HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-24, Page 10V* tilt:17,4'1,i rug*, 110 T1ltM.0ANOv*.IJMSt 1910 • • SILWILVA7XAMICRIONTar THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTA RIO • 0.. ati,17.9* I THE FARMERS' MEETING. , • To be Held Saturday Afterooa' i the Town Hall, Goberida. , The town council has granite -Abe use ot- the town hall for the tuettiog of farmers on Saturday afternoonand the meeting will be held there. com- mencing at 2 o'clock. As to the object of the meeting. it ma- be said that It is simply to give the 'antlers of this titling an oppor- tunity to express their opinion upon the &cal policy -of the country. Other interests are urging their views upon the Government, and it is quite ais order that the tamers should have their say. ‘Thethei Canada is to have a high or a low tariff ; whether there is or is not lo be an arrangement for freer trade between Canada and the United f4tates - these are questions which vitally interest the farmer. A deputation representing the ageicul until interests is to wait upon the Government at °Open next month, and the ilkiinfil$ of this riding may desire to send a representative along with the othet's. The meeting on Satuaday will be (men tor a full and free diecuesion. No program has been utTnngetl. but it is hoped that there %% ii• be a fair and candid presentation of the farmers' views upon these questions. - A ThOusand Strong. • Ot two, Nov. 22.- A representative of the Western Grain Growers' Asso- ciation is in the city making arrange- ment*, with referenbe to the comiog here next month of the large deputa- tion to pigs it low tariff. It is el ' ql that there will be ei. thousand in attendance about six hundred from the West and the -rest 441.436. 440... Van,/ f$tiff Provinces. They have .secured itt appointutept fr M- eshy'. Mtn. anti step. are tieing taken to .5 an mike": muent k.f the House in older t the representations rna lie made y to the GovernMent. but to members ot _both sides. If this is done the C iiiii mone chamber and galleries will be used for the putpose, • - -• - Whydoi.fl many farmer; read The Weekly Stin? Because it persistently advocates Their -cause : it faithfully .upplies the practical farmer 'with valuable infarmation on all agricul- turil lopies. sdul is the most reliable barometer of Market conditions tu be found io Canada. Include The Fermet's Sun in 5-..4u se.ading-next Quality. StQrcww. o. the tune to ntaLe yOtit (Mathias Cake. Those made no.% ill be mueit more satisfactory Chau those made just before (.1.itstuiatt. ;*eeolu'IF •tt R, • • aistns (t'steacias, Mtigeatels, Seeded and Sultanas) ; Currants, .Figs. Dates, reels. Shelled Nuts, etc. We have a large assortment to clux4e from. .Co/fee I tar. . gentile.; satisfaction our Coffee has no equal at aoc per Ib. y a pOlilld and he convinced of fikY stsperiorit). godOle and Clscoes BasielCss Haddie: per 114. • t5e- Cisesses, per 1115C Chincht•are have just -opened a lire quanta% oCiattcy Chinawaresuit- slae.f ex. -Christmas gifts. 1k not M il-t6 see this before purchasing • See. our 15C and 25e tables for &nape. • t. liaiee Itutter.and fresh Eggs. .....w.e.iewsosesoNesoNesesesew tI.RJ E .43 4.044,01%4M.Ososr*/*/*INOSOSeseteseeiratesesisSe 1 I 1 Adquarters foi ilv. • 1. and ftesh Ea.: • OPERA HOUSE GROCERY One door off Ssosre. Kingsion 51. tH New cv,r{ir-,10 - Fruits p.« iri 14101 0 11111 011111Si4li: fitia 4.1.4 lit.. can lie 1..1 wart-6st VI it eliantlisl 1 „sekeepers. are basing tip:it-supplies for the heist t1111.1 • le'NP New Raisins New Currants Nt w Dates 1 - New Figs New Peels 1, New Oranges I New Lemons New Spices Mince Meat Ss eet Ccr Cooking Apples 25c a peck stalk 11•1 Cereal .Foods II 111414 111,11,. ttit:, t. • -1 ino. W. Variatter .1m ee 1.11 K ingst cm street ......esesesowseeses."1"40. r......... MEM ..1 Christmas I Specials f • Twen Shopping five DayX A 11 li. i.- il gilt .toti plea-• ing as ' 14 11hri4 teas 1,•1111.111- Inaki'v• 'MVP " tsPrial Iiii i1 these of 11.,- latest tlettigns aim al $1.1111 (hill - Fhfli'tistWlIlititrtititifter Also Gab' Tit. Pios. set with. is .01- and 11851)1' .nils. Ps ices titge frosts $2.00 4,, *WM. - "solid thsi•LCuft $•142.1 11% nig. special pi ire fey i•41113.. $3.71. EngeAving free, l'ure while , i .11.140 hils•eint 1111 Gold tilled Neeklace).set wilts ,,siothy•st. IS0.20 *4.(11). Kith Nealltees set a Oh s Amethyst os iserftlot. . •111 0111 11421.00 111 • iffsweiets t I !Oust design. *Ito 414,tut Wi1 1 it,•atle, ;aid titbit, all the lete.. 0,1 • -.$14.fitt 11112„a let These ere oill%• ,,..,•-few• of II, antlfisrifalai. m • gifts tlisrisertlevve .1,.• I Mir itf 'tinny .411 pi • I I 4$ bile our 11(.14 14 at it IHA, HMI have pier aelertion pet aside fur Christine,. ismimmemew Wolter H. Harrbon ON THE SQUARE 1 1 1 1 Sale Before Christmas Many linea that 1:-.!.1.SJ: cleared at once. ieeutirOr. 15c, :rid and 511r Liam - Caws and Saucers. extta peal diTririg *ale Sailleff10, I e;411. tar , sale pi ice 15c iv.... teg• afar 252, dining sate n -FramedPiet et•e.... regs,r :a. 5e 2..1110,, ntl 75e, diming 150, 250, and, 35c c BOOKS Full Oath:bound. all la- .. populos s. about 201, %idiom- to :+elevt. from. effe- elal dieing sat, choice 25c 7W4i nrrATirr"' The Colonial Book Store GEORGE POI:TElt, Prop. Court -House S.sitare. 'PHONE 106. • Gotlerich. .....esosisarssasssissesosses*ssrs"""04.046%. Winter Tern Opens .Ian. 3rd Elliott Business College ronoNro. ON r. i'mtada's otemerk.101 School. Absolutely sisperi PE instruc• on. Write today ter large eltalegile. morrow 7•4"--- FRIDAY EVENING at Matlock, in Ow v. the 99 111 14)9 4. 011 011..1 1 )41111114411, tessisting v.ictil and Sledst- mentalsolissis owl II 111101011111, '»''. lilt ' 111 10,11 1 31011. Admission t 15c and 10c. Teacher -training Class meets next Wednesday. Novetntet :Sale aftot player meeting. EVERYBODY WF,PrOPIE. imsommamow flymnasium Class .011 W elite ..44ax vveiliaapk. at Atte rolleglittfr 4641- 111t4.. if4.te.,:swassiiisa4atork,111•!f5211' "ta!''',1111 „.11t1t1tt.-i 't.qtkM qt!!104 .14.1,142„.61:2(410:4111.• ant -en 40,110., NI.M.104.7=4. 145 04 P/4/3/ hti444:41414 33111taj14' SATURDAY and MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th and 28th. EC' DEDLY special inducements for these Month-end Sale 'Days for November. We art „clearing thewayfor Christmas stocks that are arriving every day, and in all departments room must be made for the display of holiday goods.,, HCre- is a list that is fairly bubbling over with good things.dead it carefully, then make it a point to sha-re in them •SattMlay or NIonday. . A Millinely!Eitra Fancy Wings Half -Price A talilt:in11,01- fairy trine 1,11,-.1"' ming Wing. and Feathers. 1-1 It • of it b i g purchase 1 bought lei %able. NO• • ,$ Of the .eagoes'. dearest and ii1I" 11 gs. ;1'$' t.the gtsal fa*Ilionable 1,, (;11thei141 (Ili tete table L - fm Saturday ' stmt .31..nday tr,!, , yi:111. choke EXACTLY t ' • . HALF PR1C E ,,••• Thtt.et-tt bin afteel'1 • • Linen Towelling "'..g] All -linen Towels 20c 100 - yaril ends ' ell- 1V - Fifty pairs puts. linen linen es•ash'Thwelling, heavy, *11-'1" 'Owl Towels. hemstitched weight, 17 to 18 inches *vide. p end,' heaVY WI`ight. Px- and guaranteed pure linen. ' Sat m day w oc red edge, extra heavy weight '.; '14("141 tt1wel lit Saturday ening 11er 25 ing special mirk' only 2 end Large Bath Towels 23c Suiting Serge 97c A • uliv.. kit tartrHii. that 4 in it big shipment ef Beth One end only alt.' Towels dit•ect from England. wtail blaek Serge, r o u g it Extt•a %Mt. size atilt heavy foe suits or separate 'skirts. rids sing Towel. ery spsyial litzigstihtlyttritsliA.5111)•.1 ht, splendid .11-einte or • for Sat uslaY 111n1 3.111.1' 45c day awl Monday , . k, day 4,1111 230 I.1 14111' Reyersible Cretonne 18c "tr One end lady English iv- No, e /*A•ble tat ine, 'red 1.••••• grostud s ith green awl faa-tt • P pattern. regulat• sat - %%Islay and -Monday 18c iipcf vfwei inlv Cloaking 75c - One etelottly_ h. -a% , 'lark .e1,1.411 its. It in:in. 4tt• t'11111111;*.t .71dac • •••11 and N1110010' A Flandsome Tailored Suit at $15.50 %VOL ft 11. c. ;it se have handsome tailorell !wit. Tor **omen. They- 711'o black and faney• mixtures ; 111.•%. are cut ttttt 1 matte in this sioassin hest and 111,..1 popular .tyleet. ,,rat iirt• , he hest. Every Suit a portiq t ' taimier.tielltng ,,' $15 50 m„41„,• at eaeh. only 'nu. regular %Idlest are $111.00 $21,01,1 • .stek"c1:;,1l1 (hie humitted auil twenty !silksSwiss liti Handkerchiefs. hemstitched ellge,4 with neat designs and elides iiilery. regular 15t' to Me. loc Fancy Handkerchiefs 10c Kat isrday..and :11.intlay each sally ... • Fancy Embroidered Cashmere Hose 39c -g ass. the Inst of oar big hit of *Amides. nit.. are fine quality and would sell in the 1.f1(1110/ 7.711'1114. .111.4 21 fi:M pa it s Iett 6.0 %11•'t. .t110111 Mit for the way. ,... Status tiny .atiortsing iiii can take ) our itch, - 01 ii*.r pair - Dutch Collars 39c • riftet•tt or 1 n ent y faney'll Collin,. a ...lb I' 1.41 $f regular. and &tr. "44 Cleat ing ri 4 to rife Patent Leather • ,i4.14o,,,Aiik Belts I 9c , , Patent Le-sith- 00h- er Hells, strong bid tu-es. and aa -II Itelt at a little ,riisc t-iet:1,11.1•tittsisslay newts- 19c. Colored Madras .o-* '4' Scrim 33c This set is :Al inches x wide. e 111 combination '"( if g.thi and green. makes a '.1y ehe fTeet curtain. find 4.4,1 tie 50. asst. Set tir- day morning 1)111 price 14C ;II /.• pet' yard '"J"*. 5 Yards Flannelette 45c usl „ 4)n,• heavy '1111' stripssi 11 dette. fou* or s five 0%1101114, 'pest et 'I6ringa. fit•it. put tip iti 7.-vard lengths only. A x P1.11 ...... 30 -inch Curtain Net 12; -r•-• One end only 30 -inch white ' Curtain Net. double edge, suitable for panels or short cm -tains. regular 21k. pieta y. Stiturdev ''''' ruing at' ear ref )11,1111 14X Corded Velvet • 33c „To, ()11. en only .• orte1 S'elveteen. hire simile itt given. plod weight. splendid "ti for childrena :enat s i. 1 dresses: For Saturday Ale, M(114170' ejle1C • - synnoessmewmeesompemommger 35c a Yard for 60c Silks 'nbo above lint: gives•you 1114. story iti i notsliell. Satin -tiny morning we will put on sae t loss! 1 -Ired,--- y-arils of Dress Silks. Twelve distinct Otter'salr striped and imitable for waists .11. qualities that will give mem( maliatirtory wvar. light and medium dark colorings : made to silt at rOk'a vard-and worth it. \ A wholesaler gi•istg • Pitney silks and wanted to clear his stock before t 1- ('1)41 el themonth - that is hove we got these Silk, a figure that lets us seIrthein at the very 1.04. priee of. per yard . t J./ C On wile in the liamenient Sat 111$1111111._! Extra Fine Coats, $14.90- •. Teti only hole,' new Winter Omit's, -fifty tif -1 wo •llwites long, Wade from extra *mall -:- black kersey and high -.'Itis imported tweeds. liarliteitt, that are susquest matily .rre1't111 '.every detail skit ivies to make it arylish Una,. .1iist the.... ten. six Meeks and four tweeds. Saturday am] Monday act„ e a e %bought ill it ',rive that let. 114 Sell thelli 1,)! . $14 90 The %-;-'1111•••• are 1118.1111 and W31.00. -1141, Wool Toques 38c • Tw..nt.-tt... tally W1.1411 TIlkilleS, dark and littIi standard 514-‘truttlitlitit. Sat urday 38 ,„.1 Monday, speciaLeach Ammowir 18 Yards Baby Ribbon 15c A Remarkable Dress. Goods Offering Itibboit, narrow Width, A- VM" holt, all -silk Ititi% ..a.rtts1 18 yard. III • 90c to $1.50 Dress Goods for 50c 64:41'PPir,' * This is a remarkable bargain, -is it not? It is a genuine -one though, and it is made possible simply because we cleared the unshipped orders of a big wholesaler at a good deal less than soc on the dollar. There are .skirt, ,• suit and dress lengths that had been cut off or picked out to till orders, but for some reason or other had not been shipped. It was the end of the wholesale season. The wholesaler was taking stock. Ile wanted these rvifered them at a price ' ends out of the:way and that lets us sell you Dress worth, if bought in the. :13 t .5o per yard for SOC: Dress Goods . sales the word for it the goods ;we morning are the best and offered you. All are new. question. -.Lengths run and there are over 75o choose from. ..' We would like to have all sold 'hen we close the doors a week from- Saturday. 'It shouldn't be hard to sell them in a week, for if you knew as well 's, we just how good the value's are they wouldn't last longer than Monday night. All colors andprty nearlyi all kinds that have been fashionable this season. Worth Miking an extra effort to come tor. -On sale the morning of Saturday,Novethber)26th, in our big basement. . 50c A YARD Goods and Suitings regulf.itr way, froth 9oc. tk, We have -had some hig past y ea r. Take our put n sale Saturday biggest bargain we'. ever The qualities are beyond from lthrce to seven yards yards for you to pick and • $2.25 slin Waists $1.35 ------11”1/n .tatt .3.11...* vi hitt. muslin Waist.. front of • juttelsentie Swims embroidery RIO inaert Sim, with (last yrs of title i ticks, very pret ty waist . regsslat• Sot toolay• rind Monday y Silk Waists $2.90 1-1,11. \\*nisi s made from fine quality sat /fish .1.1istist.se f INInt 1111141,1 With Panel "f 1,111,1• wnist Hint i worth at least : 5010. otil% . :`2r 4 - ,it and Moodily speeiel $2 90 Marmot Muff 1,, .t .or Russian Mitt 1 Mess close fur, likely mat ked, 144141 down heti. satin- , • li n ed. Special for Mitt - ilrit4y awl Mon- $5 • ,. • Stoles to (latch 1 Sale of Ribbons 4°1'44 Anothet• month - end hargnin. Eight hundred yneilm all silk Taffeta nibbles. five ti, si issi•lies wide, heavy weight. suitable fin. millinery 10151111nm .is. hair lame. Take 1,qt-field:it' tett tee tif the width*. 1111111 etiiiiiFith weave 11110:fill /1,4.11111W knotted up.Regular 21k• a yard everywhere. Mackie whites, blues, p1tllti-2.-hrOwns-. Ft FMK. gra 3 1, etc. pretty neatly evet•y•coke you am likely towatit. A good big montlia•std bargain that -.-ill ls ready" _ for Saturday mot g a t. pe y a i• only . I 2C 4; Sample Aprons - $(,, 144.14 to match, t'.1' 1141%11 Well III or the ...tumbler. -• 1 long front. ePeelel 4k5 00 "e" " • " .... Two &men white -Houdin .Vri•on 14. no two 'dike. plat in' t•mbroidevy all lip yellers.' sattiplt•s. Mil tithinv "aY Half=Price $6.45 Tapestry Four only I.:4'401s wiltry Rugs, size 3 x 3 yart Joel fawn grout' 4, 'neat signs, regular *Kilt Sat or. a ily tin r n i isg„ ta A g • 11 47!J*Ir‘J Kimono Velour 22c it Ttlitee--etitts may dark ..ut• Undershirts tow Welton. for k' s ntel , house gusto:, heavy weight, sat %eh fly resoslito 30e, For Saturday qv), and Monday pet yattl c 111 etas'. At Per *1141 1 10 5C 11 • Gold-plated Collar Pins I 5c per Pair A neat ii....igts in g..14 s, plated Ctillar Pins. gtla 1.1, teed Ito , Wpm . S103;11.1% 'kk mid MlititlayPe r 15 ...... c 5th Avenue nand Bags $ I .00 New !land VIlags. R, Only, I. quality leathes. 12-itteli $0/.1., 1.011100 14 «11,1 coin purse. For Matiitiii, andNlontlay latr- $1 00 gain at each ; . elomplete with ei .in ours, . it s:Itistin.gxt.riat ihne ritfu,1111,1b, antsch -,i2.5c.. from greet quelity Week A.00,boo. d itia,nd Bag 86c m1 fa$4to KS are . tit t a pebbled leather, the frame g' n1 This Hand Bag is mad. . Dent's Imitation . Reindeer Gloves 75C .,,,i Dents genuine E ti it 1 i 4 11 - - ; 1(iiiiiawkimie. in‘d tart ietrmy "ik-ei11;ilitisa'si: , • glove for fair and wnit.., sw:eri.aiwsiast :;isal; Ipik: 3 p"4.., (i. of cotton, • -Natural slunk pair Ladies' $3.00 Hats $3.45 14.44 411. fifteen new flats, all this Reason • .: - shit oes. trimmed frout selected tri ..... sings higl, • qiut sty. Illsos that we could not possibly sell fos less them tk5.1111 if Me 1110 math. s special ,t iitirelittwe very OMR+ heti %•lne. The.e hats are '11 wort five -dollar hill, -every one • of them. aturday and Monday pH.... win b.. A5 'only • • ..."" Onr Alt 3* Child•en's Hits $1.95 to' (101411•11.$4 JIMA trimmed with bows 44 411"' or silk. Neat. Point little shit 'sem suitable " g navy. reti. brown/Will gl`Pf.11. Si 6 ,asortlay and lititulay each tufty.. .95 1 Men's Sample .11411117!. COmforters $1.:334 • ""P e line filling 800a tetaiitY Iiethan regular prices. eusenlhay tend Montlay':fartmi31k-: 3fonday at ONE-THID) afwadding, Velour Waisting lsc There is an h:nglish 140011 elom• that I 'f4 in twe ($2 very pretty stripes in good (-1; t•olorings. regnlar 20... Sat- end Monthly per 15c A Velvet Rug $9.50 ()tie only* genuine English '1 civet Rug, red ground with neat, florid desin, size x 3 yar(Is, regular 11111.1s) Saturday and 114.449 50 day Grey Blankets $1.97 Tett pairs hefty*, 14 1'' m:ke,eiehpir sevet rfnds,58isinchesi)c s eitledly :fiss mard:y4:mo dayper pair , I . HODGEN. DIRECT IMPORTERS , '6 ' * '' 17447177' 4111111111111111.11111111111111111111114111111111111111101111111111=1.1111111111111011111111111NMIIIMMIND T4$ Utto4 tir S • $ '(•• • Y. 11 GODERICH