HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-10, Page 10•
10' THt'R$DAY, 14VRMTIER 10, 1910
r ---
l 1
TOP4CS IN BRIEF. !will begin their prayer -meetings at
7:30; (3i text -look -First' Standard
OPERA HOUSE (' "•1 a"° that o,etc r
y ufna yeunelf r
you have' been Teacher -learning leanest, beginnMg
winter wear. d
Don't tourer Lha: Chrtsratas will be along to ..'now tfee of three. ,s..1 vItee•
e rte weak+. )la:erlals rot utakfug Chet.tma+ li..n is given to all, your or old.,
situ may be obtained to large variety at Neil • urea or wtauen,' who' are .: rested in
utor Smith s. Art there. ).ash .+treet. Now N
the time to or picture framing. Suuday .chool work, attend the
1)n not wake any ether eug etndttt •• meeting and to joit ttje class.
for next.- Monday evening. That is Next Sunday he "world's temprr-
the night of Ernest Thompson Setons ance Sunday" nd it will he observed
lecture here. - in town h a union meeting of Sun -
Edgar toned, a member of the junior day se raps in North street \lethoditt
Wadchs at 3 o'clock. The musical set -
ie gage assisting the Balt ryes in a v will he under the direction of J.
week's York. of at the lapse show Hunter. organist of Kilo ii church.
at New York.
The hoist which the O. T. R. An asset... will be delivered by lh,
served permiseiou to erect o acts
Dougall and a blackboard exercise will
luny toss, north of the cotnppany'r Ia-given by J. E. Tom. A cordial in -
freight sheds, has been placed in pool- vitiation is extended to everyone t.. he-
llos' and is ready for bush:less. present at this service.
At the last meeting of the trustee His Opportunity. -
hoard of the Godericit t ollegiate In -
It was a shy young cut site who was
solute it wets decided to increase the once asked to take N class 01 git 1±
value of the Adamson scholarship for abort fifteen years old. whichchad ftn-
thir sesta to >t;'L;. In fortuer sesta merly been taken by a lady. The sup.
the calu. of this scholarship had been erintend.•nt, in introducing hint to the
_W. lass. said -.- Young ladies, this is Mr.
U -e d.K.- c,o Jquarc, Kinds!on J•
Our Christmas stock of Gift
Jcwdllery awaits yoyr, inspec-
tion. You will wonder at its
variety, its freshness and its
scope. It is full of suggestions
of correct, givable things -
gifts to suit all tastes, all
purses, all circumstances. Of
cuurse the wise shopper seeks
early and finds easily the
articles desired.
Wald;our windage! foe
Christmas suggestions.
Walter H. Harrison
()- Titt
aloe. you his that selection
m u,e Tailor with the rection on Twt^bio : (nl •t
ew goose for ` g
gantr.atwn - leader, secretary
The Ontario Department of .lgricul- Chirp, who will in future be your
Lure is sending out two new pamph- teacher. 1 would like you to tell bins
lets -nue - selling with Northern -what your former teacher did. so that
Ontario and the other with dairying be can go -nn in the same way." A
in Ontario. Any of our readers who ...ins of sixt.-en ruse and said -"The
maybe interested may secure copies that thing teacher did was to kiss us
by applying to the Depart meat. all round.' r
Alderman Res; RastaU. of Bi- tnt-
Fanning is a business which re-
quire.. acct,: to practical hueinese in-
formation. This ie supplied in the
column, of The Faruter'a Weekly Sun
The secret pf the growing popularity
of this paper lira in its untiring devn
tion to the interests of the fanner. T.
be posted a farmer must read The
Sun. if you are not a reader of The
Sun try it for 1911. •
Thursday; Nov. 17
see FAMOus
it out in
dollars and
cents. if you -
can make five tons
of coal last as long as
six tons and with coal at
$6.00 a ton, don't you make
$6,00 clear. Now the cast iron
'range illustrated will save 20% of
your fuel when hard coal is burned. It
is fitted with that greatest of modern
Stove. improvements the
It is a device that is put on Guiney -Oxford Stoves alone,
and in putting then out -for your inspection we feel justly
proud of the Choice wo have made in selecting this line of
satisfaction giving stoves. Look them over on our floors.
ford, has announced himself a Candi•
Nil 1 el,l) e;tioDS IN THIS ( date for the mayoralty in'. that city.
• S'1't►RF: S Mr. Rascal) is it former tioderich than
and his old friends here will be glad
H• ..din, .t. -i.. { r ch .ice Hat ter t" learn of his suCcens when the elec-
tion comes on.
and fresh Eggs.
30. PEc)11t_t_ to
Everything heft Lar.F.to cat..
S The Expert 1.19nCert
Jno. W. Vanatter
. ti,. ra 11 i..• 111,.. h
?'it .r,. r• -t 1;?r••g,1.nn street
A huge garden beet; weighing eight
i.ouuds, we. shown The Signal this
Morning. It measured tifteelli inches
.a length. and was twenty-two in••hes
.n cri•cnmference at. the top. - It wag
' grown by Mrs. X. Bee•rhler in her gar-
den -on t'awhria 1•• ed.
%n eftntt is being Made by repre-
sentatives of the city of 'London for
i this improveiiient of -the train service
`on the London. Huron at Bruce rail-
way branch. London wants -to have
an earlier train going north from
Iwatdon its far as %%Ingham.
The Myth Standard has. been lour-
• hissed by J. H. Elliott. rat;, of The
'1'hetwalon A,dv.u•ate. The paper had
been-condueted tor eons time by W.
H. Kerr ar..t hi-' sur. J: k. Kerr. who
wilt •:W giye..liielt entire attention to
'I'b ' 1. jt+.s-1. 1'o:t and The Clinton
Great Big
Book Sale
Prices 50c 35c
••-Ju t .Around the Corner"
and R
Mrs. (iib.r.on t. vt+lting trend 1ttrBensall
Mr..lits. R. Baker, Il ofSmitKih.ngston,. is visiting hero L.
Mine Gr Law.on. of Dunlop. left on Mou•
day on an extended visit to Vancouver.
John R. Beattie. of Strattord, strent Thanks-
giving at hi: home on tile Bayfield road. •
Ml+a Susie May Beattie vldted friends in
London and Sr. Thoma= over Thank -giving -
Mrs. Long and daughter. Aleta. of i.ondor.
.pent Thanksgiving with Mo. Sallow.. Bruce
Mi +. John DeGruchy. of Delaware oyenue.,
Toronto. to th:• Arte -t qt. Mrs. Jas. Wilson,
"North street.
Mil. Bruce and Mi- Gwendolin Colborne re•
turned this w'.•k to Washington. D. C. atter.
,]Hndlogali?7R"iir,I,db3 M$ fib OWn.
Ine4r WC. t.rcen. of tlarnia, paid..-bifet
ridt Monday and Tuesday of thia week to hi.
parent., M. and fir.. Andrew Breen. of Loyal.
Mr. • Dr.h )I.•Phatl. M+ ills. oat., who ha-
been +pending the last two -week- with her
brother,F. J. Rutland. return. home ,Satur-
W. More.and. "ter and baby. of New
York City who were here to attend tit: -
funeral of Mr. Mun•lend's mother at Dungan
nod. spent a few day+ In town and left. on
Saturday en route to their home?
Mr.. John A. i:e.on and the Mis+e• Ashman
have gone to Toronto. It is likely that they
well make theirpermanent re.idence in the
city. Their many Mends herr and the town. -
people generally will regret their departure.
but wUl hope to -re them often in lloderlc:
during the sun.r.,er +ea..on..
r:. R. Elliott, .on of Mr. and Mr...O. M.
Elliott, of town. w•IM 1. iu trio third year at the
School of PracCrtl Science. Toronto. wt.+ rine
of four who won the . -up in the annual eight -
mile rroa.+.eountry rasce tast'txrturday. which
wtotive. of the
of the 1_ nl er.ity.- Ile ale
etre of four to run for the intercollegiate.
championship at King+ton next Saturday. .
Narcisse M. Cantin. he of St. Joseph. was in
town on Monday looking the picture of pro+
parity . Al • is aow•-connectetl with a large
amu+enregt +'a.een, at Montreal. known a.
the King Edward Park Company. Limited.
This company ha. a large r.•erent ion resort on
St. Joseph Island, near the city. of Montreal,
and Mr. Cantin .ecus to be well plea.ed with
the pro:l.er to.
ROAS.-- At t'yorsem River. Man.. on October
to Mr. and Mr+. Arthur Ross. fformetly
peak HI tei ten on wants mai.* of the
excellent ritork done- by Harty Wash-
ington. a Godet•ich boy. in the decor-
ating at a leading drygoodn steno in
that city. Mr. Weshington developed
saw MLitt mote and aptitude in window -
while he was with Hodgens
Wei. here.. and lie aftet.wards took a
• mese in the Koester school for de,cor-
ii..oee art at Chicago, end indirinet from
t he comments of the Centreville papera
hi. is evidently meking good use of his
-kill and training.
will. give lin ,
ifenty Books
.Tornnto. will 'occupy the
pulpit of Knox rhumb- next Suriday.•
25t; 1,:ccupy the pulpit of the Baptist chtil•ch,
next Soinday, morning and evening, '
On Sunday morning a live-seirrite
-ermonette will be preached to the
children before the regular .sernion at
Not th street, Methodist church.
North street Methodist clfureh
board made donation to ova phi the
Canipbellton Methodist church. which
was burned in the. recent great con-
flagration at that iolace.
Mr. Preston. a tenor soloist of Gray en
horst, sang very acceptably at the
mot ning and evening service.* -M
North street Methodiat -church last
'41.1tItiay. Howard Runsell. of Toronto,
also sang at the evening aervice.
The Ladies' Aid Society of North
street M et huniist chinch was- "at
home- too the comp egation on Wed -
twain y evening. It was a social
event, without charge, at which new
fi iendships wrre made and old one*
Next Motiday Evening
the Young Slom's Christian As-
pociationi. The address will be
ilinstritted with
with lir. hooligan s tine strre-
()petted a new held. Ile teas tis
things we did not. know before.
Ills talk is -vital with the spitit
ot ailventure. and, whether wave
or.playttil; he wins toy his (an rect.
neva and tooth." - New York
Reserved Seat s -1-:r be •-for adulta.
. 2,10 .for child!' en I with p.orentiet.
l' se eewrved Seisti --Zile for adults,
ric feor pupils Plan at IL _C.
The Colonial Book Store
PHONE 100., Goderich.
See the fine suitings
Quality Store
Currants ana Peels
Our new fruits have tirtived.
They are opening up very choice.
and the prices. are reasonable.
Cleaned Cm rant s lbs., for...24.
Mixed Peels per lh 214C
Choicest. Layer Table Raisins
, Coffee
clams tin',
In -Later Gays.
Nem Yonde.linua.
An old "glad" of the sixties, Who
happeuetl bee a crowd of new- stu.
ner which appeereet to him to 1* quite
unseemly, was heard to philosophize
as followe,:
__ and hi, tarautitu,Aocko_rni view.
Andover unee.ye _uerrited_o_ =around hat.
with tiobui: of mauve or blue.
And fourteen ring. ituil the :even pin- t hat he
got. at dear prep. •Wh001.
W10. it. snake- eitorti. and 1 oay. '•011 Lord.
• vino: e% er that big foul
w lion I see a yolit II *Ph hi. turned
down and ft cigarette ot mit' in hi. face,
And a loud cheek coat font a honeevioth vest.
and a bait -men wide *hoe
An:1 hooch of hair that hide:, hi. ear+. atml a
line of ocnoeiew drool,
*re 1 ever that big a fool!'
Mrs. A. Duff showed The Signal the
other day some welldeveloped straw-
riem which she picked in her gar-
den on Friday, the *.leth of October.
A (Amelia' invitation is extended to
all the young men of Knox chnrch to
attend a itieeting at 10 a. tn. next Sun-
day in the basement of the rhur
An important topic is to be dise sed NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Nov. tOth.
and it, is urged that all who an will
As all know there rages around the Representative -Wantea---steaca--arening. !-
Bible a conflict . of opinion as to ha 1
ton, Toronto
Club:tont. at Home -- Canadian Northern
mode of production and method of
interpretation. But conflict of mind Stenniohip• . la
is only an incident in an honesesearch
.i Free Trip-Eamlly Herald & Weekly Star.
alter truth. Nobody need he fright -
ened as to the final results. Dr. Dote s
gall of Ninth street Methodist choirch voter.- List court - I.. L. Knox. i
Nothing 014 or Shdlyworn-J. S. Davey
thinks the time now ripe foi the pul-
pit to instruct its people and bald- i
-Found-The Signal
steady the ahip of faith in turbulent Prince George Rotel, Toronto -a. B. Thaw.
evenings -he will preach on such sub- Guy Bro.. stiostreis- Goderich 0pera House,.
iOetil as •• What the Bible Is par." Underwear -.D. Millar& Son
•• Meaning if Inspiret ion," "The Pro. Big Book efele--13110-TPOrter
Um Oift Harveet Walter H, Harrhion 10
What Muldoon Sayo-Walter C. Pridham...
Annual Cleneral Meeting -Andrew Porter1
Bracelet Lo+t-Mlos Young. Sheppordton:
A Little Talk About Ono:elves- J. ff. Col -
Servant Vl'antcd-Mro. Gamble
Prescriptions -F..1. Bonen
sold.. We know what's 'in it and
can cheerfully recommend it.
aVhern Via.IY doctor .eliagne ea your Adm. nd pie w
.drtept. are Always nessl and
bi serve
with f
will Owe
ere it will
filled i,t
lied bete
Mee tuistalo
we would he gl...i
Sold and guaranteed by
r.- w
WALTERS Colborne. on sunday. Noce
harle+ A. Walter.. aged 094 years nd 2
MILLIAN -In 0:borne.' on May. No
vember Nth. Minnie Mel -the loved wife
of George Million, aged 1 ear.. In month.
and 12 d tys.
There'is a 'whole store --and a big store .at that ---full of t horoughly,
-able merchandise all teady for you to dr;:w. on for. your Fall and XVinter 1)1.
—Goods needs. It is merchandise,of quality, ,merchan-dise
with our guarantee, nterchandisp ,thitt is riglk in style and reAdy to ba.
the)big store today. price that
We_ sell no others. Not a garthent that we
cannot back with .our positive guarantee is ever
allowed. a place in our Fur Pepartment. You can
buy your furs here in perfect safety,. for those we•
sell are good inside and out.
Western Sable fluffs -and -Neck • Pi
we .are
right in
November .21. Auction sale of
k amt Implements. commencing at 1
shatp ; the property of Wm. H. 1
114.• concesetom 't Wet Wawanosh.
stoma, Dcxnitr. auctioneer 1
estanierit Was Formed.- The first
of -.thee* subjects will be treated OD
Sunday evening next.
At the meeting Iron Thursday even -
agreed to hold an organization meet-
ing -on Fs iday (tomorrow) evening in
the same plaee to make final arrange -
menta for a teacher -training class.
The following points are to be sub-
mitted for appt : (1)A union does,'
C. A. rooms (1) after prayer -meeting
on Wedoeselay night., if the churches
Winter M. inery
New for eturtlay. Hats t I,.
Ai.e fie from the,
we . They lain nut he vt.t.y
Its; vo. either, fur we Ideas ed
who oltseelee.'s ramie of artlopl,
fit lenm than fifty tamps cm the doll..
These we are-liaving tfilininet •,.•
for poi Sat mita*. Every Aare.
new and et otriVet si Vie.
Marmet fluffs and Ne Pieces $5.0)
to *20.00
Persia9vt,aImb fluffs and Neck Pieces
ink Muffs and Neck Pieces $35.00
• Belgian Hare Muffs and Neck Pieces
A splendid assortment of high-class black
furs in wolf, fox, lynx, etc. All guaranteed qual-
ities. All at exceedingly close prices.
Some Good .
Black Beavers
We have joist _opened Alpines.'
od Mack beaver Hats. All the hot.
ntylea. NII two) alike. The price
are very reasonable:
The 37ic Underwear
A Big Stork Ho no Bros . , 111
TeIle Wanted -J. U.Meitwid. Crewe.
netIon sniper Mitch Cows -S. E. Brady
Boarder. Wanted —The signal ()Moe. 1
Amnon sale of He Steers sad Cows-- 1
g. eistsre satisfaction. We
isa it pose. Include a pound
.on ney, p.r section ..139e
New Season's Milliner
o lo aid a large
, long Apples.
lynx secured choke, aeleetioe) of the very test styles in
Millinery and will be pleased to show them to the ladies
etreet. The most approved effects in shapes and tfim-
minga for the seanon are &seemed to Mins Cameron's;
customers The Iftaie. are invited to cell at their con -
MISS CAMERON, - Hamilton Street. Goelerit.h
How's This?
We ofrer one hundred r1011ar. rewsrrt for any
ease of rotarrh that cannot be enred by Hall
Catarrh ( ore
We. the wedereigned. have known
Cheney for the last fifteen year,, and believe
him perfects, honorable in an invent.. trap,
actiona end rnanrially able to carry rant any
obligation. made by hio firm.
Wholeaale Drnsyrieta. Toledo. 0.
ing directly linen the blood and 111T14111111 our
fares of the ayvteny oent f re..
Pyle., 75 rent. per lw. tiok1 by all dm,
Take Hall'. Varnily Mlle for nenatIpatIon.
New Net Waists
SOIlle very pretty Net Waists right from
the factory thin week. Good quality ecru net
over 'strong Japan nicelytrimmed with in-
sert• and medallionm. Willett' that, have genet
ntyle and will wear well, at each *SLOW *L28
and 14.00
We are selling Underwear .
Mie Per g;11111eilt. jai the best
value we et 41 I iffered our custom -
res. ,This Underwear (andel not
bonght today to Nell at this
price. Tt Was contracted for nt
the end of last winter season. '
Made froin fine soft yarna.
thoroughly w4oven, fine rib, CITAM
only, properly shaped. We have
it in sizes, both veetre and driewters.
Price per germ en t 3721c
Nemo Corset:I'
We are sole agents in Ooderich for tic
popular and high -08,4n Arherican Comet.
range of mite,' in the beet style in carried in ens I.
all the time. Any other !style made by tte
Cornet Co_ New Vora, ran he had from tie on two,
j or three days' notice.