The Signal, 1910-12-1, Page 2! TtiURruA S, , Dgeemiut t 1, IY1A
Telephone Call Na 11e
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To United States subscribers, 11.10 a yea
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4dvertiaemeut. of boat. Found, Strayed. Sit-
uations V at!ra, Stt undo*. V..nted, Hou.eafor
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Address all oo(Rmt nlowtlons to
tior.erloh. Oat
There is nothing 'Ion- about t he• Old
Country, in its polities. at any rate.
Parliament was diusiolved on Monday.
polling will commence on Satu.dat
next. the elections will be over weed -
redly witbin two weeks thereafter,
and a new •f'arliawent will be sitting
at liVe..tminster on the :flet day of
January next. •
The reasons for boldiett an election
at the present time, ere sown after the
last election. and without the Govern-
ment a having antlered any 1'arlia•
meet rrveree, are iu.p.•rfectlt under-
stood in tIN. *unfit,. and the cable
reports do not melte i1 clear abet the
'Inuittherala evidently- do
not expect to intpreve their position in
the House of Commons very materi-
el -1y : why, then, all the troulde :and
turmoil and expense of a genual elec•
tion It was charged that the elec.
tion was being hurried an at the dic-
tation of John Redmond and his fol-
lowing of Irish Home Rulers, in order
that the House .1 Gorda might he
shorn of its veto and the path made
-clear for a Hone Rule hill. Mi. As-
• quith comes eat. however, with the
statement that "Sohn Redmond had
no more to do with the dissolution of
Parliament than the man in the
moon." There is . suggestion that
Mr. - Astpthh--has received certain
guarantees from the King 1n'slimed to
the Goveronient'M Irish Tor the over-
coming of the Lords: vette and that the
fulfilment of these guarantees depends
upon the anceees of the Government
in an appeal to the• country directly
talon this+ (guide'. This nudoubtedl i-
the. issue which the Government and
the Literal party are pressing up, it
the people, and the surmise. tidy be
pretty clone to the murk. In the
event of the Government's t•etur•et to
power we might then expect to see
tate llousel.f Lords. with or without
the consent of their -lordships, de -
'rived of its power to Stet met Liberal
measures ihoefinitely .
British politics are kaleidoscopic in.
their quirk, ',Cremations. issue,. ap-
pear. subsider
and ` eappear,- are
pushed to the front or are lett in the
background. in rapid transformation.
A .1 year ego the whole country- was
convulsed over the hloyd-George bud-
get. Now. although Stet measure is
by psi futons forgotten tie forgiven by
the handownets, it ie hardlymen;
tionlicL iy_Concertative campailtoec'.
The retool' of thi- moist le that the
settled Yiitidgnient of the people -fit
Great Britain is overwhelmingly in
favor of the 1,L.yd•Ge.•rge• measure
wrestler politicians find
sty success itt att.eking
.resent campaign the
ting the issue *gained
rd. and its t eto
claim itt
k (Abend legisle.
vative .ids the
ale succeed in
any steal. queefion upon which the Dreadnoughts to Great Britain at a It is .cot klieg to many wen,�tu
two Houses of Parliament should be cost of eomething like s2,5,000,o0)• achieve conspicuous euocee& In -ire
unable- to agree. The Libetals have Now Mr. Borden declaree "the un- than one line of work. hut Mr. .1. M.
been claituirtt that - this provision for alterable attacbulent and devotion of Blurbs is one of the fere especially
. referendum would be called into the people of Canada to the British favored ones. Axa novelist hi. "Little
.la only when Liberal measuresCrown" and calls for a referendum on bitnister" and "Sentimental Tummy.'
Iwo• a in question : that Conservatithe naval question -Mr. Monk's pot- not to speak of "When a Mao's
wearturr would be passed by 'the• icy. Single," and many 'other*, have given
Lards simple because they' were Con. This is a rather ignominious descent hint high rank... "The Little White
seer atiye meavitro.- . For instance, for the. leader or the party that shueed , Bird" is scarcely to he called a novel,
they clahiterl, the. t'hawberlaiit tariff the liovei•utnent for not rushing to hut it hits its own cherished spot in
policy, :a eat -reaching measure. would the defence of tib Empire. the hearts of all lover* of children.
net be requited to run the gauntlet of I As ib dratitatiet Barrie bus reached Ise
:a ri•fei•endunt if the Consrat•.tines t°"'r EDITORIAL NOTES. ; great fame as his stories have given
were Kt power. Mr. Balfour has - - - him. "The Professor s Love Story,"
countered by pvomi-ing that if bis Onl tb ee we L. and 61uee dsyr to adversely handled by many
party is placed iii office tariff "reform"
will be submitted to the direct vote of
the people. This j.ledgeuu.y have• the
i•ffect of d,rawhig to Mr. Balfourls sep-
1.ort1 many voters, who sire :afraid ••f
the radic-.l pt•oiioeals of the Liberal
r ••`' critice, has become a great favorite
Christmas. Hurry up! •with theatre -goers, and has been con.
We are still wuiting for The Lnedon• ridered worthy of presentation' by se
Free Pres.. to disown t ieorge E. Mow- 1 great and exsdting stn, actor as E. S.
ter. Surely the F. P. is' not taint -`Willard. "Whet Every Woman
hearted.I Knows' has head I,rilliaut success, but
party late• who have •eupi.crted-states.{. the heat known and best loved is
party on .account of their devotion to r The Bold. forbidding type of wan Pete[„ Pan." His "Alice -sit -by -the -
the principles tiM[Fvw trade. If they uiuwt be iiopn)lar with Ste nth, r sex• •
lire,' 'and "The Admirable Criehton,'v
See how flee ttiuten are running after
c:.n be persuaded that the -octet:* of -though quite different from "Peter
Premier Asquith.
the -•Conservatives in this campaign 1.• Pean" and trove eeiiih other, are also
will not endanger free trade best will' Naturally The Orange Seotiu.l will worthy a' place in the repertoire of
btbck Howe Rule. or wane other part not approve of the way in which good actors. One writer bas summed
of the Liberal program with which things are drifting at Ottawa. It ,b- up Batrie's plays in tlbSee words, "He
they are not in accord, their Votes will jests to the Conservative party's be- brings fresh stir intothe theatre. which
belly the Conservative ltartj- very ing led by a Monk - is, - Heaven knows,' in treed. of such
materially.. Mr. Balfour has never .- spirituel ventilation.'... .
kern a convinced protectionist.. and Kays tbe• and Empire : •' Farm-
thieehrewd'move ruby.nut-only being ten in large ndtnher* are shortly to
'Pm to power but may 'enable him to wait upon the 1)ttawa (3overutnetil,
place tariff "reform" on the shelf. • .1 with a .view to demanding modifies --
referendum on •the question would tions in the tariff. That they are,
almost certainly result 'in its de- within their rights meet be Admitted.
feat,, and Mr. Balfour could then Ye'. : but not by Dr. Holmes.
ydietly ,tell the _protectionists that—"e—�
their garue,..aPess up and that tariff l• A le •del johrnal to be founded in
"reform" wbiahl on longer be a part New Y ark is tb ber "free from the
of the Con.ertutile police. It looks faults.--hich mar ell existing newer-
ews=as if Me. Balfour had et last .ot the I paper.. It will he intet•esting' to Ole lie wanted them. serve how it wain writs wedding no-
tices without telling is the "charming
WON T TAKE THE r . bride.7er obituaries without painting
DOCTOR s ADVICE. 'wings oh "the deceased."
That fine old Hourlwn. the. county •Dr. • Holme. gays that every potiti-
treasurer. delivered---tdroseft- rt-- tate �n.ia the i. nited_iittttes, Keptlklicau Hou.em Commtrere aleer Its;
trttsus is
fanners' meeting on Sittuniay of a bar -
t )smocratic, is a protectionist. The tnkeu. To judge from for p'ul.e of
Ihx:tor should- address a letter to public, opinion, the county will he rep -
One would not take the rose
Bemuse tole thorn was there.
For that alone he Chas
No blossom sweet and fair. .
Vet every rose that blooms
Hides thorns that tasty qies pain ;
To losoite rare perfume
For that would be but vain.
More happy they who, night Or (Rory,
See but the rose, o erlook the thorn.
Wilbur 1) Nusbitotn Canada Monthly.
How ney Seea It.
fesr.Itis saidthatuntyof Huron
ill have two ntativess in the
gngpe of the vintage ot til there-
aba.uta, with a slight Meteoritic to take
off the student ,taste. The farmers
wete the special pets of the (Torero -
Champ Clark. leader of the Demo-
crats in the House .of Representatives
at Washington. and inform him -on
wept.. and under the ulo, National for point. Champ Clark thinks�4ite
differently himself. i
Policy, inaugurated by Sir .lobo A.
Macdon t , S'
reser by M. G.:(:an:ermi. of Gode-
rich, and Editor McLain, of Seaforth.
frid Lsut•iet. their interests were ten=
derly cared for and they had nothing uote�a .`to ttsit Goderich, to give the
to complain of. .\tui much more in "announcement 'of their ,appearance
the wine strain from the Doctor. ' more publicity than was given to Mr.
Twentv:fite teats ago, teoseibly it. Frederic Villiers' lecture :• Probably
sans qui' g in order tot the farmer- to a gond many more would Dave beard
sit at the feet of iwnevolent politicians Mr. illiers on Monday evening if it
and N. P. tuh-thuttpiers and learn had been impressed upon them that he
wisdom -air whetpanseel [fir wisdom is one of the greate.t.war correspond-
those days. Bat the tillers of the ruts of the last halt century.
soiLhave been thinking and invests- •
gating :end learning since: and nowa•. The Toronto Star is represented in.
diet s the ao not need to be told very Great Britain (luring the electoral
much. Indeed. none- of them know a campaign by a member of its editorial
good deal ---almost as much, we yen- staff --J. R. Bone. secretary of the
tune to .ay, as Dr. Holmes hituseif. Comedian Peens • Association, Huron
it is hardia necessary to deal with Old -Buy. and several other good
the large a¢ra'anf of misioformation things. Mr. Bone is sending some
and tined irection-contained in the very interesting and informing cable
Doctor's address, The farmer, know despatches to him paper and readers of
that other interests have no hesitation The $tar will he kept in close touch
in approaching the Government :and with thesitoation in the Old'Land.
presenting their claims, and bating
scene groan 1 to believe that these The Beitirh Liberals refuse to take
other interests are looking out fcr lacy stock in the Lords professed desire
themselves. and are; not particulat•ly Ifni. the reform of their louse. 'they
concerned about the welfare of the 'rrmewlet thr'old ynattain
farmer. they proteose to do some_talk-
ing tnthe Government on .their ewn
behalf. whether• Dr. Manes and his
The devil N'a. .ICK :
'the devil a monk would la°
The devil got well :
Th.. der it a monk was he. -�
kind like it or slot. 1
If.the Doctor will east his mind Tlie C tnaetian piotectitmists ,who
hack to at day in :he latter puu•t of have been telling- is.rheit"tiu•itl "re.
February. in the year NW. •be will font" was winning in treat Britain
find himself talking excitedly -at, ex- will now have to invent some explana-
citedlt as sfe did to :het& n ereixt Mat -;tion of Mr. 'Heinen's virtual" ii er-
urday - to :in audience in the court' tion of that policy by nmmising it ref•
house, and telling theta that his party ! ercndum nn -the tient proposals in
.was lit',only !Willy that eouldy(ifethem lease the t "'simians show returned
reciprocity. Reciprocity 'and protec• to power. Mr; Bait' has all along _
tion, he said.` went hand in hand, and l,been lukewarm in regard to the tariff Ever • ice how easy it is to get
SirJnhit Maecdonalda(,overnment after :wheelie. and it great Many
the election would go to Washington t Itiotists share his misgivings as t
to :erraintiator better terms for Cana- results of the adaption of sit prdiev.
dian farmers in the United States Ift ha- been a heavy eight for the. We do not suppose th,.t the Unioliste toe , and Mr. Balfotir's
Doctor. et en in'his supero: wisdom. declaratio was received .with great
erottthdens-Heat Csnada-is#e- -i ettee- -nef hr her atdien•'e et Albert Hall.
position now than it w.,s • hen to, se- t "They al fire to their feet in a frenzy
cure .a favorable tirade arrangemetit [of enthusiasm,- say- a cable despatch,
with the 1'nited states : and is it -an "and sheeted and shouted for minutes
utterly absurd proposition that the with glee like schoolboys given an
farmers, whits -thee are asking fotthe wtrxpected`holiday." So much for
reduction of duties on certain email), tat III '•refortu.". • •---<t-
shuukl sugyoest to the fifivernment•
that .n etfort be amde to etrike a
bargain with The trotted states
Geo. E. Taylor's Bad Brest.
Hamilton Time..
Mr. 'Borden is now- 'strenuously
denying that hie party has any alli-
ance with the 'Nationalists, or any
sympa . y w
Miller very effectively niet Mr.. Bor-
den's disclaimer by reading Whip
Taylor's joyful telegram to Mr.
Bourassa : "Accept heartiest congratu-
latione on your great tight and suc-
CLINTON gid` :r
is a link iu Canada's greatest
chain of high-grade colleges
founded during the past
twenty-six years. This chain
is the largest tremens of
young people in Canada and ..
it is freely adruitted that its ,
graduates get the best poli-, -
tions. There is a reason
write for it. A diploma from
the (omtnercial Educators'
Association of Canada is a
passport to success. e
You may study partly tat
home and finish at the
Enter• any day.k;i
Fall .Theta Opens; August'
29th .4 .�.s..
O. $POTTON, Peinclpel. • 5
The Retort Filial.
Toronto Star.
In connection with Miss Estelle
Stead's entry on a stage career, it is
reputed that her, father, Wm. Thomas
Stead, oncr.said that be would rather
see a daughter of bis dead than see her
on..the stage. This remark, which he
has now modified. recalls the apo.•ry-
phal story in regard to the evangelist
Moody and his daughter, ,luting
Moody'' end Sankey's campaign in
Glasgow. Miss Moody. it was sato, at•
tended the theatre one evening in-
stead of going to het• father's meeting.
Next morning. wheq she carne to the
breakfast table, Mr. Moods said :
"Goma morning. daughter of Satan !"
and '• the young lady responded.
"Good morning, father !"
Not Exactly it. New Situation. - -
Woodstock Sentinel iteview.
The Montreal Herald reminds the
people that the verdict of l )rmntnrntd
and Arthatewka, is not the.tirst occa-
sion when Quebec cnu+titueneiee have
gone against L9utier. %Vhen Mr.
Prefontiaine died. there vel- an elec-
tion in Maisonneuve : Three *as a
Wirier candidate, - and there ..,v*. a
tthe Laurie
Laten candidate and e can-
didate was defeated. Again when Sir
Charles Fitzpatrick resigned to go to
the Supreme l'ogrt, there was an elec-
tion in Quebec counts. Again there
was a bowler candidate and a Nation-
alist candidate, and the Nationalist;
won. No doubt a good deal enure -t1'
been heard about "Solid" l ec than
is warranted to -the f•.
and the Co
no hope of
it. In the
Liberals credit
House of
p.oweert `hich the,
justly towel to hl
Lion. I In the Pot
cry i'. that if the Lffte>F
n destrot ing the veto rel of the
LA rdu. ie.', granting- meaner to
Ireland will•te passed and the distup
'tion of the Empire will ••nitre. Tariff
"reform" is still P.11 IM -fie, snit a sec-
ondary one. The btsttom has Mien
Out of the (eeriness war scare, and the
.iuestion of British naval supreenwttt
has been retired to the htck>trottnd
for the present. r
Mr. Balfour. the Conservetive !trad-
e!, bar thio week made au adroit
move which may hate a profcnnd in•
ttueuce in the Anthem. The eon
'wrestles. have been meeting the
',Owlet attacks on the House of Lord
The Mitchell "Recorder is hegin:ting
to .t-ittbt if Niagara"p..w er will he such
ttutlu•rities fpr •otu.r c.nce.-ions in a hr,nn to Mitchell ae has 'been ex -
their tariff in retton toi •he proposed peeled. ft .aye:
reductions in the Canadian tariff , 1t - •'Tare rates tor hydro -electric peewee
looks tows like a r•eaeotabie business' for holier lighting do not appear to be
proposition, but p'•+Mthly; Dr. Holmes as pow as wits expected, some dlrsat-
kooty Ftettet. meetings -W$ tt-+•+apt'w.awt-at the rate
fixed In i,owlet'. but in Berlin the
�•r ; ' .c..nrmittle has fixed a tate for'residen-
- ball lighting which is estimated to be for table end "desk tier• '
iMa: BORDEN S LATEST. • ,bout seven and a half per cent. lower ' etc.. with a range of
fir- - - than the pieeent rates at which light pricer' wide enough for
. Mr. 'Braden i -steel ing :t (devious ie euppliertl by the town's lighting anyone.
e(1 for ?+tratford. If Berlin eau only
PAW IIndy.t I ever see our
Special Ladies'
at $12.50?
you don't can "e for
that sour giftbe prat-
tical• we ran .how plenty
of useful article. that
are beautiful and of
pertnant•nt value as well.
There are
1..,"Vek sad
. �,t11tT�iss
rami"• �,«•._.,
plant I he rate. have not et
course• on the rtes'y qu iom• fk►tffa
in the Session of he ;IMO h ore M lower its rites so little. it is
all the other mtetthers of the � eat„,•, difficult to understand how Mitchell,
ofCommonM in a tc•otut;un rolling ft,t'1whiclt mart pay s.• much more for its
the s seedy construction fit a Canadian charge.
will be stile to reduce the
1 charges for lighting tarry ranch,"
navy. the in•e•Mioo ••t the word - 'Mitchell ehould unite with the ether
"speedy" 'wink Mr. 1 Idea's own towns of this .test in in-ecutinR the
suggestion, des"eloptpent of Maitland River power,
last Pension, when the 4ioeetnment which according to a report of the
srlbrnitted a bill on tbe linos of the lie ern-electtic (bnuuisaion would be
with counter propos.ils for the reform resolutios ague sal to h. qtr. Itordett 'he nature) and economical way of
of that chamber, including tit.• pry• he end his following opp••e.d it. and stippiving that town's power require
vision of a reference to the people of called for the -, tribution of Iwo mens.
It not, "call and see it.
J. S. Davey
Jeweller and Optielen,
youth .ids tit Sere, Oodefieba
This college is recognized as the [reit
practical training school of Western
Ontario. It Is the largest as well as the.
best. Our courses pre v•e', o u r
teachers experienced instructors. our grad-
uates succeed. Three departments -tont
`Jho-thane. Telegraphy. We have
some.; of anplicattods we cannot meet 1 ells
offering $tt. •. and tn.. Per month are
remaining unfilled. (;et our free catalogue
and eotumenoe you;murse .at once. " ,.,
1'r ut4iiw 1.. -_--
Hosiery and Underwear
ladies' and children's rib cashwetr Howe. double knees,
beets and toes ; heave weight, alt size,, it t o 9i, at, 25c
Saxony yarn -knit Hut-lery, fine tib, double 30
knees, every size. Ranging-
Vests and Drawers
Ladies' and children's combination Vests and Drawers,
Turnbulyd, V.nman's and "Zenith"; beautifully knit,
unshrinkabie, in every size. priced -Vests or Drawers
Oso. 3543. 50o. 75o. 51.00 mud 51,26
Blankets "
All pine wood white Canadian Blankets. double tied sir.",
measuring lull tin x - 8(1 inches. Special, Ins ?-25
pair J
Iwo x tilt, and heavier, at • •, • :49..0000Floor Rugs. %Viiton and Velvet Rugs
3 x I, 31i c s. )t".,•1NI (tugs for r • 5
*20.• 10 Rags to: . r 1 it s $1 4.00
c to 45c
seutch Linolcunls, 2 yards wide, 'at. per square 35
a or 1 yards wide. at, par square yard.... 40c f
Tapestry Carpets •-
Amagnificent choice, and specially priced. Regular
t. {tic and 75c qualifier. At. per yard: 55
The only thing that we1
don't know about Tailoring
Bifiness "& Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Catala�e es Fra*
J. W. Weo.r.ele. 1. W. W.w.,..h, Ir..C.A.,
Pnnc.pal. V.r.-PriweivaL.
The New
1 Catalogue
01 the Central Business college
of Toronto contains some
guarantees or ver, great interest
to students who desire to attend
a t,rst-class reliable school . You
are invited to write for .t. Ad
dress W.14. Shaw President, 395
Yonge Street. Toronto.
Ebony : Goods
These goods are real Ebony.
We do nct sell the irni•
We carry a . large etoc Sony
Goods. consist' of Military
Brushes, ' Brushes. Hand
Mir Cloth Brushes. Hat
l4rbiabes and Manicures Pieces
with ebony handles. We put on
sterling silver initials free.
Have your Perfection laid.aside
now for Christmas, and have an
initial op it. -
Walter H. Harrison
Open evenings after
December 5th until Christmas.
N EW000D8
Nee the Hoe -tontines
and ..vercoatinns at
Correct atytea, perfect fit, first
coatis tailoring,
OODaiaH..� l
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers'
Orders carefully attended to
at alt hours. night or day
Is how to slight our work.
Tali i iia
The Prudent Housewife
is careful in selecting a cooking
stove or range that shall give
at minimum n e.
best resultsIn p
ex e �
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Moffat Stoves
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tion and economy of fuel. Every
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if you cannot find Moffat Ranges for sale in your town. send
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Winnipeg, Man. WESTON. ONTARIO Calgary. Alta,
r.' ditati
FOR SALE AT ^ :dean"
Fret flint's Hardware Store, Goderich
t'llet .._ f'a••_ ar
-J 1