The Signal, 1910-11-24, Page 1fine Frintlw
The Signal Job Depart-
ment snakes a specialty
of fine commet•ciel print-
ing. Estimates furnished
on etuy elms of work.
Qtiulit}of work guar-
. auleed.
• As an extra induce-
inent to new subicribera
The Simnel. will he- sent
from now to let January,
1912, for the price of a
y. tr'oaubsct•iption,
Stilt). NOW is the time
to ,feud in your mune
and your donate.
..ere IU I'.I Ku l 0.i
vOn wish to withdraw !Notley, mail us the Pasts -book, say how
much you want; and we will send it to you at once. •
Capital, ial Rest sodUndivided
Prints 15,64,7418
Total Aeeetl, ever $44,90O,000.
Mail Your 01r Leposita
to us, with your Pass -book,
and we will return the
book, written up. When
if von are far from a Banking Town you will fined this
service of ours a great convenience. Call and see our Manager
,41a,lit it
l'ioderich Branch, W. L. HORTONA Manager.
�opr of change of running advertise- 'SITUATIONS VACANT.
1A. agent and telegraph. Marotta'. i, gond
bee+loo-.. (' k N '1 16 A 1. 'l k 1. L is It A I' I I
scRool-t Yong, •i reit ,rorouto. omen, ei.0
p short time. Write fee Inlor,ttat Fun
ments must be left at this -office by
Monday noon to ensure in sertlo
issue of same week.
1TEI). 0oH./._
P1IYLIC NOTICE ��. vi.a_ A$pA ly11to M+. ►y, t. ants
ul'l('K. ALL t'F:IIMONS °WIN(
screen,- to lien. Johnston ,awitted ked to
rad a: the .tore and .gale with )1/r. Muir. All
ar.vtri•t. Moat he Wad ly Use ora( of the year.
- 1I K! TIN(4 Ory fiCHON (%FI;:NTY
Its. 4'otneil ..f the rorporstk n of the (County
of lupin: isdi In4et In the l owned 4'hauther, In
tl awe. of tiuderich. at a u cluck on 1 ue-day,
tl ...Alt .4114)' of Deirernbcr neat.
. y,a/n(4. fin -etU,- moot omit be plated
the l letk before the date.
W. 1..A \ K 4 Jerk.
Ove.! Sot ember :let, Grin. -
r v--y,-v-v-
Livery, -Cab and 'Bus
•' Stables
( smith Street, Grdericb
All ear Rig. are `ewe. 'Ibises
meet all Trains and Steemerie
t'.,tirular ,dtenti01) given Ito.
t into tftyn private residences.
. 'Phone No. 341. '
''L. _Is._�.-./�--�. ...�.._w...�. Jae►
t Mort be gond -plain rook, Apply to MKS.
.1..A. 'WM BALL route Owlet 4oppo.ite ho.
pistil*, . 1l.
gAcHtkt W A N T S D. _ It
'school sedumNo. 14 A.hfleld. for the'yese
rat. Dane. to commence January kd. Ad
dee.- WM. L-SNN.SN. twittery. Looe. P.O..
'ANTED. --A til))I) {iBNRRAL
1 T wet %ant. Apply before to a. m. MRS. A.
U. t.AMBLK. Waterloo Street.
It for dummy of flume. A permanent posi-
tion add esclurive territory fnr the right man.
Sri) \F. h WM.4.1at:TUy7. Nrinerynsen, Ton
Tattasoar, Nov. 11th.
Fall wheat, per bush in illi to • a Al
Spring wheat, per buerh.,. n4 to .l, al
K e r 0 au
Hut kwhoat,per bush 0 He
to Ola
New Oat., per bq.hel..... 0 al to 0 90
told (lata, per bush.. ..... . 0 40 to d I0
Peas, per hn.•h 0 ,al to 0 4
Harley, per bush 0 its to 0 50
Screenings, 1
rwi '
g., per ton t41 UO t0 - ale
Fleur, family, per cwt Y .S to 1 75
Flour. patent. per owt 3 00 to 3 144
t(ra., per t.01. 20 00 to 911 W
Shorts, per ton 400 to Zi tel
Hay, per ton s 00 to 10 'JI
wood, per oord 5 411) to 6 00
Nutter, per Ib 0 21 to 0 N
(Cher.., per lb - 0 46 to, 0 IS
1444+, fr,;th, per dos 14 04 to •0 So
New 1'otatoe.. Der hg.hel... 0 .01 to 1 11-5
Cattle, orain y to good, per cwt1 aU to 5 00
Caatttle, export, per cwt S .41'19 eel
storing Lantos ••"'
Sheep, per cwt
,Tallow, per !b ..I
Hideo, per cwt ,,. ,
%be.•. ..kin..
.•• '-•••
l Chicken.' .. -
5 23 10 Set
1 00 to 1 9•
t'., to '- eia
enuto 7x1
St W el
la le Ir
11 )0 1.2
• Page
F w - -Ito..' Limited. liedt• a
,,ay 1'0161!.. --Scree. Wilma .. .,. .S
You Hawks/ the ►Coes. Lad(.••-- a ..1. 3l1�lr•
811k+- W. Acha40n k,ripe -.
Now Is the Time to $*,y 4)vercoat- -Witter
C. I'ridhan, a
Ontario I'r,,vancial }'air -F. F'. Lawton*. . s
C'hri.hua- :±pr.-i:tl+-Walter- 11. Harri'on "L'
The 1 fine to Huy Nlaaket- - IP. Millar IL don 's
Hig Challenge eale N. I'. t'emerge]..... 7
Iteader• The %Weekly sun ...10
sale Before i'hn.tma.- l:eo. Porter . .10
Meeting of l'ounlyt'unntil-W.1.w.e_ •.'1
hinter Term -Elliott mane..
(.011sltr•..•.... -
The tlltt.-1. '. lore'. , "" . S
Sh..e..Tbat Combine Both tittle aodill--
rifiarman. I
dome Overcoat. Talk- McLean Bros.,,. . -v
t briejmyt Will 'sow
Two Bar .0n !Says J. H. Colborne .,,. .... F
tnno'tnorment-D,1f. Hos ..., ...., .10
Baader. l;.T.
Mooth-end "te Iter.-llodgrus tlr0.. • - 111
blew itai•In--11. K. Long
a'ertant %Vented Mr -..1, ;{. Knmhall T
Aitnouneement',-all•.. (tarry'
knterta Inst -v. M. 1', A . , ,..1'.
tten•aot Wanted >Irce%', 1.. Horton 1
Reader- - E. R. ,Wigle --
t i imieriehee teirele-b,-r 4
rr-Hern'rt� Itin t .... ... ..
Itrad (r .. 1
Mali Order I'omie'itlon--NrtI t, 1 0)0010'4' 5
Jt+fad4r IP. For-) ie ging-brat►'•'- 1
All kinds of rough lumber in
-tock at the New Lumber Yard.
neat to Kensingern Furniture
Feart.'ry, opposite li,T.R. track.
i►rder. tilled at effort notice.
New. Brunswick Cedar
Shingle. --••Larkin" Mend-tbe
brat ..n the market.
''in o
t r:fin ,
I-1 new line.. `(fit• dy for.particular-to THE
F.L}';,t'1'It14 AI. EANV 1'HEMiCAL to..
LTD.. Dept, A.. en Albert .,rest, Ottawn.4W.
fltE.1('HER W.\NTED- roil t ". 8.
li Vo. It:. ! •hOcki, teethe year 1011. Duties
W commence after Nes Yeast's. orate aalary
and eaprrfeir. APPIY to J. 41. Mt'l1'13111.
tor. 7n•..+_Y r••we. 1l tf
t tately •aaspie4 by J. 1.. Killoran
'and•A.ndrew Porter. %pply to J. 1'. likt %%'5.
{{{ it STORY (trick hone, with *even rooms
1 AD !truce rtreet. Particular. eau he had ;by -
.11i, to at SIONAL (mice. :Fitt
How's This?
- We offer one humlred-dollar- reward for any
ribs of catarrh that ...nowt be cured by 1x11+
Catarih (',re.
F..1. l'11 EVES' t ('U.. T..L.In.4),
We, the undersigned, have known 4',
('henry for the Is.t .41 .',. Year.. and believe
Mnl twrtertly honorable in all bn•metw ten--
zebu,.a and rmaneitilly aide 10 carry Met any
obligation- inside by In. stein.
%atul.t:,XV, vavtan,. is.
S1 holfebie dor nrrgi•t,•.Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh • urs is' taken internally. wet,
log directly upon the blood and meteor'. ur•
fa4e. of the, .)-tern. T».timonial, rent free..
Price 7•S tent+ per brittle. :void Fly all drug-
Take 14.01- Family P141- for constipation.
Mi-. Mildred Mo++ Of BurlinI. the
guest of Mr. and Mr, dilot'Ittle. .g on, -
Mr. and Str'. Fred Norton nisi bth'y. of In
germnll, are vi-itor- a• the parsonage. Victoria
.t reef,
Mr. J. A. Mitchell: Kart street, will he at
Milne Ihl• nr•t and third Fridays of each
Mea, TIo-. Law -on and MI-- Lillian left t
week fur *traitors!. where trier perp -..e re-id-
ing. 1111.+ Law'on may .pend the winter In
.1. C. Shuyrdoven hie returned from hi- 'u,t
Ing lr-tp along (0.' Magnetewa, Kiver. In the
Parry sound district. He tea. rewarded *idea
deer. which he brought tack with him.
Mrs. M. 1'. rowan -m. and Niel. M.u•Kinnon
have returned home from Toronto. where
they were at ••nding the Women'. Institute
convention. tt hilt there they mere the gue.t.
of Mn+. C. Reek.
Melo Hay tleht road.- between Britannia
nod .1.41 Venn,'! 1 .1 re. ( guerd fort ion of 10,,
iland - their!.for market garden. -mall fruit+.
rte. 51 at -e11 in tiro part. of two and one half
1114•1e- ea. h. For prim anal tern,. write H. .A.
JOitl)AN 171 w nd.or Ate.. W'Ind.or.Ord.
Horse and lot. known a+ the ''apt. Mat4••
lir• g Ir enmity on Angle...a street. Iioderirh:
• 1,o4.-.• lo• rano•, huo water heating and modern
con potent...-. with cute lot on Trafal`Fir .trees.
Will be -old ioinlly or separately. Ilun.e and
lot on Nal'ier .greet, n room., good re•Idcloe
di.trlct. 4'al twice at liaitl0rd will, 3t a!►e, of
orchard -winter apple..
( new, prolert les ears be had at reasonable
price-. Apply tn,J. I.. KILMAMA% Haai•ter.
ete. *label h
Hest place
in town for
home -matte (Candy
1• onfectioner of all kind,
i iFTream, Sodas, etc.
ltel•eived fresh three or
tinles.a week.
Weintend to keep the Hal -
motel to the front in Gndericb.
1 our patronage solicited.
'lYl ll'h: 114 1 ,HK141TORS.
C IL.Atl ►.D.
Netter 4p hereby given, N•r.uant to the Re.
1.1.ed Statute. of Ontario. ('lee •. Ito. that all
per -ort. having rlalms ega4n.tthe estate of the
said Elfin McIver. who died on the tat day of
March. A. 1). Pilo, am required to .en bS l'o't
prepaid. or deliver to the undersigned. min+
-tt rrhpmllrator of e%
Ad for
.onobetlith day of Th
rn,her. 1014 their name., and tddresae', with
hill pert tenter. of Weir claims In wr1Un4 and
the nett re of the orcuritie.. if any, held by
t hent dulya-erlfled hS .taint Ty declaration.
And tate notice that after Lite aid date the
adminl.trator .411 proceed t0 dl-ttlbnte the
a..wt.-of the+aid .terea.cel antong'the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to the
lalm+of which they 'hnll then have had no
Hee, and the adn,lni..tratnr will not be liable
for the veld ae' et. or any part i hereof to any
pen -on or person• of whose• rl.tini -notice .hall
not have been received by him at the date of
such dietrlbutlon.
Dated at lioderich, thl' 15th day Of Nevem.
her„ %. D. 1910 j� -
Soh* ter •
Admi tistrator.
No. 197. - - Godericb, Ont.,'Nov. 26t)1. 1910
ha)' to
One Ilundred
...or Bearer
,.. „Dollars
100 ,
Reproduction of cheque for $100.00 offered by N. C. (lamemen in
eonneetion with his Challenge Slide Fie .hown In his full-page ad..
page 7 of this issue of The Signal. The cheque itself may be seen
in one of Cameron's show windows.
terlm moderator; tifu+ giving mo a temporary
pastor wlth'•1 per.00 ti knee/ledge of our clr
eunetances and needs, and admirably qualified
REV. G. E. ROSS iinevery way to dl+rharge the duties of the
REV. ition. Daring the.e 1111%40W4 months you,
have serve11 oe with a devotion tomer interests
and x regard for our welfarethat haveJ esti Y
ean.ed our gratitude and e.teetm, Without
---- neglecting you own charges you have given
largely and cheerfully of your time and ener•
KNOX CHURCH NOW IN CHARGE tries to the di...barite nit additional pastoral
OF NEW PASTOR•drtttwand responsibilities thus laid upon you.
and have always been ready' meet t [ our
wish*. hoover, way.
LI Tonight, when we are welcoming our new
pa -tor, It resets fitting that we .hould thus
Ipmportant Ceremony on Tuesday pubtiely espre-+oar a tirecianmt of your Fier
vices :and, in token of the golden opinions you
Evening Witnessed by Large Con- have earned, Kease'you to accept this pure
anion - Addresses byRev, of gold. and with it our united' and hearty
Bre B wi-hest hitt Rod 1ttn4%nY continue to bless you in
Messrs. Richardson, Sn4ail and you person and work.
l'Ha+. A. NAISN, 4 %.111trialt,
Larkin, ,� H. t. S n Pro. Accretary
Mr. Hamilton replied tor iefly.ahank
-� ing the donor. for their generouy, gift
-I`ife'ada evening of this week .w.La and expressing his hearty and sincere
an eventful one for the congregation wisher fnr the congregetjon's future
of Knox church. ehoderich. It ten+ welfare used. r theernew pacWr,
the occasion of tbinduction int the The elidieowh•'u
cr a%tasked to
E,astmate of thio church of Rev. mei juurn'to the lecture nem, where an
. (tors. Ij. 1)., late of Chat loteeto n. opportunity would b(t given everyone
P. E. 1, !Chis wag followed by a • lit meet Mr. and Mrs. Ross. •
rep(ion teniered Hr. em1031n.'He • m Prier to the serving .•1 a litocheoni
the lecture room of the cheuch.• alre. Item Wits the recipient (,f -a
The auditorium wet well tired a ' beautiful hougw't of Howes, as a
7:3) when the induction sorrier cote- I token of germinal' from the ladies, of
Inenced. 'Me eeernery ,tea.- pira(brd the congregation. Mrs. Odeon made
by Ret. \V. Riehanlren, of Kippen, the prr.enratien and accompanied it
who tui as the theme of hie dire 4th a te'w kind words of greeting.
coulee the choice of the ,Iewe in fsivor • or en hoer or tau Mr. Ross was kept
of'33arabbas wheyl'hri-t see.1 before b silo engaged in making personal tee-
the judgment seat of Police. The. in uit8b, e we It tbi+ rtte.ubers of bine
speaker nladean elnquent anti e•u'nest coei}e,rymtien, and a feeling of sym-
appeal fol' the casting 44.•.tte ,1'tMae paths -has already smog up between
-things which keep men nom minion- pastor and people which will no doubt
ionehip with 0.x1,.ruch ..- the intense grow etra.neet and deeper se time
.levoti.n. to materiel pursuits which ' greatly charact.-i' a '.. the present i,
day In his desire whets he tw.loke -. Rev. Owe i *1 s1 ij a' native of
the heal tycoe.p.r.tioneffor(emgr- \Vind,oi',,Neve ti•otic. He attended
gado! of Knox church with their now the public echo. 1, in Halifax and New -
pest. r. port. Hants moot y. N. :3.,send hie
Rev. James Hsmi.Itntn, who -pre-. 'lirejsat ivory cnorwe Dir the university
...b -di, thea--fc+rtsra+i.-- :.nisi. feel :Me: wanake'rtat-Pietrttr ralemv; Pietrm,
Koss into the pastorate 4.1 the .sheeted: S,•M , Where he graduated a gold meet --
Rev, J. L. Smell. who had iwe•ir &Mist in 140414. •,The 'same .year he en-
chosen to addle.. the newly inducted tered Dalhnnvie University, -Halifax.
pastor, .pokerif the geer.It dignity and in 1441)1 he won the senior Munro schol-
the many responaiu Mimi pertaining arshiFi an'1' two vrtrri' later he grad -
to the ofltee of a paster over -such w Hated,tekine the degree of bachelor
large congeegation. His advice w ne of /erne wifnling i u••nertl distinction
to preach a pure mindsi
nd simple gnwl, -an.t the .1v,• y mixt-. His theological
“as oa who is *0 gree an a't.nIi11,•' rotirse,wek t item et the I'reshyterie.p
On Iwhulf of himeeltatel H.n'in Pres. 1'si!eg", llelilax, under Professors Me -
inlet y he extended hest wishes for a Knight, l'ttrri., Pol'nk 'end R. A.
1 Hing tta-eareie.---- . - Flattener M I'410 he gratlusted in
Rev. F. H. 1.'u'kin. t'f.Seefnrth, fol. theology. tekine the degree of bitch -
bowed with the address to the conger-elor of diviuit v. His first pastoral
ion. n. • He referte.l to the memo!v cherge was 11•thiry el torch. Halifax,
of the. late D1•. the...held preeicuv by and Rereinghaot. irnm peel to mei.
the older mt'mbsts of the congrege- 'Then he was called by the foreign
Mrs. Thompson. who ten. here attending the
flown') of her -iter, the late 511., Dixie Yat
son, left Me m rriin to visit relatives -at
a , Welland a sew days beet
Hamilton rd elb►n4t y ore
returning to her home at Newark. N..4,,
1)0111411 TV. --In tiaderlch. on October Lith. *to
Mt. and Ms. 1.. E. troherte. a 4411htdr.
M17o11KLf. TREMAIN. ''In St, Johns
church. Truro. N. S..01, November lath by
the Archdeacon of Nova deotia assisted by
Rev. H. A. Bowman. P. A.. curate of St.
John.. Erin -4 S. Mitchell manager of the
sterling lank of Canada. 'Dungannon.
Ont, to nett ha M. Tremain. 0f Truro. \. S.
rOLI.ATT. en Ootenen. on Tue.d.y. Not' m-
-ber_y)nd etre l-harlea (_01111,1.
Weep 'v. Nee. whld.
NeeEF. -- Mete, E. MtGnirc is renew-
Me old acquaintances in the virinity
al psterns' Mrm. Mt afford and
brother, John 11.4)'k, -pent Senday :.t
-Wo.. Mehtt,t•h'. ignite ,1. number
from this' virinity attenitr.l Sprung
sued Thompson's omelet) male if Wert-
ern cattle at Auburn' last Wednesday.
John (i. l'h y 1.11 this week
for Stretford, where he has a job
hi -eking en the railwayRev.
Jaime; `%neon, of TewonD,, find his
less het' .1ow•01, of primite %(1.1' calls1
honer last week owing tel the illness of
their tether,. .., 1.1,n+. Wm. Finny, of
cl.1, is endo.g m few/ i a WiTh
her parents, MMi'. mei Mr., .1,,h,, (Craig,
Once again we are reminded of the
uncertainty of time. On Wednewley.
the lflth invite Mrs, James Robinson
nn'wered the final call and entered
into her eternal teat at the age of
silty -nine year. and .ix months.
I)ecea.wi was one of the early pion-
eers and a woman held in high
esteem by a large circle of friends.
Resides her aged husband she leaves
to mourn her loss three sons and eight
da,ightelm. The funeral on Saturday
was very hugely attended. Service
was 0.01 in donnybrook church and
the remain. were laid in their lee
renting place by four sons-in-law, W.
Burled, 0, Naylor, J. Mille and 1). Tis-
dale, and two nephews,W.and T. Rob-
inson. We extend our sympathy to
the bereaved family.
Wheat from afiam
r Mid1an
the. First to Be 'Discharged into
New- Building-(sloderich Elevator
Co. Now- Has Uapacity of 1,060,-
000 Stahel,.
The liodetich Elevator Company's
elevator aimee is finished, Moreover,
it was opened for business yesterday,
when the ste.*►mer Midl.ud Queen
commenced unloaling_-its--cargu_-oL
wheat. '
With the completion -of -thee waive
pile of concrete. nolltewhet of a record
as been made, as the atluex is ready
for business within right Months item
the time the erection of the pontoons
for the foundation was entitlueneed.
This work etas started on the '2,5th of
alari4h last, and it was just eight wntiths
leas two days until the building was
reedy for • the receipt of grain,
This .nexus smart work. especially in
consi.l ratimi . of the difficulties pre-
sentelL by the scarcity of labor and the
d'rlac in getting meterial dile partly
U: the..trike nn the O. T. R...
Thie elevates now has a total capt-
city of I.O:A►,lN$) bushel... It is unique
in the roomiest that it •tee theonly
.quare -bin concrete elevator fy4ipera-
timt un the Great l.Akes:
The penttons which,, rfn the found-
ation and the wharf ..n the harbor
side are the invent -inn ht the contract
tor, J. H. Trnprimhau-ere of T.vponto.
Thiry tit built entirely of concrete and
W*I'd sums in poattiitn-un 'a surface
dredged level o the reek . bottom Of
the harlxor, entire cnnsteueti
of the building. i chiding the r • , Is
of concrete. reinfa red by at=
The ope0'ating• litchi's ry in the
annex inelud•.'s x i inelt rubber coil
veyer h.•It fur parry' „grain from the
main elevator.' Fit• it nit. purposes
tw., lower cr.oveyrie discharge into an
intermediate leg which sp nits the
grain to t he shipping conveyers in the
mein huiT.Tiii The tipper criiSveynrs
are opereted by a twenty:horsepower
motor,.while the motor operating the
lower ma -thine''. is of forty horse-
power. •
To Jame.. Shaw i• due un.tintei
pr.tise for the part he tosr
le as .perin-
tendent of 'the w•'urk. The enwi.inery
was installed by Walter Shaw.' ft.
g.,ve entire wttisfaerion in its initial
run, as lollies/relate' tele fact that from
the time in the tu•n'ning._-when the
work of unloading the hoist,hoist,wit. Caren•
menet.), until *11*he grain was in the
elevator, t he machine''. r in without :.
The (Fader ich ;Elevator & Transit
Co.' is new in a better position than
ever to 'ow. with the increasing de-
famed for grain shipments. through
Goderieh harbor. The increase 1 .'e-
•s.•rve splice will eniible the company to
take carr of all isusiness during the
spring and felt 1 uelr, which in fernier
years overtlowed to Other-ill/0t
lowed by a few step'. of "Johnny
Steele the Ham," by Jack Bell. While
several of our prominent citizens at-
tended the banquet incog., it would he
unfair to our friend Jame,. MacPher•
-eon to say that be was net recognized;
his butnorous sallies throughout the
evening{ were greeted with cheers, but
we want to remind hien that he was
only -Soling a f'4 gait and twilit not en-
ema it $e.50 puff for it. air. Harker
took flashlights hefore and after sup•
Iter -we hope they agreed with hint.
l'he party broke_+tp at 10 o'clock after
heyin,f spent - a most enjoyable even-
ing. -
Rev. Jas. Iiamiltem. of London, will. .
tx•cupy the pulpit of the Baptiet
church next S1111/Iar-.
t1 ion-aervies-will--haheld- iu
Knox church at the morning service
all: `Mmtdav . December 4th.
The Ltttjie Aid of the Baptist,
chunfi are arranging to hold a social
tett oat 'I'hlir'daV evening, D.'ceuiller
sth. A geed ussgratn will be given
and the p.44tr'414s of the t•ve g will
qqu tewanls clearing off the church
tight.' -
.\nniver+are aervieeti Will he held •--
next Sunda y ' in ' Victoria .street .
Methodist church. The, church. hoard
asks for contributions to the ant t
of 81511. At the- evening service Mise •
j*-Ioher will .ing "Thele is a Land
Mine E}'.• Hath Seen." Rev. Dr.
Medd will pirach, , . ,
Next Sunday is the anniversary of
North street Metbodiat Sunday.
stlhool. Rev. Di. Rut ledge._ of 1Viug-'
It' 10. is the preacher for this occasion,
D Rutledge is a preacher of enii-'
eeitnd hes _(►cennit• t moue of the_
pulpit, i11 e.►uadian )Methodism.. -
e new organists will be in
M '%V. M. S. of 1 iefori 4, street
Methodist church hetd .their regular
quarterly tea at thee: home of Mrs. J.
Green em 'Thursday evening, Novem-
bee lith. After tea was served the
chairman.. Rev, Dr. Medd, gave a
short ale -tress which wee followed by
an interesting prograin of music, read
Mee and'. recitations. The meeting
C used Aft el. a pleasant and profitable
e,enj1>ghsp hero spent. .
At the meeting of the young men of
1 Knox (•hureli, in %V. Lane's °Rice in
!the court hunt.: last Monday evening,
i an executive eptitinittee was appointed
Ito look after the tiff -tire of the club, •
it-alee was derided that the meeting
of the new c' getelratiun will he held. in
1he 14asentent of Krum elmich• immed-
iately atter 'ehr. dames -sal of the Y. 1'.
Si C. E, on Tuesday evenings. On. of
the aims of the ISrgenizstion will he, tai
yni1lote ' a. mote\ soe•iyble feeling
44 its members. -
\ Sunday school institute for the
(..lerii•h dist••iet of the alethodiet
ehttreh will be- held in ',id ('11a kite.
el. theeist rhureh on 1Ve•dnesday,
N,►vewlwr :•k6. Ther will be two
0e+s' afternoon dud a ....nine. Rev.
Dr. Medd will b•• ch:tirntan of •he
afternoon . meeting and Rev. Dr. '
Daugsll will presale at the evening
se$ann, he the:eater noon Rev. F. 11 .
I.tngfnrJ, D. A., of Monkton, will de. b
-- --..__ liver •an address "The .Aim and
• GEO. GREEN 'GETS IT. , P'ii'pese'nf the Senile), Snhoul and Its
PLice in the l'uiuritunity 0. an Kducn-
4iaual instiintihn." At the evening
Victim of An Address and Presentation session A. U. It diet -teen will speak 'on
up in Huron Township.
• the euhject, "Soot, '!'hinge the Sent -
day School alight' Learn from the
Reid's Corriere, Nov. 2Ist. - The Public Mchool irl Methods of Grading
Woodmen'." Hall was the scene of a and 1'ear:her-training." . Other matters
very pletv:int gathering on the even- of importance to these interested in
ing of Thursday, NovenJset• 17th. The Sunday school work *Iso will be di..
employees of the Ontario West Shore, etls,•ed at these meetinge.
Railway: realizing the spiel /tach of
' Kew:. Clinton. noble gmalilie>atof their foremen. (leo, I ,
F.., tint's, 'LS. A.. r1. 1•.. 'tire NEWIA•I'.U('1't4lr-p4wTOH f)F winter anti ateprecuuing tht, many
tien, and of the hate Dr. Anderson, I
ihe.prized heritsge of both y'onng and
old. They had called a man *tie was
tried to 'the woe k and t h' }' were
fortunate in Iwenring a .ninl. er with
the gifts. the graces end the reputa-
tion of Mr. Koos. lie advised thele
to -give their. new 'metre. an. tipper•
t unity of realizing his high ambitions
by a eonetant attendan'•e upon his
ministry and by th' tt to sly help and
sympathy. 1n rinsing he intimate•.II
Chat, Prince Edward (eland was his
native home stud being in commurites, -
tion wit le friend. at ('h"rlo'tet own he
was in n .rn'ttton TIT aAlrtit '011. Mr.
and Mrs. Roos were held in the h en -
mit .'.teem in that city. lie sympa-
thized with the people of 4'herlotte-
town in their• love, but rejoieed in the
gain which hand come to the cbngrega.
tion of Kn'nx ehurch, Oodericti: and
to the Presbytery of Hoven.
Before• the congregation was dive
Teemed by Rev, D.•, Mrlean, the fol-
lowing mes.slte•-of congratulation wax
read by Rev. ah•. Hamilton :
"Please convey my congratulations
and ' sincere good whales to Knee
(hutch eongregatien nn the {nduetinn
of their new Minister, -'Rev. I'. F.
the forward,•[ of this m. age is
s nof ('haste •
at r , r
h Ircfi m •
c T t nn n.
He nap- extended -
cherish on July Llttth last, 1,116 -Was
Linable to :evert;
Immediately after the di.rnieval. hut
before the eongleget.ion had begun to
.eparete, 1'. A. Nairn, of the board of
manager., came 0 sward and nn hp.
hall of the rnrgrrgatinn pref•ented
Rev. Mr. Ila u
melt n w' u
with a purse n
r f
gold, as a slight acknowledgment ,,f
serviceo rendeved by hint to the
congregation am interim moderator
during the vacancy. The following
eddyeis aceempanied the presentation :
(year Mr. Hamilton, In the name and on be
half of the convocation of Knns church, the
manaawra w1.h to rept.'* their appreciation
of your faithful and valued service. on Dear
behalfdnring the peat Miht month..
When the death of nor beloved modem Dr.
Anderson. left ns a+ sheep wither% a .hephard.
1t was to yon that the ••arson end the man
.gen (i enrd for ronnael and *non *howl,nre, Now•
*hon the vacant plan. has Mw•n plflnad,
we manse how fnrtnnate It was for LIR hat the
Presbytery placed yon In charged ea se Is•
" Green. of Port Albert, had emenade'd !UST AIIR'VKD.-e1 i.AR(i1$ REL -
al's' r A' ION of 4.444,.. latest hr style. in (weed
their wive. and daughters to p.•en 1 t Ii• I
a repast fit for a king. ATlet+ ti lin " Car tot. bran Yon to 111,4x1, lh,, strx k ',I'.
f t
mbeit n committee td mission work p g KKnhber,. I.mnnerthen's eto;•k.. t-ud ir: 't nese.,
sit g the Fest Indians ,et Denorara,
(emerge up to the neck with the weed t-.smpIcttylakethi+sten• your. for Christ-'
Hritimll'liuiana, Owing to the failure things thus provided, the chairmen, "1""1""-.1"'le etc. 1). F"IIt:4YTH. King.
of Mrs. Rosie health in that trying Andrew Thiunpenn.:presented George
climate he retnrneu to Canada iu Pool
and for five orals was pastor of the
church et MMaki/end:N. V. In 18116 he
accepted a call from Zion church
with the following address and also
with is fur coat : l
Mit t:co. Oa,.:,'., --
1JFA. 1+111, our object in meeting stets 10 -
night Ia of a twotollt nature. As .o,n .t 0.
Cheri lees t.'t.o , I'. K. L, raver which l nate about to depart to our bom•. to take up.
church' hr. was whin he received the I ourotberdutics. nate rho employee., take thin
call fio,p Knox crutch, tioderieh. obportinityofexpre..ingto yon our adwira-
t((nn of you a. a foreman sod ,d'o a. a citizen.
A note to The Signal from a private we have always found you kind and constd-
"Whisuul ce at (:hat lottetnwn • s a .: erste 10 your mon, ever careful for the safety
hassle in Ceti. entrt.•.wn, fir, Otis of both man and beat. and alwayp. zealous In
has shown resat ere• inte.rr.t 01(0. company who'hnve you em-
g gy and
civil. lee ': ',ley nert. The r lninrio west `•bore HalI s'ay..t.
a Wencher and a pas, ut. lie has iweo ,'tti FFww conics tTated nn .ergri.ig the .ettic1. 611
a trrgnent avid regular visitor at' all' .o eelletent a man, who!. not afraid to .oil hl.
hoods with pick, .hovel Or,craln•r, and who 1.
the homes in bin Congtegation, and 1 emu a thorou,Th gentleman, ‚44., all take, [bis
hid work among the young people ha.'
'opportunity of presenMng to you' hi+ fur
been ext'elot IIv sucCesytnL He or, i ,ml fnr. is Intrfnslc value. hot as at
liltt,t token
Of one edmiratlon cud regard, tri+ting that
genized 44'0C,,'?y of eremite for the 10, tver 04' 010'>' gotid and perfect gift MAY
ministry amore the students of the tontr give yin health and strength to wear it.
Prince of Wales Collrge, & work for Ian that yon Ma l have as great pleasure In
which he has received prominent no- behalf t p w
time and - commendation from the
chervil in the eastern part of Canada.To say that George was 'neither -
lie.leaves .•vel) department of Zitin/ Basted at this token of esteem, from
church on a firm heeds and in (lode• hie fellow -workmen would he drawing
rime he will oo doubt find ample scope it mild ; he wits struck dumb, hut, re- aclvity and r -berg). covering slowly, rose to his feet and
said : "Gentlemen`, I'm too feel{ for
utterance." INo wonder ; that banquet
filled others too). " You have put me
wearingit es we ave In re'entln it,
feignedon ha o the em to ee.1
F:vA ve. McDON tto and -•ranee.
t TassnAY, Nov, 'land.
liaieteiitFlu-MazTV6u TI _anaUan-I.Ip .i► .po Ilion Wulght. where 1.
ler 0 l' ring will hold it, moiler speak ! 1 can't *peak 1 To t ink,
meeting in Walter's hall on Friday gentlemen, I came up here only six
evening. 1')rceinten 'ind. lnynnc de weeks age a black stranger amongst
miring ti join tTrrrjng will du well to fO' 411, and now .1 am the wanted
�yally of the J,rtnch, 1 understand
there will helloing' tonight'afd don't
want to hike up your time, so i'll just
get-ltieide the coat and under it the
building need by the (ir•(nd Trunk Inc of my heart will warm tlJ•waftte
freight sheds tt as eonipletel dE- f every one ofoft fnr your great kind-
stroyed by !ireshortly-after mi night nee to me. Gentlemen, I thank you."
and only the hardest work on the Mr. Thompsonin a few choice words
pert of the firemen prevented the }daze ones more eulogized Mr. Green, prals-
from /emending to adjoining places. ing the hearty way lq whleh he and
TWO loaned box car•e in a siding were others whose name• he wouldn't m
burned, together with their content.% tion had responded to lbs supper. Re
and a third ear was saved with dine, then introduced the Barker sorrily,
rutty. The fire. however, was eon- who appenred in their special stunt
flned to the ohed., no other building. upon the organ and violin, Further
being destroyed. The Ines will amonmt choir.. arta were performed b� Meagre,
en Revere' thnn.and dellare, Fist a large ('uyler, McAvny and Roy A aqua but
nantity of goods wits stored in the I the choicest of all waste belmoa f solo by Geo. Green. This was fol.
aM,'nd this ineeti*eg in Case an open-
ing may .'sneer,
Wi.gbam. Noiiemher 22. -The big
Trtamty, Nov. 'tend:
We. r"erel 141 r,p"i(1 --that David •
Ihunt•u• hoe Iwfn vete- ill tire_ past,
•we et.
l'nru,11.RE-01• eiefi.-TFu' I`M,nny-
here.: ,tle•Nxslest chervil, w•hii•hdi10,144
the least .minium' has 14.4,n in pis )1.1.14,1
of 1 ranst.'tivatwn, tea' re -opened eel)
Sun.hty Iau.t. lee meet au.picitius •
t it_tnmstnre'e4;- The ot111.7tettede Iiutlyi-
iriK Fin i 6it'i, t•rii",vl 'tl a basement of
1Igment blocks end bricked ''with Mil-
ton evil pressed hri.k, giving a hand-
some• itppeiranee. '111e interior ha..
been fitted lip 411 Illeal.'1'tl Styr,', said la.
tugethet' *I(• fnllur)%ettrents have mit
atsnll 1$2,51111 and have given. the e.n-
gregatiom s1�tloo•t a 11, 1t rhureh. A•
format•'' hn•l 1..rn instal1,4 t.4:111.1
r heating
sand the lighting is dune by the Rice -
Knight $}"tte1n. Theta. services were
Mee nn Sunday etude all were well at-
tended. Thin rongregatiun were de-
lighted 11 Flay'' with then,, for the
morning and evening seryiecm their .
felefeerl hate *meter, Rev. At E..1 '44,
-low of Itelielen't. Rev. E.:1: Fear, lets
61 th ,tt '
r o,r tens 11.4x:54.0 n t e mica'
gime by A. E. ('nnk, 4.1 11,1,41erirh. On
, evening an entertainment
was given ' and -the rhumb was
erewder. :1 le lint iftrl supper we.
eervr'll in' the' basement, and after-
ward,' a program were given in the
auditorium 11pst,iir". The meter, Rev.
R. A. Miller, ptvmidell, and suldt•eesee
were given by Rev. L. Bartlett, 111'
enon, and Rev. A. E. Jones'
Excellent tnslxie was rendered by
I,t.eknt.w voa►liot', Minim.'. A1Iin. e'ree-
man and Treleaven, Me.see. J. C. An -
demon anti T. S. Reid, with Nes, Reit(
de ae•eorolseniat. Mian (`ouzen.. of
Hemmen. contribntee Moth elocution- '
are anti vu'•stl number.. The j-5--weede
of the Smutty reflections ctions end of the,ainment amounted to the hand-
.ome figure of 111179, -
irbilagna.I to January lett. lad ,$1MG