The Signal, 1910-12-1, Page 1Fine J'rintigg Thr Signal Job Depart- ment makes a specialty of tine commercial print- ing. Eutinaatesfurnahed on any dare of work. Quality of work guar- anteed. A BARGAIN As an extra induce - anent to hew subscribes% The Signal will he sent from now W let January, 1012. -for the price of a Vear'easubscrip1inn, NOW is the time to rend in your mune and your dollar. • iIKTT•Tt1RD !Mai -Se. itt.'7 GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : DECEMBER 19111 TBE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. Ltd., PvatAHzxr. FINANCIAL FOR LOWER DUTIES. Capitals ' Rest and ('ndivided . Profits 95,611.700 Total Aisets over *44,000,00 ' Epimmo re, u•t :1c fur . 9 1,t 18c te, hoe. , I h 1 00 35( Sc i,eh• dirt allay ntet 1114'.' end%. 75c Yj ion - high 1 fare rein tr•• trot. •,45 t hl1 m .95 '0111 - miry Sat- 1.33-. .97 rr 1 levee Pc - f(1 1.97 CH • to us, with your Pass -book, OF CANADA and we will return the ESTABLISHED 1885 . book, written up. When you wish to withdraw Money, -mail us the Pass -book, say how much you want, and we will send it to you at once. Ifyou are far from a Banking Town you will find this service of ours a great convenience. Call and see our Manager about it. Mail Your Deposits FARMERS TAKE A HAND l_ k,„tT,ARIFF DISCUSSION: Do Not Want Any Favors„ but Ask for Fair Play tor Agricultural Industry -Another' Meeting to Bq.rleld On Saturday. A fairly t•ept•e,ientatite,' though not large, gathering attended at the tow hall on biatttrday,aftern«m re- sponse to the call fair a uie. erg to die - cuss the tariff gneetiuu. J. A. Malloul(b: of West Wrwa- nurh, presided, and \V. )<i. Robi•rtsuo was asked -to act as secretary. The chairman explained the purpose' the meeting and ezp.eeersti sue mope t the.dmcu1Mion wuufa ..(be-cou; ted ori nun -political liner. ' us,,McMlllan, ot,Hullett, wall flet callupon to address the sheeting. He .td if ever there wow a time: when fare' and consumers generally should be dive to their own interests this was the time. Matters pet -Lath- ing to the tariff were receiving much attention. The iron.and steel manu- facturers were ,making a determined effort to secure au increase in the tar- iff on tOeir products to makeup for the abolition of tbe•buuntaee to take effect at the end of ties year. With them were allied the cueal u,tereetr, and if they attaihecatheir object the coot of plows, cuftivaturs, bwfiets, saran and ivauv uther.articlea need by farmers woued lee advanced. '1'bere was also air agitation for higher duties on woollen guts*%. Some Striking Figures.' There were 11111 woollen manufSsc- tutors in Canada, said Mr. McMilta,n. The tariff gave them a margin on the selling psi i of their goods ut 111.71 T.- ISMI, Ine wages [Said by these maim, tacturetro amounted to $1,1010,U111-con- eiderably leer than the retro amount they received by virtue of the_ tar1T. If these waau(iteturere could frit got along a ithont this protection. 11 would pay the people or Canada' to c heru thetacWuea and •and peneionoff all the weekwen they employed Ott their regular wages. tile {.Duple would lw uvea• half -a -million dollars 'ahead by sae doing. The protected weilufaaciurer•s generally were given a margin .01 174 to a.i per cent. try the tariff. Goderlch Branch, W. 1.. HOES i. K, Maffiker. NOTICE 10 ADVERTISERS GODERICH MARKETS. • L'opy of change 0f runnln¢ advertise- ments must be lett at this office by Monday ncon to ensure inserti0 in issue of same week. AUCTIGN SALES. CTION MALE OF FARM STOCK _and ln _le(apbeente tin igf li° came...lion..2 t(r4 %t'rwrno.h 100e mll. womb ..f Dungan• . nu.,t, on Tuesday, itecember 13, commencing at t p. ni. Hoer•.. rattle, .Ivlebs. haggle,.. her- .a.-. ore. 1:10141:1 )iT.rVHrtes. proprietor. 1110.. (;U ADAC. ructteeew. 11 ,t ,'('TION SALE ' THIRTY- tYlt HEAD or 0001) ONTARIO fiitrLrlte AND IST) ER5 AND DRAFT Mafrg. H ry Shield. will sell by public auction at lin t nr, lot 5, oa,ew.Mn 2.4.hfietd. on F: •I'.tittAY. DIG-KMIJER MTll.. tun.11n,•n lag at 1 0 elo, k 'twenty d two-year •,Id ,.teen.: '4 good two-year u • heifers : 1 good yearling.: *draft Sere eight ears .old : 1- .graft mar% three tray- old . 1 teed. purpose mare. Ilse years old. Everything ertls.rt will tee disposed. of, aei I do not *Ant t keep anything on tbe farm during the winter. Trees.. -Tres mem sreedit will he aiye& on fund -bins alinauved '.tint, unser beating In- ter..? at Ute gar tient. anrur,n. • HAIIIt6 .1. Milli:1.Lr. TIIO•t. Ot \Ifs '. Proprietor. to t4.nra r NOTICE TO CRI D ORS ifIrl'lt E 1'l►-effE1HTORS. IN THF: MATTER 01 - "1111.: EST Ee4'IE.M. I V Kit, !ATI:.11.'THF: •w' GilEltiCli. IN IIIK t''I'NT HURON. At ARKI El) WeIat A.S. Netter Is hereby given. - pursuant to the Ste. vi..dAlatulesof IOntario. ,.hap{.. 1214. that A11 pet rt, hareng chain,..gain.1 the estate of the std title :delver. who died en the 1st day of March. A. U. 1!.10k are required to send by peel. ',repent. of deliver to the undersigned. solici- tor. fee Veil McIver. the adndni.tntor of the Aid estate. on or before the 15th day of Ile relntter, 1510• !heir names and rddresses, with fell pinticulers of their claims in writin` and se the nature• of the curltles. if any. held by them duly verified by statin: ry declaration. And trice notice that after the said date tt,e Adinu,istrstor will ptneeed to distribute the A...ets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regent only to the aim. of • hit), they shall then have had no- Iler and the administrator will not be liable for the ,aid w..t•ts or any pert thereof to any Person or persons of whoa claim notices shall not have been received by him at Iberian, of mach distribution. Da. ed at (1oderlcb, thh Goth day of Nevem her. A. D. NINA PROUIWOOT, HAYS A Kl I.LORAN. • Petrie. for Neil McIver. Administrator. THciten•r. Deo. 1st. Fall wheat, per anal .... t/ ,s, tog 0 m0 ypetng wheat. per burls.. ter to 0 MOyo per bush - 0 en to O er Butt,v beat, per bush 0 45 10 d 48 NerrOat., per bushel 0 3.1 to n 30 (1 Old .t.., per bush,0 4" to d 411 Pear, per hn+h 0 SO to 0 KS Harley, per bush ..............,, 018 to 030 Screenings, per ton 91 (11) to se 44' Flour, family, per cwt.,- 3 73 to LS Flour. patent, per cwt 3 tip te 4 4)4 !frau, per ton 5. Un te 9t d1 ifh0rte, per ton - r.: -7 '_rt 1110 to 13 Hay, per tan 11 14( to 10 1 Woad. per cord 3 •n to a 01 Butter, per Ib 1 to 0 21 Cheese, per Ib Y, 13 to le 111 Rigs. herb. per dos u .34 to 0 xi New Potatoes. tsar MtsheL:...el 3) to -1 45 Cattle, orcin y Logosd, psrewt 1 le to 3 .n Cattle, export, per cwt, 5 30 to el 23 Hogr, ee.10 set spring !amts. i •2.i it: ''.1 IT Sheep, per eat 1 u0 W 1 y, Tallow. per Ib eri to alai Hides. per owt 0 014 to 7 b1 Ilbee skim, i' 311 to w1 Chickens 1 10 to 11 Turkey. 1s to ; 11 r .w:. AUCTION SALES.• Tr►aote. !December nth. --Auction sob• of horses and Battle at lot ... tontr...ion 2.. Ash• field. eun,unncing. at 1•'U o'clock. H.ta/ti' Snuru., proprietor. Trios. (irxn%y. auction ser. • TuvsiAy. Ike. Ebb. Auction sale K farm steak and unpteruent.. on lut li. concession 2. 1) rat W stall.. -h .ale nine- south of- I)u,Mpn- no/m,. commencing at. 1 p nl. 1;1:11. Sl11 u -i . proplietorr. 1.1111. tit vu14) auctioneer. LOST AND FOUND. i - A 601,1) BROOCH SET I wlthagarnet F' d 11 be TF. OF OW'N•. o4 ti t GUNDRY'S 1„ Livery, Cab and 'Bus S - Stable THE RED BARN ( Youth Street, (Ioderich All our Riga are New. 'Buses ale . el all Trains and Steamers. Reticular attention even to • calls Irons private 'Mem 'Phone No. LUMBER SHINGLES 1BER AND SH All kinds of rough lumber in Mock at the New Lumber Yard. next to Kensington Furniture Factory, opposite (i.T.R. traok. Orders filled at short notice. New Brunswick Cedar !Mingles -"Larkin" brand -the heat on the market. JAS. DEA `Pitmen No 211. sone. In es will re warded neon leaving .ante at THE SIGNAL 0FFIC K. 2:-11 LNMT. --ON s.vrt-tiI)AY. NOVM:\f- B61t 2.411 from \1`dt str•et 'irk. a grey ovnrrort with ernes, tild blue stripes in it, he person who removed ('will Mimeo bet Ile at rink on or before Monday. Irecenitiet 27-111". k PUBLIC NOTICE .511(EET1('0('N. 4 G 1.OF HURON COUNTY he corporation of the County of Huron will mos /n the Council t'hatnber. in the town of Ooderl. . at :to clock on 1ue.day, the nth day of Deem • :r next: All 'invents for -et •.0ent must be placed with the tlei k before t. - date. Its W. LANE, Clerk. Dated N member 21st 1141 The Council 0 SITUATIONS VAC WANTED. - 4 GOOD servant at wee. MRS. W. s. BULL. Montreal street. ERAL TURN- TE.t'IIER 1VANTEII 1•'011 U. S. 'i, 1 No. 1„ Ashfield and West Maryanne duties to commence January 3rd. 1911. reacher holding is Normal school certificate. preferred. ADply. stating -slaty. to H. M. DUFF. Dungannon. 27 21 %VIT1I OPERATING f IELP:l:R:1PH , thorough knowledge of .ration agent's work will Insure a good salary. 4'entred Tea- ses,* elesea li Scboot. Toronto. provides proper In- at'Setl0r Freo catalogue explains. w rite. D /11610HSR W A N T 13 - FOR 1 best seetfo44 No. 1A Ashfield. for the year 1911. tau to commence January 3rd. Ad- eps. .LANN.tN. oecreary. Iapw P. 1./.. Oitte 1.i.ft WANTED. --A REPRESENTATIVE for eoonty of Huron. A permanent posi- tion and exclusive territory for the right. man. STONE A WELLINGTON, Nurserymen. or - onto 4 GENTS %VANTED FOR TWO new lines. Apply for partloulan to THE WTRICAL I1LAN CHEMICAL CO.. D., Dept A..228 Albert street. Ottawffil t. IllEACHER W.1NTED FOR S. 8. 1 iia In, Ashfield. for the year Ilfil. Indict to commence after New Yew's. State salary and experience. Apply to J. O. M.•0UO16, sec Tiros_ Crewe. 11 tf c PROPERTY FOR SALE The pr•'p••rty known as the i' KiIfLY HOUSE" - ^0 Nel..on,ar•eet Is to be .nM In lot, of %nateo. Seven splendid Indicting lots .111 he sold separately, fronting on risen and Heuer streets- Moet demi, ',hie property and movenlentlocal lou. Dwelling .0th IM art frontage 3 let.. an Neilon stn•M . 50 n104 IO lets nn Wane .trwet, 30 x 1M 1 lot on Nelson street, m x toe with rear ret rants. for woe tawn., eta., apply to Jae. Kron FOR SALE OR TO RENT a ON NORTH street. lately noon . y" -T. Ts Rllfoi•en and Andrew Porter. Apply to 1. 1'. BROWN. N. TIM= FOR MALE. - A TWO - 11 !MOST brick hoose. with seven rooms t Ustt,, Particulars oan be had by ccaaIIlnS *1 tSIIONAL OSloe. ;4titf VOR SALE. -FIVE ACRES, W EST .Ids Hayfield road. between Hi -Rennie road and Flennett. .front . gnat portion er this lend is ',table for market garden. small fruits .•tr_ fay sell In two parts of two and mut half aorta each. For prise and terns write H. A. JI)RDAN. 17:1 Whale(/' Ave . Windsor.Om- ► ,OWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. -- Hotta and lots known a. the 1 'apt. Mae - re gar property on Anglerea street.. Iloderlch helot, 111 rooms. hot water heatless and mndeyn nonventenete. with one len nn Trafalgar Mr Will he said lolndy or .eparately.oniw.,i d tot on Napier drone., a roues, goon dlRrf.•t- cottage at Hartford wlt.h 3 aures of °ems winter rtios can be had et ry*ren 14a rTea tApply+to J. 1. KiLWRAN aarrister, etoa. ( ie4er l What Will Ontario Do T There Was a persistent demand f the people of the 11'est for reduction of the tariff on gouda uses by 'the farmers. In this demand not only the ferment. but hankers and Wiriness men of all kind%. joined, ass shown by the meow' lone of teeny Noised% tit 'trade It the West. ••1t!hat are we going to do in -this Provinces" asked the s{.raker. _ Mr. McMillan pointed Ma that the farmers in their del11andiwere assert- ing the rights of the great geueral body of consumers. The farmers were asking no favors for tbetlselves. Fur thirty years special privileges had been granted to the tlanufacturen, ; batt the farmers asked nothing of the sort. All they wanted was a f.tir field and no favor. Was it not reason, able that they should he put 00 the saute ground as the manufacturer in the purrhase of supplies? At almost every convenient turn in the tariff the manufncturer was given exemption flout duties on his raw material. No fault was found with this ; but the fat mer should have the seine privilege. Agtjiculture'Canada's Great Industry. - %Vhy were farmers denied thin equal opporturiii' ? Was it because agri; ultur•' occupied a low standing ong Canadian bndustrien. On the co• racy, sgricultui•e stood at the very• ndetion of Canada's a greatness, was th. very basis of the healthy pulse beat of t e national life., .Vhen agri- culture w depressed the htseinose 14 the whole ..entry wan depressed. Thin was store ingfy shown when in 1917 there tv .,a partial fail•tre of crops. and Nankin*institutions had to 'Hake.; put onthe take the v p u , Government had to take in Pail. an trade in all de- partments fell off great Opportunity for Arrangemen • 'th U. S. In view of the advances •. ade to the Canadian Government b Presi- dent Taft, the speaker believed was the duty of the Government to n- deaver to secure an agreement for reduction of United States dittos, giving Canadians trees access toathe market,' of that eountry. "This would help our pockets. It would not hurt our loyalty. .. Mr. McMillan dealt with theargu• ment that Canadian -transportation business would ht injured. by freer trade with the United ytnt,'s by point- ing out the favorable geographical poiltion of Canada, which gave the t. Lawrence route an advantage of several days over the IN4W York route for export business. Thin advantage would not only keep our awn trade In Canadian channels but would bring to ase a large portion of the bueiness from the Western Staten., The Price of Binders. H. J. Morris endnr*ed Mr. McMil- lans remarks, On hit recent visit '., Iowa he had found the Tardier* of the Western States were dying out for relief from tariff burdens and he waw not eutprised at the result of the recent eleetiona'arross the line. A mnnofacterer over there haul told hint he could make a binder for $fi(1 and make a profit. There seomed to be a big margin between thin figure and tate price of 51110 or 11140 the farmer here had to pay for a binder` J. N. Kernighan, Reeve of Col - borne. relearkei that the farmers out West had no polities ; they (oohed out for themselves. All the farmers 1*ersasking was to be left alone; they were not seeking any, favors. Hie thought it a good time to approach the Government. Might Hurt Manufacturers., Reeve Sturdy, of Gotlerich town= ship. was afraid free trade would ex- tinguish the manutt(cturerw of this nountry. Woo it not utanufactut•log industries, fie asked. that, built up a, country i - The proposals to reduce, the t rifir'might. be a heneilt to the West ; but would they benefit the whole country ? -7-John Fibglsnd thought she farmers had been Imposed•up{ooen long enough, and it w.as because they did not, look Mbnday lama markets the complrtlon to their itwo internale. •'If yhe lioF of r half-eenIAIry of deed Me. Most ernmeneduew--atot hear from- els," he said. "they will thipk we ere sans - tied." Geo. Laitbweite said he had an open mind orf the question. He thought it the l,`uitMd rtt•ttrs gave 'us a fair opportunity for improvedtrade relit. ••f Mount Clemens, Mich.; Theodore. I tions We should not be far. behind., in of Clinton ; M es . Alfred. Edwards taking it. He was afraid it wase the Pannier, of North Tonawanda, N. Y,..; patient frpin%the pates West Frank: of -Toronto;• Miss Mrud,' of .who aero ••makingg Lk* kick" at the TSronto Mrs. Lewis McRea (May), of present. tint':•: •L9_nder the proweut. Toronto, and E. Bert 'Hale. of'tiode tariff 17nit:ed States wntiufeetllrefn rich. In addition there were firs: were establishing branches in Canada Wm. -Hak, Mrs. Theodore Hale, Mrs. and helping to build up this *moors,. Bert Halm and Mt'. Edwards'. son -in-• - A. %V. Wise stated _tet fn's law law and daughters-in-law. and ten suit n few years ago it Wag shown that g y binder could he made in Canaria for Mr. and Mts. Hale are grundpatents, fjKi$:Dulling- the afternoorn a reception R. Xf. Young emphasized the a -ate-. was held and s 1*5ge nuwller, of 'Dent that agriculture was the basic' industry of 'the country. -1Vhen .11 failed, everything failed, The farmers. }tad never &ekeed for any favors. and if they did not *siert -themselves they would nut secure what wise due thew. The manufacturer* were costing the country too' lunch. No other Jabot. - was remener*ted tat so iow a 'rate sail that of the farmer, Ater Fifty Years.: mi. and Mrs. Hezekiah Hale Celebrate their Golden" Wedding: Only to very ?e* comes the goo.l fortuue of being able tocelel,rate their fiftieth wedding anniversary, and we bavetberefore a pecnlier pleasure in re- cording thin -week the occurrence of. such a happy acarion in the lives of a worthy Goderich couple - Mr. and Mrs. Hezekieh Hale; of Park street. Mr. and Mrs. Jiale were married at Sarnia., November 241t13, 1800: so that appropriately the d,ty was marked by a family reunion which brought to- gether the sons and daughters Who' had left the parental fireside to snake homesof their own. The renewed family cir^te included William Haile, .-, Mits. H. limas randchildren, of nineteen to whom -' A Prominent Manufacturer's Views. Ales. Saunders, who wits congt•atu.1 hated by the chairman torhis pluck in rebuilding his factory after the recent fire, maid that• he noticed the farmers I were able to ,retire anti live on their money, while the nlanufartui•era died in the harneeo. He was mar* pleased with the tine of the meeting, and bad a good -deal 'of sympathy with the tanners. 11e thought. the United Scotto,. would want the Lig bait inany trail),% l,a again with "(.inad,i. .The termer« were getting much truss fora their prlduce than slay Were thirty years ago, while' the innnufecturerr wet'e'Working on a narrow uuugin: and were trying to hail•l ut• the coun- try along with -the. fan te•t'r.. If *F- anlote tree trade with the world cm11d be land, he would he in favor of it. He. I hotteht that if the- farmers weot to the government and asked for any- tension had been paid to en elaborate thing rr*snn*h1A they would get it. menu. Frank Hale proposed * toast to Dr. Holmes indulged JO a fervbd the Imide and (ti+arm of fifty years o r pr to soloist h*Fangue. 44)1,1, and Rev. Dr. Medd responded. John %Villen again pointed nut the Miss Maud Hale, on behalf of the difference in the treatment bendeti-'^'. out by the tarilT to mamrfacturrrs` ti:wghtera, halide -II her father •a golden from that which was -accorded the anniye,tuti wltddigg ring. and Mr. farmer..- Hale pretsented it to hie( brute. Then Win. Bailie thought sheae were on behalf of the sons and daughters malty linea idwbl 1 Chore might t 1 William Hale pretent(•d his parents \Ii,. 11. 11 ELF: friends called to udder their congeal, elation*. -: In the evening there was a gath- ering of about fifty fur the gulden *roiling supper. Wirer proper at - I with a pursue of gold *mounting to a bendolorue figure. There were *leo a goodly mantle of b*ndsmte 'memento from friends in town end elsewhere, .1 telegram of congratulations Vets received from Kev. W. H.'irahani. of Sttdthroy, a former pastor of - Mr. and Mee. Httir. and other menages were received trout Edmonton, Fargo 01. Dakorar. Iiaekato.,n, Melee Creek. (Mask.), Foothill, .Mtertln; viii%. New Liskeard and Ottawa. (Inc of the.. messages was from H. H. Rines, of F01301a11, a former well-known tteei- dent of Uudi'ricb. who' asked to be re- (Sask.), to his old friends here. A double christening ale. marked the/day, Edgar •J ewis Hez.kixh, son t,f lir. and Olio. I• RP*. and Hei. n Maud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Ed- wards, received the rite of b*ptiam (tom Rev. Dr. Medd. ` - 'Ao, object of considerable interest ,was lite hnndkrtrhief which. the held' carried et her w. -sifts ey fifty Venr ag o. tn _ ri•b has ltccarefullynfit pee - ...la -ed. , Ma'. little Nat. le ore in (ie .tsarist sea•• .•nt v-tl,u'ev• rent'• nee next .list tntl•y, and believes that he trust he salamis the • n*ti v'' of (:.alrrieh Iivhtg iu town. \lir+. i(alt, %%. 1.••• taaide•n UMW. suns Iiia% fir„sura: i* n native or St'. l ysi s h:u i1Ha. Ti,,- sect/oil vent 'Met. their morning.. Jlr: anti Niro. ,Hale .•sup• tel •G,alrriele hilt .aha•. greet y moved ,away and lived fist' ,%lair (III,• of tAJ1e•r'- {%rants. 1'., tlo' INA ISH•t.y years. 1141W4,1,-11.1% .11141, -bit's' ts•.idrd r.ruHnuort.ly ill(i.sl.•rich, anal (biting this peri.el they 'have earn. -t1 1h4- rt•slwrt and 4.4,Y•111 ma w ref.• rir.•le of friends Anti art plaint an.-t•s. That they may have tidally 11111r0 Nt.itr4 of bappiue+. t.igether i* tit• wish of The Migt,aL; reduction of duties. r Tote Resolution. PROGRESS' ON THE 0. W. S. R. The following resolution. moved by , ' , - J. N. Kernighan and .seconded by Bridging the Nine Mile River at Port Hugh Hill, was carried -:Albert ' "That this meeting stands. in favor Port Albert. Nuvert.-.N. of the lowering of the tariff upon agri- - the i ut' 28. 1onet Shore cultural 'n,plementw,-nement, harness wwi ala o oral , Olity ono and c • and saddlery, wire, cotton and woollen g goods and clothing in general." etahle pre* reps hese been made thi• tail, notwitraslpnding t he trough. and Another Meeting Saturday. stormy - weather of . the pest Mouth. The question of sending a deputa- tion to Ottawa was discussed, but it was decided to have another meeting to take .action on this matter. The adjourned sleeting will he held nn Saturday next, December 3rd, at 2:70 o'clock. in the same place. Farmers Meet at Brussels. Roth the tie? and the rails from Geode - rich to Port Albert are now laid. with a Targe portion of the batl*rlitfg work completed.. Already several eats of -freignt have been rt•ceived at the vil- lage, consisting of.coal for the farmer in this vicinity and Manitoba gr n for Shoenbale' mill: The item of oal will eventually create at big h .tress for the new line. for there very A meeting was held at Bruesels on little timber y0m*ining, the hash fire, Sbaturd.ty. November 19th, to discern of oeverel years *,to b ing Coin - the tariff question, and the following pletely depuded a large p. tion of the resolution was passed : standing timber. and fa • 0e►•s are now That thismeeting, having met fardrPe dependent nolo*! for e l. Coosider- the spe•iial purpose of considering the able work on the •eetle and abut - bearing 01 the eustorne tariff of the naeuts over the ' ne Mile• River is country as it affects farmers perticn- being pushedfo aid by a working larly and the large body of consumers staff of some fa ty or more workmen generally. are extremely desirous that and there is e ry prnhahility that the suhettnt.ial reductions he made in cement and ootl work win 19e cow• those lines of goods. And in view of pfeted • y in the new year. The - the favorable approaches already Nine M - River Is only adman street -al, made'through, President Taft and the but_ i runs throe., h a deep hollow American Government looking to- Wit • very high 'and wide banks on ward. mnte'f*vprahle trade relations 1 1 1 eider which it hots been found between Canada and the United States ecessary to fill in 'and bridge over so we consider that the C*nedian Gov as to make a high level roadway to amens while e o level o n t maarlflcing the t connect with the 1 v 1 land +atonic the in reete of the (',tnedien • . e le. Asbtleld shore. There will be when shone l bend their hest ever . to- completed about. ►430 feet of trestle - wards ecuring a favorable r iprocal work. which is now being vigorously tradear ngement, wbereh • radians pushed forward by Alex. Met 'all. the may havfreer access the great totett*n of the framing gang, and consuming . arises o he .American Reptile e. in view of (he . nience not heing PIA large as was oped for troartttltr was taken is ap{lointing delegates by the me ng, but *wither meeting will be h in the town hell. Brussels, nn `a rda\ , December•lcd at 2 n rl to discus* the math farther atig ,strange for as delegation. The Suspense Is Ended. Ottawa. Nov. :XL -I Very Slip cial t - Mr. E. N. Lewis. member for %Vest, Huron, ha,' intrsduced a bill to deal with the eocaine evil. He has not so far given hit opinion on the Canadian navy, vending the receipt of informa- tion from Halifax and Vaneonver et to whether the Niobe and the iLtin- haw, the vereala of the new Canadian Fred Desjdrdins, the superintendent of the woatke. A piledriver is used to ensure a solid foundation for the tim- bres. The ±tpsrrrrderthe strewn want be Or feeI, from one abutment to the other arid will be of Neel. W. Brown is constructing the cement -work. which will rise to *Mot :i) feet over the level tri the river, and Robt. Hoy is foreman of the staff that is em- ployed tilling in and ballasting. The timbers used in the construction of the trtetlework are massive and are lidly framed together, a precaution Which is ahsoiutely necessary consid• ening the heavy traffic that will he carried over it. We understand, how ever. thMt it is placed there temporal'. II until the line is eopletetethen a stream tu am shovel will he used to fill in so as to make a permanemt aid solid em- bankmeni. The work in connection with title ,undertaking has already credit for the businesslike way in which they have,•erried nu the work over many obstacles. ,lust as. 5uton ass the steelwork is placed over the Liver 50 as to admit of the construct inn train getting across the work will be Icamp*restively easy. for the road-hed is *11 ready as far north ea Aniherley, and if the work through the township of Huron to Kinrardine is onetime on +ts vi rowdy as it is being here. there is n. hing to prevent the completion of a line for traffic by the middle of n t year. There is * tenors that a •ngerroach may be placed on the line now built from Port Albert to Goolenceh,•lo run at stated (I nIrs once every day, and if We should be _the nose it will be much appreciated here. for everybody is anxirnis for a first ride over the hew railway. A NARROW ESCAPE. •.ti' Workman Employed in Elevator Con- struction Nearly Killed. A most dietressing accident (e- curred at. tbe -harbor on tieturda afternoon, as the result • of which George Attrill, ,t young Englishman. liesin'the hospital in a pree*410ue con• difion. The injured man was etnploye)1 in the construction work of the new e1.,' vatnr for the Western Ci*n*d* FII Mille Co. :\ wooden cement form as being hoisted to the top of the h ild- fog. which is now over 1t) feet in hetght, and when it had been raised about seventy-five feet the slings .lipped and the form crashed to the ground. Shouts of warning were given to Attrill, who was stooling just below, but llefot•e Ise could rnova out of the Rue of danger one ettd of the form struck the gerund an the other fell ,against the unfortunate Roth of hie lege_were_hurken and he suffered severe injuries about the head. Pbysieians were sum- moned immediately and removed him to the hospital, where be is being cared for. The extent of the injuries about the head is difficult to deter- mine and coneuision of the twain is feared. The p•itient has been delirious at times, but at the time of writing hopes fere held out for hie recovery. navy, are equipped with a plumb-line. costa large sum of money anti is with - Ottawa, Nov. 29. - (Kush} -fir. reit doubt the most expensive of alt Lewitt has spoken on the Caoadia& the problems that the cntnpany hu navy. He says it's no good. I had to face, and the promoters deserve r 1 "The only way that we'll' get home rule in ould Ireland," said the Celt, "will he if France -an' Russia an' Ger- many an Austria -an' maybe Italy --if they would all j,.in together to give throe blackguards of England a rare ould Latin', Maim the only way, mar, we'11 get home rule." Then, ea he looked cautiously round, a twinkle of cunning was added to his expression. "-%n' the whole hot. of 'em together couldn't do it, sir. 019, ft's , Use grand navy we've got !" Buy at Dome, FrutnTbe Dry G4Ods Record, 'rhe pro.p.•»t of a dight saving 1 in the coat of certain articles is s tbe inducement' that • actuate/1 moat of the people wbo send . their orders to the city stores.' ' But it is doubtful if - in, .the 1? long ruu there is any actual ) saving.:The advantage of -see- ing an article' -and being satis- fied before paying out the Money for it will more than off- set the difference in price that i. may be Grund in occasiental to -- stances, while the circulation of the money in their own conn- _ munity will add tie the general prosperity. -Do not be misled by the teuujting mail order cat- l alogues. If you are thinking of i sending.at l,jder make out your > list and take it to sortie of the local dteechants and give them . the opportunity' t. h figure on it. , is nine eases out of ten you will 7 • find that yoaf can do a. well in re1atld to • price right ,it home and you will beve the great ad- ditional advantage of knowing ' exactly what you are to get be- fore you pay your goal money. 7.,....._,,y it. J i ` ____.4._____...._.....4, ^-^ w^r The Signal fr'iun now until January 1st. 1912, I{.1.INl to new sub st•riltetw, - PERSONAL MENTION tome Tedd, OrTrtronw. 1.. In town 0n a vFs t, Mw. Snreeth has returned front a v kit to To- ronto. J. East Jordan, of London, was he 105.0 On Tuesday. • Thos. Lang. of Toronto. 1. the guest of Airs. Jos. K dd. Alis *Gertrude Lauder left Wedge -day for Kingston on a vieit to friend.. ' - Exeter Tilne.: all-. Frances Strout is 11111; ing friends in IIodencb for a lea *wek-. - Th. Mese,. Leckie. late of Kincardine. are the g bgl.ts of their brother. T. T. Leckie, 141. David's stoat T. Anderson. of Clinton, Ira.• taken a seaside% in the tailoring denartmeAt of alcL t., * lore. Mitts Helen .6. folly. North street. Is spend- ing a few day- 40 Kincardine witi, alr,.lur.1 Bruce. -- London AdeertI.er: - Mfrs( Margaret Me- •Kinduri. of fioderieb. 4. of-iting all : k:dytb* Mel . 7.7Hh 2 ,entood *treat. Mrs. W. 1'. Fox and llrr..4. 0. Shnpeon bare returned to %Viarten. 'They -were here attend, ing the biomal of -their father. the lite Job.. Bain. / - 1417th Stand rdMI 4 Rogerson. or (:ode - rich. is home on at visit totter parents, air. and' 31r-.. T.1.. Hog.r-.or. ..The 31i.•.es Lucy and Ruby Mct'rarken, of Iioterich, were Cuestas of Mr.. 'F.4. Flacks., over Sunday, J. H, )Worsen returned last week from Sas kateh.,wal,. where he spent thepw*t season* .trace March, relies a section and a half t11*l al'resl at teat lake and this year had about ehthty n.•rsy under enlnvat ion. 111- wheat yield- ed twenty dna bushels to the acre, mud oats over fifty bu.hel.. Nest year h.• will have a. steam outfit working on Ills laud and will get a much larger area in crop. Ni, sen John. who Is farming with him. is r•emeinbeg in the West. Mr. Worsen will return in the spring. ' NEW ADVERTISEM ENTS -Dec. 1st. Page Cut Gla -s W. R. H*rrison . \\ .: 14 Teacher 16 -anted -H. M. Doer, Itungacii n 1 Rig Value for Little Money leam11y Herald and Weekly' Star. Montreal a Reader The Weekly Sun e The Prudent Housewife-Frwd.,Huot..... 1t .11i Heady for Christmas -uso., Pert.,' 11 A Practical (:i(t J. r. Davey e 1'helAoge of Sensible OEM Howell Hardwusl ....................... Hosiery and 1 nderwear-W. AObesen & Nan 14 Travelling Goods .Hero i. 1111ott - 3 Remember Your Frlsu.t.-D. Forsyth, Klatt.. belches, e Our Way of Selling Dr) Goods -J. H. P01 borne .... e Christmas tioods P. T. Dean e Big Millinery Week Hodgen, line. (1 (imp This Martin tiros - 1 Yoe Are !netted 1' N 1 .1.„ig Property tot -ale -Jas. Kidd......'.. •,.,aria. 1 Chrlttrnw 9turials \\' H, neeetrea..........-. 4 Iltee*es F R. Whsle 7 ea J. W. Vanatter O t'hallenge Sale Co,,'luue N. L. oaat- eror, 7 uctlon -tale Berry Shlekt.,,v, 1 Brooch Lost --The Signal.. •f . t I Ebony Goods -W. H. Harrow"n isr 1 overcoat Lost . • header. Burdett., Cafe ....... :... 7 1 •hole% Home-made Candlaa-Ooderlch Qolek .. . , rvnnt t\'anU+d-Memo 1a'.s.'fntnb1f11. 1 \notionSale of Fern !stock -flee. Stotler., Dungannon 1 HORN. LI.NDI0.1.Y. A: Swift Current. -cm.k.. nn No- vemberl7th, to Mr. and Urs W. L Lind- say, a daughter (Evelyn Jewell. a1CTLAR.-In (loderich, on Thursday. Dec deroghterm ember in. to Mr. and Nr.. R. W, metier, a MARRIED: Mete; A RR1K-Lit VVIION. At RAnfi'. Alberta. on Wednesday. November 2- r.1. by Rev. William K. Allen. Malcolm Keith Mc t oarrte, of Van.muver. H. (•., to Grace MMaar*Nat t Lawson, daughter of Favid law SHAW -DYER. - in Toronto, on Tuesday, November 29th, by Rev. Enoch Barker, Alexander Shaw. of Mimlco, to The. Jen ni" Dyer of Hlyth. DIEU. TAYIAIR. In (b:i,orne township, on Mon day. November 3401. Mary Hall. balmier!wife of James Taylor. FDW'ARi). in Ooderich, mt WM6e.day. No- vember :,nth. Mien A. E:dwsrrt, MI'UF()RD. .4t F.e'nondellte• on %tat.urder. November :ekh. , hart%. 61ngfowd, aged M years. ' JOH Ns1'I,N, --(In Monday, November ittb.In Texas, Matilda• widow of the late Hugh Johnston. formerly M 13oderich, In her s,'th year. J'1HNSTON, In litlterl.h on Nnnday, so - weather veather 27th. Ma ic:,rnt K. Sturdy. helmeted wife of W. E. Johnston. 7i.;/ 'UT Siete, +i.