HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-24, Page 8t T*C teuay, NOwa>,1BRa 24, IWO THE 9if N A L: GODERICH (NTA RIO Newd of the istrict A furnace and electric lights are hr ing installed in the down hell at '/sled' ich. 1'. Harlleib, of %4)i 44,. has 111•141 his dwelling house to Mrs. John Mienua,, for $7110. Miss Hawkins, teacher of the junior department u f %Viughun puhlit 11,•hO4 11, has tendered her resignation. Ali x. lialdinet, of McKillop, has porch'ePed the Duncan MrCusig prop et'ty at Wnh'm, for $I,wMI, There are forty acres in the estate William Robertson, a pioneer resi dent 4)t Arlen, Man., is cereal st the age of eighty wears. Deceased was a one -lime resident of Clinton. Peter Gardiner, ,.f t.radhuty, has been doings Targe business in the hay whipping line. A few weeks ago he received an order for UMI tons of hay for Edrunnton, Alta. • Win. .1. Mhannon, of McKillop township, joined the ranks of the Iwn• edicts o4) %Vrdneaday, thh mst., when he was united in marriage to Miss Ella Jane Kerr, of Milyrrlon. - by ``)rofeaiiun an electrical engineer • and held the position ion of city *krcU'i- ctarl of Prince Albert for four veers. 11e is survived by his widow a1111 two children, The retrains were brought to Stratford ani interred in the eerie - ter) (herr. Good Returns frown County Farm. From ! :t -g acres of sugar beets grown on the house of 'clog.• f.4) m at Clinton the grow receipts have been *2221.. probably netting Waal; and from half an acre of Dutch sett onions the net returns have Iwen *Maw, with Jo l Is of pickling onions (dill m4) hand ; *100 wog th of hogl have deer sold oaf the famed, while from othei products about inat has been realized, ruckingf[ a tey'enne of $I,tgle froth the Ginn this veer. An Osborne Pioneer. tJehorne tont nship lust one of its oldest citizens un Thursday, 10th inst., when John ruwle was c aIle t away at the ripe age of eighty -flue 4.41114. Eng - lend, was born in Devonshire, ng - land, In the year Mai. %Vith his wife he carte to this country fifty-four yearn ngo. They first settled in 'Yar- mouth. where they remained for two years. They then moved t.) 1',bnrne,' where they resided the remainder of their day "s, Mrs. Towle pre.rceamid her huslamd *limit twelve years. A fancily- of two sons and five daughters are left to 44)04)44) hiede•rr,i*e. Mr. and Airs. F. A. Keys, who have been rraidents of illuevsle for the last four years. are removing to New fhin- de•t, Waterloo money, where Nit . Keys has secured employment. • Archie McNair. a they township boy, who Iras been lying seriously ill in the hospital 4.t. %tom j ►w, is slowly recovering. He heel fever, %hieh mai followed ay an .attack of i.enrnm,wls. rhe marriage of Joseph 'Poster, son of Mr. and Mi s. Joseph Faster, of Zur- ich, to Miss Mar) Yost, of Mrbe•waing, Mich., was solemnized ,it Detroit on Tuesday. November 13th. Mr. arid Mee. Foster arr ep-nding their honey- moon in the northern part of Michi• gen. A pretty church wedding was sotPIII. nized in the Holy Roaary church, Min- neapolis, on Thursday, November 3rd, the occasion being the marrie a of Mies Elizabeth Blake, forme' Iy of Ore) township, to (le.age McMillan. Rev. Father Logan performed the cetemon y. The .new Mennonitechnrch at Zur- ich was formally dedicated on van - day, 13th int. Th.. ,lc dieatory aer- 'vices were conducted by Itrv, M M, :+triter, of Columbus, Ohl... The new church is .an irnpening strttetore of brick. It has a nice basement. and is heated by a believe. Tile I(ML,aele farm of !high W. Mi'• Ray, on the lhh cone...Won of tires', has tern purchased hy .lames 'Moses of Mortis township. T pl•iee was *Ono. o. The purchaser wall gel posses- sion on March 1st, Mr. McKay flag fifty trees on the same lino, to which he will move next spring. .'rhe marriage of MIs* Dert.tnJ,' NI., only daughter of (image and Mrs. Hanley, of Mon. rted, 10 ',Awned Se antlrhnry, hate of Cornwall, Eng- land, wan solPntnlzrd nn %Vein*'-ila)', thh inst. The ceremony was pev- formed et the (.ars0nage, Mt►a1ford. by iter. U, E. Martin. The young couple will reside in Mt rat ford. After an illness of n month of typhoid fever, John Maudson, jr., of Uhieelhur'et,o issed awe). oil Tileelay, lath int- Ile was only aevenUwn years of age. His earl) dcni:se is mourned by his parents and two sisters and a brother. The father was in Alberta, at the time of bis 801'14 depth. The death of Annie Uha'istina Bishop, beloved wife of Jellies Nick- son Show -era, took plane 4)t Listowel .+as Hatmdey, Bali lost. The deeens'.l was In h, -r nineteenth Veal' 11 114 (roves �„ixr 11 11..h111141 and one child six weeks old. She way a .4.1 1141 ter of ,1: •s Ifi.hop, of I4,ussel. she was metaled :tbonl a owl and hail been I.% trig cal liarit(liou An interesting e*ent look ;dare NI 1lapte 43rove (arm," 1'sllnrne town - strip, uti %Verinrsday, 11th hist„ when Misr Violet %. Wood, daughter of Mis..(as. %V ikon, was united it mar• riadr to Itnteo fonder. of Flintv'ille The ceremony was performed by Rev. r. %Vel -on m the preaPncc of ober one hundred guests. Mr. end Nita. Cooper is ill reside on the gr o no's firm south of Elimville. The derail oscurrea 4)t %VIi*ghani nn Friday, 11th inst., of Mts. Thomas ('alvert, in her sixtieth year, 1)14 reared was stricken with p:n'aly'si, about four weeks prior to the shay when shy wee railed awe). Mrs. 1'al- vert was Ixarn in 'Yorkshire, England. The family came to Canada about six y'ear's ago and for HUMP time had been respected residents of \Vtnghatn. De- ceased h enrvivel by her hushnnd, four daughters and two eons, The death of Dr. James Baird, of Montreal, is annonncerl. Deepened was the eldest ant of the late George !laird, of Brumfield, and was thirty- three years of age. Ile was gradu- ate of M.'(iill College, Montreal, and for some veers had n large practice some distance from that city. Ile wad it. a few months ago and Intended ing up it practice in Montreal when he taken I11. Consumption was the can f his clemiar. He is sur- vived by hie ow and two hml here : George, who 1 surveyor in the Northwest, and Dr?' Vatter Baird, who is taking a poet•gra. ooa in a college et Montreal. Purchases Tp.'- ►alas. The farms of Arthur Forllee sod John McMillan, *t. Rnxlw,vt, ,have heels pporeh*sed by Mr. %Venal', of P art Itlgin. The sum of $1a.70t wan the nggregate amount paid for the 1 two feline. whieh adjoin erica other and contain each 100 metes Elected State Senator. At the recent. eleetions in the State of idaho, (e.rge Coates. ant of John Castes. .4 Brussels, *ani brut her of R. K. (:nese., of Me*forth, was alai -fedi to Ole :state Menace nn the Ile ihlie*n ticket. The Mtate as a whole Went D►:unerat. and Mr- Costes had a hard Sight, hie opponent being a leading lawyer. Died in the West The death is reentded at Big River, Mask.. on November fah, of AIsseeder K.e(d, eon of Mr. and Mee. M*ntaxl Read. of the Mill toad, Tuekeratnitb. He was tldrl.c five yyears of a Death nc,'ureed atter freer weeks' i11. wise of typhoid fever, Deterred was The Late Robert Willis, Seaforth. A pioneer was removal by the death ..f itobe.t Willis. mf Mrnforth, en Sunday, November 13th. i)e- ceased wait a native of Somcraelshire, England. Coming In (`an.ale when quite young, he tirat settled in Oxford county. Over fifty years ago he he• came a resident o f the town in which he diel. When be first carne to Meeforth he wnrkr.l at his trade as n shoemaker with John McIntyre node soon afterwards entered into partner- ship wit h the same gent Irma L'►ter hepwrhasri the business and incon- junction with his sons he had leen in business there ever since. Ills dt•ath is mourned by his widow and a fancily of six sons and two daughters. Death of a Nonogenarian. ..t the royal age of over ninety years, Catharine Buchanan, relict of the Tote Roderick- McKenzie, passed away at her home in Grey rownahip on S 'ednesday, Ink inert. Nhe had Ixr'ri a w0r10e1t of uncommonly g'.od health until a few days before her death. when a slight sttr.ke, followed by nn itteinnl hemorrhage, rr.ultrvl in her death. Dereaopd s bir'tbpi ,o 0 was Invernesshirr, Scotland). When twelve years of age ahe ,'.ante to ('ape Breton with the other members of her family. Deer seventy veers a{m she was married to her late hull and, who )a'elrteased lea Thirty-nine year•s They li *'d' o } v in /. rix, Kincardine and 'I'uekersrith beforelex•ating in grey ever an)uordangA ht41 viive of live ons and one .4)4 Prosperity in the West. .1. H. Melliek.:in obi (Lay township boy, now of Edmonton, Alta„ writes' The Zurich Herald as follows : ' (Irnp'v in (hie no,tl*ern part of Alberta 4)r• fair. Pot,ilors yield (1'01n three to five hundrr,I bushels to the acre, rill ..'het' a. get abler .1(11ally good. We had one Ilel.l of fall wheat that yielded forty- nine bushels ler acre, 111140 one 14. 1,1 of 14 toner oats that yieldene'd ninet y bush- els per here. Some gtils.ririg fields yielded as high 4)+ I17 1 .1 Is Mt new Iatd. Iteral estate is still in good demand. We refused a:12.4%M4 for 1 eighty *r1,•s of Innd, Is ing one and a- (calf toiler ma direst of Iirdltta•s large packing plant. which is just outside Edmonton city Istria' ; in fact every- thing in Northern Alberta seems to be pointing towards prnspctity." A Veteran of the Crimea and India. By the death of James llarv'ey on Trtesdnv night, I3th ins'., a Crimean veteran, and ' who had clone ser- vice in the suppple.siun of the Indian 1lnliny, was called to hitt reward. The bole James llar'vey was seven'y-seven yeet 4 of eft• and wan a native of Dev- onshire, England. The early partof his life was stent in his native hand and for many years he was engaged in the dockyards u,t Liverpool. In INS(-' he was engaged in tartly.. aerviea i4) the Crimean war and witnrwsssl 11114 siege of Sebastopol. He also did ser- vice at the lime of the ludilu aluti4*) Forty years ago he rause to Canada and for a few years worked in 11s - borne, but later went to Exeter and was rnrploved there mail four years ago, alien lir was uhliged to retire 011 account of ill -health. rhe uwatisnl and other aitmente having 4101 e nurse to weaken his constitution. 1114 is sur- vic.rt by one son and two J11'nghtets. THE ANNUAL DISTatIBUrIJN . Seed Grain and Potatoes from the Ot- tawa Experimental Farm. Ily iustruetion of tice I101 I. Minister of Agriculture a distr./potion is (wing made this season of samples of stip-r- am. sorts of grain and tootatoee to Can - adieu farmers for the tmpt'ovement of seed. The stork for distribution (las been secured mainly from the expel i - mental farms at Indian Head, Sask.; Brandon, Man., and Itttawe, Ont. The samples consist of oats, gpring wheat, barley, field peas. Indian corn (for en- silage only), and potatoes. The quan- tity.of mats sent is ( (bit., and of wheat or bailey a lbs., sufficient in each rase to sow one-twentill It of an acre. The samples of Indian corn, peas and pota- toes weigh :I the. each. A quantity of xea. h of the following varieties has been secured for this distribution Oars—Manner, Abundance, Danish Island. Wide -Awake, Thouasod I►ol- Iar, Improved Ligowo—all white vari- eties. Wtttc.ar — Red varieties : Man 4)'s and Early Iced Fife (early beartle4s worts of nigh baking etiength), Red Fele (beardless), Preston and Huron (early, heardtxl) SVhite varieties : White Fife (be*rfle..a, Bob., (early. beardless), . BAmt-EY—Sit-rowed :-Mensury and Manchurian la selection from Men - spry). Two -rowed : Standwrll and Invincible. /Neap PEAS — Arthur and Golden Vine. unsex Cots (for en+ ) Rally sorts : angel of Midnight, Compton'. Early and Longfellow. Later varie- ties : Selected Leaguing, Early Masto- don, and White Cap Yellow Dent. Peorerns:s - Early varieties : Ro- chester Rose, and Irish Cobble'. Me- dium to late varieties : 4 Coin, Carman No. 1, and Money \taker. 'rhe later varieties are, miliaria... more pro- ductive than the earlier kinds. Only one sample ran be sent to each applicant, hence if an individual re- ceives a sample of oats he cannot also receive one of wheal, barley. peas. Indian corn or potato.... AppUrxtiona on printed meds or Ni'rPts• 4)1' lists of names from one individual, or applica- tions forrnore than one sample for one household, c n nn 0 t lie entertained. The .aniples will oe seal tree of charge through the mail. Applications should he 11411 Irraw'tI to Thr (/.amnion I'erexlist, ftxpctiment,d Farm. Ottawa, and ruNy iw seut11. any limn[r the 1st o( December tt the lith of February, after whirl, the lists will be elo,ed, so that ane samples asked fur may' Ia• sent 001 in gn,xd time. Applicants should mention the variety they prefer. with a second sort. ns au Alternative. Applications will be filled in the order in which tf:ry are ree-eived, to long es the suppli of seed lasts. Fernier+ are advi-.- to apply early to avoid possible disappointment. Those applying for Indian corn ,•r p.. Iatfe'N should bear in hind that the corn is lint natality distrihut8.4 until April, and That pottloes cannot be mailed until danarr from frost in tran- sit is over. No postage is reilnired on 1 I 1111 nlilt ter tuldressei tutlie Esp. r'1 mental Farm, 1)11114va. SVM. SAUNI)EI1M, • Director of haperimental Farms. Minnick- "1 tee That they hnye found in Egy pt the mnnnnv of a man whose flight Ing ix neat ly a foot bower than lh.• left one." Minnick—"Import int as *'widener that they had church flake in (1114.1.4)[. Egypt." Hlowning's Alagazine. At the Start. " I must have been :. fool when 1 Initialed." said little Tompkvne, glar- ing fiercely at his wife. •' Certainly, ►4)y dear." said Mrs. Tonlpkvna, sweetly. •' It couldn't come on so badly all in two yearn, could it ?" ) a Builds you up and makes you strong How do you feel to -day? Not quite right? Energy a little below standard—not strong enough to- make much exertion? NYAL'S COD LIVER COMPOUND is what you need. Don't get frightened about these words "Cod Liver," You'd never know it froth the taste. It's a real tonic, containing cod liver exleact, • extract of malt, wild cherry and ) ypophosplait(-s- a splendid combination. The cod liver extinct:: build you up—so does the extract of malt. '1 wild cherry soothe bronchial tract and the hypophosphites supply phosphorus to the nervous system—just the thing it needs. And the taste is pleasant. As an all 'round tonic, -strength rV starer and body-builder you'll find nothing better 1i::ai► Nyal's Cod Liver Compound—so why look further? You will be pleased. 'rhe price is (lade '1)tillar. Anything you buy with the Name will give you entire satisfaction. Sold and guaranteed by F. J BUTLAND. S. E HICK, H. C. DUNLOP. E. R. WIGLE GODERICH +•rt The Amberola the newest Edison Phonograph The AI tea, ►he swathe,-. el 411(- 1 noel felthful t.'prIwllei I1g Ja)N.1'- th,tt thtu'actrriu' all Edison hist meta. and, it addition, a c.a... Ihnl i a ucaaste'piete 4)l• Ilse cabinet maker•, tart. It plods both Edison Statalu'd and IlIIsa4)l :\uclre'rul 11*'rord•. 11 10.14*'s in either *tah,Katrt on. /al.. lltts dfaltrl. for holding 11)11 Iletortl•. The price is , 't Ill. ntber dvp.. ,11 t.•hwn rbve✓oui•e.4. ,el.,. ro SIe16' t.441•4411'.1....1..'1 K.- ..4.1• P.1...11 h. t".1,...11 4.1x1:,1 N.. -,r,). pl.r 1,4 Lnq . I,4 . 1 ,Ilwn '.4.i.1 ”p• -1,p W. •.rd., Nr. W a^.4,. Th.r.. r. 1,.1,...4) J-aa...,'r r . bele. 1.., 1., 11,.• twa l ee .110 twat- ire 1,11.4 i 1/114,4./444•1/11 pi., 1,..11: 01'-.fl'n.,,1.,•1 •1,•I 1w:1.•r,.l Nn .. r,l. 1.1 ' ..,,:p1.1. ' :,lai,'r. 114 4)1 ).A,. (..ler rl tl..w i4) Natio JP►wsr.plC..,1MW..ibA....Or.y.,N.J..t1.S.A. [DISON PlIONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS SOLO BY JAS. F. THOMSON, Goderich You can rarely distiugni.h weak spots in underwear until holes rub through—at your expense. So it's safer, cheaper to insist on Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear. For our careful sorting process retains only the very finest wool. Even thisselected grade is scoured, cleaned, comped until every short end and weak fibre is pulled out. Finally the finished fabric —perfectly knitted on patent' machines— must , puss rigid examination in fio It of a searching light that makes it impossible for the merest Uaw to get thruugh unnoticed. No weak spots or dropped stitches STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR Made both for women and for men in perfectly fitting si Twenty -(me different weights and qualities: from warm, heavy ribbed garments particularly sus , e for outdoor workers to the soft, finely knitted underwear so soothing to sensitive skins. fano local dealer sells Stanfield'* Unshrinkable Underwear. Catalog on request. BTANFIELDB LIMITED, • - TRURO,N.8. \ 21 est; All kinds of :1 STOVE PANDORA RANGES We have jtlst what you need in a heater and range here. 'lake, for instance, the fatuous Pandora, with its seem. steel linings and ventil- ated nickel -plated steel oven and burnished lids and top ; with its many other features, and yo;, cannot find ail ihiit better_t0 choose from, it pays in the long run to have ranges at all prices. A real, get omplete, durable range with reservoir for the small stem of $18.00 in heaters, the famous three -fife heater has about twice the radiating heating surface. of any other heater ; it is nickel -plated three times, aryl very durable ; and in all is a very pretty. heater. We sell heaters from $o.00 up. Something -eat good in an Oak for $12.00. You will tinct as nice a range of stoves in this, store as you will anywhere. It is very much to your advantage to buy your stoves here, because you will get the best values to be had. The Howell Hardware Co. 1,IMI'FED. Market Reports 12 to 18 Hours Ahead of the Morning Papers Every issue of The Toronto Daily Star contains the day's price quotatiuns un the Grain and Live Stock Mara is of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago and other important centres —the very same quotations that the morning papers will print next day -12 10 18 hours later. The Toronto Daily Star market reports are most accurate. and getting them every day you are always able to catch the market at its highest point and to sell your products at the highest prices prevailing. To be a daily and constant reader of the Toronto Star market reports means money in your pocket --a live paper for wideawake -people. TORONTO DAILY STAR Clubbing Th" taper and tAe Toronto Dag)" Star Offer for one year for $9.20 $1:50 a Year 1 New Season's Millinery MISS CAMERON MISS CAMERON Ani v�i�rcd a rlrnice selection of the very latest styles in Millinery and will he pleased �n show them �o t he Indies ofGoderich .�A .:��..��.. _. e.. show .._. ...... �... has seenred rhoice selection of the very latest styles in Millinery and will pleased to show them to the Indies of (ioderich and vicinity at her show ro ome, Hamilton etrret. The most approved effects in shapes and trim• things for the season are avowed to Miss Cameron's customers The laiie.• ate invited to call at their 01(1' ven it n 4P., MISS CAMERON, Hamilton Street, Goderitb DISPENSING The greatest care is taken in diapensing at this store. The purest drnge are used, and you mey bring your attention, prescription here with the greatest confidence that It will receive proper TOILET ARTIOLifa. We make a specialty 0f these, and can aupr y you with the latest and heat genua. N. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South Side Square, — Goderich j