HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-8, Page 3111-
HEW itAji E
All order. promptly attended to on leailng
them at THE SIGNAL. Goderich.
✓ and Hydraulic Engineer. 'markt Land
lanes -McLean Block. OaderIch, corner
lliontreeketreet. Telephone Ir.
DR. W. F. tiALLOW. M. B.
omes and retidence. North strait. Goderieb.
berth of County Realm ry other. Telephone la
1,)Itor1)FU4.IT. HAYS & K
• .t N. barrioten. rolicitoro. notaries' public,
proctor* in the Maritime (nun. etc. Forme
fund. to Mud at loneat rate. of Intere.t.
sabre. Kii-t mIde -,quare. tiodericb. W.
l'ItirUotIMIT. K. t....M. (*. HAYS. J.
cAstER?N.s!ot.i; C.. BAutitc.....lift1S-
nomiltop street, uedertata. third door from
• torn I.K. attoriwY., .olicitor. et.. reele-
i,• h. Money to iti'o at lurk e -ml rAr••••._,
1/1 • rOnCitan, etilliiillo.11,11et, liter ry
011100. Ns/union tioderitn Ont.
MUTUAl. Filt.E
11., ItANt It. 1 U.-, WM a,,d I.o ate
to.... property insured.
onnet. -J. it. McLean, {hes., sest.rrtli :
J k• 4'01,11(311y, Yiee-Pir.., trod...to I. r. 11:
bums. 1.. hays. err. las... etaloith 1.
Doetturs, au. t erm10.14, JObli
11,(trirve. Winthrop ; rrOolge rio.lirOrt Is;
John twimeiree. ritutlio : Ao..,
Irerchouod ; J01.11 V1m,L, ll,ulu1 3.114101,11.1
,, 15 LI, .d.
Asicms: 1. W. 1.0. tr.. h,
Hat oak ; nimumits. expand. tile ;
....vai(01. 0. easoci-holori. can
awaewnieni. stet , their card. recripleu al
10Zel 41 5101111 lintun, Or RI 11. kl, bit
rocert Kinn-tort .treet namerich.
V JU1 lean. Aped), td M. G. AM.
• is.III.ter. iisaillteir 'alert Owlet att.
Unsatisfactory , Condition of Commer•
dal Dock May Be Ground of An-
other Appeal to Ottawa -Mr. Leers
Offer for Purchase of Summer
The town council met in regular ses-
sion last Ft itlay evening. At 8:45 al)
the tnetntletsi were present. *
a The first 'etinnuuuication read was
frosts the Northern Electt•ic & Fire
Alarm Co., respective the installation
of a fire alarm system. The letter
was referred to the the committee.
Wants Commercial Whig Straiehtated.
The next was a letter front H. J.
Megaw, calling attention to the abso-
lute necereity Of having the commer-
cial deek stiatightened and a proper
depth of water pt•ovitled fur loaded
vessels. The letter, in part, stetted :
"We are from time to time advised
"that ample water is now available.
but we note many of the niartewi re-
cently arriving firma Fort William
and Port Arthur complain of goalie
aground and only the other day the
Isausinistiquie was egri,und thawing
only eighteen feet aft. Enquiry as to
the reaeon Ylicited the feet thot the
calumet cial ducky Were originally set
ins t privatively ehallow water, thue
flunking it unsafe to dredge to the
requisite depth close to .the dock.
which remuld emit& in the etructine
-slipping in. The present condition of
the dock is r,-oof of thin pomace") and
the fornattion of the sante should be
temedied 0 ediately."
Aesistance wee aeked in securing
this e front the I lepart 1110111.
of Public Wolk., It was pointed (011
that a large antotota ot money had
!been expended in the erection oi an
;up-to-date elevator. hut if plotter
1 facilities werS iut furnished tbie
would not lw the means of increweing
the inat me business at. this pi.rt. At
leaot 1150,11011 mole would have t4 be
expended for an up to -date marine
equipment, bat it would he useless,
the le tet rimed, to go on with it if
nothing Were dour in regard' to wecuet
int/ a t.iii5bte dock. The council was
asked to take action in having the
matter presented to the Lleputournt
before the estimate's were brought
down. It was stigkested that a sta ong
end titnely seta. ...ciliation might b.•
effective, in whie4 move the Weide, n
Canada Floor Mille Co. would he
plensed t.t asatiSt in ever• way itos-.
May Appeal to Ottawa
The 14'Y- '1- expressed hie bens* Of
the hie matter .4 • his trust ter and re.
wetted 'hat i''" -°4''g the laier
4 r
„55 , .4 lie. ugeley. Minime
1.f lic on
ks. hIm
is re& visit
to. be matter stra.ghten-
ing 104'Imes lanai 14.4-0ovei looked.
Wits ineeo
rs-ry to soy that. he
11111:11 evellthing to bring
rebind the 11 .-,.,,-.d i r,i1 II. 11 w 11 Id lw
Ilerespol y; way, for it delegNt1011
In golf, Ottawa if there weir not
..offirieht r I5141erl in the 1.-tonnte.
tic 541 y e Very nerron. • Behar All):
• ..elj..11 t "old he 'taken in It,iteet,
the ti 3,.titenilig of the duck the
ttttt •i, uosilil hate to wait until 1 It-
, est ti,.t , were In ought Aunt' in Par-
tos, totettl poet. 11 4)51 had been placed
Ili, rein lor K Tile
I mat trit would 1. deSit with whent the
pi oiler 11111e 141..111ti I
hag...ley was here in August he hint a
1451,5 er.ati with him to irsioling this
mrstiet anti he had stoted (tont it atm
, Mr. Megaw stated•ahet when Dr.
W. R. ROBERTSON. ittalcr.beiti by the Department that
wben the dock was (list built an
elopement. had been "made' between
the town and i he (la"verfitnent that
the town would bost.esponsible tor the
upkeep ot the ramie. lie haid been in
co. tttt)t unto -onion with Mr. Lend), Gov-
ernment giiierr itt. toindon, re.
gaming the pii.pored improvenient,
hut et. tat it.. Mr. Lamb knew rot hang
had been done by the Depot tweet.
The prevailing ninth; of hoe had
cetteed the vesselis tit go aground all
along the dock aici the dtedging com-
pany had received inetitictions not to
dt•edge within forty trot of it. If they
did go nearer the dock would be in
datiger of collapsing. The Mayor
stated that the. clerk and be had
iwArched for polite time for an agree-
ment of the kind to which Mr. Megaw
had referred arid they had come to the
conclusitin that earn ap agreement
was not in existence. In his opinion
the matter should be dealt with as en-
tirely independent .of any other itn-
Waiting tor the Estimates.
coencillor Hawkins agreed with the
Mayor and thought Mr. Megaw's re-
quest was reasonable. He thought it
should be presented to the Govern-
ment as an actual danger to every
weasel entering this port. Councillor
Wallace expressed the opinion that
the elevatan would not be much good
to the company without a marine leg
and considered that immediate aetion
should be taken. It was finally agreed,
on the &deice of the Mayer, that the
council and Mr. Megaw should consult
together as soon as news Wes had from
Ottawa respecting the stun which had
been placed in the estimates for harbor
improvements at this port.
The local C. P. It. station agent sent
a letter stating that the railway com-
pany was willing to execute an
went respecting a right of wayirea
new set of steps at the foot of Wel-
lington street,.providing that the COM-
Witty for damages on account of the
steps being across its right of way.
Another provision mentioned w a s
that the steps should be built of con-
crete or metal fifteen feet. on each side
of the centre line of the bridge as a
precaution sgainet fire. The steps are
already built and being used, so on
motion of Councillor Itiawkine the
letter was filed.
A Two 00111111Ulliati10118 were received
from the Union of Canadian Monied -
males, notifying the council of the
applications for extension of time
made by different railwAys in emote -
tion with their charters for new lines.
As the importance of these lettere was
not dear to the sound!, they were ree.
to the special oonunIttee mak,
Fist AND LION NINO : Ifriti.b, Canadian •nd
,Tuascr. Swamis* aosti 0.14Pi.OTBRIC
ITT : 1 be Oman Aocatent and tivarunteo
.'airoorat ion, Limited. of London. Kew.
lu-terr AND 1,1.7•14•MTag BONDS : be U.8.
Fidetity Rule litaarinateet onipany.
Office al War_ ekes, ',panelist cOrlisr of Tie
and St. David'. streets: 'Phone 1711
te and aocident insurance. Agent for leading
• lineal and stook Ocrtenaltlem. insooknus 111 511
Aro effected on bor. piens and at loa old rater.
at mince, curlier ts target and Square
or adaptor' J. W. CRAM -ilk., Diadem:II. um.
fele 'hone 114
t%IALT441t it; lib.LL , .1. P.,
Tv . Anti licenses. °Werke. Out.
A, -Tee. well-known and popular stand
ottere lie paeans LIN3 best service to whaling
liair-cant, eta., eta. Lerner' shampoOlog a
.peetalty. Only Mulled Minds employed.
/our patronage win be appreciated. H. B.
DOKISMKR, -Proprietor.
A. LIST Royal Institute British Architoctr
Imelderioe-8balte Moues, Oodorich. Plum, dte
tale and'''. mdfloatione prepared for residences
106 Subtle banana. i.errestiondeoes M-
rt ROMA'S U DR , Li Viktill'UUK
A sad general anoteonser. Mose on Bente
attest, where he will be found at all times
when aot Oryion eales. Terms retainable and
every effort used to give you satistamion.
aecounCwhich had been handed in too
late to be included in the tittoineisl
committee's repot 1. lt.wout *61.4u ttic
John Newcomer for the erection of a
fence and other ivot-k at, the reisieter..,.
which wee all conaplet rd - with t he ex-
ception of the putting. in of seven
poets. Concillore Hawking and Mar-
tin had itiepected the work and pro -
flounced it well done. • A motion wait
de by Councillors Hawkins and
P111110111, that Mr. Newcombe re.:eive
$4t. Deputy Reeve Munnings and
Councillor Laithwaite moved 'het the
account be paid as soon as Councillor
Hawkine hiss et.rtified that the work
is completed. Title wiut carried.
Conunittee Ike -ports.
The finance committee presented it
report teed recorumended the paytuent
of d 'Amber of accounts and laud, the
immediate purchase of a rate for the
town treasurer be left. in the hands of
the Reeve and the Deputy Reeve with
power to set. It. also was advised
Gnat the recoinniendation in T. 6.
1Villiamson's auditor's report of 19112
be carried out and that a bylaw Pro-
viding fol.... monthly audit ht• intro-
duced and leeward. The report waitadopted.
Tee "medal committee. in ita Tclxh l •
recommended that no action be takeu
in the Shipman case.on the advice of
the eolicitor. Another ire •ndat
600 was to the effect that -the sum-
mer hotel be Wild 10 0. C. Lee for $4.-
Malt allowing five years' exemption
from taxes, except settool tax. tbe bale
to be eubject to the provision that the
hotel will be run 144a mounter hatel or
sanitau-iuna end if need for any other
purpose exemption from tow km
would aware.
Proposed 'Sale of Summer Hotel.
The repert was adopted excepting
the •hist clause. wnich was thrown
open fur diseestaine it Was 1110Sed by
Reese Reid. oeconoed by Deputy
Reeve- Munilinge, thin t he rale prica• of
i he hotel be bet at $5,11011. Councillor
Hawkins. raid he had looked over the
hotel rat...billy and had conte to the
concluatuti that it the town cutlet gel
$4.11110 it couldnd
't o hette.. One
than; he ft•It utile was that if Mr. Lee
sold the furnit ale I he hotel w.rtiltl he
vacant next year. - The . town had
been made an otter Ity Fred. Davit, , 01
the Hotel Bedlood, hut it woeld take
81,50010 makaalie necessary improve -
menu which wet* naked tsar. The
hotel -Was a bill of exPent.t. and would
'never be 'a success until it was in
ptivotte hind,. It would lie better
rain rut a sanitatintn. which Mr. Lee
proportil establialtaing, because it
%Hold be occupied the year roun 41
The hotel woe in poor condition. It
would have to he kelsoutiued man tam
to butt . It Required painting both
inside and outride and the toot te-
quired atteuti(at.' The town would
hare to Spend et least )1111.21111 next
year if any. person -would tease the
aotel. Evrei it the town Wine melting
at kill than it is worth. " -it would be
ertier than having it, iiii its hereto
The interest on the investment. the
tilhirrence rate and at: ol•pri,XIllial•-
el•linittle of M.1011 /1.4 the y est ly upkeep
wre:lag Items 1," lw osmsidered.
pty Re.'*,' Mntllllll gm 1 eitiarked
thet Ciiiincillor Han Lalls 11411 exag-
gerated the' genet al comfit ion of
1 .11.11" and he 04,4 0. t thin a the Coen -
cit Woillet Le justified in selling .soiair-
1 long lepleneletIlig $12.11111, 01 the
peopels 1(1011e% tor 141.1110.
. .
1...1111filli,l' Widmer said he would
like.to sec the gum:inter which was
given when the ri,oi wit,.. repaired.
fills request watt the rcsolt ot a re-
talitrk 111411e1 oy Co lllll ullor Haw 111 5)5 1 a
the eft•et, t bat the roof was- in bad
t °m(1nion, even if it had hero repaired
only recent ly. C. 'media)! Hun k in,,claimed ahat it leaked along the
ledges. which the guarantee did not
cover. ,
Mayor Cameron rental keil that it
was genet ally agreed that it well-filled
hotel was a belled to the to VII. but, he
was not in favor, of welling it- for
t. beause e thought that a ridic-
tdounly low figure._ ,
Councillor alartin announced him-
self as being in favor of deposing of
the mope' ty. He stated as nis alibi-
ion.that it was not the council s place
at t hit. time to make Mr. Lee another
offer. but. either to accept or to vote
down the co •Ltee's recommenda-
The Nlitylar also pointed out that it
W. a question of either accepting or
rejecting the proposition at this time.
Councillor Vanatler silo k e next.
He said be had been thinking a good
'deal about the matter and his decision
wile that the hotel was it business prop-
osition' Which the town should hold
on to. He woulif like to see en
expression of public opinion on the
nia• ter. The council would be taking
(init. a responsibility on itself by sell-
ing the ptoperty for $4,1100. lb would
he more satisfactory to all concienal
If Mr. Lee would wait for a plebiscite
-oo the matter.
J. A Marina, F. 1.- C.
11- freeentei, organio anent ohne* voles mi-
ters, omen and piano, harmony. tionntarnoint.
ete. A. IL Coots piano. harmony, csounter
sto. Mts. Annuities kind
and piano, Mum Haorwmt-viotitseriZitr_
SHOWIC-mandolin, cutter and dancing. Fir
Intormatkon as to tonne. MM. NWT et tbit
r_Mrearmitem. •
.=0._pholE. w;istasaLsgaegoz7
chased long ago. No action tut taken
t-especting the securieg of eptione on
ally of the ptoperties„
Thanks to Councillor Martin.
Counrillor Martin reported' the com-
pletion tit the steps at the foot of Wel'
lingtou street met 1,1 etiented an item'
ized statetnent, ehowing the total emit
141 he $1 18.41. Mayor Cameron smoke
it word ui thanks to the eh/initial' of
Lite public works comMittee for the
pert which he played as overtire'. of
the avorklii pushing it to completion
ell rapidly. Counciiier Mieetin replied
and said' he appreciated the Mayor's
won's of appeoval. He had done
the best he could, although Come
eillor Hawkins thought the steps'
lacked une-sixteenth ' of an inch its
Deputy Reeve Munnioge asked if
the council thought the town would
he in favor ot iedvocating a good roads
eystem in the vicinity of tfixlerich.
Ile suggested bringing the matte'. up
at the county council meeting, but it
WAS the feeling of the cotificillutat that
the county should take the initiative
step in the mutter.
A bylaw providing for a monthly
audit was passed acid bylaw No. 35,
to issue debentures tor kitt.5110 to build
it *ewer sysLeur AS recommended in
the report of Willie Chiptuau, C. E.,
received its first reading and was
orderfs:1 to be published.
Owing' to the, olipointenent of Alex.
StrAiton de treasurer he will not
be in a _position to act as deputy re=
turning officer for polling sub-divodon
No, 4 to, the ruunicipal elections. On
motion of Reeve lieid. eyconded ti
Deputy Reeve Mu • ge, H. Tuf-
ford was appoihted to act in bis *teed,
What About a New Town Hall?
A sitggestion of the Reeve was 61
reterendum be taken at the a
pal •islectiona. to Mid Out • Senti-
ments of the twople , cting tirt.
erection of at new•cipal
wit It °petit house iu connect ion.
Tlic_Deputy Reeve also was in favor
tit a proposal end mentioned that
tile prenent fitelhall was not an cotali-
ion to be renindelled. Con,scillot
Woillnee mut here were -ot hog- thing'
which were needed ‘s,,rse ; the prevent
building would answer its put pt.... for t
her of year, • Councillor Haw- •
kins stated that every bueitiV• man
agreed that -something hbould have
been dime- thtee or four tuontlis Ago.
Councillor Martiu suggested the bend-
ing of a deputation to other towns to
ere what e.ttle of building would be
most suitable fur I ioderien. • Cuttecil-
lor Wallace thought this was not nec-
essary until a deeteion was reached as
to the erection of a new building. It
Neatly was. left in the -hands in the
special committee to dtaw up a fortu
of ballot tor am at the municipal elec.
• Mr. Shipnian's Statement . •
W. Shipman. who wits present,
ousked permission to say a few.worde
respecting the accident to his wire on
tie. steps al the foot of Wellington
et reel. 1 he equeet was granted. lie
'dated that he irk e that the ceu.e
had not been tandou-stotoid by • of
the ouncillors. A.. A 1e:01IL of an -
Pity receti ed to ogle h, r limbo while
coming up the steps WI the night of
the 2nol of July Met. Mts. Shipman
was in (binge:- a toeing Lime for life
and a local physiriAn load ,00lvised that
she consult is specialist iinmediati•iy to
see what aid could be given her before
It war t m. lat e. Mr. Shipman rood ite
did not wish to bring env law into thi•
mat ter mid be did not think that. the
s had. adted no 1 'Orly tonalities
I as be had done with them. From
the treatment lie had received at the
hands of the council, it appeared to
I the challelige was thrown mat
that whenevei itii accident occurred
an act at law was the only remedy
it person had. He had been advised,
he said, by a councillor that .he was
deaiing with an bon.), 11 bli. hOliy who
would se tbiat the ttttt t ter war fully,
inveetigated. It is requited by law
The Mayor considered ;t was too im-
portant P. matter for a dying council
to deal with and he thought that Mr.
bee should he willing to let the wetter
stand over until next year for the new
council to take up.
Mr..Lee's Statement.
Mr. 1.ee was present and stated that
he was unwilling to give $5,00I1 and
inquired what the town would do (1 )11'
removed his fornitere. If he were
nptegoing to have the hotel he pro -
willing his furniture at once.
The vote was then taken on the
motion that the clause in the special
committee's report respecting the sell-
ing of the summer hotel to C. C. f.ee
fbr 114,000 be adopted. Councillors
Vanatter, Martin. Hawkins end
Laithwitite, voted yea and Reeve Reid,
Deputy Reeve Munninga, Councillors
Walla.,e and Parsons voted on
volit allowed a Tie atiaTheijayor vot
nay and declared the motion lost.
dm smommi•
O. Millar & Son Pu -
Will Build
You Up
and Make
You Strong
Old people, tired, weak,
run down people, delicate
children, frail mothers, and
those recoveying from severe
illness, this is a fact.
Thousands of genuine tes-
timonials from reliable p-
ple.prove this claim, and to
• further support the fact and
prove our faidr in what we
-say, we unhesitatingly 4.
clare that any one .who will
try a bottle of VINOL will
have their money returned
Without question if they
not satisfied that it em
H. C. Drug/W. tioderiety
(bit .e action t enteu ed within
ninety daym of an accident, and he-
el'. that if the town wee.. rcononsibte-
hefote that time had elapsed it wier
.ifterwards. l'he mei ion of the special
c tttttttt ittee had been a great dis-
appointment to. him. -All be. wanted
was. to be dealt. with aft honorably as
he hod kelt with the council. .
Reeve Reid did not, think ihat thn.
cil should 'go back in, ont. a its
members, KO he ttttt ved that the mat-
ter. teferred back to the -Specitel
lee fur further consuHation.
Councillor Hawking' cont ended t hat if
rettlement were male the -People
would -censure the council for paying toe
something for whieh it %vas not liable.
After a few -11101e rem/arks were made
by softie of the other ci ttttt cillors.
CourolUor flawkini euggested that
Mr. Shipman lw offered $30 toi a settle -
anent. Although he telt. it. wile a dun-
gettais precedent. to eitablielt. The
ultitunte rtaittlt was that 'it was re-
fei red bet lc to the epeeist con 'ttee,
although Councillor Laithwnite main-
tained no more ieformat iota was ea -ea-
table and it wae quite poolsibler. he said:
that the Whole- affair wa• 1) pure acci-
dent. -
This concluded a lengthy sitting id
the council.
.agriculttue is progrerollye. It 1111 t
intent • The %% et. kl y Skin, Turbo 6
to collect the latest and best pr.actices
front the lot !h. presented, from week to
week. I hos making it possible for
i he -sun leaders' to ntint I prim!, for
their inell MN! 11111.1 which will enable
I them to go t the in, gest returns for
r their labors. the giesteibt value lot their
. and the geet Comfoit ft
their sum lipgs. No etiort• Will
sparet1 I•y the piiblishers of The
Sian to bring this- about. The San
shituld be in evei v farm home,
A fault which a twin Is of
more um. to I than ,4 good ,act ion
which putts Imo up with pride.
Cecile -"What, would you give to
have erten hair as mine Jeannie --
I "I don't know -what did you give
If the hest inan's faults were Written
Ion his forehead it would make him
pull his hat overine ey..e.
Pract ical
Gift Suggestions
• 111111E -
AmosT COMPREHENSIVE showing of all the
newest And up' to - dale novelties suitable for
Christniss and New Year Gifts for ladies, gen,tle-
men and children.
die*. variety, to ;eat all tasteri, got up in dainty
it all pricer, ranging from six for $2 .00•each.
' Neckwear in all the newest designs.
There is no het gift than a pair of Gloves. andthere
are 'pi lietter Gloves he hied titan the Kind bought at
our stets.. Lathe :loves in all color.„',1per $1 00
pair tttttttttt I .
Gentlemen's Kid Clio es from $1.00 pair.
Boys' and girls' Kid 61a wen, r pair 7tio
F -
. Their, it. no more scosible gift for a dv or child than
a -et of Furor. • •
• '
A full ..assottment 'foititee, Clouds, Sweaters, Scarfs.
°tr.. etc.
Bradley Mufilers make useltal gifts.
, Complete stock of Fancy Linens.
. Special Christmas showing of laditce,' tulips& and child-
ett's 'oats.
P';'neMillar's Scotch Store16une
A special line of
just received from the factory
• -
If you intend taking a trip or if you are looking
for a suitable Christmas Gift we will he pleased to
.show you something that will interest you. Not the
old styles but sotnething new and up-to-date. The
finest ever shown in Goderieh.
TRUNKS at prices ranging from $2 50 Up.
speettti vet y 1-tr.te reit h very heavy enamel-
. centre liattd,, (tickle plated trio' tttt i I)i(, clatnus and lock. •
heavy straps, full linen hoed, double trays with Lille. Will 816;001
, hard knocks. A heathy, price
LEATHER SUIT CASES, $5.00 to $17.o0.
handled brushes. toilet hot ties, etc. Price....
Ladies: and gentlemen's teethe., r Suit Cases. fittei.l. with.sellvAmy
LEATHER CLUB BAGS in Tan Cowhide and Black Grain, from
Ss.00 to $13.00.
We have Pist eectieell a bunch of fifty 8111t CAMOS, imitation
leather, leather cornerii, brass plated Incite- and h..lis, straps in-
side. To he sold during the Chriettuas matron at $1.28. 814.075
This line was never Illore popillar. ‘Ve carry a -line of the
most artistic and beautiful of all leather Bags at prices ranging
fr•ini 75a to ....
See oar window for samples of these lines. 57.80
'Phone Hern 0 Elliott The Square
226 Godench
In inviting your inspection of 0181*
handsome- and comptete "showieg
of beautiful Furs, we wish partieu-
'oily to emphasise the ;let that our
gulch is our own manufacture.
Thin is .'why we. can Imre your
numey, as no wholesale tic mains-
tactuters' moth is added. You
purchase from U PI on teeth. of first
cost. We also can safely guarontee
our goods. and we offer only up -to -
dada styles. finished by the best
expert labor.
Our selection of Mink. Persiati
Lamb, Fox, Lynx, W tlf, Sable. etc..
in all the latest designs.
The Signal to January 1st, 1912 for $ 1.00
196 Dundas St., London, Ont.
••• AMID,
Engineer and Firemen% Appointed.
Tbe fire committee recommended in
its report that Frank Elliott he
appointed engineer of the fire engine at
a salary of fifty cents per hour coning
fires and that D. McLeod be appointed
fireman at a 'Wary of forty cents per
hour. Both perirons will be nllowed
two houn after • fire to devote to (bit
cleaning of the engine. The report
wee adopted.
be queetion of purchasing dealt. -
Idris property along the entire water-
front was brought up. As the figures
quoted by the remnant were considered
unduly large, Couneinor Wallace was
led to remark that the town was now
neeiries. lemming* lessee by aisofereiring that.
Uounallior Nairlibis presented ap snob property should have been per.
This is the mast particular branch of thedrug husinetie.
When your doctor diagnoses your aliment and prescribers
tbe most effectual drugs to cure your disease, you satin ally
wont to have the prescription filled in a store where pure
Ouse are always used and where \it will be filled by
competent druggists. Every prescription filled here is
rechecked so as to avoid (bit possible chance of mistake.
When Ton have A prescription to be filled we would be glad
teserre you.
With the advent of winter comes an
increasing detnand for winter goods
such as are handled by us. If you •
require anything in the line of
Olepenbing Olierniet, teethe**, Ontario
s Hardware Store
• • NO •