The Signal, 1910-12-1, Page 3THE.- SIGNAL : GODER1CH ONTARf<i TIICRr.U1Y. DEe fsMHErt I, 1910 3 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE IBEWA1tt, OF IMETA- TION$. ti0Ll) ON THE MERITS OF MINARD'S LINIMENT BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES ;und or repaired. i;DI.D LEITERINU on LEATHER GOODS At; orders Promptly attended to on leaving th,•ni at THE. SIGNAL. Goderich. A. E. 'GAY LOR, .STRATroRu . CIVIL ENGINEERING (JAUGHAN M. ROBERTS, CIVIL 11 and Hydraulic Knglneer, Ontario Laud Surveyor. °aloe-MoLsan Block, Goderich, corner Montreal roma, Telephone 137. MEDICAL - DR. W. P. °ALLOW..- M. B. . office and resldenco, North .trust, (iodeti• h. north of t'uunty.Regi.try °Moe. Telephone I.I. LEGAL I)Itut'Uh't►u'1'• HAPS A KILLUK- 1 - '7 .-firm't.r.. solicitor,:. netsmen prattle. p.a ton. in the Marinate Conti. etc. FTtvaa.• 611141. to lend at Iowa.t rate. of interest. Iroise. 44:+8.t 44.. `igoare, liodrricb. %V. 1•It.pLoI4$ T, ti; o., H. U. HAYS, J. L. 1:I I.I.r.It.%N. 11 G. CAMERON. "E. C., BARRIS- 1 - TER. solicitor. notary p' blic. uttt,e..- p.u'iltuo Street. Godericb, tt. rd door tram moors -- gill AI{I.F:`.3(IARROW; BA R. Ftl?i7 kit, attorneys. soliett.0 et. _Bode_ I . I,. Money to lend at ioer.t rate.. D1.0. JOHNSTON. BAR1W'1'ER 1 „licuor. cumn i.rioner,.notary public °oleo.. HrmelWIlstreet. Goderich Gut. INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. UtKIl.LOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- e t: H A: C S co. -Yarm and isolated 40..;, yroperty insured. °dicers -J. B. Isal..an, Pres.. Seaturth P.0 ; Jas 1 ,nnollf•, VIoe-Prem. Goderich P. O: Ilium. F. Hays, Sec.-Treas.,Seatorth P: O. Infector, -w u.. C'he,.ncy. neafurth ; John U lir. e. w•letbropGeorge hale, Sea fort h; John Hennewel., Hrudhrgen; James }.vans, Heecha.ad ; John Watt, Matlock ; Maleoli t M.4 n,,, litnceneld. _- 1srt.t. 4. w. Yee, Hollnesville Jt'Stmith. Hula k ..la.. ('ommbtga, d' ills ; F. Health. seaforth. !'o - omens can pay +ar4.•tuente sed gel- 'their cards reeetpted at Toter a Mown a,l. loton, or at it. H. Uutt's rrur -.v ItJprFWn street Goderich. tAGll OOP PRIVATE FUNDS TO Ian. Apply W M. ti. CAM- 1.tu.;. H..rrh.ter. Hamilton street Goderich. WR. ROBERTSON. . iNPURANI'E AGENT. Feel: AVM. L10e NINO: Hrlu.'b, Canadian and American. 4 •: tnr..T, NIvKNRas AND kNP,.MTaRII LlAalt: 114 : 1 he .mean Accident and Uttaraatee orporaUon, Limited. of London, F.ng. F rh•'r.l a 1' AND t+t'ARANTRR HONo.: The t..5. Fidelity and Guarantee Company. °ttlr, at real -enc., norUseaat corner of Vie anal St. Uayld'a sueete. Phone 17'l JOHN W. CRAiUIE, L'FE, FIRE Li .and accident insurance. Agent for leading •tutual and stock companies. 'Insurance In ail nes effected on bee' plans and at lowest rates, ..all at omoe• Domer W est Surest and &Quare n adorn. J. W. CRAIUIIE, Goderich, Out. fele ,hone VA MARRIAGE LICENSES `kJALTKR is KI LLY, J. 1'.. OODERICH• UNT. Issl•E:R OF MARRIAGE LICENSE.'. WLANE, ISSUER OF MARRI. . AGE Menem. Oodeeteh, Use. SHAVING PARLOR UEDFORD BLOCK BARB13R8HOP- -This well-known and popular stand +ttery itspatrons the best service In shaving aalr.cutUn1, eta, eta Ladles' ,ha►npooing a LPN/chitty. Only skilled bands employed• lour paUyn�gs will be appreciated. H. H. 3°►:aY$R Proprietor. ARCHITECTURE ARTHUR J. BARCLAY. MEDAL [.IST Royal Institute British Architects ne.idenee_ SauIM House, Uoderlch. Plans. de• ells end eclnostloos pro for residences Med. e IMAbuildings. Uor�respondenee In- AUCPIONEERING f hIUMpAH GU[VRY, LI VE STOOK 'tr.et n general a vu tiesbr.foOffind ces on South th ,ben not crying ales. Teres reasonable and Anon wed id give yon swarm:ewe. MUSIC ,, jloniikiCH OONSI{RVATORY OF IT same. J. H. Hcamok L LM. tenglandb F. T. U. 4. (T.rostob Organist Kum church -rotas col. lrenin and PlKano. harmony. oounterpolnt ir. o A. 8 Cocas - poaao, harmonycounter noel, eta Mtsa ASnagwa -kndergarten Ind piano. Mise Hatp, es-vloUn, A. F:. Make-elaadolln, ,alter and dancing. For ntcrmaUen ere to terms. ate., apply at the 'ensen•atary. W. J. MUIR & CO. UNDAND EMBALM ERS fie• mn• iOp WsiakIsolAneare. R""w te agnea 0 1. , HALLEY'S COMET. HOW MISSIONARIES CORRECTED (CHINESE SUPERSTITIONS. Celestial Phenomenon Might Have Been the Cause of Riot and Re- bellion, but Ignorance Was Dis- pelled by a Great Campaign of Tract Distribution -Latter from' Rev, Donald MacGillivray. The Signal has received the follow- ing letter trout Rev. D. \Iso(illivr:n,. of Shanghai, China : One ot the oldest books of the Chin- ese called 'The Book of llietory' con- tain. 'the earliest known record, of the work of Chinese astronomers. The Emperor Y.a, B. C. 2417, gave in- struction W the royal e-trolegers Hi and Hu to ascertain the solstices and equinoxes, to employ - intercalary months, and to fix the four seasons. with a view to assist the farmer in his agricultural occupations. The Chi- nese ancient records, .tpars.andannal- istic sai they may het, are caretul to note down the ocetwrenoes 4.1 eclipses. c •ts and the like, and John 1'. ill - tams in 1871 published a list .of :17:3 comets mentioned in Chinese re• order 'extending from 11. C. 61 to A. D. 1621. • Bert beyond the mere records the ideals 4.1 the Chinese regarding celest.i'd phenomena, even up to the present time, ars crude and unee:ieitiflc. In- deed in Western lands, up to the birth of the new science of astronomy. comets and the like were thonght W exercise a baleful influence oil man- kind. Thus Shakespeare could write, Luken beggars die there are no comet. weer, The heave,,. then.wlt.•- blase forth the death of prince-, • Julius. t'ae,..ir. Act IL. Scene 1. and Milton : "Like a comet burned ' That fires tbu teem M t)pbluchA;TNgr Iu toe &retie -ky, and from hi - heir Shake+ peetllence and Mar. P..radi:e I.o0. Itouliil. As late as I1.Ct3• . when l3ieIas comet was predicted t.. retort], stone .aid that it would strike the earth. l'on- :eiderable alarm was ;produced on the l'ontinent.•particulat•Iy in France. . A member .1 the Academy rose in Itis placeand gravely . asked wbet.ber something could not b.• dune to allay 'popular feeling. He said designing priest.. were r.•.ming a nefarious hat -- Vigil I. Selling pieces in Paradise at a very high•rate.. We need. therefore, scarcely wonder at the ('hinese super- stithum, which are of veil -thigh antiq- uity. and. ther•elore, in 1 heir' eyes respects -1,11h y. It( the "Spring and ,Autumn A " - it- is to pass ehrotgR i hr roll pr slated that a _sonnet appeared in the- autumn in the seventh month. With regard t.. this. the hiitiiriographer of the Interior said : "In not more than set en years the rulers 0f Sung Tae and '!'sin will all- die amidst the dis- of der of their estates." In Hook X I. of another comet ie ie said, "This hroom'atar serves to take away "whut. 'is old and arranges somethingnew. T)re doings of beeyen"arc constantly attended by-sui i1 appearances. 1131' etaytel s,re-iti.ing to have a calatnity of fire. The comet is travelling towards comtellati'.n oulinous of . water. Water is the husband of fire. There are going to be 'limners in Sung .Wei and Chin and Ching on the same d,n•-." In Hook XII- chapter 13, an- otber comet way .aid t.• portend the approaching downfall of W u. at that time a powerful tingdom in Chine. Mtdern sehuoIs of recent years are doing something to dispel these super- stitious ideas, yet fur the•mase of the people comate are still believed to portend dynastic changes and other calamities. \V hen Halley's comet was seen !sat in L -C15, Rohett Morrison had just. died, and there were no missionaries nn the mainland of China anywhere. The year before, the opium dispute beget at Canton and China's troubles on that account might very well have been attributed to the comet which blazed in the sky the following year. At any rate there Was no one save a few Catholic missionaries to explain to the people the wonders of the eolar system of which cornets fdrm a part. It is the object of this brief paper to describe *hat was done in lieS1.IO to enlighten the Chinese people as to these phenomena. The presence of many foreigners scattered up tend down through every province of China rendered the possibility of riots all the more likely, eepecia•lty if de- signing revolutionaries pointed to the eomet as u signal of probable success- ful rebellion. When on September 11 Professor Wolfe of Heidelberg, Ger- many, obtained the first photographic evidence of the approaching visitor. interest in the comet was worm -wide. But it was not until November that it Was suggested that miesioneries ought to look alive and betimes prepare lit- erature ' for thb widest distribution. At that time the writer was paying a visit to some. cities in the far interior and in the course of an address, which was listened to by many officials and students, be referred to the comet as due to appear shortly, visible to the naked eye. The address was, mesh to the surprise of the speaker, inter- rupted nter rupted at this point hy excited inquir- ies for further particulars. This ex- perience, gave birth to the ides of it wide comet propaganda, and on my return to Shanghai the idea wag set afloat by the preparation of a strikin poster by the Christian Literature ir- ciety. At the same time letters were dispatched to six Tract Societies. pointing out the importance ot pre- paring the minds of the Chinese peo- ple lest secret societies work on their feelings causing much unrest and pos- sibly riots in different parte. To pre- vent these sad consequences. all clauses in China, merchants as well as missionaries, were all equall inter- ested and the help of all foreigners could be relied upon to aid In circulat- ing the tract. As a result of these letters, in addi- tion to the Christian Literature So. ciety s tract, tracts were prepared In Hankow, Shanghai, and _prepared China. Peactically all these tracts ware on dale at a vary cheap rate long before the comet because visible to the naked eye is Mina, and this was a (rat ad. vantage. The Oldness newsmen rd. .very (wait was lar.•eds - - more or lege prepared for it. Even The girety,i4.•ived gnone of thanks the knowledge that on May 111 China in'wbis:h-the cerewonio,w Li said that n- ahnl With the rest of the world was tsinR t.. i,yuir"d b.:,.Ith and the i.1" '1 ' strict otdera of less .'[Tact upon the Chinese tha.t irdid ! p, it ,,, eii he had t people in R,i ..ai und the -[assn on n e to P dirt the ehmet ut And u ion senna -was unable to Pnj ot the dregs, but that 'Vestetn States of :America. They the Members of his legation hal en - believed the foreigner whet. be "aid j„yed them very it. - printed these tracts with comments , with,the *object of "Tttn Dc;ler..' I)it of their own agreeing with the views ficultimo in Marl(ettng i gge." and the Het forth in them. Copies were els++ [ session will chive with an address on bent to all the high officials of the Ent- "Co-operation Bit • the Marketing of pire, and, to show the interest .Lhte • Eggs, by .1. H. flare. Whitby. took in the tracts it was then that the On Wednesday morning. December go ermotw, inspectors of education, 7111, the addresses will have apeciat etc., from Yunnan to -Manchuria. or- reference to horses. Dr. S. C. Oren dared tCl,)IOU copies which they di.- side, Guelph, will take sq. "The Trnin- trib'lted to all their official Bubo din- .ing of Horses." Herbert Smith. wan• ates, thus covering every corner of Ager L nion Stock Yards, Toronto, their provinces. Consuls were also will explain' the "Different 'Types of zealous in the good work. .'. iettet to Horses and '!'heir Market Values." the North China Daily News of Jane- "The Classification of Horses at at. 31, pointing out what the litera- ture societies were doing, met a warn! response, being backed up h a lead- ing article on January 'lel. The atten- tion of rtieirh'antls being thus secured, many of there bought quantities ft)r distribution among thea clients. The Christian literature Sbeiety found means to have its tract posted up ht some 3.Sls) postoftices and 'telegraph offices throughout the Empire, ,end :he tract was posted up in many scb.'ole. Altogether 115,INI0 copiers of its tract wee : sold, $,1104) of which went to Korea'. In addition (o these, 45,4$5) collies of the Hankow tract were sent out, 3),- 8huwni" will be discussed by John )aright, Myrtle Station. and John Guardhouse, Highfield. Frotu 1131 W 3:31 on Wednesday afternoon the time will he desOtw1 to the following ad- dresses : "Thi- )Beef Cattle Indneti y in .Outrtrio," by 'Thoth McMillan, Sea - forth, and John Camplw11, Woodville: "The Revised Act for the Protection of Sheep and Taxation of 110ga " by petit -Col. H. McEwen, Hyyp run ; "Swine Experiment,' to Prof. Day. tiuellSh.. Beginning et 3:31 on Wedneeida) afternoon. December 7th, there ;will be a series of ,uldre+sea on live stock feeds and feeding. This l aeries wilt fw introduce.! b% U. • C. 't$l of the �Ve.tChina Society's tract James, Deputy Minieter of Agricul- were given away, tki,lAIlof thd'Chinese Lure, with +ui address on "The Poore.t Tract Society', tract were sold, and and Best in Ci -c . Production.' fir 2,4)4) of -Dr. oarlock's tract, which will be folloav'd !,v Pi'of. ('. A: 7ravitz. was posted all over Shanghai, Moat of whose subject will he "1'a.Ymres- and these tracts are of permanent value Supplementary Fishier Crops." t)n and will take their place in the cats- Thursday Morning h tinningat Irl losuee for regular sale. The mission- a: m. the address will be "Growing Aries of Kansa got out a special poster Boots," 1'y R. S. Stevenson. Ancaste) of their own, which they report as "Storage and Feeding of Roots," by J. having done much to quiet the people. 11. Oriselale, 'Ottewn : '•(:rowing and In the months from September on- Feeding ..1 'holey." by Prof. C. A, wards the people gave constant evi- 7s'itz. Guelph. - Un Thursday after - donee of stowing unrest throughout noon 1hesubject ."corn" will 1* taken the. Empire. 11011P of it, however, he- alp under four divisione. ing attributed to the comet. which did The lectures will erne. on 'Thursday not become vitihl•• until May ; but atteinoon with addresses on "Paying tb.•-e re rta.sumci.•ntly accentuated for Milk by -Cheese Factories Accord - the need of removing at least this one ing to the }'eicentage Of Butter Fat elenient of uddrtionel danger and lent and. (':nein in the Milk," by Prof H.H. wings to the propaganda of enlighten- Dean, Guelph, and [lank Heins. meat. A sfiar•k, so to speak, from the chief dairy . instruct or. London ; cornet, tinding • the popular air "The ('sue oFMilk on the Farm." by already electrified, might well precipi• ('ren. H, Hull. chief 01 dairy branchi tate wid.spieael disaster. Ottawa "1' ndet•drirtning,•' by Prot. The comet has come and goner and %V._ LI. Day. Guelph. The Lea two of it is possible for as now to sunt up the these addresses twill be illu-t rated by final results of this wide distribution stereoptirem views' of comet literature. ft is safe to say 'rhe different. railways err selling that never before in China wa+ it roultd-trip tickers to Guelph for single lee.sild.• to grapple with superstition fare on eadb da'' from Deceuaberr:3rd n, this fashion. When Halley's cum.•t by 0th, inclusive. 'Pickers are god to clone before. China had no new.- re•tut•t: up to and.including Deceitille, pspa•rs. it. telegraph offices, no pout- 12th. . ulbices. no modern schools. .\t the t ' - pieeent time all these things were so I - ninny `eras!' wielded M• the • well. i - - - appreciated the pith.- wiehers of China. The atm.y gran that the Chinese In the first place, peace hew been [statesman, -Li [lung Chang. during preserved throughout ('Nina. The Ibis first incumbency at SWashington Changsha riots are well known to bays 'received from his Am•'riean fl had nothing to do with the comet. gift of two thoroughbred, ex tngly Correspondents reported that when valuable little dogs of of the tiiy 1 (quiet the ,; flet appear sac What To Do -POR--- Sickly Children Letters from Mothers "I wish I could induce every mother, who has a delicate, sickly child, to try your delicious Cod Liver and ,Iron Tonic• VINOL. It re- stored our little daughter to health and strength after everything else had failed." -Mits. C. W. STVur, Cant••'n, Ohio. Mrs. 1'. 1'. Skonnard, of Minne- apolis, Minn., writes, "I want to recommend VINOL to every moth- er who has a weak or sickly child. My little boy was sickly, pale,'and had no appetite (or two years. I tried different .medicines and doc- tors without benefit,, but thanks to VINOL, he is a well and healthy boy today." C. Allen, of New' Bedford, Mass., writes,"My two punychildrengained rapidly in flesh and strength in a very short time after taking VINOL." We positively know VINO!, will build up little ones and make them' healthy, strong and robust. Try one bottle, and if you are not satis- fied, atin fied, we will return your money. H. C. ion lop, Druggist. 4 odericln. TN E FISH BRAND SUCKER famous for its sureness t of doing its days work= -`' i� and that days work is \;.'' to keep you dry and comfortable when it rains. SOLD EVERYWHERE If Jiff nit Gdray)' rte' ere (CRs 77,11511 Myer IWO TOWER CANADIAN CO. iii, t; TORoaTO.CwNAwA. AIs0 9,e 4-11 the truth -- but it is IM aures advisable to use along -di.- once 'phone. • The System Needs Nitrogen. tier passages -through the tail would he I harrujesti, for had not the foreigner toll there of the comet months before they could ser it ? A second result then is a greater re- -pest for the foreigner'.' knowledge. In Kansu the ('hineee from long Wait- ing began to have their doubts, but in due time the foreigner was triumph- ant, and if .he knows ao well the heavenly bodies pierbapa he is an eat pert also in Heavenly doctrine. Again Without doubt. superstition of every sort has received a staggering blow. The comet tract pointed out that the. heavenly bodies generally have n0 in- tluen •e for weal r•r for Woe on man- � kind, and astrology, geomancy. and horn -copy have been sensibly weak - Hied. Fdt. this every foreigner,- syn- 1 ,!feat., company and merchant should he forever grateful to the missionary body and this because these supersti- tion'. are t heir most formidable ene- mies in China. To multitudes of Chinese have come their, first ideas of the solar system and its"reat Creator•, and new and striking attention has I been called to Christianity. The writer has compiled the story of this educational niovemeut because he believes that it is a unique example of the larger movement in which the Society to which he belongs is en- gaged, and he considers that it will appear to the foreigners of all creeds and of no creed at all as a conirnon- .enee-et•rvice rendered to a great em- pire, and through it to the test of the world. PROVINCIAL WINTE: IR. Program for the Big Gathering of Farm- er at Guelph Next Week. The Ontario Provincial ‘\'inter Fair at Guelph will be opened to the public on Monday morning, December 5th, when all the exhibits will be in -place. by 10 a. 10. The sessions to to de. voted to judging are as follows ; Horses -Monday, Y p. urs -itnd 8:30p. m. Tuesday, 8 p. m.: Wednesday,2 p. . Thursday, 1° a. in. and 7mp. m.: Friday, 1') a. m. and 2 p. ni. Beef cattle -Monday, 3:31) p. m. and 7.341 p. m. ; Tuesday, In a. in. end 1:31 p.nl. Sheep -•Monday, 2 p. m. ; Tuesebty, 11) a. m. Swine --Bacon hugs, Monday. 2 p. ro.: other classes, Tuesday, 10 a.'ni. Poultry -Monday, 1 p. m. ; Tuesday, 8 s. m. and 1:30 p. m.: Wednesday. 8:30a. in. The judging will be mote The ayntenn needs nitrogenous food. Beef is 'nitrogenous. hilt is flow very ettpp.naia-e. I'larkli Pork and Ratans cheaply. appetizingly and w•higle- ar.hlely- supply the system's need of nttrogen. Wm. Clark. manufacturer. Montreal. - - c 1 ID 3 'r, ' 1'4 `. PERFE T WN COCA IKI (PLE LEAF LAZE%) Its richness and exquisite flavorgive an added delicious- ness to homemade "sweets" and dainties. tic sure you i get COWAN'S --the cocoa with tile Maple Leaf Label. THETHCOWAN CO. LIMITED. TORONTO. .33 • MCLEAN BROS., GODERICH interest - _ of---' _ ---� - In the habits of those of last 1�Y Shires alone In beef he almost year. The large department are not Infrequent, thence', of raters. earn easel, exhibition. f resew will 6th, at address inOn- tario Tho PTO• Ontario." "Lagoons Produc- � toad. in s Dominion I � Special Tuesday. ORANfs>♦ LILT will relieve -" aa�g�b�ta srtws�ter er 1•sa ett•nt aN ketin of Ids." At :841 digi- tal clad soden of ars a sett' a esMd trash• it la a simple cm an W. R. Graham will P. m. Prof. prel,lem, and tete result lava e►• same, a step t•wsels Meter Health ser! "Production give an address on eeents1.ea ears. �� by Jona �R Hs will be fol -1 a,»ry� ver suWs senoras teras (wL•va Fta Ouin, et Montreal, all mad tie her it ing than ever this year en account the large nutnber of entries horse department the ex heavy horses will exceed year. Of Clydesdales and there will be 151 horses. cattle the exhibits will twice we manyu hot sheep and ew a also have classes. and in the poultry de there will be 5,000 birds on Sessions for practical add begin on gliesday. December 1:8800 p. w. There will he an on '(hover Seed Production ," by T. G. Raynor ; duction of Alfalfa Heed' in by Prof. C. A. ?saving, and for Ontario Farmers in Steed tion, Based on Obeervatir ne Europe," by Geo. H. Clark, seed commissioner, Ottawa. attettion will given an FREE TRIAL TREATMENT MAY CURE YOU K 'gston. Ont.. .run. 6th. 1!109. Dear Mrs. Uirrah,--i feel ao very much hotter ter using the 1n days' treat- ment of t1RA\ ..FA_LtLT you were kind enough O. ae that I w111 not regt,fl. any }nor.. To fail. feel entirely well. and It is now a m tit slate I stopped using the treatment (Miss) F. W. T. SImllar lire nt o long standing. Most wo- men who have suffered for any length of time will require to Ilse ORAN(1F LILY longer than the Trial Treatmeaj (n .seder to effect a complete cure, Mat in every case they will be perceptibly benefited. Further. the, benefit will be perman- ent whether 'toy continue •tn us. ORAJOS LILT or net. It 1s not taken internally, and aces not con- tain any alesbel er other stimulant. 1r la an applied treatment, and arta directly •n the suffering or- gans. In alt eaves of women' din- �_..e. .a=; • ' ori•... tfies• organs ars tengeat- evening to "The on and 1Nar- and remove ties lett j as )teanlveler y sal cer- letters to the above on mea «fRMh", 11M11I�9NT. [ ►bene ,'6: D. Millar & Son The Time to Buy.Blankets Now is the time to buy your, supply of • Blankets for the cold atyeathei. - Our store is the correct place to buy your 13lankets -- becaiise we stock only the most saleable makes at keenest prices. Mien. b6 Special values in I' Mon and all-ao 01 Blankets, full double :bed site, $2.98. $3.78, 44.28, $4.80 up to $8.00 pair. Best quality F'laiinelette Blankets or Sheets only kept in stock, ip three sires. per pair ' ' • - S1.25, 81.60. $1.78 Double width Flannelette and t.'niirrSlfeeting in white or grey, - ' per yard • 40o and 75o See our Teddy Bear Cob Blankets. 1 .Knitting .Yarns and Fancy Wools Our store is headquarters for Knitting Yarns. We feature Baldwin's celehtattrf Bee ive Old Country Yarn. in is 3 and t -ply, in black, white, brown, re grey and heather mixture. Baldwin's Wheeling ane Anuli. Knitting -Yarns, N 1{sal Eder Tfon tknitti. - Shawls, Fascinatarnors toate wh. a sky ngpipk aniThl ick. Three Hee Shetland Floss in black. white, mauve, pink and sky, . 7,3 pelskein.. r \ - Andalusian, Germantf,wn, Sa ny. Waverley !'erste. Csbtistmas shopping can be done Ow to much more advantage �: than waiting u11 the rush of the last few days. PhoneMillar's Scotch Store 7" A speriaf tine of TRAVELLING GOODS just received from the factory If you intend taking a Trip or if you are looking for A suitable Christmas Gift we will he pleased to show you someth'iltg that will interest you. Not the old styles but something new and up-to-date. The finest ever shown in Goderich. TRUNKS at prices ranging from $a 5o.up. A special very large Ti tank, covered with very heavy enamel- led duck centre hands, nickle plated trimming, slain -,s and luck. heavy straps, flail linen Tined, double trays with tills. Willill stand hard knocks. A beauty. price .. 19.00 LEATHER SUIT CASES, $55.0o to $17.00. - Lxdiee` and gentlemen's leather Suit Cases, fitted withehnny handled banshee, toilet bottles, etc. !'rice.... 617,00 LEATHER CLUB BAGS in Tan Cowhide and Black Grain, from $ .00 to $i3.00. - NVe have lust secured a hunch of fifty Suit Cases, irnitatinn leather. leather corners, liras. plated lochs and bolts. straps in- side. To be sold during the Christmas season Rt $1.25, $1.80 and •51.78 LADIES' LEATHER HAND BAGS. Thi, line wan never more popular. We carry a line of the most artistic end beautiful of all leather Bags at prices ranging from 75c to .... .: 117.80 See our window for samples of these lines. 'Phone 226 Hern . 0 Elliott The Square, Goderich [The Signal and Weekly Globe to Jan. 1st, 25c A Cold Weather Need The chilly evenings of the fall atiff the frosty *inter weather will soon be here,' which tvill neces- sitate your purchasing a good Kitchen Range or at up-to-date Heater. We have the exclusive agency in Goderich for the MOFFATT and GARLAND STOVES We car"'y the best assortment in the county and we should beleased to have you call and inspect our lines before\yotu'decide as to the kind to buy. When doing\any painting, call on us. We 'handle the best- Martin-Senour 100 per cent. Pure Paint Fred Hunt's Cheap Hardware Store HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH Plambieg, Heating, Hardware, Baeestrosghiet 1