HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-17, Page 1Fine printiijg The Signal Job Depeu•t- u4ent makes a specialty of line commercial print- ing. Ertiulates(urn:shed on any claw of work. (anality of work guar- anteed. SIXTY THIRD YIIalt -Na 392, FINANCIAL Oepitall, Rfiesstt t3,d44Undivided Pro,14( Total Assets over $44.000,000. I. No MAN REMAINS NOW who saves every week, or month, or year, a OF CANADA � certain amount, n u KATAWU$HED 1865 ' I matter how small. Few ever get rich without doing so. - , The Savings Department of this Bank provides a safe place for, your savings teraccumulate; and grow with the interest which ;s added half -yearly. -$l.00 or upward is enlwugh for the first deposit. Money may be. withdrawn whenever you need it. Goderich ¢ranch, W. L. HORTON.,• Matttger. ALL f'l NM OWiNO . to oak Johnston ire asked to Worn and a With Mr. MOW. All W b. by the Met of the ear. JOHNSTON. :S IIlF: GODERICH RURAL 'PELF:- PI1..Nkco:. LIMITIfU: 7'he annual general meeting for the •herr• bolder. of the 4loder►eh Rural Telelphone torn prey, Limited. will be held at 11. Hoard of Thor rooms, over the triton think. In the town of (loderieb. Ontario, ow Wedeesdry, the 21i,1 day of Nos ember. IUs•at the hour of 3:30•uclock p. in., for the follow Ina porpoise.. • 1Wnel} : t K.rloiring.tatcmcntof the iilJr. .1 the t o:many. • Transacting general bu.ineei of the COW- -- phu- -=t bylaw--ret4,or4.Mer r�+alr4Mi► taw- for the t++ire of .upekruent•ary tellers mitt. rot'u,errwing the capital .tock of Uelbgi• tat :y to 0lS,010. • • ANDRE:11' 1'O1.Ti:IL st•A. . Secretary. C GUNIJI{Y S �I Livery,1 ,Cad and BUSs Stables TJIli RED BARN S/ South Street, (. d..rjch f All our Rig. are New. 'Ruses ll meet all Ti•rina and HLeaSMOye..� P:if *4lentlen given /To < calls limn private res Phone No. 50. J ( 1484..K AND SHINGLES All kinds of roogh lomher in sued: at the New Luwtwr Pard. next to Kensington Furniture F'attory, opposite G.T.R. track. Orders tilled at short notice. 1 New Brunswick Cedar S hi n les-1�rkin brand- the beet l on the market. t JAS. DEAN & CO. lettere 'nnE No. lax l SITUATIONS VACANT. itulatt GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : NOVEMBER 1. 1. 1910 GODERICH MARKETS. THURSDAY, Nov. 17th. Fall wheat, ler limits THURSDAY, 411 l0 I o rill Spring p wheat. per Durk... .. 00 10 4 B4 Rye, bush• 0 14 to 0 W Budtwhewt, per bush 0 45 to 0 M New Vat, per bushel. ... 0 Jt 10 0 SI fold Oats• per buih.. ........ 0 M1 to .) pr Pend, per hn.h 0 83 to 0 W. HarluY. per brae 0 4s to 0 So t reeuing,r, per ton.,...n• 1 10 00 to 1 0 u1 Flour, farully, percwt .,.... Y 7.4 10 7. Flour. patent, per cwt '". 3 110 -S !YI Bran, per ton • !I 00 to -3 00 81,ptts, psi -fon !7 00 b Vii 1y1 Hay, per ton • 000 10 1. 0IU Basi per card S fp t0 0 Irl Sutter. per Ib ,a.......: 0 1r. to 0 2( Cheese, per Ib 0 IS to 0 lb t1;tj' . fre.h, per dna u yf to s 910. New l+otato.., per bu.hel... .:0 to '1 4.1 Cao le. ord,n y to Raid. per nett4 in to a .r_. • lf'Iat1Je, export, per cwt S :Y0 to 11 Y5 11Drtng Lambs 1 - 4.15 10 NISI Nhheeetallo per cwt J W to 4 b) Hideo, per Ib 1(S to a 00 Hider; per cwt „ . s 00 to 700 skive (:4tt en+ ........,. s .lo (0 m Turkey- �• '4 42 .0 14 • -- - _ it to tt AUCTION SALES. - WANTED.-IIIRL 1VISHES 511:11'- ATION at hon•tdiyork. Apply et Nlh•- NALOFF'ItE. • lE N7'HAL TELEGRAPH, SCHOOL, 1 Yong. and (}en std Street.. Tdpronto, often uueuelled f•cilitiew for trainln young m, a 1n railway agent'. work. Including Telegraph *petal Init. Free catalogue explains. • \RINhAV., Nos ember L1. --Auction sale of farI. '(o.k and Implement*, eom ening at t oclock .harp;•the property of Wm. 11. 1lLNi.. lot Id. oodeew.loo 1 West Wawano..h. 1 motors Ot.:OM v. a,,ctioueer. \Vgh!Bro.ay. Nov. lard. - Auction .ale of a earlead of choice witch now* wad heifer., cm - mewing at I:e) o'clock sharp. at the red barn, (loder4ch:. the property of S. E. Mettle. Tow to (;VNI,RY. auctioneer. From a Chicago Subscriber. ' "Please And enelocetd postal money order for one years payment for The signal. 1 would not be without it:" HOUR AND GIRLS. WE GIVE h You a wood earners with complete out tit, or a •ilve _mounted fountain pro. for .ening 21 packages of ennrt plaster for 0. at lir. each. HOSIE SUPPLY t 'V.. Hot Klaa)ra. 041. fp F:ACIIER WANTED. -- FOIt .shoal -ratios 'NSA A=KaeJd, rat t Pilt. Duties ies 10 col,lmence-- e re.. WM. L.1NNAN, eecratory, Laois P. fb t. • 25.11..- �, * 1NTED. A GOOD GENERA,:,: servent. at once. Amoy to Mee., 0E0. PRICK. Warerloo +trust. VOTERS' LIST COURT. TOWN OF OODERiCH. Notice is hereby given that it Cgnrt %%JR be held. pursuant to the Ontario Votanr t.l+ts Art. by His Honor *1. Judge of the Coony the eve ut tM it de rarture for lisle• ('hurt of the roomy M Hunan, at. hi. chamber. ) 40ert11o40a.43tRl.:r5ch,na Teesday,jI. rich. where Mr. it.on is to become of N_nveaape r. 1810, at In noloek e. m.. pastor r mux ibiiieh to hear and determine complaint. re error., anretiring d omission., in the Voter,' 1.4'1 of the tenni- Hey. Flpalay of the town othnderich for 1011i. pastor ot Zion church, and Mrs.. Ross Dated atUoderteh this' 7th der of November. were each presented with a Dune laud 1914 L. 1. KNOX, an raddtres ata I . r (nesting of the 24tt. Clerk to the Town of Roderick. rot congregati•.n beta last nigbt ip the lecture room KNOX'S NEW PASTOR Lament), on behalf of . the laity, tea i- ePLAN FOR • (fled to the valuable services rendered the congregation by 11 r. Roar, and to the warm place be and hi.' wife; held in the hearts -of the people. , Mrs. S. Senderon on trhalf of the! Ladies' Aid presented to Mos Ross an addreba and purer ezpreseing their,PURCHASE OF McIVOR PROPERTY bigb ieghtd and their :egret at aepar- STEP IN RIGHT DIRECTION. et tap INDUCTION Tell TAKE PLACE TUES- . DAY EVENING. The Charlottetown Congregation Parts with Rev. Geo. E. Ross with Much Regret Many Testimonials of Ap- preciation on Eve of Hts Depart- ure. The induction of Rev. Geo. E. Ross into.the pastorate of Knox church is to take place on Tuesday evening next. the 22nd inst.,at 7;30 p. in. The moderator ot session. Rev. Jas. Ham- ilton, is to preside ; Rev. W. Richard- son, of Kippen, is to preach ;'Rev. J. L. -Stain!, of Blyth, is to address the minister, nnd' Hey. F. H. eLarkiu, of Seaforth. is to address the congrega- t ion. The ladies of the congregation ar- arranging for • teieption to be held it the conclusion ot the ioductlou pro- ceedings. Rev. Mr. Roes is expected to arrive iu liodetich on Saturday. On Sunday he will prewc t to Rev. .las. !lentil - ton's congregations in Union *nd Lee. burn churches while Mr. Hamilton _will occupy lbs pulpit of Knox chuij•h, 'fbr Mburlot4etowo Patriot of Fri- day, November lith, gives the follow- ing account of the farewell tendered Rev. Oro. E. Roes and his family. on ,!'ANTED. -A (i0O13_ GENERAL. KI a'aelf. Apply befpIr Pia. in. lllui. A e..hA]ItlLK, Wal/igloorat, 'A:"TE1).- A Ria' PRESKNTATI I'E fur county of Huron. A permanent po.I. Don end sad�rdue territory fur the rtmhr man. siIONE at vt-ELL/NI:TOIN, Nurserymen. Tor onto. 4.4t GIt NTS %VANTH! I FOR TWO rw 111.ee. Apply for particular. to THE .'iTRlf'A1. BEAN. ('11k'4I1l Al. CO.. t. ' t Dept W A.. tx \I6tM strata, Vltawa. Ont. aai les fl'E,1('HEK W-1NTED- FOlt S. S. IS. No. .. t- Aaa41. for the year 1911• Udtlesh to eew,0.er- artier New Year's. urate salary and experiene" Apply to J. O. Mc UO1D, Mer. Tres.., 1'r.•we. • ie-tf AUCTION 'JF .t r \$Ln t U OF (lance SALE aasmimmomiggi 100 I non r t tE ►.1 LMORA L CAFE , Best place in town for llomermade Candy, ,, ('onfectionery of all kinds ice Cream, Sodas, etc. r O1 3TEEI»_ • i{rceived . fteah three or four timed( week, - 11'e inteDdf 10 keep the Rel. moral to the froilte0 Goderich. !.1111' patronage Boil .ited. • ■ F. E. til' iini+rf: THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA IIMAD(P/Ica Tono'T., i ttoalzen OMIT 41. • e1.Uli,hu I'(ORPORATKD BY SPECIAL ACT OF DOMiNiON PARLIAMENT TOltKc7:1v4. DEPOSI3+ -To oeommodate the Farmers we haveeopened Branches in the DUff NGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the Feature sate NOTES DISCOUNTED . mRhest current rate of interPet id 1AVINO�R inour r RADEPART- MENT on deposits of $11.Ofland upwards. GODERICH BRANCH, A. 0.OAMMLS, Haaaser, NI I LC I I COWS and HEIFEI{S 5111 N. 11 ' w _ by 1 E. Hot � 1 111 sell e al (i 'N 1 ppubli *erten. at L. I RY HRllll. STA HI. KI-. THE RED RAHN, GODERICH. ODER i fi. 'WEI)NESUAl • Nt)\-ENIIi*1 ll 23rd ' commencing at 13.0 o clock +harp : - A Ant -:lass lot of Cows., oonel+llrlg of tirade thitherto-, .Hol.teine. Ayr .hire+ and .Jrr-ry•. „ good number of which ase winter milker•: and three CIfu row t'ow-. Tt c,e ('ow. hare rarDdly selecrud and arc a right gond Int. in good coudttion, and-W111 certainly pay a good profit to anyone buyingthem nee. There will also be .old at the .sine tune a lair of good Marc.. .upprra to be In (oat, t horoughly kind and good works r.: one general put prise Horse. two good Cntt-re and' fifty Horse Blanket-. The.e are trkeelle: s -stiletto and a good lot : - TF:RMN. -- Ten months' reedit on furnishing approved joint note... bears me Interest at ave per cent. per a0hwm. P. K. HRAI)1•, THOS. (UNDRY. Prop,le's,. Auctioneer. FOR SALE OR TO RENT OFII'ES TO RENT (►N NORTH F .tree:. lately oceupisd by J. 1.. Killoran and Andrew Porter. apply to J.1'. BROWN- :1•tf LI(H'SE FOR SALE' - A TWO. I1 I+TORY brick hotter. with -even room. JO Bruce street. Particulars tali be had :by Ilneat SIGNAL °Mee. 53-11 3lurdl.cb McLeod, secretory ..f the trustees, presided. After a well ren- F1ORSAI.E,-FIVE ACHES, 11 EST derrd vocal solo by Mrs. S. C. More,. 11 side hayabld road. beliseen Hrltaunia David Schurman, elder,' read lite fol. re.id a, d /asawt st swat n. s al of lhk 4iowin address, and presented Mr. hind s iltabk for market garden. small frnlr+, R etc. Stay +ell In two parts of two and one hilt Rose with a well-filled purse. sten.. each. For prier and tern,. write H. .1. To hey. 4*eoricr t . Rew•. JORDAN. 17:1 W nd.or Ave.. Windsor, Ont. Pastor of Zion church. I'Mu tut tetown. 1'. E. 1. OWN PItGPEItT Etna MALE -- Dear sir, -ns the time 1sdnwingnear .when the plea -rut and. we true!. mutually proht..ble eonuernon which ha. bound d,. together as p ..to - Mud people during the meat four Years 1+ to lir dt.-ol%ed. we take *h1. uptortenity of ex. re..u. tyou our e 0Unfeigned regret that this V Ktg are ) - sereneshould . e r ,Lo t W tette piney. butt we have, how. ever• (hl. a..en,ncv the*. while all earthly tier All the Protestant rler(ttnhen ..f the rily (excepting Itev. Mr. Iuhowa,. who was out of town I were present and ell paid well deserted tribute to the u . j w rth and worm of Al . Roes and hie ,'rtuuable wife. A nutetier of the lay- men heartily supported the clergy in t heir cernmendatiun. A BARGAIN As an retie jnduce- Illent to new Kubecribete The Signa) will Lr tient from now to let January, MUl'le for the price of a rar'ssubacription, SI 00. NOW is tbe time to send in your name and your doll,4r. THE !RONAL PRINTLYO CO., Ltd., Pt/wanes. )Ir, ,Itev.i George E. sass. t*.•..t Town Should •Ac uire Property Along \It. -behalf- of the Iodise of Waterfront it Every Opportunity - zoom, ehnrch congregation we desire to expire. our heartfelt sorrow at your approaching de- -Looking Forward to a Grand pari ore from our congregation and our city • boring the four year. that you have resided Boulevard Along River and Lake here. you have eudeared yourself to'eSery Banks. member and adherent of the church. A. president of the i.adie+' Aid and w • member of toe Woman - Foreign M4rlooary Satiety, the l'hri-thin Endea% or and other ac Gs ale. of chun•h work you have by your tal- eats, un..eld,h devotion to duty, and rfr..ctioiu ate regard for other-. dhiplayed those qualities of heart and head that 0 tru)y exemplify the teaching. of the (treat Mater. Your leaving U. will 10 *'distinct low+ to Zion church. we have found in you one with whom It wad shyly. a great please'ro be as.oclated, and you have fulfilled the respon-oboe dut ie. of a mini -ter . wife in such a capable and Kati.rise- torylttYnner aw to merit the highe.t approval and kindly regard of all .conneete.t with the congregation. Thu.e Christian grates whish adore true womanhood are Your+ in a meoerout. degree. and fragrret T''ollretioo. of yonnrclf, your revered hr. -Maud and family will long be cher LAMS in our heart+ and ftlemur.e.. In conclusion we reyne..t you to arceVt this small but tangible expression of our lo%e and eetee tl with the sincere hope thet our Heasen- ly Father will continue to have you and your. iu HI. loving keeping and may ' Clod tow ith you till we sleet NZ lin. By Hi- coun.el guide. uphold you. \each Hi. wing+-,•c'urely fold you, God he withou till we nicer agntn. Signed!. Mr., Annie }tribe. President : Mr'. Henry 1 .flln, 'Treasurer : Mrs. 8. 1andel.ion, secretary :-Mrs. D. McInnis. Mr+. M. Allan. Mrs. John SIrLend, \D+. w. T. Hurtg.tr, Mr+. Richard Smith Mn.. Moro -see Rosa, M.+. Jas- per Pickard. Smith, -J. T. Meliee.tk. Mrs, S. Albert McDoneld. - •it. Ross in reply said that she would! ever cherish fondly the recto- lory of the happy hours she had spent inthat lottetown. - Tire meeting elntte.4hy-etaglog-"1-Irl T Howe and lot. kbiwn as the rapt, Mao - . Gregor roperty on Anglo -sea street, h.derich : fou -e 1t.' rooms. hot water heating and modern • eon%enleuee.., with One lot on Irafal r street. Will W sold jointly or separately. Hnu+e and lot on Napier stmt., 11 roots., gond re -Iden.'. db.trlct. O'1osier. at Sisttford wit 7 acres of lehtud winter apples. • Imes• properties can be had at reasonable aprior.. Apply to J. L. KILU111AN Barrister. ere. Modest h - NOTICE TO CREDITORS \OTi('E 7'O CHEDiTOHS. - IN THE M.1TTAtt OF THE tetTATE OF • EFFIE Mc1VE/l, LATE 110' THE TOWN OF GODERICH. IN THE, CI*UNTY t*F (' HCRN, MARR1EWOMAN.- OMAN,-. pE• CEASED. Notice le hereby given. purs+tant to the Re- vised Statute. of 111 0110. Chap. 1441. that all mond one. asid we know that not only a+a person. ha vingrlaim. .Raln-r fhe crate of the generous t Motion mint -ter but as a citizen of !+aid Vine McIver. who riled on the lot day of t.hartuttetuwd 1•uu carry,wuh you the gall• I Mitch. A. U, 1141.0. ger required to •rid by post. I wlll1i d re.l.ect of alt those with whom you prepaid. or deliver to the undersigned. collie. have been brought in contact. 1 ton. for Neil McIver, the administrator of the .1- we.ard'nil a hornier oa:adon. and it will mkt e.tete, on or t,efere the lath day of Pc bear retie sting here. our • onKregatiun will ' ember. 1111q their namtw end rddrr'+e+, with have reran,, to remember your work In rem l full pert iculesief t h. it .claims In writing. and no -lion with the f hoer of Recruits for the i the nature of the set ii eft les. if any, held by nmd+try. Your Influence with the young peon them duly verified by .telutry declaration. pie of the eotlgrtggUun. eopecially with the And take notice that after the said date the yomlg men. n:... tome eh fruit. and 10 the administrator will proceed to di -or butte the year. to come we -believe you and they will at.+of the said deceased among fly parties 100ti Intek un your e».pC aUun. in Zion church i entitled thereto, having regard only to the as among -t t he happy dais of your lives * Metros of • hieh they .heti then have had no- w e are eun0dent we .peak not only fou •our 1 rhos, and the adminl.trntor will not be liable se.+ion and congregation but for (0 * I're+uy- for the said asset. or .any par' thereof to any tery and synod as well, when we say your re - person or persona of whose claim notice .hall -moval from the Maritime Provinces will be a not Fare been received by him at the date of distinct. toe h, Presbyterianism in this part of ouch di.trihation. - Canada. • Da .d at linderteh, this 15th day of Novem- ber. A. It 1910. I'RO4'Dlet$IT. HAYS & K1LU►RAN, - shoe.. for Neil Melver. Adptinlatrator. Ins% be broken, -that hu O.• %loch blurt-' will still rnuan•. During your pastorate there Iris been an ad - sauce ie. esety department of our church work, The Intge congregations at public wor -hip, theexeel.ent attendance et the Sabbath .shoot. t'heist iun Endeavor. and other wdi,•ties %intim the church, and strive all t he large ad - dot un to our church membership. are the best evidence of your zeal end aWhty es a Christian ndnl.ter. The ee..ion.ofwhich you have been its re• .pected tooderator, totkee the opportunity of thanking you for your courtesy, kindness and g.'IUimanll conduct as *is presiding ofdu.•r Fiery meeting was a moat and pleasure. Few know. as we du, how much of yourself and your omens you gave to help tape nerdy end 7-7 GODERICH RURAL TELEPHONE COM PANY,-LINI1TEI) Ie. nil* • -prepared to accept subscribers along its lines now ciimpleted. IIs in the rousse of two or three weeks will be in a position to inat t --telephones along its whole system, viz„ all along the trunk line ti + tt (ODERiCli to.AU13URN, antj connec- tions, including GLEN'S HILL,11' ES'I F 1 ELD, ST. A UG USTiN E, SMITH'S HiLL or CARLOW. LOYAL, DUNOANNON, HEN. MILLER, and all alnng the Lake 'Shore Road as far north as KINTAiL, probably Amberley. All those wishing telephones Installed should= get theft' applications in at onoe. se Bret come first served. Hnbscriber+ may have central connection at (-loderich or I Blyth as they prefer. An we now have sortie one hundred telephones asked for. it is ne'cesaary that ordepa should be registered immediately, Rates -813•00 per year, payable half -yearly in advance. Apply to 'PHONE 80. ANDREW PORTER. Manager, Goderich. B, evidence of appreciation not only of ydnr murk but Uf yOUraelr, sie 'ode y011 tea110e t thla smell Oaken of our trtendshep obit u.heen, In .aying goal bye. we w•I+h you a safe journey to yut.r new Meld of tabor and -pray that lied mny mettle and prover your every work, and that you. Mr+. ituv. and yunr chil- dren may 1n1s pend to enjoy Many year. of .sent 1110o, nandnappi nee+. sngneo on us hilt of the congregation : ism. Uel ,.1111.,. B. 1. Horgan, J, A. I.,w+on, J. 1'. \Icaenzte be+ -10.1. Henrys ottln, It. Schurman, sluro,ah nu.., Ronald .aicliuuwn. UwvId Mc- 14.ul... Lliailotuaowi, Y. h. 1._ November loth, Ia1... - Rev. Mr. )toss 'spoke feelingly in re- ply., theeking the congregation fat - the generous gift and the sentiment', expressed in the address. In touching hrietly on hie four years' pastorate lit n,' referred t0 hie harmonious re- lations with the .session and to the efficient devoted work of the clerk, Mr. Huggaln. He was glad to note an admante an all the departments of church life and felt assured that - the breaking of the pastoral tie would not tend to lessen tbe activity and tutu's progress of the congretgation. • Rev. Canon Simpwu dwelt on the zeal and vigor displayed by Mr. lima in advancing the spititual Interstate' of the pa.lk�rrle. Rev. T. F. Pullet ton Ione witness to his indomitable energy and unremit- ting activity in the cause of the Master. The devoted pastor gives to his people his whole IHody, mind and heart, and Mr. Ross had proved a ',miter wottby of the name, Mr. Ful- lerton also touched on his success 1,. connection with the recruit tuove- ment abs said that in (4uderich he would have larger possibilities and greater *cope tar his eerie and abil- ity. Atte. William Harrison, Rev. T. W. Murphy. Rev. U. Mclean (of the Peoples clhtrch), Rev, Mr. Fran, Rev. J. F. Floyd, and Rev. Daniel McLean, followed with their words of farewell and expressions of esteem. Messrs. W. T. Huggan, S• A. Mc- Donald, J. T. McKenzie and J. A. arrangement" have been completed for the purchase on behalf of the town of for McIver property on the hank overlooking the harbor. The pur- ebase price is 81.131. This is a most commendable action on the part of the council, and when any tut cher opportunities occur for the securing to the corporation of_ lands fronting the lake or the river it is to be hoped that action will be as prompt and as eati.fact ory. Those who' look ahead to the future of:,his town wast see the ext l'eam de- sirability of preserving as far as pos- sibly all lands fronting on the lake and river tor the use. of the people. In time. it this policyis carried out, we may have a grand boulevard skirt- ing the lake.and river hank. in the tpeantim0,"and for all time, free ac- cess to tole hank+ should 4*secured io the people at all possible pointe, and when any further portions oi'land come in the market they ehoald, as in the case of the McIver property, be secured by the town and, preserved for {public vee._ ire wit -) .,4t tell we nter•t attain. ,' • Recently the town e.5 oe The following edit'prial reference is definitely adopted a progress ve po o mese in the ewe twos of The Patriot:along somewhat the same lines as are "The feeling of the cotttwuoity re- here suggested tor (:oder ich. After Sailing the departure of Rev. Oa.yge some Months of debate arid considera- E. Ross, B. D., pastor of Zion Prieshy. tion the council adopted a plan which trciar4 church, was w.11 exptviwed at is intended to give the town an orna- e 1 driveway and boulevard rm uta dr e s d and the social gathering of the congrega. Yalong tion and clergy of the city in the lei_ the entire waterfront. The a hole Lure room last evening. The work work is not to be done. at present, but the plaits are to he turned over a 1 Isr i A b) 'B e that -Ir. lif has a.c h bed here �1 contruission and the work will be done is ad - •ably set forth in the address prr•Bentld to hint showing that them lit. conditions warrant. The project is has been at :advance in every depart- a large our, but the result will he a went of the work in this church dur- magnificent 5tsAertront owned aria ing his pastorate. !1s a preacher he controlled by the town. has easily taken place with the most The conditions at Orillia are some - able and 'eminent of our Islandwhat different from these that we preachers and 11i a pastor generally it: at` hs here, but the principle to be kept may truly h.• said of him that none, in In view is the same -the eat fkh:t his congregation at least, knew him be preserved for the peop.c. F.ach but to love him, moue named hire but succeeding town couneil should keep Go to praise. At the bedside of the Birk, this principle Mru11y in mind, and in the home of sorrow, or heeling uCnw nu enrcoarhmrnt which to his people in the general nrtivities of life. he -has been unceasing. is manly a man and one who had the milk of human kindness in an unwonted degree. His hand was always ex- tended to guide and to 'help and 'he went about doing good' tit various remembered here with. affection. and bis sermons were heard with deep ap- preciation. A pleasant evening was spent last Thursday evening by those who ea. tended the entertainment given puder the auspices of the Woman's Mission- ary Society in the lecture room of North Street Methodist church. The chief feature I the program was an,luldtwas iuteres.ingly given by Mrs. Oro. Acheson. descriptive of be: trip to Eut ape last summer. A vocal duet WOO rendered by Miss Nellie Colborne and ND:Smell. as solo hy Mr. Cook. a piano solo by Mr. King' and a piano _duet by Misses Lance Elliott and Beatrice Pridhaw.- Huron Presbyterial Society. The unwed meeting of the Huron Presbyterial Society of the Woman's Foreign Mitisiooary Society was held in the 'Thames Road Presbyterian church on Tuesday, Rta lost. There was a good attendance,' all the auxil- iaries and many of the mission bands bring well represented, and the nes- ohms Wiese exceedingly interesting. The forenoon session was devoted largely to business. such es the read - and receiving of reports, etc. The moon session was taken up large- addresees and music. The even - lion, which was open to the was fairly well attended. In n to a vet y pleasing musical ptogram, addresses were delivered hy Rev. J. Richardson. of Kipper., who represented the Presbytery, and Rev. A. E. Arm.tronte missions's' • secretary, of Torr into. Both raddteeree were interesting and inapiring. rho ppaastor of the eongregation, Rev. C. Fletcher, presided; The various re - pato .nhtiuttedwere of the meet en- couraging nature an l showed that go 0d work had 'peen done during the past year. The following are the con- trihutions of the several auxiliaries and inieeiu-n bands and are in addition ctoLlttrtg. and -Pother-- ewpplass tor` ens teed -t') ail a+ta►tiens - Auxiliarietr--Auhnrn, 11:11I 10' Hayfield. - $34 00; BI a 8-'4 ; Hrucrfield, $181.- RF; Blyth, #itd.30, Clinton. $141: Duni clew h. McKillop, 825; Eg- mondcille. 8' " ; !Neter, SUP ; (de- rch Knox malt, 8122 Goc1eric h township, linin church. $52; Hensel!, 81A3:- Hills t: n. Sleet, Kirkton. 862.311; 51); K i 1 wn, 8173.02 ; Leebure . • [onfIs er ' $1J Seaforth. $'S35.70 • Smith's ill, $70; Thames goad, $1:3$.501 ; Valeta, $14.40; total, e: INR Ta. Mission !sands -Bayfield, Al t _ S)s.:j0 ; Hrucetirl 1, S• Bly h, 847 : tioderi tt, $.if lq Sea nth. Barbara •Kirkman, **3.22, Sunshine. 810.43 ; Exeter, $17.75; Cavan \church, Win- throp. 80.75 ; total; 82111-'7, making the 1 W e.lntributinns from auxiliar- oei and mission hands (0,4,4111.30. as competed with $°.luso last gt ar. The members of the ti x•iety and the mem- bers of the I'restytery were very hos- pitably entertained by the 1,111es of the congregation of Phu mss Road. who left nothing undone ealcliatied to add to the oousfert of their guests and the eliceete of their meeting. The following *11a the (.Ricers for t r'utrent, year: Honorary ptesiden Mrs. Shaw. Egmondville ; pries ident. Mrs. Sewer", lit•uceHeld ; vice- pn5residente. Mr'. H unilton, Onderireb. NineFIatchet, Thome" Road, and Mrs. Larkin, Seaforth ; treasurer, Mire. A. Scott, Seaforth ; corresponding secre•. tat y, Mrs. Curti?. Blyth ; recording secretary, Miss Graham. Seaforth reeteta" y of supplier, Miss McTaggar, Clinton ; secretary of literature, Miss Strang,. (7cderich; mission band sec- retary. Miss Mclean, Stnforth.. Aodr- rich was selected as the place for the annual meeting next year. would tend to the alienation of any part of the waterfront. ' If one looks' n ver) h the plan of the - town e town he will see that the towu.owns eumpatatively little of the land itiong the lake and river hankie Opposite the summer lintel the Lowe owns four and many ways while :raiding in lots, and passing towards the harbor Chat lot tetown and preaching and the next . .num.-ipally-owned proper! y teaching for the enol of on• ci4y and is that which has just' been purchased our Province at leige. Ur. Rory has from Mr. McIver. Alongside this the Gown owns s the propertyrrty known w• thebeen singularly blessed in -his help- mate, Mri, Roar. a ('bristian lady who Cannon Bank, extending. -to the foot enjoyed the love and respect of the of West etrect. - On the other side of whole congregation and all who knew West street is Harbor Park. Along ber. To quote from the adilresa Pre_ the river hank the only property in tented to her: •Von have fulfilled the the ofltr,,I of the corpotyation is a por- reeponsihle duties of ,► minister's wife tiro of Gloucester Terrace, which was in such a capable anti ,ati•tal•tory wanner as to merit the highest ap proral and kindly regard of a11 con- nected with the congregation.' Both the people could not have free access Mr. and Mrs. Ross will carry with to the hanks at these mint''. Then them the affection of our people and- try co imagine what it would be like host of gorxl wiahr) for the future it there were a publicly -owned bottle - happiness of themselves and their in -yard from Cambria road to the south- terawtinp,prr fsinily to their new home in tet'ly limit of the town. (; derlcn, Ont. ' The Charlottetown Guardian• sap': CHURCH NOTES. - "The early departure of Rev. George E. Ross, the esteemed pastor of Zion church, i. a cause for alncrle. regret, not only to the congregsatiutl to which he has miniatered'dturing the 'Nutt four years and to the Presbytery of Prince Edward, but to the Intal Chi 'titian community generally. Rev. Mr. Ross while engaged in his pastor- ate here has been ret ngnized by the many whose privilege it has been tet listen to hint in ,his own and other churches as an able, judicious,, earnest and, most sincere minister ,of the Gospel. He bas been _ instant jn season and out of seaiton-iti pie/met- ing every good cause, Under the eye. presented to the town by the late Hoot. A. \f. Ross. imagine what it would be like if Rev. James Hamilton will occupy the pulpit of Knox cbmrth next ;.Sun• day. Special music will he rendered by the choir at the evening service in Knott cburch next Sunday. - Rev. J. C. I'ilke), of I. anion, who officiated in the ktptist church -last Sunday, will occupy the pulpit again nn the doming Sabbath. - INext Sunday morning, before the regular sermon, Or. Dougall will as he did last Sunday preach a five-minute object Ireton sermon to the children. Maitland Presbytery meets today at tens of fraternal exchange of pulpits McIntosh church for the induction of which prevails here, he has been Rev. J. S. McMillan and to ditlpose of beard from time to time with much *call from Pine River in favor' of Rev, acceptance in the Protestant and C. M. Rutherford, of Dungannon: F;Yaagelicel churches of this city and Rev. 1'. R. 0anne, I. A., the well - the surrounding couotril. tie ,toes, known Anglican cls man of Clinton, well accredited by the esteem and re- nyay go to London, he Bishop of wirdofall who have known hien in Huron having OWetl hint the thin city and Province, to his new rectorship of Christ chi ch in that ti&lit in the prospa•ruus town of Gude- I cit rich in Western Ontario, where we feel sesuf•pd of his earnest and elaluent I A meeting of' he yonn men of labors .ind ministrations will be great- ly woeful and uplifting. His fruitful work in Charlottetown will not stem e forgotten." Knox (here,' will be held in W. Lane's off) re in the (enact house on Monday evening next, at' tl o'clock. The meeting is culled for the purpose of organizing and appointing officers. CONTt(A1T$ AWARDED. The'ecolid set mon of the series on the Bible will be given next Suede. -` evening by Dr. Dougall in North Successful Tenderers for Breakwater Job street Methodist church, Subject, and Postofce Addition. "What do we mean by an inspired An 'fhe Signal reported three weeks Bible S'' in the morning his subject ago, the lowest tender for the (lode- will be "�feighhorhoal.' rich breakwater nh was that of Mich- Rev. Dr. Medd will preach two ser rel Connolly. of Montreal. Word has mons In Victoria street Methodist 'ince been received from Ottewa that chureb next Sunday. fine will be on the contract ha, been *warded to Nit. "The (4reatnrssof Life.' and the other Oontlelly. T b e contract figure is on 'Thr Surpassing. Splendor of the 8140,417. The Work to be done i' the Work of Oud.Thee seryicesare for construction of AM fret of concrete the people, and all are Invited to breakwater southwest of the harbor att.rnd, entrance. Rev. Dr. iltrnbull, of Toronto, The contract for the addition to. the preached to large congregations in postofce aha has hien awarded. Knoz church last Sabbath. Though Messrs. Nagle & Mills, contnectore, of it is about twenty -Ave years since Dr. Ingersoll, were the successful tender- Turnbull was connected with Knox eta The price is $7,023. church as assistant pastor, be is still FARMER'S TO MEET. General Call Issued to Agriculturists of West Huron. A meeting of the farmers of 'West. Huron • will .he held in Godoriclew•on Saturday, November 2tith, at 2 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of considering the :tdvitrnhilit y of 'ending delegates to Ottawa to join _tbe deputation of Went o (deniers from the Wand other eC parte of Canada thsit will wait upon the Government next -month in the interests of reeiprutity with the United States `and tariff reduction. Every fainter in the riding is invited to attend. The movement Is entirely non:partilan. and the tneeting will he open for the free ezp.s'ssion of opinion by any flintier of the riding. The please of_ meeting will be announced next week. Mitchell Favors Hydro Power. - Mitchell, Nov. 15. -Mitchell rate- payers today pureed the bylaw author- laing the purchase and installing of , hydra -electric equipment and thefame- of $9,0,81 debentures for the purpose. The vote stood 270 for, 74 isgaindt, giv- ing a majority of 13x1 in favor of the bylaw. Power is expected to be avail- able by February. ONTARIOANS ABROAD. Graduates of the O. A. C. Hold Good Positions is the States. Toronto, Nov. 1t0. -MPA C. C. Swlei, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. re- turned today from Washington, where he has . been attending the In- ternational Conference of Farmers' institutes. A notable feature of this conference from the Ontario point of view watt that the representatives of five of the Stattedepartments of /agri- culture were Canadiana, and gradu- ates of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege at Guelph. They were A. M. Sewell, Oeorgla; O. 1. Christie, Indi- ana ; F. B. Linfleld, Montana : 11. J. Morgan, Tennessee, aod,C. K. liraham, Virginia. Mr. Sewell, one of these, was elected president to succeed Mr. li.orge Putnam, of Toronto, who pre- sided at this year's meeting. (Prof. Lintleld is a Colborne town- ship boy.)