HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-12-8, Page 1fine J?rin tigg The Signal Job Depart- ment Maks* • al'ectnity of fine comwercial pint ing. Esti u'ete.torn ;shed on any class of wotk. lluitlil of wink guru anteed. IIIZTY THIRD YloUt-No.:sl r A e GOi►ERIVH, ON IIARIO. CANADA : DECEMBER 8, 1910 The Christmas Signal Look for The Cht'iet- w;w Signal telt week, Every suh•icrilrer is en- titled Co a cope. 11e -tire. you Met"yours. FINANCIAL OF CANADA Capital Reet and Undivided Profits $5,644,700 II Total Ansets over *44,000.00 0. .NOT ONE MAN IN A THOUSAND ever gets a start in life saTAI11.isile.r) 18tll:, I (unless he „i n her i t s money) except by regular saving. 4 A Savings account is, almost invariably the. toundatit)n of success. , Start an account now in the Union Bank of Can- ada. It will' -help you to saw systematically -and in- crease your savings with t'ompound -Interest. Goderich•'Branch, • W. L. HORTON,' Manager PUBLIC NOTICE ` OTICE.-J.. H. WOItSE:LI. HAS returned from the Ifeet end all account. I - et. leg toJ.H. WntaelltSon tome be conical ." epee or they will be put 0.tu ion., for col. teetlun. .tceount.. can be g)..I.1 to MI. or \Ire. I' .1 11 tl'r»wll at their house. Victoria .tneet, t to G', W. W-OIts1 LL. et F. Hunt , Lard- .. 1, re atm,.!' 4t. WA N T I : I To complete. our files, we shall be glad to buy copies of any issue of The $ibnal of the years 1904 and 1905. • Persons who have any copies of these yeas, will confer a favor by allowing us to procure theist at the earliest pos- sible date. THE SIIONAi, PRINTING LOST AND F6UND. rpm.: PERSON WHO FOUND A black patent leather belt on or neat: the .Square Ia.( Sunday willt)tlu4ly learo ave . at The Signal otboe. 1st `tTI{AYED ON THE PREMISES la of tbe undersigned, three yearling cattle. _ _ - _ owner way regain po".omen of the annuals by yf` rovin ropey and paying'sateen.•.. W. H. Hs1Prtand of.LJ 1 . nnerrl ou a r t'olberns 4. ,"O _ 244 :n, SITUATIONS VACAN . ` ,ANFEi). -A (;000 GENERAL servant at once. MRS. W. S. TURN- Itt'LL, Montreal eutet. /PE:1Kit N• 1'i1ANTI.:D FU1t 1'. S. M. - No. 17. A-hfie14 and West Wswana-h • Autiee to eonunenoe January :4rd. Teacher holding a Normal &heel reruficatc ppreferred. Appy• stating salary, to H. M. DI II. Dungannon. = 2t rj1EACHKR %%' ANTED. -- FOR echoes .section Na r. Ashfield, for the year 1911 limier to commence January 3rd. Ad drew- W'M. LANN.%r. oecretary. Lane. P.O.. 25,11. It 'AN .-A REPRESENT.%T1 for oo .nty of Huron. A permanent porn Don end exclusive territory for the right man. Slo\R A WELLINGTON. Nur.erymren. Tor onto. 2441 ti•:CITRAL TILE(:RAI'H 541J0 )1.. 1'ongr and Uer)ard Street.. Toronto, otter. ' uncrowned f.cillta. for trabeing young ,.we le railway agent'. work, including Telegraph operating. Free eatalogue.Dzplaina, GODERICH MARKETS. THURSDAY. Dec. )4th, Fell wheat, per bush 10 811 to 11 0 Spring wheat, per bush... (8) to el Rye per bush 0 y' to 0 Butitwheat, per buwh , 0 /3 to 0 New Oats. per huehel. . q 3" to 0 old Oates per bush„ .... 0 10 to 010 Yeas, per bosh - Screen nee 048 to 030 i)ee per ton '20 00 to 90 01 Flour, family, per owt 2 75 to : 7J Flour. patent, per oat .. ' 3 00 to b 011 arse, per ton AI 00 to- 20 0) Shorts, per ton Y3 00 to xi 0) Hay, per ton 9 00 to 9 9) strew 400 UI 3 W Wood, per cord '3'9) to s 01 Butter, per lb - - 0 21 to 0 31 per Ib 0.15 to 0 18 Epee, fresh. per dos e Alto 0 30 New t'otatoee, oer bushel... . 0 30 to 1 45 Cattle, ordln'y to good. per cwt, 1110 to 3 '9) Cattle, export, per owt 3 .9) 10 9 8) Retie. $ a, to n ,u spring Lamb" i '25 Le 3 al Sheep, per oat 4 We to 830 Tallow, per lb Hider, per cwt s uu to 7 •41 Sheet' "kin"ifit Chickens art to 11 Turke a 1q to 18 Y 14 to 18 COUNTY BUSINESS.J Mnntetipal Ae.oeiattnn, wade :in.,':,;;:! n Ol! re`turf of the work of the Aeae'cfatiym. M It 89.8 moved by Mr -ate. Geiger and tin Reid that a grant of $4.51) per week be /esu DECEMBER SESSION OF COUNCIL Hayne. fore n thee maintenance Godes ch h(>dpital, tia hi ss@ THIS WEEK, grant to be continued so long as she remains In the hospital. It was moved in amendment by en Irwin's Remarks on Opening Minima. Kernighan and Hunter `that 0 Session --Resolution ot Con- the auto of $100 -be granted to Miss dolence with Mrs. Bawden The Haynes for maintenance in the (lode - rich hospital. to be paid at the rate of County Sanitarium Project. 84.511 per week.., Both motion and I amendment were sent to the exe.u• tree committee. The Uecemlterrre.,ion of the Huron It was moved by Dr. Smith. 'sec - county council opened in the council ended by Mr. Munroe, that as no at: - chamber. Goderich, in Tuesday after- tion had been taken by the county noon at :i o'clock. engineer respecting the erection of In his opening remarks Warden windbreaks on all county bridges, so Irwin, who presided, regretted that it that the snow may remain on them, was nut his privilege to welcome all the council empower the Reeves to the councillorp. The band of death have the same erected on county had taken 10)10 11)9rII one of the meet bridges needing the earns and the valued members of the council in the accounts sent to the clerk. The person tit Reeve William Bawden, of m('ti'm was .en1 1" the road and Exeter : one above long experience in bridge committee, • municipal .11..1,9 had inside hie) a very The costneil then adjourned to meet useful toeathee of the council. Mr. at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. 1 Heinat ek, of H nwirk, the Warden totaled. wari still unwell, and littler im- I Single Fare to Toronto. -ti. P. R.. Fat provrtnent was noted in his condition Stock Snow, December 12, 13. when he visited bun recently. Tickets to Toronto and return at it was nor xpectlyd theft any business single fate will be on sale at all Y. of very great impurtanca would comeC. up forc••uaideratlon at Uri* meeting: It offlees and stations for afternoon The rano a'iuru committee had no re. trains Satulday, December ]0th, and per ready, -but he ►tnderstood a prop - ,all trains Monday and Tuesday, 121h emboss was to be laid before tand 1'Ith, for Toronto first annual council during this aeesioli. stock show, and good for return on all Ar the meeiin in .(tine 1 trains up to and including\Veda - K art a mo- dr es tion was c •r ied that the council hold y • December nth. Huv your its Uerem' er erosion in Exeter. but Wckets froln -us, Kidd up town and nw in)( U. the death al Reese 13awdrn, aff td rush at the depot. of that town, and niter r owmumeat- ili 1 k woo the col.nclllos from the Autobiography of Thos. Huckstep, althern.part at. the county, it was • 1.1"d t•t call the s@1 etin t) he belt) . The booklet containing the account I Go I. ru, h On 1 iou'•t Counj;illore that the lair Thos. Huckstep left of O•• ger and Govenl'e:k lite action of hie ••xperietices as a soldier is now G' 1eIle sich was affirmed.arden iei railing the meeting for completed of this and will The prbe on ise i onlyle r Ott ..:uolion of l:oetuciiiorn Watson . It is hoped that "l'oo't' mat *ea Gltleepie a menage, of i•Ympiathy fr1}rdde suiting the militia, the M[asonr, ardr pQ Church ntewtwrs and eiti.ena- Barter:" PUBLIC NOTICE DYLAW NTiMHER 3. til•\ 1910, OF L THF: TOWN lo. 1:ODki1LIC A BYLAW TO PROVIDE 'FOR HE IM PROVING AND EXTENDING THE SEWER -YSTEM OF THE TO ,'el OF OODERI('H, AND FOR BORK IN0 MONEY TefeloteOif W' nr-Rr:AA the town of Guderich 14. structed and fur some year.. malnlg5n. ',ewer ramose for the genet al benefit of the habitants of the said town. AND W ,ir. . o, it appear., acoordirig to t. report of st illi, Chipman. Fels., 1', k., that th_ ext.tie . - Ima i it. R y . , O end f..1• the require- menti. of the rood town and ought to but con -1 alderably extended and Imt'roved. AND W ltt:CEA.. the a heated curt of the pro- 1, posed exlee.ion and iiiipr.»mneute 80 far se are at present necessary is *24 111.0)1 of which 1 111m1 Stem lo,. already been t'ruvided for by a vote of the ratepayer:. 1 AND WII:Kxwv It is nexs'ary and „dvt..Able that tD. .Apt .ewer .y.teut be made to utr [he requirement. of the -aid town, sod that that red 'he said propueed extension and 4rr- proveuecn(e be carried nut.• - AND W'Irkn.(a h, o der thereto It will nees.ary w 1-.00 debenture. or the. loon Iiuderich for th. additional rum ot &tea as hereinafter provided, which is the d,uuu of the debt In e'ded to he created by the by law. tate prun..r•d. of the raid del.•• 4tire. to applied to • he eked purposes and to no other-. ANu W'Iukr:Aa the total amount •equ'rou Ore non..eu,l)ldnuel Municipal Act of Ale to be raised Aultually by special rate donne thirty yeah. for paying the raid debt and lutera.t le le the .tum of In,4ath1. c .INb 111n.t.Ar it 1, de -Treble to loose, the •wad debris' ere. at one elute and to make the 4' principal • f•lh.- wJA 'Sete reW.saule by ys@1, ty mums during the p.riou of thirty year.. berm( the CIOOreliry of the earl deb aerie,. .Sha yearly sun's being of . • h .emective amonn,.. that the ag[Iegate i, o0 .t payable 111 tape year for p ierip 11 end int treat 111 respect. ueh debt .hall be an neat it re pn-Able t qu•V o lee au,ount so payable m each of the usher weeny -eine) .are of the .old pe,fod. AND %% m:n ..o the eineent of tbe whoa, rateable prop. t) of the .aid teen of Uoderich scooting to the Leat revered twee...went roll ell ud u.tel. dence will he fora • l in the sale yin. tfawdeu atilt family. fally will take an intermit Ih 1 tvf A i -iter was teed, anurnitting Alex I this entertaining ecialingraphy tit til M• acus, by Police (llbi otrate tluUer. 1 ofd to go Lo hie wily we the I ' no the cote of the Children's Aid boci•, Certs are to go W his widow. See ri y. 11 was referred to the executive :erti'entrnt on page 10, Y Memltbt'trr. FOR SALE OR TO RENT t I OFFICES TO RENT ON NORTH t spree!. lately occupied J i Itinerate hereof 1. $2l,12.211). e by orate -- Co., LI ‘I ITia' I land Andlew l',rter. Apply (0 J. P. BROWN. 7. • • 21st, OUtSE FOR BALE. - A TWO. F4TOR7irrick house, with seven rooms Bruce rarest. Partieulan can he had by I(NatSIGNAL Omoe. ;ittf • GUNI►IRY'S • Livery, Cab and 'Buy Stables THE RED BARN ..Sloth Street, (:ode'irh All our Riga ate New. 'Buses meet all Trains and Steamers. 1':olicular attention given to calls from private residences. 'Phone No. L0. ) L S Haled at Ahura notice LUMBER ANO A, [, 144aGLF.F . All kind, of rough lumber in .tock at the New Lumber Yard. next to Kensington Furniture Factory, opposite (;,T.R. track. Order New Brunswick Cedar Shingles "Larkin" brand -the 1 heat on the market. JAS. DEAN -R CO. 'NCNB NO 211. iituPERTi- Foil SALE reel a to be sold to lot or e III 1 b [ ill 1 _fret fmntag R rl reel. 30 x IM entrance. l •'Drop, -rt) ksins.II ,.. 11, '•RIEI.Y dO1;SF." • NrIMn el "'.''r''- Neter, eplemikl building la- Cel so .eparately, (renting nr, •0, and Brame etf eet.. Mewl desir. prep'rt) end vontrnient locution. (Pee1140 w M t IM. nn Nelson e1 reef. HI x 104 :1 kA' on Bruce 11.4 un Arleen ,d rect. eft IM. w it li rear ent r"I prh•e, term.. etc., nppl) Io .10,. FIi)1. 1 THE u. BOWLING ALLEYS ('erne and spend a plwa.nnt hoer. We are giving a box of good C Le this p coon bowl ng taw htgheat score from Dec •'ether tot to December 24th. Kingston Street. W. Yule's Old Stand. POR BALE. -LIVE AURES, %% EST side Reynold road. between Hritennia road and Bennett street ; good portion of this land s'Mable for market garden..mall fruIG, rte, lay roll In two pans of two and one-half acre. each. Pot prioe and terns write H. .1. JORDAN. 173 Windsor Ave., W' indoor. Ont. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. - 1 and tote known as the 1'apt. Mao - Gregor property on Anginas" street. Goderich Lome 11• rooms, bot water heating and modern convenience«. with one lot on Trafalgar .u-eet. Will be cold jointly or separately. Howie and lot on Napier street, t; room. good residence district. Cottage at 8eltford with 3 acre. ,,t orchard winter apples. - 1 nese propertie. can be had at reasonable , rite. Apply to J. 1. KII.U)RAN Barrister. )c. lifderi h AUCTION SALES. A L'('TiON SALE li or FARM STOCK AND iMI'LEMF;NT$. Mr. G S hen will sell h • A George tot ( public sue Rr tion et lot 13, oon(:es,lon 2, W'e.t. 1-wwateosh (one mile .outs of Dungannon. on TI"I.4UAY. DE( 'EMBER 134h, commencing at 1 p. m.. the following : 1 team of horse.. 4 years old: 1 general purpose mare. t ears old: 1 drlcln mare. 3 ears .14 R ye 1 Belding, 1 red? old• 1 mare, 12 year old: t aprinff neat, sired by ''Lord Dundee": 1 now, in calf.. year old ; 1 cow. in calf, 2 year. old : 4 calve., a number of hen, ,nd Reese, I Maecy- Harrl- dein, wagon and box. 1 Noxon disc, 1 set boh.IpIgh-a 1 land roller, 1 fanning mill with hewer ; 1 stock nick. 1 Peri, walking plow, 1 top buggy. nearly new: I .ingie buggy. 1 bngg top, nearly new ; 2 cutter., 1 pulper. 1 rimy .(one. 1 eft double harness, 3 home collate, 1 pea harvester, 1 hoz stove. logging ebaln., I Dal.). churn. 1 cupboard. a quantity of hay, grain and potatoes, milk cans. forks and other article. too numerous to mention. 7't it ws --IHay, grain and p'tatoe., cesht .111 .um, of elite° and under. to be cash; over that monnl. 11 months' credit on tarnishing ap. proved joint notes. A discount of 3 per oent. for ea,.h. CEO. `+TOTH)Cltfi, THOS, (11JNDRY. Proprietor, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO ORKDITOR$. - 1N THF: MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS O'Rh:iLLY, 1. 81.1E OF THE TOWNSHIP (W ABHFIELi', iN THE ('OVNTY:OF' HURON, FARMER. Del. CEASED. 4 FU. Notice Is hereby given. pnnuant to the statute In that behalf, t hat all p+non. having claim0 against the estate of the seed Thomas ()Kelley. who died on Ore '.'th day of Novem• tier, 1100, are regntred to deliver to the under signed solicitor. for Ailcharl O'Reilly and Wil Ilam Me( 'art hy. the exe utor' of the hurt will end teetement of the 'aid de/reared, red on or be fore Thurwlay, the 401h day of December, IAIo, their names and addrienee. witgh fn11 per Wiliam nat,tre ooftthe securWUef their 0lf in writing. held by hem and duly a wined by stahetory derleration. And make ns, lee that after the mid date the cxerntor" will proceed to distribute the assets or the mid detewaed among the part los entitled thereto. having regard only le the claims of which taws .hell then have n.nrlvwd nat.lwr. end the executer. will not to liable for the said ,sent. er an; part thereof to any p'non or ppoo person. of wham claim notice the hail ls not have Fwf w beret resolved hy them ' distribution. are pre Leered wt Onderloh this .eth day M December, 'o 11 A D.' 1910. ((,,pp 1•Rol'DF(xBotblior• for the Executors. ep/ NIMX A 'too- 'al from the county- of (Jar" i APPROPRIATIONS ' • n, asking the Legl.latore to make FOR GODERICH. 1141(1 ch..ng•-e in the Public School et, woe e a a . ie wam r.vluwted that •- Hoton , amity cu-oreiale. VIM Wad $175, for Harbor.and $8,oco for Post - r. -ter ed to the edit atom committee. office Building. A letter .front the Tax Reform I The estimates for the, year1911-12 League was wet to (be special coo- s mit... . prw+enNd to the House of Commons V. M. Roberts, civil engineer• sent a last week,Jnclude two items -of special lei art i •fel ring to the app, ratchet; to interest to Goderich. These are an ap Oiler it ,. Midge on the Lake •yht'to ppropriatioo of $175,00" for harbor un• ,owl in the township of Ashfield, and , item of this.lor t and the other is p tinted nut that the Untati,. West an tem of $8,01111 for the addition to hoes H,i,w.y is not liable for these tbie tw)ill/iece building, . pp,ou hes. l'he letter was sent to iC wall he rrtnemt)rled that the Min- ister of Public Werke, Hon, Wr)h The re'urne from the Lidos%el High us. an on that occasion he expressed of an )ro- ad- AND WIIERKA41 the amount of the existing ei debenture dent of the .aid mun.ulpolty es $4J,i,aeln7 'exclusive of local Intone, tweet a e re ,d end la lege committee. Pugsley, visited Goderich in Aug last d debn..ecured by special act,•. rales ur ke.e„- Ill mental whereof nu prlouipel un interest i. in acre,', TIt1RKr•nar TUE MUNICIPAL C01774f7L Or Sc '-inc (ox1'OKAr,oN Or TOE l ow N OF 0ODK- du 'cr of pupils at that .chsaul, was sent elf h him bor. Contracts o committee. awardeddation as the amount +,flowhh e n u.$ll 'lyfur the mainten- s recognition of the importance of haveal- ike- educes ion cut ready been Oman 81.111111 I(T. (8 Fo1.IA'wa : - al 1. The um 0f lteet1.0 shall be expended by the town of Itoderlch In Imp.ovo,g t .nd extend,,,q the general "ewer sy.tew of the ,old town and 1n work. incidental thereto, se Y For the purpose of reeling I he odd sum debentures o the raid town of the amount of 11'1 !.!,399',0' In all, shell be Issued within tw., Vin yens from the peaking . enrol, each of which debenturesrhall be dated on the day of the thereof and shall be payable within tb thirty ears thereafter at the Hand of Co Montreal, In the said town of Oodetleh. Ar ad to The tenders for road supply were the outride breakwater at a cost of m to the executive eummit,ee and a $140'417, and for the building of the umber of accounts were bent to the 1'ostoffiee a•idition. a nate commit tee. )u motion of Nrenra. Glen and Reid PERSONAL MENTION. e cies "k was instructed to procure a - py tit the Consolidated Municipal Bruce Anderson, of Exeter, was in town over T Sunday. 1 for each member of the council. Hayden w spending • few weekx 111 u clock Wednesday morning. 3. Each of the said debentu.o..hall be signed b the Mayor of the said town or by some 01. er person authorized by bylaw IA, at sign the same, and by the'Prea.nrer of the scald town, and the t lerk shall attach thereto the oorpor.t. seal of the municipality. 4. The said debentures.hall beer interest .t Ly- the rate of nye per centum per annum, payable yearly at the.ald hank in etch and every year his Boring the cm rency ther cot. the -. miring the currency of the ,tld deben ft toles there shall be raised annually by spece d rate on all the rateable Propene in the said to" town of Uod.•nch the sunt of $1,ps3M for the A ur of U flaying the Iro•'e Y ,moon R due to each of al; the toddof year. for tnclptl and int rest In re- spect of the sold debt. g Mrste Y ti d 1 The council 'hen adjourned to meet with trend" at London Mee. Fred Damietta will revive the first W(DNENDAY. W edneday of each nionth- Later yews reed from Rev. ', Henry Synder returned home lest week from J. the Went, where he tweet several months. ohei Ly, of Hen.nll, refer) ing to :he Mies Aggle Dickson Is again in town, after tory and condition of Miss Haynes, an extended stay with her sheer. Mee Cr*. blind patient in Ooderich hospital, welter, at Sarnia• ells sent to the executive commit- et1's. Grey, of Amberley. Is I.. frt g her two M niece., 14, Herald and Atls. Kelpie, for w letter from C. Talbot, engineer of eon ple of weeks,Mier tees Mir Yn y IIIsT h o m ppp...onn .showingdaughter ter n serest?idl w! was read, the rn_ ThmnWan, Poi .stpl1i" aislting•hnr aunt,notde in erecting the malaria Mr"-"onHerald' Mier Ella Rennie, of %urlcb, formerly of (Ioderich, ha. gune to Detroit to take A six menthe' oomir.e b, wu.lc and singing. Maw Alice of Marla Hawklnsu ieithe , !w'ebura. and MIs; of their aunt. Mrs. Geo t pa'deon, were ek tyre green, laet'w,rok. F. It. IV I Rle M In Toronto en dance se representative of "ulct No. 12 atn et dlthe semi annual meeting of th... Ontario College of P harr oar n. Thl. bylaw shall take effect os, the day of the final pas.iag thereof. 7. The vote of the electors of the eakl town of Goderich -hall be taken on this bylaw at the follow. ng times and placer, that i4 to sat , on \lunday,the second day of ,fanitary. IAtI, commencing at the hour of 9 o'clock In the forenoon and continuing till i o'clock In the afternoon of the same day, by the following deputy returning ofncen 1'011 nR sub-dtvislon No. 1. at Thompt'ores wood .hop, by John H. Keeled. deputy rrture- Ingg otloer. and John B. McKay, poll clerk. 1'nlh nR sub-divi000n No. ", et W'tn. nhar man'. repair shop, mast, .treet, by Charles Hates, deputy retnrnln c omcer, and Keg. Sharman, poll clerk. I'otlIng sub -division No 3. at town ball, by E. C. Belcher, deputy returning officer, and Wm. Knott, Poll clerk- Polling'nbdIvbsion No. 4, at etother.' wood shop, by Huron A. Tuffor& deputy returnb,g ofloer. and lyllliam Otother,., poll clerk. Pollie gI( nub -division No. 3. at Mrs. Walton .torr West, street, by Geo. C, Haack, deputy returning officer, and J. 1'. L.•Tonzel, poll clerk. Polling eubdtvlsien No. 6, et John Hrophey'. store, by H. L- %Va ,00, deputy returning omcar, and Wm. Tait. poll clerk. Polling sub -division No. 7, at Dennis Nev- ille's house- by Dandel McKay, deputy return - Ing elbow. and Robert Talc, poll clerk. *. On )9atnrvtay, the list day of December, 1910, the Mayor of the said town shall attend at the council chamber* of the said town at 10 o'clock In the forenoon to appoint peratoise to attend at the varlou. tolling Dimes, Aforesaid, and at the final "umndng tip of the vote„ D the Clerk on behalf of the Demons interrted l,, and promoting or opposing the passing of this. bylaw respectively. 9. The lark of-Sheremirtt of OM Feld town of Gnder(ch shalt attend at his ,Moe in the town hall I at 10 noon of Tuesday, the 3rd day o'clock Jennayy, 191'1 ntoo mum up the number of vote• tot and against the bylaw. Dated at the council chamber of the town of Goderich the 2nd day of I'eoember A. D. tato, M. (1. CAMERON. Mayor. L. L. ItNON. Clerk, 'PARE Norte* that the above I. a tree Dopy M w proposed bylaw which hm been taken Into consideration and whlch will he, *cell pied hy tho council of the municipality lin thsseester t of the aeaent. M the eleeto . being obtained thereto, after one month Iron, the first nolle, t ion in the Signe/ new.paper the date of which ot4 blicaon was the eth day of Denem1 r. 1419, and that the vote. of the eleetore Mhe Bald munlolealitY will be taken Daemon• on the day and the hoar, and placer therein need. ANL FORTRr-R TARE Nnrtt't that alt loam Mees qualified cinder the provyton. of 3 ant V IL, ehsister 10 , seeder+ 111, ., 1" 1, aired, ten days before taedey M voting, With me a satellites." daelaratien of goal Ileatlea. etherwl„e their ammo will not ea the voters list for Seth vactea L. L. KNox, Oyrk, "•-'rl+,;,si • •. s , ., . --~ ''•! beet and unit. gra ex i Lor 1 ,read of p M this tion itar the owi ap mite I his Of and Ree co of th it Spur by t boil Hayti Stan fund The hrid Dr C01111 to th ver and their the c jail. Ivan 1 C•Itnm the co Ree who tee. It was referred to the road bridge committee, r. iteid. Reeve of Goderich, sub. ted a statement showing how the of of $100 to Miss Haynes had been sender!. twas considered e R fief - y and ordered to be filed. ac 0 report of Gaoler •Griffin was . . 1t showed the present number Miss Ella Peck, of Bayfield, 1. one of the re rleonrrYf to he fate, oent graduate' of the Stratford HnsineeCol need hy Messrs. Leckie and Munro lege' dhe noel vie' a diplome In the shorthand department. t further consideration of the (Nee- )ilia Taylor ha' returned to town and 1. of establishing a tuberculosis san- agwwtn wit her "tier, Mrs. I'oag a11. at the tum in the county he laid over till mont• orth .trent p.m onage, after a yleit of several January session f the Corineil, otherhp1 ,,., ,faces a[ Wit+burg, MOnt real and ng to the fact that the committee -1 number of termer, from phi, section at' f>,tinted try look into the matter of a tendert the envy Winter Fair at Guelph Ill. has no further report to make at smkci,'eek, 'mending John W.. home and Graham meeting. This was carried.\ Irvine , (lee, Andrews, J. A. Mallongh and Irvine Hooter. 1 Gillespie nof .110eara. the name f Mr.eTaylor hurt, terve takenrs. up heKln f erne on Stock ve of Exeter, was pawed on all ,tteet. Mi',. King will r•ecelvet for the first moths.. in the place of the name from 4 t the If rot w tyap'.Any of the \ew Y'ar, e late \Vt . Bgyeden, from 4 to w o'clock. w,t* moved by MIs.( Katie 1:. Steelton. dapghter of the Messrs. Glen and town treasurer, ha" oommcnoed her third year dy that the amount of $111 paid In the HomeopaU,lo Training R, -hoof at. Roch- he township of Stanleyin IW$t for atiar, N. he and I' looking for wart to gl Adu- mat the end of the pr.ssent fano. ding a temporary bridge over the N.. end Mee. Fat. ManhyI .4.-H•inntpe r were eld River, on the boundary of lei•• last week on their wedding tour. They ley and Godet•ich townships be re- lett rlaturday for Detroit, Hnifalo and New ed to the township of Stanley. M: by wllll r to the old ( s MI:: A(n. matter was e'en'. to the-Jobn'lon, a former Goderich yo_be remembered ung lady.+ ge committee. Stratford liea.on : Stretford has Toot another tallow appeared before th. of Ito promising young men In the per,un of nil and made a full statement as been employed innihe Trader„"IMnk here. Mfr. e condition of Mists Haln.n, Noreen eft this morningfor(ioderich, where Reeve Watwon submitted his in- he ha+ ace"Dteel a po.ttlon In the .'anedlan tory taken at the house of refuge wash of Commero)e y{g. many fraena- will K I him every vmgpewr Messrs. Reid and Lame submitted inventory of the furnishing"' of curt home., registry office and CHRISTMAS SIGNAL NEXT WEEK. The first -mentioned inventor y eferrrd to the house of refuge Ittee and the letter was am( to unto- property committee. ye pothers and Clerk Lan', were delegable to the Ontario [.IIIA Oprefer nt. WANTED. NTED TO PtJltUHAflI:. As the -_-- -- .-_ edition will he the IRtgeat that en' A yet Issued, advert will find this to the collet deg, seed breed : awed ens year the hest advert.i*in the mered. W. F BROWN. i ungannon P. 0.. R meal for the tt Cbristmaatrade. THE SIGNAL 1'HINTI NO CO., Ltd., p1711111i111110. HURON OLD BOYS. 1' NEARLY FOUR HUNDRED MEM- BERS IN TORONTO. Some of the City's Finest, Hailing from Huron County, Gather at the An- nual Meeting of the Association Big Doings This Year, Bigger Doings Next Year. 'Fba_,annuat meeting of the Huron Old Hoye' Association of the city of Toronto was held on Friday evening, and in point of attendance and inter- est wee the hest „annual meeting get held, 1)r. Stanbury. president, occupied the chair, and spoke of the progress of the sooiety; which has now • mem- , of betyhip of nearly 419.. being larger than that of any similar otgenizatum in the .-ity4. During, the year two ban- quets, an a1 howe, and the annual ex- cursion had been held. all of whic). weir well attended. The torp., t of the treasurer. W. Sloan, 'throve(' a considerable balance on hand, after meeting all expenses incident to the vary entertainments held. 1'he officers were elected for the en- suing year :. Hon. presidents, (;eor•ge Tate Blackstock, J. 8. Willison, Dr. H. J. Stanbury ; president, :1}a-jor.lo., Beck ; vice-president, W. W. Sloan ; secretary, E. •Floody ; treasufer. H. Micas; auditor's. W. O. McTaggart. Thonttui McUillteuddy ; committee, W . 0. 51cTwggart, 1'. O. Rook., Dr. Stru- thers,. Dr. Rollins, %V. E. firoves, H. Stewart. It. Holines, Dr. Belden', C. S. McDunald, V. Prendergast. A. Cozens. H. G. Herleon, W. McElroy. 8. L. Scott. R. S. Uronyn, K. McLeish, F. t'. Hick, I. C. Hydlop. After the election of officers 1'. Me. Gillicuddy (of t h e Department of. Agr•seufturet grave en interesting and humorous address on the foundations Iwid by the pioneers of Huron, shi,w- iog that their work was more inn- t" be the hag metropolis that its portant and lasting than much of Board of'Tradr ly wpp,-king for it will what head bee n accomplished by Dred a liretLhinp ander like the Point armies of soldiers. fur a recreation ground ani for sum - Thor. Gibson. Deputy Minister df mer .c'.ttages ; id would become an - Mine', w b o came „rigivalIy ft•um.,.Other Scarboro Beach. There are many other things. 1 might mention that plight be taken up, along with subjects relating to good farming. that would by imitable to discnts at a farn.ers' cluh, 'Now, let s.;tne of the young men in .the township take 1131. (ting up and get a cluh,started before long and not let Mr. Kernighan's.oylggeition drip for avant of a little trouble. .JotIN IAN Is LATE It. Colborne. Dec. Oth. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Dec, 8th, Page Clocks;i.C'hnatmar, Gifts -Walter H. Her - ( 1 Chetetma,. suggestion -McLean Bros e Winter Requisites Fred. Hunt Stray Cattle W. H. Thom, Colborne 1 Holiday Suggestions -J. S. Davey Reorder- Central Telegraph Sohiool, Toronto 10 Reader The Weekly Sun 3 Reader -Joseph Kidd 10 Winter Term - Centred Business College, Toronto 2 Troubles obs fated -1'be Motrat Stove Co•: Free to Stock and Poultry Raisers -W. A Jenkins Mfg. Co . 1'hri,tma" eperiale-W dater H. Harrl.on, •,.10 I - bristni'. Offerings -,L a Colborne Christ nlasGine -W.J.Muir &Co4 Fat Stook Show -F'. F. Lawrence - e Ladies, Attention -W, ('. I'rldham.... R Final No((Ioe-J: H. t►oree11 ......... 1 Read1, R to Practical Gift Saggeetlon' D. Millar Co1344 Appreciative Gift. -Howell Hardware Coe Mena end Ladle.' --Fur Coats -W. Aehe.on "Lift$ t•or, 9 and Adventures of an Old come I I wanted 1 anfed W'. E. Brown, Dunitna- nor' 1 Only Thirteen Moro Shopping Days -'N, C. Cameron Christmas 011t. That Ydeaee-(lee, Porter.... to Notice to Creditors- Proudfoet, Bars SC 111t lora'. Renders --Balmoral (,ale Low- Pilcing John 8telacl ........ $ Bylaw No. 3i -Town of (:odetk4t ('hristma. Sn R/1esLions F. J. Rutland R Holiday (foods -11. C. Dunlop - • Announcement Helen Polley Some Handsome Umbrellas Hodgson Rio...1e Belt Last Signal °Mee..,.'.. A, Mloeemeet H. R. Long ...i. to Reader--('entrorl Redeem t'o11ege. Toronto107 Readers -F:. It. ;Wigle - Auctlon Sale -Geo- Sloths,..... - ....I ON SIGHT ; UNSEEN. r Are you trading, aith the mail order house? Then you're doing -Whit the kids call an "on - eight -Unseen" business. You - pick up a catalogue, glance at t the picture. It looks like some- thing you want and you send the money for the goods. The odds for this "pig•lp-a-poke" trading are all with the mail er house, 1t's w no money, Ino . • ' r business -sad - they don't e n show you the goods before you 'try. 'Mellows, mer- chant will oho ou the goods: there theyare: tt) ted and tried. You get the be your ownselection,- isn't tba worth something? See it the local stores will blit give you as good, if•not better, goods theta the mail order house does for the sttm'e money. Try it for your Christmas@ shopping. f P. R. .elms tbe eta -R 'tin of a (lo w pera- tive 'tote. (Don't mention this to the Cameron man, though this might relieve the mails of a lot of those cata- logues, you know,( When we get recipruclt8. which we are likely to get- very roan, it will open a new • market to us of a million and a half o hungry people that have to hefed every day from somewhere -namely, those large lake. cities that are right at e.tpr door. Market boats would be - calling al Ooderich to buy anything we had to sell.. Then we would need w bridge acro*.. at Attrill's Point so as to get to the harbor without going all around. This would be necessary tor Goderich also, %Vhen tbe 1.'wu gets I • Wroxeter. *.oke on "The Natural Resources of Ontario." giving an ad- dress that was filled with (acts relat- ing both to the agricultural and min- eral possibilities -of this. the lest Pro- vince in the ih:mirion. Mr. Gibson said that he expected the present pr•oduelintt of the Cobalt mines to remain as high for a good Many years to come, and predicted great things for the Sudbury nickel - mining industry. Porcupine, with tranep('rtation [facilities and the arable - land which surrounds it, would make a great camp, he thought, mining and agriculture Ening band in - hand. While Ontario now raised, in agri- cultural products, ab much as the Western Provinces put together, he, believed it easily possible to double the production. Mr. McDonald. a suceese:ul business man of the city, who lived at Hayfield formerly, sled gave a very interesting talk on farming conditions„its applied to Huron, and was followed be Dr. Belden, formerly of Clinton, who, in explaining the decrease of rural popu- lation, pointed out that whereas, on his father's farm neat Brussel., .when he wan a boy at home, it took the combined labor of a family of ten to work the farm, Low by the aid of machinery the same farm is better worked by two men. H. Clucas, formerly of Ooderich. Rave some amusing r•eminiscen,:ee of the earlier days in the ecunty town, especially referring to PSC rein . tr the. late ate ('hris- topher Crabb, well known as a iron(- inentcitizen of the county• town twenty-five years ago. Mr. Prendergast, separate school inspector, formerly of McKillop, in an able address drew attention to the fact that so far as he knew no attempt Wad being road", to preserve any his- torical record of the pioneers that were fast passing away, and he - thought in Route way this should be done, Major Beck (postmaster at the I'ar- liame9,tBuildings), on taking his seat as the president - elect, cordially thanked the members for the honor conferred upon hint. E. I'loody, secretary llnland Rev- enue officer;, was c"ngratnlatad on his efficiency and enthuaiaam, and to hint much credit is due for the prosperity of the organization. On the suggestion of R. Holmes it was decided to hold meetings of ,the Association every three months, in order to discuss matters of general interest to the Association, and to keep in touch with the county, REEVE KERNIGHAN'S SUGGESTION. To ire &liter et Tbsstli'ha I, - 1)F:A8 SII,, i beg IeaVe• to use your valuable space or the purpose of ee- tnindin our r, B _ Y adore who attended the picnic n., the Point Farm last September (which env so well organ - lust h ourRR Reeve, Mr. Ke nighen,l ably"*existed by mine host Gold thot'1>rl of the remarks thrown out hy the Reeve in opening the meeting presenting the 1 f the farmer.' having An orgRani- like the Hoards of Trade in nd towns to promote the in• of the rural iciealitie'. air, in the Farmers' Club we let such a plan. It might act The Christmas onm8Pr of The Si des o on nal will he Issued Dereinher 15th. We titiles a lelieva,it *lithe fully up to thee -Stand- tercels; s1" and Which The (lhristm,s@ Signal has °w, jl reached In the have past. Every alBscr•ii1Pr ail an will he entitled to • copy. might advisory board to the council, *fir Imp a spirit of Pnt.Prpriee fight lead to great imp; ovement eondltion of things.. aoninRR'1'here. in In the neighborhood c01 McGaw *Iifactori tion or some central point ..n the C. tm HORN. - %8 A[.Lisn- in Ooderich township on Novem- ber 9)i 1, to Mr. and Mn, Walter Wallin, a son. MIDDLETON. In eloderich township, on november 20th. to Mr. and Mr+. John Middleton, jr.. a daughter. MARRIEL). tVJilTF-HF:DDtife at 150 'Methodist par e0nege. lfenmi Ire, by Ret-. Wm. Baugh. on Not o ember John W'Alte, of OOdnrleA, to Mies Doha es MI Heddle, of Henmlller, rHniTLF:THwAi 114- w1558.. - in 8t Oenrge'c chisels. Kansas CIO. et lilgh tr 24f fes Pauline Wynne. formerly of (4odertch.. to Alfred H. Thiel let Await.. W'ELPII-101'(41:I' in Detroit, on Nevembee lard, Helene. &tuppr[hte of r, and Mrs. 11e•del Pootp•t, to Frederick I. W'el.h 4011 of the late John W'e1,h, formerly of (lode - rich township, all of Detroit. MrAULAY DOAK, Atthe redden,, of the bride's mother, Mr.. Henry Doak. Keay - Street, op Wednesday. IM.'ember 7th hy !tee O. e:RosaR. A.. R- le.. Mkw Mary "Margaret Doak to Norman A. meanie/. tooth M (ioderlch. DIEU. HALD:INE OnS.n,r.ies+I)wr'mt.er Rd at St Iwkevlew avenue, Toronto, John Hal- dane, formerly of Gorlarich Wed ta: years and 3 months. Wenattal.er• December 11th Anctlon sat' of hemmeliald furniture on the prwml.ayNaMa e ett'eet, the property of Wm, Horst, THOMea OrMORT, Airlioneer,