HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-17, Page 10'I 0 TigRatbar, WOVIfYRRR 17, iOMO
Great Big
We are putting uyi sale
Freda:, Nos ender !lith.
the following hand Bags
et greatly rtriue.el iii(',' :
Twenty - the tele istil
le•direr Bane! Beige, tilted
►ails 'merit change purse.
original Brice 81.e0Cade
duriug this stale (h7
Tvaenly-tour only special
eland Bags, large size, all
• bl;tek, fitted with small
Bhangs puree. tilt e• e i a 1
during tltie sale. !'
About 20• vol e, b
powder futilities, all - hull
chrth-around, unary of Them
_L gulch bene, during this a 5c
The Colonial Book Store
_1i1:uRGE 1'( ITii Prof..
Court !Hawse Square.
PHONE 100. G(vlerirh.
'till -FA 1.1
After Grippe
or any Sickness
Vinol Creates Strength
//After a long attack of Grippe,
Mrs. Vaught seemed unable to re-
cover her strength. She was very
weak and had no. appetite.' VI -
NOL rapidly improved her condi-
tion•and restored her to health. I
sincerely recommend its use during
convalescence or any run down
con&tion." -
Jima C. N. VAUGHT,
Huntsville, Ala.
Miss Adelaide Gamm, of Water-
town, Wis., writes, "After a severe
attack of the Grippe, my system
was in a very weakened, nervous,
run-down condition. I took VI -
NOL with the best of results,
and it made me feel better and
stronger than I have been for years."
We have never sold in our store
a more valuable health restorer for
weak and run down persons than
VINOL, and we ask such people in
this vicinity to try VINOL with
the understanding• that their money
will he returned if it does not do
all we elait1 for it.
N. C. I wnlop, I huggiiat, (i•oderich.
Mn, 11. $tI.a.lyen ha -returned to town,. .
Rea. James %Yil:.on. of To ..L-iw town,
A1. .Swat e, to town on SatnMay
!tum 1'Ilrr lapel.
.1113,.- Florence ('olho,ue ha..Witrneil from
her i Idt to Allwuy. N. t',
J. MA. uma -tw..• at )t..lttheeereIhii week vi-It-
th'. N', lodge .
r. Mabee s. +. tat I'ort'rlanley on 4ettirday.
n4inll; the funeral 9f .i relaliiv.
Marty i:niald *Lid' daughter, of 'Tor'
rr.ri-Ith,.t Dilative, in town, ' •
nine Haw kMs, of rheeeardtOI. W41.
of tate:. 11..I, Morritln-t week.
Allen i. shall (.:a. been spending a few daye
with hi. b Ser. D liledhill, at Kincardine.
N, A. It ti- tonne' re-ident of (Ioderirh,
now of Saul called on friend..: h, town (hie
w eek. - :,,
Exeter Time ' Mow HIAIr. of (lode?ich. 1.
spending a' wethe attest of MIs. Herein.
+.-11h Lewis-, M. ,--tett. on tie-
twwo. to be ple.44 t tire opening of the. Par
ItaWntary -e-awe. .
Mr,.. 11 J. Muni. w, 'called to Brompton .on
Thursday hi.4 to ante d the funeral of her
mare, Alts, Kennedy. _
Mn.. 1'. 11, Hutt' otr a rhildrec. of Pert
H"pe•.5,4, 4.444444! 514.. H• (tali parent -.aur.
u1,.1 Mr.. tt. in. Artie -on.
Afar, J.' H. William- b1. relented frlan
e'Ieselend after pendia.:a •a. week:, with
. members of het family there.
Mea Charles H,aw►nt. and he, little Grand
-011 have .stuntie, to their hone ,t w Indror
:after spending a versa weeks in to n.
Mr. and Mr•. Jame- Green way re called
to Ilatoilton flit- week In attend the oncral Of
Mr. :reeds ay- father in that ell
V1'. !'oat- n. attending the exhibitionof the
1 'roVinclal Itornrultrtra( A--oriratiiii 1t Ston
to a- the delegate front the local Society.
1-3. )1 ensu,,., www ha- been atte•n• ing
hert.I.ter tit Altana. Mien.. ea, in town Mt
Tuesday o' tier way home to St. Auiru-tins.
•lo eph Doyle 114 iirnr•t ot. Tun.dny- from h
trip to Il:ula•vbary, Joe ea- oat with th,
hitnler.and bi,deer i. evperted to active to
u.a tow
A. 0. liamblr manager of the 'Sterling Bank,
• who Na, con dnet io hi- huu-e by illne,.i for a
week. ea- able to he down .town tot. :a -hort
t Ina t Aar, _.
Hei'.rt. from Toronto -tate that •TMtiiia,•
F'dliott throat,' of 1:. M. Elliott; of towut, who,
a- repot 14,1afew week, WO. NA., clideally ill,
n-.40%ll-rtgamit g,treugth - •: •
Ilea D. N. Me(:anits. pastor of the St, alar
Stet hods: L church. made a brief ai,it to (fiend-
u, town, on Moria. Ile occupied the pUI 1to
Wesley rho, eh. tlietm,, old Su•day.
;s. ilie IiI ' ut,tig
.. t•I f.
-Idle- poi let I III.
tI 1 vih•ring.
:Quality Store
C irrcgh and Pew
(nut new fauns hate ',rived
They ate opening up very ebeirz•:
eel,' the in wen are rewsun:.hie.
% •feu'r*1t4t'i . _ 11,e. fun' "70
't' aloe, Carta -Ms 2t Iles, for 3'a
':l.'43•feel,per 11. ..... .....?'•'
( (••i�r•.1
Layer. 7 aline H./Heine
1,er II.:
JVew golden Sates
l,, p•t II•.: ::Ile. f u .
I' Ui e-Ia•cl;+l. Slee.! of l uflrc
,1.,.. i e ►hire entisbu IIon. We
f land it putt•. Include it pound
ed It Ill' yarllt Snails)'
(:1.1111 ties, iter se.tint . .irk:
l' ,t.1 pafiL , 1•.e11 $I. i1/
sans uSrtNrf, :'�:.,
�.rsy,,p,fa sem,. �.�•tcr•xn>a�t's t •>^�a�`�,a A,n.4,� .-�war�
NILE.• ,
WEDNBMDAv, Nov. Pith.
Rev. J. W. Robinsou. tormerl)' pas-
tor of Dungannon s\lethodist church.
1i -spending a few days in this vicinity,
A Nemirow 1•:rc arse--TWftat might
have proved a fatal shouting accident
occurred here last Saturday afternoon,
when Oliver, the eleven -year-old son of
A. Kirke, was accidentally tthot while
shooting squirrels with companions In
a neighboring orchard.' The ball
pierced the boy's elieek, coming out
below the ear. Although he is .till in
a serious condition. hs.pes are held out
for his recovery.
Hvstt:MEAL--The'houte of Mr. and
Mew. J. Elliott, on the2ndconcession
of West Wawanosh, wes the scene of
n quiet but pretty wedding on Wed.
nesday, the 10th inst., wben their
daughrer, Ada Bell, vials united in
marriage to ('has.. E. ('ongranr, of
Crewe. Rev. W. Conway was the
officiating clergyman. T b e bt ids,
who was unattended, wastgiven away
by her father and was becomingly
attired in a navy blue suit with hat
to match. lmnredietely following the
ceremony a s pttlous repast was
served. after which a pleasant social
evening was spent. The gifts, which
Were nn an y . betokened the high
esteem in which_ the b[ ids i, held by
her many associates. - Only relatives
anda few intimate friends were errs-
Yt trso Leine- -A pleasant soe1a1 even-
ing was pent .10 the school -room. of
Nile church recently when a number
,of the many friends of Miss Mabel
Bailie met to show in some slight way_
thehigh esteem in which she i, hi•Id
in New rommnnity. After a short but
interesting program Mist Bailie was
called- tai tits' front while Miss Ruby
Robinson presented her with it-lwly's
toilet case, n handsome gold-plated
lock and an errquisite pierced-hi'@rt
brooch set with pearl., Hee. W. Cdit-
way reading the following address :
To ani-- atelw-1 A:-Bafie. front Iter friend,
and fellow -worker of Nile M.•thodist • h lrt h.
luta .tiara.. -An eminent writer 11104 iaid,
"The-ev7 that inef do live- after them. The
good thew 1101• oft interred with their -bones.'
Whether chi- be true or net, we believe [hat
too often we.tto not appreciate the wood in our
fuen(1-anal they are some/role u-. We do
not wi-to he tate ir, our ea* wed we
thereforeitisQ[ let you tee frenal Ili without in
4,11,e lfpw •%19.e --any our love and esteem for
you and our s nciere m•ci.ttlon of t 1e urouln-
4w,'yo0hav 'tendered la'cwlaee-
I ioh,with Our dined,.
So large a p11ur have you titled in Our church
life that we can .carrels think of aoy •activite..
or any department of our. work whish ha- not
profited though your help or your int'' nee.
The Sunday school. the Epworth Leave'. Dee
mi. --ion .lady ct e.; the J rnibr League. the
choir. the cls-- mleling. the mi--ionary woe*
have :all had the benefit or your Iroun-eland
Time services. Aad we recall also tenth Held,
the ware -yen have .0 ably tilled tin Connect ion
with both Conference and IN -tea's Epwprth
league work,
You have not failed to Air tip' the rift that.
yon and we thank *bet for your conoera•
Hen end dewtlon 14 the vhlo0 mai cal: the
.gaster ha- elven you.
Yourfidelity, your zeal. your co n.el. your
prayer,. your wilibi ate•. to serve in any and
in every way have been an inspiration and an
eventide to a-. reminding trot HIM whir,•ame
not to b- rnuiiacred unto belt to mini -ter.
"The high de.dre that other- may he bleat
44%or'--'nt heaven.'
We twrbayw have learned to loan upon you
loo much. 1 -et we 11', not cry you shoved have
done'Iq s, bat we should have done nfbrc. We
shatl rili-s you greatly. Your departure will
leatr a great gap. May ynnr mantle fall on
far of n. and egn10 ae• to fill ynnr place. Hat
fore yn0 i:0. without any db -ire fn -Or
4 ought of flattery or meaningless eulogy.
'e w(. -h that we might reit ye,: wh tt you
!TO '.
How y
How •0,,, re-(Pengt tweed men ae held
When ,s . fodder that he world hold. 704
Ina world oreat,o meal.,
on, truth ynnr worth ha- blazed it - own
brave w.• . •
Ye•, we welt have you know thi-•-know how
I lar heart, holt what yen stand for. what you
know that nor t 1 sightsand'our prayer- follow
(Mr _Diem'. hie-- •g and blest where're ypu
W a ask you to •tit t hese rifts as .1 mnat
reminder of the'msi, pleaaan4 and profitab
,o.oriat ion' we Lave .ad together. We know
that wherever you Ko 'oil will goon eel -vine
and working and pure ng your high pnrpo.e.
We trust and pray the ,our F'ather's richest
hlesing may rest upon ou,-tbatHe may
lead yon in it plaid pat , *mythic by the
Kiorions hereafter yon may haws many
eters in your crown a- e . ' It of your life and
work at Nue. -
Nigrtetl nn behalf of the c• , h -Wal. Cos-
54. .pastor: the Kpwort 1 t'nA4.
1 lin t4, pre'.ident : the Sand • .chs ..Jo to
11, sraw, -unerintendent.
)etas Bailie in a few worexpresste.
her sincere thanks. atter hich the
remainder of the evening a spent
in social intercourse. lune • being
served by the ladies of the co go•
lion. The Meeting closes! wit (rod
Save the King. Miss Bailie i ow
attending the Neutral School at St at
yod sect,' .n fine and good and true.
ng, and yet .40 gentle. -o awn?
Petty .triving- that confuse ellen'.
h that we might make you understand
it clean. brave young life hat made ns
\' • 1,.,,.. •m 11434 a Luc".
' 1 g�••0 cooking Apple_.
.1 es' 13 t' r nil 1r,..t, Egg,.
I-1. le. LONG
• 'PHONE yl
�. nos),. 0411.4' U,ny r.nglbe vs orifi. (-0.
101 01 to,1 1a.,. weak from !Winnipeg, where hr
Lad tarn *Mending to the 5401.1, .it flee 1'Oni •
gamy', Western branch for 10141.41 10001 h..
Mt,. r Pot left la -t Natitrd.-ay'nn en extended
-1 fall to her son, A. It 1'u4, of Ithirago. She
wass accompsniord l.y her ,l,•i.hter. Mr-. W. 1t
w'u.tohy. wlio 11114 tai••,, vi -icing her: daring
the lei a two month.
Harry Ik'Icher ha- g•.tre l0 TreuMn. where
he ha, ...cm 4-41 0 lie -hien. 4s mverpoint hr
5,;a- •a valued memis•1 of the hockey lean and
I•iwreneival from ,tawn wilt leave a smcanry
'haf 54111beh..rltoell. • •
\blebs!! Jt'eonle • M1•:- Smith, of yorlerich,
'i.4 el her broth, r, aur. (lolly Smith. on Sun-
day. In Komi, rhnr-h. in the evening. tate
-ang "rhe I: 'die, lbw, • in excellent-t;•le.
Mies Smith ha. a sweet voice. -
.Seefortl. News UI. and Mr... i1. II. Ilamit
:.a, Prate this week far Seidl ale•. Marie. where
he) will make nein halite home. the hr.
,1wq.ing an uMce there. Ile will make a -emesis!
ty of treating lhf eye. ear, no.c_and throat.
TIS• fermcr who tries to run his
fnrm without a farm paper is not do-
ing himself or hie form rustier. Add
The 1'arlaer's Weekly Stitt to•vtwr list
id' reading fm the coining rear. iielp-
(ul - that is' what: you will any it' is,
and sou will never WOot t o be without
,til . , . n 11, 1,4 tt..1.1
.1, tt1,1 111,11,1:. tl
I. , I'• t l l ,. ,1 its,.
.14,,i. t ii -11,1, ,
Nrs Retie..
New Currlr';
New. Dates
New Figs
New Peels
New O nges
New Le ns.
New Spit
Mice !!neat Sadat Cider
pernus rebidents of Aehtteld. He also
a euevived by forty-three grandcbll-
drep and three great-grandehild►'en.
• 8T. AUUUliTINEt�
TileriDAY,, Nov. 15th.
We are sum' tui state that Mrs.
James Robinson ie in very poor health
at present.
Walter 'Tisdale has "i turned hpwe
from the 'Wren.
Juseph sprung is visiting at Win.
Thowpson's at present.
Owing to the wet weather there
was snot a very large crowd at John
Beadle's auction sale last Thursday.
The articles offered for cycle brought
good pricer. however. Patrick Walsh
took the bids.
Preparations tire being miade for the
reopening of the donnybrook church
next Sunday, November 20th. A big
fowl supper and concert is the pro-
grapr for the next evening,. November
fair attendance at the rifle( range last
Saturday, considering the rough
weatbet. Following are the scores at
the 500 -yard range ; possible $6 points :
Name. - , - Points.
David McAllister........... 34
David Tisdale.-., . 28
Miehael Culumins .. 26
Ed. Robinson `. .. 28
Joe Flynn 20
Oswald Polhird':..'... . , . 21
Gus Leddy ' .. 21
Joe Spr•oog '4......21
}.pus hinahan I
-Robert McAIlistfr, - • • 1
Tom Leddy - to
l .,pby .....:. .. - .'- 20
Joe Brophy111
.toe Kindlier) ... ' •• 18
Stephen Mesld ..............•18
Wm. McAllister .......111
Vincent Walsh -• i..'
,toe Leddy.../..... ..,,.w�.,15
Tom McCabe ......... ..1...--. ... j. 13
Charles Robinson..; • .. • .. 13
Wm. Nixon - .•.. -i.. l:l
Tum Kearney 12
Uriah Tbowpi on . - 1
Wm. Thompson...
That Dod3's Kidney Pills Will Cure
Diabetes Because They Cared Her.
Cote 1tetlge. Two Mountaiaa co.'
Que.. Nov. Ilth.:- ISp eeial.) - 11ie,,
Bertha Bs 1zenu, of this place,has
proved to her own satisfact' hat
Xs-Kmor`me:wi1f e`u18 to a`7ieieii:
Miss Brnzeatr'.ays :
"For •slz''-montbs i suffered irom
diabetes six boxes of tjexdd's Kidney
Pills cured me completely. • 1 give
you permission. to publish this, as it
may be the iaeena of helping others."
That what Will cure diabetes will
cure anyform of kidney disease is an
nidelaying. and nodonbt remains that
Dodd's Kidney fills will cure diabetes
,Death of John Finlay, ex -11M: P.
Norwood. Nets. 13, -John Finlay.
ex -M. P., a prominent and highly-t•e-
epected citizen of this place, died -at
his home here bet morning. He had
been ill for oma time. As the
founder of the Norwood Wheel and
Bending 'Works, which he a etablitlhed 1
irf 1406. the late Mr. • Finla was
known throughout the entire Doman ,
ion. Ike was Reeve of Norwood for
ea•ven yeare. also a member of the
t•qunty council for some years. and at
the general election fortthe House of.
Commons in 1(5)t Was elected on the I
Liberal ticket to represent East Peter-
, He was in his seventy-fourth
year, and is survided by Mrs. Finlay
and a family of live. He was a Pres-�
e' ionali
h t elan in religion andbees! sup-
porter �,[ his church. The surviving
children aye : 3�tittt'd. Thnmas-
Cooking Apes -
25c a peck
•ster.•k just in of Intik ai
,1,arter,, for choice triter
Ind fresh Egg*.
SC11001. 1VOi1K
A cias., i n• stlwiying n pearlier -
training seine,-, is to be started
schen at the 1•..M. ('. A. Meet •
ings will ie 1D1 weekly, ptobnldy
aVetin wtlay .eve' ' gs. Anyone
. ishiag In join such a Plasm is
w•elce►tne to *111:0(1. There i+ exp
1'•I•. Those who Would like (u
take solvent•age of this dare, are
it•.Iieeera to notify the V. M.
C. A. ne,.i.lent., MR. A. M.
gymnasium Class
on \'1Wrti NKN
.-wet y We.litemd:fy evening. sn.
foot i. .liven in Free Gymnes-
turs, Use of Apparatus. Dumb Bells,
Basket Ball. Indoor Baseball. etc.
('trnvenet• Aihletir ('nn,mil.toP--
TUESDAY, No'v. 15th. ,
Dieser t tit•' Tnus.s , U'Reit.t.Y. -
is w h f elfin s of regret that
-,.cur d..ath nr a mere
respected pioneer of Ashfield• in the
person of Phomas O'Rpills. who died
on Wednesday, lith inst., after a linger-
irig hut patiently borne illness of 041.r.0
veer. Mr. O'Reilly was born Decent:
ler22nd. 18'2.1, ill the county of Kerry,
Ireland, and it may be said th•►t he
inherited to home extent the native
wit and humor of that historic cotftt-
try. He left the scenes of his boyhood
in 1813 and nailed for Canada. For
three yeertl he resided in Stanley
township and then came to Ashtleld
and settled on the facept on which he
died and which by his industry and
peraeaerame be traneformpd-front the
denier for In one of the bat farms
rw l h•
ate r. ► e y went mn n tr p' to
Sydney, Ohio, where he met and 11)1(1•
rind Ilanira Shea, who still *uevi"ves
him and lives in the old hom-rttahout
the same age of the deceased at the time
of his death, eighty-five years. The
funeral took place Net Friday and wan
largely attendee!. After high masa of
requiem was celebrated by the perish
priest, Rev. Father McCormack, the
remains were interred in the family
plot in fit. Joseph's cemetery at
Kingsbridge. The pallbearers were
his three sons and three aonea-in-law.
Besides hie widow the deceased leaves
to mourn his lose three Lona and tour
daughters. who have the esn'pnthy of
the community in their bereavement.
They are Mee. C. Onrran, of h,tknta ;
Mr.. 1'. Finn. of Aenderirh : Mrs. 1Vm.
McCarthy Mrs. Thos. Drennan and
Michael, Cornelius and John, all pros-
and Mr`s. 1. N. Ackerinad, Norwood ;
Mre. A. .1. Fitzgerald, Tweed. and
Mrs. M. R. Callander, Guelph.
Deceased was a brother of the
Messrs. Finlay of Ashfleld.
• A Fair and 1Ample Treaty.
Montreal Witness.
Unquestionably there are and will
ere voices in Canada against reciproc-
h ould•not confuse be
fly, but they ah t
issue. The Govetnmegt should -be
free: to negotiate a fair and ample
treaty, calculated. as the Elgin treaty
Iran, to develop large and mutually
bepeflcial trade between. Canada and
th' l;jnited States. •
Be a Good Sport.
Victoria Daily. Time..
The young bran Who has been
brought up to take a deep but not too
absorbing interest in athletic games is
more alert, better able to take the
initiative, and in every watt/ better
fitted to tight the battles of .life then
'his comrade who mopes by himself or
mokes cigsretten nape street cornets.
ealthygames anal sports. should be
o .raged by everyone, brit living
r hese alone and thinking and taikf
g nathing :'Ess te--nrvt conducive
o in lleetual de('elopment or the
of a complete, -well-equipped
Borden's Peseition,
W . , stock trentlneldteview.
The Otte Journal. a Conservative
paper with a' , ste for independence,
speaking haft) the event pf the
Drummond-.\ rtl lessen • election. sat
this : "If Mr. i uraesa's sand' e
wins, the .trengt of the $estrus,,e
came will have to 1'• to ' red likely
to produce some year- . political con-
fusion in Quebec, h- is defeated it
will be a r ail
a comfort-
able si or •Csnada. e hope he
will wall beaten. For : merely
n o v:ewii w Id eToTe
nservative advantaag that Bour-
'aasa's nnan-abould 1* nu cesaful, from
a patriotic point of %Jew Con va-
ti'es should vote against him." is
is taking reasonably high ground, a
it is worthy of note that a number o
Conservative papers in Ontario tooth a
similar position, placing patriotism
above party, It is unfortunate that the
Conservative leaders did not allow e
similar disposition. Mr. Borden had a
fine ep ortunit'y''to *how that he pos.
tressed the qualities of real atatesman-
ship. The opportunity. in fact, was
forced upon -him by a request for a11 -
vice when it wrestled that he had no
intention of voluntarily breaking sil-
ence. He missed his chance ; more
than that., he showed himself incap-
able of appreciating it. At a most
critical time his leadership failed.
mak in
ino. W. Yanatter-
Upe1a House Block
'1•h me let Kingston Street
Keep November 25th
for Ladies Auxiliary Itintertain-
ment in Y. M. C. A. rooms.
ammipiiia 0
can turn out any job with neat-
ness, accuracy and despatch.
A trial order solicited
�lf is
and wive a l l t -I,,•. 1,
and "weat.
it,Cws' the huriday
1 u.h beings•
. Select hors 111 1. d .e�
floss will be put aside
tint i 11 '4. riatnitx. Our
stuck keel its fulle•et,
witicll tnak,•s'gift
ehonaing a pleaaur'
Watch our erirlldolgrs for
Christmas suggestions. _.. ...
Walter H. Harrison
\\'al. hwahrr, .Icwellrl
tied uptticfian. '
Oftlei l T\ ate h ins1ectoa (• 1 1:
calls attention to a remarkable
showing of smart, s t yl i s h,
velvet, silk and fur Toques and
trimmed Felts, all of best
quality. at very reasonable
prices, from now to the end of
the millinery season ; also a
good line of high-class Beavers.
Special Display for SATUkI)AV'
1MIIMPttitirar• • ..ew
$10.00 Week ' in the Coat and Suit
pa tment
This -week; commencing Saturday, November 19th, is going to lx our
annual $Io.00 week in the Coat and Suit, Department.- Saturday morning
we put on sale.twelve or fifteen ladies' ` broadcloth and tweed Suits and
twenty ladies' Coats at this price. .Every garment:is new. The material --
are first-class,
are-first-class, the styles correct, some of this season's and most populdI •
A11 are man -tailored and will retain their shape and appearance until \\'or :t
• out. .Suits come in navy, black and green, The coats are black, Btivy .:
t. . • ►3 • . • - , jai
$t6.00 values. \Ve cieared them below- regular price or they could not 11,
sold at this figure. Commencing Satin -day, any Suit or Coat in the lot
Ladies' Coat °with -Fur Collar $25.00
We hunted the fur trade through to get the best Coat we could a'
2 .o0 sawi 1
$ $ We n9tbing to touch this for value. It is beyond -quest!. n
the Very best in the trade. Made from good quality black beaver cloth.
Cut very full. io inches long, trimmed with strappings, lined throe ► it,
collar and revers of good gttyllity western sable. It is a coat I could
pay $3o.00 for and • not pay too- ti;uch, 'Black, -navy a sown.
serviceable, stylish and comfortable garment at ,
A Good Time to Buy Ribbon
for Your Christmas Fanc i ork. l
We have junta opened ti r a No-. or-st'fi yup' - =
or-rpnpaler plain satin: ,IwrnS. ' t'-- it
ported these Ilibhons i ' wt.. from Europe, It
Is the Isest we have •er been nide to WO stay- 't
where. The flu •y and Willi ere a good:
and our ter ..r i1 .gene• larger earl{ sermon.
All the st used-fiehv shades bot• mnkin up
fan worlS.tx>•W in Heck heel! widths. 1'�lces
corlllrit-to wielt h. th,' 5c 1..25e
yard- •
Winter Underskirts
Made specially for cold weather
wear, new styles ,and u'idoubted good
een Underskirts $1.00- , n
Theme Skirts ere tnnele front good quality
highly finiahrd Sleek 'o,tee•n. extra h e n v v
weight for Winter went., matte with wide frill
end ruffle. cut prat right for the prevailing
faslliorua- Decidedly good value at. 90
•each... Si
r .�t :M;rt"ya f'y, 4V d•'v'."a, 1Fa.,".a ,'H
A Skirt at $1.25
Thi'. Skit haw tot t•ha'.lis• knitted tel,..,' I"
'to lit tamely over the• hip-, latent .1•11,1-•
11 a�ie Iwuut with 1'2 mini frill of hi 1siy fini-R• •i
black wtteeti. A warm anti tient $1 25
Skirt, Each 1
Knitted Wool Underskirts $1.50
These Inas.' pro'.raI ,lr•r•irieslly big '444.11114).s.,01.1111,1-.
sensrnt. Made from gen*'Int'` w,wa
well knitted. The makt;twau•111 and comfort-
Skirt,' for cd' weather wear �� Cso
autd are not 1/nikf`. Each J
Tweed Coats are. Fashionable ,
Tweed Coate have not, been mo hatch fat
oriel by faaehhpn for many a season. They air.
"the last word" on the coat gIMtion this y•"
and are touch in demand in the large ri11,
-Thvry 1111'410014 vet? mashy 0n Our ('tu.,k
i)epartment today, ((a.rmenta n nf�vufii
maty and style, •no two alike, rut tall nml
nwpmy, trinu0eeh with panels of the sauna•
material nr atrippings, tailor-made, decided-
ly mnnninh effects, very s t y l i s h :ate)
c o nr f ratable. �� it �� 8,t�
Rath •• / • to
w*tc MPOIltrilta