HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-17, Page 6• THUIIsDAY, SovitNREN 17, 1(ak) THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO Alk "BACK TO TME FARM" XII. -Rural Education-Sec- ondary ducation-Sec- on dga�ry�w MUMMY. }� �/ By C.. V . G1P 1V ©W U.. ICopyrtght,- 7910, by American Frees Anse - elation.] IN the past the 37 per cent of the rural bays and girls who never attended college have scarcely received their share of attention. The college bas been developing lead- ers, but the rank and file have been neglected. Only recently has the need of industrial eddeatlon for the great Mass of the people been recognized. Now that the necessity is seen steps are belie; taken to meet it. It was tborght at first that the country boy could obtain alltheeeducatlon he need- ed In a city high school. That idea 11 fast being outgrown. The city high, • school was not created to meet the state. Jllnuesuta and Nebraska have schools sit agriculture la connection with their agrlculturul colleges. Thom sire doing good work., but they are ,rc'achbng ouly a atnall proportion of the farm boys and girls. One such eehool to a state isnot enough. The Ideal secondary school 1s Nested awny from the heart of the city. It has • liberal piece of land in connec- tion with It. To be successful it must be eurrouudtd by enough of • farm to give It n rural flavor. As a rule these secondary schools are doing their work well. They have rutb. , tersely cut nut the classics and the dead languages. They have substituted studios that help to fit the boys and girls for life on the farm. A large share of the study of books is done away with and this study o1 living things substituted. The schools an well equipped antis laboratories. The stndent . Rorke with corn, scoring, placing and testing. Judging corn is THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Lew. er, Chicago Hil•her-Live Stock • --Latest Quotation,. S,, • ,, :, .Voll. t,. 1.0vrp,.,. c, • . , • •-• t 1,,' ,, t4 -der ►,., 1„ corn fe- loafed Gael .,.,, .1• i„ , n,1 . • et '.:,1 s, d to -,tar bar l i•Lv.r 2Io 1. .•.„ .•,o'nr corn, ,unchanrv'd, a:n.. iw .uJ., c •i:.l fintha,g. to Winnirr, optie>:ts. At• Al'iu(•II r \oc• ":b.r tlheat-Ffoeed t... I iehrt u..1. Saturday . November tate Itwer. N'twat - NO,en,lrr- 1Cc, 1AN:emler 1010e, M.Iy stray. fiat e-Notrmtier Sir, Lset;otnber ' a) Moo. ' . Toronto ..rain Market. Wt ot, buenel 1080 to la•• Wheat, goose: bash • 005 .... Buckwheat. bushel 061 .... 153 e, hushes • • 70 lnu-ley, buxhol 000 011 Pea,,bushel o 70 0 to • wit, buehi•t , e S`! ' .• 0 tl Toronto Dairy -Marks'. as fascinating, a genie as -ever a boy Sutter. separator, dairy, Ib. o a1 0 d engaged h., Veen more interesting Is Hutto,. sloe.• lots o 21 •'! the stork judging, Buttes, ereafnery, lb. rolls„ o :9i 0 et Hutto,. creamey, solids ,..,( ., ..,. Few of the schools can fQQrd to Egg' hewah,UI u a: et: ir1211 ••00 25e 12 10 12 15 ' keep a complete line of lire stock.-tlI4.e'gIb. '. tog otters,* ear, but neighborlug farmers are always IItseyromh.. dieien ready to supply the deficleucy. Then titoue>• l7trartetl 11) there lire the muc•hinery laboratorles, New Yerk Dairy Market. where the toys •denrn some of the NEW 1 o:J., Noe. 14. - r:uticr-rtrn:; r , , rennets. MGs•. r.tanu,ry, sp.."11r. :C5 ex- �'mp er 1'r n •spies of me; hanir•s as sp.. tris, ait.t; third t.• Onset Jk b. roti: ,ream- pllerl fes farm �machtaery. It puts a h ttL m.s.nAe xrw.i•d ^* tt •s•:4.e• N-t•ry. � boy eu kis mettle to be turned loos• slate than, corn to !Inert :f, t , :!1.-: .of the cenntry toy, and it col- on a elle of castings and told to put utt.:..:re s,;enryt tie iti4r jttl.t.;:. ns ,, fsic little Mut appeals to bt1n. Web them together to forma tinder. The ten. Jon. mt.).'. first. •55.• to :1`,c: do. - intriettciet of a gasoline enclue keep ,. urrt-nt mow , �:>Y . • I (`Ate•t,f: ict..,)s; 1•erriDtR...,..1:; state: hiin.k'or!:Jri►;'•nfter hours. The study sup,, Wilk. r(eptenstr•r gbatitf•, special, :ofthe ::rewth• ofpinntatekesthe place i J t, 17• d„ ':.,%' .•otot.1 t: do. 1.. .triq1,y whirr, 1 to 1 • •r 1,. t,4n `i"� " .of the.�tuds of c'lassifled botany. The u, 7sr, ata", wl,,,l• u',,v. „ o•.' ,' 1 40,ty, ...boy' learns 1, be names of the different /West tutored, I4 .• . . '. 1 1,.. : . 'lo., r'e•41... :f,.l r.•ts• 1., 10:1 the''/ tti•,1th L+_mode r• :6..0,, I t -.7,.,..,.1:L...."1.‘ ...n. apart. '11c !Carne their habitrand the syls'uua . tend i , - 1.... . • ,. t.. f 1N•-5 -'w.0a of courbatil,. them. lie �" t.• do. .c.:., a.,. ..,, a 1:• "Hort ion of ]noes is and du . ;lath, r' t,r, r. , { ••••. et h . t: ol5ee are hartntut sad t t.:,• i t .t , , 1 , i .. r' • tea (• ltI 1:,.,... eat, tier,..: 1, "' !..-h 11,: i..1'., wj,; with llfe,'the k'nd of .i'. I•.l X. ,.2 1' - . r. h. • 'b,- !:as knotch ever slurs he- (41151.141.141., l' !. .lis'. -1 vllk-".i AT A 1.30 '..1 1 , ,. 25 tiliiL. $Cii7'..l 1.1,., it 115, 10.211 ar- ran;,,,1 • u.' c. i 4., 4,;t /,tidy lois the 8 per (011 ,.f !h •;,upfix Who wi;f go to c4,lls11o1 1e1 .., \ ue::tela 'of the other t•7 ta r' iltr•tlr 1n 1...,t coon ty &!,e 1 I h beet t /htiful to Pill. 1 t. 1 7.:. 1 ;s,ann'the lay Is• tt.ailor ski.: 00 the rte ••re.wits nothing In ) ! t, ,:t.g;th:tit 'w.ts 5`011- At 'opAt...ea`, 1)itil Ili.:•life on :u• time was 1.i^en t •l, h5 rniu 1 etc.. • n.•i'I: .1.11 art •tlitt, ,i, 1• :u Ile. ..• hi., 'lio,u: see:Wcro a help h ''rye' .1•it,,, 1114 11;it,.t-tl e:le•h• 1u1, Lin' tu.tl. l-. s"'hr t.2;,.I1 ::5l1 I 'man IsereAsf , t1 a 11.1 u• ex.,- the 1" eat R ;or 5.414 i( t,:'ar. 1 r toi- let:, ;rhos sit 1•,•• las hail, s.'..• give? by a !inciter , wit's cut tint lug h.; t at0 well ate -the tneatlott 10:•ks,E1 h i►ne and t h1'-lu•t t v one who coflidh t draw aetrt .r:.sill,-.14th ire The wtiret pt,t.. of the (lgh -hoof from Ibt• 1:trio boy's matt', 144 11115 UP.. tittilnde toward 00 ;u 1'nerdl and farm work t peril •u'•'r. The blips mid girl'- , e.en.•nuraged to pro. pare for ego fol,order .5 hat they ini;iht r through life more east tht perhaps they *2r1' slut told NO PO 111411) 421utd5. The`tetschcrs tutk- of the tams :t a g, dace to co cviue fronsperhaps, but- rricsl the idea that farming was not worthy callh,1 for it boy silt it ugii'ltion.\Every- thing he heard or learned pointed away .,from the felon and 10wanlAlio city. Not only was the farm boy de• pled any knowledge of the farm, bet be wits tnnght to sae the bright side of every other vatting nod the dark side of Id. own. It watt little wonder that he left the furtu at the end of his high school course. The high who'd.; are coming to pay really more respect to the 97leer cent of their pulr.ls. They are realizing the truth of the stateihent that the esuca• Chill which tucreased a buy's wants without lucre:(sing his earning capne4 ty is n failure. Courses lu carpentry, shop work and mechanics have been. put In. Tho whole attitude of the h igh school Is chaugtng. and more at- tentMu is being paid to prelalrlug etch dents for life than to preparing them for college. The studeuts are being- taught eing 'taught That It Is an honor to wort with their bands. The girl. are'helua tspght domestic science and home woe nomlcs. In sheet, the high school has Mien Its opltortuni:y and is grasping It. In all this deeelupuieut the coutttis boy has been left out. The atnle»• pheee of the high Scheel is still these of ttto city. A few have attempted to' tach agriculture, and motile have ono• 4'e(d(ed. It .s berontc plain, h..weve., (bat a school located on n block of land In the heart of n city cnnuut hope to leach agriculture with the grentest degree of totems. With that r'• ;, :n don has tome the strand:lr) egrlc05- hsrel sohocd. Such echo.11i are all toe. few as yet. but .their Lumbers are :r- erea.ing rapidly no the deniand for them grows. Some are purported ny ale eountk's, some by the states one Mese privately. Rome Of the demand Rational and pre maratory arbonkt have SIM very soceeiotul In tee/rhino awl - Adhere. Georgia has eleven amulet, milikaltural schools that are doing • twat work in educating the root Air alL 11s 4 -the future dugouts et /the to Children Often Need a laxative- blit you cannot be too careful wftat you give them, 'Hush purgatives injure the bowels and pave the way for Illi -tor.( troubles. The new evacuant In NA -OR LA IVES does the work roost effectively without irritating the bowels or causing any discomfort. The children like them for they taste like candy. One of the most popular of the NA -DRU -CO preparations. tee.. boa. If your druggist has riot yet stocked them. send 25c. and we will rival them. 20 Ni:...1 Drus end Ck.auical Cooties/ .f Canada, Boned, . Iderersal• a e Air Identification Don't buy a Suit unless you know the maker -and know good of him. The nian who willies a Suit of Clothes and makes it honestly will rut his saltine.-- un. i► - 'iii these modern days of keen iherehaEs l I.illa. 'fheri's the pride that ]}lakes for prestige its eyel'V •('lois-really Sni_.: tlnil we 1tr(ttltlly 121 d'I Muth the name and the ;tet lull Uric•(` wort It. on even' 'garment of. 'enli-r' tit' Tailoring. '. .1, r .i.l &n'a14 to. know any twing. CATTLE MARKZ-TS. .t isn't he 1• learufng-the nnawen to ScSi Sint Lower en American Ex• rust I is "a'c' that has bothered Ginn , Hogs ver h•• rc,uiti s' . Iii. has changes -/.Cattle Easier.. 11 1, :'ltd tiio ('illi 'it)(n that . Y•'- Hero! !,, 1.11'4r514 Diss. :::i.'. q:',,'"55,' .\,1111 . 11 r 1 e-. is n.01 ,grid 1.!s,p( it2a'tien., it Is elms,)% 01eist _ t 14 p'r•: I1,. ter ••.1 a iib ry t t ,ttb'n 1n Ile saris of nature lt.'gfrt t r:,,t' ,I•,1 brei at 10.c to 1 'a • .',Ler thin fu ttiewaT' et man. R's. ' l'y' 11. . t 10 •life flint Ise knew, Iw. t bony \�� may n^t-Cnro- muth. about col- . 11:: tr rid- may falter fit goo- ' propuviti..ns 'gild„quat'.tnUe i'I t tee'«,n •uld5rstar;.l the i'leb of gull .fertility and crop .atl n rte cart work out the °qua - `\1, , t t 1 (1't and Nees 10 raisin_ 0 :t -e+. T :v ;':1t m ;cion of atiy f,•rla ( f 1 vile.: "..0..1 1; to t''atit poopfe is ' to rt.". -of 0411; m'1't i1 retie l them how to .live .we!!, but it will be eneve..fte 'lire..'ly 1 proportion to -the number it. r, a •h !L. he r•rofe.slnnal11ollegcs have i 1 t,•.: tri et,r lupi: s lbctr c•bea wttli Se. " I' ,u•' ere restri. ion. In_order that 'their • • •'re ••lis i_ht nal/ taPonle surer - ;�,,, 1. 1ythl1 agricultural (saneat:on I Milkers and 1 ri, rear. .1''r Aot In got :131; tr ). •51. The p.re+. ,'o1Nl.,ry-n_t'k'ltl T1•i:'•!;'r•' N v It R'- ip; - of iis, -tui : a: It.• : uu•nt.".•k l ars <• 1i;.•1, ,ate c.uit ,,. 0.40 •'I.I•-; -1, 1,. ilii .. ' .• 1 1, 2.',. Exporters. ut . •t • Mt LEAN ItROSe, Gtll)1':RICII But:here. ••r'm. : 4 , r: •••5r t • 110 ' $ Stoe;e^s and Feecers. ,.t Si I: ..,, , , 1, 1 1.2.,. In is a get enough. • teal to•ali.-n has I i..1) nhonom51ally urn, -:,if :` begone 1^ t'•;r•1't'ss .+ 'pte-1 he Iritithey want tin ten They dodge t ,::e such erio- cat ..1 the ' neral theory that it I's go..,1 ;stn, T1ie run sew fer i thew.. , tis, t la soot They can ,_s^•1 It the till '441 u ,yields 'wo by the I ,,va w ti•e been rradr, red from such a olio to 'tile farm. 't'h'ey cat 'nee It fjj'uu \the ,rowel stock .that 'taken the pre of the -bony sl•eeiniens with wbic he Inure si'nold,hare been iratiatied.ey rnn see It to the pride'ss-ith,.whlrb he keeps; tip his tenets and Dario, - Tho girl is giv(n • sliest as large 0 es in the ew•ondary "'heel as the hr•J-. ef- ie taught the art and the to•Ienee o -bomemakIA_. She gots a a,DDnxirrs TlaTflSG MILK In A DAIge LABORATOYT. truer' and miner view of life than (could be possible in a city school. ah.• hila n greeter mens(-' Of Ito reupon. sibilttli•a and a fuller nppreclntton of It. pleasnree. lyhile the first elm of the secondary agrieult„ral'echool I. to tench the boy to wring Increnecd prottts from the soe and the ;;irk to use these profits 1n t,,.,,,ttoe up it better home. Its fuse• L.0 curl• them The cultural h" ,.h• •n'',' cdllutllr'n Is not ue,ae'•ted- Ile lit eft en .utu••thing of 5 ,dtl:*:.. ,ti, ,g of bls a.: h' y,',il nu :,1•4;11 t 50 the It •'•tie,aril`' , t .mite wise .,- •/, 'h.,sacred 1,'1444:. t„1 R• M l•.lnethit't• •P! f.• on` fOf N 1 • •. t, ...ti - pits the •:a"f hotn'e,. 11,. , ,,ger' I" flee . 'h seen nod e.rnt,* hell& ter OW NI , . 1' r .• • 3pr,ngers. Veal Calves. i per Sheep arid Lalrbs. •1: . t , • a 1.. Hogs. 141 1,r,-' o. but %V. J. 7o`;nstoe buyer t rr : •r•purted reed,, tett ,rid a 0,5 mlarleet, a; 17. and s,..:„. for hot Lu. h, cars al tt.nroo tel r,. . Montreal Live Stock. 11105:11.1.A1.. Nos. N 5Spet.1415-At the H• nt11 al 1410( 1. l'fe11.11 wt,•Ri Kud Hat+• 111e,.e/VIM ul a it,' et ,.k 011* 152 'see* tui and Isis offering- o 1. rnnuale L t , : lambs, 1111 hu,;• :,n. • Ni.v. 1' were e .4100 rattle; "., 17 .lhecp 1)L Loa, and 4.2 rale.*, Abe t..• iso..rkel tht+ morhl„a , attic,, Iain• shote aid 'Meet. for Int lower wle, 5,f cattle were 1.11,,-',,, p• • It:. off - (•tr a 11,•75. AM A nr qul.e; of fol.Io'1de r 'horth- •we•t ran l: R:eere were 3415. at .,• per 3( •and Mamtnl c d. •1112 c0w'r. a,: tNtr IM' 112s.,-(11,121; tt-.•, „ hl at g•-.2:,' t0 W.V., gator-at $I 71• to- 351.: fairly g.h., al $4.26•*0 osois, fair at $10$t to t►. and the IowF. grades ai. the Way froth f.' to Ili -fir 141 lbs.' Hogg declined 11,- to ICC 1''' 150 ib.., with eSery ,n4'ratlor, of Koing .lower. 1443(21 of .aeleeted -Joy--werd3 -Joy--were made -at a.. to $7.-21.;..l(.' n,-.., weighed off ears, but they ray ... t . they wall. not pay nwre than 87,2. f, a. - •ties tor the'twlynrr of tils week, a t , - week 17 will Ye the ruling (tilt e. An agave tra. a Iran done ---1,, '31-tppet (tin' Ida latubs at IS\to 614e, and t,tue,Rr;stor:a at ;Aye to PO. whale sheep void ut arab to is per Ib. 'rile demand for cauv,+ wax Rood, and prices for choke rnL)k-fed rasa were (bin, at 55354 is per Ib. East Buffalo C la Market. EASTn(J1'VAI.O, v. 11. -.Cattle- Re. .Mete, 0000 NOW fairly active and 2.1 Iow5r; -prime steers, Mabe to N75, ship- pping, 3'1.75 to 78..A.: butcher), t(.10 to lis; bedlam, 84.50 to $50, 'ow', r•.W to 14 E; 8a.fu to Q,; stocker. and leaner,. 84.31 to .GO; clock heifers, 11.50 to H. (rash news and springers, active wad strong, Al. to *4,4. Hew) I5neit.s, 22.400,344d: slow and 1•r 1,, Ile lower, lions) and miseu, 37.!(, to •; 4Orae,,, 11.T to 3.10: ptge, is to ts.1a; rOuchn. 57 to 77.16; stage, 7< to 00.00: dairies*, 87.56 to it- 8hesp and Lambs• -Re retetw. 2•400 head; 1keen. aa'tisr and',.teady : Iambs, slow and AC lower; Iambs, 0.60 to 10.15; yearlings, 56 to was; wethera, $4. a to pia, ewe., W.75 to Al; nh•op, mused, 35 to 1t,i, New York Live Stock. N3W T01t1i, Nov. le-Beeves-Rteeipta, 4071; market, ,ready; *teem, 1421 tt'1a.4' electors, 10.7G, b(011a, 1100 to 0F; rows. 1i td •(,40; dreamed beet, allow .t 7c to lie. asjorta tomorrow, IM rattle. (1Vt'(s--14.00 Ke. a1P6; mark**. iwwer: wage, 17.50 to hi, mulls, at to 87. gnuserw. M to 11.30; w..aerne, le to W4, rnr(-,d .tags' Mow, oily Arosesd veal%•. 12.0110' to We; olWntry dressed cafes, ISO to 1ic: •esergd crater•., ate to lee. Chicago Live Stock. ' chis 'A(;t3 Nov. 14.-Cattle-RevelpU; >R•Is; mKke\ .tesAy for [.wwl /edam; embers weft'; 'beeves, 71.00 to 17.50. 7'oaii sloes, Ill to W.4o western steers, 14.N is 111./1. NOckers Mid feelers, 18.16 to 16.M; fliove find betfgra, ,fs.4 to 10.10; craven, 11.10 to fit. �la, 70,001! market went; i6 t, 10.0 to 7.10 wised, $x•11 to Sp heavy, 1'7.1. le it.1i: ,J$1 4 _to Ren' Aiwa to outgo*, k'rtp►� to 5.R; f•A Meta to VVA, Wit e( s. 17.00 to 11-f1 11Ysee a l I s --Rae 4,10. mall we ietbq 1.51 to 10.11; wosistww WA 0. K pea,Mags Ili to 11.,40; kltaesa M- w 4, SA M �. 1lesaegq 16.50 M a TEM CENTS has proved that ';here is something in a name, when it means quality TOAST D "Kellogg s is the equivalent of 'Quality ' in cereals. 1 he very limit of flavor and nourishment Kellogg's meets hunger more than half- way and it sta•;s by you to the next meal. The cost is small. The taste is great.' A PACKAGE The Signal and Weekly Globe to Jan. 1st. 25c f 1 Tht'y'11 try- to tell von other kindts are " as good ftrg " BELDING!S SPOOL SILKS But don't you believe It. nr.u(t on the kind that doesn't kink. The kind that gibes the dressmaker minimum trouble and the customer "BELDING'S." maximuut satisfaction -- - - The Belding Silk - Sewed Seam Will Stand a Bull Dog Strain. ( /INTER F0OTWEAR This season we are better prepared than ever to supply your want4 for Winter Footwear. Everything to keep your feet warm and dry - RUBBERS OVERSHOES FELT SHOES SLIPPERS OVERGAITERS LEGGINGS MOCCASINS a n d OVERSTOCKINGS That will give the best wear at the lowest possible prices. 'REPAIRING ':Downing & MacVicar The Signal to January 1st, 1912 for $1.00 Write for Het of premiums Belding, Paul & Co. Limited 74 Bay Street, TORONTO • The Signal's Clubbing List -i tie Sit nal and Toronto Weekly Globe - $I.60 The. Sign ll and Toronto Daily Globe . • . 4.5(1 .'I'heSi,s na) and Montreal Family Herald and-' Weekly Star '1•85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) . 1.85 The Signal. and Toronto Daily Star . 2.20 The Signal and Toronto Daily World . 3.50 '111. Signal .and Toronto Daily News . . . 2.35 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail a n d Empire . . 'kite Signal and Farmer•s•Advocate The Signal and Canadian Farm The Signal and Farm and Dairy Ito 2.35 150 175 I he Signal anti Winnipeg Weekly. Eree Press 16o '1•he _Siknal•and London Daily Advertiser . 290 The Signal anal London Weekly Advertiser . •16o The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition . . 3.50 Evening Edition . . , 2.90 TileSigrilal;lilts Lippincott's Magazine . 3.25 including 1'.,an,.• to Canadian The Signal. and Montreal Daily Witness . 3.50 The Signal'and Montreal Weekly' Witness ' i.85 The Signal and World Wide • -. . . . . 2.25 The Signal and Western Home Monthly • (Winnil`eg The Signal and Presbyterian The Sikrn;ll and Westminster The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster . The Signal anti Catholic Register . . The Signal and `Saturday Night (Toronto) The Signal and Busy Man's Magazine. . . The Signal. and Home Journal (Toronto) The' Signal, and Youth's Companion (Boston) . 1ncludinit postage to Comediansuttees-awes,The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) 2.70 including 1" rtagr to Canadian aubecril,erp• ;