HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-10, Page 6•.t, 07, i 6 PHtlitAnAY, i iWRsVRRR , Ia1Q T T `THE SIGNAL: GODFRH1 ONTARIO NE EDGE IIEREIN the Free Agent Comes to the Rescue 9f 1.a Woman Who Was Alone— By Edward I l ungerford 'trynUp6. I4%0, I.r 11,. n . ,. 1'. •t 11,•'.1 CO. All riaat• Morons t AVID OORitOtt, beginning life as a gra•'r'r clerk, In Northfield, N. Y., b comes e "free agent" in the busuaess and, crr•wJieg him principal competitors out of bust - /m.44, hecomea ♦ man of importance in the community. go nngroseed Is he'll money mak- ling that he neglecim Rhoda -Clark, to whom ho v'•• -s engaged: Disheartened by. his tppareut' lmAtffelenee, her eyeatght,failing, Rhoda goer tyt New York city to earn her IHving, earefulbet c .u'-e,Uhg her whereabouts from Devid. Con- s 4'enre •atrtrkef, h. faits In hie efforts to (mato her. but 'when he' makes a last hcaf•t-hungry wppp•i to .Iter, sive t*Iegrgph i back. tier address, %hili the single word • Cora"'' • • Till: '11111►► ('}1.1P:'I R. • rtS 1„ ADKIINS' 1mnrrting. house stool within :Innings.. gn et street 111 Slonlh ltMok!sn, 11 4,r5J ones' our A faRI11.Nn11i.' 41I('f •end it was diol enteel Orel".(11.1 teer(r,Jnnt oche a 11 ebtng• to 11, remeplber'd the lihn.' ' chem l:nt.rnor of she Stair dwelt rlirretlj• n'•r.is., f II whet Wes '11rs. l.'n•kin'' h.iard.in 'liaise it; tau• r ______..- dee ntienl dais, • --r Mr.' .jnntcrrs n• to Aire. i,or CI.' old...Chelrer.- rind ' 1141re 'I:nN:ins' house "Ali 4n,•.. 'I-grt•nt 1,011,0• Ane -of and Afraid dressr*1 aur! nlntoel pretty. Rut between her IoW drawn hair and her aw•eel, Arm mouth,her eyes. the most real Index, were hidden by great, blaek spec - tildes that 'fitted close to her face. "A shame," be had then thought, but had content• OF "TliE NIGHT the th„t. I.Ih,^;w mf Ihe• rtnir•t :*tree• -hilt th!••h hale f'.'I. t ).'•rl.'•- a th; It :k green ate}'!itrK!;.;; t:., �T In, r. ,1•• ;11.1 s'1.•-i'.,•Inl.l. In 'i.1..1111,.•! le rn.•y frntlt runt .•,til....u�.�:�h..4.1 •rrJ.•t ' •,-119! 1iit,, 1h.' third fluor 1 front i.4Itrirout, Net -,re 1!o Ogees r'tl,_s.t non, h of Ihe tiny .11.1 the 1,•', .f ,t, v4 it'r.n h,• 1.141 ..s'0 the •,! ,i u. •.t' oiet.• i:.,tu, .r •I ' .zea 111 neOh, ,•n, .1,.,' •1: • v, "Ib.•t• •li, 1'i:t' 1r•tt.'r, "" AIA T- '- `•`' • --t4rnf r r '»r Sr of -10+44 44- i'-rr•^-lir--h-r�nr l;n. .. ..,r..',,•,. 1! • v 1. . i' ..•r.lnr :•11!1 !I. • 011' rt' .1 :••,1 , 11, .11 ,Pic ro•e, ;•.I .1 too, 1i, •T"$,$ -, •t' ',rt;; 1, 1l1n: the n, torr'..1 of the ,:ot-,r.••ttu et th - r..:lr t.(,ahe 'UM %, •1 VI ere• 1•.,• Pity oe••npmi'i 1,5 111'11 fiunr--at I. .,r eted rol nh• . 1'!.•,J horstlf J:hodn Clark In• • oral • ,'1•4 ^ tit tsee '144 ripne fir(. that I,r, 1l'•• • 1.;,1 ?delved into 1 p:t•„I :. :,,•: c ;tn,l 1',IuI ('r•Icr•r,daa inn h!I4411y oh'tu ' .1.. the f.l'ure r^Ip a1wotlt has - 101124 ms- 1011j(•f” lter.r'tf, fol that Was 11 •, tor., t r•t•,> .f t .•m-ei.•onuptl al NI r01. Lnr1:lnm' who • 1 I , ,' I i •- 111 "•Opel of Ihe ymnrt* ms's in 1tr 1..,/ C I,• r . • • • fn ',',,; f;r n moment with tiCel.i!ch ker. r -"...7J , - 11 ter s dart1 t t!1,• entry f,r her, null vhr-iired and," / oleo en „1 •50'Tile hell erne nt,n tl,'trlt ttt herltnd she. nbn ko •.1 slim It n•t.nld be 1I•'tn If OtIi hnd n1ttnya gr,me hliodly'• In I-he'(lark. Then aur ;,.row- do/enur- e ged o/enur-errd Antro mfnln, ,t"tii Ins n dont aunt open and !aid n pooh of yell .lir li:zbo '"1? 4nirethe. gloomy hall- 0 ',nth :t.trked Iw the flew, r'• of (',Mel Crater, - "het, to might nf;aln. At''li fine yon' for otlrktng w e1 the nin,•r 1t.h way." he laughed. , She .•nllghl the itiferlintt of hie.cnurng.' "1 n•nn riot nut of It until sic, r took do Petra Ir Ir tide anon to r.'' no town." • The Inagtter:went mn1 of hie toles.. "Tnn'ro not wolf," he 1,04,1(1P 4. "and overtntttnit yenned( `AJI the tgltllw. .Itl would he better if you w •.utd lel 11111 beam chopping gr." • The troth trk.t to puns 'their ,to her Jinn. tuts• ahs' 'Ment n rh.d ani• 111anri ('Intek --reel she reebt • 11Jint It wee brat Ihnl Paul ('parer should not L i t ..-net , J,,al yet. She Ihnnkisl "hien for Ills scoldln1• alta' passed into her own r•.oti. She Ilt;htrd the gam thnt (Inrbd beml.lr her mirror Wird fought a Riegle gllmpae of her while, tired foes'. it Rennet her,. She tore the pine tIt of her beet. siert it spinning Into n eh:Iir and throve' bersrtf noose the rhetr, crying ns If her verv- " I Would do'anything in the worldfor you. David." NI himself with ,the reflt.'tlt.lt that the Mark mpet•tn• Nes were probably tempte•nry Hort that within A tittle t1/ne he trunld see the lorely eyes -they must hive begirt lotr•It. olid 1k t1t•i she had IRtett 1t Mr1. Lnrktna' a !_.ng time I'llul 1' rat .•r unw thnl (l. girl had •no Intention of re - mei -tog the glaiees. Indoors and out. In muntight and In ehndow,' the rent bin''k seeetn.lea net n}ion her noes', 111'Iwn 'hs' Ls,ked at her from nfmr, whet, he retitle Mose to her, the thick lenses w•nnld.nnt ire pew - tented by baa inset. • - Norner5otto he nought to catch her with them off, %o ns to hate A single glimpse of the nlysterinue eyet. that nest shine hehtud them, lint iters. time Aho baf- fled him, On, he pnesed her Off the *fair In the dark and struck a match quickly, muttering ar•alell►Ing nhont 5 11 darkness of the hide, hilt even -then ilio gmg. glee :it upon her none. Another time he Inveigled Into leekfag.-at nr..p LI•1;:bee tie had sold _ -11, • had mit yet written the measaglt that her heart de - met i ded ? • • • • • , • }'aur ('rarer hemi the Jangle (,l the me:tales bell nod -the shrill call of the postman's whI tie, and, behlg young.' and of optimistic temperament, In- atantly serteieed that an publisher lint' sent him n cheek. Ile hurried dowry stair., and found lots of let- tere, but not A blessed sou for Paul Traver. Wen. breakftiets do not go with the artistic temperament anyway, and Paul went up stairs to talk with Mr. .Tamers. - "She was crying last night," he confided to the old Ilton. < ;Woolen do -loth o' nights," "She doeto't ofleu," corrected wetcltet the children nrouud the In the street. Paul began again: Paul. A1r, Jaaveri hurdy-gurdy down "Would a man marry a woman because be aympa- i*ltlt her'.' hunrl itou1,1. btrnor. - She 00'n1100'n11but n girl, niter nor, - --et•e great good trlendv-already--and sloe wtralr•M ' She Ilea bol 4t. girt and sun ronldl-nal forget. Try her P. 's 50 lob% 0t the dray/germ.He flared the ge+S, "Nbt nonny do, thtfOd as she might ode- .4.4041 not forget, whet that big. "1'rrbnpe 1? you were to slip off year glnmrie<•• M "Rut If s mon made up film mind to do it?" 'Mose, 1lnek trennl••.1 tont) up ht ('tmgl•eas eIn4e1 had neg1111, "Old Ogen and prmphele Ray flint kind of marriage o told lire Ihst r1:,y tits nlnn•tt -- ,glees not bear the trend of itenren," - p -nn eternity Iet (onto'- ••1 earshot," she hnd sold, and Pahl ('r,ter•'*�i ,_- htx mamba. and rhea t1el�,itle endless night, \ter!- "1 -suppose not," Nut Craver paused, then lir 'odIy was not 1.1»ie enough lo.tress the nattier titch an:-'•Ilut would that present n mat) from mnrryin; foul ('ro, .•r e eed44d r.•if he heard (It t good fellowhe was glen:ly perplettee1, - • where!, he pisses?' n of the pci51-iala In 5110 nest rn"tn, and he night i/nve - •• • 0 • • • \\�''"`. . A • TN/sFii R • only answered by telling hos anecdote c.1 the Cor senor of the State when that functionary lived /wrens the street.-- This anecdote was s'poles• n thing In chapter'. Itow Me •Jnnter.. tiret Raw. the (lmrere,r, hon' the (lorernor first maw Mr. Janvere; It 11ro• cedeed endlessly nud J';tut Craver,gathertd up hie hat and, hurried from the house, - • • • • • • • That noon the Illustrator found filmset( in oti• of the short streets that tend to ,the east of ,1ndlxo oquare. i1e- looked up from. a reverie that drugged Ills gaze along the flags of the sidewalk jug In tint to see Rhoda Clark come out from the brown stun house orbit; friend, Charlesworth, who livedncroo the wqy. I'aut'o brow pleaded.. Ile newer lefd aakeu her much about hermit. Then he laughed aloud fe file folly, Of courier, ('harlesw'orth was nn ocittltt 11.t sr' find a one at that. Ile kept nut of Rhoda' path nod gaze, .hen he went and rang Charles wort h'st bell. The one artist etuck• the other fir lunch. In lb course of•thnt hutch l'nul Craver beard the truth from the lips of his big, crow. friend with the blank beard. His mind was more firmly set than before Hla'sketch would have to°well clow•, He•inutt Imre funds, thls boy, for he wens going to the reeett,-to the rescue of a won.an who tens alone --nod afraid, • • • • • • • When he came home there were no letters for him or for any ane else on that mantel nark, All Ihe other alk in the house hnd mall Met day. Mr. Jar.iers had his pension money In a long franked envelope prom _Washington. Rh'sla hnd her letter. Ner let- ter was In 'her hnnd ns she my across her bed and read and reread;- ' ".tear girl, wLttl the eyes odVrlue and the heart 1 sunshine"---- ='!(*Ltr. wheredidberet_ that? a e_kept nuking b('netf, ant pranged in itroper:--a- "I have been down Into hell and never scorches ty broWo, 1 hire been down into the Valleys of .5,.P, .. , •'Rhoda." She turned quickly on her heel nt the mound of the ko ell voice, 1►arld(louden rose to the tips of his tore, then x115,10• back on his heels, pale and affrighted. "Rhoda, what have they 'done to you?" tie gout whispered tout u• 1'14'11r: 11'bete was the lthotln tie liad known, the girl xvIth the eyes that had used to laugh Into Mel Wt.- wan this tall, colortetrm woman, with the familiar mass et sett halr shote and the, great expressionless goggles bettent ti? She did not answer with apceeb but came close to hint *Lel graepcd his halide. "I have walled a long time, David," the sald, es horrid lung tamp." Still be did not understand. 54!5, "Do take then off," he demanded. • She hesitated fee n moment, then unhooked the 'prelacies from her ears and burled her poor eyes on his aboulder. • ."1 would do anything in the. world for you, Devitt" she mold. Then she quickly replaced her goggle•, tar :h.' wee completely helteens without :hero, and faced trim brandy. , "Ob, i knew vett do itnderatand," she said, pntttnt; "the tlf•s of her 8r'gere to tbe.si.ec"ilielen. "When 1 first pot these on thej• told ms' that It was for a few weeks only. .tut the Week% swept into_ rondthe twelve mouths, that was n year, and then 1 fuued that 1 could not.40w•ithunt them. One year, two Sean, three yearn. All this time they led me on br pr.nm10,t. They Heil to ole." "Lint- to. you?" • Braving the Truth. '•Tut'}•„dill ale to tete.” she continued "'They.Ilel to nae nliol.1644}' kni�r• It. Autl It way only within the week that there no Otto of t:o'no,.a-tto wztY hriri.' enoPi¢h to know tlint• 1 wile brats' enough ler ' truth. .1x4 lw we.' pt•n'4 into rny,rar that 1 i, going _Into the .eternal night. , till he seemed :Ire, .1 of what he hnd donP. Ile w'miel atrnkl. oh, •;,•.1. old. 1 ••,.iilil Have ki tt•7T'Iti111-1(144-einline 'that , net• i.N .. ' • IIP wt Iii* t iir,r oft ts-e-- t}.c i.i. 11.•n'•E, her, She ...s 1:051-,0:4 algin •'i-.-ri rturlit. amt' he was tiet(r • , ..!, In him !t!0. 11, shook hi-, hind anti ••tntlyd rt her.. "Won are n.•. " he Raid, • - "Ti.0 itt, net i,to1e,rs(aMt" elrr firoteat19!. "1 do uhder.t:ni(1," hr's:tl.l. to 1t!<-1•Inrt t.r. unit' lain t}ir'ugh holt. 1 wr',to• !kit. "1 trit'il to ••.rich Pili•, tot break me. .11.r:1h 1 Wetlt. 10 rver.y.tank ht Nerlitie14 anti 44.11.1 on the e•It'• ofl• krupe y • 1.•• . aid t!,.:: ! , Itriston• : nd �••t..• et the,-.• ether. 1., ie.:. I •biro 1'1 c ... ? o. r' :tatre.w• t.;.t n I. r ! ,c c her Hoe, :-• smile. •fraul.:r ei...n I : r 1 :. t• r fora, t - memt ulsnit that 'horse :,1,,1 .,rnac•• :IT. { cart:" She lifted her fare :I.. :: to rt.,,te.t he would net ltt'ar- "It l it4 the mentor n* ntnt•ny t1,7• -1 mmol- "It w'ari the 1,..4'15: 1 money might 't i your }s.tett-y In e.,ln and In etnt•ke .•f ere.e.y 11'e the pull n! money. If 1 hail_thr-prat o0 ,"— Ile slopped of hos 0n11 tI,:151 w, ile rnufa net erect think otitis mother. anti he began nnrw. "1'1-(11,'4 10 tn'y--the wi. to cursed mei of It. now --- and 11l00.,. yo11 are not g.tttoetitltel. iIl not let.,}'eu." He caught her In his arms and for n long- tittle she • seal anent. 'i'ilcn site lifted her dcl•;cnte fn' a ti .-e stain -and e " i knew new. itarid," sur wilistteriII, "I alit rnn- e Qdent. 1 am not going to girt up. 1 cnn ia,k n • way nhcad and faintly *ee the munahlnc there" • • -• • • • Paul Craver" walked the *street.; of -New Turk ter fie days with a companion. That compautnn was the truth, ns Charlesworth had told -it to hint, 11.' knew now what the girl's black epe•tnnlea betokened anti hie mlud was Mill set. Tie Ilk] not lore fuer, he e kept telling himself, but %till he eould not stand by and sec her drift helplese Into the eternal night. When flint same Rhe would lone her posltiot and the little wage It gave her!nnd after that-wbnt? 1'aul ('racer 'had onee gone to the almshouse M make Illustrations of type% there, and there had ts••'n nn old running womnn who wax blind. }'ant ('rater tomb! not forget her. Love or no love, let the testi- mony of old Jnr, Janette; go unheard. (5,R} sent oltnntiona moi thxt men might meet them. teoI1,n.:- Wittler that they multi in no honor dodge. Resides. Rhoda' was n dear. -- Paul Craver refused to bolt upon blmseit as n man who w -ax abmuldcring n ' [f-sierttrrc- 11•' simply looked upon himself ns lfvtng rip to the rb aponalbllltles of n man who was rcfu'ing to do*e 1h, Oyes upon n woman drifting out into n black, bind: night, helpless and alone, 11- was- its turn far n lettet_-thia b1 Ilt=w oras.- fat -- letter, whieh. being opened. etnitted money -ti net .•hock, lit it h a }fronds(' of, more.' Now, glint wax 1 be - nom'wt r dnrknces, but the "uhllght has Anally ettwk with nip. ginning. lash, how blind 1 lune been, lthala I lute you. 'leash merry nae.' 1 'air poor, the verieitt rhnrt h wane Ie richer. I'm prier, poor, pro,., hungry, 9tt•t'tl for your love, dear." "And '1•01„0/1 Itching of the heart toward the It almost broken III upon her- In him Iagml.tte n•ny• Tn 11e 11ornhtg .11100 shl• arra .of fo her work het I,tatle?" Ho trying to t4sirinn n enrftsm no ft 1,‘ goon +1it7",' felt • folrnrd the hall ulnnlel-- 011 thet, she • ".1 1010 Alight marry n girl ie. auae she was tone n 4ilthg-,'•,111 the 1ConId'm a Sl awe': gIt Iot fln15it,g Ito ''Ite.'krd herself with a smile. AIM tlld not get 1..t(ro and afroid, an4 ron►e to lore her nften.•nrtl'' et the chnete. aennllly dr•t'ovel Indy pironel1ing ahitt -'tl \lea L:ukhus', bill then elle knew .Ilett 1f imp •fury- getter/illy dmr't, Paul." said the eh! mon. Moon 11, r•rw of f's•11(ght „mth ldm iii,. nalr mlnn.' went to the gritty Iowa Biber the letter th,t eke heads Io-Iit' ("trammed and he wenn elutekling am he w•nntivl 'Quid not he there. There aright be n letter detailed with Ills 1,rt(aheo - chm'klIng 1141 he hen s'•1 timing hew, n nine was making moue' enol !WI ‘1.1'5"5 --_lttrrafir-rr-hlg orir"r,,mett=rn*nr,-re'tftb'd hpr wee, the lime, telIleg how he ;s is fnrieltbog the pr»m- 1st 0 - 1114 1(1.-1i he ew ore and threw him brushes In the Ise.4 lots there 110111.1 be M, letter from Itnsl t (:.•r - don t•'!tlr t hunt ent'rlflee hr ens %%tiling to oink, for totncr. , - 11 he Asnsi. If he roily nmlerslix,d, The Mach. Glasses, Allll, w onr'n :ter ,air., :,nil Pont (.'raver, who thought in uit1'•r.lo.s1 the sex, 1►i'aitnled ml Rh'AO. lie met in Itis Moir sad r lased Ills eyes If he could only make `u•r Inegli owe. meth', so rhe hoed to laugh when List /die mare to the lett/ding hmtme. Ile recoiled how Mr Janrer1 nerd toe had orst resented the lnea- *Ion of their A't,r by pnttl.•nnli. lie cahghl sight of h e for Ihe Arat lime A twelvemonth - nn, nn, it wan 'i,("rly Iwo petrol ago now, She had been tneIng up the male, A slender woman, of tteit;ht And Notre Chet prove torrid to his artistic eye. Ate was simply And after that she could rend no further, for the ery Joy of her Bring sat .o hard upon her that .the 1'P the Rtnlrt 'Ito latnnd*, n nobly eerteinty that Mr. Jnnvero would 1,e eputterino poet/oda to 31rm. 1,ar- kln.. mem the ntmlrow-Mit what •if that to -night? Tonight n light under bei door -to -night courage for n single ktttok. Then nnewrn-e-not whimpers through a tiny crack • e gar 1 • and lighlud ft be- •could not follow clic w•rittpn page, 110 }snm going In the door like mane a nine before --but the doer fore he rt"mmrt •`' to redeem his. premise. .What did It matter now flung whir. "l,en, Not the lonely lodger, hat ilh.s}n ' .1 man might rimy If lie had Ihe right the hit Moss man w'1th_ehe i.Ini'k heard glad with n txtsy In ber hnlr nal color In cheeks-Rhodtl income," 1444 said, with aft tITpelttlon of nonelr latI0e Slid .to her? 1f site rens Ole David Gurdon at dusk en the mmintoin },int 1 of hnppinen*, 8 .began talk• 1 nrl„lt (more,, „„.11.,'if i sold any of ms' sake nes,` abe_tr-kIl-heScttlj.�2�cu forth intn the eternal n1<h1-_Lug bcfere Pntil l'Mver could speak:, with him roh''e to mtendy her in the dart- "Now 1f ,,,.. rieh" Its. Jots' 1 think 1 — i her. That sort of lettt•r Resiled alrioost ogee Mitch to N'nrld'm :1 St ige.' That's n holly Iden, my dear tilt- Plod ('rarer met 1:t-' 'Yn•,\hr hall 0* mho slipped out I hlk ' ' •k, will 'vinery if 1 sell •.111 the • • • • • ' •� y expect. - She '!'It, krol top her emintge nud 1rie,1 to keep her mind Iron, ;ing hark to re'ter,lny, to the horrid Itt'ng flint tf(e tile erne.. with the black Is'nn1 had wld•gs'cet( Into her rnr: iSown fie street n hardy gttnU- ws• yJ`titlhig not n merry tni.' 4,s' s•anno,e alert and the ehlktri'n were aw7lii ti, ..b.nt1 it in n dnncbtg cln•Ie. )holo.• A•m1i,A ht the t-t.sulti, ncahlrly 4'es'ed Indy Atop of It, raw of footlight .hallex nod muaelans' heads as i,t1.Ii?.s, of foreground; rtlore. rains- __ Il t old hr. .I;inys'rs ono la.retl by 'Paul Craver In detail% nnitjtu' nam shaklug hint by the mhoutder*, "What tett nit 11,514 marry leg in your hood?" be de- mt tided. 1111 44 !nit did 11 el -4, 1h:il Ile • *Ir,t1't•wit gray Patert1k1 not, Itt1Rh n4 his halaf4M Oa bards ea end "gI ,int o. her poo es. •. ntol Might nod sunshiny ?I' 81x1 trot tis wa1.t to 011 otlt, 1 • .14,:11•0 - lyh, r 11'Itn1 111d it n►01is'r 11tH eldldrrit of mol enrlouelr ml 1>q,,Ing blotch apteelmete.? ed Anytting site lithvld Gordon Th• Night Tearn, \ottllANd days \ enitor In the faded parlor. A WAS going out of hie life. He mrd hlnostIf to Mee)), "Abs' rri'tl iter poor wrrr., ryes nod her deer little Rw•I%h nMl a .weep Into that tilt. ITe.olnte place And A like n dhnppntnted eel "1 nm rt. b," he interrnptsw , waving a pub11.11^r'* to the Irkgropb ofl'. t' 11 n?tta„a .1110 Owe. 0t even. "'1'h.vi. time. even 1'�r 1.1* kern eye*. Int 11' tmtight he •nw n difference, 1ler titre --her tot cl • ern! it , S •f -ane no lir dl;l longer rnlnrInts. The warns ptt:k flow of yo.Ntk.mud to ask. htippine*e wrrr tIlt,d aloin her cheeks'. fie wni5$y.- ” Orn bore Rtopped her, Nit hr did to t dais'. p, .,.1f he had bot dnreit! tf ht'Only uu.leretont! lint mil A odd, aged i nal (rarer attlt(f�how ht -Not lit he understood the acs, heed eiw.y,J• '1ie*Itatld at "No, thunk Gose. i nm going nut Int'• the sun- Ithotta PQM, women are o o • g Paul. you fnll heir to this blg cantle of n. t understnn-1, hat silo env@ him no time going out of the entitle, dear Pm►?," sald 11 he did not nndentnnil. the night?' he pt'rtfItcd, e mhlr a tl t 11 [ • t - lip gees *AAAI tit o my Ilfe. • • • • • • • • A (may In bit holt for the make of the 171t,dn of the• • • And that nlghl Pool Crarrr knew that the sunshine heart ttcrrfy oil two night," he en1.1, het 11r..lan. ere voice calling tit Itehlud (ocr:-- • • 111 lit' Ito l yea tlu (50 ('alt Yew 1'A tit boil' esti ►ra Af. },1110 town (►rtu third Th, hull' a U Rei Dew Kim ndal� gut Note 11 hunt fort fpt. Ht di% its Th (CT Tsyl Tay l Irru rho Zoo fur to WP' lid A rh Oen IPI de hi awl r, tit 111 Ori r.H to TA ►P n T is 1m 4 lt ►