HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-10, Page 8rauluoax, Novi/dna,' IO, 1010
Bylaw Must Be Submitted to the Rate-
payers—Committee to Look into
the Power Question—Board of
Trade Proposition Receives Atten-
At the regular meeting of the town
council last Friday evening. the pur-
chasing of the Mclyor property for a
park site. the numbering of the houses
in the town and the et -curing of els
trlc power for the town's tuanatee-
torsos were a few of the problems dis-
cussed by the aldermen.
The Fire Convention.
The clerk read a letter from t hief
Thompson, of the fire brigade. He
told of having been in attendance at
the convention of fire chiefs in Tor-
onto and stated that he has reeetved
several suggestions which he intended
to•deal with at •a meeting of the fire-
men which will be held shortly. His
account of $lu for expenses incurred
on his trip was ordered to be paid and
his report was referred to the fire com-
mitter. A request for rubber goods
for the firemen also wee referred to
. the fire eomntittee.
To Buy the Meteor Property.
The Mayor mid he had hal a eonver-
aatlon with Mr. Mclvor, who under-
stood the town whhed to buy his prop-
erty on the lake front for a pyrk site.
• The councillors all agreed that it was
a very desirable property to aequlre.
Councillor Lalthwaite was given
power to negotiate for its purchase.
('oun.•illor Martin reported that the
\gurney property which the cerancil
roust necessarily purchase In order to
open Raglan street at the rear of the
new erhool grounds could be pur-
chawed for $WO. 11 wan the intention
to open this street and ley a eldewalk
so that it would shorten the illatanre
to the school for +one p rill+. As it
would take $:1110, In addition to the
purchase price, to put the street in
proper shape, the 'outwit wise not in
favor of gong ahead in the (Water, so
it was left in aheyenre.
.I. W ('raigie repealed against the
aswsament on his billiard room on the
Sips ire. He had been *secs erl for a
reefe tett lie esplalr,. d he had. Aeteo
pied this property since last W areh
only. This i+ a metier which will
ow1(ne helot* the court of revi-inn.
• Mr. Shipman May See.
%S'alter Shipman, through hir•soliei
tor. L. E. fiancee% threatened an ar-
lion for damages if the council did not
do something to reennipense hire for
the injuries received by his wife Roque
',writhe ago when she injured her leg
while walking down tC(to *brow at the
foot of Wellington street. The letter
was sent to the special committee far
ronsiderat ion.
Land for Factory Sltea.
A letter w.ls rot -raved loan the
Bwr.l; d Trade askiug that the-woun-
rd take steps to secure from tho Ilei.
(minion 1lovernulent the right for the
town to tike aver that part nl the
Maitland River -known as In hag
haunt and the water I its AAP •P ti
thereto. The p.lrls„e• welsh, h.• to
build the land up and in Ike It vale -
able for factory sites, which the town
'night offer to respell tittle iudumtriee.
Some of the councillors were at little
dubious as to whether the Govern-
ment world aaseot to such n propuarl
Councillor %Vallee@ pointed out that if
a cement wall were built from the end
of the C. P. R. etlhenkment to the
west end of the breakwater it would
do away with the neceenty of repair-
ing the river breakwater which, he
said, the 11 rverum ut h had fre-
quently to do. He was in Laver of
asking for the hand and also rcquast-
ing assistance. frown I he Government
to build the cement wall. 1' ,uncillor
Hawking opined that all that was
neceieary wan to have the town Ilrnits
extended to the centre of the northern
r•ha•tnel of the river. lie w:at certain
that any firm wishing to secure a
building site along the river break-
water would itself Teak after a proper
foundation and the cement wall would
be unnecessary. Oa motion of the
Deputy Reeve, seconded by the
Reeve, the matter was referred to the
epeeist! committee to confer with a
committee of the Huard of Trade and
Payments on Railway II ends.
The Toronto General Tryete Oor•
poration supplied the info *tion that
the s u to of $118,119M fl h ad been
nil. guaranteed
charged against th
by the town of r oderich as the share
of payment et ode to the Coterie
West:(. Railway.
M ubreit Bylaw to Ratepayers:
Garrow, town aoliricor, furwart uI
a letter with the draft agreement pro-
_ potted to be enteroi into between the
town and the 0. W. S. R. In his let-
ter Mr. ()arrow stated that he had no
hesitation in sa] ing the agreement
would have to be approved by the
ratep.►yers. 1'nder a recent statore
councils of municipalltlea are irohib-
ited from granting any individual or
company the right to occupy any of
the streets of the municipality or to
construct or operate any railway in
the municipality, unless and until the
bylaw setting forth the terms and
conditions upon which, and the period
for which, such right is to he granted
hag Leen suhmltted to and received 1
the amen( of the ratepayers. Excep-
tion Is made in the rase of certain hy-
1 awe and agreementa referred to in the
sieirili, a the agreement -lb (i
does not come within the exceptions.
H. go rd i n g the traneptrtatinn of
freight the Ontario Railway Act con-
tains pmv(sions which make it nerve-
rtry that before any freight o• Pxp•P+s
ear.. shnll 1e ca. ui.d along any high-
way the sire and number of the cols
and motors ill he used therewith and
the hours of running the RAMP shall
he approved by the t)nterio Reilway
and Municiptl hoard. No freight see -
vie•, shall 1..' operated nr any eta tin of
freight ',tarried on the highway until
authorized hs. the Board.
The letter and agreement wee ro-
ved to the committee of the whole
e ncil for ronsiderat ion and w meet -
ing as fixed for Wednesday night.
H. A. McKwan was present and
stated ,t b at the railway .vrmpany
would like to get connection with the
railway stations in town as soots as
poeeible. It was pointed out that little
could he done toward.; securing this
connection before the municipal elec-
tion., and an effort will be made to
have the bylaw submitted to the flee
tun at that time.
The finance committee presented a
report recommending the payment of fawns sure 1 had seen you before. 1
a number of accounts. Ad -pled.never tot get faces."
Will Na Number the Houses
A Wonderful Memory.
"My dearoung lady," mid the
*Locust -blinded profeeeor. "I'm gut-t-
urel've suet you before. I'm perfectly
oettain that your face is familiar to
me" ."Ittat's very likely," replied the
young lady ; "you were introduced
blit me joint before dinner."
"I knew it," cried the professor. '•1
A Wilts.
It was moved by Councillor Haw- She laid the will white form beside
kine, seconded by Councillor e, those which had gone trefoil.) no soh,
that the council reconsider thea matter no WO b forced its way from her heart,
of numbering the houses. When the
matter was open for discussion Coun- throbbing as though le" wouW burst.
cillor Hawkins, who has been the pro- Soddenly a cry In
tooter r,f the 'dee, aros,• and made as
final plea in favor of the scheme.
Some people, he said, had treated it as
a joke, but any who went to the
trouble of investigating would find a
situation entirely without any sense
of humor. Merchants f 1 difficulty
in delivering parcel.' to the proper
plane. Factory managers conld not
find their employees on short notice
when they were not on duty. Con-
fusion at the postoftleP WAS another
serious result .4 the aMrence of num-
bers on • houses. Ministers had
trouble in finding the residences of
the meurlwrs of their rongregetiuo.
It was almost iairposnlhlP to direct
strangers properly aMrtit town under
the {present system. Physielans re-
ceived calls which they were unable
to answer immediately, n+ they could
not locate the residence of their
patient. Moreover, if the residences
of Goalerich were n hewed it would
add dignity to the town. The ex-
pense of placing a good aluminum
letter on every house in town would
not be over $1(11). Deputy Reeve
%innings expressed the opinion that
there were other things which the
Otero needed worm.. The vote was
then taken, Councillors Parson+ and
Wallare voting with Councillor Haw-
kins In favor of the Idea. The mot inn
was declared host.
Deputy Reeve Mannings thought
the fire engine required a coat of
paint, but Councillor Hawkins was
ready with the remark that when it
had gone without paint for over a
quarter of a centarry It could do with-
out for another year. None of the
other coancillors Recited to ire in
faviir-ef busying the paint, so the mat-
ter was drop.
(toeneillor . far tin reported that the
work ,.f ercrting the steps at the foot
of V. s►lingtun street was to Ire coin -
mimeo] this week.
(irnurrillor Hawkins iutiut•atr 1 that
tr wo,rhl ro+t $to TO grade and gravel
the cemetery_ road. He was in-
wtrnrte.l to hey the work done.
The Power Question.
Demi'y Reeve Munoings introduced
the subj •ct of eerie ing hydro -electric
p twee, or If that were not tea elide ho
thought it aoiviaable to snake an effort
to re' the eohnty interested in the de-
velopment of power within the
founts. Reeve Reid su4geated that
Hon. Adam R •••k he invited to visit
(1 sterieh ao•l hoot over the Nitestiun.
The matter WA. finally referred to the
epeeist committee to book into Ihe
'natter alit see what may M• done to-
werds et•.•tiring pore, from any
The Reeve announced that the
cheques in payment of the insurance
on the Goderich organ fivtory bad
arrived and were m.tde Jointly in
teeter of the company and the town.
Mr. Suet leers h ad intimated to him
that as soon as the cheilees were
signet by th . M tyor the balance of
payments due blit• town this year
would be made: The Mayor was
authorized to sign the cheques.
This ronelluled the hnsineae before
Ihe r It.
Clark's Pork and Beans.
Try this brand ou your family and
see if they do not pronounce them
euprerior to the borne article. This is
no reflection on your cooking, but is
because of our superior facilities.
Wm. ('lark, Mfr., Montreal.
t Enticing.
"Howe It tbat,yoir
prolific f
"I feed
e the stillness of
the place --on ngle heartbreaking
shriek ; lh silence ; another cry ;
more sl OP : 111011 all silent but for a
wattur'al murmur, which seeoted to
weir up from her very soul. She left
the place. She would lay another egg
tomorrow.—Prinoetor Tiger.
A Masculine Threat.
Her hat was a gorgeous ereatioi.
1t wee the very lat.rwt--Ihe gulden
pheasant drearn, twin -brother to the
('hanteeler nightmare. She sat in the
second row of thestall+. "Pardon me,
madame," said the own behind her,
"1 r annot see the stage." She
answered not. "Exciter me," contin-
ued the 'insertable worm, "will you
kindly remove your hal 2" The
hundred -dollars' -worth }tuck to its
perch. "Ma•lame," declared the per-
sistent creature, sternly, "if you do
not take off your hat at once I'll—Cil
wring its neck 1" -
We're Still Using the Little Handle.
In addressing the Sarnia town coun-
cil a representative of the Bell Tele-
phone Co. said " The larger towns
and smaller cities are rapidly being
equipped with what it known as a
central energy pleat, so fiat it is not
necessary to ring up central with the
little handle nn the phone, and tbtere
are no hatteriee to Inc renewed. As
soon as the receiver i+ taken frutu the
hook the operator in central is noN=
This is nut yet in tioderi.•h, Initead,
(were of the 'phone heal' have yet to
"ring lip rentrut with the little
bendh•" and wait and sometimes halm
to repeat the number desired two or
three times. If rhe bit ger towns are
"being equipped " why is not 11,,1e-
rieh included t'
Dpening 1 oronto Office.
One of the largest and utoet tenable
firma of advertisbr .R..t.lwebe Der -
minion of 1' 'nada lethal of itTe(Trinnell
& Frrgnssnn, of 1.or,don. it is an-
n ounced that This firm is opening an
office In Toronto, which will he in
charge of .fame+ F +her, a w.11•ktu.wn
and tap title Toronto advertising man.
The Toronto (Ace, which will he in
the new Lnmeden building, will give
the Hun het lei farililies than ever for
handling its lir--ge and growing lousi-
ness. '1'ue pregrees of 11►e McConnell
& Ferguson.' Agency Lae Leen inerke d.
Akotib eight years ago it was eatah-
lished in irendon. the members of the
firm being helh young and aggressive
Canadians. .1. E. McConnell was for
s -venal years sato-Dieing in an"gel• for
the \I'('la y Magntaclnrieg ('n , and
In that erpaelly hnu.11wl sitht.inguler
ahility and wr•e,ss the approptiallens
of Orbe of (' tnad •'1,1 great national ad-
vt rt'ueerP. AI M. liergusl m wan , ales
manager of one of ('wool*'. Isrgeet
donsestir and expor itd ithographing
bootees. Mr. Metier, the manager of
the new Toronto uffi e, buss hail a
valuable experience in newspaper sod
auvertising work.
Discretion the Ilemier Part.
A Yorkshire canon bad leen locally
dibpl•aeed by an act of disolwdie
on the part of one of his gaol ,erre
and «ought *n interview 'th the
offender in order In rep tan 1 him.
Knowing Gust, it h were nide to:
avoid the interview nitl the (emon's
wrath hail abut , he would come off '
with Imly a few mitt words of unsure,
the garde'aer kept out of the way. A
few days later, however, master and
noun came face to fere. "Why have
your avoided me in sop pointed a man-.
ser of late, Johnson ?' wilted the ec-
clesiastin. "Weil, 1'11 put it to you' as
eo a man, .sir. Would you, if you could
help it, stand in front of a canon to be
blown up?" wittily replied the gar-
Enduring fit,
because all
Pen -Angle
Underwear is
value because
it does wear
Real comfort,
because so
knit that the
shape stays
in It. These
r,.rrfe ,(.e. -A
reasons should make you
request the brand and
look for the trademark.
Have you tried Penmans
No. 95? For the children
as well as grown ups.
Pen -Angle
If shoes differ at
any particular point
it is in keeping theit
Shape - retaining
quality depends up-
on good lasting, or
the way the leather
is stretched down
around the last, and
time given for the
shape, to become >�
!n victus Shoes
are never rushed at
any stage, and prove
themselves by re- •
taining shape until
worn out. .
l' a 11 11 Kalil Street and Square - IiODBftI
To Readers of., The Signal
The following letter is from Mr..
Mee(iillivray, wife "f Rev. Donald
MacGillivray, well known__tn at
men, of our reader,. We rend it
top all who are interested ,.Christian
miasinns :
ilaAn alit. Euro nu, Nome of your
reader.. will know that we are work-
ing with the Christian LTf cdiure So-
ciety in Nhenghal though still mem-
bers of the Canadian Presbylerisn
nnis.ion. The work 111 1110 1 hr iso bus
Literal Society is to prepare and tat
Defoliate Christian bootie into the
Chinese language. it is hardly po:-
s11.1e for our Mende at home to rj'alize
the .itnation In China. Try to think
what it would Inc like it the shelve. of
the libraries of the ministers of Can-
ada were soddenly were led of all their
bookie Try In imagine a Canaolia'1
home robbed of its Mok,—no Chris-
tian maenxinev, no 1 k+ for the chil-
dren. Now this would be a picture of
China, only von must add to it the
terrihte heathenism with which oar
L(-hriM.iane are .uiroond•d we r it not
' for the work of our Society and other
Tract Societies didrtg 'fuller work In
thie land.
But this is the difficult? I is ent In
put before petit r.adere. eThe major -
it y
ajor•ity of the native I'hristlane ere so psta,r
they e►nnot afford to buy the Iwarks.
(Inc of the weak points In China is the
ah.enes of h real hum. -life. The
1101111.4 are inn poor, there is no aurae.
Lion there for the children The lr-
irrshiciien of Is.oks Into the home
would tend to foster a hove foe the
hone fled no nation can beubonse
wrong If the hnu"-life alb. individ-
ual is weak.
I Rot that is nor my +tn,ngest point.
Our nal ire pastors and teachers and
helpere are most of them too pre .r to
I buy hooka Numbers of gull conse-
crated men in the Interior of this land
Because it has so many special features for worsen
The woman who wants to keep posted on the w.. el
happenings from day to day will find the news presei,trU
mint readable way.
Then there are the most interesting of Home Peettt--the
daily chapters of an entertaining serial story—colurnns ..f Lille
social and personal news—Madge Merteo's page—and tllustr.ted
daily fashion hints.
Every line sparkling with interest and information—nethea
sensational—dean—wholesome—and relishable reading aheut
most everything that appeals to women.
Send your subscription to -day
$1.50 a Year
This paper and Me Toronto Daily Star
fbr one year $R .2O
ate engaged in sheet preaching,'tin-
rfating and doing p tetorel work for
from $1 to $fl per month.. Some tut
argue that ('hintwn can live cheaply.
Se they cane and el can the beggar
claws and the dweller.. in fire flu ns at
home. But ('hri.iianity hew raised
the Id. de and ntnudls of thew. men
and they event b•Iter humew, hettnr
clothe,, even laeti..r fund. and, yes,
even ocnn'innally a to lc But They
cannot afford it. One of the points in
the Chinese (bemli needing strength-
ening today i' the native ministry.
If 1e (.rite, and IPt Ila thank Gos1 for
that noble self sarritking men truly
celled to the work n"e in the Chinese
infinite eye but 1 am pleading not so
much rot those who here igen nhle to
get training in our native colleges -hut
for the men in the interior who have
beets called '•from their nib.," and are
proclaiming the Good Tidings in the
villages and the cities of heathen
Some time ago my hnuleand end I
were led to offer copier' of Andrew
Mut ray's ''Spirit of Onion.' and Bneh-
3ewtre" sty arty mi.-
e lonary who would apply rn behalf of
soy of their native helps' e. We be-
gan with a smell sum, raping it, for
want of a better name, the L. n ..1 1).
fund. Reputing have 1 -earthed IIs from
all porta of the grapir••, and lettere of
w rath it 1. have followed Our fend is
nearly exhsustnd. 1 have a desire in
1 my heart to wend to every native par-
, for in (Acini getting under $8 per
ntonlh a pMw•nt of ell hook s specially
;thrown, to help him in his work. The
emit of the six !melte would probably
he about $I. 11 would be a rno,t air
reptahle present to send them et their
New Year stand the end of Jammu y.
I App. al to the readers of thin piper
to help tote in this work.
IMac IMvALn) L. A. MAt•GILeta Ft IT,
I 1i8 North Stecbne'n Road. Shanghal.
Your underwear that shrinks "a tittle" is ■
worse bargain than you think. For the merest
shrinkagecloweethousandsof fluffy air cells through
which your body should ventilate. And when
ventilation is interfered with 'your health, your
comfort suffer.
We twill semi The Signal fro.n not( to
the Intl of 19 $i.0
t lir i
Test Btataeld's 1'nslrinkable Underwear as
severely as you will: it csn't possibly shrink.,
Because vigorous laundry tests must prove the
e fectiveoese of our secret unehrinkable process on
every single garment before it G. allowed to leave
the factory.
• Thus is our "Mosey—back—if—it—shrinks"
guarantee trade possible.
Wili stand the
severest tab test.
Mode both for women and for men in perfectly fitting sires. Twenty-eledbffervnt weightsand qualities:
fmm warm, heavy rlhbea garments particularly imitable for outdoor workers to the soft, finely knitted
underwear so soothing to sensitive skinsYour local dealer se11e Stanfield'« t'nahrinkable Underwear.
Catalog on request. STANFIELOS LIMITED. - - - TRURO. N S. 77