HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-10, Page 9Trinitychurch. but the -strewn was well wort b going to bear The Sat. Neonate club entertoined a number of their friends -to a dance at their rooms ii -t Fs Moly evening. They hid •the • two-piece ..rtheitl•.i Ill iI,l.don to furn- I ;,h the llitie;c Criult. r dl' Blown 1 held an *motion sale of a cer'nf West- ern cattle it the Qneen't betel Satur- day of bust wrrk. They were ,ill sold et a pretty good figure Mrs. Mc- , ('refight and sun spent a few days of last weekat Mount Fure>.t and 1).•- t ro;t . 'Miss E. Oidley visited with frienee ill Toronto the past week V. %Chit. vi.iited friends at St. Marys • THF, S[GNA1. •(;ODF)JU ONTARIO The News of -the - district. 454,44°#'4454444)Y>;6404644444.4444' X40444+464ww4544* ot.4! .NEPPAROTON. LAURIt. MuNUAY. Nay. 7th. MuNp.tY. t'u \vnEu, -The IVillitig Nitwit Nn•rk:.e. !stirs Bible class in connection Donald. +,t Toronto, it vie pq,urdton Methodist church the Parental root baying bsuana racial un the of Clinoril, it _►isitinK t Thur•.day' Nnreu►er 17th. Laurier un•l Awtperlry pia wall be, given and re- -new►,. Il t7d t ai, nslnU►+utlr vett le rerctd. An tuilnis• week. g... Fred Russ, u[ ' l:e•. Cur adults and Ilk. tor h Ir secured the nervi* •will Ir! chat grd. Doors olrrn � b lv welcome. %%'rlkrt as clerk in his net I;rrl)' K f:rru, for u trr(n. of sea g3iNMILt,ER. Juhnt•on %li-ser 11ae Nov. 7th. ' Madge Mac. �.\ris visiting touter �,kr,s John Cooper, th 4be friends at feud ba \1r. and r\, were re- µ{ III Y here last 1 pu�ent Awberley, is fed o! of • James ilJtra v store J)i. N - Kett. J. M4clirr ol• has noted his earl, t[• %Writ, Alact h.eger •^Tt EruAy, Nov. 4th. and .tunie.alcl.enuau co'lected for the a,.auttb Itsietes. -Thr following it Bible Moriefy bust week The re- l'▪ rvikat of S. S. No. 1, Colborne. for rent showers h*ta made our Clew mil- • e wvuth- "( Nepw. tbrl and OctulWi. ler. M r. iffirkiiigharu, a. happy man. u .un u,nthly least rz:uina. beinl(ing hits abundance of water. and l .r' 1 n:unrl occur in truer or therefor"' work Maleolus %fee- the diseuseion of the primmest to put. �,,.. 'law -.lobe t• (+A;Ili•ham. Ill. Donald stet bride p,tit a flying visit to rha:e Industry •Hall bleak for {t town to • \ R the torm,et a purse lest wrrk om thr;r }l,ts•' Halliday. Jlvrtle Goode; hall were loo lwnrly atten.lis.1 that it' �r,`II -\ with.. ase elei way• by their fuhte hover at leen- w•at decided to drop the matter and 1 {1frlso?y.,^ Kelt., 7ibidy, Mu ge. t k II l' The bristly .tad wishes t 1 eta , 1 'u.• •'fi'fi' ' ' , . S.0.1 accoent of the btu! state of the \Jell\ (tootle: 1't. I1. -HaroM 15 YOUR SKIN ON FIRE i'• i t 'fir 4lugfo.d •Rover► roads there ow many'Orange WEST WAWANOSH. Mnsu.‘Y, Nov. 7th. DEATH 01•' Mi it. 1% .tTrt,N.--Hy the demure, of Mary Cousins, relict of the' late Wm. Watson, on October With. n pioneer of this township. her been rerudyed. lit the stele flftir. she and her husband °came to lot 19, concession 1. and it was flout this place her re,• mains were borne to their last resting place in !)ungannoe remetprt': "!'torus, twelve years ago she was stricken with i {paralysis and sinrr Ca�1st time she had hero a must patiegf itferer. BLYTH. , Text:DAY. Nov. Stn. •I'ett$tiN Vit. AND GENERAL', - The two meetings held in Industry Hai tot sal K their is now euulr talk k of n unglog up 'layette :I r. ll. -Alun Moore. f of their friends here follow Mr. and the matter of building a town•hall at R fl 1110811 %'i sou Milhan. Mts. MucUot►ald. the ruunicipe d noluiuutiml meeting. auiiux., Itru n 1'l..I. rdna(i.+otic•• tII;P !dug. men nit to hear the sermon preached 'Elginf t t►, vuu dust fou ran t I by.ltev. \fr. Farr last Munlaye -vening n ord. .'J•hu.r Iwuk••!i.tptth au x..tPrlsk were- sesew_hluglserds_. IY rl. jtws iL e. *tend another minim aril Stilts hu•'ting•itch That it nrtl,t Ise, r.tolitl? \'hat you must hsvr relief.? (iet it •ni'trat'e, of Oil- of Winter- green. Thytitt'I. and other boothine in- gredients 01 c pounded only in 14. 1). 1' Pi .•t•.•ri pt ion. ' The c.•r y first drops stopthat awful hu•nine,( in.Iertt t'. dent how pat t of examinations,. V. b. soti e-. T.e- her. LOYAL.. 1't't?seeY. Nine. sea 11 Llt 4 oi . The tient v Hornry I�Iwbine outfit war.in our lots g t sot 1[ ..rid tini.hed up the w oak for.,r J•uuthtrr t•1 Auburn, spent Thanks- ;,u}t w o h Mts. ,1 ee. tears .... , . (Ir.•. tiltt..01/Stwn \Irv. Jae. t" } • forge-mt. rl l'atlnw. who was u1+r- ,i v1 t,, Miss MrMurt hy, of Kintaii 1V•JnraleY'1401- hes moved into the stets an 4fr.. J,►e. Clark', :farm. %We, welcome \1' •pbee� i4OU and t h,W ',returned 11'8lirin he 'einem; trip in - the vicin;ly'nf Ashritit - ohhn •Tat,h -her ni .eel hvbo;t-.• And will rolltthence remodel, ting ;l tit •:n..e .. .!fist. Buchanan is \'.•Rrngh•n• -sitter. Jars._ Jahn (Tarte. 1\'• aur l,iested to learn jhet Mr.. John \;-obit 1. telovrring lrulu The lit Si dope ease he suet heal! The fit st drntps giie you a feeling- of t•.tillforj till it you hove not enjoyed for• inenths, nr Ierhipi years. Take our word on it. 1 bnttletndat: :et a 1111 nr a t1 IA Write the 'D. 0. D. l.sherritnries.Chir week Tax Collector Somers Dept. 4i. V , tit Colborne Hiet•t..Tome: is on hie rounds 'tatting out the tax , to. Nod they will send yuu tate! bottle no ore and rlaiiue be, is getting in quite is lot of mopes. The et of it. SCROFULA Scrofula disfigures and causes life-long misery. Children become strong and lively when given small doses of Scolt's Emulsion every day. The starved body is fed; the swollen glands healed, and the tainted blood vitalized. Good food, fresh air and Scott 's Emulsion con- quer scrofula and many other blood diseases. t,ok SALE Elf ALL. DRe (;GISTS . Seed'lte., risme of pipet awl mit 414. h.! nvr beautifu,,tiatines Rank red -Child.. ,let.h-hook. - Vice Lank mete*, a Gt„1 Luck Penny. . . '. SCOTT & IOWNE . 126 Wellington St, Wast. Toronto, Ont. ftp.. 14.r *ale Its �ll'druggirts..k LOCHALSH. %leo it al. Nov. 7th: { trattS(:..t\J) Iiulltti.-lir. anti Meq. G. S 4.h)•ken. tit Chicago. are visit - I Mee. a en - rut!,' s Rod. 1)it k..on ,t Hetnl Irk City. Tuesday Prot. Cook, .f (;Duet ich. is leaving thi- week for' Northern On now has. chsi'ge of the Presbyterian t.nin..attrr tprndinK the epi truer at ;,bomb choir. his Mot practice being hie father's. John Dirk:.n'1 Mal• 'Monday of this week. Any of tete; cello NI t;do,r:►Id, of 1'ranhrook. B: C,, congregation Are at libet•te to attend who is trtnrning home with his bride piact ice free of cobt ....Mrs. F. Me- h-utu Andover. N. B.. art i'.ed---here CaugheyIs again on the sick list. la -t Tweeds' to .ey a flying visit to ('; Jacobs left last Taesday for Rivers- hi- parent.. lttt ..ond Mil. John Mr- dale, California, where his parents Dandd. and left the next day for his have purchased a photo gallery for is dretlnatiun. Cnr.t,"etnlatione are ex- hire John t invent, who has se - tended to Mr.••cuid \les. Maedoiald in cured a position at the \Winghatu elec. *los i_•opurtaut rp••rp nt their lives.... tt•ic light plant,' id his family to Mi., Madge M-edt•neld. of Ttitol tta. is that town last week.... Mrs. H. 'deicing at the parental hunts at pre,- Kelly, who hat been conducting 'a ent. store fu Missiseip1ti, has disposed of 14.teeesecI,,.. --Duna. C.'• McKenzie the business and has returned to live f has purchased a blend -new Sae yer A with her father here. Mr. Brawn Maasec separator. with all the upset- F. Everett. who has been baking -here datriu.rteaem•nts. whieltwill renter. for quite a long Hine. resigned his *Alli increase the value "It his thresh- f„•"iti,n and left on Sete day Or Car- ing outfit. The tuachine arrived last eon. Michigan, to spend a few day; week and he;•prods to thresh the re- holidays with friends . ..The heavy maining ;o'te ter thio Seaton with it. snow of the pwt•few days has put the Sett ('.nip el!. of the boundary. r.Ntds in had shalt-. Both wheel. and intends within . ,hrt tiler to pot 11p runners are on the go, and it is not his farm for Hilt and 01141 the chat tel•!. gond for either. hut with a few more Owing tithe regrettable weirb of ee- <nowetotlne the sleighs will be the rid. -t t• whereby Me lost beth of his winners ...• Mr. Irwin. ..1 :Mitchell. handis. '4a. Cemplell feel. inclined to hoe been engaged to take Mr. Ever- ive to . (inning if he 1- suceeseff.l ;1v ett's-po*itinn as baker and started to work Monday of this week. He it a married inin_enil will likely more his .teulily herr' X Tavbor ie moving usual Kam day afternoon um t0. into town this week. °hatingrented A. 0 - tow . J K repot that he hose b.ldrr's hou4e nn Din+ley street. rented hie -f.tun for three Veal's ttti Tee STANDARD IN Ni:w HANna.- Vi iii. Johnston, r•f La islet-. mut -that 'John Ellie•. who hie pur•-h•,lsed The he will prnhahly vis;' the Northwest Bl7th Steedard, published the first nest summer ..,. r,ae more of nue edition under his managenu•nt last I° Inc .l nimrods been out on the week. Quite a number of the business wirp,lrh during 'the 101( few days. Alex. Hn,uilten. who (gent down the lake shore' hist. Monday tf f. -w dozen will geese. rete] only one intim w•lt little•( hadrtreySed *w*y fro Ralph Bugle.., .fir etee••Ition amen a 141111• tae haste bre siege 11 CARLOW• - ,...srrltt,\y. NOT. .,1(e,:•nteT -j•:.!towing is the rose' .'1 v Nu. a. l.'ultN,t'ne, Tot the wrtntb of t). *1bet, honied nn Y•t.•nd- i,nce, weekly , iutni natit.n' and gen• .Cal del. t meta : W. -Lilian ��'at•on. Elmer 11 -I t t sun. I as -tali Robert. son, Rn .'1 tile, :Galan, Elwin Rutledge. s+. 111. Ad•► shields. Maty :Medd. Erelyu• i`•'onit'•titt. Jr. Ill: --Reetta levy. It %lr,Nh-r, %';olpt Hemilt.•n. Lillian McPhee. harry %Vattern. Will %'our'g. o•. 11. Watt ' H uuilton, Ede:, Jones: 'Vein* Hamilton. Ilona Itatlehie. k1•:r Let y. Marie %%-stems :abrentt --0. 11.- (arrin Yoong. Wil.. mer Haeoet, Frank Shields. Gordon .Tsyl.,,, k'rAtli: setihigetiiir. Celia 11.nult•,n, Hilda Hardy. Ralph Mc- Phee.. Po. 11. -K ithleen Hahiitt .ft. 1r'4 Les)•..1,.r Young' Annie ./unre. Ialwl lit meg. Sr. Pt. 1. -Hazel tot•tieu;e•.m,;Julie Young and Gene - vi. -as. Hamilton (equal!, Nellie Shields., Repo,.Hamden'. Jr. Pt. 1. -Rota Harmltun,(i•d lie !:rant sod Martha (amour et ell M 0. J.t+aisoe.` • Te*ihet. • however. will come in about Decem- ber Itch -to a few day's before Quite 8 number' front town wen' out to the N. Taylor sale last Thursday. ' Auctioneer Gundry had ••herge.of it, bile prices. were not 10 gn0.1 as, they . have been. Mr. Taylor is moving int., smokes- esoweibeion_ the re6Gturaiit hr ha Prince George 1 Hotel 'TORONTO Three blocks ( tom Union Station and Steamboat landings. 250 Rooms, 100 with Private Baths. Etuopean and American Plans. • A la Cade Re!tauuant at Reasonable Prices. • SAM L 11 TIIOMt•,ON, Prue, W2.RKINGMEN'S CLOTHING The. season has arrived when the tearustere and • labot•iug sten require clothi*g of a quality that will be serviceable in Any kind of weather. . Our LEATHER COATS. corduro, lined and reversible; and our DUCK COATS, with sheepskin lining and storm cufla,-are extra; good for teawstere. • A gond duck WATERPROOF Ct)AT with a corduroy sulk; i- splendid value it - Rightin the Game We also • .0 ty a f all live of wear P,•aj'.ckets, with corduruy lining, which are extfa heavy axed warm. A' full line of Carhartt'e Overalls, Stromlo:" told (;loves is always kept in stock. McLEAN BROS Th..t's where we are when yoti are talking; about it roCeries. are not adverti spacial bargaix( prices are el Cut tom - mein MEN'S OUTFITTERS -Te Coffees 59401A _.r Sugars Canned Goode • Fruits Butter and:Eg`s, Etc., etc., etc. • GUOERICH TOWNSHIP. diel. -stag of his real estate se. J. Triest%v.: Nov. ;4th. Kennett" :Heti-tome. of the lake shore. 'messed through here Iaet week en bis Itsot. Ffii' ter. - he' following is the r. t,,: the•q•rarterly +ixmnina- a (inns .ta.{•u,t to N(.ember. in S.S. Ni.. 1. Grad •t rob township. The rlalnt- 61e in order nt uteri• : Sr. IV. Nina . Wire.. H:.t..14 Montgnn►rry• EN:r Nicks. S.. 111, .Arnold L,tithwaite, Fouts Miele\. 'Orval Steep," Adeline Telles': 1 r. 111. -Jackie .I..hu,ton. - Sr: II. • Tto::ala Leithweite. L'neita los, \Vito;. Shaw. Mettlan4 Driver,- 1'Wlrt 4tdoi. •.- .Ir. 11--tdwin '•1 ar ,omr•' \ •r J.tnet Law. (iirepce Atr.p, Il•► n War. Pt. 11. -Bernice ;taw- Pt.f. -Edna Drier, ida 11'.i?, 41 r!.I H,cki. .t. F.: ('Miers. T.a.h,.. •Absent during pati of the -1)01t11il, 1' i•)1... 1' tt tt> nrttil =Thr fn1tnwingua t'11:r.=rl,r,; ,.port fat the month, nt tart AT; of 1' Mon school se••tion 10. ri.h'toe made. The names. er at nUsrr. ut merit. Thotr mil tet altstnr 1:) elf exams.: rig. .- - Mar- es( et leo. ',I oil, .Anahel Ikon, Ethel M 11w .1t1, • Herbert . ohnston. Jr. IV - (i,.,,tgr. Hns.. .tcliee Falconer. Men are well pleased that we are now guing to hove the editor living in our ►midst. Although Mr. Kerr teak a .. w.th- great interest in the town. in feet .it, which more than. a greet canny of the citi- e foil.:while zenm . dn. he did not have the time to mow"doing some ,end here that he would have had If , r1 he.sparrews, with he had been ateeldent- in. although which- i+ eupp..srd t;. tap regret.. Mr. Keri's, \raving, lir. Elliot and family will h� 'midi wel- come. - : -_- reed by the }(.nonny it the .leruealctn . Dune, of the tr.-.1. and Den of the Hemlock', busy usy planning for a trip to Duluth at ('htistwas. Who will get there first? , LtEBURRN., TrESDAA. Nov. `iib. Boat's. --Mie. Jean ('I•tttnn w0o home trout her •• heel u\ er Ruridxy . • 1Lutt•\• \1'( 1,1 y •Sr tat --%%luren mete . F'se1•tkl tet r in 1't tt - ktt('.t• k•y, Awe's' Smerit's Hughher nn. Willie Elliot ", • Mattie Mc- fo(l +w .1 ct.it.tn Hielea.ter, was hen Ile iso t% tr Mt Ftii f(ardson was here Huron Dounfy Leads. - „bones Heine, of 11.cfleltj. writes Tata signal as follows : , •• %Why- will p•nrlie en %West when they ...All do as vrt•11 in Huron rottnty 1 IIs 1 three \ aeieties tot oats and the smallest yield was .eighty bushels to the acre and Cotte--'n+nnd9 1•. the bushel, sod .vee hiilnl ,.,t. lied the Nell 44)11 been hrni ehot•gh 1 would have had s •ecnnd,c..p." am .ler I11. -Peer! Amy'. Lewis ' Is %11 K • thtr.lunit f•.r•,f.'S�t�k. flnirhingup the '- tfi'P n Hoes. }..ova i1tPJ its. 1L.. --abet- : Cir r outott Orb. J r. it- nit' • ,e ' ' ' TI'" I n dill oot Be Sure to Hear Him. t.,rg••t IL1J,<Scrr en, �e cif tin"• - - __ at I,1 . err Ftlrone• I,;r.:h�l s fe,ue,d his buggy next tui Brooklyn Otify Earle ,.6.11--.'I v %t.t. 87,"""..,..,..:,.'• PIn „n top of t..4 •churcll shed .. I'Thnnlpsen Seton'- t.1 t1' It, t • ,t:y Iitrhsn. 11an , ,Mies L. I:aut.nalayt•r celebrat0d her; attention of his at °. ij•• .e tteltiIt,•n. Viitot , VCIia::'(;c;.Ir1..ic mer.. Yt.'1.-Man 1"'nth\.,( ,n -t \Wednesday evening by thev ate cert i. .' 'C 4 L•.r .\my. 't'Ii'Irles Bell, en erttt'nmr .t few; •i tier TOattgt-irrcidrnc will Ii;, { 1.“:”.i. tut-tirh Fuller •Nora' i frtr:rds. \ I report a plea.ont time. I The then' 'ty' \) raie a: egilanc Jt. M. J. &Aviso FAnnwEI.i.. - On Friday envy f• et ening al -oil. (betty -five young ( the. - _ ___ g people get tiered at the home of Mt•. E' T1 and Mrs. E Shaw re •pent/ a soc' - j,Pvenittg hefote Mao (;Lace I, --KG AGAIN. ' "left for Vincouver at which Work Dodd's Kidney Pills II it t0 hr.'oate 1 he hride n , 0:1 for Wrt Murry. I' :Mclluarr ie. Mite Ln 11 mussed in so It. 1' . Nov. 7th. • tSpc- - was a general f ..%\ tri. Murray, of (bit.ptice, horn church Nato' h ' j4.rH+•r- h" S 1' •,i.• doing. the in ' 1 ".lar. ol•t elan sixty-six yeerN of (•'. i i:'li, t,incher. p1 ,elate, .r. 1,011)1:: hewer and hotplate,. Ha R'e71•'bp.,...1tu,,fnilvt•is nt hard. 1lik,n nl.tiel;0 end tris hack Iwi bei +a toe• l nr dvy.i 1 could 110 ill . • Rev. •.I. A. Hamitinn rnade a neat. B 2T.. pain • would Inst *holt a speech x011 little Rath Hamilton ;we- lt time 11r, Th41n(pso:; *1111k didn't .lel• t''"'k 1'hnn 1 bloke out Ina terrible .rnled het with a silver ,t,ddh/ dish. to solve the problem hut. kept right on fis'I''Or itcj., chmnteartrei urn my Mist. 1,aw-• ti. th41ueh deeply touched• with the story of the plot that led to oet Pr +t,ol• aitkles',iod then worked all made a fitting reply, th.t nkinit hoe. IIh,o's nndning, And whish ie'i*un. st • ry 3011? ynunghirndp. Then .11 rrpxir•4i fn to (h'"(e who \'ace been bit tenet, "1 tiled all sorts of ointalrntp and. the din.,.,( -.;enol, where adninrylnn°h ent+ugn." --.• , d •• Wild Aninr*le 1 11ayr (iAflnrloT/ hot Known " , , alt „tin,. vers they did me no good. was served, after which the gathering ` Mr. TKoeupson !letter► will give e Cladthick apd oiled with joined in singing '•0nd be with nits' 1 ture in Borth street Methodist j 1..., Clad to t.wr••t. ►,. ..•. ,, t !.,e„ meet presto" And all left for lecture t ' ' ' 1-.1 • 1 • to en 1 Iota r toe. ...mem wish;ng Mist*1.twrnt ta °lu* next 11r ndny corning. %•o"' •iin ;t.., III 1..y 1.a.a a1,d {;mike. 1 u.1°o Lappiuebe in hermew• home Single Fare for Hunters Oct. 10 to Nov. 1Z to ill stations Chalk River to Port Arthur inclusive. and to beet ;bunt - int( points in Qnehec .find New Brueswick. ' Oct; 10 to Nov. 12 • . to at) foliblN Modbury to -Ow Soo, Havelock to Sharbot Lake, Cold- water to Sudbury, and on the Lindsey Branch. . -- Return Lima December 15th, 1910 Liberal atop -over privileges. Ask for free copies of "Fishing and Shooting," "Sportsman% Map'' and 'elite,. Seasons for Gaine and Fish. JO 0. KiDD, %gent, Uoderich. We keen:-we,can. pleuee-you, Sturdy-' . lc C ' ' THE, t1ROCERId•• oo•tbe fjyus4re •' 'Atom.b' ties • Torpid, Iazy liver causes biliousness- and head- ache -two common corrtplaints. - 1 Canadian;- Northern Steamships. Limited 2-1°/ t ENUYOUR CHRISTMAS AT HOME' THE ROYAL LINE it the speediest, most comfortable and best route to - The Old Country STOMACH AND LIVER TILLS wake up t!:c Iiecr---ii,..44 it tc action, sir_•:lily mess -es rao] ►:: hi .'f ';sects :g'. - tablr r:in;Gy 'that has r baler s_ eft;Fat ctIrSM�cn stent: cit�tr4 i`nw.l4 as well. Fecate it's NW.:\1.'S at; knew *Let's in , it. 2. cetot a box. R. N $., ROYAL EDWARD and.. R. M. S. ROYAL °GEORGE will Bail as foil•�we :- Royal Edward Feo,n Halifax: Ni. S. Due Bristol %Vett., Dec. 7th Trus., Dec. 13th. Royal (leorge Froin Halifax,' N. S. Due : rietol Wed., Dec. 14th. Tues. tea 20th. For rates, and. re vations apply to Local Agen , or to Mr. H. C. Bourller, G. al Agent. Canadian Northern wilding, corner - King al .1T .nto.Sts., Toronto, Ont. - Many ,people want Shoes that --iodk a little different from the common-: rum _of: 'shoes_ They \sap(those ttic, -marks o r rikinkS" their:shoes that show, them'' o be discri M --.ii n a t i n fir, t ht. 6vv SHOE is made from the hand-; somest of selected skins -and" from thest flexible of spe- cially tinned sole leather. In constrruction it shows all the ear- marks of the thoroughbred shoe. SOLE AGENTS. NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE (•(1111:81+'11 d Fall and Winter Li ..-With Fall codes fie question of -rear Winter comforts. One of the principal things About the house is the cook, Clove„ hegiting stove 'or furnace. Sold and gut >� S. E. HICK. E. R. WIGLE ODERICH F. J. BUTLAN H. C. DUNL ,Of Mr.1 to hold the .,i'-: even when I Mir. the following il i tt 401 an exaeiple : I M11,1 In tool! 4trkneiO, the white patch of light I !putt the pie:uresereen by Owl r•.,p1toon. There was a dead til • rncc, broken .,riir 1,y. the ;mothered n l gasps of shell hnyt and ghls as the re she leo-turfy told how Lobes the king wolf r. Kritb.loody � of the vengeanee for the msiv oister' 1 the' hem; on will be bJ circles. N. she Wei white wolf wain' was his tante. Cite wiM► all. Lee- i "Lobo errpt pp to nnr cabin nt night," Lee - loses one of it, itomt "nil Mr. Tbolep•on ser,,n• -And we it�f Wes a ,;wakened I+o e,et ifb.l yelp. Then (`tae,. t1eN,nrYr' ilf the * a • Dile' 1...111 active mrm1't. 41f the, h',pprned. In few morning we 1100111 riaixn Entlei►nr • w.ciI4y. Tata tbtit• hobo. ha 1 .e; zed rn1n) pet dim And ecruiug a ►e Nissut in gams+ end t41 him into little piwsee- ,-through •, Ntidilrnlc •.i *thrill rind nigh Tr l to moa, ratted to the sj.a ' q t for and t a tome;... At - 1l eVoick Miss i.aa•son• a srn.11l vnice pup. h1 1 , h 1t - h n h the d u Hess '• What dui "111'. ,1 'hehltrupihrdog /or?' I,ikent4iee Is Your Horse Lame or Blemished • IIUNTER EXCU If .o,f)at T Inner'N Satre Cure is a positive rill's. Thin is t h e greatest remedy ever put nn the Coat Set Ni if never talk to (:'IEP flip 110100„1.1 mat•rr who re he is lame. . 01:1M ('ITitE will cote mange or Erzteto t . n tiny enienal, Moue ep,)tication, ► show was sent to Cue and 1 "til it Nlx ,. They inedeanew 14)11 •• • • da{ locoing. Dot.'( fok en( t 111'114, tui" t re,! pall boxy of Dodds Kidney • (let ygnr peat* earl• f Elm sr show 49 th•• 11,, fou , • ..,. , S OLE FARE OR ROUND TRIP NS Daily until Noy..rnber i2tk• to points in Temagami, MutKok,l, Lake of Bays, N,pissing 1)istriCfs, etc. Return limit December - 111th, except to points reached.. b y -te*mers Notentl:er nth. B ARE YOU (WINN TC California - SURE CURE .,illc.vi,:o or T P COOK - STOV°E- , e the world-wide-k‘town !!appy Thought Range, n,tt doss by itself. 'It will do luore'couking and n.e'er•t given time than .any other „loner Lie _the .rnarltet. %Ye so have cther stakes of•ranaee atrvery' low prion and lolly , guaranteed. • kIEATIN0 STOVES The Itadiant Moine is the host eccnonti...1 heater vtrahe market. canttied see,it. • NOT AIR, HOT WATER and STEAM %We, handle all the utast up-to-date Forut►crs aii,l }loiters on ,the titarket. Let us figure your job. I'Itttnhittg, Electric %%tiring and Tinnsn.ittittg promptly .'.tended to. end all ayork fully glt,tratteed. it ire core foe (11111... MplItt 111/11.411 Teeden., Mot any Sintilat• 111,14111e. l'lorida thin *int. , If Conetilt nearest r< Portland Cement always on hand. Does a•otri• ct11mnyy give yt,u 1rout*? If. 1o, inihcpved Belt Vcutiltitoi' and 5 titnney Cowl. 1 with a high stark 'on your chimney. New 19 thel,lIne to.at- • :t, your reef .heime the COM 14PA(hr %V0 •hxndln t1 t C,itiitditt 1 I onn9• U.►ndille •Ranting, mad0 from pure Lake Trinadad arph alt. fan eotatpn,itbn)I, which deteriorate under the aaivus of tb� •.l •..they.. 4 'may Store 'Mott ise C. LEE 0