HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-10, Page 3• u . THF SIGNAL'-OODERICH ONTARIO logo &BEAST, lief) 25 Ctsql11116 %LES LINiMENTCO - LIMITED • Ico.e r ° c c RICMAP '' t tt • 4 lit. a.S. THE URI6INAL AND ' ONLY 6ENLINE 1 PRESBYTERY OF HURON. BEW AR F. OF 1MITA- T1ONS. O LD ON • TH MERITS OE 1lINARD'S LINIMENT BOOK BIN I►'t N AMAGAZ1NES, .,,• )FRIODICALS and 'LIBRARIES ' bound or rel•airrd: t;1II.1) LETTERtNti ' en LEA HER ROODS •' Uloid..'• promptly attend to `nn :eara•g • h' -n, et 1111. 1.1t.. .t L. Girder A. F. '1'' LOS. SIK. rEnxto CIVIL ENGINEERIN Arrangements Made for Induction of Rev. Gee. E. Rees in Knox Church. The l'eesbytet y of Hut held its. regular :November. lileetiil is fume loot at Theme* Ruatl. \'here were present Mesrr.. E. H. Sawets, E. F. YcLSmith; B. \. F• Sharp, M.D.; .1. LSmall, 11.:\. ;. W. T. Pearcy: M, A.; tiA. C*rtietr, 1'. Fletcher. 4. A.: J. Richiardtton, B. A.:.N. Shaw, It. A.; F. H. Larkin end the clerk, wiuieter•, and Medan. J. Cutt, J. tiewwell, W. Kydd, W. Mcl'aeb and Strang, eldetw, Vieitula to the Presbytery during the day were Mesar.. McKoy, of t rnu• arty. an4l A. E. Attn.tl'uni, of Tut.-- testy. ur.unto. awIMt:utt turei$u Wirat0u gecre- tiiDifferent remits were considered by the Presbytery. Remits on %%Mis- tiee : ou for eoue it cation of Presby tet y. gi%iog a place to the Ministerevaugel- ists on the roll proper ; on the ruler id the widows' arid so plane' fund, were approved. Remits on the SIPUIot= most of *secretary of Young People's Sot•ie1iew, and on giving ti. thecierad ut adeewhly the p lit c e . of pet•wtanrut utewhera of that body, were disase proved., tt4•tnits on the travelling ex• Iwtises of commissioners to the general aderMhly • and on union of (-burettes were -dela red. . A call !tow Varna and Blake Was pleseuti.1 by Mr. 'Soweto in favor ut Rev. 1►. Johns:un, of Vannick, bi,{ocit by 111 members and .10 adherent►, l wtssiunrrs f t hr congrega- tion.. were beard the call %as bus. t'ACt. IIAN. JI. ROBERTS... +1V 11. syr! Ilydraulw i; ginostr, llt•'at.i• Lir.d Workwile, l•f roe? re Montnml atreet, Telephone 37 �I1en(tt- s MEDICAL 1)1}. )\'. V: GALLIA% M. B '.AI• nrd' at id,r \td• ti -It et t..( 1t601 .sty 1':a,;. ty(ffiaa. LEGAL IjIEM Pilot it' 11.\1 A h , i tri: r Fkl that: .1 t\ lull•' " I 'ileo \1 i .-• ; ., 1,...t st • • •• ' wh:• ti )41, sizes, 11k•. and 25c. Reweiptier, you can obtain Resell Remedies iA this community only at our stare -The Rexall Mtore. 11. U. Dunlop, south side of Square. - !Money in Apples. 4. Canadian Horticulturist. The unworkable feature about the apply inilurl ry in Ontario is that in- road of Iwing tin the decline -it should he on lbw increase. Ontario is deo- tined to grow more and more apples. Thio Province cauunt coiultete with the R'eet in the growing of grain or the production ret feeding-.tettlr. It can Know apples to perfection and-prl- fltably. Evrly pet•wn who has had any ex- p..ismer adntite that when the aver- age apple orchard is given proper bare it diel{ be roads to yield large returns. tine of the denlnnatralion tichatds in mimeo.. ••tiunty this year, which for year.. in int neglected state, had not produced over fifty dollars' w. rill of fruit iu n sraa(m, netted lettirng 44 Volt for tine acre. .\ similar in chard is t)ondai c•.unty produced $411) wo•lh (it ft: lir: Seidel. of private tray-i;rowela in. thiamin.: who have do•euverti the imams KP ld.bsilalities of their tec!arde. are increasing their orchard areas and dropping abet Ire profitable branches ut 145111work. Tbr drelinw i4 doe t441101 ono reason: Ontario talnirtai do. not eta ze how pr•alitabite thein niehatd. may. 1w matte. They howl Io he .haws. Thr 1 njteri.. Department at Agriculture ha c done x.iial work of an educational °iilw at. fat' as it hal( gone. It has t(►itledt cum+oiA4tlunrra wt LC gt,}a.W(rd nn mrR-¢onriarrnoutrh. 'lJttitillh--Cul tan ha. v., led *Prim for the estahh.h• (hent (.f .lena...tI ntinn of chards in all to prosecute:the call het...1.0 thr..Pres- Lytery of L tun and provisional ay. ratigwlneutal were made for the induc- tion a - foll..w.: Mi•. `Sri e't.. tet.- .Ir-'!{t;tt1. N..•vin ••: OntIO-iu.►t)uld w*kr aide. Mr. Bosh 1'- pt:eat•h, \lr. S'I' 1, ;iii even Ia•g r al pr'p. inti. n for suui= to :uldrrs• the Mintrtei aod NIL. I.,u L.0 ,'1 r work. \\ „1„,0,1 no tel • .1 the the congregation. . ' (.a -t Ike cf ,q 'nding tine 41..11 1r where )Ir. Snaith was given leave to 111(.1 -Hyl• dolhu•a i+ r.- Li(i sd, I'nc decline erste in .t colt at tteytield wh••n that',, , air 01,1,0r, • i.n'tuau) . is chi" 10 the congregation •hustld 1.1• •1..ttly. i tact. ill*t ter. herr 1 ern Cont. ni to pint ..t..r.•ugtattilatfoty resolution w*s,f.otth1.wt,fro h at4.,rtd`{o •ITict tn1- pa,,min in connection with the wolkot,{•vr,ren•, 'K'ithitt flee yea., the the` Pre,!. tertil \\'.:F •1, Vit.; whr•e ; a'pile +inisti'in nisi he h 4i1 t'l it the fllnthi. )'SJtf -b t an ltd t,anie tit' it 1r,1411111 1►clwIll 11 Altiir�tlturr, acyl' di 7t.�+'. .harked up by the fruit iiiuwl•iii ordian• The iiitill. ing arrang'•luenl. Ntl'rlri ,l cel•, w 41 hut p+it f.itth illy n(:eea•, load'• t 'xth. indict xlrr cb t• R'+," i ''y' • holt. Ilnu. Mr. Chill eau\mak•' t entire'for bitten -If if, be will hitt 11,faa t utlwe?.2nd, at 7::1111,. of.. viz. 11*.',ti t,i'p.,,lnhil}`• • \ 1 uUCtou-to pl•e,tde. Mr. ltichardsan.f f. _.-,--_ - {Y;, r to n•.•*••it. lir. small '' O. itiltre,- In" ••4 411411-E,, THE MARKETS• ter and Vt. Larkin tin'ttiib! - _-4-1 •• rue t l,.ng• • nil af,terntlul Liverpool •Wheat Futures pose High. :end it. Willis: cbur,'b I I ti.., era 'Chicago Lower -Live Stock nier•u.•4' 4,11 evnn1,4 14111, ..i44ii" -Latest Quotat'onf. .. %li', t1, t', MIA tot':on. u.it; '.r JU•mYiry t.. i1 :f. Nov. `. r La' Grippe "1 had suffered several weeks with LaGrifipe. Had pains in my head and eyes. • It felt as though there -was a heavy weight on the top of my head, until it seemed that my brain would burst. 1 Was, so nervous that • I could not rest or_sleep. \Vhrn •I dozed off 1 would .awake -with a sudden jerking of my whole body. Dr. Miles' Neryine, Heart Remedy and Nerve and Liter Pills cured me. A number of friends have since realized alt' same !benefits." MRS. ALVIN iI. LOCKS. Seabrook; N. f1. The after effects of . LaCirippc are often more serious than- the disease,' as it loaves the system in a weakened condition that invites more serious troufllei, such as pneumonia, etc. min gal 11 t . t AMJt1U . K. c•.. HABITS I 1 11 molt. 1'4 ) i ut at. r%• -- + 'uc, • :,\. L, :I :id d.\. ...r II %1:1.1.Sl,:1.1:I:ti). L.I. 11.IRA1{ 1 i ' : I I: ut:,.: . - INSURANCE. LOANS. E'fi,. 114 K ll.l.(di' Mt TL'AL E [HI•. 1.. 1ff l rt ttANt E. t a'..-I..ria at.d,• ',•,•I +)...') II l.aa4. •. ., fl r. 1, }+•+� 1 .1 It M 1. n. sir• , .oily, /. r fres., t•, <l.I:+n IMMO. itt A' \les -r4. Fie,. VIII h NilgulLr' A commit toe t h:up..H*tililton pointed to assist i !'salter :old Hymns, the first *t•rakrt')r ate' rt•. Leukin •enol strong. i ft. ' ',unposed cot Me •ire. old Sint:' via:sp• tthe • ur the Young. A Kerte+'.1'rxchans, •- lot. the pt. .1 h- ing Y t• till sionftry (101 r t t .• ., pn_.11+A1111 a,••'ept••d. 'file tato. i : 1:1 crit. fi•t '• toe suet,/ was ruftl t yard o.ts tix'd fir _t 11. It al-4nXteril-Pubt the u)in e.ith ,,,, , �.•r I e pi 11,1.1. CURING CATARRH. Accept Our Advice and Try this 6iJ1 1 •_'.. than: •.,. to '�1.:.t et a war. It .'�. lsceinta-t•. 1 tt. ..it rda)•. 1t.'110,..,x r. 1.1•••1ii111t-o11 ,,(1* f.4` Winnipeg Optlonst,x t •. h.Rp+ f l•'. '• . r. liege t wheat .o 11.v. WI '., w t , I ,tn.Hl Seo 1). tiler-.< M Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerving should be taken for some flute -Th thoroughly --restore nerve strength.. Price $1.00 at your druggist. H. stiOUld noway. you. ' If he does not. Send price to u.. we lammed prepatd. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO . Toronto, i1 Plumbing -MasseyaHarris Agency A'full`liue of.Fat•tlt llac.titlrry llindlera, Hower.. Raked, Hay Loader-. Manure Spreaders, Cream Sep+aratol•r, etc.. (:ray and, daunt Forest Buggies. Vie have also the Standard \Vire F enc e Company's G aod s and the Brantford Wind Mills. \F. I '-y for the Mason & Risch Piano. ('all and ser hie Iwt4Ne purcbas- iuglall••ythir.g ittaity lined. Good Crtt e's And Work •Horses for so:e HEATINI. ELECTRIC V1/47 RI!' ttOOFING r ari-L woR:; E, L7tc f�kl Mei • -• Toronto Grain Market. VP,. :.t 6011; iCLeu gu :. t u b Bi+ kwi ret. t•sht, . Rye. to yeti Opp Oq heel.- . ml4htl Yeas. bushel 014 0 W dy 1 Oats. bu•tti 1' :A' . ' 1 r ni,at toted ♦' „-til+tl ••at• Estima es chr•etfu :, s a she i N`'. P. 1';giber Robert Wilson HAMILTON ST GODERICH 1 TILE LONDON DIRECTORY '1'ub:.-I1441 Annually Ehialilre alders ttltoughotit the World to ronlm i _1 a di)'• cl a it'll English at u.tif arturery hind de•tlel i in r.tr•h. tial -b .of good,. Ib .ilei la iog w .r.,ti dote cum - tot trial um•tottriai guide tit Lomlan and ha .11 LI.111. the 1 )itectl•t y, contains .1.;40-fcrnXI t ni!•tcil►nls with Ill'' goods - they ship, and the rul.,tliailand fn/Feign 1111 ::eta tliey -111101- :. •tra1114 trip lines till 'Mg-. etiornater-tire 04-- eci,-utdeTtier tntrl t` t u which t llt• y la•+ at •t italic:it.ug Out 1s1'p)•'xi- ut.trbloin„ : hos !polo. t!1 '. ti, •: :74244 .� te.utini;:ll.tltufaehll- tl°..asrt•.tt�.l. , rt '•. in, the wit' (•yi at pi oviorial t )ons and hi- dol.tti.1, comer, ..f the 1. K.ngdom.•• A ' in1•t 111' t:.e r•o:rr, tit i•dttion weld.. tot art .l. 11. fIsight paid. oti 1'.•ei fat .4 1' lode, ,i,!rr far 20s. ' Deniers •4erkip); 05441 !en (lilt .clvetti-e 1114i -t• tut l•- .it 11. fair 44 Ill ger woo. 1.4 li.erten• - hrn!_L1 The Lon ton Directory Co. Limited. Ai•.look It 1.•1•ir, l.••n l.'n. 1: -ei vt io o v_ .• •+.n F:. 11a) tr..11.ar„.skater I 1. at Onr Risk. - I. t r. vv w 1 ►• �. loth Jur Toronto; pair/ Mitek•'., • Ion .t •. N'mthr t H et. P.at 1' n tl•• i -earth is a disease of the mucous utter. 4••p:.rat..r, .dairy, lb 14:4 I,•, bit111 etas, 11,.1 s.1 : Jur. ).cid.- :uttd}, r:%,re lot, ..14•4• . Jobn a'1 t.:.r!ot•k, ur..44- lurmhlsne. •Ph•' a *.its metnbranr 1121 •.:+) . , 1 n.ltr.ld, I intt tine may say. the.uttetior lining of I P ter. rreaniery 14'-'rollr ,0:76 to ri J. . to. L' to "t 1• ttl. 1 ••Jy. 1 :(tatrh therefute May ex• Bu era r'amer> s •:Ids 0 a In ❑;a k . .la t ensu.•,. s Ifi0( ••!.� est in an toart'uf the +ystrnl. 1'.144: a w•-I:rld -0 `5 I. ' u•kt> ."eafotti. 1•. .. 1i ter '• f^! y 1 FSK•, • t rtorare \tit n tete rata' .l pois ou attack. t2 1,111 N.rno d.4 del ° •air colt'\. itet:i'tu e, Ie. (hoes't'•.. .. ... . 2.4„, a noun n+. L coca- t.r a: it. 11. C.att a the ulU,'I alit Inrtu brant, IU11a n11uat11'ii finny/'.. he,dozen • . • n amassa&h.treet uo. rit"l:. and ei•n¢.•sti'•n ate pruddctd and oa- . }loner, e. raced, Ib.,,.,.,•. .. e 10 . it Wilt PRIVATE FUNDS TO turn laile1t11 thluw off theaccuwttlatetl I Ne York Dairy Market. 11r(eV vote hen. Apt r ru yl 1•• 'Art poisons. The nigarl which has been \F.w' \'OR Nov. Z. -Butter -Firm: re- Lltu • Itoulster ltawu•1•h enact Oodeticl:. afflicted soled to pet turns its rover ; celpq :Wo. , .n, rs, ep'rliit ,334x. rx- funcuuu as nu ure t eras. 3 c: tin n e ,.. special, plication. which may a o .tau dairy, 24` t" 30t' kveu moire serious afflictions. i process, second to cel tl.:4e to Tc, Mil - We houestly believe 'Belton Mucu• t dam meream ry. fire rose t iso.. t•trrren. Tone will' do wonders .toward 'over. ke Vier. Phst- D. MiIIar& Son Phone 56 r"cv+641,0`6.0g,4 i+k The Family's Underwear It will be a pleasure to buy your fill and winter Underwear front our bought direct lfront the leading Caach nadian nulls the best numbers Ladies' Underwear '1'urfibull'a•natural Wool Vests and Dravaeta.ur leading Si .Vv Hoe, guaranteed uusbrinkable, { garment. �/`� Our *period -Union \Vogel inti Cotton Vest, and D,tawerr, 50C in naturist and white,falw out sizes, pet- g JV [(adieu' heavy - weight Vests. and Drawers. natural and 25c . white, extra large {tarudent4. Per garment,. . Children's and Infants' Warm Underwear Underweu; :io, the lithe folk'. boa alwat\au !been and I tl feature with ti -,'and this season we -bare. added many ive nowhere. • ChiIdrerie \'rats land Drawer1 all-esex,l.---nattural ,u& wbi1e. Tuinbull)e Brand. gtfaraoteed unshrinkable; from, per '2 ac garment .......... ': ... • J Children's Union Vests and Drawers.'Miturat and white, • CaC 11(•tu, per }{ at. went v INFANTS' ROLLER VESTS - INFANTS'_ M. BANDS 'CHILDREN'S BLACK TIGHTS IN ALL S IES 'hihh•etis heavy Hrece•litit+l \VIi'nte. fiat 1r.11 .t• 1 i1i.i••• t.'ch .... . ....... . Gentlemen's Underwear In g'•Iatle111r1,'c 1-ndci%%eat N••- teuttue Tarn,. ;l .tad l r Brand.. and tn.we linea_ rie er.111 inued to *111 ugh.,'. i' -til - writ-tlftinat and the, ' 1,4.2y t I 50i- , d.z••e In •t•,4..` Fe0111. 1^ _ at n.••nt 25c Olt oa 0 27 ti 15 e 1211 'L 0 11 - t intended it should .'• h t tire! .- - to 3uc' held, 11!• R. ROBERTSON. the r \alt I complication upon coin crcauhlfl serokl o, ape Ill. .Kc to yc 1i11 •lNrl'RAN(E Atlt:. lead t other d Ir comm n to finest, FINK ASI. Linn N1N0: bo:tt.b,(ci.ad and American, e"IIVNT SIckN}cPa AN to P. my Mtn. 1.145,1- ' err : The Une1n Acrid and t;.urantre : groom ion, Limit - . or London. Eng. ! •11 1.111 A]e t'UA .'TKE iluNud : 11:e t:.4'. E'idelat) a uaialil(t company. tear.. at ern. L:or:beast corner of Vii ▪ •2..1hitida trect.'. ►!bone i JOHN' W. CRAIGIE, LIFE, FIRE and accident Insurance. Agent for lead.a -outing and stock companies. insurance to,V oweel e. .'ill it oince. corne• etfte tod on bee:rWertt eetns and at land dglrorarr of whitens J. W. CRAIUIIi Ugderlcb, (tut. rule ,hone 24 MARRIAGE LICENSES WAL•1'ER E KELLY..2. 1'.. UODERIt DOWER It OF MARRIAUE LICENSES. LW ANE, ISSUER OF MARS . AUK Uoensee. Qoderkb. Out 1• SHAVING PARLOR 1 EDFORD BLOCK BARBER IiBOP- • -TMs wettknown and popular Amid often 1ta patrons the best .•brvtcc In shaving h aircutting. etc.. etc. Ladies. sbampo0itus a ped1lty. Only rkilld hands swots, ed. Your patronage will be appreciated. H. H. WII' It*ICK, proprietor. ARCHITECTURE ma curling catarrh It Made from the Cusses--Heceim,,, 333: m: •tate, whole t of an eminent phynman milk September quality, ARTHUR J. BARCLAY. MEDAL LIMY Royal Institute Bri(1.i2. Architects Residence-Aaaelta Boase, Ooderich. plans. de- tails and sT ecttkattons prepared for r'eeidencen and public bulWina... Torre-pondence in- Yited. AUCTIONEERING rescrlp iog chill. 1544c to c. do., white. 140ic to 15c: geed. )414c; mmol to special, 'mule ade a long study of. catarrh. and his grekt suede -s with this remedy was an enviable one. • We want- you, if you are a sufferer s froncatarrh in any form, to give Rexall Moto -Tone a thorough trial. Use it with regularity and persistency for a reasonable tine., then if you are not ilatisNed come back and tell us. and without question or formality we will hood back to you every cent you paid tie. This is certainly the fairest offer that anyone could make aiid should attest our sincerity of pur- pose. It clines in two sizes, emember /yprices 51) cents ou can obtain it lonly itt The Reza)] ]tore. H. C. Dunlop, south side of Square. (('NOMAS OUNDRY, LIVE STOCK and gwetal auctioneer. Office. on South street, where he will be found at. all tidies when not crying sales. Terms rid-ooable and every etrnrt toed to give you setiefaction. Phune MUSIC 4ODERICH CONSERVATORY OF r MUSIC. A Sailor Would Know Better. A Baltimore school teacher had en- countered such s degree otiguoraoce on the peat of one of her boys in rela- tion to the recorded acts of the Father of his Country that she grew sarcastic, with a result which Shipping illus- trated records. "I wonder," she began. •'it you could tell rix whether George Wash- ington was a sailor or a soldier?" The boy, grinned. "ile was • soldier all right, ' het said. -How do you know . the teacher challenged.picture of biro "Because i saw a d crossing the Delaware.! to Any aistand dr would know enough up In the boat." - J. H. HI NTIR, 1.. L. C. M. ' Engiwod t. F. T. C. M. t'roronl. tol, organist Kr,os church voice cul.. 'Igen end piano, harniony. nountetpOlnt. 111. A. I;. upon piano. harmony. counter' Point, err. Miss ANnRaw-a ktndergwrt.eo and piano. Mesa H C1%11(te- violin. A. la 4110Rr mandolin. guitar end dancing. For information ea to terms. etc, appl1 at the ormervatory. ATTEND THE BEST. IT PAYS 17c: doo, colored. fancy, 15 fancy. 15c to 1til00% do.. cholc do, October quality. fine, co do.. fine. white, 1416(-: do., prime, 13c to 14c; skims, full t 21c is tic. Kees -Firm; receipts, *4; state, sylvaoal lad nearby, hennery, fancy. 45c to 50e. do, gathered, white, to 43c; do., hennery; brown, tasty, Tic 40c; do., gath� smattered. brown, c to Tic; free gathered, extra first, 32e to ski d0.. Vic M 31c; 410., seconds, 26c to 37; fresh gathered, dirties, No. 1, candled, 23c to Meldo;. No. 2. tic tc 7Je; refrigerator, spe- cial mitts, faacy, In local storage. Attic to 2tc; do., fine, Who to //v.' do, sY ee•n, •gale to :4c. CATTLE MARKETS. enn- ltd.. 31c 0 THE FISH IPAN D SIIC !ling.. Ile I' +t'i. waPru CoI 't' tv•„+1. I': r, 1,.•t. :1. ,,• 25c Phune PS64illar'S Scotch Store 56 OUR AIM The aim c.f 11.•• . t Iletti .\ Elliott. i.. and vt. it I .• 1, git -' to the public ill 4I4EsT combat. -tyle_ and weal in th. line of Sh.c•ei and Ruhl,rt-'. V,• tatty -direct fir 111 the Oram 0 '1 1*rturet., l tbrit•t•y th • beat_o.,•• .1- ,1 bottom tt•'u+ ••1 o t We handle 'he ce'ebrated GRANBY RUBBERS. famous for its s'-eness of doing its days work- \- and that day's work I5 , \ to keep you cry and I \� comfortable when it rains. t ►,•, SOLD EVyRYWt1ERE Ef Sr( 11111 (,4RMCYT tLYi dd1' BBURS7hf .5/65/G5 S FISM /'1-1/1RRAPTOWER CANADIAN CO. uu TORONTO. ctMAWA. �PtIRY & SON \Je RK( GODERICH THE LEADING Futil�ral Directors d Emh alrrers Orders efully attended t0 it all hoar\ night or day. Trunks and Travelling Goods In this line we intend cartyiug the most complete 114.12ment this viae of thecity"• t \Ve have in charge of ou. epair 'hop one of the best mechanics. Work protnptly and well done. New York and Buffalo Markets Lew - or All Round -Trading Slow. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. --London sod Llv- 4erp00I cables quote Atnerlcan cattle steady. at 1331(- to 1444ic per 15., dressed w. i ght; refrigerator beef at lee to 114\4•' per Ill. Elliott Business College TORONTO. ONT. Hest place in Cannd.l for Superior Hominess FAtucatieu. Colomeoc•e now. cata.ogue free. NO REASON FOR DOUBT. union Steck Yards. TORONTO, Nov. 7. -Receipt• of live stuck at the Union Yards ware 122 carloads, consisting of 2552 rat- tle, 1106 sheep and :10 calves. Exporters. Maybes and Wilson bought on ord.., 115 export cattle, at 15 55 to 15• Butchers. Butchers' rattle of good guanly were is amnesia sea so, 1 readily at We to 15c per cwt. higher, and mere could have peen sold. There were three picked catt a 110 tbs. each, sold by Maybes and Wilson, at id which was the highest price heard of. of good. loads sold tu at ><AOfeane15.75. , H loads 16.15. common, 14.15 to 54.00; cows. 13 to 54.75: hulls, 5.1 re to 14•=, melees, 12.16 to A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong pM. o all initial for feeders. Hhert-krrps tab flutterers trom cnnetipatIoa. ° in every from 15.3, to 15 50: good steers, We to iota carte where we fail we will supply the i ibe.. ss In 10 zp *o is. Stocker, tee�.. I 75 to 0A0 Ile ' 54.754.7t4' ire toe. ' Guarantee. Stockers and Feeders. I Trade waft not as large nor as brisk SR -f are wo rrtedlc - Rexall Orderlies area Bentle, effec- tive, dependable and safe trowel regu- latori' strengthener and tonic.. '1 he)' re-establish natures functions in n Milkers and Springers. Their seems to be no &battiest m the demurs! for milkers and .pninge►e. Prose N6 .e ranged at from 111. to ach.7,4 Veal rude, Calves. - easy way. they Not Malty naives were On Sale. !TWO udo not cat any inconvenience, griping or nausea. rang«[ at from t4 10 t.156 per out 'they are en pleasant to take and Sheep and Lambs. raay be taken , nyon eae sily that any tint... They iThey tbor- I CwPriem. h4% tharew n i nd wweeek. no 1ambe 0 36, .14 ohy ughly tone tip the whole system to i kt o sn t sheep at per cwt. it.. sates healthy activity. w. Heys Resell Orderlies ate unsurpassable Nose nn eels. w. J Johnston, boyar to. .ind ideal for the use of children. old Otv 17. nreperia rlccel wP fat&Mwa 14.!«•11, folks, and delicate persons• We can- isaa a.wd waters: a », arta M.7s to drown not too highly recommend them to all ler lo^iow iiwt2.0.5. reportedc 1aHouitl" ptift� Hon and from anytte farm oa its.cois,„ suwtdo to err4ve at thew pewee tins and its attendant evils. I�``ww 111 A 1l kinds of OYES PANDORA RANG S have ranges at all prices. range with reservoir for the We _,have just. what• you need. in a heater and range here. Take, for instance, the famous Pandora, with its selni-' • steel linings and .ventil- ated nickel -plated steel oven and burnished lids --- and top ; with its many other features, and ) ou cannot find anything better to. Choose from. It pays in the long run to get the best. We real, complete, durable all sum of. $18.00. • - In heaters, the famous th about twice the radiating heatin other heater ; it is nickel•platid sell heaters front $6.00 up. Something an Oak for $12.00. You will find as nice stoves in this store as you will anywhere. much to your advantage to. buy you! stove because you will get theibest values to be had. e -flue heater surface of ee times, has any and The Signall and Weekly Globe to Jan. 1st, 25c,\, al good in range of is very here, The Howell Hardware Co. A Cold Weather Nee The. chilly evnings.of the fall and the frosty winter weather Will'soon be here, which will neces- sitate your purchasing a good Kitchen Rapge,or an up-to-date Heater. We have the' e,sclusive agene). Goderich for the MOFFATT and GARLAND STOVES We.carry the best aAsortment in the county and we should be pleased to have you call. and inspect our lines before _you decide as to the kind to 'buy.. When doing any painting; call on us. We Martin-Senour 100 per cent. Pure Paint Fred Hunt's Cheap Hardware Store HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH Plumbing. Heating, Hardware. Eavestroutifung