HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-17, Page 5Trralerp. r^t ter, x1".' 'i,.
cCA L TO PIC •e 1,th:here:VI:I:at hasbeardPrete mart at all cow limen
th 1 h
Show at Clinton.
m1ua1 winter show o t the
'utility Poultry and Pet Stuck
fou is (4) beheld in the town
atop, I te.'eiuber 1411, 21 and ':,2.
clan It,n•einber 17. . Prize lista
,htainrd from the secretary.
k11, Clinton.
Wants Principal Field. •
,.iti.,N :at head of the depuu•t-
1 h;,,o;li.h and history in tee
al 11i;;1t Seh,ed at Tonntto has,
,.1; •.1 t„ In.. .1. M. Field, min•
(;.sl,• 1,11l'ullegiate Ineti tits.
...Amp! that 1 )r. Field has the
J,., ,•.:oiderntion.
,n C.,II.
Dein..'., a Well-knuw•n reel-
till- 1,+un. died suddenly this
• at Iii, home 00 Britannia
11. 1101 (5,4.41 alp lawn 11114 even-
:Lp:urutly %%1n in his weal
Thi` 11,1•i fling 10 Wits notict•tl
-,•.:,n1•.. el•lition nod lx•fnre
,n ,.,id.l 1,. suutwuutd he
;„ sir In Well.
,; 4' uupl.,'ll feels Tike a bank
h. 4145.,. He is handling a
• ,par's twotev. As cul-
t. hs. already -received
which compares well
any other. gear, in
the i.'a' tr getting out the
'late oral tax levy fur
i. SI. tilt Si. 401).
Bpi 1.•J the Vie
u . t• 1ii,n . wh
.uk•• plaee last
h •,. this di1lric
1. «�,•udition of he sky.
..4 .61<••ns were un th watch,
•i,tlrtr.l di-appointtuen Tht'
I. :,1 •Jn,.ct and the rth'e
r 111 i. I..illg iti w sit fur it a o*t
.-it •,rpt :,leave the els• 111
It, 1i1 u'etock the
..I ..• ;ear path before it.
al No:
•n p.tu'l.ts. are ,spotted this
1 r,•n-fog treatment at the
• II ,%n.. many fiieode will be
,l t. 1:,'., that she has recovered
ru[It /tins,, het recent illneecto
••i:! ,mina donations are grate-
s, kl,. 0.le,1'grJ: A Friend. $1.(11);
Llkeld, Larissa of apples ; Mts. A.
..o and \h.. Aldous, vegetables :
B• g., . homemade bread: Mrs; W.
• . .need (, nit ; A Friend, vege-
h wise ;eche-
vening was
owing to
,..nc.of Winter Fair..
Snow on the Sidewalks.
_-_ _ e peel, e w o neglect to clear t eir
Another Carnival. • k
sidewal a of snow Howe citizens are
The management of the Jubilee
roller riuk, West street, announce
that a Rrs-cd masquerade carnival will
be held in the rink on the evening of
Friday, November Ira h. Prizes to the
value of $* 23 will he aweided the
winners in the ladies' ' fancy dress,
gents' fancy cestuule, ladies' comic
costume mad gents' comic costume
competitions. it is necessary that
three should compete in each case or
no prize will be awarded. Dors will
las open at 7::A) and judging will cow=
turner one hour later. .\ special feat-,
ure of the evening's program will be -a
two-mile ruse, which will be opeu to
all amateurs. The winner w'll re-
ceive a pair of roller skates valued at
111.60: The buud wilt be in attenll-
guce to flattish the evening'. music.
Y. M. U. A. Notes.
Attention is called to the Y. M. C.
A. advertiwpmert on another page of
thinissue, •
Thu "Grey Wolf' proved to be no
terror to a Goderich audieuce and
many apps. -dative remark, have been
wade regatdiug him since bi#'arppear-
ance on Monday evening.
Tne directory wish to acknowledge
these (donation,''hien friends:' --The
Vumuu'* Institute, $24) 40); Mi is M.
Bruce. 1•,13.1)); PLS, 11)x.1 Herald. a pic-
ture • Mrs. \Vet; Proudfiiot. taldr-
corrre: Mrs. W. f.. Eliot, pictures and
book*: C. Healer, magazines.
The ladies All !ciliary intend to give
en entertainment' in the Y. M. C. A.
r.eetiion En•idty evening, November
•2Jt11, b, iening at 8 11. til. The.. pi4)-
gramwill consist of caecal and , ingot.
mental nenilwrs and :i hunioroue error
whit h swill be ;pt•rwmed by local
talent. -Admission, 1;x2.;' pupils, li)c.
Harbor Notes,
The steamer Soot Ugh liet•o unleaded
121,1ar) bushele of wheat at the Big
Mill on Monday.
't'he Kawinintiquia Was here on
pnday with a cargo of 11h,0t10
b held of wheat for the Elevator
tug Kennett. of Owen Soled,
wit ,e large C. J. Magill. of, \Vind-
sor. Al 'veil in port on Monday ,even-
ing. TIi targe was loaded with lum-
ber for la filer Brea The voyage -to
this port w prolonged considerably
by the sever- weather which prevailed
throi►gbout th trip.
The construe •'on eom�t► ire which
have the cont for.-tn� rintruc-
tion of the Big Mi elevator aft4,tbe
elevator annex bav had their work
interrupted reilertedl hy the rain and
snow dealt oafby t(t- weather wan
during the last t two w ks. At the
Big Mill elevator seventy wo feet of
the walls of the wmkho ' still re-
main, to be built. The en: •e room
has been completed and the ins is
l.ring installed and will soon be ady
for business. The roof on .the eva-
tor atrnex was completed t ay
and the machinery is being
stalled. Both cempanied are makin
a supreme effort to have the respective
elevators te* Iy to receive grain before
navigation clogs.' in about three'
i.1 Winter Fair will hey
.ecerrefelart replies 3 to 9. Prize
reap be had Irmo the secretary.
11'r -asp rh. Parliament Buildings,
nt,.. 11uon1 stockmen ehould re -
het tlwtsat the June serriun of the
tv r„1111. 11 it muff decided to offer.
:elation w ith Ode fair, a prise of
ter -Ili, teat beef animal shown
u, a'w a t e u r e*hibitor of this.
This should tend M+incr•eeee
u•IrI•-1 1h early taken by many
'n stark-gu,wers DI the Guelph
for Fair.
h of Mrs Nichard Hawley, .Jr.
1r dr.ith ,H cu11 ed;t I)elenco, N.J.,
heist S n -tuber, of Mrs. Delia P.
Hes, wife of Richard Hawley, jr.
. Naw Ie% was forme. ly a resident
ode!irh, her huahaud, who is a grin
Mts. Richard Hawley of town,
,g fie sr%,a.•1 years in thereathusg-
• herr. Th. it home of late years
leen le !Wane'', N. J., where
Basle 's death occurred as the
lit it a stroke of, paralysis, which
IP uissi her ad she was sleeping.
Dor, sl-ixt -in-haw of the deceased.
u to Introit to attend at the In -
nen( thele on the 7th inst.
)*rich Cannot Spare Them.
1 to:loin -wain in the far north
Foie -h t oil mnhi* the. nnntt►rtats
:1 pilot ntum41 of .e% en simmer re-
t ¢n1-, ,11 in a r•ow, that trrently
e•.,r1,I-in Th.• Globe• ler the title :
nose, famine : t1pe usual a tition
a•:ano.,•rre..,rt'+: *This ie not the
Y•..aateenti. B.1'. _We would give
tit ••e 1. ., nliu,•ral elaiiu if we NO
•n, Ing e. .VIto will supply. a • Iong-
t sant 6' starting a meanlnnnia1
'lie,.,(•• nn inert provincial lines f'-
nnet" Globe. The picture referred
“fir ,.f',nth.%s , and the girls be-
te to.leelerirh. It fair young men
til a n.'1. ,sot putty sharply, they
)1 l'' -e their sweethearts to the
n.n"u, soling fellows of the Paci flc
•.1•t Pars ins.•.
Kat About Hockey ?
is I,oderi• la to have a hockey team
iia winter? So tar as The Signal has
'.•n able to barn no move has peen
Ncle to organize for the coming eea-
en• The annum meeting of the On -
ale Hockey, A.eeoialion' is to be held
• Toronto ,. n Saturday 'tanning,
hen the treasurer will he present to
''sive fees and delegate`s' ctedenttab.
tittle time in to be lost In making a
are towards organization and nata-
1 estrs in the U. H. A., it the club
emotes d' ing so. There has been
"me talk to the effect that Goderich
sight join the Northern League for
his seam, het in any event decision
Meld be arrived at immediately auto
he club's intentions. With the ex -
0(1)',n of Belcher, t h e whirlwind
merpoint, it is understood that all of
art ie,ir's players will be available for
the ,coming season.
the C. P. R.'s Fleet Calendar.
The signal had the ppleasure' this
reek of acknowledging tbe courtesyof
Si! Thames Shaughnessy, president of
Herrthe inadi ti Pacon ific o (Rhlail office ors
ropy of the Company's fleet calendar
far IPII. This is not only a handsome
i10doction, but it is Mae which is cal-
culated to open vert' wide the eyes of
(hose who have not been keeping took
of what the ('. P. R. has been dping
in ir. ii
water transportation ser ace•
ecce is a picture of sixty -aver erten
resides, engaged in Ocean lake and
river sersice for the O. P. i;, Their
claws end �teBevel staffs number 1I,�4
laced in *
Ult're tend i eine would reacthe h h a if durance of
1 leis remembered that thhaft tulles. IL in e O.
pm•. owns a cl controls over 1e;a61b
asking why the town does not enforce
the bylaw he thio neglect. The fact of
the, matter as The Signal learned in
referring to the municipal statute
took at the town hall, is that the
lown•s bylaw reform only to places aa
the Squat". Elsewhere the citizens
n1. y do as they please about cleaning
u the Suuw, and the remelt this week
has been- sloppy sidewalks all over
town. If the bylaw were extended to
apply to all gc•anolithic sidewalks in
any pant of the towti'the result ought
to be touch more Natisf:tetory than
the present easygu1ng method.
Buchanan -Baker.
The home of Mr. anal Mrs. Isaac
Baker, Stay tier, Unt:,w*H the scene of a to catch the mails for Britain.
"Meaty wedding on'Pueeday afternoon. 1'1►e tithe m 1, prBritai at the
November ant, when their only daogh• 1
ter, ',•:IizaAnnetta 'Lylol,war uuitesl in county j•ul.hoe been reduced to five.
marriage to Herbert (i. Bu,•halan, of The latest arrival is Mires Aruwur; of
litrdrrich. Rey. \I r. Binders solemn. Blyth• who was pent up nom the
ized the ceretiflooy, which took place house of refuge at Cliutun to,,wnit an
under an arch ofevergreens nicely Cr- op*n!ng a_ t the London asylum for it. -
ranged in the parlor, where psalms a+ane.
and teras added to the effect. The John Petrie, of Crewe, informed The
bride was given away by her father. Signal yesterday that he had two
ShtT looked charming in it drew' of mangolds which weighed twenty-two
white silk organdy trimmed with baby pounds each.. Ile weighed tint teen
Irish lace and vali'ncletrnrs ii,aertion, 5 0(114)s that averaged_ twenty pound..
aid folds of satin seeded with pearls, Judging from this, Mr. Petrie would
and tittle vri(•fnsteneet with lilies of , not requite a very large acreage to 1111
the %alley. She carried a shower fou- lir ro rt dollar.
quer tit bridal rises and carica-. The promoters' of the eucreseful
tionr, Mien Muriel Hamill, of Tor- home feint a hicll have croon held in
onto. wits bridesmaid, wear fug a I;uderich the last two winters air get -
pretty dress of__ p le blue silk, and ting together to arrange for a ,cries of
c:u•ru)ng pink roses, while '1. 1:. siwilarfair, for this winter. The that
Easton, of Toronto assisted the' one will probably be held inleeembrr,
(roulb. Misers Chitty* and Naomi and Ur. Clark sa%r they will be -big
Baker, cousins 01 the bride. made ger and letter than ever."
daiuty'little (tower girls, being dressed The sucint given in the Uddfellows'
in ducted Swifts trimmestecarr with pink Hall last Thursday evening was a %ery
baby ribbon. They carried a large successful event. Progressive euchre
basket of pink and whirr, carmaciuns. was engaged in a, the opening num-
Thr wedding marsh ,w** played toy her of the program, there being twen-
Mies Ar villa Forester, of (lurtuley, ty-two tables. At the eon.ausiotl of
cousim of the. bride. The only none- h
t e gave t•rh•rrhwente were served
been cleared away and workmen have
commenced the reconstruction well.
.From the apparently sound condition
of the walls it is not expected thats it
will be necessary CQ rebuild mucb.of
Clinton New Era : A real estate
deal is being closed, upbetween W.
Coats, of Goderich, and J. Rands, of
town, for the•loreter's house and lots
1114 Mary street, now. occupied by G.
L. WoIker•.
Judge D,.yle was at \Vingharn last
week acting as an arbitrator between
the corporation of Wingham and cer-
tain property -owners who claimed
damages on account of the sewer pass-
ing through their property.
Postmaster Galt ask* The Signal to
remind --those who intend to send
Christmas or New Yeats gifts :u the
Old Country that they should hand
them in at the poltofflce in good time
Death of Mrs. Edward.
Citizens wre•e sur prised and shocked
to learn on Friday last that Mn. J. H.
Edward had died suddenly that morn-
ing at her h Fou Britannia read.
She had been in her ureal health until
the morning. pi evioua, when she - was
stricken with perulysis just an -she
was preparing to else for the day.
About two and a•helf e -ears ago she
suffered a stroke, and the ` second
stoke ;oupled with heart trouble of
several yeare' standing was the cause
of her demise. Deerese l'. maiden
name west Sarah Emily Cathcart.
Hhe was born in Goderich in the year
1,460 and over thirty years Ago was
uoitedin 'marriage to J. H. Edward,
who, with three sous, ii left to mourn
bar sudden demise. The son ere
Wesley (1.. of Toronto; Lincoln J., of
Detroit, and Frank W., of Chatham,
who were all home tot the funeral.
Mts. Edward also is survive4 hy a
brother and three eaters : George
i'athcart, of Toronto ; Mrs. David
Campbell, of Bradford, Penn. ; Mrs.
W. Lyons, of Bridgeport, Conn., and
Mrs. Chas. Church, of I,.og Valley,
Sask. Deceased wags faithful mem-
ber of Victoria street Methodist
church for many years, and the fun-
eral serviceon Sunday was in charge
of her pastor, Rev. Dr. Medd. The
funeral was private, the remains
being interred In, Maitland cemetery.
The pallbearers were G. M. Elliott.
J. H. Millian, D. Buchanan, Wm.
Blake, E. Mitchell and David ('lark.
The relatives have the sympathy of
the community in their bereavement.
Public School Board.
meat worn by ,the bride was a Ires.rI ,and the remainder of the evening was
crescent, the gift of the grootn• To spent in dancing.
the Initlesmaid, grdoulswan and or-
genist, the groom presented IOW pine, i The Colborne municipal telephone
while the flower girls received signet', system and the Blyth system have
ting-, After congratulations were re-' made a connect ion at -auburn ; sit that
craved all adjourned to the dining• patron,' of either of these systems will
room, where a dainty wedding dinner now have free connection- with the
was served. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan athero_ The Blyth system has lines in
left un the afternoon train for a short Hallett, West \Vawano.h and E ist
trip- ad -diene bavea_t.s..n up thein-'Vawrtnoah and connects at the east
residence in Goderich. The bride with the Brussels eyaCem.
travelled in a tailored suit of clouded , .The road leading to Saltfot•d, at the
amethyst, with velvet hat to match, `turn near the electric pole overlook -
and wore a set of mink furs. Hhe was ing the Maitland River, bee olid dawn
the recipient, of many handsome and . to some extent and 18 Still on the
costly, presents. showing the high nerve. A temporary fence has been
esteem in which she is held. The placed there to protect pedestrians.
grootn'a friends in town join in ex• -Should the roadway Continue to slide
tending congratulations to the happy' it, may he necessary to plant poles ter
couple. 1 a considerable distance . down the
Ernest Thompson Seton. 1 The Signal is in receipt of a cop). of
The illustrated lecture given on ' Joyce Messenger, a handsome lel-page
Monday evening in North street ' publication issued under the auspices
Methodist church by Ernest Thump- j of Joyce M. E. church, corner Seeley
son Seton, the.celebrated naturalist, avenue and Byron street, l'hicago,
was heard by a fair•sized audience. t for tbe dissemination of crutch news.
It differed largely from the average I The pastor of Chia church is Hey. mod.
platform lecture in the fact that it erick Munay, a former Goderich boy
onsiated'principally of a compile! ion ; who will be well remembered by
stories gathered from the epeakrt's' many of our readers.
rvations and that of hi. fellow- I The death is reported el Toronto of
Mists of the manner of life led by I William Boyd, a well-known resident
ild animals. Mr. Seton is Poe- of that city. The deceased was the
f great descriptive powers and father of Detective A. B. Boyd, of the
ptioon views thrown on the Provincial police, who in .connection
'std in making his stories with the investigation into the death
list ic. He has made a life of Lizzie Anderson has been in Gode-
rich for a considerable portion of tbe
last two months.
t he
the ate
intensely ye
study of ho •he animals live their
liven and Ice b ._peen on Wray an in-
tereetipg hunt' trip, meed with a
ek••tch book end merit. His descrip-
tions of the flight the autumn of the
wild duck and the • holink, the trail-
ing of the jack -rah , the habits of
the caribou and the t thud of com-
munication between ow moose in the
forest. were features o one of the
mon. interesting lectures ver deliv-
ered in Uoderich. The epee er's imi-
tations of the cries and cal of the
wild animals added much to t • des-
criptive value of his nar ive.
Thrirwinpt a picture on the canvas 'f a
moose slaughtered by the gun o a
hunter, Mr. Seton told of hie t•esol
made a quarter of a century ago when
he stood beside the carcass of a moose
alain'hy a hall from his own rifle. He
derided then and there that for the,
mere pleasure and ,excitement of the
moment he would not again be guilty
of Ieseening the number of such a
noble race of animals, a voN which he
has kept faithfully. Mr. Seton in his
introductory remarks referred to the
boy scout movement, of which he is an
enthusiastic ',deportee. He expressed
hie firm belief tbatiit was an excellent
method to form the character of the
boy. Organ solos by J. B. Hunter, a
duet by Mins K. Brown and J. F.
Thomson. and a cornet solo by Roy
Jones, were the opening numbers of
the program. The junior band was in
attendance and rendered several selec-
tions outside the church as the people
A meeting of the put -lie school hoard were gathering. The lecture was
was held last evenng for the trans»*teco under the auspieeeof the Y. M.
action of general business. The prin- C. A. -
cipsl'a report was received and read,
showing the number,ot boys enrolled LOCAL TOPtCB iN- BfltEF
to date for this year to be 273, lie com-
pared with 168 for 1900. The total
number of girls enrolled this pear is
3011 as compared with `274 in 1900.
This makes an aggregate enrolment of
582 for 1910 se against527 in 1900. The
average attendance of boys this year
is 244 ; in 11100 the average was 218.
This year the roll shows an average,
attendance of 278 girls as compered
with 235 in 1909. The total average.
for this year is 517, an iperease of 64
over last year. The average percent-
age of attendance for 1910 is eighty-
nine, three per cent. higher than last
year. A letter was read from Mins
Winnifred Ball in which she tendered
her r'eutrintton as teaeben ,`ties- itot.
Ston, of Walkerton, applied for a posi-
tion as teacher and the secretary - was
instructed to write accepting her ap-
plication. Miss Ball's resignation will
be accepted providing the services of
Mia Rolston coo be secured. A letter
from Architect Barclay was read, re-
garding the progress and condition of
- work at the new echoes]. After con-
sidereble diecuaton it was decided to
instruct the architect to inform Mr.
Harper that his work must be entirely
completed by the night of November
19th.' Failing to complete his work
other workmen will he secured and
of railway and sixteen hotels, ie
in n no he difficult to realise that it Is
viz:the very largest corporations
'wis' a °r14.
d• Ido Is ear.
ma taed two illk
Never pit off tail tomorrow what you can do
today. (,all at it. J. IMdham's today and
leave your order for one of those natty, mut
fortable*wsll-tallorod suite *Webb. M turning
George H. King, late of (:raven -
burst, who is taking• the position of
orgenial, at North street Methodist
church, comes highly recommended as
a teacher. He has prepared pupils for
the piano examinatioos of the Toroti-
to,College 00f title, and carries a tes-
timonial Men 1)r. F. H. Torrington
and W. E. Fairclough, of that insti-
tution, as a conscientious instructor.
He will he prepared to receive pupils
after December 1st.
Boys and Girls Home Sgppty'Co.. Elitism.. 1
Notice to , creditors-Prpudfoot, Hays R
Ia'lllonn .... .... ..... ..... .. 1
Extra Values -J. N. (•o!borne..... 4
that Keep Out the Wet -Kern t
Want Footwear -Downing& MacVicar.... R
This Bps L Ours -W. J. Muir & Co 4
Notice -0 tobrstor - 1
NIR Bale :. . Christmas -Oso. Porter t0
winter Tours ' . F. Lawrence.
Teatime Wan & 8. No. 9, Ashf5W...... 1
Ontario Provinci Fair -Jos. Kidd... ...... 1
Fan of 4luallty-D. War & Bon
Undertaking -W. J. ulr & Co.. ....... ... 3
Stylish Overcoats -W. . Prldham'•
$10 Week In Coats and S ta-Hodgen Bras. to
Position Wanted- Apply SIgsat Oras. 1
Render -The Weekly )Iun 1e
New Fruits -J. W. Vaeat er. 10
-Radiant Home" Stoves -C. C; . !)
Warmer Clothing-Camorca's . t
Store 5
Servant Wanted -Mrs Oeo. Priv.
Prime for rl.turday-P. T. Dean- . 10
Teachers Wanted -Y, x. C. A 10
Ssteat Your Chia:eases Gina Early -+W
B. Harrison 10
Balmoral cats-- F. 1C. Burdett'
Readers -F. IC. Burdett*....
raconteur! Felts-M4m Doeegb to
Nothing Old
The goode in this
store are all new, of
the latest design and'
especially selected for
Goderich. Call and
t•ee our stock of
Cut Glass, etc.
Repairing a
'specialty \\
J. S. Dav
is �hricb.���n
"uth--ide of tiqual.•,
1 i,xterich.
Now la the time to leave your order for pie- MORN. •
ore-framliW at Wilmer 'smith's, if you ire s
tending to make someone* Christmas gift of a REID.--In hflerid,o11 October 90th, to lar, and
picture. A large selection of pictures and M.s- 8 Recd, a ctrl.
other gift goods always on hand at Smithb. WURBELL--In Ooderlchi on November 17th.
Try Burdette's home-made candy.
to Mr. and Mn. Carl W orsell. • son.
Balmoral Cafe. YUUNO,-At Auburn, on November 1st, to Mr,
and Mrs. John Young. a son Ietllibornt.
Herod county council will convene
In the council chamber. Goderich. on
Tuesday. December 8th.
The Daughters of the Empire will
hold a meeting on Monday next at 4
p. m.. In the court bone,
The president of the Hoard of Trade
has been confined to bis house for a
week, and some citizens were remark-
ing thie morning that it has been a
very quiet week about town.
Alex. Powell, of Toronto, bas pur-
chased Wm. Symonds' barber shop on
Hamilton street and 1. now in posies
Mon. He has engaged the ssrvices of
Lorne Pethick, of Seafortb. to assist
Robt. Wilson has received a carload
of the well-known Gray cutters at hie
TwcataAT, Novestleita 17, 1010 d
Silk ,79art )Veed/ework
Thursday afternoon and evening
at Wilmer Smith's Art Store, East Street
Muck ie,letret ha' liven takru 111 1111.4
work by the ladies of the town, and the
11 ntia1,4111'1• of tile free 105.5-4,18; will 0.
enable le'g' 'Cs -t,• wear, proflrieney
Belding's Wash art Silks
for .74rtistic )feedlework.
Wilmer Smith, th, oderic
ELLIOTT. -1. Hayashi on October Jtkb, W lath.
aid Mn. Thomas Elliott, of Porter's Sill. a
RIMERS HORi48. ')n October 27th• at the
residence a the bride's mother. West NI.-
soart, by Rev. David Rogers father of the
�s.lmt.�,by Rev. J. Mahan Son�Is
t. )fob to m. R. Regent. B. Be.. Tor- '
onto. men of Rev. D. Rogers, Seeaforth.
FICROUSON--1' )RTRR.--At Brampton. Ont..
se November 9(b, b Rev. J. 41. Edmison,
of Kincardine. Mb* Agnes R Porter,
daughter of airs. Robert Porter, of Brsmp
tee, Sal istsr of Andrew Perim, of Ood -
rloh, t John Ferguson. M. B., Kincardine i
JOWET'^, -At "The Pant Bayaold. ea No
vewber Rh. Thoma. Richard Jotroth sped
1N gears. S menthe and tJ data.
EDWARD. --In Onded.•b, on Frady, NOv.nl
her 11th. !arab troll Cathcart, beloved
wittier J H Edward. in her 54th year.
walere --- on Hamilton street. Amy.CAMPBELL-In Uadsrlce awn.Mp, on No-
vember 4th. C.tbarine Johnston.• relict of
one who is thinking of purchasing a Meats JawN %se
Jame. ea sDbeli, aged en.
the expenses ch to Mr. Harper• tier this season should see Mr. Wil- HAwLEY. eaddsaly. at Mlanro N. J. on
This concluded
�� toe 1N1a1ne a Of the ( son's Mak November ha, Della wife of Richard
1!1111.1117. Jr.. aged a Interment at
The debris in ami around the Grated Mantle Mahican, m des, tib Isar.
Watch oar windows tor new borne- I Trunk station which was destroyed by Bum 1* i saws, Os Te , November
Bade madly,. Balmoral Cafe, are cm deals . Novembsr 8th, has
' 0
Men's section open forone hour every Watch for our competition sale which •
light, from T. 30 to 8.30.is now being inaugurated. Get your
mail orders ready.
Winter Clothing
INTER is her a t last. We c•••‘' ' 'p it away
now if weAried, so it is uj
into heavier and: warmer clothing rig'
the kind 'of weather in which you ne'
find it 'more- pleasant to spend a Litt
\vi1l be to spend it later. on in the d
to keep waiting with the belief that you are hardening yourself
to the weather," rather than to give in to the putting on of
warmer and heavier clothing.
We are now stocked up with all the necessaries to suit
any man, woman or child from head to foot for the colder
weather. When you come into this store you .do not need to
leive it until all your wants are supplied and then one delivery
to your house saves you running •to the door taking' in the
parcels from the different delivery boys, who are liable to
come ringing your bell at any hour ; and then you have the
confidence that you may return goods at any time and get
your money refunded without question. It is our guarantee of
duality and "satisfaction.
ly to get
,.his . is just
on and you will
y here now than it
'fres. Yes, it is foolish
Special Values This Week
This week we are putting on special values from every
department. Visit the store and watch for the blue cards
which read : '`Not Advertised --on sale today." There will be
e •ceptional values that will make it worth while to coni'e to
the store.
Grocery Department
All orders to our Grocery Department must be in by 9 p. m. on Saturday
nights to insure delivery. in this we would ask our customers' co-operation, as
we believe that it is nbt fair or necessary to have the delivery boys out till mid-
night delivering parcels, when they should be in their beds. Again asking your
co-operation in this movement.
Cameron's Departmental Store, Goderich