The Signal, 1910-12-8, Page 2$ Ztllt: n$DAY, Utocgxasn B. 1910 '
the haute rule party. thither it would
be more pretties to say that Ibis
statement applies to a portion of the
people of Clater. Among tbis element
there is fleece talk, of rebellion d the
majority is allowed to rifle in Ireland.
It is to be noted that such talk comes
from those who have all along claimed
a monopoly of loyalty in Ireland. If
the valiant -1- Irterltes calculated to
frighten English voters into support
of for Unionist p at t y their threats of
rebellion .sero, to beta been badly
wise alculrted. John 14u11 has evident:
Telephone Call No. Si.
Terms of 8•bsc,aetUOn :
'LOU per annum in ravance.
9ti months', SOc , three month.. 23c.
To United State. ,•ubncribere, 711.5 :. yea
,.tr(ctly In ad. Knee,
rebguscribers who larly by mail tail will Coon f r1 Ke favor 'mins t •
by tor
partible.,eabiti g us of the fact at a..catty a date as Iv made up his mint) not to he ruled
n r
rod the now sedrer•houtd be shag,
his previous utterance. upon Oa% al "NUT GOOD POLITICS."
defence, or the Major'+ sublime con-
'ceptlon of statesmanship. What W. F. Maclean's Paper Says of
_ — His Party's Treatment of Navy Question.
e I an) longer b}• his. spoiled children. e
Wh changrofaddreasl,.denlrod bath the
it is -interesting tn.learn-Iron') aii
AdAdvertising Ratan.
'• nuthw'itittivesource fust what it is that
t : • .
Legal and other ,.tender advertt,etaebt.i, toe 'the wa jil'it 1 of [eighteen rlxiltt ad
rllon and tc per tine Yoe of/•1 0\•-
fine a maters
I or not the retort 11t �ia ti tfi
Inc f lrK
pet •d b • g •
each nonpareil
queue elve liner
Mea,•un r
n0'lpMvll reale, twelve liner to an Inch. et norm. qui,.te total •.n recent
hu.inee. cards of ail liner sea under, 115 .ee article L) mi. Redmond in Sli•Cluves
eisrriYlement. of Loot. Potutd, Stzsyrl, 81t• Newis ne : -•
atole .cant, Situatiott. Ranted, Howxafor ,• HrrP. - then. r`- ' rthaL..l[eland
Hale or to Rrnt, Farms. for Vitale or to Rent.
Article. for Sale, etc., not exceeding eV •vauts' : • Legislative and eseetttive
uses GSc each insertion :711 for next month, �Jle cw,t1 OI of ell purely Irlrh attwlr-. ant►
each nutMegnent month. Larger advertise- net to the 'supreme authority ( t
- • Imperial a'., rliamenr.'
nn.mouurement. in ordinary reading typo tea •, in other words, \\•r want an Irish
cents nor line. N0 notice le.. than Itac• ,
Any special notice, the object of which i- the P»ren»mrlit. wit ii xn I•:xtrcutivr -ter
.afar benefit of goy Indieldnel or ,aer.ies. apo ttelhle,11.1. r:re:taal4= b)�. set Ofs the
.prion, to he non.ldered an dverti.etuenl, Ld Impel inn Pal liitmrnt, » n d ('h»aged
bechar,eedaccordingly. Lw-ith tet• -Hien iz$ m.•nt-of puree% Irish
Late. for display and contrast advert :,11'aies i lend_' Agfa , IIICa11 govern -
mete' will be given on application. ;leant, hanait. labour, indnstr•ies, Lex.-
AAArw+ all 1`flmmunleatie,t. 10 _ t reale lir fiscal 1,111 pose kW and -1118-
Mier. police. ete.t, leaving to the 'Few
THF. SIGNAL PRINTINt►1 1).; Lhlttetd , pet:inl 1'+pliamrut.- in which Ireland
fleet lnh.lMt • w(uld'pef,h»hly eontiriue to lie'repre•
wonted. Litt in smeller hutntwii. the
` — —'— thio.
management. just se st present, of all
•a ' R$1Ci4 TBU11QItAY. DEI 1m ieri.d atf,ur, -lore.). nary, fore, n
_ _ --• - �+� ' _� r«Lttiuns. custom.: Imperial tatxtfnn.
metiers toertAtning to The Clown. -
mento in proportion. j 'f•
FOR GODERICH HARBOR 1•11"mie". and all Ch0-.0-01 her gnestions
The estimates 'submitted at Ottawa •Also, rrteNongan oveuidtng •llpretur
*1,lring the last -week inched. .111 item �xuthryrity over Ibe -new trial, legisla-
Curr•. s'orh wy -it pn.wPtiprs to,t,i)• over•'
of f173,lwIN for work it litidtridi heir IhP awing. lt. ntIah:re. itl -1 itnada,
bor. in addition ton pt.,visinn for the Au.h,.1ie. smith • Africa, and other
addition to liadrrich ftost,Hmc,•. . portions if tho' Empire.
The case for the improvement of J "Ilii. is 'what Ireland wAn10.'
Goderich harbor was well preeenbed t,, When +hr has nht„inPd it. u new ere
l Minister of Pohtfc Woe -lee. Hon. "f prosperit\ anti enntenrmrnt will
rirti.P: A..hannPn'l e;h►Pn i..rd llul.-
W. Pug•ley, on the !measion of his hem's policy w:i+ tnrriP,l otic in Ceti --
it tot hie town -bust summer and it of diHPrrht MOPP ;tndernsta
of the h
Miner of their ri.mutnn rnuMrv.
u hlch Arr 11nloi•raxl and n„i focal in
t-1.-• nature. the irilper.1 Parliament
Mr. Omegas Buskin, the venerable Top Tamara• World Cunarrvativwl
colpoi•'teur and evangelist, who has her some criticism for t he til 11111bl' 111
vi,:ited Oode• icb on several occasions wlticb tar navy question is being
in btilfttit of his good work, was turned to"ted by lir:
Conservative* et
l)ttawa. 16 rays
buck at the United States border the „The Coniervative• at Ott., wa havr
other day. when of his way to visit had two cl•sokw at defining their pusl.
his. daughter who -neves on the other tion in regard to the duty of Canada
side of the line. It a pity that one to het self and tet the \lather Ctnintry
-cannot deniinhce such indecent and in connection with' Orval defence.
Osmosis 'COndUc'. towary- a lutist
worthy -man without feeling that Can-
ada has furnished our neighbors with
a ready retort by copying their re-
strictive measures.
The Rbver.
• ello,►•rtri.11[onorthorao
Though) t
Though 4 -travel wt -t or wart.
Thi•re - a little houtp on a oislet road
7ltat toy hidden heart love- beat :
And whet, my tourne.. aro overate' done.
dr --tie that,: I win go to re.t.
i sevident that his pet -renal inspection will ioiwhande t.. lir/smote the well -
herb.* and his exadtmattot nn-, pnnsihility, thrown'Inc rhe first. tittle
to the f«•ssibilitiss lot trade at, Chi• int. ni'e, a crntnry lotion the le•.dile.
point convinced him that a Targe ex- II will haus• the „sem, .Reset in Ireland as
}ri.wwhere: rtr•► in the t+etot►IP wife
pendittlre upon tTsP i{larhor wise- ainliiy.
justified -not only justified, but .hea•
etre( t a.: rrarflinQ anti dram tti� t►
luteli demanded hy the conditions assent in it+eland no in South Africa.
which re,trnted themselves. . • Tho.P of nr who have been striegglin Pine,
P' e t Then they saw that be round not toe
the gun: u.enubnrd in the.estimatesin this moo,. for thirty vehe Are scarred.
thankful to feel th»t. at Inst the fight.
Quality, Not Quantity.
' The -now- tithe bleached 1t (Ink many • you
The -.tut lis painted 1t eras :
The vine -hold it close fi their clinging ares::
The •haduw„ cutlet, there to stay
And the wood ewe candle through empty
-n t1te:ewho have gone away. ,
`..lint the ro.', iigaln.t the w'Indot, pair
Are the Mae- 1 used to. kuow
And the rain on the oval .1111 sing• the -ong
It -slog in the long ago„ .
'When I lay tar does a 10 steep lu ., b„1
Idtoe and white and low..
It Is tong rl+ice 1 bfil It alt good -biro..
%i•ith young. light hearted .lbdaio
l remember who.tood Mt the door that day :
Her t.arr tell fag a. the rain :
L.,xkletled.A_Lutu end waved my hand,-
Heil 0 er went. back again.
Toll i e paid at the gate. i f the world.
Thera t knew and the .ea :
I hacr'..,t--ti the wide and open road.
With steps unhindered and free :
Vet. Hke a bell ringing down in Inv heart,
My,bdw a 1. calling to we.
\rima Sheard. in The Canadian Magazine.
Fruit -growing. .
I'inner. s Advocate.
He%ood any wieetion. fruit -growing
is the most lucrative branch of Cena-
diem agriculture -ay of the
hitt the day
inexpert grower is past.
transformation of feeling and e.nli-
His Nerves Were tr'aind. e'l
New York son...
Pommies saw i1 a suspended owned.
•'1'hui a nothing." be tried. ••I've
sat trrtwlen two ROMP!) with hat -
will not 18• sottleient for the -whole
1 of the work which is to lie done here.
t it makes a salter utti•1 iegin,ing.
' nd it prnvr+ the sincerity of the Min-
is words in promising, %torr he
- had inepceted the- harbor last August.
that the relluirieroenla of this port
- would receive hi., sympithetie consid
ereti n .
Not only will the people of (ioderieh
he pleased with tate appropriation
that has leen made for harbor into
. pnn-en►etlte here : thie whole western
. district of Ontario will he bsoeMtted
by the improvement of transportation
facilities which will follow. The lint • 9 he Gleye r til :ippnepr ,Orions for
eromegt In improving and .levelnping , rt 14 mriult 11) .these Hill i:rletst-
the net trail• trade channel+ of the t t inn ,,,Kirin in
(bunt li, next .••.dins '
country currying out a true national
policy, at1"olk)'hilt looks 10 the bene' 1•ttoogretlibations omv. • to those
Ht of the whole oonntr}. • , et ho mg/mixedfind call i.iI out flit. t..-
There is lumber significance in the ,sestina rn Hou. I►r. lai>eq-1••y Lt -1
Minister—tion. and especiallyin ,
view of 'nt newsy, •per discussion.
The Hon. Nr. Pugsley has bee'a bred' loins Hull .evidently 'norm. o have
up to the public in certain newspaper a
SA a dirk petitieian,Kivrn riser to Parti-
san trickery and the p'actiee of the
arts which tyro often have made Can-
adian politics, 'Oran ar.d small. 1
should not he peceslary :o emphasize
the fact that Mr. Pugsley recommends
a large expenditure in et . onstitu.•nev
which does not .support the Bovet n -
stent of which he is t. member. This
feature of the situit on should not 1e
'overlooked. 'ltowevetl It shows that
the Minister is .creta by the aenee
of hie duty to Ibe who puhlir and
not hy the rules of "piecti 1 politics."
The Minister'.- policy as sho n in this
incident means the improve .ant of
Ooderich harbor and i of the other
natural transportation facilities i• the
celtintey T 'mans a8 _]hpll the •
provetnent of politico' u ethesls t'
Canada. ,
ins is fortieth -ally over. and that all
that renleliris is to settle the exact
terms .,n which the Orate -of peace is
to he drawn np."
.- >i' there env Ching her, to whirll
iuyei Canndiane would hesitate to give
their support ? A how I reland win he
as loo af and contented ns a free Can-
ada is toile y .
elan) fourteen uior•'slumping di.
Ia•fid•e1 Iit'wtlna', fit it flue-!
done with the' inti•rfrtenee a,f the
House• .,f Lords in the ria•rying ,serf 'nf
the jesiel '- a ill. \\
The results of the British elections
rotor announced, show a remarkable
steadiness "of the electorate. 'Though.
mIiii of eonsetituenefes have
changed sides. the general results are
following very closely those' of the
election last J tnuary, and it appears
to 1* pretty well decided that the i.fb=-
eras-Labor-Natlonaliat alliance Will
have a majority in the new House as
substantial as in the Inst. -
Mr. Balfour'« attempt to sidetrack
the free ti tide vote lo abandoning the
tariff "reform" for °poaals to the (Lelia
ful tnetcies of a referendum has not
suet with success. Either the voter,
wb.,m his action ties calculated 1,1 at-
tract to the Unionist part) did not Le
Neve in his sincerity, or the. were not
so much frightened h) the proepeci of
triah home rule as they were Fl plrnsed
to be. At any rate, the great indite -
trial eerltree which are the strong-
holds of fres 'rade in Britain lire still
standing in support of the Asquith
(Government .linnet as decidedls as at
the loot election.
Thal►ttawa el unwind has t d
he.ihtl.d t.$ tb. iia -tie.• 1'o (:Irhi-b h :
though I:tah•rirb !u,> noLa11811ya .inH.\•
j lt.tie,' tit i44,!t)tt tie 41 4,,t',, •ntIMrMt.--
F t t 11 they joined with the ruling
Given up by Doctor
"I had dropsy, and was told
by ray family physician that
there was no chance for me. My
family also gave me up. My
limbs and body wrre swollei
Ira U a
Liberals in a unaniurous declaration one-third larger than natural,
for a Canadian navy. -'Phis was at the water collected around my heart
ops ' g of last session. -Before the and
of the sesriuu they withdrew front this
position and rubatantislly declared for
an ititiutdiaite vote for Iwttleehips and
a reference of the quest' of r navy
to the people. They are flow declaring
that nothing be Clone in the way of a
navy until an appeal to the Country
6•a hero made.
• Thie switching of position and this
declaration to do nothing lout consults
the people is an instance of misguided
(adicy. Politicii .partiaw oust keep
their faith as 'iodi%iditala must, a1-
tbuugh jf 'you find yo nraelf wrong
there it nothing li a confessing it.
Hamilton Herald.
TheMichigan city of Kalamazoo
has dropl>•d the campaign for "a Nig-
ger KAlainazoo" and has Adopted the
ideal •rte tetter Kalamazoo. And
many thoughtful peoplewill he in-
clined to regard the change as evi-
dence that Kalamazoo has become a
wiser Kalttilazoo. Bigness is not
everything. It often happens that A
lot'of desirahle things are sacrificed to
the craze for mere bigness..
••1jpt on the outer paint it is alto..
and I had to be propped up in
bed to keep from smothering. I
took Dr. Miles' Heart -Remedy
until I was entirely cured. This
was in 1902, and 1 -am now able
to do any kind of work on my
fsirtt. My cure was certainly
OP", ' ' - . Wilmore, Ky.
gether contrary to the ideas of ramose Dr. \lues Heart Remedy has
sihle government for a party to say been- wonderfully successful in
that they can do nothing until the
people have been consulted. The liar- relieving heart trouble. its tonic
ty in opposition can itlwiys say that--Pffect upon the heart nerves and
they decline W propound Any policy.
and that they cannot express any muscles is a' great factor in
assisting nature' to overcome
heart weakness.
opinion other than to negative the
government one. But In 0 matter of
supreme importance such me the des
fence of the eouotry or the defence.uf
Lbw empire for a party to say that
they-di•iire to pnt the tesponribility te'tie, we forward prepaid.nowt the' people it to our nand imol-
Itie -and *a►n impossible proposal : he- -= OR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Toronto.
cause to our mind the defeuce of the •
etiuntry mast always rest up in the
country's. hest men. end the cues who
are trained to politics end Who are
supposed to kgow the`situation better
than th'e ordinary citizen. Parliament
is for Char. purpose. The ordinary cit.
iron is not competent ion general way
to frame up e► war 1>.,li.-y or to declare
war 'should it 1* in 111 dr)
"We do 'not believe that ally
country esntld remain in exitoence
whore policy in reg,►rd to its defence
was left to vote of the people. If
therb ate any woes in point we would
like to reef• them stated. For 'a party
that here the reput»tion of toeing Con-
servative and -pro-Hritirb; and that
as ed the reAftomUrilitq of estate
lishing a militia servierfor tbiaesinntry
to' Pay that it has not- to policy in re-
gard to its defence other than What
the pimple of-the-rrrttatry miry decide
on .any referendum. is a confeeaiion of
weakness or it ma) be the so training
after the somewhat dtoi►btful object of
patting the other fellow in a bole.
But it t not good politick for Conserv-
atives or those who believe iniespon-
aible government."
Pries $1.00 at your druggist. M. should
'supply you. 1f he does not, send price
Dust -laying at Owen Sound.
The Good Honda Pnhlicities Aosocia-
Zinn. an nr'gatdxwtie:n with headquar-
terr at Tinonto. erode out the follow-
ing statement with regard to the ex•
perienceof Owen Sound in dust -lay-
ing :
'fie sandy lake shore soil. upon
which Owen Sound is located, is -wilts
in Ker) dusty streets. Nomeat ter how
mueb rain fails,. or how 'water is
sprinkled on the streets. in en boys
thereafter the dust becomes a nuisance
and a menace to health. To overcome
this, the municipal hntborit.iee. een';y
41 the spring, experimented with nit,
which proved such a success that paw
all the principal stleete in the centore
of the town, -are oiled. These thor-
uughtaree are tuacedatui*ed and. es a
preposition for oiling. are lirst swept
clean, and oil put on immedieteiy
after with a sprinkler.
"The objection et first was that the
odor from the crude oil was nffeneivr,
hut in a day or 1 wo this disappeared,
and the change for the letter to dust-
less streets was recognized by all.
The first implication of oil lasted six
weeks. and the second application was
put on the otber day. and what were
some a ch. dustiest street t ate now
perfectly dustleaa. -
"The town oflle1Al■ atatp that it will
be an annual saving of *2,1111 over the
oid water eyeteeth and at: the came
dine give much tetter ratlike. It did
another good thing in banishing toot -
guitars. heretofore et great annoyance.
none being now in evidence where tb(•
street. ate oiled.
Fears for Their Future.
ltidgetown !Dominion.
It. is charged that some university
students tear pages from books and
often forget :o return -volumes bor-
rowed from the free rehritry branches
in Toronto. ' It it an early showing of
the principle so prevalent in now -a-
day life. "get -what you want, it mat-
ters not how." What kind of men will.
these stn detite prove when they • get
out in the real world'.'
Growing Demand for Canadian Flour.
•traetotd Macon.
That l'anadian Hour in growing in
favor it, Great Britain is shown by
the latest figures flow the British
Isles, which show that imports of
flour from United urates have fallen
by no Ir'P than Y,11110,O'M1 ewes. from
I1Mt7 to It1)1', and from Austria and
France there hila- been a hag drop.
while Canadian imports have risen
from 1.1140.130 'LiRi / JO H.' ,And
cis the people of Britain get to know
the excellence of -Canadian Hour bets
"free Tiley snooirt° become better-tom
?oo Mach Pettit -finding. ..tea• -
l:mlph Mercury.
It is ,dntitted that people are given
too much to fault-finding with the
work of aldermen. Men who pereia-
tently refuse to serve • themselves are
frequently the greatest sinners in this
respect, eltbough their 'refusal shbuld
almost diequalifv them as critics.
There is not a great deal in the honor,
and mut of those who act do eo at a
considerable sacrifice. But it is the
dutyof any good citizen whont his
friends thiol worth) nt the trust to
make this sacrifice and give the best
that is in --hint,
There is no pet•ty polite,•s in the
(011ipeignto-ti,aleriehbarle ritnprove•
run•ttt'. rani tholh •(Irit and Tory can
join 'in '''pr•''in) Measure at the
inter •nt .- re•cogleili',n of the te-
, iiiir,•titellt- bete.,
The rnnversiml of the Ottawa Op-
position to the. referendum idea in
connection' eitli the nine' question
fotlowe--Petspieiresely- close--- itpo n
the Drummond-A,•thaitaeka election.
".ural) Mi. Bohlen is not fishing for
mai-navy vote of Quebec !
Hrit ieh .
with the
last rear
Their file -Rea
justified by the
fit•htly establishe,
lwgd'. is tottering
is temarke.l at the time that
tactical. were hugely pleased
lion of the H.,ii .' of learns
reiet•ting. the • Intdgwet.
eyrie -tat' here been
asides : the budget is
and the Hous.• nt
n itlast legs.
my 'model
rift. T11e'
pose and
by the
all as
Bruseels Post : Ce
geoid a ides and 'iseful
tfeit obliteration is dot m
prseentday normal. good an
they may he. The Minieter of
tion would render this Province
nal service by moving for the restot
tion of the co',nty model school.
Here we hate it. 'The' Kincardine
Review. edited by that ,treat patriot
Major Hugh ('lark. M P. P., praise's
Mr. Honlen's speech on the navy as a
model M stnteslnanhke utterance.
He noosed an ame,.,lment to Mi.
Monk's amendment which puta the
Quebec Liberal mernls•rs in a hole."
One is undecided whether' tr. admire
more Mr. Borden's "rational and
Ulster still le at deadly enmity with patriotic" performance of swallowin-
itool- 7nonitt he ler
Anonymous Letters.
Toronto \ewe.
It is surprising now many persons
theta are who lack the courage of
their convictions, :m(1 who are afraid
to declare thew openly. Every dor
newspapers receive lettei•s which err
either anonymous or else are merely
signed with initials. People who
would-hotff up their hands in horror
at the ldei of hitting a man when he
was down or *hen his hack was
turned seem to have no scruples
bout writing vicious lettere and sign -
ng em with fictitious nainee.
Many take advantage of the fact that
it will be impossible to disooa•er the
authors of such letters and indulge in
slander to their heart& content. In
ereeptional clews the writing a an-
onymous letters ma) be permissible
but as a rule it is a dirty and con-
temptible business'
Vert -"Ilan she given you any en-
c.ttkagenlent?" Bet "O h. veP.
She Iraq' Phi- will get. all her father's
tnmte jt. when he dies."
A Mcotch.lalyd once said to his ser-
vant John, who bald complained of his
temper -"l ani eurr, John, it is one
suner on than it's oft." "Ay." said
.Iohn : "but. laird, it's nae saner off
than it's on."
"Mi.''said hobby. "you told me to
en,int MR ever)' time 1 got angry."
"Yes, Hohfl5 " -Well. i've got up to
len, an' I'm getting madder all the
Jfiao sweet- "Is Miss fttately cir-
eumapect Y' Miss Slap -la she elr-
o umspeet 7 '16-hy, ebe won't even ae-
mmpanv a young man on the piano
without a cion 1"
- ,\ TIF:
nP T0'ONI'„
The bu0t0p0eo.,e� world U never crowded
with oodpetent help. if yon porion a
"C. H. C." training and graduate fro
our.cbool. we gnarentee to place yo
In a poelUo„ or refund your t,
Oen. Everything la in your fav
Send for new attaloetue today and lea
more about our plan. to help you.
('I,:NT1tAi, FtIIBiNI6'Btl COf.LKOn.
N. R. show. tPreetdenL
LThe School for Thorough Trainingfg
CLiNTON ' ,.i
is a link in l'anade►a-greatest
chain of high-gr»de colleges -
founded- during the pest
twenty-six years. This chain
is the largest trainers of
voting people in Canada and
ij is freely admitted that eta
graduates get the best posi-
tions. There is a reason :
write for it. A diploma from
the t one -marital Edoeatore-
Association ..of Canada is a
passport too success.
You may study partly at
home and finish ' at the
College. '•
Enter any day.
Fall Term Opens Aiglitst
29th '... u
CEO SPOTTON. Pnnupal. '
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalogia.. Free
J. W. R.'.rer..le. j W. We• 1. C A
Men's Fur Coats
and Ladies' Coats �.•.t..
Wear« showing prolwhly the wort cowpletr and largest choice
in Me•n'r Fut Costs shown in this pert of Ontario in the lines we
arry. livery coat is l,erwttislly selected by us, Mud is verde by the
most reliable furriers til Canada. Out mice* are the lowest, quality
Fifty tu. n's No. 1 Bleck lialloway Calf Coate with
Astrachan l.Mwcollies. b colls. Our special price $27 • OO
Men's Hltrk Dow Coats, well -lined and splendid Aim. Q (k(k
' Out- special price ,.. . •D Vel
Meal's Alaska Beaver Coats. very Itttridsotue and wear s(k
warranted. Our special . ATV
Men's Dyed Wombat Coats at :.:..
Handsomely linen. 30 to Sf inches long, perfect -fitting,
and-- fur comfort and service nothing tetter. ?e]•CA
i• 'Specially priced at from *20.00 to a)L 50
L ediei Cloth Coats of beaver and broadcloth. Ntytih
E. garment+ and heavily lined.. Marked down for .,D,7.W
clearing at from - - .> f+i.00 <•> �a7 Vel
Ladies'.':Fur Ruffs, Boas. Thnn,ws, Muffs
13 sfi.Sable, Lynx, Isabella Fox and Mink
I , I tspection Invited.
t,,,,�f�1Y'Fd'lf"L1?.�Iwtw 7• - -
1111:..6.00 .,
GRASP', T/i/S !
T_he only thing that - we
don't know about Talloring .
1s how to sleight our work. -
.atter-Term Opens Jan. 3rd -1.
Elliott Business College
(fanade's High -elites C o mm er c i al
cbool. Absolutely superior inetruc-
tion. Write today for largo catalogue.
"There was a crooked man,
And he smiled a, crooked smile,
Becausehe'd bought a crooked stove
That hadn't any stile.
"He had a crooked cook,
. And she cooked much erre )ked bread ;
She fed thattman on stomach Lake
till he was nearly 'dead."
Thee college 1. recount/Ad t. the greet
practical training school of w' a .ter n
Ontario. it I. the largest a. well se the
bent Our Mnrero. are practical, o n r
teachers experienced tnetructor.. mit grad-
uate. oucceed. Three deportment.. -Coni.
riier•citl. Shorthand. Telegraphy. We have
wore,. of tppltions we cannot. meet. fall.
Offering $4.5. 15 rend Inn, per month are
remaining nn Iled. Get our free catalogue
and commence your course Kt anon.
Kingston. (het., lunesuss 1909.5
Dear Mrs (urrah.-1 MN heelertieing very much after etng the 10 da ■' treat.
ment of ORANGE. I.1LT you were kind enough to Pend, that 1 will not require asp
more. In fact, 1 feel entirely well, and it Is now a month eine. 1 Mopped using 1M
treetment (MIPs) F'. W. T.
Similar lettere to the above are not Infrequent. though, of (aurae, ouch cash
are net of long atending. Most wo-
men who have Puff,red for any
length of time will require to ewe
0RAN()F: I,tt.T longer than the
'trial Treatment In order to effect
• complete cure, but In every (000
they will be perceptibly benefited.
'Nether, the benefit will be perman-
ent whether they continue to nes
ORANGE LILT nr not It la not
taken Internally. and does net nett-
t•In any alcohol er ether stimulant.
It se an applied treatment. and
arta dlreetly on the auferiew er-
gans In all canes of wetaee•s die -
*raw*, these organs are emcee, -
ed fn t greater er bM.Pair Wig cN
teet, see
DRAWN! LILT will as the aetten .1 ani sea rata t oat w sspsMtMN lest Y 1141M
ad the result Is atgiraTa .�M Mw. tares lab.tter health wand,
1 tw reM.
• to ave�rrt� su r may
no 1loQ.T [•r Ir►�S tNS4w� O� t to
ramp • that
iwwfsole tt. 1 ar•Ipaa rase its
ra.11a« r stn
alga 1111 M MOMtgb•
Moffat Stoves are great .OBVIATORS of
domestic difficulties. Quickest bakers. Fuel savers.
Made by 42IN
The Moffat Stove Co.