HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-3, Page 10a' '10 J'HUtta(Ar, Novinnti t't, IMO THE SIGNAL GODERICH. 1 ONTARIO. IN sl r OPERA HOUSE' GROCERY, , 5gr,are, Kingston St. EVERV1'HING I'ItESIi, PU-RE AND (;OOle - k THiS V`.'E1;1: Cured jYtectS Coolrea .1(am- Gerea! fooas tit) I rLle 000nV IK PHi-. ylYlttl{ 4 Heerlai.attere fur choice Butter, and fresh Eggd.. Jno. W. 'ianatter • Opel a Ilouse Bloei. 'Thune 164 Kiniatnit•fi•rFet Y M • C• A. COURSE Ernest Thompson- Seton \NI" \La 111 \\ t: KN(►\\'N Monday, Nov. 14th i n North 5t'eet Met hec;: t, C u.ch • , :yr r:.1.. n.. w:!l le . >,• y if y..il bear thi•_iiit' r.•a:stg-tory•t. !1• Nutt t., .ee )•:.—v-eeIlet)' 1adnt r1) slid. , ltr.r Seat;. I list•.•} t,d Se-its.'ly ( lib •e•1) with 'NI 1.7'1 lul) t•:ert es) ..1?.� Spee I Meat, for 1,31.11... ehv.rl. at 11. T Ede rel- •••01'4 :rk• 1)1,,11 t; . i;• • hoklers-The r, ..'y --..NfryerTTIli•r• Snit b• cutlet 1 It h. Mr. Se tie : = :I l« 'III Gore t. lL•t atel. hric 1;,•e at -.merrier -t,.. a 1.•et orer in- America -and England. ill,..tting• !:`- .4t1rice with bum et a •! i.• t;era;tl 1'hri-t,. L 1. . 1 - - The more a man gets left t e ilk ire . he talks multi, rights. . • Many a L►•t..• n tc •-b eneeye '-f.. the PedlitlfHl-has .'. d .' f r ugly go -- Wall Paper for dal! • , papering A splendid assortmaent of C,inadian \V.:11 P*p'r. ranging is --price from 'r• per r,•11 t o2"Ic. . rPorted Wall Paper We make- a Fpecialty of 1 mported Papers. end are showing the very tieweat creations for this season, ranging- in price Iron) l5c to yle tlet rail, The Colonial Book Store U} F.GE PORTER. Prop. --Court 1toaiet- Square. :'PHONE '00. (;od••rieh. Curate,- -110 you know wbete little boys who fish on Sundays go to? Small Boy. -"Peen. but I ain'tgoin' to tell Ter. Go an' halt x glare for ye: - Quality Store ('HOIt 1:= GRAPE FRUIT, We T : e just received a slip. trent of (;raja. Fruit. It is vet•y thoit'r., thin-ekiuntd .0441 juicy. 1Oe.erarh : 3 for Vie. • Cape Cod Cranberries A it • •- I1 bartel just arrive.;.. 2 Another 1..t ••f genuine Jersey tsew•' I',aatacs --thent*1stgrown. i p.itlt:.ls Li,• CtT,e•. . (loaf l'• -'kung Apples. •per peek (.lois. Layer Figs, per p. innil l:x• A shi).tarifa of Comb Honey jest to bend. • Per puuma'2x Fresh Sail•.igwand Fratitfnrts for tb.• week-equl. Hip,h.'..t price paid 'fol. Farm Pie sib: '. H. 'PHONE 43 9 NG I" RULES FOR WIVES. T. Whloh 1sAd ed Som. Feminine Advice to Husbands. - Some presumptuous Frenchmen pub - !billed a list of commaudmenta for wives, one of which ran: "Naw and then acknowledged gracefully that thy husband kuows more about some things than thou. After all. thou art not infallible." A second and still more daring rule for wives was, "Never be aggressive In thy argumeuts with thy husband, but always consider him as superior to thee." This was too much for French feminists, and no wonder. One lady answers the presumptuous man indignantly: The weaker sez has not merely du- ties; it has also rights. 'Feminism is advancing, and nothing will stop It The weaker sex is the equal of the sterner. Equality forever! Here are the commandments which women op- pose to those of men. , The lady then gives her rules for husbands with more spirit than logic: Woman has a right to have whims; 1 it Is a privilege of her sex. Never lout her out. She might have hysterics. which would impair her health and cost the money in doctor's bills. Another commandment runs: Remember, good man, that, thy win. to thy superior by her grace, her beau ty and refinement Therefore always worship at her feel Where, then good lady, does "equal- ity forever" come in, if woman not only has privilege because she Ls a woman. but is decidedly superior to man? Surely, the strong minded suffragist -41110. 1 SI EE TO A TES LL • Ai ''4/1t I CO '1Epflist::4. 4.41-4 I E REGINA ra a tvinil tmc pe&gr 4— tt-hof the finest Swiss Linstruction--that is to be the prize; iii' a Special Guessing Cantest' that .hot+lJ-tnftroid the attention -eve - (I tr-wom n and -child. --Inorder to .emphasize the fact filar Regina Wai.nes are supe?ioiJ'i every way, •have selected one of the best move- ments, t\ith a handsome case, \\'hich'Will be given away abso1-uttlyfree, un • •r the following conditions : ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th; W. H. Robertson, of The Signal, will wind up this 17 -Jewelled Regina Watch (v true is.00) and place it in our showAvindaw, where everyone can see it. The first person guessing near- est the number of hours, minutertand seconds the watch will run with one winding will be.awarded the prize free of charge. All guesses to be in our hands before 3 p. m. dde; she will Immediately propos* • holiday in Switzerland. But this 1a a very mild gibe at her own sex compared with tier final thrust at the other in her last rule for husbands: Man was created before wo e- a preliminary sketch for the master- piece. Remember, then. 0 husband. that thou era but a rough draft. This ought to abut any husband -nu finally.—Paris Cor. Loudon Telegraph. TRAVELERS' TALES. Some That Were Discredited and Vin• diosted Long Afterward. Travelers' tales have often been ac- cused of being mere flights of imagi- nation, and 1n the past stay at home peodle have sometimes erred in treat- ing travelers' tales with scorn. There was, fur instance, the description by James Bruce In„,1770 of the barbarous Abyssinian custom of eating raw meat cut from the living animal. which was ridiculed by everybody. Yet Bruce has even recently been proved right When I'aul Du Chaillu explored equatorial Af- rica in 1861 and described the wonder- ful gorillas and also the nation of they had the stn on "I, for my port,” ye. ,,dc; sieve this, blit perbaps others may. In modern times that detail is cicely what proves that the 1' clans did achieve the wonderful age. Such an "Improbable" tact never have been invented in au which was not familiar with the tor.—Cbkago New& Two Cheerful Liars. Two Americans were disputing which bad experienced the trea, cold in winter. Said one: "In the of Iceland where 1 was last sum the ground is frozen mo hard all year round that when they want bury a man they Just sbarpeu Lis and drive him lu with a pile bat„ The other replied: "Yes, 1 that place. Didn't stay there lc found it not quite braciug enough me. Went on to a small town fa north. The hotel where 1 was s ink caught tire. My roomwas on top story. No tire escapes or lad, In that primitive settlement 8 cases burnt away. Luckily. kept presence of mind Emptied my out of the window and slid down dwarfs there be was discredited none icicle."—Truth- too politely by the British Royal Geo- graphical socU subsequent ex- plorers plorers amply vindlcated hie veracity. In the matter of discredited travel- ers' tales vindicated long afterward it will never be possible to beat the clasalc instance 1n IIerodotus. Il. tells how King Neco of Egypt com- missioned certain 1'h*nkfan mariners to circumnavigate Afiica If they could. would spurn privileges of x. in an• ;_They did it, starting from the Red sea other tale the lady seems seto show aod returning by the straits of Glbral- some s� aowledge of her sisters. h bar alter very many months. And good man, thou desirest mountain they reported. says uerodotns, that in ask the wife to come to the sea- rounding the southern end of Africa Funny u S Y ton te. "Lia, bar said the jovial man as slapped an acquaintance on the ha "Pili glad to see you. I have cue the funniest stories en record, and are just in time." "1 don't care for it." was the ca. reply. "Tou see, there :a often a thetic gide even to burner: I hate) leen opt with my architect, sad showed me three of the•fuoulrst ries l ever saw. If I hadn't hero f Int; for- them 3'd have laughed my FioY." The contest is absolutely free to everyone and has no string to ' ' any way. `There is no charge whateer, and no one is put under the slightest obligation., The idea is to I cess permanently on your.mind the fact th' Regina Watches are of sac iWjperfect and guaranteed reliability to be good for A life-tirme'at-satisfactory serve . it is our Hay of doing a little effective advertising, anti. .',expense i,s charged to n'advertising account. Ask any of your friends who own Regina • Watt.hes to you gess correctly., --The prize is well worth striving , for, since the Regina Watch ranks first in high- e reputation aed„tmsrit.- All contestatlts must come to the store to register their -guesses and sign the- }Ion,• • LJ£.1,Ym6%11°'.� f" WALTER H. HARRISON R. Watch Inspector Jeweller and Optician On the Square, Goderich a lb Excellent -Uriderwear . Va I u e There is one "IW,ST" Underwear mill :n Canada—one mill that n;.:., ter Underwear than�any other. That is the mill the Underwear in comes from. Thr los\est-priecd garmen'S itfe--aarefaf-lly made -We and from those that sell at 2jc to those at $2.00 or more there is good ht'l,a, -value for every cent you put in them is I„t.-`°" •` l.. .r, i"�t.t, ` �r;l x � At 25c the Garment Vests or 1►rawetx every garment full site, purr white or naturae) grey, fine rib, w.ft finish, veete it' el at the neck and 115 front. Very spa•eial at per garment... c. At 3.7,c the Garment 44 Ladies. very flue ribbed Vests aril Drawers. (IP I.hlale• only. extra soft finish. met!' weight. yet warn anti comfortable. Garment that tit pet feet ly. Exceedingly gtn.1I I value -at the twice. Each only. ... ay' At 50c the Garment Indies Veatfe and Drawers. natural Krt \ color. fine soft finish. gnm•aule►d nn- c/1C ahritkable, x )1 sizes. Per get most ..-. JV The Reason Our tfosiery Values are so Good Is because.we buy our Cashmere H direct from the English makers. There is no whoiesa agents' profit to be paid on them, and you can un- questionably get more value foryour Hosiery money here than in any store hereabouts, Prove it by try- ing any of these. Cashmere Bose 25c Leulieti Cashmere ;fuse, plain ow ribbed, .ea.mlesit feet, very fine soft flni.h. all siuw and every size full, guild wi'ightfor i:,ill i At 75c the Garment 1.1,411.•,: 1'nd 4-10- I9An.l Ib IA% a gotta deal than the :Y1u very eolufot•table, perfect t tit • Hitt ur.1 grey. Per garment.. Better Garments Undies' fine wod \'eats awl in., -Hue (walk yend very ,.aft tiifi.h, imehrinkahlr, woven, from ti•;• y{r•tN, white. deep el van( ••i . 75' - „rte;,;: $1.00' $1.25 $1.40 t'on.hinnti,en Snits $2.00 t ale snit. and Winter wear, tatter by far than any we have ever offeredyou at the price. special at per pair 2 3 Pairs for $1.00 5c - You can be paying :/(lc a air for theme Stoekinge and still 'be getting full value for your money. If we did not, buy them direct from the mill we would have to sen them for that price ourselves. Made from the last Australian yarns, plain 1)r rib- bd., By long odds the best, snicking we have ever $1 (10�0 Offered you at the price. Vt' ;Very special at 3 pain. fa. Ine Ribbed Hose per Pair SOc We could not hay x stocking as good es thin to sell at bair- n ,Ifarfrom any whole.ale house in Canada. The rituality is fine the weight good, the mitre are full, the stueltinge a pm Iy shaped U. fit the o.t perfretly. Undoubtedly the 1 - vehte for half • we have ever tthown...... ..t 51.25 51.50 w Men's Fine Socks 25c Men's. 1,144411 1, x -h 1 -fyelcke, wand.-- line and.--Ane quality. In . I . 1 tralian inch 1 - will will ge•t 1n -11)., 1,1.. fur. 1)d tfk' .1 pail. V. imixn•lw eta w if b ' 1 , ladies Hesse a out -a-- price 1-price ie per p �iwC only a' V Boys' Ribbed Hose 23c Boys heavy worsted H•e c. Its•,orted 11151, a'anlle=- feet. v\ capitata stocking f.•1 the rough void tumble wear the average boy gives hi• t,s•k- inge. Sic value• at 4# ... , They carte direct from .ttrr will in England w•'. can sell them • •t' 25c pair only . l �/ We repeat again'utt the-. -erre all undoubtedly the leo Hosiery values that hivf• 1•tei ,-h*en in oar store. They are made possible siiiply la•eeau•e the goods have com to 114,11 r,'et trom the English n1n't rte Some Every -day Some every -11 • prices that are money -saving. ease. You won't 1 nt there anywhere. Ladies' ribbed Ve.Is, floe quality, white or natural, each 25o laadies' plush knitte.l Underwear, white or natural, beet quality made. Per garment... AM° Oatmeal crash Towelling, splendid dryer. Per' yard .,..dtlo • Pure linen cr .h Towellbig with red -binder. }Per yard. ....�v An extra heavy cra`>:h Towelling, Inc every- where. Per yard ' 1 Oo r Full -bleached Table Damask, 614 inches wide - and good weight. Extra special at per yard, 60o Half -bleached Table Da k. Very special per yard 1 22o •Arlt dE Values Ii"„ They.stioul for thoroughly ('1•liahle ,r..sus in M-i,fr Skein or hall mending, regular 5'.. t110C price 2 for Clear white Pearl Buttons, all sizes: 5c • dozen on a Bard. Per card • • • • Beet quality Hair Pins, regular style et SQ vi.ihle. 2 boxes . ••• Safety i'ins, one dozen on a rant, 2 cards for •• •• Fine quality Cashmere Hose, .eattnle�s f' 460 all sizes, per pair One thousand yards Lae., Insertion ,.n. Embroidery at per yard •••••' So All -wool Tartnn Plaids. wide width,*' genii range of patterns. Per yard. . i' 0 tl tl eras if22 '� --- 1 .r- se