The Signal, 1910-12-1, Page 12t . 4 a12 '11„e -.i'? s. pit CwHFat tt10 All Ready for Copyright _Books. oA 6111 stork of all the new Books worth read• ing, n.clud(ng "The• Front tin amen." ny ('ody : "The •Handicap,' b tin"wies : •"The tiecorifl Chance, by author of •Penne':: "Ailsa Paige." hr Cttatnhet s : and* new Bookiry Service author of .songs of Sourdough:" "Trail of tt+': a 1 s o I,.hatnh oents-ti ..yeI written in Gpder.ctr, "The woeial Ila .neer cl X25 Fach,. ... Hooks for the Young People; t.hutss. $i 1it1; 'Ho s' Owe fold. (iirle teen. each $1.14): 1'oattfat•box, Kat.; Husker Brown. (:bitdie•n',. Friend. ('hild'e.-Owb. etc., etc.: and -a choice .snack Of PC -jure Books. - • • - imparted; thhrist art ri of 1'apeteries 0,i -dainty " boxes; suitelate f o r ('hril•tnu►s gifts, contain. Ing the eel elate 1 ed CI eine inen 1:.wn and other hi h' made ' papers. t•ingin price fronts �s a t' .$2.50 to.. LOCAL TOPICS 114 WRlg!, Deter altos.ypu..Vlf tg b. korrlsd toter th Ip set 4 vine. Make Wr n 111414111111... l t' of , !K 1/101.411111, asobkt Loo at isuath'. Art Kora. I ant street, as the re -alt � sill beat isf&ptory to all adoe.r`ned 5TGNAL: GODERI0 ONTA RIO pose of doing some photographic work for the "Farm and Ilttiry publictro. e lion. seised bet. w 01 not de. You want the best teeectall)• eller at 0, a nutter of twasobal ap pears' c. Willd,v...ed `pep to weer )meta¢ e'+y bine , '. nd 1. J. L'i id iu ..land- at the top ut the t atlorItl p cr + (todcrloh. Pester .sy Wks St. -Andrew's Day and errs ice. were conducted in the evening it. tit. (ieotge's and St. Retet'r churches. 'The l,oetnfiey ll(tg was flying) es- terda; tot St. Andrew's Day. But we didu't heat t he bagpipes or see a kilted ticot.allday .tug. • POstmt+ster belt advises that all parcels for Hrittsh ant foreign points should he trailed Got later than 1)e• ceinber :eh to each the Christmas mails. Mie: Rolston, ot Walkerton, has been engaged as teacher in' the public school, to tilt -the posittuti • tendered vacant by 1' heitsigtit►tiol•gf Miss Rall. The chane takes effect at the begin- ning oI the new year. Two sailor wh a gate lbe'names of John Dolan and • te•wie .Foley were arrested on Sunday.- and at reigned be- fore Megis(iate Butler on Mond.)• on a charge of,beini-drunk and diem. duly. )'hey each pliid 85 and costs for their Iitwity. • • R. -It sodium.. ail' br'atr:.. •'ne't ,work flout SVedntwsTay until S.tur- ae,- atteteliq.: the fat stock show at Guelph. Me is attending for toe- pur• Miss Iadfse 8 s kiunin presented • d volume of her poems, "Golden Leaye�ss to Mr. Frederic Villiers during his ' stay in (ioderich. it is reported that in the course of at few days A. S. Gledhill will open up a general store in the vacant store 41, the Opera House block. lily Store 111 y,ir,.• Vitt 'ier.,',. eluding Heed Itayts froth: *IMO: tri, ti• 1 1 _. a n.. "1'iatehing Case- si 50 fr•otu. V 1 tnported'and Pierced Brass . 1 t, di t- rind ('o polar Goods. Stet I- .►v Silver aid I' ngfiah Phste I bate. tl41 titular a: .(her high -grade -China. Iit'atch oar Special T Prices range :or. , sec. 35c aad 55cc as l'hr), nt2 will be iuuc than those m Christiana. See our 'nee 11. titer to make your 1 e. Those mule flew more satisfactory. de: pre •I.eforc 7erieS (esker -i.., Muscatels, Sultanas. •Currants, Pi Peels, Shelled- Nuts etc, allure assortment to ct tel an I +. twee ea le satisfactiot'. • 11 n"l equal a`` 40c pet T pound ' 4.!Rvnyenp;ed t• _sup�reetit _ '.kadait !Cisco., lk,n .s had. per R.. lac . Ciscoes, rib •. a. .191: are , Wehave lust oopened .1 Part t- ttnantitv,of fancy Clunaw'are, suit - Able fou Christmas eels. Ito not fail to see the. before pwerchas.rl elsewhere • moi• y see our • Rai J #Mp'' .:tape. Alexander Nichol, of Stu afford, bus arrived in town and is preparing to open a bowling alley in the store jn the Opera House black foruterly occu. pied by William Pule. Next week will tee the oafs com- pleted on the 0. T. R. station recently destroyed by fire. A few slight changes in the architectural style of the•exteripr of the budding are being made which will not alter ite appear- ance to any great extent. An interesting program is being ppr.•pared by the lowlier Aid Society l,[ the Baptist church. to be given in con- nection with the supper in the church nest Thursday evenrog. The supper wilthe served from 0 to 8 o'clocku anal will be followed bythe conceit. The inclement weather has put a d+ntper on the work of rebuilding the burned, portion of the Goderich organ ^factory. As touch material as passible is being prepared so that in the event ot flne weather setting in the work way be potshot apead -its rapidly as passible. ! Friends in town of Mrs. A. Egener, Might Learn from the Public Scholl in Methods of 1.i:eediiig an41 Teacher - tot' g." That three addressee were st helpful :alai instructive to Sun- day school Workers w•as the opiuioa of all thaw• u4Io attended the two sesstous. The pulpit of Knox church ►wa. (44. cttptisl last Sabbath IT the newly-in- ductcdpeter, tire. (cru. E. Rom. In the morning he Peak for ho. text the It(th verse of the Hast chapter of Ro- inans : "For 1 aln not itahaued of the Gospel of ('heist : for it Is the powei of God unto eualvation to everyone that belles•tth: to the dew Arat. foul ido•oto-the ):reek." Thr new pastor pledged himself to pieacb n pure (lo.- pel and to gine :4hrist the ptt•i•uti- nencr in all things. In the evening his remarks wt•ttt to show that the de- votional and practical aides of teligimt tuttrt go together. lu his cluing weeds he appealed ale) to the congrega- tion for cot)per:at il4t in f la• great work in connection with the church life of the people. 11.• felt Ow t•twponsibility Which had been placed upnfi him lett was ita►w•inceel that it was Old Who called hitt to come herr. lir ap- pealed for the a onsea•rftof lives 44. Uod, to wbirh .step weakl he found the joy of arra ice. l.isrge tongrega- til.ne were present on both occasions to greet the re w pastor. Frederic Villiers in Goderich• 111 spite of tate fact that Godericb bad the privilege of hearing a lecture by one of the newt noted war comes: of Berlin. will be pleased. to leer' that pendents of the age, in the person of -she is recovering nicely from the re- Frederic Villiers. the audience which sults of an accident *hick befell her gathered its North street Methodist s"iue weeks ago. She was an unfor- church fast Monday night was by no Duette as to fall down the stairs at meaue a large nue. It is psosstble that her borne. breaking bee, left arm in in the term '•lecture" there may be two plru'es.. She :flub suffered serious enwrapped in, element 01 terrt,r for iniuries to her body. some people, and this, or the fact that That Hutt -miens- conte to the frnnt is the engagement was not advertised as mice mote Amen by the fact that, at well as it might bave been. !nay uc- teart three ministers bolding ihp)r- count for the poor attendance. By tont charges in Toronto were horn In the photographic views and the this county. Rev. R. J. Treleaven sketches of s a -nes on the battlefield IMethodisti was baro iu t,'Ahfleld : thrown on the canvass by a stereo's - Rev. '.1. • H. Hazelwood tMet 4rtdist). ticon, accompanied by- a running des - was born in `Howick : and RA., J. criptive talk nom the speaker, the Wilson ;Presbyterian) was tots!,, sin ' audience was given a vivid view of West Watt at male '; was conditions which could not easily ' Attention is called to the arlvertiae-Ohave been more tiwpiesite. In his ,anent of The blullat `tote Company address. which lasted upwards of two on page 2 of this issue. Readers es,f , hours, Mr. Villiers took bis heaters The Signal will do well to. watch titin with him w th+ siege of Alexandria. to space, a. there will' be something ll the Soudan and leitchrurr's campaign spe,ei:el interest. to them dulling the! when the death of General Gordon Christmas shopping period- , Mi drat , was avenged : he touched tipon the stoves and ranges are eold at Fred.' leer in Mor..cc• et the 'time of the Hent s hardware *tote, Hamilton ottt break of the, Riff tribes, and filc- h , i tered the ghastly {horrors which ac - W e,. Jehustnu nin1n,nrrl in the 1 comtuanied the war between Russia II'. 1 , 1'.., 't East ?inturlay a 44) attesw4I. and�m key, The undaunted courage la. nt t n t- l•halge preferred by Mrs. • of t "Pace"' 'Mewl at the siege et .tehu • flmt.u.ell. The hearing was Port Arthur ter the Russia -Japanese ...tic aunt Instil next ti,dorlay lifter- war of 11104 we. portt'uyed by a num- .sm. a hen 11 will N. 114141 to m,iyata., her of photos and sketches showing '1 a r ae.ei i- r eunsespiener•,of tet.• ilei- .the gradual advance of the Japanese .liar t of IN. fic,ry rig mid ble..Iy t•ug army upon that ',citadel until its eI i a an.. talked of in canna'o•tiaut capture. The herd -condition.. ander p rf h a• rind. rsr,n 17011'. - • , which Tommy Atkins labored in t rte Boer war 118 South Attica were CHURCH NOTES 0 + et I shown aad • glowing tribute was paid • to the Canadian soldiers fur the •pl.•n. den work which they accomplished in :Set vices will he held as "Mil (ts'1 that Campaign. rhe lecture was con- Victoh is street Methodist church neat eluded hp a tete words on Mr. Villiers 8.tt i&ly.' I(ey, par. Medd will peewit. personal r.cnliectioom oI et. late Maj- Anniversary`�ervices were held at .sty King 1'dwatd Vil.. as he 4,pew Victoria strett Methodist church on him in his (house life as Prince of Sunday. The pe tor. Rev. 1)r. Meld. o Wales. George Cbalfen, during an in - preaching to g+ •cnnglegtationa. A tertniseion, .ting A kill , which was very special offering wast\ waked far to meet appropriate to the occasion. Mr. Church expenses can 'thele was u .% illiere appeared het•e under the iois liberal Iesponae. pierm of the Daughters of the Empire At the morning; se ace in Knox ! - - - - - church next Sahhath the acran.ant of ••y Free Haw Material Needed. • the Lord's Supper will h dispensed. In the evening the pastor, Rev. Geo., Facm.•nd Dan +. E. Ross. will address his on an to The farmers of Canada pay a duh -, the sailors aid ftsherreten who re now I averaging at'least 12 per cent., on ail returning home. The pre -cam union . of their taw Iaaterial. The misname - sae . ice a ill be held at 8 o'cloc tbia , tures gets hia raw material duty ft cr. Friday taming. . r In ..cher words the farmers of Canada Sunday school r.nniyermwry nervi ee are placed at a mut decided disaalvan- e held in \drH1 street Methods tag* when cotnpel ing with ot her in- sect church on Sunday. Rev. Ile Rutledge.; duan les by our present tariff arrangr- of Winghain. occupied the pulpit.:Id+ rots. Is • it any wonder tbnt the deceasing his rronxrks especially to the t rad districts are being drained o.4 children at the morning service. His, bo h capital and labor? That raw tuat services were much ,,ppreciated bw' erial for use in any ndustry should be admitted duty free PHQItNE 43 s. 1 OPERA HQUBE EILOOK ,GROCERY' d;' • off SQrf1K. Kingston $f_ ErKrtbina .n-OrocerNf F,n.h, Pure and COod SCHNEIDER'S (BERLIN1 : GERMAN Saiisages Fresh Pork Sausage Ruig Bologna Fresh -Sausage ,. Liam Sauaarc Summer Sausage Frankforts Cured Meats `' Cooked Ham Sauerkraut 'and �.. Lemburger Cheese New Fruits Cel` Spices L I ' es 1 _ : Cooking Apples 25c a peck jams, Jellies Marmalades Pure Honey and Syrups Chace Teas ata Coffees Hvatititu.rtet', for eIwdie• }suttee tarns) fresh Fggs. GUT GLASS FOR CHRIt4TMAS: ttwfmumnie t, We carry only tile_ hest- and at prices generally paid -lot inferior . goods. Richness of design with tine workn}art'llip ate cotnbined in our.Owe: 1 IHave your selection laid aside for'hristmas. 1Ierry Bowls at, each,... Vanes at, each . , . Water -Pitcher, atreach. . Clean) and -Sugar at, pe pair Tntnblere at, emelt. _... Napees at, per dozeen. Spoon Trays at, cleft Wstet Bottles at, each,: .$ 4.80 4.50 7.00 5.00 1.25 15.00 . 3.00 . 5.00 1 This shipment was ordered e..,'. pecially for Christmas trade. Walter H. Harrison C. P. R. watch Inspector. Oa the Square. Open evenings after December sib S 1 until Christmas. • Winter Tern* Opens ,.ban. 3rd Elliott Business College Canada's High-class C o m m e r c i al School. Absolutely superior insteuc- tioo. Write today forlargecatalogue. TORONTO, ONT. --- CANDIES C'ANDIES JNo. W. Yanatter Opera HpusP Itlnr•t, Plow 10 lilingrton Street When demising shotes home 'lade Candies. at reasonehle prices, tt. II . Out Candies are ,alwaym fresh and pure. Choice Oyster-. and Lunches served et all hour•a. Pont forget the place. Ooderich Quick Lunch Next Britise Exchange Motet. the F• mgretation. Rev. Dr. Dougall is a dict' that meets with the sip- , ) occupied Ur. Rtstledge's pulpit :It of all thinking men. To tax WI Ingham. prove! R Row. A. K. Birks. president of the I the nutterials which are used in mance. lecturing is to tax indtutr• prose. pco• Landon Conference, and pastor ,of mss, We all see this veru clearly Askin street Methodist church, bon -when mien the principle b. applied to ban ts. don, hareceived aro invitation to be.! industries. The mantitacturer•s have corse pastor of the Methodist chureh done their hest to itnpress the fact ;it Dundee to succeed Rey, W. H. very.clearlw on our minds. • Rut when H,u•rey. who has )teen .invited to A. -it-team to the -farmers' saw material kin staeet church. Ree,, -Mr. Birks. they de not see this fact so clearly. though not born in Huron. spent aIn fact, they immediately start to Rend deal of his minist,•cial life here, Qreach nisi the prosperity of Canada r bis wife using a daughter of the tate dep'nds on putting a goostiff tax on 11 Elford, of Holmeeville. Rey. ]ldn) r, raw material used by the termer. N,.rvey is a native of Huron, having What are the farmers' raw meter - been ban in the township of Howick. 101. Y. Farm machinery is the most Dr. Dougall has already ',remelted important item nn the list. On ma - two sermons of the special series tele- chinery he has to pay a tax of 17t per ting to the Bible. These two are, cents if he buys in a foreign countrt s,- " Thu Purpose of the Bible" and "The inapirntion of the Bible." The third ot the series, to be delivered next Sun - -_ . SINIMUND Advjsin THE CHRISTMAS SIGNAL to .be issued December 15th, will be tip best medium-_ for placing Christmas an- •nouncenients before the people of Gudcrich and vicinity. The edition this -year will be the largest yet.,, - Advertisers should iiiake early application for space. CHRISTMAS CARDS Each year sees an increase in the use of individual Christmas Cards. T h e Signal Job Department is turning •o u t some handsome specimens. Orders should be -in early to insure the best satisfaction. -f TELEPHONE 35 THE SIGNAL J 41•111111. MOM. (111111 - IIA BIG MILLINERY WEEK II COMMENCICOMMENCINGSATURDAY E WEEK COMMENCING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, will be: big one in the 'lillinelry Department. There are two reasons' for it :- First. everv.trimmed. Hilt in the showroom goes on sale at exactly half-price : second, we have been fortunate enough to secure a trayeller's full lot of sample flats at a price that lets us sell $5.Oo and $6,00 Beavers at $2.5o each • be pays this tax into the revenues of the country. it he buys from n home manufacturer the manufacturer gets d,ay even -tug. will be "The Progress of the taxa Most of our common seeds ftevehttirm,"- t --the• gradual unfolding. are subject to a tax of '111 to W; per the evolatioo, of the great Riblicel truths. The tnorniftl sermon will re- late to one of Christ is parrables, " The Christian Ideal of Duty.' 'Sunday morning at 10 o'clock will be the month)f union meeting for fellowship in North street Methodist church. At the Sunday scht.,l inetituti for the (ieolerirh diet Het of the Methodist industries not so favored. If urban chortle held in Vitamin street Meth.,- industries :ire given advantages not dial church veeterlay afternoon nn(1 possessed by agriculture we may ee. evening, specially notewrn•thy-pt wee. pect to see capital and labor drained net'( given b' Bet, F,41', LItrtgferel, a Eruct the nits) districts to build tip R. A., nt Moulton, and the seepel,rtV. our pities. iter, W. (braway, 41 Nile. Hev. 11r•. And this in exactly the way in which 1a,ngfain1 .puke in the aftermem on our tariff 1. working. 'There a1'e "o'er "The Aim and Purpose of the M,rdern tr2.00) fewer farmers in Ontario today eit)nday School and its Piece in the then there were ten venom agn. The ('omu'unity a. an Educational In.titu. bible. problem has Income so aerim,s lien," and In the evening his talk was that the Provincial (iovernnlents are "n -char (:ts•nteat Misminnary Farre--- bringing out immigrant/a only on can• tit( 1utwlev School," Itev. Mr. Can- ditinn that they will meek work In wrty sttw,k'In the afternoon on "How rural dlstrtcts. rl'hie 0a startitlg at the Can the Cradle Roll, Organized A. H. wrong end to solve the rural problem. 1'. and 11 Department. Cont.rihute Just so long ae our tArlff gives the city In the Realizing of the Ideal -"All the capitalist and the city employe, such metnlw+r,a of the rhurl•h i 1 the corn- an untalr adrepta.P I n attracting ity in the Sunday school and 41 capital and labor am they now have the meumber% of the Sunday school In\ will the country continue t•) he drained the church I•" At the evening sea- i3t both. Rion "The 'Wh •' 'On Whom' and A moot decided ea -4111(4'0n of the 'How' of ,Esontsgelisin in the $tmday tariff nn farm imple•nrnta and the wheal," was the theme of his fd- complete removal et the tariff en seeds (Irv'ss. Other gond addresses were de and fertilisers would piece agriculture li.prod by Ile. I)nugall and A. M. on a stronger footing, without iojnm Ib,h,•rtwcm. Dr. Drwugall spoke in Ing any, established industry. the afternoon on a restate ion to this effect that the forward movement for Th. Signal Appreciated in Minneapolis. ndse.ions he introduced into the Meas Vunday school, and In the evening A. A Minnfhee.dap rlishset•ibwritesp: '•1 M. Robertson, M. A., gave a twlk on Pnjo ear old.euhome mr paer veru "Some Things the Sunday lichee* much.' cent. Compounded fertilizers are dutiable ,.t In per cent. When one industry hats advantages that enable 0 to pay larger dfTidbrrda and higher wages than others, it is Ali axiom of political economy that cap- ital and labor will flow into that fat tared industry to the detriment of .r• A01117; 'ri'wr`P•ono 4 +t�'frrr^ Beaver Hats at 52.50 • These are ell si•'tptes, all good shapes and in good condition. The traveller wits flniehing his winter trip. Bather than take his rumple. phi. be sold them to 1» at a very liberal dis- count. That is why we alae ableti, sell stylish Nerve.. Hats Saturday at e7lJ a $2.50piece It really is about the hest millinery bargain we ever offered you. - Less than a dozen ted. sell. THE TRIMMED HATS For a partieuler reason we want to clear the tables of all Trimmed Hats next week. To make sure of doing it we make this unusual offer. There will not ile one single, solitary Hat reserved. You can take any Hnt on ante tables Saturday morning or next week for Just Half Regular Price These are all new .hapese gond st le,. and there are over forty for you to choose ,som. _ Those 50c Dress (foods That j w Are Worth Up to $1.50 They, certainly went with a Mush last Saturday and jj Mondsv. it is no wonder, for the real values are exactly as Cwe gid, from 110e to $1.311 a yard. A wholesaler wanted to clear his unshipped orders and odd lengths before stnc,kt*king and sok) them t a its te good deal les than 50c "n the $1.00. i' We could have put them in regular .tock and got a goa.1 ,hal more for them than they are gelling at.Every hi t of room in the; big store is wanted right awayfor showing Christmas; stocks, so we are hustling out this g purchase at the very little peke of 50c per yard Thee are nn sale in the twseruent. 1t will pay sou to buy even if you don't snake them un pot six .nontha. `-J..._,._.._.,.J......-.._.,.-__ afar-A-.....A....J t4: $10.00 and $14.90 A epeeial sale of ladies' (',oats all week at these prices, Good Costa, stylish Coats, (',oath that will wear. These et $10.110 can be had In hhsek or colored beavers. diagonals and fancy tweeds. Their Aetna' worth im from $I2.50 to $14.00. Those at $14.111 can be had in block beavers and fancy tweeds. Their actual worth is 1(1.1)41 to $19.00. These are two coat bargains worth conaldering it you will be buying a coat thin winter. se A Hosiery' Reminder we want to remind your that, the black cashmere Hose we arP selling at three pairs for are not beaten for value, any- where. You cannot get afly Letter dollar's worth of Hosiery. Made from soft, strong, imported casbwpte warns, seamless feet, full length, two and one rib. plain or fancy embroidered. Hoc Stockings all over the land. Ouowiin'f . p"`e-s $1� r Huckaback Towelling shipment of fancy Hucka- back Tnweeing •just at this week. Widths for making guest or ordinary towels. New designs end decidedly good qualities. Right from the bleachers in Ireland. Eight. or ten patterns to select from. 215c, 3(,c and btic the yard. See the New Christmas Fancy Work An advanced display "f (Ihristmas Novelties now being made. Dainty gifts that can be made from ribbons, silks, alit eateens, etc., here all ready for von to inspect, and worth meting it you have any Christmas giving to do. We will sell them es they are, or the materials for making and tell you just how they are made and how much is required. Ourstock of Pv'eything for making up holiday gUt• was never quite so good as it is today. OODZR/CM.