HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-17, Page 3r .1 ,,„.;.tK3 ill Irl¢R rR,',9,',tC rR."dn•M�y9:m r.+.k -tri a u•wus�•r: 't3S""lace-sl',fl Wit'";. TH11: S! NAL. 'GODERI('11 UN'I'A TmrxIO..y, NovrMMHku 17, 10111 3 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE IBEWLRFj IMITA- TIONS. Ml'1'A- '1'IONS. ,,ULD ON THE MERITS Ofi 1INIRD'S LINIMENT BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, I'.RIODICALS and • . LIBRARIES }round or repaired.. 130L1) LETTERING ' un LEATHER GOODS All orders promptly attended to on !raving them atTHE *I,;»AL,Uoderk•b. A. E. TAYLOR.' STRATFORD CIVIL EN6INEERING `' 1AVI.HAN M. KUHI'.H1't;, CIVIL and Hydraidic Ku/Pacer: Oatarlo Land Surveyor. nabs--Metenn attack. Ooderich, corner Hontr'ealstreet. Telephone IV. MEDICAL /$1R. W. F. HALLOW, Vit. B. 'IMee and re.licenva, North street, llod.'ikh.' owl of rowdy Registry office.. Telephony E.1 'LEGAL l)Itut'htvuT. HAN'S A klLl.oIt• AN. born -tar., .014 iter, rbtaste.. ,.:Lac, rat, twills 141 e,r,t'•e. I...! -t side �.4umre. Uodr•tith. a.; •11•1111C1404fl. K.41'.. R. -t... HAY'S. J. 1.. K I LI,oB.t Si. PlRt� lf_l'ANEN. K, U.. HAItftiS- . 1'F.R, solicitor. notary public, oaleer'- H.n.dtun 'Street. t.idvrtrh, third dwr Trow $quare. 1 iHAKLti84JAltllulV, LLB:. BAB- A._ Met ER, atter r t)-, 7u. tenor, Plc 1 ,dc. se. I. batty U. It to to lovietit 11n4;.•- 0. JOIINsl'O> HAIRRIS1 Eft . sottifor, rurntulntuurr. sotaty I�ut.lic unites- )/gnu k t on ,meet. blurb; ra a ,(h.1.. - INSURANCE. LOANS, ETC. �f1KI1.L0,A N'LTUAL FiRE IN - ll Al i:ANI t 1'O: -farm and 1.u:.ud ,. s;undly u.stuuL on41 cr.- J. 1a. McLean. )'r.... Seel, r t h Ja. tunholy, 'ler-Ili.,.. l;ul. nein I'. 1): inotio. It. true., oe•c.-lata... ceufurrh 1'. t,. / )1t.ctors-atto. 1 Lo-oc)- e.aforth.;-Joon 0.4.netc, wh.tl.1.gt: licorice Irate, ",v,fort 1.; Jo4u iirunewea. breathe gent Jaen-' EV", Is.. II 411/04 ; John With Haritak ; Malay' 114 F.Mrn, 111Ia•ehrld, r AK.,ds:J, W. leu,lfolme..ah{e: :tmi'h. ; .44,4, l wun.h,g., )at thine f.. RI ••..I), reafu:,*4. Many "Jere con p..3 o ar •-gp•nw .nu get 1 raid. MPelpted.a To a Htown•s, thriven. or at K. H. ('ant.. . orris •1 v. eiun.wm.twat tlodcrlch. 4)(A) I'ILIVATt: Flo NUM TO Ill Iota. APnly4o F.Ip). 44..tn•4or; 11ato ton -trvet Uageri*h, - ROHEIRTSO\. • IN1+Cit(N('1 AGENT. FIN I. Aafl, L1u11 MING; Hlitl.lt, Cangdlaa anti Ant'1,lean, (' IUk'4t, hlC1NW 41411 F.ArinriiK'' 1.IAat1.. •! rev : he Ocean Accident and 'Guarantee urporetlon. Limited, of Loudon. F:nit, Ful` 1ATv ANI. HtANA4Ter.. )tis' Da : The 1-•.:t. Fidelity, and livarantee l'ompany. Other at 1-er,oe, northeast ,r.rner.of Vie and b Resits streets. 'I'hone 176 JOHN URAIGIE, L!PE, FiRE abd accident Insurance. Agent for to Mill f • llama she stock companies, ln.urane in nil mc- effected oh Ler: plans and at lover -t rates. .-all .t other. rouser West etreet stud bglwrc or adduces J. W. I;RAJUIK, Uodert.h, Uu;. tele .hone Ye QUEBEC'S DEBT TO BRITAIN, La Patric Reads the Nationalists a Severe Lecture. It must not be illugined that whole body of French - Genal' ns i. Oen over to Nall 101:1141i4111. me • of the Freuch•Uanadien journals are very Outspoken to their condenleett.ion of the I)murassa party. La Petrie, a Lib real paper that cirealittes very widely, In' Quebec, makes the following em- phatic utterance : No electiuu has made en much ink run as that in Drummond and .lrtha- baseavilh'. If tha.Engli.h j owlish of the other Provinces sometimes ray offetl,ive things we need nut believe that we in this Province are exempt festa the same Peep .)ach, For exmple, here is what we read in the hast nmol►►•►• of The Arthab'tsk,l Gazette, which the defeat of the Alin- iaterial candidate plunges into a de- lirious joy : '• Should we_ hese it at e between France and Canada, We Fremch=l'ana- dien.s, if the interests of our country Were involved? Never! " Why should the Englieh•t'ana- diens dufor England what the French - (leviathans would refuse to do for France %"• We ask of our readers and of all sensible men : whit has Frauee to do with this quest inll? 1Ve love our ancient mothereounity because she has given us life. .Hdt what political ties hat*• We with her? What allegiance du we awe to France ? Out mother country is Great Bri- tain, whose flag protects am liberties. It is frim Kogl.•ud thiel we derive the conal itutiunial instil talons so br.14,1 and to Iila•ral thkt govern UR. We are the subjects e,f •hi+ Beitannie San -sty iii fuel Ili th acts drum C:unille, ' the second ant from Jeanne D'Ale a aeries of characters in which the rnha:dt is pre-eminent throughout the civilized world and which give her a range to encoucpoes the m4.trl•Iy art in which Lite shiest critics of the world ray no Ianguege c,tn 'e.xpr4Ns her perfect' . Ilex recent arrival in New York and its attendant deinupatratIon, and also [bat a' Chicago, have never teem equalle.l s tc.• I,y.4to t;evelt's return from Soul h Att ice, ThePrises for the London eny,age• Ment 31 *1 fur the lower Hoar and Ht flbalue cony rowssin thend halconp, b41*nce 01 re2 egtlIeiy' tw'cl ve+l $1. i The sale of seats will Open at the box office of 1bp Osamu °piers House 31ou• d44y, November 2l, at 0 a. 'lis. !f you wooed keep p your loots beyond olden will take prrcetlenrr whro their natural limit praetice self coo- ties. oo- tu • np..nied-by pillar or express trol. Nothing so quickly wrecks the ere old* rttalutte) adds 'ud cavo+- nerves, hence tike looks. as letting one - ties for return payable lo. the self go. trea4urer Grand Opera Hulr.e it may be eerier to fiy Into a rage at I.,ndon. The ctrta4n will rise *17,13 o'clock. trlvlallUes, to pucker the fare with Milady's Mirror worry or to shake with fear, but the CAUSES SICKNESS. woman with regard for keeping young learns to quell these emotions in the Interest of nervous babe. Good Health Impossible with a Dis- Have you ever .topped to consider ordered Stomach. what unchecked anger takes out of There is nothing that hill create you? Leaving consideration for your sickness or cause more t1,lil,l0 than a victim or a regard for conventions out disordered' stomach, and many people oe the queetlon, "getting mad" weak - daily contract beI'Im14 mlaLtdir4 eiutpl)• ens one physically and mentally, and through disregard or abuse of the penes stf$er. stomach. We urge everyone suffering from any stomach derangeument,. indigoes tion or dyspepsia, whether *cute or chtntiie, to try Retrial! Dyspepsia Tale lets. with the dl'lin••t uudevetandiog that we will refund their money wit h• out question or frrrrualiCy, 11 after reasonable err of )hie mrdlci-e they see not satuft.d •a11h the 1eeults. We recommend them to sur oust (:twat Britain has the right to de' core: every d..)•, and have yet to heel. of, Berth and dt'.trut•tI,e of nervous force. Wand -bulimia and sueeor from het env ' 'who Ise no t been benefited The woman who (lyes In n tremor of colonies -•••Irian Auldrelia, New Zea- IT then'. Thc Thee mz:. 'tte-. rate and fear. , getting Into en equal panic land, New loundland and Canada. $I.tin it hoz. 5..1d in Bohlen ieh only s' whether elm sees a mouse ora mar- P1'4111e• t•anout:• dteanl of chi uling "he st.,,.',-1'I, He;all Blanes He 4' derl•r, who Ines awake half the night• from us the treat sacsite e. Dunlop, stilth'Idr.of Squat' listening for poseihle marauders, who And wbrn'l'hr-flrrhalw+lka (Lizette - - I, gets pleasure In nothing through her. demands •whv the EIgli.h-(`:ttiediaus FARMERS MEET AT SEAFORTH insensate fear nr horse, motor, canoe should de for England tv h a l the I • or smelt. Is the Wonuut teen trill sown French-l'snudians wool;