The Signal, 1910-12-1, Page 7- THE SIGNAL: GODERI('H ONTARIO •frit•r:.DAY, IlfEt k.wtien 1. t ,Id LO AL TOPICS. Hockey Meeting. the Boys Don't Forget. A Meeting for the organization of a The editor of The Signal is pleased hockey Huh for the season will be heW-iu the Meuenetung Canoe Club t, ems `bit \Vedneeday evening next, December 71.11, at S o'clock. All inter- ested are invited to atteud. Who Cashed Syracuse Cheque ? %Vill the put)- who cached the 'rhtslue at F. F. Lawrence's office, dur- ing 1)etOber, ter $'t.79, 011 Syracuse, rev, pleas' coul(duuicate with Mr. litwri•nce ? The cheque is lost and he would like to obtain pat ticulat•r. Aeother Meeting Saturday. with the interest that is taken in Paper by the -old hoer" of the office. T.taet week there were contributions to its columns by two freer members el the stat? new in New Yerk City. This week there it a letter from "J. A. 1'.," a Signal "old Troy" now in Chicago. We have received alto a re- port of the greet ' Vatsity=,)•ager foot - tall watch from a former Sigual re- porter ni w In Tor:,nto, but lutve been enable to get it auto type., We are grateful, tor these evidences of the kindly feeling of the boys foe "the old The *diem ned meeting for the dis. Paper' ease •n of tariff matters will be held in the tewu hall, Goderich, ou tiatut. las next. December :ltd. at 2:.111 • o'clock p. w. The meeting is epeu to the public, stud all classes are invited ;estti aid. A Benefit Tea. • The Maple Leat Chapter of the eitaghters of .he Empire will serve ,fternoon tea from 3:30 le tl o'clock on - \1'edneatieyuferotioo, December 7th, iu the office on North street formerly -ocrupird by J. L. Killoran. 1 h +ro- reede will go to tbe aid of pro - reed. will ))Ayer-, the blind patient et the hos- . -pit Al. Order Placed 4or Fire Escapes. 'rho [remits Wire k Iron Winks ('t., of London, has toren instructed by Robt McLean to equip the local pose;, )noose with a .complete system fire escapes. The- work will be ,, ,:e teem -ding to Pr ,vincial t'egule- ons and will be'cowwenced at once. The elute tit m alwo will place- lire apes en th.• howpitel. O,fdfellows Elect Officers. Bitten Lodge. 1. U. U. l'':, met last '„ndmy evrninit and elected .the `1• „e Ing officers for the Qnsuing• tee16 ' s a. e. Lynn : V. S.: iiiry•Me ur: I 1' it.. Hugh Polley ; recording sec- - i,•t. , e . Char. A. Reid • financial see- .. taro, lir.. \V. F. ''irk : treesu('t•r, II. ('. 1%'hitrly. roue new cendidatie 'were initiated -the same evening. .. •Bermilter tease Concluded. The long=standing Be 11er case. in whet .0 suing man war charged with takipr:jt suit of clothes from tee river Iwnk. �►hile •the young lady who owned them was in bathing. was ter- minuted on Tuesday. when the deten- dMft hi the care pleaded guilty to the ottenre end was allowed to go on sirs- _ pentTeir;.eh t rot e. iudjte IJSc t6 ptg= sided. • • Kiely Property for Sale. In ,en advertisement in another sol. iernn of this.week'e issue of The Signal. the- ---teeeutdui '• Kiel y property • on Nelsen strret is ofiered for sale in sep- enetr lots in • its entirety., Citizens I..al of the place in the latter way, so that nee of tbe mosthendsotue residen- tial pr- Iicrtitw of the town tmightre; - nein intact.__ Death of Dr, Herbert,Switzer. 11.1 %• wits rect•tyrel herr early 'ti Nknee ..t 1 he *Tem. illness •01 1)i Ile, is it netit ter. of lh•tti,il 'Ann td Mrs. Benjamin Switzer, • tee it Th.• parents left for Peleeit__ i,ese The nieethers present were t.l'son , ...eft °f tbe word but their. Mrese•s. Kidd, Tigert, Kernighan, eo ilea -ed swat- Ie•G,rr they t'rat•hrtl Fowler, Strang and foto, The.follow- t,ie ). l-.i,le, 1'nruuumeet tyi's the• ing accounts were ordered to be Paid : •eui-. •,l_Aeittti• Ueee"s.i lued n••id,•d The erten. grsnnlitbic and sewer in Ire(ri'it only •a sfiutt tetue% 1.1ving n'ruo•rh• )acre) in GifStn•.. Mich. „He i- sura is isl by hi. wift•- and one. littb gir1. Tug Despatch Rescued. The tug Despatch, which way res. cued last Thutsduy in Lake Erie after being at the mercy of the waves for sums time, sailed out of here, fishing, for revere) seasons. Alex. McLean, who wits Oda settee') wheeling on the Kaminietiquia, wad the captain. The Istat was built in Buffalo but VOL* chrestened here and ran her first fish- ing trip out of Goderich about fifteen yeere ago. Thenz L,edmie, of Detroit, was the owner at that time. Later, it wits sold toa Pert Hinton nun and meal up et D,uek Island fishing station for a few deas.ns and Anally went t o I.'tke Erie, where it was .•ngaged in the fishing trade. Marsh—Lethbridge. At the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. G. i.ethbridge, A l l i a n c e, Middlesex county, on November .illi.- hive mur- riage of Royal Conklin Marsh, of Chicago, and ellen Alice Salome Loth - twitter wee 'solemnized by Rev. W.1.. Nichol, The wedding m u s i . - was played by the bride's brother. George Lethbridge, well known to twiny readers of The Signal.. The groout spent a portion of Met:untutet holidays at the PoiutFertn 1ma1 season, He is it son of Mrs..Mar•sh: of Toledo, who has been en ttut visitor to Goderich for natty yew's. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh will reside at Chicago, and they have the gored wishes of their Goderich friends in their happy yent,ure. Uitizens'. League Organized. A meeting was held in the Temper- ance Ball last Thursday evening for the uii pose of organizing a Citizens League. The objects in the Tr del-ot the movers, it is understood. are the Metter enforcement of law and order. in the town, matters mf social and � development. In regard to Niagara ref,,rtn,-,mad p,seiihly the bring --power- title -Heck states- That- the price fin these western towns would depend to a considerable ex- tent upon the amount which could be marketed at Windsor, and until Windsor was heard (rent it would be Giving Good Satisfaction. The general delivery ryeteui in which most of the grocers of towu are co-operating was inaugurated on Mouday last and is reported to be giving good results. Three rigs ire in use, making t'ur deliveries each day, and another one is being put on to �insure the prompt delivery of par- cels. Dr. Field Remains in Goderich. 1)1.. d, M. Field, '1 i-ineipal of the 6.elerich Collegiate Institute, has de- cided not to except the appointment to the department of Etigholi and hie- tery-in the 'Technical High School at 'rotation lord will remain to Goderich. 1t a meeting of the li.,C. 1. trustee bear) lest week it watt decided to °tier I)1. Field :tit advance in salary of 111IMI, uuikeug it $1,71)1 fur the ensuing yet°•. Died at Saginaw. There died at Saginaw, Michigan, wecond'v son of IS, theas a Michael Murphy, Lakeside, Nitro erre He leaves a wit a and three children ; also two brothers and five sisters, namely, Mrs. A. Morris, Fairview : Mrs. Moore, St. Marys ; Mrs. Gillespie, Pott Huroo, and Sister Assumption, London, and Sinter Her 4.oderich.—Stratford Bettc,.n. Still Another Huronian Making Good. Ji'ihn R. Bone, the ,tssistatrt Manag- ing editor of that bright daily, The Toronto Stat, has gone so Great Brit- ain in order to report the progress of - the British elections especially for that paper. Speaking of him The Star say,. what it universally ad - witted le Toronto newspaper men : '•Mr. Bone is an acute, experienced, and dispa-sionat.' ubserver, There are few better-known men in Canadian iuut•nalism." Mr. Bgpe was born and before his death, which was due to brought up in East \ rwuttosh, and has the ravager of consumption. ` De- inany friends in the county who will ceased was a son of the late John b.• delighted to know of his progress. ,Mugford, of the lth cnhcession of Col - The Power Question. borne, who passed away four years The council of the hoar) of Trine- ago. He want to Egniondville to re - met en 1uesday even,ng and discussed side in 11 100 alter he hail been en.- „ varlet- n( matters. including - the ployed for some time in the Kensingg- electrite' Phil way. rural'• telephones, ton furniture factory in liodetich. tigricultural education, hydro -electric The remains were brought to town en power. the market question, etc. To Monday en the 11:36 train and were secure some definite information in taken to Colborne cemetery and in- teger(' to the sower question, it was termed there. Rev. Dr. Medd heti decided -to ask' Hoo. Adam Beck to charge of the funeral service. The visit Goderich, and a committee way pallbearers were . four brothers. appointed for this oarpose. ' Mt. Bryk Albert, Fred, elartih and Wesley was rommunicated with yesterday by hltrtgford, of brother-in-law. end Win. .1. lrlepl one, and stated thnt he could not Rads ey, E d Goderich,, father-in-law mud r- visit Grslerich at present. lett if desired K ) of be %guild send air engineer up here to deceased. Those who were in attend- ee* ' the possibilities of local power 'ince at the funeral from a distance were Wesley Mugtnrd, of Newcomers - town, Ohio: and Mrs. Kih.ttea, of -To. root o. a brother and a sister of the de- ceased. , Besides his widow a family of two daughters and a baby hny about a year old is left 1. mourn his early demise-. Former Resident Uies at Parry Sound. The followiuf obituary notice comes in the year 1882113: George B., of Texas, with whow Mir. Johnston wet Ata erg when she died. Mrs. \Vidder, of Goderich, is a sister, as also is Met. Bernard Haldane, of Toronto. The late Hugh Johnatoa is well remem- bered in tioderich, having occsipied the position of deputy clerk of the Crown here for a number of years. He was elected Mayor of lioderich in January, 186li, which position he held tot' one year. Y. M. C. A. Entertainment. The Y. M. C. A. roomy were well tilled last Friday evening on the occa- sion of the entertainment given by the ladies' Auxiliary of that Amami Lion. The principal attraction humorous scene entitled "Not a \I to in the House,” which was put on by local talent, consisting of Misses J. Strang, 4lbats, McArthur, Hodge and Dickson. It was pronounced by all to be a good drawing card :end well worth repeating at some future date. A. 31. Robertt+on, president of the local Association, occupied the chair and the following were the other numbers which constituted the pro- gram : Reading,, Melville McNevin ; selection. trots' chorus; piano duet. Misses G. Warnock and B. l'i•idham; solo. A. E. Cook ; reading, A. M. ltob- rrtson: solo, Miss Brown; `piano solo, Miss G, \Var'nock. MW Wilson and G. H. King. organist of North street Methodist church. acted as :tecompad- ists for the evening. A tidy Sum was realized as the proceeds of the enter- tainment, which will go to the aid of the Y. M. C. A. wdrlt-}n tioderieb. Death of Charles Mugford. Friday evening of last week the death occurred at Eguiondville of Charles Mugford, at the age of thirty- four yeses. 11jy had not enjoyed good health for the pati' decade, but was confined to bed only for a short tine frig out of candidates at the municipal elect e me in the . support of thew tee jectie The following officer" were ap- pointed : President, J. E. 'tom : vice - Wresident+ Role. Megaw ; secretary. V I Muir: treasurer. J 11\Ic(Jlini ton. I' h e follow ing torr,.ona .were treeless from him tit quote :r price fcr selected from each Rolling tone were Niagara power delivered at Goderich. The otter to send an engineer was H. Jlilli.an : No. 2, Char. Young • No. 3, A. Saunders ; No. 4, John Lawe,.n No. J. 11. Tigort : No, 8. Jae. S. Tait; No. 7, (u- urge Johnston. The League will hold's public neetinjt on Monday evening next•at K o'cli.ck. Public Board. b e Li brar y The public library board met on aturday evening for regular tstri- Married at Banff. 1t Banti, Alta.. on \ltdnesdat. Not 'who "card, the marriage win, ri•nsummuted of Miss Grace Margaret l-tw.nn, daughter of David Laws'n, it Uwdop. to Malcolm Keith Mchtuer- lie, of Vancnuart. Ret'. William K. All., tie,' the nuptial knot. The- /vide hrbride IMP wide circle of friends in town std vicinity by whoiu she ie held in the very highest e'teent. and though they incrWWI y to lase her they extent' Lest wishes for her welfare and happiness in her new sphere. Mr. ,rot tits. Met,inarrie will teside at r- C Athletic Association, ' MASS meeting of the boyo o1 the ' ••c+mte Institute. on \Vednrsdav the ing officers for the-\thlrtic 1''striation were elected : Hon. pres- td,t,t. Dr. J. M. Field ; president, A. 31. Merit -on : manager, R. A. Wal- ter : -t en.t:,r.•treasinere H. B. Long: oetenittee, l.) McLachlan, J. 1" -Mr• Nall ht. G. Bnrdette ; petr'tne, serene. T. Firth.`B. A.. rap!t. H. 1•. Dunlop. Dr. A. Taylor. i),. \V. S. T'irhlnll, T. Leckie. Basketball end i, a l.•i teens will -fro organized and ¢stiles arranged for t he winter. .\ hsllenge has Already toren received ;pant.. C. I. etOld Bms' in Toronto ah•, want a :;.nue of hockey at the 1'hii-tto;1s vacation. L'• a d Adventures of an Old Soldier. The late Thomas Huckste_ in his Ehler r een spent some time i Paring sem'• memoirs of his life as a her. hon, bis boyho.td in the bar- hreugh fifty years of service in :ars and the Militia Thea t is being published in \lair and power will acc.,rdingly ire secure.). Change in Town Treasurership. After acting for tweet' -five years as en+tndien .1 the corporation finaucets, W. L. Horton last week sent in his resignation, end.the council atits meet- ing nn Friday evening appointed Atex, Mtr:titon' to succeed him. The appointment is pleasing `et Mr. Straitan's mune friends, end- the town's financial interests, which were capably attended to by Mr. Horton. will still be in good hands. Mr. rates, 'MMU: The Signal. printing. Straiton for unmet years has occupied lien. Porter, books, *1.111 ,tadpositions of trust said responsibility. $U.:ti. The libr'arirtn reported re- For rorty -one yeti s he was in the reipts of *o.31 dicing October from Brand Trunk•Reilway service, he•ing sales of cards, entalogne and from station agent at Goderich for many tines and ttn issue of 1,324 book!, and neagszines. A resolution was' carried by which is grant of The- Illusrated- Lendon News will be made to the Y. M. C. A. after being two weeks on the table anti Saturday Night. will be de- livered weekly at the nurses' home of \I-xandre. 'hospital. Mr. Kernighan, owing tie circumstances' preventing his ettendunce at the me•etings, tendered his resignation dr a member of the hoard. The t•esignet' WWI accepted with regret and with expressions of at•preciation from his fellnw-members added duties of town treasurer he will of his faithful services in the past. relinquish some of the other offices at Harbor Notes. the end of this year.. The steamer Renveyle unloaded roe- Death of Mrs. Leask: III hetshele of wheat at the Big Mill M:..ny friends will regret to learn of on. Tuesday. the death of Mrs. Leask, wid.tw of the The steamer Neehine arrived on late Rev. Robert Leiask, for many 1Vednesdny with n storage load of years minister of the Presbyterian wheat for the Big Mill. clrurch at $t. Helens. The deceased The *learner Wexford was here last was the eldest daughter of the late Saturday and unloaded 114,11)1 bushels Themes MtCi•tae, of "Junefleld•' fain, of wheat and oats at the elevator. Guelph township. She had recently The steamer; Fairmont arrived on removed ft'om Parietal? to 1119 College Wednesday with w cargo of wheat for street. Toronto. and on Thursday otter - the Big Milli which it will hold for the noon last some friends had called and wint er. Five cars of construction equipment have arrived for Michael Conreatry, the contractor for the new piece of ',meltwater. The steamer Kaministiquie arrived lest Saturday morning with to. cargo .1 110,011 busbele of wheat for the Elevator Cotupene.__ She has gone ° u w The Signe iron Parry Sound: arry . . u e o ' res in the perven of Mrs. Robert Fawns (Clarinda Shier) passed away on Wed- eesd'ay. November Stith. The late Mrs. Fawns was horn in Limerick, Ii-elend, in the year JSL'. When two ys:trs old she cause to Canada with her parents :and settled on a faro[ in Brock. In 11462 she harried Robt. Fawns and for some time they lived in the township of Hay, moving from there to Hullett and then to Goderich. Here,they resided eleven year.. Then they moved to Axe Lake, being almost the first settlers, and after about six years they came to Rory Sound, where they have resided for the last twenty-seven 'veers. For a number of years Mrs. 1 -'awns had been a great sufferer troth crass, until s longand revere illness rheumatism. About thirteen years aim she was between life and death for compelled him to relinquish, the pose- almost three months, hut recovering time. Resides the town treasurership from this illness for a time she wail he holds the p'ieitions of collector somewhat better. For the Last year and treasurer for the water and light she had been very helpless and had aumnrission, secretary of the public (ailed very fast. On Monday, No- -oboe' board, county auditor. auditor vemtier Nth, she retired as usnul and and clerk of seseion iu Knox church seemed to be resting well all night. ithese offices in the church held for She had always been an early r leer, .to over a quarter of a century). financial '.n Tuesday, when she failed to rouse, secretary for t he Sona of Scotland, and her husband became alarmed and one or two minor offices. Mr. called a do -tor, who saw that she was Straiton states that on account of the ainkine. She remeinetl in this condi- tion until Wednesday at 12:20, when she parsed quietly away in the pres- ence of her fancily. Niro Fawns wits a member of Mt. Andrew's Presbyte:- ian church and was a regular attend- ant until she became unable to go *hone: • The surviving members of the family are her hushand, one daugh- ter, lire. Jas. Tutt, ,and one son, Dr. Robt. Fawns, both of Parry Sound, Two teeters also- survive : Mrs. Will. Davis. of Granton, Ontario, and Mrs. Joseph Sperling, nt Kingsley, Michi- gan. The funereal, which took place nn Friday afternoon, was conducted by Rev. F. W Mahaffy, pastor .1 Mt. Andrew's church, and proceeded to Hillcrest cemetery. A large number of friends attendedyhe funeral. e• lh•' rte the re acrtnIartere a no -til ho,ikl . with on excellent en - paving' of Mr 'ittuckstep, with his uietti,ls and his Merton's apron. it iv exported that the book will be ready for tele Ry the end of ticx't...week. it _cbmAd find a r e a d v andetfeeamong "Tome" teeny friends and wilfla eke t., . fine Christmas present to se n 'Id reeinteers away from home. The mice is ':l cent.. I'hr pro-eeds, deo let Inc cost of printing, to il1 he P'P`t'nt.'d to Mrs. Huckstep. Thr Masquerade Carnival. The ttewrtyuerude carnival given ey the Joules roller rink last Friilah 'Meng was well attended by 1totr 'keter- and epe -tators. There war • tete b I { th g. John I. A. Hunt. prepident et the Goderich Elevarot and Transit Co., woe in town en Monday and made an inspection of the new elevator ifnnex, which was opener) forbusinessbusiness last week, ' While assisting to nnlned the V.'ex- fot•d Zest Saturday afternoon John Mc- Donald wile hit on the head by a flying block. Fortunately it was a glancing blow or the result 'night here been more serious. Although the wound rinsing him considerable pain he is tt ing to his regular work again. The ',Warners tlonlon, I'ort Col- borne. Be estop and Mtormoeint are expected -Mile week with carguen of wheat for the ig Mill. The three ory of one who was for many years a last mentioned wi inter here. The much reepetted resident of this town steamers Empress of idlanJ, J. :1. and a enemher nt one of its hest - McKee and AI onquie arrive in known families. Mrs. .Johnston was �� a num r of competitors tore nr a the course of afawiays'` wi stn ght -eight years nt age and was l' r"r'••¢!' pt izrtt and Judge. ('reagin. mads for the Elevator Commit) - married to the late Hugh .Johnson in Fee and Wigle had a difficult toe It I Two stories of the workhouse en a 111(4). They left (loddFieh about ^s :.electing the prizewinners. Mar- 1 elevet.w for the Big'Mill will he corn twenty-five years age and went to live inrie Morrow won the first prize in plated this week and it is expected ih. Texas. where Mr. .Johnston died the ledger: 'heel dre-s competition : that not much more concrete wort revile fifteen years ifgo. After his :efeefeWilson was given second. I will be done this season. Temporary death MeeJohnvtnn continued to re- ne fir*t p1 ize in the ladies' comic cos- machinery will be installed so that side in that -State with her son, George Vine competition wag won by Ida! grain may he discharged inti the bins B. Johnston. The surviving family 'Res": Violet Black writ awarded ,tor storage mod with this in view the consists of .fudge F. W. J.hinston, of .Prnnd. Henry Hemp won first prise elevator in connection with the Big Algoma ; Mrs. l"Pt.d, Pardee, of h,r h•• )'P.t trey tit comic costume end , Mill heti been joined with the now Sarnia. whose husband ie chief Liberal .itlin Hogggerth got second prise. building hs w pipe through trwheel the I whip h akin the liy E. Johnstone of Tor- • Thi'k twmmile race was won by Roder- grain will lie discharged onto, who was town clerk of G,wlerieh • i•k Murray.. elevator Into the new. wei•e flaying afternoon teawith her. Shewas chatting with her visitors when taken suddenly ill, saying, "There• is something the matter with my here)," and in a few minutes he - clime unconseione.. The tamily physi- cian was called and he at once sent for another doctor to consultwith, but the two were unable to do renj- herr--and-abs--died about 3 o'clock Friday morning. The doctors suggeettd that the cause of death might be a clot of blood on the brain. Moe Leask was predet:eased by her husband t wo years ago. The surviv- ingfamily are : Alfred P. commis- siomerchant. l'hicago; Dr. Thomas McCrae Leask. Manse Jaw, Sask.: D. McDonald Leask, law studeflt., Tie -- onto, and two daughters, at home, Misses .Jeanie and Marjorie. The fun- eral was held privately nn Monday jet Toronto. / The Late Mrs. Hugh JohnstOrt The announcement of the Oath in Texas on Monday. Novembet'Ilih, of Mrs. Hugh .iohpseon recalls the mem- YOU ARE INVITED YOUNG MAN to the V. M. C. A. rooms next hfond,..,Z. • 'Fvenint;, to ru;o� music, games, refreshment., etc. Business Men are invited to attend 1h, Gymnasium Class on \Wane -- day ev gs, and to bt.one members of the Association and give it financial support. Ladies will be .welcome,) toe Ladies'-\uxiliary. Everybody welcome to the Teacher - Training Class. oseseWeeeeeeelobeeeeseeseeseteseeoreeleee IOHRISTMAS1 WILL SOON BE HERE,AND YOU WILL NATURALLY THINK OF (SMITH'S ARTI,STORE1 .t the place to buy suitable and artistic presents for triends and relatives- We are showing an unusually attractive line of quality geode suitable for preeents, goods that you will not bee everywbere. Pictures nista an ideal present. We have paintings in nil, water color and pastel, by eminent artiste Carbon And platiune sepia photos, engravings and etchings, plain Anti hand -colored. Hand -decorated china, brays and leather goods, artewbroidtries, art c,esbions, etc. • We are showing an e:itensive line of Christmas Cattle, Booklets, Calendars. British Art Mott -flee -and and .1rt Novelties. it will repay you to visit our store before waking your •ie ectious for presents. S!'11TH'S ART STORE The Signal's Clubbing List will be found on page aisumr0 ANNOUNCEMENTS. For shaving supplies see the stock of 8. 11. Wigle, druggist. Fresh- home-made enndies every. y it,Burdette's Balmoral Cafe. Watch for display of Christmas candies at Burdette'e e -in Redford bloc Thnewest n r perfume is "Nyltitis." it_ an spade a big hit in New 'tor E. R. Wigle, druggist, successer to Jas. Wilson. carries it in stocks Willie : "Oh, Peps, 1 heard Sandy clans last night. He bumped his foot against A ehairand he said--" Willie a Papa ; 'There, there, Willie, 1 know whet he said. Run away new."-Deceoebt•r Lippinettti't- NEW GOODS r'ORLL \ See the floe +matings and overcoat intro et H, DUNLOP'S Wiese Seeger Correct styles, perfect fit, first, risen t adoring. Oami■ilso -OUR • O CONTINUES E STARTED out ith some of the hardest knockout blows - against the W w mail order competitidn. that have been heard of for some time, and the good work. will be carried on to a stressful issue. Hundreds of people h.tve been makinggoods ,and those of the ')tail order houses duringthe comparisons of our o j;o past week, but there are hundreds that we want to come and do the same thing.. We are convincing others that they can s. a money-by-Iuyingfri m. -fur -but we_want--_ everybody to come while this comps=rison o lues lasts, so that, yoit may `)rave a chance to know,. as well as others, the real va11 that can be got at home. - It is now nearing Christmas. Only three weeks ft to do shopping. It's a time when Christmas stocks will be at their best ; it's a. e when every depart- rtie t in our' store will feel the strentious'tension of heavy i ing, and the earlier you Came the better you will be pleased. _.-me of the big values advertised at the commencement of r r Challenge Sale ar .Still on, while a great many other special inducements will be • sale for the comic g week. SILKS -• 35o yards of black Silk, in ends from two m ' teen yards. This is a lot cleared from a wholesale house at stock aking time.. The prices we will s 11 them at will soon clear them . m, this depart- ment. In tut ots 175 yards regular Clearing, per yard.• sc Silks. _- - -49C 175 yards Silks (g aranteed), stamped on every yarregular ? $1.00 to $l,5o. Clearing,, per yard, only HAND BAGS 69 35 ladies' }land Bags, illi black • and tan, regular 5oc and 75c values. Clearing, each, only ' 39C MEN'S SUITS. 25 only men's tweed and worsted three-piece Suits,. regular $fo.o() and $12.00, Clear- ing price, per suit_ Clear -Et,„ .05 TRIMMED HATS 35 Trimmed Hats from the millirem department, clear - i nW now, each... . ..., $1.69 BOOTS and SHOES 33o) "pairs sample Boots and a) Shoes for men, women and chil- dren,cleal ing at prices away below' regular prices. Divided into four, lots for easy choosing. BROOMS • Five days in the big selling of coo Brooms. About half the lot is gone. This lot is made from • extra tough green corn, four strings and velvet binding, good weigh,, regular value slot. — While they last, each 25C OATMEAL .Another ton of Oatn)cal. Ton pounds for :.. _- . -. = 25C SUGAR - •I'wcnty pounds Redpath Sugar I.00 DAIRY BUTTER 450 lbs. Dairy Butter f o r Saturday's business. - Per lb. Goods delivered free to all parts of the town by ,the :new delivery system. d ._J 22C $ Cameron's Departmental Store,_ioderichJ