HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-10, Page 7TIIsIliNAi, Gt)DERICH*)NTAR!O o
News of the district
I µsrtiv?. „► Walton,Is at , McCallum-Wuetuin Wedding.
,` lying• merrier, ill of The merrieof Miss Jeseie A„ eve.
(oud daughter of Mr. avd Mar. John
1levee �lakereullalo rd Wiseman. of Clinton. 10 Ile. Romaone a hartrPPr d
ey year. +ornereelfte' ,� heist iib
pe Hat.
we i t '''+trawl in McKU1,I) 00 asteoat . in the presence of the intim
el, October 1Jath, of Maty ate frie0dr and relatives of the inter-
The▪ Jrughter of the Irte Hetet. estrd parties. happy couple left
✓ 16 ,;he was iu her forty-fifth the same day for the gro lln'r home at
Kingston and will vl+it there for a
other lhty Mrs. Alegi• Jamieson, t►hort time before leaving fir the Old
n tretlr, ,tepis�d on +t slipper Coualry, where the 1loator purposes
had the' uliefor-tune, la fa 1 Inking a coon+ in the htmprt il.+ of
O. D. MacUalluln, late of 1.0ndrrt),r°.
was solemnized on 'Monday, October
31st. The erre y way perk/tumid
at tbu home of the bride to Rev. Ur.
re' 1)00(1+ In her
tie one of in, London and Edinburgh.
Te Quash Seaforth Bylaw.
r;,u illnrt* of aboutten
of lorry: Seatorth Expositor: We under-
alr'I'rKKrrt, a 1 to Monday, Mand action has been taken to quash
hit,, I lege away 'the bylaw passed by the tatepayere of
rt• JI+t• IIs wits in his seventy liealorth in August Iavt,'providin for
(e,r.I the guaranteeing of the b irehr of the
✓ Bl...tvn, tet Mor. 11 tuwosbip, Robert Hell Engine k Thresher Com-
�Ireeeril the farm of 8. Howlett, I any, u
Limited. to the M1100111 of :311.-
ry, south of Rawl. The price Imo. The grr,nde on which the by-
es,. RI,HIsI. 10nrvesslon will uelevy k tieing attacked are that the
on the lint of March next. vote waw taken on a Iiet whleh had
J. ll:.iI of Eordwicb, en- not been revised by the judge. that
,.a the Marriage of his daughter. money bad been illegally expended in
.r.dt i he 1., to l'huIPK A. Leath- tlr t11-
carrying the bylaw, and that no pro-
of Brandma, Maul.
,1 to take place at \Vinnipeg oar
miller eerie
,ruler resident of Sealortb, in the
0 of Cherie* Rett, is dead at
on, nl..•n• he had conducted a
we end undertaking business
ve last 1,urteen years.
Abbe ear reef "age.
of '•itlfenitle paralysis.' is re -
T sun
et Mr.Iaand .less.
Lal. -fell a prey to this
wafter 1 few day: illness. He
e bitelgl
P wart ia•e
Mategi v i ng
nerd lr) ear,
v•k plan in Linden
y of Mita Flossie
are, daughter o Mr.'anll Hue► too.
eon( h;:.,tie, u. y
pndoe. 1he cerert0•t.y was per -
ed in Dundee Center Me !millet
rhe hv Rev. lir. Id tunicg- J.0. 1. Wilsonlate of
, B� ... rg .led
re, toe mooed the
haled the practice o[ r. Pete -
id et lVinghsnt. 1tr. ee'elarm
l eve %car's inetetirillg at Zurerh
h+s fust omitted f. om 1'bieagh,
teha, t, •l a pert gt'dual e course'
vision is turtle in the Bylaw aspub-
lished for raising a sinking fund to
meet the debentures in case the com-
pany should default in payment.
A Pioneer of Hoick Removed.
Otte of the pioneers of Huwick is
dead in the person of Mn. Robe. Hard-
ing. Her death took- place on Mon-
day, October :+114t. She wail in her
seventy- t and year and was a netive
of Limerick county, !Mane. She
came to Cenatla with her parents
when *even years of age ani -in 114tl'3
was united in mae•riage t , Robert
Harding. They reglad on a hush fartn
nn the loth concession of Huwick.
Twenty-one years ago theyleft the
farm and went to fi`orrie, where tl ,
,elided for fifteen menthe. T.,oy then
pnrchiteed :t la•'nl near I••ordwlcb, and
lived there until nine years age. when
they ret itwl fr far . The 1, rr-
eovrd huxh.tnd :1(141 a family of one son
sell five daughters are left to mourn
her departure.
(hat i% 101011111 am the "black
inee' hos shewn itself among the
d. et lartnete in Grey tewn
p Inst. -eh r Tennant. of Loudon,
Heil he fit: me and hal Rpm coved of
Wine the dieerme, the' of born -
/the overt' pr lite deeellned AW-
NW hoe erg. Murray. who
n ed et London
(keel.; , was fornier resident
11.- wits in hie tevent y -
tenth ). 41 ile was a 'wive of
ntland and came to this country
ty five yelps pee. He (aimed in
;Moo toe nehip for event yeare
el lime vent -Way' a !general MOM
NM...Sin 11441'441. &toy" going to
Milan to loe he welded in Clinton
re about sixteen year.. His wife,
to tons and five daughters 'survive
Illtklfatit again tbe Only
Mr. . Allinson. 417 King street.
Londe) Ont., rays : "While 14 mem-
team, and +wing a rough and exeit-
*revel, S341..allinf a badly lacerated
attendence, as Pend end gravel filled
the open wound, Which was very pain-
ful rind pore.
"For several weeks
ed my injury. anti it w
well healed over but no
begun to move about HI
Ingredients: Sulphar. Glycerin. theme. telerid.
Cseeftwa. Saga. Akubol. Water. Perham.
Ask your doctor if there is anything injurious here.
Ask hitn also if there is not genuine merit here.
Does not Color the tiair
knee. This ti ied prompt medical
th night to he
tier had I
the skin
than at
fine. Fier seven lout weeke Was ac
Ovally laid tip. It then develoMtd inw
a running more, a id 1 was alarmed for
fear thee:09ton might be a perm %fleetly
stiff kilee. "'The -tor's !realm -eat
failed tit heal the weenie No I pi °cured
a simply of Zatu-Hek.
1 was almost magical 111 itS Hired,
011 the sow. The tinc(111.rging Anon
ErtS4E11. The emenees 4114 1 piens were
htnished and !terries -praiser with Zarn-
iluk math. the liselly-Ineerates1 knee MA
good ani firm as evet. 4ent. link has
equel in elenring tel 'healing op el
wound's, and 1 reemumeett it to all
athletes and spirt 'men."
7. inotiiik will also he• towel a sine
cure for cola a Res, chapped luoide,
from bite, uleerp, eczema. Wood -
Rome ringworm, infletned• pitches.
generally. All druggists and stores
ii 41,1 We. box, or e eit fetes Num gem-
l'o., Toronto, upon receipt elf
price. Ton ere wai nett egeinst harrr-
the registeteel wine e7. ilielluke on
sin! /Allow their
tleole,!, to sell thew :-.uhettittste for
Former Goderich School Principal Now
in Hui Nmety-sixtli Year.
Vroni The Orilla' t.
Mr. John lialtialie, nee -vent
two summers in thin, Mid who iv 111
his -ninety-sixth yea, kindly o tit -
ten the following ienilniecetrees for
The Packet. lie is bale and it !live tii
city TOt.011*0, where lie reeides, and
cal... mouton). alert. and inlet ept
curt ent events both in church and
etate. A cousin of the Right I tor -
able John Iliddane, Minister of War.
our Mr. Heiden° is of a different puli•
ilea' schooe being Cencervative In
those of the Mother Count.' y. He
writes :
Are you oue of the easy-going kind
It IOW II -hi IE. ie dead in the permit) of
In. Andrew Lees, at her 1
linhsae. She came lip 111101
:miry from Helkiteshire. Scotland,
§ the pally fifties. The family
ruled el 1.114) n.hip and in the
'Per IWO the 'if -vetoed wag married to
ier now bereft husband. They "ea
ora short time in Wetetloo eminly
Ind then took' up their residence in
Norris township. They livett- there
mid thee:fell of Mgt, when they relo
r.V.Thi 10 le enmesh DeEE seed w
"Nth' Y•tliot *0411•41 44 age. Resides her
hitshaiel, bendy of nve mow and elz
arewthltes 'ire left to mourn her de -
Needle in Boy's Stomach.
A king needle wan removed a few
his Age feint the stomach of P. boy
named Howard Mtswart, who lives
noar Clinton 'The lad had 'been
troubled 1,1 eight yerare with exisee
eve p§in ehich paraded the medical
men. le. fehaw, of Clinton, was
relied peel Melded to operate end a
long needle was discovered to be the
Muse of theeboyes diet There ie
imexplanetion tot ti, hoer the needle
A Wroxeter Wedding.
As intermiling event took Mere at
"Pe Miss Nellie Hope, tieeond daugh
ter of Mr. and Mee. Robert Black, WKS
" that iliiesit•I kink
reel wilk quality
Aftli your denier for list of premiumiii
offered for empty spools. or write to
/4 Bey Street
I begin to bead the settlers iu Can-
ada. I was born on the einh of June,
1815 —two days after the belie. of
Waterloo—and last Jime I received
congratulations fi townie, gleet-grand-
ehildien, whirl) I Misch vein e My
father preetieed law iii Edinburgh, 1
wee put lot . hie oaf. e after finishing
failing he wee advised to go abroad.'
-end a brother (Meet of the late noted
Dr. Duoloo advised him to join the
Doctor At GoJerich, on Lake Huron,
No steamere thou. %Ve sailed' from
Le'th in Jiey, 11•31. We had to take
refuge in Crum/say Firth fcr a %seek.
Here I was AmoNett At the independ-
ence of the shapkeepese, who hocked
their doore at twelve for d:nner, and
after their hot todde 'let timed 'at one.
Fresh supplies we got here—egfee at
twopettee a dezen, and other things in,
propottion Ah, thin 'Wei e the days
of peace and 'dent y.
We were twire•nemly ehipui-ecked,
once in geing into ['Mom luithor, -and
once in the culf. After biX weeks, on
a bright Sunday morning, we noticed
the heights of goeirec, end chiefly the
reflection by the sun from the meted
'elate which aporered euinethiug
vohere with the French habitant• in
their carts drawn by doge, attenditig
ehurch. •• We pr weeded with our
goods to Montreal in a coeititig veseel,
leaving out eieters in Queliee till we
could settle. I reirieusher in Montreal
the hotel was a frame building much am
vela now see in vetiver—. Here A e met
en agent of t he C Mad* e,inpsny,
%hi) *toOk nip (Allier up the country
1 hy stage, SIP -11 MS it, wee. -My-ell end
it Co., for warderv, weur in one of
men, mid whii pushed the epriat up ,I he
Yortinto a vieite, Then it. woe net es
now, with busy 'whet VI*. 'The server
of the bay levee the remitting elim 0,
'We teach( d Hamilton, where se
trout ti Limit+. Whole the 11 iyel
bought ambito,. Ili 4t. N El 0 then leo
— !tome dozen hotisee. Oa let (ohm's
errival we nitived toe sole Cielerieh 14)
a %noon. but the loft le of cooltiroy
were sio rough we lied to send it back
for the gobtrie to lie sent .by water, and
easy jibin rept of toe mile , a tie y. Part
of the rout was being eut out. entl we
had to (roes loge. W e reeled Al Fitt nt -
ford. then a mei e vill rite, lad we met
with I. C. Daly, an agent of the Cana-
da Company. front wheal we Wit 111 UCII
informatim. We Yvette on to Clinton,
whieh boasted of only one hotel, kept
by Wm. Rattenbury. Next day we
proceeded to (loch -rich. The nuirket
squere was .1 thicket of elder bush,
corduroy iiied—a very bad one-ofrem
this to the shore of the lake. Only
one (tame house, owned by Ilaronde
house,. These ow another h at
the bottem of the viltrige, kook by RD
old man styled Judge Reid." l'het e we
met some gentlemen in ewer •Ii of jand.
We felt we had got riot of the we oils
into civilization. Resting heir we
then got a yoke of oxen to take us and
our goods to a house. tny father heel
ordered to be built, tnade of logs, and
split wood ten a tool. Totem eight miles
off. When I remembered the house I
had left. and PAW my future home, I
My bruthere and I, with tiroteh
oiliest, determined not to -he beaten,
and u e cut clown, logged, bullied:, and
planted a bilge (Diehard. Our wheat
took the pi ize in the market. After
seven yetue, op Fold out, %jetting to
establieh our separate homes. I be-
came it. ineipalert whet einem% the Col-
legiate Into -flute lif Coderich. which
poeitimeei held for twenty-five year,.
The 'pioneer life of i his 'in e itettion,
with limited meanie, was eel y al (turn'',
and my health geve way. I hut te do
whet it takes six tnen to do. 1 then
undertook inatiranee and real estate,
business. My brother Heruard welt
into banking and insurance Imeinees.
anee of Toronto, very succeesfully.
its 1-1437, when I aria twenty-two. I
joioed the Loyalists under the historic
Colpnel Dunlop, to withstand the
movement* of William Lyon McKen-
zie. AS Evidence of the e •vere test to
which opt: native loyally W11.9 sub-
jected, I may meniion that while
Colonel Vein gjentowl one lea/ling the
mins. ewistance and Rdward, Si 01 e of
our pert y, a MI conspicuously of tie
brother -In -I'm, the hilehattri of their
mister. NVe showed a good front, and
were etyled the "Invincible Hurons."
I am now Ir. toy ninety-Ai:1h year,
end recalling ninny of the eventful
scenes of no' tife. No mateltes—tin-
der boxes, with 6 flint ; candlee tal-
low 1111(1 sperm, with silver elmndeliere
for the drawing -rooms; ii i ocean
steamere, no telegreph, no telephone,
tric rade a y, no automobiles; electric-
ity anel magnetism o ere then in their
i Mr. lieldene received teemed !Yawl -
'nine testimonials limn hie pupile
born time to time mid on leaving
Oodet fete The last one in 1001, an
alblim with the eIgnattitee of many
and dor a: lone. The boa of i hewer was
that uf Mr. George Tate Illacketock,
aired to add hie name and donation to
the other's. Judge Wood, of Stint -
fool, who died last week, was one of
Mr. Haldane's pupils.]
Two Alinute Talks A
there A dog that moll undee.a
tinge ralle.1 A carriage' d.or. is it
lbert Well, whet would you call
og that rouse im ler a motet- ear
for Coal or Wood
you can quickly get the
Pandora oven ready for the
It is mada of Nickel
tee/ which is much more sensi-
tiv than a cast or gray iron
ov.en. It heats up more rapidly
and th eby saves you many
precious minutes.
Abolish the Cauee, and Misery and Dis-
t" is of !neatest on Wall Vanish.
Can ion la( con 41?
suffer from botching of Rit%; bilious-
ness, *our stonuteh, fullness, nauserr4
shortness of breath, had taste in
mouth. fold breath, nervii W11,11.1 0011
other distreesing syniptoths, an.
And if theme game doubting dyspep-
tics E00141 only read the thousande
eineero letters from temple who once
suffered as badly se they do now, bill
who have 111.E11 'thickly and permanent -
1 - cured by the nee of Mi ome, the
After you've used the Nickel
Steel Oven for a week you'll
congratulate yourself that you
invested in a Pandora Range.
Get one this week. M ke up
your mind you'll enjo Its
many conveniences at o
Our agents in your locality w
fill your order promptly.
more, of Ilarieston. The wedding ; by removing the mune. they would go
fli!eler, Mime Jenne' le Meek. and Roy. 1 a lat ge box ef Al i o 11 i t /Mei -, :111,1 '0 411
' P"i'in "lee the aft 'jailing minieter. : teempelves on the 1 1101 rots 1 1" ilea"'
e,,fHlt 117 the fact i hat the date woo The twice of Mieena tablele is m I)
mirringe of the blide's hither end I then- to mire indigestion, or monry
mother. Nit.. rind Miro Whitmore olli hock
Thin or lean or
find in illi-o-na a
hlood, heroine 11.
to extrect more
from the food, Yell
the blood.
reek, theli borne in Harriptnn.
Death of Mrs. Cudmorc at Exeter.
'nu- death IleeniTeci at Kloster on
Sunday, Oetoher :loth. of Mary Ann
J4". *Plitt et the bile Thomas I 'lid •
mere eihe wee in her piety fifth
Yen. Dereneed wax ri native of Dem-
nnshire, England, and CAMP to this(
r°"ht” with her narents when three
Yel‘ta of 'IV. A short tinie after their
arrival the. family welled on the 7th
tieht year,. ago the deeplused wee mar-
l'Inered and moved tn Reeler. Mr. 1
tee._ 'redereeeed his wife Abont
ters le left to Wane her departure.
'scrawny p ((Tie will
maker of 0,441 and
camera the «I al
nut rit Mier mat tot
ich quickly Enriches
lisoddlls, Croup, Coughs and Colds. r‘r
mar, lea. Sold and tuaranued ev
E. R. Wigle, north stile of Square,
Oodetielh. TOM COWAt4 warm. TORONTO.
Stands for Guaranteed Quality
on loo Toronto. Montraal. WinnMal
Vancouver. St. John. N.B.. Hamilton, Calgary
"No mon need fear but he will be
Send -ready Salt."
There is poise in the design
of a Semi -ready Suit.
Note how the shouldeeand
collar fitting qualities are
superb, and in lxith pattern
and fabric there is the
same evidence of finished
Price—an all important consideration–L-
itt the deciding factor, for Semi -ready
Clothes cost less on equal comparison.
The Label is in the
BuylKellogg's and try Kellogg's- then you'll buy it
again. You won't tire of it. There's the welcome
toothsomeness in it, you'll like. With sugar and
cream, Kellogg's is the daintit.tst morsel ever rolled
under your tongue - with the healthful strengthening
qualities your body ought to' have. A dime will prove
Passed. There are thousands ot women an over the
MS Imitrra WI" - country enduring physical torture and mental
anguiste almost beyond description. They are
not victims of persecution, like the ouirtyrs
of old; they are dot called on to (tic* the See -
fold or the stake. but their sufferInge—taranrned
In silence and hidden from the world at large
—are scarcely less intent*.
girls of refined and ',enemies temperament,.
Knowing that their sufferings are due to a
disordered condition of the fetnale functions,
These ladies. as a rule, are women
their native modest? deters them trom peek-
ing relief in the ear ler 4tages, and when they
do consult • phyeician. they usuany get some
drug mixture to take internatiy. which is not
More effective for troubles of
this kind than it would be for
-a toothache, a brute*, or any
other strictly local aliment. •
The seat of the trouble being
in some one of the female or-
gans, the remedy, to be effoc-
live, must act on this portion
cess which always follows the
use of CatANGE 1.1LY in de-
rangements ot this kind. It Is
absorbed directly into the parM
that are inflamed and congested
and its beneficent, soothing in-
fluence is noticeable from the
start The irritation of the
delicate membrane is relieved,
the congestion is overcome lir
the dim:barge of the watery
matter which served to oppress
the nerves and cause mental
depression; the nerve! ars
toned and invigorated;
and the eunshine and joy
of life again becomes part
of her bring. Read the
following letters:
Dear Mrs. Currah:—I
received your kind letter
some time ago. but was
feeling so well, and not
neglected replying sooner. t must pay 1 have more confintrePrid("ingi,MoedRIAciNneu.cthisitLy1
than in anyoither thing I have ever used. Before I knew or found out anything
about this medicine, I doctored away hundreds of dollare, and when I thought I
was dying with inflammation of the womb, a box of °Roelof: LILY' WWI Sera me
through the mall from a friend. The nest suppository t 1.18441 1. Wu.* greatly relieved.
and In a few monthe completely cured. That wan nine years ago this winter, so
you can imagine with what eftteem hold the ORAWIR LILY. am thankful there
la such a relief for poor, suffering women, for I have been one of them and cart
Your sincere friend. MRK NORMAN WEAVIIR.
sympathise with others
Dear Friend, --1 feel it my duty to write you a testimonial as to what Orange
Llly has done for me. Last winter I was feeling very miserable indeed. I could
acareely do my housework during my menatrual period. and for two months or morel
was never free from pnln In the womb end ovaries The pain would run down the
groin, so I would frequently nearly double tip. Then the pain began going op the
bark nf my neck to my brain until I hardly knew what I was doing at times. Ube
wits a burden indeed. I finelly could endure It no longer. so went to our leading
town doctor and had an examination Ile pronminced it (I forget the word) a
rigid condition of the generative organs, produced by repented itteeks of inflamma-
tion. Br, said I Trottel have to take a 0011EFOs Of treatment, aMI If that failed to
overeome the rigid ondltion 1-mIght. in time. be compelled to have the ovaries re -
mewed. I objected to that. so out nr Coonley•s symptom blank and for-
warded it to him_, and he dingnosed the dlysebarts;ottuienosdamtweoa)ns ratnyofloec.nrladteoemtoar....soget
deelded to take Er. Coonley'm Treatment.
two packages of llerteni Womb Tonle and AIX boxes of Orange Lily. It is eight
months einue begen the treatment. but I feel like ti hew woman. work right
through everything now Gently know a pain. even during menstruation now 1
often say, "'I would not take 00 and he in the Mete that 1 WAR lain March." 1
tem that pr. ononteve4 Home Treatment le n Godsend to muttering womankind, and
shall continuo to sound its praisea whenever I have an oimortunItv.
Yours grntefully MRS T. 11. HATTON.
ORANGE LILY RP a remedy for theee ns ati for letworrhoca painful
periods. irregulariden. cancer,' In their enriter atngen. tomorc climplarementst lawn -
Minna. and all overinn trembles. has long miner paw,' thr• ,inahnkehelmi:nwtoarlthatikiaesma.06
earoiderit am 1 of thl. that I will Pend ten drive* trentment.
te Any sufferer ARPIGIXTELY FREE 'The trentment is inexponalee. used at
home, and no physician Is necessary. Send at nne• for the
For sale by
The Howell Hardware Co., Limited
Give the children Cowan's Per-
fection Cocoa and drink it yourself.
It is the best beverage for young
which will denionetret• thet ORANGE LILY wit cure you Enclose stamps. *041
Delays ere dangerous.