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The Signal, 1910-12-1, Page 8
13 111 1, 1yAI 1, 1 ,. 1. '. I. "BACK TO THE FARM" XIII. -Rural Education -Thee District School My C. y. CE G©Iti it . SCS tyrlgl.t, 110. by American 1Yora Aaw- clatlon.l NINETY per cent or all the roan - try boys and girls never get any education beyond that given them In the country seboolbouee. Obviously the problem Qt education for country life as the prob- lem of theelLstrict aeboot. The problem of the Increasing cost of string a not ao much tote solved by raising more corn and hogs; as It is by raising better boy. and girlie ..cop of boy,; and gtrle brought up to love the country and appreelate fie poaelbettles will do much to Ifoetpooe the coming of the day when the Unit- ed titatee will be loo big to feed itself.` lllete are too few real country school.. in the United Statesroday.' '111er'e are -too many imitations of town sobeot.. Too many of the teacher are. able from town. They come out on• Monday morning and go back on Fri - 01'17 nlgbt. They have none of the spirit of the. country, and they endure tbe c•santry scbool for the meager wages they receive. They are longing for the•day whenthey may Act pm.l- tlona to town +schools. While tbia conditiou exists the rural school , sillies be R Harems. If • the country is to trues a life of eta own. as Ill already bis fti many locale:es, that • (10011 JUDO*9 or OOAN,. tAchrw,lts,ys who Won the trophy tor the 14,1 corn judglug at the abort course ' at the lows State AO4c.ltural college, ' 1905 1 - life must be most manifest 1n the school. The fault is not primarily with Ibe teacher. but with the systern. Tbe chief •G,tilt with the rural schools L hist there are too many of them. to Iowa there are 27M schools with few- er than five pupils each. There are 2,353 schools with an average of fewer Alan len pupits The school:+ burebeen 'eatnblished with the Idea Cif limiters ratber,than quality. There is a aebool- bouae every two miles with monoto- nous regularity, whether there are any ,puplis or not. Under hitch conditions a large ,!hare oT the' school fund4 le meet In tusiutainln>4 the small schools Tbe result Is cheap teachers, • poor • ecbooihouscv Bpd meager equipment. The, most ndvanced rural eommnnl- ,ties are gelling around 1111e diffieulty by consolidhlion. in shine_ places I Wu schools are brought together, in o rs three or four or half a .los One good, well equipped se . ease takes tbe'pinee of several f r ones. ['ewer teachers are n. ' , end the tnnney Ican he used ire better ones. A plot. of genu• can be 'weltered for :1 itch .• garden, end the schoolhouse have trees anti a lawn. Loral pride bas bleat one of the ob- stacles in the way o! consolidation. The liatroals of a school district Meek. - to have their schooltwtusr taken away even though there are but two or three poplin of school age In the dislrl•t. !Local pride is a commendable thing. There 1s Just as much local pride In a consolidated district, but it G a Itttle wider !fens scope. -__The pride bl ,upon a rniidert► consolldeted sebool has (mach more found-flon than the pride libel objects to having a dilapidated, ,poorly attended achuollmune removed. A• The question of getting pupils to and fro school has been a troublesome one iriebome loealitles. The coming of better rondo" is doing much . -to' solve that 17ven to the largest congoltdat- *.heel distrine. the bulk of the pu Mitt ere within tw br ,three miles of Hie sehoolhnose. Otte Mettles are pro- vided neau'tlle seboollionse, where the pupil,: from the corners of the distrlet • an t:eep their horses. More Often the •blldren ere hauled ln.fovered wegnne_ at the expense of the district. The consolidated Mel schools are developing et eyeter't.4f education their own. They are no longe 1- tutors of the city nchttols. 1 the country and for Objection has been en neetl.-,n ref sericite beetle on the re ft Weedy onnd 1 eaten THE SIGNAL: GO1ERICH ONTA RIO could almoat be read wabout looking at the h,,ok. Arithuh'tic was much the same. Often there was a stew teacher teach term. and site went on the principle that the advanced class should., he put back to fractious to start with. History was another end• less clrele. Geography was a list of towns and aeon to be menxorlud. In the consolidated school the work Is sestematleed rind made more thor- ough. Tbetime saved can go to soave of the newer branches whIen relate to agriculture. It Is oot the actual agrl- cultnre..•tnu;;tlt to these schools that males then[ the most effective, how- ever. It Is the.aplrlt of` the fared that le infected into the other studies, The modern arithmetic has lost most of its ponderou% arid imaginary problems. Instead the. problems deal with the 'trice of corn and cattle, with the lig. wring of a balanced ration and with the profit on a field of -corn. J''hyslol- ugy has been broadened. The diges- tion of animals Is studied. together with the digestion of, loan. Tbe girl THE ° MARKETS. t.1 Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futuna Close Lower -Live Stock - Latest Quotations. Muud,lc Evening. Ndt'. rt. 1.lverp•sd wiles• futures closed t. -d.7 rid lea '10 low•,•1' than owl Saturday: yore tut new,, .r1 to 401 !owe!. .tt 1•hk•atk., laecem e'r w' In -at tuturu . 1ue•d ' . I.Iwir than ou Aitlordat 1 Ie. treoalerr .ones 31.' fewer, :ort tits. nn her . wte, 'et tubber Winninee Ootien,. .Al Wu.lI.Ie . Noven.t.er afoul .I.o.ed 4/t• b.wrr dull. .w $aturdry: Noveut,er oat.. .rcleao ,rad. Nheat-November 13r.'- Lleeember assoc. Ns) Am. lista--NoventIter Lie, December Siker Nay ,Toronto Grain Market. wrest, bushel 10 to to 50l Wheat, guns., buaki 0 R: 1111 ltye, bushel 0 e, hurley, bushel 0 40 1.11 Buckwheat. bustle& 045 Yeas, bushel a 75 u a' 0sta. bushel 0 9 1111 Toronto Dairy Marks' Butler. L.,•i.ara(or, dairy, 100 24 Butte, More Iota 0 21 Butter , creamery. M. rolls.. 0 a learns the need of a balanced ration butte,, r.•.o.wry solids 0 s for people at the same time that her rms. new laid 076 brother la learning the necessity of the ears„ '"Ib Sewage 0 112 22 same lead of ration for stool'. The 1-i.a1er•.t1., ..,, dasea 2 00 principles that underlie botb are the 11""ry rt•r,cted• 11, 010 same. Geography deals with .products mpre'l than with places. The pupUs Iea� where the various articles of eft metre come from and why each roan= try 1s adapted by nature to certain In- dustries. The boy takes added Inter- I eat in Ws class when he learns that 1 the binding twine that irused for hie father's binder comes from the Phil. Jppine islands or that most of the auger be eats on bis breed at lunch- time eolnes from the German beet Gelds. The details of land formation are studied In the streams and hills Sof the echoed district, and a study of wills hi brought In at tete same time. - These outdoor excursions add to the Interest of the work and quicken tbe children's power of observation. 'When all tbe time necessary has been , given to the! routine studies there is still plenty left A little botany can tar given. • The pupils can study the forms of flowers 'end plants and the mystery of growing tbinl,'rl• Usually Ibe sehottl has a Auden of ample sire. tltlpiLs .art sp.ntl-partoL the time in summer, when the pleasant 1 weather makes •the• study of books Irk- I some. They can study the different meals and pleats at first band and learn thirst from this close ut.serea- lien whfrb ttu'y never could obtain from book-. In the vprlig before work boxes can he stsrted Indoors and the beginning of the effe of the plant stud - IM. Often a small shop and a few tools are provided. and the boys are tanr'ht to a:iw and petite and hammer to some. efteet The nacres' of, thfq modern district nehool education has been proved be- yond n doubt. .One of tbe foremost lo- calities In the country in this move- ment is ('age cognty, 1a. The work be gan there in 1997 under the leadership of Miss Jrsilie Field, a county superin- tendent. whose motto, "We believe 10 ttu..rnnntry hove and eiris." has he - New York Dairy Market. • NF.w YORK. Nov. sp.-Bolter, nuns: en- e.lpts 1?1, creamery. specials. 3114.' 4, 21ri•-. 'extras, Mars. third -to first. 24e• to 20c; creamery. 10.14, :eeond to special. 36a• to 31e. state ditto, common to (Meet. sit• to 33•.'0t0e0.w. common - to special. 24c to 754e; 1 tarn .•resarn rg, first. :'414c t0 Se. fs.•tor). ,lune make. 24! t0 ?eke: •urrent make, ='4.. 2e tIle. (Tense -4,p lel .wd steady. receipt., 1'41: eine, whole milk, September quality. ape - 1 , 10%. to Ile; do., fancy colored, 104=..•; ale.' orgy white, 214,1. 10 h1v4e; do., choice, 11%, U, *e; 11,., earl.: October, tine. tt4e to 14 •: dn.. current make. f..ir, Ile• do., ,oa,m 13.• 4, 1304.. skims. 1V4• to tae. Egan._ f'Resh. un- settled'. receipts. refritrerator, un- settle. re.•eipts. '117. Rtate, Pennsyl- vania a re*rbv ttetnwr>. white fatter. Mc 4. erre, do. gathered white. 1110.• to 440; .the.. ten •- brown fancy, 40,. to 411 do.. guihe•t'ed 1 wn. 34c to 40c. west.rn rxel, white, :Sc. to 42e: fresh' gpth.red, extra first.:.. to :5c: do.. first. 3nr to 32e; do.. s cortin. - tn.^9.•: refrigerator,. site - Chit! marts. to y,. fn local storage. .15e; do nn.l W4c ,• Me. do.. amend*, 2.2e to' :a.:. CATTLE MARKETS. Dai, est 0 77 pis u 1211 xw •o U Eleffalo Exchange' Cattle Genera N{KW' Y„ItK. Nov larergsH quote 1.1:1(5 at 1_'+4.' t•1 1314e per .r.•pr, at ?'4e tu-.orifi.- Union Stock Ya TORONTO, Nov. V. - eve et••ck lit the Union '1 !d, ca7loa.IJ rnhsist►ng of I. tet huge -817-eiteep end -lam ,•dives. Exporters. Ice-wee Pre, I1!/10 1he each at »...r. '1' e'on emir' bought owe load e51)1 1:1,1 'tin• rerth. at 116.90. But There 11w.' a taw- loado awl Mets go*..1 'p holt. retnch..m.11.ot sold at :.bout IA pee '-wt. higher thart last week. Two I.* 1a el .Mcet.sl la tfers arwl Ni -e Pre sold lit G.•R whl.•I waw 100 11,p prises pus for any ,'utas Rohl on ti'• market.. Hadof gond. j'..o to 5:.re. medium, >4 rV,nlm01.. 14.16 10 54 911. .rows. 53 to A pier cwt.. canines, rL to M-20 le,lle, 5S.:e to $4.00 roars were about [sic per cwt. high- er thea last week ' Stockers and Feeders. Short loos. !ceder. send al 7;,.:: to 16.M: good render. u St T, 11,16, stockers. $4 to •74.111 per at - er for Hogs y 1-'Igher. 2q. -1 esdon' and rrerfl'nn' enttt0 ,.. refrigerator s. eipte of rds were eat.tlt. atter-39- Milkers. T'pwlve 'nilkorp and springers sold i 1G7 W ix, each. Veal Calves. A 'irn.*.vl .nomtw•r of vest teal .014 frem rt 1" p per cwt. Sheep and Lambs. ti's tweeted erideitirtyeenen Bleep and Iambs were oh,ortfe. Wesley 1 man quoted pns wt . Shoop, ••wee. 54 4 10 efi. r to 23.'0 lambs. l.76 to p ro VP 'WA 10• W 1 FeMn.on. hove NOgefar (loons, matted selects. f.-1 unit motored at the market. at 1f. ss.l 111E to drovers for hogs Y o b cars at .wuntry points. ntreal Live Stock. I Mo • SfONTRI:AI. Nov. 214.--Itpprial,E-At the llsrwrtr•eil eV,evk Yarns ween end market 01.' r.•.cipte •.f 11 e.• stork for the week .•ndln4 Ne. 4 were •7101 cattle. 11M sheep ' :and boobs, rem) hogs and 271 calon.. The � frrin5a 'a. the market this morning ,. .,nwiste,1 or :30 ...stile. TT 'throb and 1 :'nib., 1120 Logs And 160.steer•. Then w. -re .,ver 70n head of oorthwaa0 ranchers or the market alone. [dales of full loads of nnrtbweat ranch- 'deem worn 1 ends at 1.l01., t.9. mod cows and !wirers at 14.40 ler 100 Ih.. In brokers Ints,'chola stoles :alit .11 11,.:0 to x1.2 hood at 56 to 76.3.' a.,few falrts good at $4 :Alto $175. fate at 114 to 111.3>. .td cnennion at 010 to 5176 i per Nle list cows for canning t..w'ix e•s brought trona >140 to :Ye' Ver lb.. and bulla 3t4e 10 per Ib deist hulls for buteli rel tae 54 1e1,1 in 4.• p11 Ib Flogs scored • ne- ther .recline •.f nR per 112) Iia. eat or eelertet Ms were merle .t T 57.36 per 1110 lbs., weighed off torts. Pricer for iambs were f1•• ly maintain- ed sales .4 Upper (. de .stork were Wade ..1 6. to Alia, . , Qu.4ws eto,k at L44,• to rays. 'tor Ib. for pixel, ntled fern,. al M' to . per M. 1`litres tonna s,rar.•a, and • 01/ 011(100 gr•i'c fed sloe! were- ovule . e14e. to 7c, a,.1 good at (Abs to Gc per live w01gLt- ey are country. to the Intro - Into the runt n4 that the concern *deed. There is +tome' this objecUdn• in the old dletriet schoolt in the con- ned aehewil better gra4ing la poet- . 0, the pnplis learn n thing well when they go ever It, and endless r.petitlnn Iv nnnei-eaaary. Every one who ttea attended s district arbor,' re- tnemhers the etwllegs mnt)ne of (0100 tient, 'n1 the reader, which most he awn •ter epee and opts -.11‘01 tba1 TrPioAL AURAL, 101100x., Baa* . MID CIi(11:ltl.t..0a come ramous Inc reentry over. rage county set to work to give the country boys and girls a Metter chance. One Of MINS FIe(1's first acts was to des,- tribute iretribute n large number of tnllp bulbs to all the schools In the county. In making the flower beds and planting the bulbs the children became Interced- ed In growing things. They became Interceded In improving the echoot grounds and the seboolhonee. The teachers of ge county are In- te.reetr11 to rune:rich is. During the past year several oft . rural school teachers refined posher) In town at higher eelarh>s. They wort too deeply interested in the niral work o forsake It. with a teacher like that school cannot help but he successful. The patrons are coming to nppreclate teaehera, too, and are giving them ter materiels, more equipment end moral support. The county .upeslntenden light a itatxeoek tester and sent 1 round from one school to another. he Boys learn- BRAIN WORKERS bh6. who get little exercise, Leel better all round for an occasional dose of "NA -DRU -CO" Laxatives They tome up the liver, move the bowels gently but freely, cleanse the System and clear the brain. A new, pleasant and reliable laxative, prepared by a rehabie firm, and worthy of the NA -DRU -CO Trade Mark. 25c. a box. 1f your druggist has not yet stocked them, send 25c. and we will mail them. NATIONAL DRUG el CHEMICAL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL. 21 1 New Season's Millinery MISS CAMERON b05 aeeured a choice selection of the very latest -styles in Millinery and will be /leased to show them to the ladies of Goderich and vicinitt at her show rooves. Hamilton street. The most approved effects in shapes and trim- mings for the season are as.w•et to Miet Camerons customers The ladle- are int ited to call at their' con- venience. MISS' CAMERON, - Hamilton Street, Goderi*.h TO NEW SUBSCRIeBERS' We will send The Signal. from now to the end of tot I for 1.00 DISPENSING Th( i;rttti•dt Care is taken in dispensing at this store. The purest drugs are used. and y -u may bring Tour 'prescription Jgees.:ith theetreatt•st.rwtltdeo"•' Shpt it well i-et•eise proper attention. TOILET ARTICLES. We make a specialty of thee••, and !•an supply you with the latest and best goods. It C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, .. >tith Side Square laxlerich. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ve rcoats We have in stock now, without doubt, the finest showing. of winter Overcoats it has ever- been our pleasure to place before you. We have a magnificent range to choose from. - '' Overcoats for boys and youths start at $4.ob- and up to $to.00 ; Overcoats for men from $6.00 to $23.00. We take special 'measures for 2oth Century Brand Tailored Clothing. Special for Saturday About, three dozen of American heavy black drill workman's •Shirts, sizes 141.. to 16, reguhtr• 75c. Saturday. only - _ - 50c- -1 ----- WALTER C: PRIDHAM The House of Real Values. 9recriptk 118 This is the moot particular inch of e i• g ie, ht -hep your doctor ding your ailmrthe AdId prrala►erl tit. the moat effectual di oto cute your disent , you net mall want to have tit scriptitm tilled M -a tore where pal I drugs ate _. r ye need and whirr 1�/ will be filled • by eonspaet druggist... Every promription fillet bore i- �' rev eft wt as to [.void the po de chance of wiatske. I i a• n preset ipflou tu110 fl ter wotl•1 he eta.! t0 I'el•ve yule. FREE TRIP THE OLD COUNTRY • OPEN TO :.L READERS OF Tei ' ODERiCH SI(IN,AL' ed W test miland tnetr rntbera learned that e of their cows were not so g . . s they had thought. The boys w taught to Judge corn and to mak gcrmluatlon boxes for tesUng cern. They learned to pick out one weed Herd from another nod which were the most to to leered. I At the national corn *how In Oms ' ha In 19O1 Mlss (yield won the eutotne- bfle that was awarded to the beat rurnl school exhibit- Mies 1'1.14, sev- eral of her teachers and some of the brightest boys In the county attended the short softens at the ngrlcniturel college in 1909. "i find Chet I've got to learn more about corn," Miss 1'1.1.1 saki. "My boys are getting ahead of me." She did no well that she wen an .xpxert judge's certificateiter boy* won the ..vent} -fly* dollar cold medal that wag given for t1» but boys' judo Ing team in the state. flee tearhen, went back with BOW Vials to put into asset. Buffalo Cattle Market. itt'l•1'Al.), Nov '.3.-,'attle -ft► . ,. :1:110 clean: hMvy, ntea.ts; &heat. titre .owl 101e hlgler; prime steers. 110 10 to 15.76: shlppng, $>.a. M 11.:1. tetrt011.- er,4 54.75 1., 54.11, heifers, 14.40 to ¢.90; e'llwa, 517 to V., hit1111, 51.76 to 7[ 10; Kock- erw WWI feeders, 5416 to x.:0. stock heet- 4.:.76 to 14.M, t)wth room and nering- , strong. $311.14, 511, ale-Lltlge/6M. ZOO head. active and se h1gtwr; 57 to 510.15. IIogs-Iter.rilp, 14,a10 henA. artistic teeny, fir to IM1• lows, light, lOr tt, 160 blglar, heavy ants retroed. 77 v, to 51.142: rockers. 57 W. to 57.76; Mom, s; 75 to 17.90: roughs. KM 10 Pure. miners. 169) to 11; dairies, 17 10 to r.71. sheer and Lembo.-•Iterrlpts, 1111.401 hoed. at -tier, 1earll nga, steady, Others, IGc to S.• iiiriier, Inmate LAM to r, v.'ertiipk" 14.76 wo.11w.� M to 54.7A, curs. to 54. y tdw 01.75, ah.eep, mixed. la Ito Pis. • New York Live Stock. l NRtI0TOItK, Nor Al teeeves-Rere4ta) aIR, stoners. dew M►t .'t -* 1y; bolls *04 elms, donde to strong :Mott( alt .POW. 15eers, 51.55 '" 112.5>, Mills, M.77 to tt1.4' 001010, is to 14.1S: dressed has. mow all i 711x' m 1544.' Nape/rot to -morrow, V eat,e U. (lalves-Ke'Npta, 11111, Gawk, steady to 1.155r westerns steady to strore chew 001/1, 5 - e!5 easy, veno, 'kw to 5101(1 ,•ults. >t a 10 pp 11111111•19.11 r1M fed Cohen. 54 M MAD: tevla5isae, 5376 to 110.40, Are..aM OW; illy &Tweed vents, l.!- I•• I,. .an- tr� dt'eaa.d. 7c ,0 tae. lwbrp and tomb, -Receipts. 12,040 alma. h101 rno*Ay I awl ha, Metter, new p. is 4e tat ALun est A' re, 5f it ILS, Purim. $M coelia ei se to 5b, ,sable 54 its �j►_4tw...it., r market, ellbkm. at AM to57.•l F. ILV HERALD AND WEEKLY ST:1it, of Montreal, Tis go g to send three of its renders to the Oki Country next June' the time of the Coronation. with all expenses paid, Romany pia of Canada, and a blots! sllowance for spending money. We have completed arrangements'with the publishers of Thr Family Herold by which out readers can eel er the competition for this prize trip, and it certainly will be a trip to be desired. THE CONDITIONS The issue of "The 1''anlilHerald and Weekly Star' of September 15th, 111111. had 868,370 readers, based on an average of five readers to [earth paid subscription. How Many Readers Will the issue of March 151b,1?11, on the sante basis have ? We offer THE SIGNAL from now until January 1st, ' 2. and The Family Herald and Weekly Star for one year far $1. • . : m► every person acc.• .ting[ this ••tier hate the right to make an estimate. and The Family Herald and Weekly Star will send the fleet three persons who make the correct, or nearest., to correct, [estimate to England. with all expenses paid from any part o1 Canada, and a iberal allowance for spending money. - -Special Offer to Signal Subscribers if a suhaeriier to The Signal win,. a plan. n this r•nmpetition we will give an additional 550.00 to Ithis prl•son for !pen ing money on t trip. Only one such mem to he given by The 8i ,tI, and that for the lest estimate. F. J. BUTLAND Dispensing Chemist, Uodericjl, Ontario BIG VALUE FOR LITTLE MONEY For ;the small sum of .One • Dollar one [:.all certainly get big value by subscribing to The Family Herald and Weekh' Star of Montreal. In the tial place you get the greatest weekly -paper on thi• continent---a--newspaper, magazine,- and agricultural journal all -in one. Then again, each subscriber thi- season has the chance of- winning a free. trip to tit.' Old Country next June, with all expen4es from his home'in Canada to the Old Country and return, arid his spending money as well. This is no catchpenny offer, .ts The Family. Herald and Weekly Star's repu- tation would not allow any fake contest. Full par- tictilars can be had at this office, or by writing for a sample copy of that great paper. It is the hest value in Canada beyond dispute. *- Eat iunate Eatimate coupon* ran he hn.l at thie• office, which mind 1e filled in rind aecompany your suh*rription to the two papers. The Family Herald Feel Weekly Star, of Montreal, is the greatest family and farm paler en this continent, and can safely be depended upon to carry nut this unique competition impartially. We hope to ane some of our readers win the trip. Mend your au bs.•rip tions in.NOW• Address all °dere to this office. WINTER 7FOOTWEAR 11' Thi ' sea. a n we are better pr ared th • ever t supply your wants for inter Footwear. Everything to k your feet warm ' nd dry - RUBBERS OVERSHOES FELT SHOES' SLIPPERS p OVEROAITERS LEGGINQ5 OCCASINS a n d VERSTOCKINOS That gill give the be: year at the lowest possible prices. REPAIRING Downing & MacVicar