The Signal, 1910-12-1, Page 6TH URSDA 1', I)i('gKPRR 1. 1910'
District News.
'regent v. Nov. :Nth.
Mrs. Geo. Ferguson visited her old
home at Kintail, several days of last
We understand Miss Augustine has
been re-engaged to teach for another
Misses McMurchy. of Kintail were
gloats of lir. and Mts. Geo. Ferguson
over Sunday.
, ' Mr. Fisher. of Benmiller, has come
to rtwnd the winterwith his daughter.
Mre John Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Green and
daughter, Mrs. Murdoch, spent Thurs-
day last in Dungannon.
The W. F. M. S. of Smith's Hill
rhurch held their wonthiy meeting
' Wednesday, at the Inane of Mrs. Thos.
'1 raenAy, Nov. _"lth.
Mises Annie Densmore. of Wingham..
is visiting friend' in 'the .tteilthlsrr-
We ate glad to know that Frank
CampbeIl. who has twee suffering with
blood poisoning in hie hat.d, to him ov
ing nicely.
W. A. Harrison retterped home to
Lucknow on Saturday teat atter vi -:t -
,his deughter. Mr.. W. H. Camp-
bell. for the past two weeks.
The members of the Westfield Sun -
day sellout are preparing for :ut enter-
tainment and Christmas tree to he
given the Friday evening before
Christ Mae -
Cameron Jefferson' returitts/I bo
on Saturday last atter spelifih)g• the
tail tits -in the West. Ile • ex-
p•e,a•ses himself as touch pleased with
that country.
jJ' Lycknow. has cea td
point. and will henceforth vyivo - route
atteution to the home oboe. Ltteknow. where
bwilt be found et try day. All modern meth
In Dungannon for rte Signal i. at the Poor
otidoe Hook and' Stationery Store whore
order. will Le rer•e'red for iutaieriptlon.. ad-
vartl.dng and job work. wad receipts will be
gives for amounts uatd tar the nano .
SVKUNE.,It.t%. Nov, :Orth.
Gee. Stothers will bold en. aatction
rile of term.t n t end tined rfienis. an
Tueeday. December 1:491r
t`lettnor. KF:PURT -1e. (Arlt -Myrtle
Allen, 70; Fanny Fitzgerald. 1111; Edith
Stothers. til i Mer -y NI rewire 1(5 • Kiley'
Bradtord.Its. fi . 1V.-1 Arta -Ralph
Dialler. 7e : 'Kae Writ hers,70: Lotus (ltw
eon, 60; Stephen Medd. 58; Lorne Mc-
Kenzie. N); Marvin Dnrnin. 411; Lillian
Pentlan.L 42 Jr. 1 I Art )- Hazel
. •Carr, P2 • Marian 1tiAter: 1F1; limber
Brown. sot; Laura Fr,wler, 81 ; Litigfleld
Anderson, 84 : Pearl Ivens. 78 ; Clayton'
Sande. 76: Willie Fitzgerald. 70; lied
Fowler;- Hal. I. lArt)-Ivn Carr. 75,
,Fowler. -
Hazel Augusiine.68;
• Judson Bell, 64 ; Jarvis Anderson. fri ;
Sheldon Bartlett, liar.; Victor Errington,
' ref ; Delos Disber, Citi: Rub's- Allen,f111;
Edith Sands, 55 ; Margaret Medd. 54 :
Harold Sproul. 54. Wit. J. MOI•'t•'A rr,
MoaDAY, Nov.7).th.
Glatt; RP-wl•LTs. Tile special meet-
ings which have he•en held far the last
three weeks in Asbfteld Presbyterian
church were closed last Friday even-
ing. During the last week there was
a large attender be with the exception
of two wet and dark evenings: On
Tuesday evening there.,was a large
r•i.•resentatitrn of the Olivet Methodist
church pre.rut, with a nutnber trout
the Pine Rites. 1?eabyterian Chirrh.
At it vetnit of the meetings, it i• ex-
pected there will he a fairly large in-
.creasa in the menthership of the Ash-
" Held Presbyterian church.
Nu CAt.r.t1.TIRs.-.S party composed
of three bachek.r•s and two callow
youths from this section were nb-
aerved hunting for wilt ducks on the
lake shote last :tiatitola __.afterntxln.
Although there _ weir two double-
barrelled breech-loadere, line repeating
shot -grin of the latest de.igtt std noe
muzzle -loader of the sixteenth century,
yet the ducks laughed thein all te
scorn find none were ,enured. The
bachelors were kindly told by frirndo,
on.their 'return, that it would have
he•en11etter if t hey find been hunting
for duck., of nniettt•r specie's. some-
times called ii,ge•ls. hit unlike angels
and other lurks its this resect, that
this sp..ciea:rppare•ntly have ne wings.
'f'hb. in, however, only it surmise. as
we ,have not Leen permitted. so far. to
make a Close 'anatomical inspection of
these beautiful ducks.
Jos -mos. Wedding hells ere ring-
ing . Vague reports are 'outing Ue
hand of a young matt being found
stick in the thud of a long lane nn the
2nd ronEs"wion of Huron, and that h.•
was "pried'' nut with the aid of two
fence -tails and n ,•hovel., It is thought
that he is a native from the north of
Africa, with a pt•edate-lion for -sweet
clover." Sliss Maggie B. Mel :inn.,
of Clover Valley. and °Near 'Solomon,
of Ripley. attended Ashtttld I'rt Shy-
. terian church Jost Sunday Miss
Sarah McKay, tit the Kot al hotel.
Ripley, i• visiting at the maternal
hoitie at present . ...Thos. Sandy hut.
arrived Monte from a visit to the
North weer, arrnmp.nied by his broth•
er, Elliott Sandy. who hair teen work-
ing on a ronatructiun gams for some
months past in Saskatchewan
Mrs, flonald Mcleod is under medical
care et present,
RJ•:hi,1 1 Th*7nttowtng is
the sehoe)l report of 1'. V. R. No. I.
ANhflelu, for the month tit November.
The names are nit en in outer of merit.
Those nsatked with an asterisk tat
were elegeht for Ilse of more examina-
tions : Senior iV. -Annie Niel ,ennan,
Bain Stew*, t. Mary Barkwell. Alex.
Campbell. Ales. Mrt.ered,' Mat% En-
sign. Junior iV.--I.iell.a Finlayson.
Kenneth McLeoii, It. t, Mef,ennate
Frank Mel.ennan, medic McDonald,
Cameron Campbell, iiia Robb. Senior
IIi..-('Iifmd Cannell. Junior III. -
Wm..1. Jtnaign. Senior Jt. 'fargaret
McLennan. 1 Mnald Campbell, *Job •
McLeod. I'art I1. --Mar;' Finlayson.
Jessie McDonald. •lam Meltias, Hen-.
for 1.- Margaret McLeod. Junior 1. -
Helen Nc ae. i►,txt,i t RonR. Teaeb•
SATURDAY, Nov. :att.:
('ItRI'Ttt ea ENTEHTAI\%IENT. - The
annual ('bristmaa tree entertainment
will th• held in Colborne Evangelical
church on December 21th at , p. tn.
The program will cootist of cantatas.
recitations, dialogues and siltging...
tai. Christmas by -cbLu turn, a raid.
ur selection i- arrest In variety lurid price..
Mies this your .tore for your Chri.tww
grocerle, candle.. fruit. cigar.. etc. We 1
.ort r you a. v ell a. the town merchant.. t
buy fruw' the dame is'th•r 10
Try us and convince your.rtt. All kl d- b
pl odue•e and lwu t bought itt highe.t market
pricer. U. 1 tSYTILKlirepbaidgc. -
Wt•;rNktt».ty, Nut, :Oath.
Sftsi Lizzie Carter lir winning friend*
in 'Clinton.
Mr. Hewett went to Uodetica en
Saturday by t', t' K.
(Terence Symington left ref:petit to
lake et position at Guelph. . -
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Bell visited
friends near Wingham over Sunday.
Mrs. Yungblut. sr. left on Saturday
for a week . visit with 'friends ..t
E nglish Mountaineer and Swiss Guido
' Admit. It Is Too Much Per Him,
The mountain el miner is the 'only
)n.• real aerial arUels. Your arintnr
nut ut arta -Fie doesn't work. Tho
trek -hatred ,•ilap whit .M'cusIwtalty de-
uso... ••ilit)riat desks with beribboned
:Ilanit:writes only imagines that ' M
•r•intiae < :11 the rtuud Leri -it•. !Ile
ttatling to-charm:ode who strive*
for the high note,: in tate *seta! .Cale
.ppn)w•hee. nese to the climber.
!Mr A. L. Munn. an Englishman,
ia4t1to hits tw.•u trying .some high per-
forming In the We,.t at Yellow/head
Pula out Rooky Mountain way. He
lira .tttesept.•d ..I foot it up Moult
whose teak pokes it* head in•.
to the mi?ty vapors-event.•.•n thou -
f .and. five hundred feet ;Move terra
firma T,luat't .oniewhat hander than'
'.I.eking your way upstairs its two tem.
-Pius The nMlnntatn e1iitibor has no
o111(4114. t, primp him Np.• He jui.t digs
it. 'leets lit the mud and 'climbs every
p. of 'he coy .toot when It toots
'Imre end look ..---dent at the ants
ind 'tars. male :,tits' Munareh i 'ail
1.• -11rv.•y• I* your mountain chin •r
it ;ris'it syw) with Ilea
u, •.ase, ,hole of heaven, he is Stator•
r..ui and poet roiled into one. -
Mr VI until. Js( nut r•Juyuet Robson•
;f•• started out there its July. and for
rev.. nsouth:s ill. been waiting for the
.now 4, telt ou the -ide of the
•n'ttister. The .fittest mu Reh.s.iu friglrt-
ned .oven his .swiss ruble. alumni
!,a., lust returne.l W F:Jniotlton an.!
says that Rnb•r ii i. t>•o nsu••h f•tr
alt • He has given tar iornj.•.•1 run•
.teierable of , ht. 'time. 1.t<t year he
end I. M. ',wry. Earl Grey's journal"
Aso . frogi4 went out ut Robson` ,n
tuguat. They got luno :t .now. .tent.
.ind slid.' re +.ernt •.1 the gtueiat
tr tii Bestir:. Munni end .tmery
Atm! d inlp their winter un.lerw,•:i-
:unl -tit Ione.•. ,Says. Mmum •
- "1 nk *At 14tbs,n :- a thst
vtll :••r be •Iin,be't ver' ',!tett
Cot- hue been, .•aptbr•.t ode.•. t
gild, rand elergynean. Rev.
^try _ ittt4 Jo,o k. +rhtlf,t. 4_41,
•i,T P ;it ;.o -he tote -nearly dfo(plr.1
'hen. live.. The jaunt up and '•
•,,ek.'tiestt -to.. whole .lays. '!
•Itrttber Muinns has .luno Stew rail
•vork tt- the %lir.. Its the Ru•kte-,
las 21141,11.111 •eee)rd it ••doyen ,thou -tis•,
!est made this . atn,mer on a rootlet
s riddle hill of ltobseis'•.• •
Robert stalker visited fot'a few
days last work with. friends at Blyth
and Belgrave,
Mr, and Mrs. Robertson, of Buffalo.
were visiting the lattel's IMOthe•t. Mrs.
Goshorne, last -week. _
The ladies' Aid of Knox church
purpose holding is bazaar in the chutuh
on the Iltb ..f December.
Thr Methodist Sunday school le -pre-
paring for a l'h►•istnraa tree to he given
tin the evening of December _ind.
Mita Sadie Carter and Miss Gertie
Asquith, the collectors for the Bible
Society, were' on their round* ill -the
villattp I($M Weft:
The brick for the new-banl:-b'ru been
delivered from the 'station. the•ugh
some say the found tir%in wail will tot
be built until neatspriug.
Mrs. Chas Seel. of Cranbrook. and
Mrs. C. Baskerville. of Centralia, vie-
ited the formrr's daughter, Mrs. A. A.
Naylor, of this village. from Soiledat
till Monde
- d?xx3LYSU A'r bone :tit H. -- F ridit
afterno.,n the C. P. R. road -gang from
here were taken to Goderich to assist
in t he unloading of gravel there.
navies( completed their job about 1:30
they were ready to be- brought bume.
but. through *ono misl itp, the engine
watt not in condition to ttreomwotlate
them. So they were oblig.• 1 tJ spend
the evening in the county town, re-,
turning to Auburn on the 7 oclxk
train next morning.
The Weekly Sun is what it pro.
ferns to be. en independent farm
journal tor the farm and home. It
luta accomplished many reforms and
has all Pref growing number of
re::ders. This is its twentvHrst view.
subscribe for it for 1011; you will find
it worth the price.
TUEMDAY, Not-. 2sth.
'A' cit - HuLL.twn- - Fairview
Farm,- the home of Mr. and Mrs.
H. €1= -Holland. was the scene of :a
very happy event o n Wednesday,
Nos ember 2:ird. on the occasion of the
marriage of their second daughter,
Miss Olive Eva Pearl, to Arthur Alex•
ander Welsh, eldest son .of Mr. and
Mrs. Alexander Welsh. of the flay.
field road. As the wedding march was
bring played by Miss Emma Burnett,
contain of the groom. the Iridal parte
took their places before a hank of
Hower" and ferns. Rev. -T. W. t
ene, pastor- of Ontario street Methodist
church, Clinton. was the officiating
clergyman. The bride was becomingly
gowned in, a dyes, of crepe de chine•
trimmed with satin, sbe carried a
bouquet of twirls! roses,' The enh
ornament she were cess a for ket ,set
with &ells, the gift of the .noon.
After the ceremony it sumptuogs re-
etat was served to the compant to the
diningrontu. T h e numerous and.
costly gift,. received testified 1.. the
highs-teedfrn which the coi►uRa.uple
ate held. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh
corntn^nce ratan ied lite •.n the gttinnm't
faun, '• Fair (.rove,' Bayfield lire-.
atterfded h}- the fres( w ishr- of a !large
cirelE+of ft•iende.
GenuNEtt-Pt:ItiIF.-A pretty wed-
ding w a e snletnnitM qqc t " Sono 'side
Farts," Bayfield line. th8tione of Mr,
and Mrs. 1Vm. Perdue, on Tuesday
evening of last week; when the third
daughter or the home. MI.. Florence
F:., was united in marriage t•- Adel•
pert (..erdner, son of Mr. wad Mrs.
John tiardner. of the Cut line. The
cetrtnont sees •perfutmed by Rev. J.
E. Fuld, of 1Vesley church, Clinton,
in the presence of only the immediat
ceTati e- nT-:Tie contracting p'ttties.
The wedding march was Played his
Mies Katherine Perdue. si,t'•t of the
"ft Title - The bride wit a daintygo-en
of white silk mull -and •,ri. ,1a bou-
quet 01 earnati'•m. She -re the
groom's glut. a hand,.owe rr•esc • t . f
pearls. Alter congratulations
company Rat down t•' h delta ; wed
ding dinner. served in the be -t -tyle
of the bootee.. The evening was very -
pleasantly stent in inti -ie and social
chat. Mi. and Mrs. i.ardnet tool the
train the fill.•win-. mornlnu at Clinton
for a honeymoon trip to Detroit. On
their return the% will take up tbeir
rl•.idenrr in Gn.lerirh township, 'fhe
bl Ids a „oing-away rnttlime was :t soft
of hits with hat to snatch. (-'ongratli•
lotion* and vete es are etteniirt
to the ].appy couple iy theit many
Mende in thi- township. •
Deafness Cannot be Cured
hy local application-, ts. the) .'annoy reach the
.Ihea.ed portion of the car There is o':ly sac
war tame distance., and that 1s by cul.gtt
Donal remwne, freten... 1. raided by an in
Itamad oonditton of,the mucous Mang of the
);uutntchinn tithe. When thi. tube is ictiainet -
ion hare a to midi's( mound or imperepct
mo. and when 11 I. entirely Owed dsafn.s' L•
ihr rr..t :t. and monism the Ir 5 trnmatlon ran be
taken out and thlt ttihe re.t o• e•a ton- normal
Condition. hearing will 1n,• de-.. its) ed rotes et
nlne'-neaesout of tan are t.1u.rd by 'stare',.
which I'Aoothlnn*het an tneon,•.d ca,dtlton of
th„+willgpmirl. on
e hundred dollar, (.r •r.f
car• of deranema ;rvW-rd by carat 1.1 r h,t
nnl he cured by mew. catarrh ('nt•c. 8,., 4 for
circulars tree
k Y. J.
i•RICttil'ait ('t,.. Toledo. a
y Piths Mt witiortesttoe
k Remedy Suggested.
• lr tir.o '[Heti. -►flu te---rfrtsek t -h •
wv,l,lr W he .'lister in' Mtltarl s •
F.ttltl•r Vaughan While he stayed a
atia.le were his vigor :tad the •:••r;
prae•ttcal rutture ol'everything he "aid.
H. to be a than who ,..old net
:...stbly deal •n alnstraet:t, which nit:►r
.•. rt..ite will .Mubttess--k cep -hull"at
'.Ire 'unite eye. when he -peak. i.
ata'-tiwuys Ie« .r)unt..i ul).el to 'sate
.►rtw tFline. .t lsf" rw--'tar 'tits• -nnnvee--
d Iiia .•onv,rttons, even when 'tr'y'
lu not prove very popular. One little
.tssecil,tte al5,ut hand India -tate,. that he
•nasally t.reetiral to his :atetinntt. Au•l
be, last believe w spending 3n.• tum.
155111 fettle tripe or :n unpr•t1uetive•
rias .«•hwtulj dad not allow hits I.,
.tiy 1n Tomtit() as long .15 he *mill
'.Ave liked, and les friends wt -15.1
Nm W make ,.etw changes ver a; :..
we mere of that city. J..• t,insultrl
rather Burke.. who inGxnied him the'
.1 he ,tayisl :11 Tomtit.) it woul•i •
:...•«,wary 4. ••urtail hitt vitt' t.. \..-
t•Ir.► 1•'tilts
Well, 1 *mufti rest mind that:." -n. .
l -tthir V:utglitn, "i., there an•. •
..we tiler« ..x.vpt water?”
Tlnen•'I.r is seq.teel 4) thief little
tent. olt,•h ,tows that the floe
oust reruarkn alw,ut 1'n)testahtian I
;freest even ..) • Melt/ her • •.f -
,wn • !,nth They mat have n,tr.•.•.1
with !11s view., hint experience -..f ':v
ttg .rt .t e111lltte•tnity .If not.•,! r••;h(
Lid Laughl 'loom 14i u..e .i • 11,. • I... .,
ou•ullt .44)111.• tit .heir aortae l•.u- 4)-,
•d '.he:.r prlrsl.,, 41.'.lid ,ub11,..: 1 :. •.• -
t'.t-it.• 1141,1 te.eielg an 111. ••at I.:Ir:-n.
sowed the remark of the practical l tt.r-
.i:.h-orator.'.nweruitig Niagara Fall-.
Nle 'le 'hit test glom ,it all :12011-e•1' h-'
t Ne may have re,•nte•i 1!4• r' d. r•
-1..11- 'won •hlhir,, • ••h sot -els-tMh-
.r -fir %lollefeat-rw•.v•ti •n.te Baa •r••
'awn worrying hum. "He should •-i‘••
worn 4ski that it is til eicellerft mlacc
:ur'.lmrwr prnw,n:i 4e wadi their h• i *1,1 Fns only wininent.
Kathleen Parleys?, Success.
ethle•e•n ?whew, tfw• brtilta,H Cans
it to vNrl inlet. bus been hasiui Ir•• -
/m m.lewa su.rvre•t on the continent -sy
' 4 101 al I miner it her r 1.111 ap-
aw•arsnae. ,at the Kttrhaus at ae eeen-
ngrn, the met with extraordinary al-
t,re.•tatson. Thi• ,ieman•i• for aultnit•
st1.:e waw 4') great that t1,.• Priers for
...tie hal fe to extended ,Sar heynnel•
•be reenter r►te., hat the Aare was
•rnw.led and 'h:. audience wildly -en-
imtstaatlo Mt+4 I'artnw it new .in
Y.,rwav and .fir pri''ss there lin.. a••.
domed !ter a. le one. of the greatest
'o veil', that r•tmntry titer
•e •.• of her Norwegi:rtt tour
w•!11 -.alto' to Holland ,Io rill some
lt• •vt •'tso.,its•rrw•nts, after whirl' .lin
0. i' rave 'set. the United States ant
rrt..h t set. r :bort tour.
Pour. Boys' Academy.
1 Kel:.,, wtto hooka atter neglect -
Sten :t t- ntern). has an hien.
'r'.-intoor $ft)11(s) to curry
-rhea t 'she. to build
.it present the
'Mee rut the rich
the good poor
toys err commute t
al ,aelio rl, wt err the:
tuna. And. a* Nr. elso re-
-••rae ,•.. 'u4,•il under the „' to it
•ate *. p.n.,! Nr. Kelarl's algaeltion
s •,eon to Ir•rrt..+tort W.311 hi he tax
to Ili •in 1 11-1 lwwtr boy. atlite tt•
1,31 .c • tie.,lilt] Courier.
nee •• n,1 V. Ira
rw•.o• ',mv 'esker
wn • •'h.wel Th !It
,vitt _sw
Wool( Make t Big City.
r.• }ionise end' Waterloo i outfit.•
w, 'hw• •e•at "Qv .t vis torted would
,aril. T!•.•.t.5 • ! rti.• .mailer eiti.'s. right
'i:,• • .u':, of Kit, ttten Intj--itrant-
•r 1 t'st,'rl„.'. refurns',shnw an in-
•- .,•,• 'he year .,f 1416. n1, 1 th.'
.-.'',•,•c •..nnlar►t.n • f.611), ehi,fi,'
.th 14 rlin'.. N.,V'I. I •:e• es Ice's thee
'tel moa••' -sort- t•• ,a.. the 4t1,'fl0 mark
'n 'en 'ear. .i.,• ii •rca et Merlin' t,. t.'+1 t, .e, filet it is Low
donsoierably larger than were the two
Iginta tog 'Coe, a Jeeade ago.
Is Uric Acid in the blood.
Unhealthy kidneys are the
cause of the acid being
there. 1f the kidneys acted
as they should they wouk:
strain tfte Uric Acid out
of thaaystem and rhruma-
ti.rn wouldn't occur. Rheu-
matism is a• Kidney
ease. D,nfd'v Iiid,ey Pills
fuse made a great part of
their reputation curing
Rheumatism, to get at
the reuse of rause fearful
shooting Faille and stiff.
aching joint.. There is
but on* sure way-
Ones Used ill Attempts to Cheat the
Treasury Department.
Maly efforts are\made to cheat Un-
cle Sam through tblferetlempUon diel
slop of the treasury dehertmeot; wblcb
division has to do with redeeming part.
ly destroyed government c , ency.
Once a man in a western
in half of a ten dollar bill, a
nled by an aiBdafit to the effect
while on a spree lie had used the oth
half to light a cigar. The half he for-
warded was nicely charred along the
inner edge, and the story would bare
been accepted by treasury omciela had
It not been that within twenty-four
hours there was received from a bank
Ia the same state the other half of the
The theory of treasury officials, was
that while more or less Intoiicated the
man had struggled for posseasiun of
the bill with some one who had wrest-
ed half of it from tern; that the de-
spoiler bad turned the half into the
bank and received Bre dolGrs fault:
that the intoxicated mai, recovering
his senses, had found the other h-lf in
kis pocket and, not wishing to lone
his money, bad conceited file plan of
singeing tbe edge of the uote and
claiming that the ether halt bad been
destroyed. So he committed perjury
1* au attempt to rob the government
of $5•
A man in Cleveland sent an affidavit
to the treasury department. accom-
panying the singed half of two 1 -wen•
ty-dellar bills and toe ten -dollar bill.
This affidavit was typewritten and in
perfect form. It set forth that the
deponent was a commercial traveler;
that after returning frost a journey he
had been clewniag out his traveling
bag when lnadveatentfy he had thrown
tnto the fire an envelope containing
In bilis; that in accordance with
section so and so be would like to have
the money restored to him, etc,
The clerk who brought this docu-
ment to the officials commented on its
lucidity and completeness, but to one
of these the story seemed unnatural,
and he ordered that the claim be held
up for awhile.
Twenty-four hours later a bin *hilt
meta of mutilated currency came from
a subtreaeary in the wear- 'The official
who bad ordered the claim held up
asked whether there were any half
notes In this shipment. In four or
five minutes a clerk brought him the
missing halves of the bill. the (leve.
land man had sent in.
The attempt to defraud wits plain.
The matter was at once pot intq the
bands of tbe secret service- division.
and a man was sent west to tnvesti•
gate. The man who had made the aflf•
dealt confessed at once. Ile had cut
the bills In halves+ and for one -halt
of them obtained $. The other half
he singed and attached to hie a>Zldaeit.
The gross profit of the swindle could
not have been more than $25, and for
that trifling sum the man forfeits& trtz
liberty /or a year and a half
Our Way of Selling Dry Goods
is not to let them stay too long. 1f a loss is to be taken let it come now.
We have just a few Coate, all tble year's make, and they; will be offered thio week
regardless of oust, no matter what the lots will be. They must go. If you' want a Coat
'lute and get one. Black, Igoe. brown, and v.
green gree . _
Muffs, ()oilers and Stoles, in marmot. up-
Our stock is large. all 'nicest from l2]jc to oyer.
ooaoan, coney, sable, stone martin. , We etre and sur values meet .-:•t general approval, Pat
giving special values in everything in Fun. Our terns the newest,
stock must be cleated out In the next month.
We are still veiling 34 to 35 -inch Flannelettes
at 1Oc to Itic, (food weight and good -colors in
light and dark otripes. Some sample ends still
left. If you want the best values in Flannelette,
'.flue herr.
We are mtferiug about 501) yards of .Emhroid-
eries at less thou wholesale puree. We are clear- -
ing outevetythiug belore the new importations i
We are oleering great values in Sweaters-- ' PATTERNS t
children's, ladies' and men's, from 118ra to 15'2.73. '''
We -bought Cheese glide trove thy'Hillevi§ and we 1 - Standare4 Patterns are Ilk and 15e. iVe carry
kion, sur pritea are right. .n fu!! stock. 1 oat will Hod Standard the hest.
--r- Don't forget that this id the place 60 vet the •
hest values in Hose. Wb, hold first place for
We carry,tbe heist numbers made by the • j'1. &
A. Corset Company, end D.:tt A. take Het ,lace
in cot ret valises. Always ask for D. & A. if you
want the beef curvet values. Nothibg like them '"
for.prices asked.
Thedtext tithe roll are ill the
Will 1.0 Help It In 9
ts Hour of Need....
Appeals i }.lbws .ed
Mollie of a on bs.
kali of suferi hitch
1 hi la ttoTi m
work in 1910 these
before. Total In -P
1,224. Of thew, 783 were
horn the try and 441 tome
the country.
Since Its orgaauze,0n,
the Hospaal -has treeted
so roe end beds 16,837
children . 12.37001 these
were unable to pay wad
*lane sus v10Tnta werenr*ted ha.
There were b0 rases of club fat corrected
lar year.
Th. sak child from the most remote comer of
Ontario has the same claim as the chJd hong
within i. ht of the peat House of Mercy int dler
Street, Toroate. Our rause is the chJdrens
cause. Could there be one that has a stronger
class on the people of this Province T -
Perfect results in Harelip cases. 18 infants
were relieved of the terrible deformay last year.
11 the Finsp.a1 is to conhnue its rest work, it
must appeal to your pocketbook as well as to your
heart. lei your f)allart be. messages of mercy to
the s.11ermk little children of Ontario.
Pleas. send your contribution to J.
Roes Robertson, Chairman, or to
Douglas Ditvtdaon, Secretary-Trewar-
urer, Tule Hospital for elek Chlldraq
College St,. Toronto.
I have a fully selection of Christmas
Goods ----Toys, Games, .Dolls of all kinds
for girls ; Tool Sets, Knives, Engines and
Mechanical Toys for 'boys,
Fancy Dry Goods in Collars, Belts, Ribbons,
Underwear and Hosiery for
Ladies' Suits from $Io.00, $I2.00, $!4.00 -.-to__
$I j.00.
men, women and
Granite, Tinware. Ent
a lot of useful articles
household use.
\ Call and see my 5c, IOc, ISc, 25c Tables.
Highest prices .:, cath or trade for Butter and Eggs.
P. T. Dean's Department Store
Corner East Street and Square.
HAV1N1• re -put chasldir't he
laundry business on Ham-
ilton street., which 1 recently"
sold to Cbarliee ('hong. 1' take
this opp.ortuoitynof announcing
to the public that 1 gill• 1* Pre-
pared to attend to the wants of
all any old customers or any new
M} wow -experience lo the.
Iwuodrybuafness has enabler/Joe
to-iurti_o tt-- a o1+•• of ock
which, has been must sit ac-
tory to my. customers, -
Soliciting' your patronage. ;1
,beg . to remain. -
'our obedient se-
rrv.nt._ _-..
The Highest
ighestFU Moderately
(irade Quality ... Priced
Every wearer of Fur wants that Fur tb be
of high - grade quality -the , etal quality
that really gives that- luxurious effect so
desirable. • Our suck affords • yoli an
opportunity to'buy the highest -grade quality'
of F.ur without - paying exorbitant prices.
We `bought all- our Furs before the big
increase in pricer,- -and we are gii•ing our
customers the enefit. - The claim of one
who boasts is lways discounted, but we do
wish to impress Upon your mind that you
cannot afford to buy Furs.,until you have
seen our stock and values,.
Fors. 5l.,ntles, leather' 1Vear, etc, Street, 4,i,ll•r1 1,
o You Realize
at aswr
The Fact, Ladies
that ('hristmAe is only a month distant and yon are pussihls
worrying over That 'ort of a present you are going to pive to
husband, father, brother or friend 7 If you will visitour shot+
rooms, i think we can assist you to make a satisfactory decision.
Nothing pleases a manbetter than to have :t nice
easyy chair to lounge- h1 after Zg1k ?, 1, • to
hard dey's work anii-wehave 1
just , the article necessary,
either in Rockers, Morris or
Arm Chsirs, A gift of this
kind he not only acceptable to
the party to whom it is
presented, but also helps tip
beautify tbe home; a n cf
moreover it is n lasting token
of the donor's love and esteem.
That you tuay have an ()ppm,
Dinky of making ft gond selec-
tion. we would siggert it visit
to us the that t.inie yon are out shopping. and any article von drrill.
bel will he reserved and delivered according to your instructions.
"A sgnarr deal fn rl'5rvnnr