HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-17, Page 74t ,r7n ettlf7 Cot TRE SIGNAL GODER1C1-I )NTARiO eivo • • the roof of the harn and injured his feet so badly that ho,was laid cep for nearly a year. Shortly atter he re- covered rufflciently to be about he purchased a livery business in Brus- sels, which he ran for live years, and ,tfterwntds he was a year each in Wingham and Kincardine 111 the same business, He returned to 1Valton Inst August and haus heen looking after his fail(' near thele. 'twelve yeah ago he was married t Mien Annie Mc- l)ouflall, who -died three yyears later, leaving One bon. In HMI deceased was again married to Miss Mliza WiI- liawsotu, who is left to mourn his de- mise. Ile is survived also .liy tris mother, four sisters and thee► tnvth- of the Sistriet see. .1 nl Exeter that 1.he millet, e twill erect a new that n,w•n next suInarer. Ilseliuou, of Wingham, al [pout (filbert Plaine, r she was on an ,extended sous. h a,t a former resident of n,hip ie announced in the Richard home infor holism, fweaved his holism, of Wingham, has Jas. Thompson s 1(N0.acre t wtlehip of Turnherry. Ioretod on the Teeswater i1'inghaun, tpsoeliets rad kis Ilith convention 103-acre neighbor, Michela -Loho- pl.,a was $8,000. Mr. iow has „r1 acre& dt hos disposed of his 150 - the township of Stephen, lulIwan, of McGillivray. mid was $11,00, The new jets possession in March. whim, whose home is at , Orey township, has been or of his year at Toronto His duties will be to rep. Petr at ell Inactions -I and air Tait(,. of Victtn'tt? B. e . .1. F. Stewart. of Van- e the guesd"-of their M. Sinclair. of Brussels. have been in the West for xtel'n year*. W. Perkins. of the Com - el: Reason. received :4 tele- . Regina, Sisk.. conveying tellrgence that his brother I been killed. The deceased •orkiio on the railway. lent tame unexpectedly to of Mr. and .Mrs. C. M. f .Wingharo, nn Tuesday, lith. when their infant rat taken from tl?em. The tad been iii only one day. ,Villi$; one of the pioneer of Settforth, died Sunday lotelnher 13tb, at the age -three.- after an - illness of n th.. He carried on a hoot bustneF' rloring, the past nagr writ sniemnized in Us- et,•n,tn•r!nh of Mks V inlet alight 'r of 11r•e. \Vilwon, home+ road, 10 Jonathan Rlin,t{11.-. The rere000y meal Ly Rev. Mr. 'Watson, P ala meeting of the Clinton Institute hoard Miss Sleds - futon was accepted and the if commercial a o d junior earlier was offered to Mies , M. A., of Ottawa, at a sal - mat per annum. I. Brandon and family, of rmhip..tnour•n the loss of ,Iherta:-the eldest daughter. a- bright young girl of 0. yearn of age. The sad piece on the :?ith nit.. at of her slater, Mrs. Simms If Frobisher. task. I )eat h a few days' Illness of lip - The retains were brought interment. 1. Taylor Reese of Exeter. V. Taylor has been elected Exeter by eeelitdetion for use of the year 1010. The • rendered vacant by the Wnl. Ilawden• a few weeks Change at Wingham High School. Principal Workman, of Winghaur high Nettled, has tendered his resigna- lion, and it has been accepted, to take effect at the end of 19111. Mr. 1Vot•k• elan has received an offer of -`a poi,• tion un thestaff of one of the university schools recently eetabli test( in connec- tion with the Faculty or Education at. Toronto University. The salary is $1,5110 with an annual i,tcrease of $Ile$ until $2,(1111 is reached. Zinc in Bruce Peninsula. The Bruce Peninsula lu.y before long have some fame as a mineral country. Lately some people have be- come interested in its possibilities in this direction and it emu's/my was formed to look for zinc. According to despatches Ur. Wolverl on, of London. who was pruspeetiny up there, found a nugget of zinc that weighed till lbs. If the mineral is found in payingiquan- t it ies the mine will -be developed. Died at Chicago. The death of James Mustard at Chi- cago, on November 1s1, is reported. The deceased wits a former resident of Bruoefield and was forty-seven years of age. About - two weeks ago when boarding a moving train on the ele- vated road his (pot slipped. Before the Iran could be stopped he was badly injured. He was at once token to it hospital. where he passed away The funeral took place in Chiraga. His brother, Alex. Mustard, and aia•er, Mrs. Duncan McEwen, of Stapley, were with him at the last. He leaves a widow but no fancily. He had lived in Chicago for many years. Wedding in Grey Township. A pretty wedding was solemnised in Grey township on Wednesday. No- vember 2nd. at the home of John Dunbar, when his third datrrhtt'r, Miss Margaret Beat rice. was united In marriage to Robert A. McLean.' of Seattle. Washington. Rev. W. Fe e/ Lb M. A., of Dunnville, uncle of 'e pride, was the officiating clergytn n. Miss Ethel Dunbar, sister of the beide, was bridesmaid, while Allan McLean. of Port Arthur, brother of the groom. was best man. A reception wits held in the evening at which about flfty of the hrjder friends were present. After a honeymoon trip to Carleton Place and Ottawa, Mr. aiid. Mrs._ Mc- Lean will proceed 10 Battle, where they will reside. Death of Exeter Resident. After it'll illness bleb bad extended over many years. Tbaddena Jones passe(f away at his house at Exeter' on , i+t nnday, Nuvetnlier Otb, aged sixty- five years. Since he fell oft a load of lumber twelve year's ago, and injured his shoulder and hack, the deceaad had not enjoyed good health but was able to do some light work. The im• mediate rause of his death was anaemia. He was born in Usborne township and had resided in Exeter locality all his life. He farmed nn the Sind rr,neession of- (Tab/trite uniil ten years ago, when lie moral to Devon and later to Exeter. His wife wa•, Miss Mary Ann Kell end, of Centralia, who with two daughters surviivee. A Grey Township Pioneer. m Burned is Usborne. Ik barn owned by Robert, the 7th eoncemeion of Ust- i totally destroyed by fire 1y, November $th. All the including about 1.21$0 tfn.h- ie. 101 tone of hay. straw 'fielder were consumed. A II *threshing engine is sup - lave I reit the canoe of the Lion. Ned" Wilson in Luck. tekie. pt ilium -1m, is away at. sting AS the representative 1'llt,on, :. character well "oughtn't Huron county, in ming up the affair. of the late !Aeon. • "Ned,". who has t for.the 'pest flfty years, is ppled with tbeumatism and swims( ailments and the i,eyueathed biro by bis s (,noted upon by his friends }4g „f Providence. se Loises an OW Retddnit snehip of l-'sborne unit or,. of teepee -tett residents on Fri - hist . *hen George Harrah away in his. seventy-eighth e a result of being thrown I buggy ten years ago, the de - id been an invalid ever since. 1 naliva of Yorkshire, Eng- t--siert}y after hie marriage w iereft partner they came to lad settled on tha 113th con - of I'ehorne on 1.10 -fares on Idled. A family of two ions daughter aurvlvp. he Late James Gardiner. Ite James Gardiner, whose ecurrPas one at then early, setters l"Wosbip. He was born in "hire; ' and, In the year d with hit parents came to and settled in Osborne in Iaa3. lout hie entire life he had ▪ ho,nn on the Thames road. ling the late Mr. Gardiner Riff - p,rl-in! stroke or-paralesls, hut eat tuartienith to noel; an ex- t the announcement of his 'anje '+ a surprise to his Besides his sorrowing wife rvived by a family of two eons. Crediton Resident Deceased. hinge of Crediton lost one of respected citizens on Than - (seemlier .Ird, when (Oottlleh k was eAiled sway, his death with startling suddenness. 11eventy:four years and flue of age. ieeeased had been • tat Urediton for the last six Befnt•e thnt time he resided nn 0 north of that village, where d and labored as one of the tnnePre. %Vhi1e a resident of in he had taken an Interest in pat affalre and wet at one time NIT of thellee village triunes' He is survived by his widow, jos and two daughter's, ere. Walkerton Has $.Few Left. 'Walkerton Times: — The outside press are musing sorrow to their tea leve by telling them that Sheldon has taken away about all the cash there was in Walkerton. If any of our foreign subecriben are wetting their pillows over any such delueton we would advise tt►elo that their tear, are going-te-waste. While there isn't its much cash here as there used to he, yet there is still .enough left to make a respectable splash if it were all thrown at once into the river. The widows and the orphans ate living through it, and every marl is keeping the Fame number of cats mud canaries ae heretofore. The dugs Can elan _get Something off the bones that aro thrown away here, dad the butcher boys are a t ay ever. llheldou's opetatiu haven' filled the town with busted peasantry aut.-emptied as many `dour %iserrls as is supposed. The peopte.troW whom toll was 'alien here are for the wort part able to The late John Mctaggart. whose death took plane two weeks ago at his home in Grey, was one of the pioneers of that township. He was 1001.11 in Yarmouth township. Elgin count y, sev- enty-four veers ago. and came to (lry along with his brother Donald in fat•.. The bush farm upon which the de- ceased lived all his life woe taken up from the Crown and by industry and thrift way transformed into one of the beet farms in the township. In the year 1807 deceased was married to iss Jane McNair, daughter of the late Neil McNair, and sister to John McNair id the same township. A family of eleven children were turn to them, nine of whom are still living. Mrs. MrTaggattpredeceased her hue - bend fifteen veers. stand the with t bye to r well to outside' ps the ord town the past forty beim going that ahd•hasn't got -an is pleasaot Nov the devil is a furtb most of 4s feared. rain, and_ -their parting it *eh wasu't exactly a good - like the dying man's fare - life iueuran0e ageuts. The --Ps have been picturing se going to the devil fur rani. And if' it b e ung and at the rate, nearer than it is at tuber week, then way vet than TRIED TO Word; •"C But Kirkton Man Came Chit Five Dollars Aheed. ""W. Racey, of Kirkton, know it is to have an attrntpt_in. de to the "conga nee" gaswetin_hint. - On his way borne. Timm tha`h'eat was accost ed by a atrangar, just after the trein had pulled out of Regin•, who 'asked that be might share -his seat. After a short conversation, dur- ing which 1 iute the stranger did :t p eat deal of talking about himself anal his busiueee. he left the car, saying that he wished to look after his luggage. He returned in a few minutes in ,t greet state of excitement and inquired of Mr. Ramey if it was is fact twat duty. bad to he p til on commercial hag- gage- The stranger then explained that he hal a draft for Vino which he would not be able to change at the depot. He :caked for it loan of Stat.: o. promising to pay it hack when Winni- peg was readied. Mr. Haney made the loran. but when the stranger left the ear he followed hits throng!' several coaches until he stepped o1T the train Pot as it was halving a station. According to Mr. Raeey, the stran- ger stepped Of in a desperate hurry. MI'. Racey also got oil and Collared hint, demanding the return of the The thief look some bills out of his pocket and handed them to. 11 trey, telling him to lake them and catch his train. It was obvious, how- ever. that only a small 'portion of the bort..Wed money was offered and it-lney demanded the whole of ji* Fin- ally the stranger palled a big wad art' of his 1ar:ket and Mr. Race', made a grab- While they were struggling up strolled two of her strangers who pulled him away, saying he had no author- ity to assault anyone. Raeev railed for ,saistanre and as none was forthcom- ing released h;a man, and started down the platform to find the police. On his way he met a constable to whom he made complaint. Upon re- tuning to the. scene of the robbery no - person was in sight. On counting tip the money he ba4 extracted from the eh anger. Mr. Battey found that he bad recovered it all—in fact was $5011 ahead. ." GAME. the Deal ,tint ay For Co g'hs and Colds Troubled with a c h? A hard cold, bronchitis, or soma chronic lung troubl There is a medicine made for just these cases—Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Your doctor knows all -about it. Ask m what he thinks of it. No medicine can ever take the lace of your doctor. Keep in close touch with him, sult him frequently, trust him fully. No alcohol in this ugh medicine. J.As. yw's Pills. Sugar-coated. All vegetable. Act directly un the liver. Gently Ian - ewe. Dose, only one pill. Sold for nearly sixty years. Ask your doctor about drew. The perfect sound -reproduction which cstabli.iheil the Aupretnat•y of the Edison Phonograph lies in' the point of contact bat wren the l'holuiftraph alttLtho.Hecor'd--the sapphire reproducing ''mint. 'ilii+ is. the point that conveys the sound from the HecorcI to the aidicnce. And right here is the secret, the perfect lifelike tone of the "'Alison inetetul otera metallic, nasal tone. Edison Phonographs All kinds o PANDORA RANGES $16.50 to $240 Imdlr'..tan•Iard I:.wrru. M.. Ka{...n .tud,erol Rrrnrd. (ploy 't.rk•e.. lana), ear. 1dlann,}.rand , opera Il.•md., •4 tv, JA 7h,•rr are Y.arur deafen retro s bar, 1:u 10 the ,"•., est and (,lar the Edam l•hm".graph Our Leel, ►ib..w npndard and Ipron AMID. 1.4 Itn•un1.. r,••t •u,uplr•rr ,•M • alo,Iron your Ir or u.. NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY 100 Lakeside A , Orange. N. J., U. 9. A. We have just what you need in a heater and range here. Take, for instance, the famous Pandora, with its semi - steel linings and ventil- ated nickel -plated steel oven and burnished lids and top ; with its many other features, and you cannot find anything better to choose from. It pays in the long run to get the best. We have ranges at al,t prices. A -real, complete, durable. - range with reservoir for_the small sum of $18.00.' I -n heaters, the -f no:tus three -Atte heater has about AwLC' ..the_radiating heating surface of any other heater.;. it is nickel -plated three times, and very durable ; and in all is a •very pretty heater. We sell heaters from $6.06 up. Somet-htng-real good in -an Oak for $12.00. You will find as nice a. range of st('es in this store as you will anywhere. It is very much to your advantage to buy your stoves here, because you will get thebest values to be had. An Exeter Fish Story. Exeter Times : On Monday. October 31.0, at the ramie on the old Aux M►hle River of several well-known sport .1111(.11 Froin Parkhill, Ailsa Craig and Exeter, two of the members on returning to camp saw a large saw -bill dock swim out from under some shelter One of them fired and killed it, whereipnn live others made' their appearance and three mora were shot. In bringing in the decks it was noticed that a fish's tail waa protrud- ing from the beak of the first cluck shot and nn shaking the head And opening the bill a pike, thirteen inches long. was disgorged, much to the great aatnniehment of five of the camp shooter'. The dock weighed a little over four pounds. Not one of the shooters had ever seen such n large flmh swallowed . by so email a ditek. The ettriosity was given to N. G. htrdon to 184118 to Exeter. where it was on exhibition in Alf. Walter's store. • Death of Rev. N. S. Burwaah. C1erk'e -Perk and Beans. Here is a pure, ralatallde and flour - Miro; food, uniform in quality. low in price. For luncheon, dinner or top- per Clare's fork and Beans are. no- egitalled. Wm. Clark, Mfr., Mon- t real. The citizens of Wingham were sur- prised on Tuesday, November 8th. to hear of the death of Rev. N. S !Jur- wash at his home in that town. The reverend gentleman had spent forty years in the active work of the Meth- odist ministry and was superannuated in 11100, living in Wingham since that time. Deceased was a Canadian by birth, being if -native of Prescott, Ont. He was born in the year 1838. nearly seventy-three years ago. Ile entered the ministry in 18t10 and at the close of his probation, four years later. he was united in marriage to Mist Mar- garet Ann Manmfleld. i tring the years In wblch he maw active service he labored with much accept core at Bobcaygeon, Lindsay. Millbrook. (!obour•g, Arthur. Lyndoch, Durham, Paisley, Ttvcrton, invermay, ifan- over, Horning s Mille. Belgrave, Allen - ford, Shaffa, Harmony and Salem. He is mutyivexl by • widow and one daughter. Death of Hugh J. Ratnsay, Walton. After a brief but revere illnsss, Hugh J. Ramsay peened away at Wal- ton on Thursday evening, November Bed. Two weeks prior to hisdemi.e he was stricken with typhoid fever, which was followed i+y complications, resulting in his death. Decearsed was In his forty-third year and was horn on the 17th ranee/Aloe of Grey town- ship, where ne spent • I,irge part of his life. Six years yen be fell frau Mr. dison made all sound reproducing instrum nts possible but he p , fected the EdisOr1 Onograp l EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS SOLD BY JAS. F. THOMSON, Goderich rat ► VON LIMITED. wo Minute Talks About NDORA RANGE for Goal or Wood • Polite Conversation. Pa—"You do u lot of useleas talk- ing. Little Maud—"Well, don't you r Pa—"Ob, yet; i often tell you to shut up." She Flew Alt Right. "Mamma, do all angelsfly1" "Yes, Willie. Why do you ask ?" "'Cause 1'•T►tfar•d dad call the hired girl al angel the other fly, tool"— Chicago lieco rd-Herbbill e ald Direction. The Cop escorting Jaggs home) - "Are there any distinguishing tna'•ke on your house. air ?" Jaggy --"flute! honk for the one with the haggesh mortgage plashtered on IL" - A Fatal Attempt. On the streets of Richmond. Va.. George Washington •laekson appeared one morning with a chameleon pinned to the Inpel of his light brown coat. A friend stopped to ask him What he was wearing. "Don't you know whet diehyuh is?" (Ineatio ned GPrerre Washington Jack mon, with acorn. "Why, die hyuh is a chnntellon. "What does he do?" ingnired the other darky. "He tuns any eolith what you pnt him on. Deep him on pink (+bawl, an' he tn'ne pine. Drap him on a green hat an' he tuna green." "Do tall p" exclaimed the friend. "I win' newish !earn tel nh sloth a hog." tulm•dn I'wit him on on alaS-M A protrril}'. "t mit plaid de saheb day, an' he }s.ss itp an' Isom Memel( to pieces("—Popular Mage - sine. BRAINY stove experts designed the Pandora Range. They introduced a new system of flue construction so that the draft for cooking would also be the draft for baking. With the Pandora you can have the kettles boiling over every pot hole at the same time the oven is bak- ing pies and roasting beef. Just think of the time that this perfect system of flue construction will save for you when you're hurry- ing to get a big dinner ready. Just think how much fuel the Pandor' will save for you by doing the baking and cooking at the same time. And remember. no other range has this perfect system of flue -construction. Send for the Pandora booklet- it tells of other conveniences designed by our brainy stove experts. TORONTO DAILY STAR SPORTING NEWS The sporting pages of The Star are conducted by sporting trews writers who are right in the game—men active in athletic circles—so that it is not any wonder that reported sporting ev ts—no matter where they are held—are most reliable— ne y --,-and the fullest you will find in any Canadian paper. he Star sporting news is always readably written—and you will (ways find it fair to everybody. u will enjoy reading The Daily Star sporting columns and there is many a timely illustration that gives an added interest. Subscribe now and take advantage of our special rate of $1.50 a Year This paper and the Toronto Daily Star together for $2.20 to McClarys Stands for Guaranteed Quality ,, - London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg Aimpargirwampaggoom V.+nrouver, St. John. N B , Hamilton, (Aileen, For sale by The Howell Hardware Co., Limited 111 •' `. TitAiDEr-MARK A LAXATIVE CURE FOR '"LAG e P, P COUGHHS.f ei i,, ACHE }AID NEURALGIA leaves you feeling right- \4'e couldn't a recommendipg the wrong thing—hut we will not disappoint you. 2k. buys a box. Anything you p will give you buy entire with the Name satisfaction. Sold and guaranteed by F. J $UTLAND, 5. li. HiCK, H. C. DUNLOP, E. R. WIGLB GODERICH Ire is inethin that ill co 1 cold in a ay and night," is what we say in sbdw•ing Laxa- cold to those whb. ask for something of tint soil. Laxacold works on hi new principle—it drives the cold out of the hem—dor y . merelyemother$tit temporarit}t to have it reappear a day or so later, as some other prep- arations do It never nau- seates and does not cause ringing of the ears, for it con- tains no quinine. It simply ?Sieves your system and fford to risk our reputation by know all about Laxacoid; it MI . S CAMERON"ep':"•.;l"` I - has secured a ehoiee lection of the very latest styles in Millinery and will be pleased to show them to the ladies of Goderich and vicinity at her show rooms, Hamilton street. The most approved effects in .hopes and trim- mings for the season are sostireil to Miss Cameron's • customers The ladies PAW invited to call at their cnn- venienee. MISS CAMERON, • Hamilton Street, Goderieh DISPENSING The greatest care is taken in dispensing at this store. The purest drugs are used, and yyeu may biting your prescription here with the greatest confldene that it will receive proper attention. TOILET ARTlOLEa• We make a specialty of these, and can supply you with the latest and hest goods. H. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South Side :quare, — Go de rich A 4'