The Signal, 1910-11-24, Page 6i ,.4 4i ($ '1'nee_siosv, Not summit 21, 1PHf THE TOWN COUNCIL. C. C. LEE MAKES OFFER FOR PUR- CHASE OF SUMMER HOTEL. Council May Advertise the Property for Sale --Application for Bowling Alley License -Bylaw to Provide Mona)* for .Sewer Construction. The town council (reel in regular W1-, ioa, trot Friday evenings. Permissioth was asked in A commuu- lc'alloti for the Ube of the town hall for • slotting of the• farmers of West Huron. It was decided to grant the !•roues► and have th • tall cleaned and heated for the tweeting. Alca.aoder Nt(hol, °ISOzatford. peti- lioted the council for a license to run !howling Alley in the etore formerly ccupied by Wrn. • Yule on Kiugston el reel Coutteillor Hawkins asked that lire matter be dealt with at once, Sul Deputy_Reeve Munnings pointed out ilii to conform with the regule- liou! Of the bylaw the petition must lie on the table/or a month. Acting -in accordance with thi; rule, it would -give others a chance to apply .for the rause privilege. Ile under -food that a to .I luau had intended making Appli- cation and K) enforcing the' bylaw A, synicieuf tittle .would niece to hilbw •the.ml:atterte lir made piddle 60 that othe, i alight file ►keit applications. (` miicillor Hawkins pro eeted further Dual the matt t sha.uld have inmwrdi-- Ate considtr'tion, but it was sent to the r•pecial committee with power to act slier .uticieht time had. clepaed. J'tfc city clerk of St, tford in r hald hetet ..eknowledged the receipt of $l:'., to IM applied to- the- social fund of Ste Rio 1.' igade. .lolan Avery, of Mitchell. sI.o'rt•nt a. hotel acknowledging the receipt for het vices, trudered•the town as v.•luat.,r' of -the plant of the .Anlclieau Hord Mao Niue t'o. A titer bean Charles Gurrow, town tolicilor, tans tend. in which be stated that tier a hotel was now in the •f tall pobs.-seivn .of the -town. A -.sot•at'nIeIIL 01 hisaerouut also; Was pte- s.ulo.1 And hent to the finance commit 144 The special committee stOLmitted a ► epo(t. 11 au- reported that the claim 1,4's -damages of alts„ Shipman tied Beep terra red to the" solicitor for slot.., and that 'they wore seeking --luallu•a. inial!!nation respecting t lie en. ei',rrhment of E.- 1\e Leta is. on town property.• The commit tee recomn- oweded that the 'clerk, write the De - pert !petit of Mai Sue, and Fiche' ies and a! 1. that the Do • Govertluienl' make home provision to extend the town limits so a- to include Indian Island as well as the land Icing be- tween the nct'ttf pier and the tit et breakwater. IL was !.:commended that a 1,y lean be• prepal ed. and sub - Milted to the 1atepayer.• to protide' or the sutu 01 >!t•"',:'44), which, 10- gethei with the $Ii,IMMI Kissed (11 by- law I;o.:at of ifs' I, will he necess;u to colic-uul•t sewers on the stI eetb named in the repot 1 of Willis Chipman. ('.' E. It also was recommended that the et neo)ee hotel be hold if a satisfactory ',Iyer he obtained.. It was intimated in the Report than'. ('. Lee had "offered $1.0.0. providing the propel ty is ex-- erupted x-erupted ficin t:.xatiom, except bchool to., far ten year-. It fin ther war, recommended that one-half of the how,e• ori the Meteor property be renter! 1.. Hiclla&'d Youhgfor the Win- ter '1141(1114 at $o per month. A ('4411)1(1,14) l('(I 101) had been I( -;.d earlier in the meeting .in which Angus Mc- 1)onald offered !Jr lease the other half of the holes(•. The report w;tscon.ideted clause by 'laws, but the matter upon which the 11104 discussion took plate 'war. that ',f llie moonier hotel. 11 listed long enough to .allow all the aldetmeta to eepr0.•- all :.pinion. The queer -film lis eu4,.vd.tvay wh(•thei iLW011l(1 he aadvis al.le to accept Mr: Lee's etre' of not. (►n o.f CounrilPnt• 1'ntso .,. aec- cd hl Depot) He,•'e Mnmmnge, the 1(1(1 ter WAS again retorted fo the ).per lal,eornmit tee .1 o • et nside•r the ad- ve .hilily of advt.' Iisu &t the pt ripe' ty for hale ret !rasing the hotel for:au- ut ho•t year. "The lAla.ce of " the spr- ciell committee's -1eporl was adopted. The fin ince committee its it-aeport re, aided the payment of a Zuni. b('( of a( cnnnts. The lite committee recoulu'ended that the supplies asked for by the the ,rot!haol:• by ()II 14' 1)4* -'ii 11 as as .)dt Seed (lisI \:too fret sof Magnet lite hoer. Inde by the Good) ear Tit & Itulbet 4.1 , 11. bniight . 1'ht• prii•e i. $1 per tont ray:'lle in 'tinily (lays. IL -ale. avis recloi,ulrndt(1 Dort the 411 (11,.1 of :apt".ioting an engineer ,and th ern u1 fns the Rae engine 14.101 in the hand - of Ile: lit. committee. • Depot.) Heels Mannings staled that 'th" c(tntni(1,•t• :'pl,otl►P(1 to look int. t11.• matte( of ,e(ainq,; II%dtu electric rowel h.ut nothing ng to report hal 16•onl($ contintoe 1u investigate. igate. (•t'.nrill.l Vt:Oho.' he '- led the . •; 1 ratmr I , f that :I I (ill beginning rennin K K of the' year I, had int((duced the iffiest iote of having the Deer' Bettor supid'.(1 witlt H( 0 r_,, .I,.. A bylaw had been pa'•,r••I to• that eller( and he run ':fro:..1 that if tali, council had •.fire;e1.1 backbone to enforce !sirs' lam it I'ngl.t -to get out and fel '01111 ,ndy else in. rhe Iafa4'or el a0".1 tli.t tht.'ogtl a flaw in the by law tli Cinr.ril hail not been in n po,i- liol to pios,'rrt.. 1'h*. eni.t.ake had 14 ou 1••('Idf!l 3 sed it :.1: attletnpt 148(4 nl:rle to 1li1 Il. hall ag.,in beton.. it W,4 •lo,„tHill will file escapes the pa,'pI 't''1 w'rtlal to pt.m.ruteal. r4 -(4 sno'.«l'. will hP regltired l4. th. (''(1.11 G•r .. • tl she e.n.il.g winter, too (''.;t.,e11.* r.teiHn was It:stttt.•ttrl to go 1,Z 1.4tit1(11 to see what styl. .f ' plc•w 1, il, l(.eatlet '; It is 1(1111.•1-t,,,,d TEN CENTS 11 (1 1!*.• 4o,ifILA n44.1, it veto balls 1.' •Ifo y '1 he question of s.* siting et !w•pinws led t•• the intr(sleeti„n of II,,‘ (?'1.4(It'l of 1ha' lig rill tate•FIa �r. Glen. the 'mow• 4R the ft•.i t of ,•ii , 4„,„,,, I . cluritlielth.• 44i41t1.1 4.((s(' II, h.,..,,..•..., i•• lett with ,Ii' p1111ir P m k.r...: I t er' I n rr p411 At 11''.'r :. l Pleelit:g of the cif:foll. •i'bc c•.,ncil (hen adtnutnet t n assembled Puerta gave vent to loud "Heat -bean." Then he resumed ; "I was present at hie christening, I wee present at a banquet given when he CAMP of age. 1 was present at. his wedding. I ant present tonight to celebrate his silver wedding." (Heat, hear.) "And, ladies and gentlemen, in conclusion, 1 MO only hope 1 shall toe present *1 his funeral. FLOOD -POISONING FROM CUT FINGER. Serious Condition Relieved by Zam-Bok.. Mr. Jas. Davey. of 7148 Elliceavenue, Winnipeg, bey r : "A new months since I was cured of a poisoned finger through the timely use of 'Lam-Buk. I cut a deep gash acrose the knuckle on the first finer of the right hand, in opening a lobster can one evening. I su*fere•d at the time with the eon - nese and pain, but had no idea it would becoute a serious wound. However, in about two days I was greatly alarmed, as wy whole band and &rut to the elbow became in- flamed, and the finger was much dis- colored, showing signs of blood- p•oisoniog. The pain was dreadful and I was forced to leave off my wort and go home. "The wound on the knuckle had been potboiler! through the dust and dirt about the furnaces and boilers. then decided to start the 7.am-Buk treatment, and having first totalled the cut. I applied the healing halm. It soothed the pain almost instantly, and by the next day tbere was s great iwprow'e►uent. In a week's time, through perseverance with 7,am•Buk, a complete cure was brought about." • Scores of 'similar cases could lie' quoted, and the.wisestpl'ecaut- is to keep a boa of `/.tiro-Buk handy and KW, it immediately a cut, or burn, or bruise is su't+ained. Zoom -Bilk will also be found a pure cure for cold sores, chapped laud., frust bite, ulcet,r,• eczema, .blood-• p•oistal, varicose ',Utes, piles, scalp sores, ringworm. inflamed patches. babies' erupt ions and chapped Pieces. tilts, burn,., bruises and ',kin injnriee generally. All druggists and stores sell :at !sloe, lux, or post.ft ee from ''/,an, - link Co., Tot onto, upon receipt of price. Refuse imitations and mite -ti- t utee: 1 wo Were Enough. Hogan tooth- playing t,utse to the twin en the front porch. The twins were annoyed because each wanted exclusive Ios'e,siun of a solitat y cru. at,d they were yelling. Agh- bor paused at the gate. ' %'eft tto- ga:;"11e !asked, " what morild you take for them children 4 n}" Hogan shifted inJiia cjtwi ` All .the money in the w urruld couldn't buy them." he declared. ••Hut,' he added. "1 wouldn't give tin tints apiece for :any more like thio." IS YOUR SKIN ON FIRE? • Does it seem to you that you can't stand another minute of that. awful. burning itch' That it MUST be c,*led r That you MUST have relief • (:et a mixture of Oil of ‘a'ititergi sen, Thymol, and other soothing 'ingred- ients as compounded only in D. D. I). I'rescriptinn. The very first drop- STOP that awful burning instantly 1 The Rest drop- soothe and heal 1 The find dropit give you a feeling of comfort that you have not ecioyed for months. or per•hapb years. Take our word on it. (Set a $1.00 or a trial bottle today. Write the D. 11. D. Laboratorie,, Dept. U. S., 19 Colborne St.. Toronto, and they will send you a trial bottle free. - Fon stile by alit rt.. Therit•.dams,•l panted for breath. "Alger nun," she exclaimed, "you stn.( - hunch ynut kiss.. like Chet." • DISTRESSING HEADACHES. Headaches are largely the result of throe deied kidneys_ roles hall, 143 Flora Street, St, Thrones. Ont,', sacs: •'1 buffered for •(•luih with headaches of a most. dist't•s-ing nature. '1' h e y Would come on me suddeul' and would 1:art for day'. ata time. 'These were noted- ly accompanied by spells of dizziness that would leave me unable to attend t(1 any „ house duties. My hock was weak and cared rue much 'diger ing t11rouglrt110 night. 1 had (hal ore(1 for hot al! to no .avail. Nothing bene- fitted the and wy eoldilion was gradually bee 4unng woi be. 1 learned of Booth's Kidney fills. tone box x a •e e c. , t ill .1 1 111 11 1•lasting t aand R 1 cure. 1 have nut' hada he'aui:lche• . diz4.y,spell -ince and 1 feel like u new person. , Booth's Kidney Pill.:ue •old by all di udgi-ts, rale lux, Millet a guru x►ilee to refund ynln nlotera it they tail to relieve any dire',wPh'rv»►r,.(0- n1 igin in the kidneys or lda*!d.•t. Postpaid front The It. T. 11:h eh co., 1.1d., Elie, Ont. Sold and stoat otter(' I.4 '�. It. Wigle, 1141th stat• 41 f, 1.1 11 . • Tha,Einal Hopp. ' A n 1," 5,011 Lite ((1.l Pally, pl4pos. ilk the marl of the e•t•eling at 'i silver wedding. "respecting our host I ran any thio --and 1 •peak of hien gcyt4h greatconfldenec--that abetter fellow teeter lived." Here he patted fen effect, while the • • -5 • TIDE MARKET$. Liverpool Wheat Futures Clens High- er, Ch{cage Lower -Live Stock -Latest Quotations. Illoadey. Icvenieg, Nov. 31. iiverpd wheat futures ckiead to -day tkd to Ike higher than Saturday: con unchanged to (4d higher. At (3Mcaw, December wheat closed Ike Cower than on Saturday. Det•enaber corn %" *Wer, and lxeowtaber oats um hanged- . Winnipeg Options. At Winnipeg, November wheat ceased tic rower than Saturday: November oats weekended. Wheat-No',ernber 9.1%c, December folks, Max SU. Oeste -November 1S%c, Decernber >I�tkiek May INV. Toronto Grain Market Wheat, bushel 0 R tO M ■ Wheal, goose, busk., 5 04 buckwhat, bushel dM Rye, bushel 0 71 barley, bushel 0 • 0 SI teas, bushel 0 7o 9s, Oats, bubbel 0 A ,.., Toronto Dairy Marks'. butler, separator, dairy. Ib0 116 035 !diner, store Iota, 031 e IS Butler, creamery, Ib. rolls., 0 M 931 !.utter, creamery, soitda....-0 i . 61ggs, new -laid 035 bbtge. oold storage a a 0 b 1 lN•ene, Ib. 013 0I2lb Heaey.•en,bs, desert3 M 2 y Honey, extracted. Ib 0 (0 0 11 New Yerk Dairy Market.. NEW YORK. Nov. 21 -Butter -Easy; re $pts, 557:+, creamery, specials: 3114c to !tar; extras, 304,.•; third to first. fie to 3k, held. creamery, second to special,. lLlic to 31444: stale dairy, eommoo to ft* NO. 9tc to Sar; process, common to rpe dal. '16e. to !7r; knitat/on creamery, first 24:Ite to •Weer•, factory, Jute make. first. coke to 24111,c. du.; current make, '2.:44' . Chrome -P1rn1; receipt; 1133: slate: whole Intik, September pa/slily, specials, 13%e: Ile., fans-', colored. 144(': dofaakY.whits, 151ic to 1514.-' do., (Moire. 14%c to 15c: do., Polisher quhM(y, firm. 1414r to 1444". meals. whole milk, late made, ordinary, 14c; de.. ',ammo'', W344r: hk►n.a, :clic to 13c. Eggs-FimI; receepts, 4136 state, Peen - try lyenta and nearby, hennery, *nine, Nary, 32c tp ':.. do., gathered, wb,te, NIC o Ile, do., hennery, brown tarry. 4:c to be. .lo., gathered, brown. 3irie to 4.,•. fresh gathered, extra 1rat, 36c to MI , do., first, be to 31c, do.. second+, tae• to 3k. do., randier!. No. 1, randI.. 34e 4o Sc. do., No. L !2c to 23c; refrigerator, first. In local orad.. 7454,- to 4,44t, du., serr,ndt, Lk•.ts re(rlgerators, spe.•frl mar►s, (aaey, Ideal storage, Ybc to Nike . CATTLE MARKETS. Hoge Continue on Down Grade M American Exchanges. 'NEN' YOI(K, Nos. 2t.-i4'ndI.r and Primo! c:ablrr quote American rattle easy, 4 I,1 .10._11%c_ *r lb.__ tinseled WetgAli_ 'refrigerator beef at 934r per Ib, Union Stock- Yards. • TI)RONT°. Nov. 21. -Receipts of live Stock at- the Union Stock Yards were ti0 earleatls, consisting of 1499 cattle, 10 hogs, 19111 sheep and lambs. with y3 calves. Exporters. - $-. t'norlor fought 1 load of -exporteri law lbs. each, at SOI, 10 bulls, 4401 to. IMI Ills, at et to sr.. Butchers. Prime Iota or butchers, $6 30 to ►6.74; loads of good, S.S. to $5.50. medium, 14,M 10 45.14ra , common. 04.40 to Mir: comm. t7 to Nr, with a Oen few at $6, halls, $9215 to M.s. ' st to Stockers and Feeders. Ilhort-keep feeders. 46.C. to V.*, good relight feeders, $4r. to $6. Hookers, 14 *eft Milkers and Springers. Not many urllker. :41111 springers offer- . Prices ranged from $:fe Veal Calves. Thirty-tw.. ac..I •uta.•. s.,1.1 at $.2 t•( >a coal. - Sheep and Lands. Nt eep, ewes. sold at It :I, t,,. CI t.. 11:u, lamb., gs6--r,, $i,'s. Hogs. • ed per N. 3. ,>i,ton. buyer for (lams, re- 1 1•'.'aed �prieee s,. follows: 14,p, -ted, led and watered, at 3:.10, and .114.7r• to drover*, al cuuutrs points for hog, - (.0 q, cars. Montreal Live Stock. - M0NTICE 11L. Nov. 21 the Montreal' stn,k Yards West End Mar- ket Due receipts of livestock for the week ending Nov. 1f were 2406 cattle. :200 :hemp an.1 lambs, Yen hogs and 0 ..Iver The supply on the market this morning (or male consisted of lee cattle, 15(o sweep and lambs, Ilia hogs :and 1:4 *salver• The moody war much smaller than a • veto* ago, 'and an (v.a,equen' e a steady (eeltng prevailed. A few peeke.t st..•r. sold :al as high as 41,72, but the bulk 4,1 the trading waa. Mme at the fnllbwing t,M.ON 1'11111.1. steers, 46,60 to 114,-.1... good a1 11.7:• t., 1LS/fairly *nod at $4.:3 to 14:41 Our at 1I.:u to is, and rommpe at $2.51.'to 4:1.1. per 100 It*. ,t•t (,ria�;r�f r t'�°44rila w�, $.•o.f� try„ "t THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO WARNING! There is only one maker of Semi -ready Clothes in_(anada The Latiel ind 'Price marked L - in the Pocket of every Garment. Unless the Semi -ready label and the plain price mark is in the pocket of the coat, the garment is not a "Semi -ready." Septi -ready Tailoring has attained such a prestige that many t•.uunterfeits are being.maife, and ,011ie unscrupulous dealers use -the wort) "Semi -ready" as descriptive of cheap and unworthy imitations. , �rmi i-terbttdff Utti McLEAN BROS., GODERICII • d'.n • wawa woo' .4' is the most you can buy. will make a cup fragrant, nutritious lllllllll gd0 6 0 O (tn4 cowAtts PERFECTION CI 0 COO '1rlE LEAF lAsfL) economical that - Halfa teaspoonful of cocoa - rich, -with the delicious flavor that is characteristic of Cowan's. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. 132 ••:-g :.: . t • 44 The Signal to January 1st, 1912 for $1.00 The anti( ipated decline le pries fee hogs (or them week taws not materialized, Cho prices were 10r per 100 lbs. lower then a week ago. Salem of selected tots Warr -- toed. at 111; pmt 100 nig ., weighe,I ' L.'*Ts1..- A feature of the markt forverrrtil meats in the Increasing warrfty ni slyer. The demand is good for good to, ehob a crags - frit calves, wad salen of the layler evert maths at sm6,. to 7c, and the former at :,44e to &• per Ili, live weight, ural •'•Mae East Buffalo Cattre Market. 1 ens wry. asking a, high en 4' h' tot,. I -b.' marker for lambs was nett v. and. Orin nn im dor a good d.rniind. at Cr to c'4r ttrr.t'pp.r Canada stock, and at S4yr to P., for Qu. her s(oe k. Sheep were quiet 141111 am changed at 9%. to Sr 7,.r 1R, 1•:AS'1' Rl'FI'.UA, Not 21 --Cattle • (te ,ritM, .171111 head. acus'*• and MLada to 11* higher, (rima steers. in 444 1 . r(•• ship - 4.14,a, 4..-u t., 4a;. S. butchers, $4.:e, to i heifers, >r+ ,. tows. B 3:s. to bulk, •$:1.::, to 11,-, „stew kers and roisters, 41.:f to Vire: sits k heifers. Egg to $4 U. fres!, now- and springers 4(4ad)- t11 83 lower, ♦a 10166 )lo a--Reeelp1.. 9rmr. heed: s!oyr-1f'�ay Wendy; nth, t> r to (Or !owes--;env-M' y ,and mixed. $7 1., 1" 117,Y, 1pelrrF', v.17, to 27.35 plum, f: W to t-,W'roiy(h. $O.y, to $6.411 rat seism, 17 td 17-C S111.1111 and l,,unt..s-I*e'-* apt,, 1:,400 lload rolls, sheep W'ax11y. lamb. ' higher k,,,l, $-.3o to *40. vearlings. $4.7'1, to 46 *ethers, ei b. 41.•., ew,, 4.450 to $3.70 seen ••yard. At to N. 6 • The underwear without a fault en-JIng!e IUC FWCdIdlld osier for 1 ason • aizn to man, woman or chime ' i. th , ight prici%�', ►*And it won't shrt - • P rchase i the trfidend-t' s�S I<t tit ntli• ev ?So' thud/014N A'YRSMRINItABt `,+� •����- �� 1j[i� e'tat : , Trade Plane IMF NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY OVercoats- We have in stock now, without doubt, the finest showing of winter Overcoats it has ever been our pleasure to place before you. We have• a magnificent, range to choose from. 'Overcoats for boys and youths start .at S.}.00 and up to $1o.00 ; Overcoats for men (Tom $6:oo to $25.00. We -take special measures for 2oth Century Brand Tailored .Clothiing. Special for Saturday About three dozen of American heav% black drill worlfman's Shirts, sizes 14!: to 16, regul4r ;Vic. Saturday only - - 500 WALTER C. PRIDHAM • The House of Real Values. 9re erip tioru This ie the most particular branch ',f the drug lousiness. When your ductor di:agnoaes your ailment and pi -towed). - the moat effectual drugs to cute your digester. you naturally want to have the prescription filled in a store where pine_- druge are always used and whet'. it will he filled "'1 y competent druggists. Every prescription filled` here is rechecked mo as to *avoid the prohibit. ebtince of mistake. When you {hart• a prescription tube"f)hld we would he glad 10 reeve you, - - rs F. J. BUTLAND Dispensing Chemist, Goderieh, Ontar'o OEM 1•11M11.e ROSS' LIMITED fry MANUFACTURING FURRIERS FT To a great extent are unknown in L many- tespeet� most permits, as for :'. Iallty,and dutahility are concerned. R aLm-Strafe only to deal- with nletrhant- whr, are tellable and respousihle far theit anode. Orr teputAtion in standing by our guarantee has l' en rnainyjnertfor twenty -Rye years. We manufacture our own fur garments of all kinds and thoroughly know their quality. Uur prices are based on manufacturing cost, with no middle prohts added. (Air stock is the largest and most '.'lest in Western Ontari.•. We have A large staff 4f expert designers and finishers at work all the year round. We should Ile•alle to do as well for out' patrons a• nny house in Canada. ROSS' LIMITED 196 Dundas St., London, Ont. WINTER FOOTWEAR This season we are better prepared than ever to supply your wants for Winter Footwear. Everything to keep your feet warns and dry - A, PACKAGE. TOASTED For the man who *arks with train or`" brawn Kellogg's has the true food value -as nourishing as meat. Contains five times as much nutriment as oatmeal. 1 / Kellogg's builds both brain and brawn, never never overtaxes the stomach, causes distress. Always the same clean, delicious hearts of tender corn. 11 FIL RUBBERS OVERSHOES FELT SHOES SLIPPERS That will give lowest possible" KE OVERGAITERS LEGGINGS MOCCASINS a n d OVERSTOCKINOS the best wear at the prices. REPAIRING Downing & MacYicar 1