HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-10, Page 2• •• $ THURSDAY , Not'gMHgK 10, ilia OODERICH. ONT PUBLISHED EVERY THURSSDtl 'A i sr ^ THE SI NAL• GODERICH ONTA RIO !end tayiog to thew. 'Good mother. it :in spite of the streat,oue ;gotta •of the; 1 is nrcotrto that you give we your ]President's frlppds m detest hint, and ( O'IS roar not to deleted his native cuuptry, but to tight to all countries and nn all , he tq regarded as a very strung sail the gees of the world in' favor of the !batty for the [ no,iatic nomination English flag.' But when tour Ro'''sh ; for the Preeidrutial chair in mg. In Tlearn sone mouthsaftrt•watds that au Austti.ut howitzer, 0, Japanese bullet - • -or a Berman hall bee slain Arc child, who nee failed into the de tths of an abyss, iom the bridge otltship, do • she will say : 'lelali right HE t+l,ONA1. PRINTING Co. Limited TWybone (sIJ No. SS jj Tonne of aubecn.tion 'moutr h ,, Sino �0threee months, 28c. To United State. subscribers. BLS. a y strictly in advance,. nu scribers who tall to receive TiH regularly by wail will er s favor by p(amttni us of the fact at. tarty s date ossible. Whru a change of ad4ress 1, desired, both t and the new addres, (kohl bu given, Yew York State 'Mr. itu,•sevelt con- ducted what was styled a •'whirlwind'' campaign for Henry L. Stimson, the uu thunk 1 Republican candidate 'for �1y husband wee a good Liberal, and but for the first time in rix as it was Mr. (Antler who posed this the State elected a Democratic law, it's all right.' No. she wilt curse nor. John A. Dix. eal Y(ssl, and aha will he right in _11414114 The contest throughout tite country A, Mi. Blandin, the Conaervative M. 1'. hinged Largely on the tacit( question. 1a. ' for Chautplein, made these retuarks: Tbr Repulnicaa. won their election in •'%Vie owe nothing to Gteat Britain. RIOS RIOou pledges of tariff reteaar. The he F:ngl,ud did not take Canada for love, P,tyue•.lidtiih hill, whit•irthey pre - or to planta he u•ose of religion as the, French hitt, but in nrdrr to plant their seated as the tulfillaient ul tirot trading poste. and make looney. 'she , 1)hdge+, fell ter shtirt of satisl•ying the only libeltir. we have are those we 1inoker.ite element., et the people. (c won by force, anal toddy England tries a to dotuin:ter 1 ( eoliit.tes as f 113p,•riel The L.�., • .._t of living, which t: a- Rmme once dial.- . atoit. ...•.1 t" tit• '•ite;add/can tat itt as. Alfred Sevi Rny. advocate. ., t p„lis•+. sec:, in .,1,- •e Nom iti••nt issue. Q1reittr, said • ••I'he I:inner yet'i's ,t j+l cu:d t, - .;,;.•. a cab11114t r•t 11,pet ,*lists who i have t•vidrn . de •isL•.l want t•• t„ ,t . ...rui, , tats .murder' , suctitice.Cana'Li. int er,,,. to pi,iogc g • i!•.,• . • or into • War • with which -we have I Ilan t. ' 3/ 1met ' h3nds aft _.• , tnrthing to Lie. The hill is an .tftrtj.pt torttc -Thr t].•p,acnttic p,t : y ,. by Otste,iomai the Pti,vineesof the :,litivrt:.11y-tttrpatty of ....w :al HT.a:.'t 1'est f.• ee,wri"e Quebec sed enslave eliciir seems no t ••,.,•n to io•111•-r!:It our Atopic- forever. 11'hat has F:ogland ever done fi.& your She has no nerd (1n• ,,,i ,.t. h',:h :1• , t•.ui .:t its :.t of von hell.. She is .stung enough to CuiI c,l -it•a'( is o • iang :.11 ••lest, defend herself. ... 1'„u mese -tfrirlest ;'.: this lids ••i�l-• h :nt.•:.o,t tuc!'dm ts .ig•tit,t It.lt111.,t England 'h1 her wars : I unless y • •it 1 . •u.rrip: i'•n will rotor 1 .•1,,.1 t I: t- t r i ; •i iUt. Fireu mitt." loft .•,1 in 31)' +,(0 t1 t: of protA•tl- Armand l.*veaRoe MI. Bouras,<i s tion 1 '. cl e• exempt*•, t bet• neighbor. ' lieteru• t,dpi*ealed imine iaflwar, And. altitougi: the 1 .11t�fian taint` is of 1lie wound) in this fashion '—•'I feel guy touch !awe( ',tion that'..' the I Got'rrpor, LIFE teen penes tic (}over TO Lydia E. Pinkham's i Vegetable Compound Vienna. W. Va.— "I feel that Iowe the last ten years of my life to Lydia E. Piukham's Vege- table Compound. 1 ' v Eleven years agoI was a walking shadow. 1 had been under the doctor's carebut gotnorelief. My husband per- suaded me to try 'Lydia E. Pitekham's Vegetable Com- pound and It worked like a t !.arm. It re- lieved alt my pains attd misery, 1 advise all suffering women -to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." — Sins. Esau _Vegetable . Vienna, 11' Va. • Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com- pound. made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm- ful drugs. and to -day halls the record forth largest number of actual cures of frmalr diseases of any. similar medi- cine in the country, and thousands of volunt:tryr testimonials are on Elle in the Ptnkham laboratory at 'Lynn, Mass.; from women who hay been cared from almost every form of '•'nate complaints,' inflammation, til- ca:'ati.tn,,lisplacemente,tibroid tumors, irreg.tar: 'ies,pert uslicpat ns,backache, ' .rilp•,t)on and nervous prostration. ' t'ory such suffering woman owes it to • Herself n) give Lydia- F Pinkham's .,'.•' Compound a trial 1 ewe would like special advice about v •(tr case writeit confides- tial letter to Mrs. Piukltama at 1 Lyti t, [ass. Her advtoe m free, and: always helpful. Adverttting Rates: Li•t(a1 and other sitiolar sdveppttt.eniea'.., 1 put tine for neat Insertion and Iv per line sorb subsequent t'1,ertion. Mea:'uted by ,.onpareil'+:,11e, t we!ve lute.. to an tush, hu-iness cards (Usti lines and under, f3 9ar. • of Antons Vaca t, Hi .ion. Wontl,'Hou-*-, for ale or to Hent, Yantis fur Sole or to hent. Articles for 'tale. etc.. net exereding eight line•,, YSe each tncertion : Si for first month, file ' each -subsequent month, larger advertise• menta in proportion. ar,,.nuncrla•ut, in otattnary readin« type :tea tents Per line. Nu.norler h••. hat. •S5,•.• Any special nrtire, Ow...Wert of which t, i. cher e Ruh benefit of any Doti%id ual us. ;,srrei. atiyr•to b•, nonslden•d an advbrtt+etnent td be charged a cotdisytly, /We. for dt.play nerd anitrw;t advertise - (teats will be given on application. Addreaa all oomtnuntcgtton, to THF: SL(dfid GPHtN1INt; ('u•, limited rira.erich. Ina 0 1l0j:U'H. THIJH$lkAY. !City. y,• labs, DRUMMOND AND •ARTHABASKA. The lsvtt•election in the: con .1 it u,•t'•y of Urns mond and Attb:etl+ska gee= beg on Thursdsy of . last week, re- su:sed in the egret' ' of Mr. Gilbert, the - Boo raint r•anOidale, Icy„ titaioldty, in the neighh„rh,,atof _bel. The elec- tion was fought alms,'' wholly on the vy ieeu4 the I3orrrxs,a'•erulidate 1,,- _ vo'te'd ti! any rxp,.nditin,• 14' C•aetwdw k54- sant flue I,ih. eral catldidete,,,-Mr. •Derr«salt, srsnd• fog. for the (it trinfornt'.: polity ore Canadian navy. The Conserve-. fives did riot piker- a candidate in the, field. hat Mr. :Rank, the Qoelwr SPrvatt VP IPs,IPr, etlltopwd the ran.tit- uency with Mr. Brun -meet irt .npnort of the anti -navy candidate, oft . __..ins. in some (natters the result .rf flip erection is looked upon aq a vent -re blow 11th. Intake the rew:u a without-sW'Ij,--'1•- lege thug- th.• sacritie,. of ('a'- (Lite l State., tattier ctrl t -tion art.... t:u r would ..n..s !late Leen •ru11• the h oder ua tld tit elle t.101 wn, 1� 1,i Wet.- had their not been a woman 1.4•1:AV 11.1111:e • 11 ,0 . n tit,. .1.10 ..t t9 • ::•u• pr•.• -rat 11. mint's her teary with 1hots of lbw ruc'fii.•'I, V.144 are the ones touch caste' . who wilt Be asked to nutke t he stet,--• net,. 1 "* 'ns and husl•t(n'V d• wt11 1... EDITOR/AL-NOTES t11aken fres' you to serve inthis0 ivy .. _ _.._ ....� . Id. the sen„• •late 1 r.. ,ta•xkrei "adrift. the Lihrral lead, i t«.pert .: .tic,•. t •. thought .•f Keg/tut,i and the Fmpit,•, *1,.1'40:11W navy'will iucten.e I3;,11. thele wits ime 11tnn left to think of • that iota, beliun to win'electi,•n, f•s.• t': 11!.'. at:.l that .nun was- Mr. 11'./ ahem. ,ett. 't•i tgny again : •'Snpl.•s« out :•.,t� ,Roosevelt gat:..nebat wast coming t„ isi•tin 1 hien sit Tureslay. lids career of hig _ 0 talk with nothing to hick it up h.te re- cg of tett ship.; , get•• tn: - •o: tion, ,.n! «it'll' of 'hens �,a1te souk. what will t1•.- 11)..,•shi say titian? Sep. Onto' tiptoe s.!1 nl.,,,4 of 1NI.1 endure gt`t Iceivtd a decided •beck. 1„ere .. • .a:... ... ,rq Ei1nad,. • ti it not 1,r n hetjonel 11104aie1• ? 11a+uld the vn-t. of it trot h+tve tm 1w made up *gyro + ,1Vhat is fo happen to your meds Arid your ether works rneativihik•% We do net want any prefer 1110111. 1Ve only went it root u• au. of the happy life we have lei •n the tutst.'. These are the appsal• whieh the Liberal rampd'gnrr+ had to caret•. Mr. $duras.:, ra11s his piny tin- to Sir Wilfrid Laurier's prestige. He I Y*tnm.Ila patty.'' It is not neti,;o had caviled Quebec with his) ro often I mist, It is int, "wly Prurinrial, set - that it wire het -outing ahnmit a proverb I ting nut' part of the country again -et that Quebec voted for Laurier, Huw- l another. At the other '. i,,•ine. we ever, it his. been dealnnstrated that haye the policy of iter. liordcn. (ash - even trio, Sir ♦1'ilfrid in the lemobe� ioned to. suit the nitr,a-impelialiste. French-Canadian habitant will gn'nnly � but to far htcking ai. a national policy so far, -and it 1e•romea a question if' that nu I(1tewpl istrede (1) pt estate it Unt ario and the tier of the: Prnvi,tces I !f•rr,. t h« pw'i)p[r of Quebec.' The out side of Qntber have not 1.4n ex- j Government's policy, the l,anriet' poi. peering tno much of the gneal .Liberia/ •jeY' whirl' i+ presented alike itt On. statesman. At the tithe of the Mani, tette, in Quel.'-. in all the Provinces. tcha erhnol (Office/fly Sir Wilfrid for the :Ipptoval 14 the Itrr.ple, is the (then arr.) beerier staked his p,litirolr�rlly 11atinnal 1,Illiky, it will he the future un Ir p,dirry• of (•nulp,ntnive and patriotic (laity of the f,it•Pr111 party to conciliation in nppQe'jtinrtatt the pwliey +' to work to dispel the fake idea. so o• at r w hi c c Sir 1'h tries 'Tapper and the ('nn- ifs.idnnnsly spread by- Mr. I'l,urasea rvative Ge vern13,-nt• whii•ll nater- and hie allies among the habitants '.f- ly would have been more erePpta►rle 'tushes. It "i11 1.3' the work nf. the o the, people of Qoehe'e', /mutter. Liberal .petty to show the people of nether by vi. to” of his mt•prnl to Qlnetee that tier i•:ngliah-speaking French-Canadian pride in a co'me't- I*•gple of ('nnada have 110 designs int, er by• ine'ene of the cenfidence upon their liberties, and to endeevnr hien he inspired .in 'hoar whn knew to bring the jwupl' of ittl the Pi.n•-. in neat no matt or h'w•, 1.euriry:.ins-t•atug.-t31 t.upuu-13 comm.,'' pl.tt attrie•d .Qeehn(• in that pu•n.or•alde form. ontfst'of Ifinti, end did.whnt. no other man Could Have done to i.ring ream• and rnnrnr,d- mat o(;, .sang- situation, Again et,the time of the lb ter war Sir 1Vilfrid L*in•ier risked his political fife --aiteis-44i- -- ,441e-e—mit rt -Putts have alone Ili sernritig the acquiee. entice of .1 liP 4'JPI,(r perlq• an the senting of Ctteitlian troop,, 1n Smith Africa. it w t+at ,this titer that Mr.. linurasta p.rfed c'aplpsnv with the L:hr•tal,- and 1•S'e1' sine// hP 31, (f3(3('., +cred to stir et• s•1 fe and 1n lr'.ttoy sir Willa i•1 Lunt ier's inft,i,nre in Qwe• tree by epers•u.t,i t hien t4•,tq enemy to his cave and relistion. The nary question stave 11r. 'Hnitr- assa a great epic .t'Linn t y, l'hesawactr- lm•ing halrititto does nut like theiavy idea+indeed: 11147)'. people tn�thi+ Who( will *''-tne: result The re- vers« it Qnrt e, I es3 week will hay,. excellent t•'Ptllts if it steadies the p•.,- p'p of Canada 0. the serioils conai,Iei •- 1e3--4.ioo-44-Basi'• duties As uaticindatiltkrs (f it .cause: Canadians to OPP tante ''!,- tp1. than lefi,re the nese+silt' .'t giving up sone purl of their prejn rliees, lot hap. 9(l,fl,' fancied "rights,'. in seller to meet part way the .j'I11i'P4 mf nthort. who are equal - it rtiti'ii.,1 to the name of Calla -1 dish: itho e nil, if-it-jnetilr in trite 1 patliolr the det erminatinn.i. hemi their backs to the support oV1Itotp it farces which el tie tar unity, and con- cord and sitength in nalinnet 11fe. THE UNITED STATES ELECTIONS Province share his dislike—and th ton. any nnli•Hriti-h sentiment thin may exist in Quebec was diteetrd against the Gnt«rnmrbt's navy pro- gram. The ignnrancl• Nil Ihr -rnnntry -da•,•ilerti wa..ttop wp,l neon, and dread- fnl taus were told of what q•otil t:tft- pen if the Laurier hfval p' 131'y ere pot in to effect. itnshsnds dml :ons Were tofw torn front their hnlrs.in,l l4arnrl to a:lrrifi(•r their 1•vr. in Eng- land':; .ears. • .1. one iease.p.per ;se respondent de's , itwd A : ^ 1 he Frero•3) *1mi:titian has crit(inly 1131(1 some lel' Elft f)ulmod drawn for ilia d.iertotion t by t•utoi)nist Trod 1.y .lands, 111s children haw; id en - d. pirtrd to him tlisamitoWPlrl. lilts.,n rift - .1T shore.: hi+ could ty iogv)t•erimbe•d, his land desolate tinder the Nrni•'d heel of n.ili- tati.nl. 13•tplisi,' 4. t.nt it 1 ..'t, but he is htitilan and sterhrialiy sn r•,y'tihlr to high-flown oratory.” !Tele ate a'•ptr a,lm1,1, f.• m the 'ape•Prh,.,rfA1,31-l,a,11ie. 1'to • loners, Mr. l3(nnato& hie st 31 rsai•' h, !eyvpon,-wiv.'A elft.'... , i 'Ines t to the Anvernntent vomit," t„'hlftnwltil 1 Ibis iniquitous (nays1) Ise to his hand; 1'ute ttl tt ttd-- aha- b:t.ka bye -election did not quite suit us : hot Tuesday'.' slautrhter of the high -tariff party in the United States restorer the pleasant feeling., 1 if the Drummond-Aithahaak:, elec. Sion was the most significant con, est I Canada fora number of vrare. it m. it he Immiliatln3r t., Csna.ervittites to k , ow that their party ,tad oftdnially nn ha d in the fight. - Senat.b (4, W. Ross ought to look .eve's the «ction returns from the States find what happens to p,li- tielans who pi nine to red- -e the tar- ' iff and then neg' 't to carry out their promise. senator • ,s9 is doing his w.o•,it to get t L• • Lit • 'el party of Can - 'Ada int t th • sate.• 111.1.• is.• Republic:, n pasty 1 tit- United •e tee i- naw occupying. • Thi• extent t.) which 4er`t:►(• n.•w 'p,13'.ra can draw on .1h -1c i gin tiring in exemplified 1)t• a *trireme tin The linrlph Herald th:ar, its view .f the defeat et the t:.t•ernt_nent !date in tete hype -Ie. -0.M '31 Qurltee best week, the ,general election+ will he pelt nfT from next, year io a • much '.0 ter 'late. As there lies itever',Pett .. the •slights.' prob.lilitp of a coastal electtoe het me the 'next led,+t)ie)- tinn, •which cannot telae stere-loril. the 9'.'"1n o1 1911.12, 'I he herald'.. iris of au election to take talar,. next year mint have'bet'n maoufacturel to said the ocett}eien. ,ILit certain netts- . papers would he badly oq for -facto" if they email not broil theta out '•f th sir- own int t,'n:n,J9 1'3 meet 1 h - need of the rb(sntent. • sir Ewes W. Ro+« ¢ares an i►nt.i•re.• , pr ••;t v :ttldreea at Torl,nt., i.t.t we.'1. Th.- tuitnwin day. r K ptrl ll' slut; r:, having arrived. at cetera ft .on the ('shed `note., •ergot, ketone wet, , opened on beh:•i(of the Canadian and Unit Stale• 0o vet ante ut• took ing to rrcipt•ocel I trade ntaangemen: • ' between, tine two • ',mottle?, • Sir (ient-gr's anti l.lh:•t'at views ''go” all right at '1'orontu: h•,;i Tctnntn spite ivu i+ ditr.t lois j at (-Iff`.w:.. tt 1. .thwoltttely safe t:) .,v std ,• i• • I.•giti maw. ('uuuduat:l ir,t,•t. 1 _ roughly di+vut1,••r1.I'. ;u c ,'„ Flection, weir hell in many of rho States nn Taeeday fnr Congressmen nil State ofticets, • The returns show u very decided trend towards the Its atter/01c party. and for the first tits, itt runny- yearm there will LP 1)rtn• ratio majority in the Howie of Repro; 'tat ivies tu. 1Cashiegt.ao: Fe nl:,t11ed 1.110 1*"'.It .tg,►in.s1 the politic:in id); that it is r tarred Probable f'i'bs cenditdalt•, the Ih•nmer' s nI win the i'rrsi ,1,•11") in 3133. This prmbahifily I. et vangt henrd by he feel that Presides! 'Lott nod .t•x-I'ro.. "tit tet)( serif, the t wn mode likelj• ndida• Ps for the t'residenry on the lteptr'•licen side, nrr hot di -credited by th, rr'slulta i►e therrnn•n !state•: Acnitis the holder Stan' Plnctinns me tem lat•t;rly.011 nl1• 04:0.111 i••.tt0s, 13141 irt qui. It It a sui eeaN- ; !nl vtn'e flu%ernnr, a.fe•••,allywhen he f II*a afrnwu his mettle by crttryirg a ' Alt ser st'hirh form. -fly nupporteal the 1 • • g 41..1 y, is looked I1p,n as gn.ti f n• I i .1 feir a Pre*ident int remit- ' ids . '!'n the State of Ohio, MINI 'al Cs home /State, f evernor Judson R H •rtnon has re•.lecttd on Tuesd•(t)� • that may be en,e,e(1 1,;t,+ i t• r• • ,., tatell (i',It•C, ninon+. 'j•It t.. ,113 ..' t �. Toronto is e•xplainahle onh- ground 331.: . •,r11 o1 11 �cemh(el tl..v.'sdie it !they slioold 1 i 1110 gnu,' ) (x•( ., •. t••t ti•i orodote hry u • t ,kin) 11;. • n .'1,•.' •a,.) •: . ' 1 rh• T e F' st S• o.n. •'r.Pr•:i- t•r,' } A .i wUt he l:at, . Footfall.aac • t street. 1 . The at. t, • •. Ansi N`•ato ,. ., • :53 •• • 1f,1 • Aob,eak w e• ' .' rt •1 .• fir vn14t•f au•w ,f'"e,.nierf,:1.u.tefea. Arid.rpRtg c.) •1 :+•.ow" i.iN,10)131,» eyes And •trt/ghr.r rr 111 • ...,.,f *remit n,.t,t hurt, alWet, While**, but Bl54,. `ct 11Aren, w • rb tfienl ( ge Ail tell with theta the wester of the snow. 'Aril''' 1, l'be 1 CENTRAL (////f�+jy/,/1 BTRA-TYQRD, ONT. Thi• college la recqqtnn ed a- the sre.,t 1 r prwcttrwl ttalatog .chout of W ester, n t�,nMttuiq. It lathe largesr :,- well a• tel• l a CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 16 a link ill Canada's greatest chain of high-grade colleges founded during the past twenty-six years. This ebaia is the largest trainers of young people in ('ane((* and 'tie freely admitted that its graduates get the !zest posi- tions, There is a reason wtits. fur it. A diploma from the t nwtnetcial Educators' Association of ('*nada is a 11adepwrt to success, You may ahtlty partly at heatw and finish at the College. ' Enter any day. Fall Term Opens; August 29th CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO sPOTTON. Pnncrpal, re v LONDON. OIVTALO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catatog+ss Fres J. W. w'....nea, 1. W. Wesate.0, 1.. C. P.m riga. b'we-Pnr•uP.l teachers experiencedriga. are practical. o „ r nate. Instructor*, out grad non.ialu htoed rtthannd Telegrathmen"•e3*. -co.,. of applk+ahone we cannot meet 3 x11- erre,11.a ii -t, fad and BY. per month are rrmao I,g unfilled. Ott ou^ freeevt.tlogue .,1)d •:ommence your COUls a 'toner. 0. A. M:LACHL N, It i- rather by what we say- than I. I shat we do thee Mr make; Y The II...i)n for ue all is the wisdom/e of I keeping eileoce armee proviocation. • 1 OleeIBtI/EgRgar he New Catalogue of the Centra/ Business College et Toronto conta•s some special auaraetees of very great interest to students oho desire to attend a first-class re4aele school. You •e rousted t0 ante for .t. Ad dress W. H. Shaw, President, 393 Yonge street, Toronto. MINII111.1rlww i 1 DISPENSI N.G ___________________ . . .. • The gre;tteat carr istteken in dispensing et this;tone, The purest drug( are lased, and 71.41 may being roar ))tesetiution herr with ear great eat confidence that it 't ill tel•rite proper attention. TOILET ARTICLES. 1Ve !„.11.1k4-4sp', i 131! .1 t... -s. -tad ;.toupp1y ' 0(1 with the latest and hest K.uai-. II. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, ith Side Square, _ W. ACHESON & SON Special Sale of Blankets Fine, all pure wool Blankets, pure white, with fancy borders, pink or blue, extra heavy ; and 113, (10 x till inches, Special sale price per pair $3 25 Fine, pure Seotrh Wool RI tnkrts, 2 x 2i. yar.3., mite white, - cut singly and finished. unsll+inkable, at ;a.00, ;COO end............. ... Tapestry and La urtalns- s7 00 Several add line* and new lines just received we have laid • nuc for quick dispose'. Seventeen pal• l* 112.'23 ('Retain' tor, per lair .. • $1.50 Twelve ptire *3 511 Tapestry Curtains for 62.50. Carpets and Mattings • Ten new !sierra of J,tpan Matting. : 1 in,hei wide, heats •'ttu11 w•)rp, splendid patterns: regular '2,i.; end 35e a Y yard, far 19c Tapestry' Carpets • A l.lrg« choice and of exynisite patterns, an t in Roost 4 Leaning colorings, A cozen J4ttteru.S. Regular tat., ere and 7oc qualities, On sale at, per yard 55C Linoleums and door Oilcloths Floor Oilcloths, i, 11, i (, f, _I yards wide, at , liar 'quare yard 30c.: Linoleulns 5C and . 2• •:, 1 yat•da wide, goo, 45o. !Monet square yard., Inlaid Linoleums • ea, di wide, Tao, Boo, ;'1111 $1.00 per s,luare B rtterick Pa `tl'rns and Dillineator for December now in. W. ACHESON cf SON YOU CA N' T AVOID IT WHEN YOU'CONStg1fR QUALIT Y STYLE .n your clothes, your thoughts{ •raturally turn to-- - MRT/N AND FIT EROS. TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS tt a will send The Sign from now to < the end cif 191/, for $ I s00 IwatMuldoon Says ■ Thomas A. Edison did another wonderful thin whorl, lid v014 itrnn,i,t hist• I'Iturtigraph to 11,010 where not s.1 ,n1 the pent Frit tottrittild ask tier improvement, he nniltipflcil Ili • rrtainbtgability by two. • Fir did )v producing a Phonograph ltr,ord that pl , sings or talk, twice as lung as the Standard Ijceortds, He did 1311-3 without increasing the size of •the Ricord,'makingit- a dtcrorrl that can be used on old oats ownja t► • w•cii *l new. 1 + He. did ,t wtithnut .rttecting in any way t ec c car, ri, musical tune* for which F:(heon H.•cureds olive abir in: been famous, tic calls tins double -length Record ".ltuh.•rul." ''slit,*, Ante•, a I4.4 m'd+, Edison Phonora 11141.80ttEN.00 a30 to g phs Edison St.,el.,-3 R•, ,i N. t0,-. chess (trawl (Ver. R'.+nd,. 4,4t,'.0111.60 'n 'o .h, •Man.. 1.•11l,' aryl 3.41r 010 rdu.,n,1•h.mnar+ra, slay AleIatrh1 MI,r,,wa4n.la.it.u,I1;!•N•n.ta.lrt.,3 N,•e.,r.t .e..al,ulr,rrelleto (IW O lour •1et1er .1 0 ,., n. _, lusted flsew(gt+ Co.. ftp Labial. An., Thew M. J4 1).1. A. MOIMININNE .1113 11/4 P1ONOOOApOa ANO aecoaas tat I$ S1' JAS. F. THOMSON, Goderich rnfr+:nr 1Villiam -Mulyd.,nn, Mtn of the moa buui o,'. 114.513 h exp to /MVP. siys that the g.trtnent + n }fent lessen went•+ art and react on the ass'e's mentality. NP)-v//Re tired awl defeated men Are dowdy and in.'Morita dr•e«o4r.. al f n of courage, teen in env.., tn,'n ship to do big (1;. is and think big ttljeight•. dies+ well, Tf yin) feel that things ns.' tr'ing , 'strut you. +sup 1I d *have, inks * 1)et(h nml pet)• nn tt amlu.,. well•fittieg it of nlnthrs 11,'h4u inn rbangP year Lrota4r+ you,•heng. your rain.. 1'rn.can ehnti inn YI►th ('',,tuts' RIStnd fine tailored nkr(hes for 4n —the trityl the'. will 14:1,17U ivP inn ,onlf•trt, cnnfldenecslid entiafact; te,And heln.you to snake a +ucr0as (1f your vocation. 1115 ARE NOL1i; AURN1's. WALTER C. PRIDHAM he House of Real Values.