HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-24, Page 4I i 1 THVt;n\\. NUVKMIIxI4 VA, 191O ►sus THE SIGNAL: GODERiCH ONTARIO District News.: -x. ST. HELENS.' ,� � LANES. ,VANTRD. — 1.11I1'K'RNS, IIBNS, NMATrRn.v, Nov. IUth._ dwkr, .sett• and turkey. ; alive or dressed. We pay Lir highest cash or trade price., Taken every Wednesday and Thur. Morning. orning. Font must be starved and properly dreamed. it, k. MILLER ESTATE. Bt. Helens. ASHFIELD. SATURDAY, Nut•. Ilith. TutvNsuu• l'ol','tIL.—(4out,eil stet as per ailirtn t. All atteinbevs present. Minutes of last meeting ap- proved. our motion of Messrs. Hunter and Stewart. Moved by Metisvi.. Hunter and Kickley that the clerk LANES Lcx•ALR.—The weather the last few weeks has been vet y disagree- able, owing to the inruffleient amount of snow for sleighing. Quite a number of younggeople of tete Web concession attended the splendid lec- ture, "Ben Hur." delivered by Rev. Dr. Dougall, of lloder•ieh, in Crewe church on Tuesday evening last The 'Lanes Rifle Club had a friendly shoot with Lucknow Club on Friday last. Owing to the heavy snowfall the 5114 yard 'tinge was airsgt1donid. Lucknow secured a goodnidargtn. A tet uro notify the Ontario West ~hare liatil- match will be shot at I.anet on Friday wny'Cit• to i lln+AL'ntely build proper next if weather permits 11ir.s ertssiugs %-hero their line ' crows. roads rind driveways into private property in • tttwnaltip nod Ihnt Councillors Dalton and Stewart he authorized to buret their representa- -..Jive and point out to 1 ' they places where guards uttist lie erected by the Utaupat,y 1.11%%er•u Shepparalt!tt'„tnd Port Albeit.. The clerk ways "in- etrueiZd to 1.t•u1 all I iary uo•- rouuls fur IPI(1 to the clerks of the ' •ilutlit y interested. On t' of Me:..r.. Dalton and Klekley Orders aggregating $$31.OI1 were issued. These will appear shortly in the an• -1•0114'w stntetu nil. On tnutient t.f Musses. Dalton and Kirkley e •11 ' adjourned to 14 -titular ).it -h at 1I) a. uI. THOM. G. ALLKS. Clerk of Ash- . field. mitationsP7 d Dodd's Kidney Pills are legion. The box is imitated, the outside coating and shape of the pills are imitated and the name—D.dd'. Kidney Pills is imitated. Imitations are dangerous. The original is safe. Dodd's Kidney Pills bare a reputation. imita- tors bays Done or they wouldn't imitate. So tbsy trade on the reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. Therm is only one DODD'S. Dodd's 4 the original Dodd's. is We name to be carve rut about— Mae Reed is at present at the hmue of 1)....., her brother. Richard Reed, o1 (lode., rich W. (i. Heed is hack again after it month's wirrk at Guelph in connection with' the railway.... [MYTH• .. . . - Tt k"UAli, Noy.'tLnd. .7.144:OTKr- (IF THE WEEK. --The county council anti tiling • have finished the sidewalk at the approach to the bridge -tat least_ for fila year. They have filled it tin with elty and put cinders oil top of it, but it us.exlwcted in the spring that cement will be put on, wet4h will he a great improve- ment on the old wooden sidewalk .... Ort act -mint of the cylinder o hr Standar.) press breaking litot wee while getting oat the iar+te it wear ten• possibly to get out phi• paler. but this week it will again make itai appear- ance N Hnnuford returned from Listowel for a few •Intim last week, but on account of illness be returned to his howr-ou Saturday. .Flit prospect. ere�teiv ill he in W110 t 11-W..-.. . Rev. W. Peavey. rif 1.ttndesnori, actc- copied the pulpit of the Presbyterian shunt. trot Sabbath u.orning, preach- ing a splendid sec . Hee. .1. L. Small preached in lamdesboter Mr. and-Mtts. C..Spafitud are visiting Iriends it Inner kip and othrr peaces. r I"iterctt to visiting friends at Durham • W. Emigh, of Brussels, waw in these tarts buying turkeys last. week. In consequence the price went spin a higher figutw ...The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church have engaged the Firth Concert -Company Ler put on a concert in Industny Hall on the evening of December 20th. There ought to he a well-filled hall for that evening, see both times Mr. Firth has been het* lefort he has put on a good concert. and although it is to tie of an altogether different kind DUNGANNON. "kit. NKWTON, I*:NTIST, OF 1I Lucknow. has awed -visiting outside points said will -henoeforth p'.e hi- entire attention to the homy other. L know. %herr he will be found every dal. All r ern meth- od,. . D -2S -KIDNEY PILLS MOTICR.—THE LOCAL A\UENCY. gaunnn. 1 he rrtt•urun} w x s per.LI Uta and for The Signal kat the Past formed on Weduesday evening. lath -Orders crook and stationery store. %baro orders wilt Lc rens'+ed for .ubsoription., ad• inat., In lit. John's chun•h, at Sas ver1.144tAt end job work. and receipt: will be o'cloek, Rev. j. A. Ruutlbaeh, D. D., given for amounts wild for the Name. archdeacon of aNnv, Serino. was the W'EtimesuAV, Nov. 2361. officiating clergyman. He wart *foisted Crier a rt•i'Es-r.—George Anderson's by Rev. B A: Bt+wirtxu. H..1.. curate tunny friends. in this vicinitywill belot St. John+ church. The bride was chat funnily gowned in white satin wirh pearl trimming.. Site w-ure a iridal veil and curried at shower bou- quet of bridal roses and lilies of !be valley. The luidesuraidrs were Misses Lou --e Archibald and Beatrice Cham- ber) They wore dairtcostumes of pate ue, with veils, and cart len' pink dart 'urns. T h e grottos War stip-. pert by his brother. Perlin ytuehell. . of Hao.as. At the clan -106m of tits; pleased to hear that he is recovering nicely fruit' bis recent attack of ty- thuid fever. Coming as it 'lid. when Mr. Anderson WAS in thesutiust of an extentiye apple -buying trip' in the southern part of the Provirwi+.-made the illness all the more tegrrttutble. ResentlL,—''V. H. Young's ,auction sale on Monday Afternoon was Well attended and fair prices weir 1.•alizetl fee the form stock and implement,. ceremony the bridal linty -repaired to We understaud Mr. Young hes Put'- Abe bride's home. were a reception cheated the stun. At tiutuntrthill And WW1 held. The groom'• gift to the will take puspet shurlly. Hr has bride wits a banl•.ime diamond tin::. rented his farm or. the :tad conte skin The Mtdr»iiiieds rt•ceiwed" dant,t crrs- or Wert �Vuw•no-b to his brother, c•-nt'bt.., ehes: the hitt man it-.igurt l'rphus. ring, anti theu.bery pearl scarf pins. PnesENTArtoN.- A pleasing inti.. Tht happy couple left the same even - dept at the ratite of the rntert tinutent ing for Montreal. en route to 1nm- -Tnerdwy-evening wait this {tkeseui+, gasman. white., the wilt _ cg iutentce lion of an Address. :ice pinned by it Married life attended by the Inert drew suit cangh e and cut Ones. to Miss wishes of the groow'r many friend. in Liturette Roach. by itrinners of the this community. -. Dungannon Methodist congregation. AivEI zd/0i SERVii Es.—Thr first Fut many years and until her removal anniversary services in• -.connection -to Oodet•ich several weeks ago, Misr with the dew Methodist church here Roach was one of the most prominent were held on Sunday last. (hallowed by and taithful workers in the church, a fowl'supner and entertainment on Epworth League. Sunday school and Tuesday evening. while a uncial for choir and her removal will • he greatly the children is to be given ibis even• felt in every departutent. ing. Rev. J. W. Robinson, A fot mer A Bt•sT Sea os.—(.eo.rge Stother., pastor on the Dungannon circuit and contracting mason, started thi. week now superannuated and living at Lon - to brick-irneer Mr. Foster's house at don. had charge of both the services. Sheppard, on and expects to have the and was welcomed hackbv- largecungt•e- job rnmplttetd,early next week. Dun• Rations. the church in the evenirg es- ing the part season Mr. Stoth,•rs has pecially being crowded. Mr. Robin - (built four houses—one each for. Al- son it :t universal favorite with young bent and John Johnston. David Oirviu and old, and lass many Iriends in this and Mr. Mcilwain. In addition be rection who were well pleased to -see him looking so hale. and hearty. in the morninsetie spoke from a text on "Thr Booty of %ion." complimenting the cnngrr;f*tion on 'the bentitifttl edifice which they have erected. In his opinion it was onfr just then the church should bre a beautiful huilding, and that it sho•tld in a .narked man- ner represent the strength. *lability, beauty and safety of Zion. in the speaker'. or ' . however, all, the hewn y of the church would not count tor tuuch if. souls were not (s,,n into. the Kingdom. in the evening ite spoke fro'i the text. "The w, td of the Lord rhilineth torever.' pointing out the tact that all temp•iterl Orionis fade away while the spitituul things endure forever. ispe'IAi oil .ic WAS furnished by toe choir. of which many complimentary return kr - have barn heard. The fowl slipper and enter• taininent. on Titestla evening drew it -large ctnWth-•,ver $11+) -(wing taken in at the door. The bounteous ippon served in the burrn+er►r was up to the standrtd .et -4•y )hr Dungannon ladies. Nothing trotter c,.tts4 h•• desired by the stunts tw.•i.l.oi is. Thi•-sathe Hist owner served in the new church, and both visitors and the ladies' committee wri e delighted with the arrar.gewent and aetowtutalatiun afforded itt the new building. After simple justice bind been done to the excellent spread. 111 2 11 BARGAIN DAYS 2 11 1 SaturdayMonday,and November 26th and 28th ., We are making the two greatest Bargain Days in the history of this store. Just now in the middle of the fall business we are going to give everyone a chance to buy anything and everything they main at Bargain Pries for these two days. When we say BARUAI,NS, Bargains it is, as everyone knows.-_ Greatest reductions will be made in Dress Goods, Cots, Sweaters, "Corsets, Furs and Silks. Reasonable reductions in. Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts and all general Drygoods. 3n I t)�1" a•,a its` LACES Valenciennes, Torchot)s, cluneys and Orientals will be one-quarter off. -.Five hundred yards of Embroideries will be offered at less than present wholesale prices. Don't miss this sale. They will be our last Bargain Days for this year. REMEMBER Saturday 26th, and Monday 28th; and come in the fore- noons if you can. This sale will save you Tots of money. NO GOODS CHARGED Al BARGAIN PRICES. . f c J. H. COLBORNE had the contract for the inprovenrents' this time there it no doubt it will he on the lletht.dist church at Donny• of A high -clary nature. Mr. Firth is • brook. We understand Mr. Stothrrs thorough gentleman and has a fine has given up the Sanderson farm and voice. being one of Ca tiada'r leading will move to Ooderich early in Ire - artists T. B. McArtrr eppeent a few- comber. , • days of last week with friends at TsametionK N(rres.—T le! for Mount Forest and other places the Goderich Huta' T ephone Co.'s Mrs. John Bennett hi at present line between here and St. Augustine in East W:twauoah attending Mrs. W. are All in 00 the high land. but it will Bennett, who is very ill . A now- -hardly be possible to put in the poles her from town attended the large Pale through the swamp section this yells, 'of Western stock at Auburn last as the ground there ie very wet. To Thnrrday. High.' prices ruled........• the south. the line is practically' con- A. McMillan returned last week with Dieted as far as Loyal. Some of our a carload of Western rattle. There usinrss men have suggested that it have been a lot of them brutight into would be a gond stove to install the this diatt•iet this tall, the farmers village telephones and give connection must be going to a lot of fewding at omeewitb tic+derich instead of wait - this winter .. ise Livingston vis• ing to complete some of tate other v Auburn over Sunday. iced friend '' branch lines.' yHeppinstell, of St. Thomas, ie viAfting her daughter. Mts. F. Mc- __P c - i' Terson ... . W. Phillipa, who has / working in Toronto. has re- turned to town and i•t going to re- open his blacksmith shop which had teen - closed since T, Kelly moved. Now their will ht• three shop« in town A nutnber of our stock men are intending to exhibit some of their fancy st ick ant the Une•Ipth (at stock show next month, And .1. Powney in- tends showing some of his fancy THE CALL To C. M. Ht-rllEkrotto. —At the meeting of Maitland Presby- tery in Mclntoth'e church Inst Thurs- day. Mt. Bremner presented a call from Pine River in favor of Rev. C: M. Rutherford, of Dungannon anti Port Albert. The call was signed by lid members and forts -nit, adherents. A stipend of $14510 with manse and two weeks holidays, was offered. The call was sustained and the clerk was auth- orized to cite the congregations of pouhty R. C • g it still un--..,i)ungaonon and Port Albert to appear the doctor's caw and is not improving tat their behalf at for December meet• tits literary portion of the pro+rrarn very tuft 'lire Hirons,' of Bruit-ing of P1'11111'17* ; •given ivrn in the -a Corium 01 the seta, visited with her parents here A. (:nnwjNf Bt'a, . —dine enter. church. Thr prngran) it/eluded' short over R' lay 1). O'Connor. who prising poultry de r,, J. K: McNab, Addresses by iter. R. A. Mille , of Au• has been in the West fur the poet tew in shipping fru sin, to four tons of burn: Rey. l'. M. Rutherford...f • . tnonths. returned last week.... live fowl etre• week through Luck- gnomon: Rev. W. Conway, of Nile. Mrs. A. Elder entertained a number now. In itddition he has agents at and a brief closing address and. Ilene - of the Irienil's of Miss M. Motes ish se•teral points in Huron and Bruce. diction he Rev. J. W. Robinson,atf Monday evening. when s prrsentatirm Nearly all the fowl go to l.nndnn, j.onoion. A male • giwitrtte from wits made (11 Miss McTavish, who dot•- where then are put in cold stinagr and (lnderieli, under the leadership of A. ing. her residence here has been a shipped West. Practically all. pan'. E. look. lurnisbe l *evrral sflectinng faithful worker in connection with try in this section is now sold alive. 'it' excellent style. and Mt. look also the Presbyterian chutrh, Miss Mc- the difference in price between the sang several solos io gg.xxl voice. The Tyt•ish left Wedneelny morning for a live and dressed birds useraging itraut rinlin s•+lo. by Miso Hrinicke, 01(anle- visit with art/tires in. the West two cents per pxonml. Each year the rich. were excellent, the Inlayer tante Mie. Isabella Mr llow•nn, who haul been fanners in this section go more extt•n-1 rating her audience .,u- each arca-ion. in Lotnlon for A number of years, sivelt int a the raising of 1 Dry. Mr. i Another t.tvnrite war Miss Belcher. passed '% y un 'Sunday. the remains McNutt, expresses the iapininn that ' also of (.,•det•ich, whose witty recite - twiny. 'nought h and conveyed to the business is just in its infancy and 1 tions claimer the closest attention and the Union cemetery ern Tuesday. Rev. that the next Hre years will star a loudest applause of the audience. Miss 1: L. Small nMended ' Mrs. W. wonderful growth in this branch .of Laurette It oaeb, of la drticb. was the Routledge and daughter, of (iixlerich, Wm 'industry. _ accompanist for the evening. The visited et the bottle of .las. Cute. this p t+tor, Rev. L. Bartlett, made at ex - week, before leaving for Macleod, BItINF MENTION.—Mise Jennie Mr- crlleut chairman. the veryp best of of • - Alberni, whsle theymeet AI r. Rout- Math has gone to Londeshnro' to live der bring maintained. The proceeds with her rile(!.', !1ir•s. Wm. I,vorrw eountih recei tt& on Sunday and Tues - ledge in a couple of weeks. N A. k ! MMus Isnwers, who had been seriously daevening were shunt Silks. A helot F� we•ntot n, D. St. f Thomas Tuesday to ill, losable to be nut again.. - Robe: synopsis of the financial statement in - attend the funeral of one of the old Moore, of 1Vm+ttleld. spent Sunday divides no iuvestment of 101.3454n the (hldfellows of the ,lace j". Cu"with his mother, i►(rs. Rln•n.... • church property. If to this were shipped A car of pntattres this weak '11-"Ph�i [lino, rnnceu.iott 11, has been added the work given gratis•by the via G. T. K. for 4'oronto .and Mr, seriously ill .... Mrs. Medd, of Auburn. members of the congregation the coal sin .isitiwglson parent.. Ttate Duff The addition to the rectory gi 15t! has leen rtifed : assets. relive - for use as it randy is nearing comple- tion wotina instalment- payable. atuount Chas. Elliott has returned to $2,7411) ; in hank and owing on ac - from a hunting trip in the vicinity of count of sale of old church. ai•inl: Golden Valley. While on the trip he approximate proceeds from this week's met Rev. W. Young, a former pastor anniversary services, Jif Li. The hand - of Nile Methodist thttch.... .- Thos. some - and commodious parsonage Ryranbae practically rebuilt his house. property represents A valuation of adding another story, and now has n about t...' �(Inn. During the mast [all a very cumfnrtwMP dwelling.... M iases large, enchhed shed wits erected in the indncfion of Kev: tl. N it .s into the' Ada Sproul and B. McClure, of (lode. rear of the new 'lintel). Taking every - of Knox ehtitrit there ' rich• spent several days this week at thing into consideration. -the emigre - pastorate. The Bell Telephone Co, inspector was home here A. IteLong. of At- ./ration at Dungannon possess One of in town this week makingit lhoron h wood visited friends in the villitgle o i the best and :Oast complete church inspection ct the teleplhoes The Monday' Properties owned by any Methodist Blyth brattish of the itible Society met Mt'reuttt.t.—THtc.AIN. -- The Trurocos ion in Ontario, and a church In the Presbyterian church last Thum- (N. Ma Daily News of November lith and o of which mom a rite day evening. As mond, there was not cont tins an el:ibnrntp a ocount of the co gallon might will he proud. 'a large turnout, hut the finances are mnrr)ag,• of Miss the this Mar., daugbt'-•" - • in good shape. Th. Instil preacherit ter of Mr. smd Mrs. I( A. Trrrnaindaff • -- Rave- a•w 4dres anti the old nattier* that rift, to Ernest Renton Mtfpt•hell• . Proferred creditors ars thoss'wbo t' were rstlected. manager of the Sterling Bank at Dun- Geyer trouble we. Ify . �• i"W7s .,'' Beatty shipped a car via C. P. R. to the M,est....1). O'Connor' has moved his family fr the hotter at the north of the village to one nearer the centre ....For One reason or an- other it was impossible for any of the •epretw.ntatlees from the Presbyterian church to attend' the %potent meeting of the Presbytery at Clinton today, but Rev. Mr, Small went to (kidirieh on the afternoon train to attend the Wellas Th e Best Range for Your /Kitchen There's only one best in anything ---ranges or anything else. Now we want to demonstrate to you why we say .this Imperial Oxford Range . is the best range for your kitchen.' TheOXfOR0ECi9NOM/ZEB SAVES 20 PER CENT. OF YOUR FUEL BILL Thin is a special patent fund only on Gurney -Oxford Ranier- -.•,Flee, h •a 1 ,n:sense:: Keri.s fire running at Our -fifths tate cost. Firer. a. ...i Mars and cents. GIVES PERFECT RESULTS ON BAKING DAY r ;rosy•e )sane i p went .=.preatl; the heat over the entire ! .kc • it bake. in frrbn .as well as back—under crust as well as rigors !ft,: tittle anti worry saved tin that. halfel zea other) special features Worth everything to you ❑ience an•t economy Features that can be demonstrated In tle.stm--t t 1 i!ft•, but we c.,:'.'- explain herr. Please give us ten minutes of your time next time you're down town. •:'Tor.ge, ar: made by one gat the oldest and most reliable -neer.. ' n ( and it Their guarantee of quality is back of rise.- -wc n ars• - show y, or • t heir gond points.. .1. • catty other Gurney -Oxford stove; f••r all purposes and al kin': f feel Whatever you want is sure to be in theirline--and ire t. • •;a•isfao•ory. Come in and see for yourself. C. J. HARPER Yr1 PLUMBING AND HEATING a`xt A, "fust Aroua.i_taie Corner.' 4• 1 P. T. DEAN'S 5c to 25c Store Following is a list of price* for Saturday and next week : Writing Paper per box, from 5e up to 25e. Perfutnete•r bottle :c. 1(k: anti 15e. Taletuu Powder Ilk- to ;Mc per fox. - Plaque -s from :re each tri Lica. Picture Ensues :Ie up to 'lite each. Safety Razor* lair each. LADIES' DEPARTMENT Latlies' black Sateen 1:nderitkirtr worth lel.Z for 110r. Ladies' Veiling in itll shades for 15c per yartl. Lattwei Kid Ohivre worth $1.(I) for Mk. Handkerchiefs from lc each up to 25c each. Entlmiidery Collars 2 for 25c. Ladies' Belts from tae rash to 50c. P. T. Dean's Department Store Corner East Stregt and Square. r tomcat..Merrri*u.—,t special meet. --1 ing of Colborne council wits held to- . day for the,purpose ose of considering the West Share Electric Railway bylaw I and agreement between the township' turd the i pang. All the members wet'P pr•a•llt except aft tVitson. A c ' nation from Pr.udfixot, Hays • & Killoran was rend. stating that in 1 their opinion it was unnecessary tp submit the byldw to the elec•tor•s for their assent, but if the council iv still I of the opinion than if roust Ile submit- ted the (' pony asks for senor 'other date than the day of the rnuni- c' xtl election, axon that day the, town of Grslerieh is submitting a bylaw. whish will take all the attention that COLBORNE. 1 TCEsDAt. Nov. 22nd. the Company can give it. The clerk wits inetntcteed pct write Pr,, t 1ftsit, Axys A Killoran that the council chaser not wish to ►wake any Other date. as the Jantutry municipal election t►oukl be the most eotiventent fur the hl t Cons. Adjourned to meet on Decent. • I''r 13th At 11) o'clock a. m.. according to statute. F. W. Mcl)oNAt.tt.; t'Irik. Clark's Concentrated Soups. `Like Clark's other high-grade food product.. the Chateau Brand soaps in tins are deserv.dlenopular with good I housekeepers. Assorted kinds. each made by skilled cbefs from the hest materials. Add boiling water and serve. Wm. Clark, Mtr., Montreal. , T h e Highest i T C Moderately Grade Quality <.J RAJ ... Priced .... satr_�aa��•t ��ae�-_� Every wearer of Fur wants that Fur to be of high - grade quality ---the only quality that really gives. that luxurious effect so tlesirabte. Our :tack affbt ds you an opportunity to buy the highest -grade quality - of Fur without paying exorbitant prices. We bought all our Furs before the big • increase in price, and ave are 'giving stir customers the benefit. The claim .-.of one who boasts is always discounted, but we do wish to impress upon your mind that you cannot afford to buy ,Furs until you have 't•en our stock and -values. JOHN STEAD tern, Menthe). i.A.lie-• Wear. etc. Hnmilrnn `tlroel. (:.slerirh. That Combine Both Style and Fit Few men wear clumsy, hndly- made, ugly shoes iron' choice. 'They tnay say that they prefer theme lh'oes that are handsome lend stylish,—.buutt do they Most men weal••�pgg�ly shoes simply because they 'stave an idea they're the only cotitfo t•. stiff gime And also because they have never worn I N V iCTI7S Shoes. We have INViOTUS Shoes in the newest 1910 styles which will fit every line of your foot easily, comfortably and snugly. Remember the soles of all INVILTU$ Shoes are made of Slinuine oat -tanned sole leather the most durable sole leather theta is. WM. SHARMAN Cotner Rant Street And Square A(iDER1'11 L.1.1 ^L- ions -