(iodericb,
its t„frn vis t'n grandparents.
t uu K bm'Kra Parents.
Mr. and Mrs. %Veyaed.
E. S. Mitchell, of the local branch of
the Stirling Bank, arid bit Tiriie ar-
rived in the village last Saturday
night. We welcome Miss Mitchell to
our village.
Mister Elva Johnston. Cora Allen,
Pearl McKenzie, Ethel Gleno, Vete
leurnie. Ethel Case, Janie Stuth_-1
er•s, Lerne Young, (ho. Case anrS
!toy 1, ld, G. C. 1. etudeuta- frow
hung&• ein,. spent Suilitay at their
respect...; homes here.
g• •CHWs•! NI ye Fti8'FIYITIES. -Don' t for-
get. 1.11.1 entertainweute to be held this
l:uristwas season -St. Paula bunuay
reboot uu Dt•cetut,•"r 1LV:d; hrskiue •
Suuday school ou tJhrtntwas nigut,
Decewoer 20th ; eleth.elist Sunday
school on New Visaed night, Jeuuaty
and. 1911.
this Uhrlsunas by rending them a card.
aur selection 1s great ici variety and price..
Maas this your ..tore for your Christina.
grocertei. candies. fruit. o1Rw+..ate. We .an
serve you as weal as the town merchant.. We
buy from the same wuofeaalersat they do.
Try us and °oav(uee yourself. All kinds of
pr=�duce acid fowl bo. bt at, highest marks
pekes.. L. FI )RSYTH; Kingsbridge.
Tye:pee. Dec. 8tli.
Bit'Ht.•e. --Miss Lizzie Kearney vis•
heti friends in this vicinity lately....
We are pleased to state that Joseph
Boyle is recovering after his attack of
blood -poisoning John Beadle,
who held an auction sale lately and
sold off his farm stock and Imple-
ments, hats returned to the Wert and
Wm. Miller is now on hie farm
as his firm belief that the woi Id was Arch. Martin ,returned last week
created exactly as it was described in . a three months' tour of the %
the book of t)enesis. lir hal i that ,tit -s, Neo. Brophy its vis g friends
nto Mr.
ster-in-law, Mite
e tfie, called un
s vicinity 'lastldweek....
nox and Mr. Sprung, of
min, passed through here ou butt=
play en 'flute to Belfast to visit friends
there Awing t hose testing in rho
Guelph fat stock show Ibis week are :
Wus. and Uriah Thomppsson and Rob-
ert and Wit_ Meson McAtlirwr
Cameron Jefferson bas returned from
the West looking hale and hearty.
man is hound either to accept the et Albion, Dear•
whole Bible as (wing true arid the in- tlardisty and
spired word of God. nr to accept no Woodcock,
part of it at all, and that it wits a fact friends i ,
which cquld not he get, ever that
Jesus and. his apostles evidently re-
garded the books of the Old Tea .me
as not cint&inint anything myebreal,
legendery or fahul•u.s, and eluded
by staying test young per, should he
taught at a v . y -r1. age the dili-
gent study of the, t ,1 •, so that when
they go away from home they tray
not be led away by the various "lana'
and thereby be ruined. If Jewish
methods of solving geological,*nth.
ropological or etheologicat problems
as described in the book of :Genesis
are anyway nearly correct (methods
which are filly Accepted by the good
man who presides over Huron Presby-
terian church,, ehen it would follow
Hutt a tattiest.revision of our standard
text -books on geology and kindred
sciences. should be undertaken, as the
youth of our land imbibe views from
those books in our schools and col-
icges which are somewhat at variance
Ito put it very softly) from the views
held by the Hebrews on such matters.
But science has a dreadful way of
going ahead, passionless, cold an
stern. sometjntes celnlly tram
over our most cherished con ions,
and *horrid manner of no ying the
tenet attention to ou • 'Ronnie. and
probehly, at tin dogmatic asser-
erary excellence and artistic. beauty
the Christmas number of The Cana-
dian Magazine is a fine achievement.
ROMP of the best Canadian writers
and artists are represented. There
are short stories by Marjorie L. U.
Plcktball, Rtibert Barr, Theodore
Roberts, Peter McArthur, Frederick
C. Curry, A. A. White, Katherine
Hale, and Jean Bletwctt ; articles by
Ooldwin Sbrklt, Newton MacTavish,
W. R. Wallace, Hoy. George E.
Foster, and Batelle M. Kerr ; poetry
by John Boyd, Arthur Attinger,
Visna Bossed, Isabel Ecclestone Mac-
Kay, sad George llerbert Clarke.
Tb. illustrations are by J. W. Beatty.
C. W. Jlhuil. M. Kerr, Jack
Hams. McLaren. Hiles Castes,
TUENUAY• Dec. lith.
orrieos•-Wedding b.ellsare ridg-
ing loud and cher in our little burg.
Notwithstanding the inclement
weather the West Shore Electric Rail-
way is making wonderful progress
under the superintendency of Mr.
Green For fresh groceries try the
White House. Highest prices paid
kir poultty and produce. Our new
merchant solicits customers to come
and select their Christmas gifts, as he
pas jure the Foods to gladden the
heart, at netting prices The
sleighing is good and we are all taking
advantage of it The L. O. L. of
this place are repairing and recob-
structing their hall.
Campbell arrived home from Toronto
last week Mrs. Chas. Boyd is vis-
iting friends in Lochalsh Misses
Cora and Myrtle Gihson, of Under-
wn.,d, are visiting in the vicinity
Goderich Ws are sorry to report
that Hugh Ferguson is forced to re-
tuain confined to the house with a sore
foot. We hope for his speedy recov-
Deafness Cannot be Cued
hT local applie.0 us they cannot resell the
d4s.ertd poetise of Um ear. There is only ene
way to pure deattws. and that 1s hy censutn-
tlonal remedies Dsafnewn Unsuited by an In -
named condition of the mucoua lining Of t.h
Rustwchtan tubs. When this tube le Inflamed
you haus • tumbling mend or Imperfect bear-
ing, sad when It ie entirely stored deafness. Is
the result, and unless the 1nn.m,natlen Can be
token out and rya tube restm ed is Its normal
condition, bearing will be d,•.. roysd forever
nine eases out et tan ars CausM /1r Worth,
which l. nounutt bet an Inflamed a ntlitlee of
the mneera aarh,•ea
We will give one htrsdred dell.,, ter any
agar of deahsou Naused bi oatsnhl test _eaa-
not be eorod H sees
Mrs. Sam Gray s visiting friends in
FLUDEn.-Last Saturday was the close
of the shooting contest. There was a
large crowd present. each one very
anxious to know the results. The
prizes were won by the following
members: First prize by Joseph K
han, second by Father Leurendeau,
third by Joeepn Brophy, and (Duct
by Gus. Leddy. Elsner 'i'itli 1
Gus. Leddy were ties for th Tmirth
place. so tbey took tie • ots more
spices and blur. woo lest prize is a
rtiver cup p !ted by Father
Lsurendeau. hen he gave it he
slid if on it himself be would
take and prize and give the second
ber the cup. Faeuer L eurendeau
wet ahead and Joseph Kinaban was
second, w Joe gets tbe sup. Ambrose
Brophy's side won by 160 points, so his
side hes to prepare the program and
Wm. Leddv"side the ,upper. The
concert and stepper asp to take place
in the church hall December Beth.
Following are the scores of the mem-
bers -at
beruwt the four shoots for the prizes
-fourteen shots at the 209 yards and
fourteen at 6110 yards : passible 70
pointe at each range:
ecu vn
Yds. yds Total
Rev: Father Laurendeau._ 60 55 105
Joe Kivah*n 413 5)1 11[4
Joe Brophy .. 411 57 1113
tins Leddy 48 54 10'2
E. Tiffin._ 51 51 10.2
Ambrose Brophy 41 42 iii
David Tisdale . 6r 47 1111
Oswald Pollard ... 44 53 P7
David McAllister 51 34 83
Michael Cummins' . 46 44 PO
Robert Thompson 48 41 84
Charles Robinson 51 42 93
is Rheumatism of the back.
The cause is Uric Acid
in the blood. 1f the kid-
neys did their work there
would be no Uric Acid and
no Lumbago. Make the
kidneyedo their work. The
sure, positive add only
cure for Lumbago is
Tom Leddy ..............48
Ed. Robinson 43
Wm. Leddy .... 29
Joe Flynn 41
Gus Kinahan .... 42
Robert McAllister .. 3i1
Joe Leddy 27
Tom Kearney .32
Wm. Nixon .......... 24
George Naylor till
Joe (Ihamney
Hugh King
Frank Thompson ... 41 37 78
Vincent .Walsh....:. 34 26 00
Nelson Nokee, ... 27 22 49
26 56
Barney Mam Thompson... 10, 2= 82
John BoyleBrophy , 18 16 34
Uriah Thompson 19 16 86
These are the names of the member.
who shot at the four shoot... Some
of the other„ member. were . present
only at one shoot and some at two.
62 100
42 8S
31 54
48 81)
NI 52
47 77
45 77
12 36
311 00
14 9 23
10 12 22
elreelars.frow Hall's far w lmslewsstm se f►ur��.!
Ardd d 5.'. J.
e9LIiaY t CO.. Tslste. 0. etas Wawaen1rrh MM ` li� atb77ss
Itis.'aan .asty r1 for •••.UyMlsa.p rspe*5S.s"'• " Tg of Osntr�itT. a..Us.s.r.
s ! "* 'I f.„‘.01,.,21;04.! " `�4 1*'isi" '•'it, AFF .%tlx3'°+!'' ' . ate.•'ft
v. Dee. tithe Asch.. sale of taros
Signet Brooches
We have a beautiful showing
of tbese goods ranging in
price from 2so to $8.oq.
Engraving free.
- Signet Rings -
Ladies' tele Gold Rings
from $2.00 up, •
Gents' io-k GPM Rnigs
froht $4.00 up.
Engraving free.
'Signet Cuff Links
at $1.00 $1.50'. $2.00
• and $2.50. Engraving
The above mentioned goods are
all in the latest designs. as our
stock holds nothing but, new goods
Prodi the best manufacturers and sold
at the lowest prices. . Call sod
inspect our stock.
J. S. Davey
Jeweller and Optician.
South ride of Scottie. Goderich.
Never before wire we in so good a position to, show Christmas
Novelties as we are today. Our stock is large and up -to -nate.
Just read , the list of some of our special offerings. PRICES
We have just got in an extra
Hue showing direct from the
selectedfor our Christ-
mas trade. Never had before
anything so good for the pekoes
-Mc, $1 *125, $1.50,-11.75, $2,
$'2.`9y $2 5tt. $2.75, $3.26, $4.
A few, two -yard Silk Scarf
These are rare golds at our
primer, and no more when thew
etre gone at our present pricer.
We got them for Ciitittas sell-
inR• ACES "x',/474' w,r'
ust got here this week. the
-finest lot of Val:• Tot -clime( luny
Laces this
bud Oriental Lac
store it as ever offered. We
start them et lc a yard. You
should'see• what we can give you
in these goods. •
A lot of about 5110 yards at les.
than actual core A new ship-
ment of corset -waist flouncing
and skirt widths end allover•*.
Never bad so tines lot and never
at such prices.
White lawn lace fronts. em-
broidered. 1Ve are selling them
50c to $1.25. Thew ale very
dainty fronts for waists and the
prices are just now about whole-
sale prices. bought for t be Chriet-
wat selling.
We never showed s u ch a
variety in thew lines. 'Direct
from the makers. Come and
get our pricer. We know we
are right on these goods.
In white colored l,ontere. pic-
ture, excelda. initial. ewbroi-
dated and silk. PRICES --3c or
2 for 5e. fie or 0 for 25e. Se.
I211c, 13c,J11le. 'tic, :tic, and still
better ones, Sc..sad ilk. bordered
for fancy work: initial. lac to :els;
• embtoider•rd. lac, 121c. 15c, 20c,
• :5e. and atilt better ones ; }urge
--initial silk, SOc ; a very fine
• French lawn. fancy colored bor-
ders. indelible colors. in two
sizer. 15c and :etc. and c.,n be got
unle at this store. -
\Vr are giving Trig bargains in
Fors. \Ve intend clratieg our
lot by. t'hristtuas,
Black and colored. all sizes.
PERies's. None e o good w
Perriu's-$I and $1.25.
Flannel, wrapperette, priest
and drew. go.rds ends at a Rood
deal les. than wboleeal. price.
They must be sold at some price.
Conte rod get a bargain.
Jest a few left. t, and the prices
now are all reduced. They must
be sold before Ubristrnas and
will he if priors will do it. If
yt.0 want a collar or muff you
can get one here cheap.
Just eleven Crista now to sell,
prices $12.:11 to $14.60. Come
and get one at 8)4. They must
go even if «sell at a lose.
w 4oyt
forget that *8 hopeaCoat wlprth
*12.311 to 1$14.St.•
Thief -yard ends of wrapper-
ette Wanting. for JOc, 35e acid
tic for the end.
Flannelette 'Mill Enda at lees
t has regular wholesale. Pieces
three to ten yards in an end.
Perfect goods in end.. Buy
than and set a money.
When desiring choice
home-made Candies at
reasouable prices, try us.
Our ('ardies are always
fresh And pare. Choice
l ty.ter• and Lur•bes
served et all hours. Don't
forget the place.
Goderich Quick Lunch
Next British Exchange Hotel.
Some easy-going people still allow thvire
dealers to sell thein a subnfitiite• for
Are y� bne of the easy-going kind
or are you wise enough to insist on -
"the silk that doesn't kink :'"
lit you don't know ••111.:11.101,i G 'S " you don't know what
reel silk timidity mean..
1Ci ,Yes•,;"'+,+s s';i':t#i.:. t:.xi:vm ! `4 v•1,
Ask your dealer for list of premiuma
offered for empty spoors. or write to
LIMITED g,...' ...yr,
I have a full ti J c'tion of Christmas
Goods- -Toys, les, Dolls • of all kinds
for girls ; '1 *xi Sets, Knives, Engines and
1,Mle-cal Toys for boys.--
E,attcY' Dry Goods in -Collars, Belts, Ribbons;,
Underweaa��d Hosiery for men, women and
les' Shits from $Io.00, $12.00, $'4.0o to .
IN THE BASEMENTGranite.• of ��ja�ef�; articles' a;�
household die.
Call and see my Sc, 1Oc, lSc, 2Sc Tblea
1 ,f•
Highest prices in cash or trade for Butter and E 7.
P. T. Dean's DepartmentStore
Corner East Street and Square. \
TO THE SIG'NAY..ut..t,
71 Bay Street
It i.' becoming the custinsi un.n• and snote every
year to select a gift that is not only acceptable. but
*useful as wtJl, and nothing fill* this requiretnentlike
a well -selected article of
eIrist»1as Cifts
We have our Christmas Gifts opened up for your
inspection, and what a large assortment we have in
Ebony Hair Brushes Ebony Military Brushes
Ebony Clothes Brushes Ebony Hat Brushes
Ebony Penner Brushes Ebony NAil Brushes
Ebony Nail Files Buffers, Ctuticulei, Tweezers,
Toilet, Manicure and Writing Mets.
Also ■ large assortment of Perfumes, by the best makers, including
Kerkolf, Piver, Puiland, Roger a Halley, Hudnut, VI'floits Perfume C".
Huyler's Chocolate.. Fresh shipment just in.
Mao nice line of Pipers, Cigae gases, Tobacco Pou n, etc.
Come early and make your selectioaw A small deposit Will keep your
choice untie Christman.
Druggist F. J. BUTLAND Ooderlch
"The store IMI please/4"
Oaw:IDd:'.f"..s�rrwl uvd a 'S hes.11341 1111 di4r04V,--
:1 gift of this nature is not one p$ea«ittg to the eye
And useful in the home, hut itt an tnvestmentas•weil.
We hale one of the; choicest ',Locke ever shown
in Gowierich, and not en article of Furniture in our
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