HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-24, Page 3SM
1Tl},`t'if� �,n -- t�t✓'I(1��41&4 II't1•' °" Y 4i
w11�.;:t ...., 5.ii:.':.... ...- . 4 t.. ... . y�., w •✓rat Y
THURHUAT. NovBlraYlt 34 1010 a
- ..-.,s to tYe old lyoglbh ty{,e ofgabled ra,f, ' e rf suit finished article and chew, crlam' •�nd-,condeosed milk,
--- casement wlgpuwe with flower boxes, 'the value of srprt .10 products in the will he taken on sa•hedule No. 1� send
.► ORIGINAL _ and othee inviting features. ' It' 1e sig I year. Tits aim of this 'record is .to will show for each kind of product its
4j; nif cant of a growing appreciation of a I show the extent and variety of atanu• qu§ptIty and ae)lloit value, al3d the
/ 1 V �ND NEWSPAPER COMMENTS T H E °wilt tl'ytttnK atylrptyl wrchitrctnre factures in each Province and district ;rrlusntity of Wilk send cheese used for m t D� Millar
that' ins uiries fm• s ace in the new Ibut it will he understood that the Converbiwi n at the factories, the
l v MORNING AFTER ELECTIONS. building art, very nulleroustJlnd that 'stwtiaties ate'compiled wnd-r+wblisbed i nullifier of pahons, and the amount
` - t I ONL i tnatny property•uwners , contemplate will give awaj- no recotdei of individ-, elf-mont y diarihuted to them in the me ----
v i --
--- ---
rimilxr changes; front the convent onal Last husinsM. Totals will he " r "" - a ------------.
GENUINE g published t year. ARcllroahn BLcls, -.,
e► Roosevelt and the Tariff the Chief Fat• LYP- is those sectiuns where husinesa only Where thlesor tn.,re industries of Chief Officer., - •
tors in the Republican Crash - is encroaching on said leltidential �aclass or kind ars rep,n•ted. All in- `' __ - - _ -__ ' r"�"stc."otil The c(ty is arcbTh turalw formation helve -mete t, to will tw ��� Time
1 r1 f +0
r--- Metropolitan Society at the Horse is •Auiful in spots only. That new collected by enuruerrton on nchddute But ljid sits accept yow propoasf i" ' 1 1("`
Show Perils of the New York business tenure, Times Square, for No. U. ":Hot exactly, but it Iquat have , R i,f':
B1, W A H F: Dinner Table How the Saloon Is instance, where the magnificent be census of the dairy indut+try, pleased her, for she just laughed Wght I'', i # `
Y B Pr out." S a � §t
OF to Be Reformed. Ialltheul b'lierrt rifled on oats aide locality,
n nein to the production of butter, I h : it M
1MITA .a`raayaerA, n,_,t handsome Hotel Astor, and on the I B�% t
TIONS. other by a floe new business structure11
uJ Blankets "kl
Iepecial New Yu+k (,ori».ponden,ro of The of lits same g neral style, ha, reoenth•�,
pg 71(AT ', ' ilRnsl.1 had a colosm.1 rgttxl•e tower, as plain
.r/`•e�-� r UR New i'ork dispatch telling o[ Lae a stalndpipe. run up to a height of Proving b�� Actual Experiment 1
the Waterloo of the ItrpuWicsn 'Lill feet or uln+e, h r the- sole pi r LW e l!
part' , hrouicltd the event so of displa lug illuu:inatrd Mateo. There' �ITOW i3 the time to buy .)'Our supply Of
l) L D ON well 'hut. lu,tht•r new., is uunox:esatar�. was ultrc� cuwrornt bI critics in the �,,. R
The opinions of the l,tl,i, it,t tar lae,s and elsewhere on the monstros- Blankets for the cold weather. vur genet -At
&B 1'HI: gsos the worni11K after the battle wayy 11 S :,,
MERITS OF be interesting, however. The Worl,l, •— • ff' ;s the correct place to buy your Blankets
d• the mostmercilew of the Republican alt•. Ratje Siedenburg, optimist' '� ,
y party's disailants, under the heading ri,•h, slid a bachelor, died on October f°Nr I"g,.let lx 1 beCAUSe We stock only the most saleable
- uYLINgOp"lE1R �INIRD S "A It,a,revelt Waterloo," gave ala sill( 14th. atter s lingering illness. He �# y: t'� It .; 4
woa•,oc esalassttal cite leading ,editorial to upon made tits peculiar provision in his will _ #� r+T, makes at keenest prices.,~,, .. 7}trt,.f#, s ,sry , t, !,»
C r
LINIKENT tion over the detest of Roosevedti,nn, that $i()0 was to be set aailtie fors F� a ; v It ,�� �' # I i ,.
and only barely mentioned the bad forst for twelve grand frisndr at the + n y r-, , ar7. i f �. as .,a..i at, assn
��.� faith of the Republicans on t%riR re- stroke of midnight nn Chri•,tmas Eve. ,1c It � 4a,_f,'esa,• is .•a f�`.xi t:�, --- _-
form promises.Ua list tltbt page is Hia cronies are to drink It truest and \
B I N D 1 N G a striking cartoon of Roosevelt a in eat and be merry as th,digh he were ,If, ; bttef al values in Union and all -wool Blankets, full double
$" `' L Napoleon oil the Bellerophon. 'f he tunong then) is the Heab.' He ha31 i at• ,ize. $2.95, $3.76, *4.26, $4.60 up to ".00 pair.
American, which favursif the Be ,ubli- achieved a istental condition of joyous. I tai; �I
NAGAZI NES, 1 J y' iy '' 1 - Best quality Flitimt-lette-Blanketsor Sheets only kept in stock, in
can candidate, Stims in. remarks that nests of spirit. that lifted him entil,ely , three sine,, pt•r pair ...................... $1.45, $1.60, $1.76
pF.,RIQllICALS and the deflated party amply' merited it, beyond bib tiattbles. •
and rejoices that the United StJates • • Dou¢le width Flannelette and Union Sheeting in white or grey,
l+:ri like' Portugal has decided to depose its N great reform is under way in Jer• per yard .. ............ .. . ... .... 400 Anti Iso
tit- ,und or relpalred. dictator. It halt a peculiar way o: He City, across the river, where the . '^
8#thing pleasure from defeat The trains court• in. It was launched by This experiment will always Interest the chit- • Sts our teddy `Bear Cob Btankeh
Oren, and will provoke a food drat of thlnklnt• 9 #9'iF� t `' fT $ p u "t' i
G.U1.0 Lj;'j'P$RI�TO. Thaes lays the causes of the revolu• the Hudsou Count y L:,lyor Denteri The e:planatlon, of course, in. tont the. Iftnced a r a "f , I ,�, w , "A. #
0o LSATHBR GOODS tion to a revolt against the ••new Na• As+ociation, who rralizin the odium' t IVB `v --f ar, .# °f nJs;� ! - ��;Ifz","t ' ,Li �\.� ai ��
K piece of paper which Inserted Into Mlle inverted S
Lionalism" of Theodore Roosevelt, a dant attaches to the, word ••,saloon," ( stats drives out most of the air, so' that when
the mouth of the ghee to quickly put down 111716; s �,` '• tf �g','
♦Ilordee �pt�b �("b leaving perilous sugmeotatiou o[ F�,1era1 f►s by utu►aimoua voice` have decided Io' i Iii a
tyematTH.SIQNQLtlttdsrbb r the water there fa very little air. and, c•onse• Ww1 t Knitting Yarns end Fancy V�OOIs 'r` �..
against State power, and boptleess the call their W,tshli'bulelts b-. the polite t �uently . very rattle +
A. R. TAYLOR. RTRATI?Y1RD civabing• detr+►t may snake Titeedore telnl "cafe" : Bartrnde_ra are -to Ile) within the glass. Hence. the wieignt. or r,miNsuie (-
saner and safer. The Republican' cu!Ittd`: •'swrver"a." and me to be ` s I of the air on the water outside ill@ gLies drives Our store is headquarters for Knitting Yarns. \\•c i,•dtun•
CIVIL- ENGINEERING 1'rewbtadasitsHrbtelilt+rialtheei niH- ech,ioled in � the water op into the glass to,p.rupy rhe relative I Baldwin'scelebrated Bee Hive Old Country Yaro, in• 3 and i ,I
K graceful man' Term. And k, -....,,:.R, from when,a the air was driven by the burn- ' in black, white, brown, red, grey and heather mixture. ply.
cant single word •-Crash !" One longtir to think that Rita said A -dew weeks Baldwip'a Wheeling and double Knitting Yarns. _. :,
V itaitANHydr M. 1tUBEHO t, Ontario
Land oditoria, followin • dilated on the o that there was so etbin s- int paper.
and Hydraulic iCatlaeer, .OtxlJuio Lead K. ago tp g "cnlLa- I
A. practical dtmonstration of this kind is always more convincing then •nX •grf Pl ail III
fbrrhor capture of the !state of New York by mon' to he found in Americaus when _
Nclwro Hlook, Uodertab. corse Jlwphy, who,. now extending his closely analyzed 1'shaw, we Can get inert statement. This Is pyrticularly tcue of m«lits] reniedles. Ileal Eider YaI•n fopfancy knitting. , 1 V�.h,.,,";�
Omer--• -
Ysntreal.trwet, - Telephone 177• - realm Isom the Bronx4ca the St, l.xwr- culture overnight " . The difect of the anti -toxin treatment for dlPhtherla 1s noticeable elf w few thaw's, Fracivators in white, sky, pink and black.
once. feels isle Blucher; When he • . ' • hour's, so that everyone must believe In Its virtue. In a similar way, the treatrnent I t J
11 -MEDICAL + known its ORA\OF+ LILY gives •practical proof of the Progress it Is making !it p There Bee Shetland Flus in black, white, mauis, pink-a,nd sky,
_�• __ touted on Londuo, stud said, 'Vitae a 1 . S.-Tbeodu,r RcMsevelt, it back eosin[ women's disorders, and that, too, within a few days after cauelencing La use. I 70 per skein.
city to loot !" Incidnu.ally, ,1, might on his ,job on the edit,irial staff of The I All authorlites agree that In every case of women's dl•orders then exists a , Andalusian, (irrwant+,wn. Saxony, \\'Lace' Ir Yarns. ti '
DK W. h. IiALLUW, N. B . mention that this Is Oe Assets Charier Outlook, Chipper• as evtr--but return. I congested condition of the w-nmanly organs. The circulation in these Y
_ parts la alol,.e I � ^t
-Omceand re+idtwce, Nortk atreet, Goderieh. Murphy who is.upplsed to have been C. H: dish orystagn.•}nt, and the result Is that the broken-down tiosue'er waste matter shopping
.Whof('ountyRegistryores. TOWPbOmisl put outof business by many different 1kchmond Hill, Nov. 1i. 1010. which should be carried off If, the blood was circulating freely. remalna_in1h•se I t Christmas sit to can be done now to much more advantage
--- - reform movements in New York. The - arts. •:tuafng Inflammation, Irritation. oppression of th� nerves. «tr. ORAN,;E than waiting tall the rush of the1ast few days.
. -- pp
- - _ � L1T.T is not token internally. but is applied detect to the xuKerina organs. - It N ..•.,.;.+„_rte
good old Republican stwndard•beativi-, ^ , k abaortwd. Into the clrculatiou. hnd,)ts antiseptic property•+ ; once a• a en the wort• __ - - •acs
The Tribune, raid that history relrtited ' Must They Pay the Notes: . olattar referred in nbove. The consequence --4a that. this waste matter. which is ` • 7 � ,y . ---r,
- twl00T. HAYS A KILI.UI itsFtt ih "rnrninK out LTie'liartc' that "YtteT until rtcoJiifafn tKe7u • � tb" Ine:,mmat)gn Layers. nervous troubles. err... 1„•alns- to tie dta,•hargw4 -
.l\. dint=tent..ollclton, ratarie. ubllc• and it continuer to tW lel tea FX-i-d-bnM att thi- fortes'. materia" P. tjY'•r•1 -sere-+tom - - - a '.
B�reecrtton is the Maritime -Ori court, eta Joivato undertakes tariff revision,. the rile lie• lowing pritagwal+h which will l,e of elrcalatlon. At the same, time the blood vessels anal norv«s are,tonad and strct,gt6 Phone
'gest- to lend'at Iowa.' rte• of Interest. pg. that the party in. p,w'er is pun• interest to solar in this neights r' ened. :`,e nervous trouble disappears, the circulation Ix restored and gutNl Kcaltb S6 a al lar's Scotch Store $6
Unite. Fart. .Ida wluare, Uodericb. W. bed tx,tb for what it dors and what basal : Alleging fraud and misreprt • foNows. _ - Toronto, Ont., June 1900.
YKot7 4,001 ti. t ., K C'. HAYS, J. 1- it aiN to do. It evident) taw no sentation do the art of the Interne.
[ILU,k.a\• )' p Mar lin. Currah:zi winh_to,ttll you that brange T.117 Is loins me n t stat deal
tate acs in \Jr. Ratio activities. tional Snow Plow Company, of Okla* of good. Those.ulcera come away one or two every week, and i have Ices pain an.
t� (;, CAMERON, S. C., BARRIS- tithe'consrnrua of cainion some bona, in which they lwrcho"td stock, fewer headaches. c fed rune_ 1 wilt be perfectly ,ured is it little longer time. I
h.mi1TFR. slteittx, ua.ry poWlc• Omosa- to be bxtit wait bad faith in tariff re- Thomas Simpson, f truler, of Huron s MRF' ,n S. T.-
too 'street, Used,
tJ,led done hour vision •and too much Rooseveltiam that e4 Plenty. and two other farmers. narutd The explanation of the. wonderful a;ire. perform �•1 i -v rv!'A rel' i.t'..l' , Is very
r°uam. \ -
causrd ,the, political eruption, and Rangers and •Harkwrll are apprnling sematic. it h a scientific ram«re lett a tit. ,es ••renes ..r ►^'stars - 1 1lster
/ rHARLESOARROW, LLB., BAR- there yLtu 'are. The outlook•, for eta the Divisional Come agalnst a If 'r!,t. p anti a exisnnt In all femat trouhlae are tufa In t' %N"M I I.
120, t
Kltt7kk, attortuya.+oltNtor. etc... Oode' docs«' and devtlopmtnt only. ao ghee w p"+ftivt rem• ply. as rvl:tX,aI l.Tt.i Is, acts I
nh,it,- cvcr. • suffer. i
« t experiment ht. la .:�,1lr-,� ,
c.ml a
•a' \ 'r 'C ant of a t Pe
1)r ra 'c a ct Inn of - Justice .r kiddell which t tart I v
mot success i the Ytrsidential Ir. J t w. ti Alnen
n, h. Your) to Irr,il a lowest n-dea _ '
election a 191'L it bright, as some. they do nut regard as coinciding with h., .woolen that OR.=NGL LILY well cure her. 1 •ata tux tvllowtng
M -
very ca men Kaye ruddcnly terns thrix own ideas of .iublice. The (salt is' `�''0 i,fill f�',q
.olicnor, cummuetionsr. notary publle into the ii�blic �•yr. Ihr. AVtxdluw ii [est to a>rrrtuin whether the Ilse �'I• V16-10141 c ., rf:9jd' f l c:a. :e. fibs' Keen , x,01uslowrliamJton.ueeL Uodericte Uro «" , Free TriaI Of`f`erShoes N ,`, a t
Wilson. of New )r)sr�, is conspicuous U1het.aigners of notes to the compxi,�' rol),jf ,E
aulooWthem. _ ate liable for psyuient. The niltes i will send to every re..der of this= "; "'i'ir
INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. , are held b lbs lb,nk of Coplillrrcr. f! , ro !S
Y poli a who stagers In anY w•ry from I 1, 6 ,r v'�
- -- The annual exhibition of jewelry At the trial, His Lordthi, said : v. p' V {At the Wet v� k"SII ' Ili cif i F Je I t of the in,.a,lee r' liar •o ,,i a U t.l .r,µ v eV, :1
i1c1111.LGP MUTUAL FIRE IN and women's wear is on in Maditou "Now it looks to rate a� if .certain mss• I „- ,n., tt sits will rasa' rat.• ser apt-
DD1 sull.Nclt CU.-yarm and Island ly,tuare (.ardeo. Thr, daily p+ga•Is in• ylntemrtits w.tr• Dladr tb three 'beep tress. .r,oaRh of ei.« +,RA5
N iF.`LILY +f +5 ,, gp
... �� t'i":, 'k. Fps A , ,- d
tet- proper a to& dulgr in touch Immorous comment. ab gentlemen. but 1 pain nut prepared to . trcatm� ret to -.bra n.�r 1e d+ty.�. in _ � t, �+ i sp
tWlcers--J.H.McLeao.Preo..Seafurtht.U: ' •i,..nv ,rate«+-th1. tri:,' tr.n,•n,r.t 1. a'4 �,, le ,.,.*
JA- 1oa,nglly, �•+oe-Prato.. Uudench P. u; usyat, ten tete trade of fashion and hold now That they would out have ,❑ ,n:,t 1st n••.•esr,r)• to tf:r•t a , Van_
IDcaw, K Bit's, sire. Tnr., tlratorth P. U. the am•rh• incidental lis btc of goad made their solvent Latents, even xJt hough I ft :e •-,Ire, n•• 1 In .•.• r•. Ins• ,nr « I• ��✓ e=r.t t ��f //CJIV.Y BDOtS f0I' Merl 80(� BOYS �k (�''' .,
Inrector.-Nru. lhesoey• Fesfurth; John I p ,stn Fitt. -v r nnthrall« rvllaf. Iy. Gr;y. fp s
U.brl"e, wlnthrr, Utv,nre llwle•aearorth; thoroughbred horses. Furs, dia• Iht•se atatemeite had not* la«n wads." `` 1
V: i t -„u. .telt n rnffer«r- you ,owe It to -� * 'J We have solved the dry Shoe problem for. �' .
,, . e ' ter
11 !tp al r , act Ile w.a 1 du d
• Janie” kv ■ •h �1 � u n i tit n
John Ikn1110wC1. irtvdtt• n ex wet nods a d tut ens are desert td In n sea '„
Ke m y p R 1. .o,ra•t/, to your famrlc a d ao
Bw+t.ettu4: John wat4 Harlock; Malculn' geese detail, and the little woceulents .U, take $.i,rl worth of eh:ues in the y--„ !rtartdtt to tak,• a•l,;mtase r,f • ;�. — ",
Met•sr.,. Btuconcld. of ectiris' wo a1P are .told for the de• company h means sit re irrsrntMtione • tial. ntr, r, rind R„t .•t+rid y,' tt,.: you. .Our stock includes a line of winter
Arent.. J. N. You. Holmervllte; R ymlM. { h I • Y Y 1 I I,�„ of vn,lr hnma.. w•ithmtt do,:- C - I �,{ Boots that IS' bOUild be \that y0U need '`
eatimla. Jit.-. looming.. l:Rmord.11le ; k. Iectation of the common people. Thin which, a, it 1 urnetl out, were -sell- 1 t°r'+ 1 els or i xp!r,:e w n1, kind. 'Sy ,
Blncklr. :'"foitn. voiscy-holders ono pay ladies are more' correct than. inereh• solutely without foundat ion. It is -- • �;•,>. ,' !
as„w••w.ents abd Net their cardareoolpLed'at , I t`tfbst• 3 stwrps, still address, MRS. FRAriCES E. "CURRAN, Windsor, Ont. 1 I ,:,.. for Snow and l' For y0U \vh0 have gi
fosters )rrowu't Cortes. or at R tH Ca't's healthy ones. Also, Mrs. Comy, whir paid that tits stock sold in Ontario for i
rtorerv. Ktnr•too street Uodertob. was Milbelle Gilentin, wore two ewer- ra-h or notes amtnlntetl to at lex,' _ ____ ____ _ _____ __ use',, outside mor that is hard On Shots, we .;{
- ---_----_.-,- aids, so x tulle reporter stirs, that $SJ,INK). According to thedefendonte. -----------
1b PRIVATE FUNDrI TO t have a complete line of Long Boots, short,
L1� 0��O len. A Iy to M, til TOAM- looked like the headlights of a Lenox the prospectus of the cuntl .•tat • fare- ' I a,.. p
. Hamilton street Uoderfch. avenue local. F;nv� ! dicCed ,big *huhu in' Ontario. The de- I ;f' t' PUS Calf, kangaroo, heavy tan anti
fondants wlb•ge unit only one plow, a I - _^' English ki Boots • felt -lined High and felt- ”'
R.ROBERTSOh. The Belmont Park ayialion meet• slaoople, wx,itirade,still that nA sllnps a ��'�� ^'- '1, 1 7, c g kip'Boots ` „i
• logs afforded New 1'orkera much errebuilt its prn.nised. R. S. Hat Two •�►'lI ute 1 a.L,l J A c ..,U ti t,l lined'Short 13OOtS at $2.00i_ $2.50 and $3.00 �
INSURANCE AGENT. easuro and also s cod o ior•Nntit , rt+on, act Stratford, appears cur Rog- as
r1arANoLion. Nsno:British•t'snedianand PI_ tt pl Y tochoose-from. Also heavy -Gum Rubbers
Amencau.. to get Secustuuled W the sight of aero- ees and Sin,p,on. I : w< t i 5
IT.IU�\T, Sta.K�rns AKU s.airlJ, 1'Ra,i' LIA HI L' pia lira. The attendance in tit a �--.- -_ .- _ ,ik at all prices, with socks or leather leggingsw
tTT; The litv,an AorlQeot end Uuar,intee - + dA
grounds and on the neighiloring va-
or°oratwn, Lrhdted, of Londm,, kng. t.'ENSUS OF MANUFACTURES. I e of which we base many styles at all prices. r �?
Ilb•UTT A%hPA'AkA%TKK Iloa1M t The U.S. Cant spaces %cess very heavy. The . it _ , '111121
FWrbtystud Uturtinteel'omp,any - race to the statue of I+Ihrr(r, held ou - - t """i rt aC''
O�ceat r"i.tiay. northe�,t corner of Vic i fine Sunday atteruoon, had the prep- On'flrst..f Juue next year a cense@ k ,t g' to ft1 a1 x
sed lit. list id. -street. Phone IiH Y L , fi, ,
ulxtion of Brooklyn out of -door, Gran• will lie token of the Btsnufactlarv- of tf 1 I1 wy j �, 4>rS4lttli f0( mt11 >•1� AOmftlt j a:�, . -,;i
JUHN W, CRAIUIE, LIFE, FIRE ing their necks at the bine men. P,wr Canada. It will a ertaln the ca{aitsl r i14 ;in 9 s4 � ,
and accident insurwce Agent for leading Mph Johnstone, who won the world's rnrployed in works ill ]tilt', together " 4 s ! "' --
,rmttW seal „'sack ouruWmes. ]n.utwuce fnal� record for attitude. at thismeeting, has w'ilh the valor of land, buildings and rf• ,� ''1" '`
oe+CnlY'il'Q ou w• pia,. slot at town.'sit es. paid the penalty of his ,life in Delver pl•tert, the kind. Lar clan, of pindncte of Ik, 4, ,' '+ GF,,, -
..all at °nice, corner west tltteet and liynnre I " ;+ f "
R add— J. YI, CRAIUI ' Uoderich, Out, today, , th'e works by gl(antity or, notubrl' of I 'Phone l' ' Travelling
tele .ho,.r 5t rasp The -e st+tt istics will rrlx K , o- � "�, ':ro,v , ra ` (. ;"" for C o a 1 o r Y 1' o o l.I i 226 Herat Elliott
• thushe•d aro. lea and their valor its the C r: + "
That public watchdog, The New y g' e, lv el Goods
MARRIAGE LICENSES York \wild, has just InflJtoied Ile mill to fa, tortes em ,l0vi 1 flus 4 r
that :i011,tMN Arottrn eggs at a it every hods or ousts Aoring the vier, u1tC in r f fx m eF � 1,
1V AL'1hR K K1sLLY 1. P., day in thio city io b+tl sesta for Lane vugh industries as Henr and grist mills. I tf1 1 xi` f,+ ,+� t OF course the Pandora Range is
uoUkRICK UNT. r in the making -act' `the cheaper g1•ades brick works, saw and shingle mills, ' �x t h � p o a few dollars more than an I
Lest` of take that are commonly found on electric light and prone•' danit. and a I"1+� W� 1 � I • - ---- - -
kitof MARRIAGE LIC17,I,SIM. 4t t)f'h a t fi` ordinary range. l;ut it ',viii soon sl
_ _ popular -pr icedhinchcottoterathr(tlgh. few othertrwherr the cat ne•trl plarducts f' r"t�' f%i?1 tf� q -rw, '4 ay f
1.AXF;i. 188U1iR OIs' MARRI- Fout ;asttBldeA 1t 9eemsetl atllhe Lanneon rt; • t'It swots in I,�mplAyrdt rrtuito lt>w le ,,"",lot, -
i �inlll,ea i•.5>.ftf 'I t1i. = Por you.or itself in the fuel it tv:l. save I : ,
W, .�k,iaenee",13-1--b wt kThe' Si nal and �'V eekly Globe to .lan. est, 25c
r-- _� had the, monopoly on addled eggs up requ,t,d without iegArd to the num- ;j
SHAVING PARLOR to the last year Lar: two, taut the. bakers h«t of employeee. The employees of The Pandora Flue $ystem and
- outbid thew for this delicacy. Two wotk wi)I include mattngei,i. �upelin Wide •F%m Box• designed by oUr
�EUF•UI(l) HhtK KBARBERIyIi - inspectort+, who were accused of con- tendruts, etc.. An salmies: efticers. ' brain stove exper save about 'fiat
1111• well known and populwr stand nivance with rhe illegal buttiness, hive Clerks, etc•., -on A;aarirs : ope►wtives or Y Pe f
°'i 4t "tuna,+the br.t .ervioe 1n.having treenv0pended im-riding an invesriKa- w„Tkelecla .idasovi*r slid Under iii, e w a ton of coal per year, because they
h^t�•utupN. ,•n,., seer. I.adlea' ,,hwmis,oin¢ a ton. AYr also have the c,nnfi n•ting ••racy on' wig and p7,!ee yr o: -kers : supplq more airthanthe flue systems ly
"I«ci+.lt y. Uu11 +killl,l hand. slat PloYed. _ iir� rlour patronsl(„ will be a news that sulphurous acids are latgel,.t•rnpb y.rd nut.idr tat tit« wArlt- -..M. and Jire.boxes Of t]r-dinar t alher Need
INiLIf. Propryitor.. ppreciated. H. It• s ea AColdWe
used to doctor up lits tutlru weals +uie4 vr:rKe al -if p.tcw«hT _io >+tT Orli s
---- that are sold in cheap restaurants, , ers and ecupioc r«, will he entet•ed oo causing better COfRbustiotf of fUEt:-
`- -------- t the , r n-iln yldlr by
ARCHiTECTEME +and to preserve cheap tautly and Ihr schedule t•• 'N..'-,
keep it from sticking tt,grt.hrr, .Ind sex, and will hitt Late the aKKt�'Kat« C The Steel Oven 8aVlS some m0ia I- """r . __ - tom* ,m.4--
- -..,. -
RTyI.It �-` - _- the soda fountains• someone says,' weeks emplovi•ti•in the year. ,avet•age I fuer, because wheats up rrore rapidly '. '`IK `--*W' °'r
BA RC LA Y. MEDAL I cause more stomach trouble thin 1, tiles of wolkiti .jure pelt week. and than a cast iron oven. The beau
A 1.18TRoyal ln.tltilte Rriti.h Architects F Y ' - � The chilly evenings of the fall :I-Ild the frosty
a.",de"a`.'aelt.11vu,e Uadericn. Plane. de- cdreets. It taker courage to live in :Kg regate,hy es pilid to thorn in the Fire Clay Coating on the Train bottom
ytitt•. Th,• aggt•t•gale larks of time'. I winter we=ather will soon be. her e, \vhich will -neces-
Ill+snd.lrciticati,ai+prepwredfor residence+ New York nowadlays. ` cf range prevents any heat wasting
'�i�.f°blit buddmRr, ,_nese+pondrnce In- . . . and the agµraF+at ag,s.pdid will towards the floor. it drives the sitate our urchasitt a cod KLMhill Range Or ,: n
Infer to the wit illy• of. (Iflploy.•ts' y p , ► a
These tritht; in nor way interfered I'm the Neely- While the arerxge hours heat back into the oven, and thus ; ' j'
with the t iH{ant opening of the „f workin' ti►ue will refef t an aper- I t up -to- ate Heater. We have. the exclusive agent%
K temployers
/ _ - - ^ reaxon set \retro uilitan l► tern 0 �� saves slit! More Ji,el. I
AUCTIONEERING a t' sin night. for int .vrek only. eor• Piece- 111 Goderich for the
rlIlli House. Twelve thousand dollars wtEker•,�ute�dPaofly. wmks the .,s•u �A rte;-oxtl ;%*&----- -
' nt '
HAM I Alle lLY, LIVit STOCK h But the hrR econc,n;izing feature is
and frenenl an tionwt. OIS,•es on Forth were taken in on the opsening g s 1 i
'It*"• "ere he will be found ,at all timer slid the most enceewful winter if, this : The 4 aft for cooking on top of 1
,tati�tics ate rr uirrd ti, show by sex
not 'r) ing .ale.. Terms rex-unable and both 9
teenbrt ii„b to history of Andra is pwmired;” the rangb is also the draft for FFATT soil GARLAND STOVES
give you sat4,tacuon. the-aggn•gatr payments clads .io this
flnanciw)ly and arlfeticailj: rlaes in Ihr yevtr, and xlaA the oggre- , eking in the oven. The heat does
• - ' ate vslne of t it rtTdu+ts. .The c7�ubl l.►
_.-� .-. e + and your just til s ._ rf nt
_�c� A commiFft •cl zea .---ter
• power • tiljili, rr P o - btitt t tTt-i
=_ contti)tuttotrs for a fund to drfra the
- --- y ehtiw the numttrr send hlnsP ,flet' act a " i v: argely reduced. frt�te coLitTiS�-•iT<
G.,4I-ItI('I1 WNSFRVATORY OF heayye7cjw 1 y Y @team, es and asolineen engines, water a },' t f,rq \\'e should he pleased to have yoil call need in�l�r'.t
Hl�yll. r IIAP!f attetl,iantll x:It. a Or
(iwynor'e illnea@. Small *uW riptiones, I wfle,.ler anti elect is enotoras'ae well alt ^ i ", 3 tai, Get the Pandora ---the rarer that I before you decide as to the kind to buy.
hJRu r,.R, 1 h:(,,yknglwndl F. T. t'. f our lines
iTor ` f�rom people of mrxlerate tdean@, are ;'jilt power l+Al,l to or bought from e` `I`7� "fir , ;;Iii# l'aYs for itself. No other range i8 1 )
°"'dl•otRsnl.t Knox church voleacrl "conspicuously frustrietou•. The .Mayor Ather public Ar prit•ate companies. • ;„ ac �;yP high-class enough for y0y. "' b
uu ^d,Flann. r,srmouy, ,lounterri,tltt alt keeping up his goal work Af reform I The fuel listed at. the works will show = " i', a;rl l a,i tF-".. .ar o._.__._ When dOlnby any painting, call Oft 'tis. X\',,
IMnti e,,., Piano• harmtrri , counter and econom It ie inttreating l0 lhP gllalltlty Af reel, wood or other e tj," is t� i t x X!
ei , 1, A,URRw kindergarten I ) 1t d ,j t "fir h 1:I" handle the best—
_ • alrss 1!rl\it;1tic-violin. A. F:. ante that the report of Hbe National l fuel and its value laid down at the �` s } 11 f"q' st<i,l a,r C 1 i -.card'1.,="••rww,r .�„ .mt,•»,�"^t11'Sl � :tri , jt..
ipta,nts,mVidolin, truitar sad da„clog. l'or� works. incltujin transportation and ij, a� c �', l•����
�.'oo.er,.gtl� '^ to term., etc.• apply wt. Ise I Mnlficijatl league, now• attesting .in g r1 f I” 1 E ,
�. "fir Buffalo, commends his administration ' ditties. The coal will be claaeilled by . "a+ , 6 t I
' ver highly, as "one,d the imprn'sant curs@ore to show whether it is foreign fez, t,"i• + f fi Martin-Senour 100 percent. Pure Paint i
r g Y• girt .' ,� t p
411111111111111111111 �Atehievrmeot@ of cod year. He At I or 4aiadixn. ('usrAm work ane raw � fags, �t ht ret,` Stands for Guaranteed i�lJal%1y
Iendtvt his, Heat public dinner since 1 materials will iar rej►orted by kind or t, 1 ".+tit ' ^-
... ;
v ' Co.�the ehTroting at the l'harnher of Com•' clxr@, sn.l entries will he made to a =.,#K i>° i rte. I ""- " etz " "` '"-"" °'tea -"'•"as s + "` r
ll coerce and his aptwwrsnce wall the, above amine t received in the year- for t o r0on, Tore*rc. Morrree7. I winntpeg 'T y
UNDERTAKERS feature of the event.
Icustomworkeandrepairs:an the cost _asVancouver. St.J,,hn. N.b, Tfau,laon. CalgaryFred Nunt s Cheap Nardw�re Store
AND EMBALMERS valueofraworpaitfyfinishedmateriale
"mat `r'h"ate g"• Rest Alden' F�aarr. A Plain, old-fashioned• five-iltery t n@ed at the works. The kind or elan Fid, l • ' ._, ,,t; „d '"H'- at
!'n.V ham,ofthP familiar, +gaare,brown �otpreeduetsofthe works in 1810 will y HAMILTON fHF.Ei, CODI HIGH
1t+onslvk tlont.h tests', efts i".4y.�a• � —�
°P71°"ue Hospital. (loderleh, shit. et9fre variety so aoiumon al uptown t lie entwrPd by eepatate Warne if mon ' fir"
I The Howell Hardware Co., Limited 'Ke, Plumbing, -Heating, Hardware. Eavrstrougtuna
Crow streets, is undergoing a chaa(te than hnP is made, the gntli>Allty p I