HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-3, Page 8.... 41. L'i"1,.t .r^ay 71:7,
THrRAnAY, No krut8 3, 10111
Canada to Be One of the Great Nations
of the World East Should Recog-
nsze,the Rights of the West in the
Matter of the Tariff -An interest-
ing ell tter trorn.a Former Gode-
rich Boy.
'rijetsligual it plen•eel to have a let
ter from William A. Cantelon, son of
uUl former well-known towa9Il1111
David l'nntvlen, now of Vancouver.
Will is now attending tlsgoode UI11
at Tex•"nto and is also taking lectures
at the Univt•reity of Toronto in
.economics and philosophy. He has
htestbed deeply of lite spirit . f the
West during his few yeire' residence
in British Columbia, aitd his. letter. of
which we reproduce the great pert?
will be especially interesting to his
fernier ariptaiutences ll e r e. He
writes :
'•This eapit.al city of '.tines moron -
101 is surely a credit to Ontario.
There is as spirit of prosperity in the
air here thet one cannot help notic-
ing. and yet . with all this' it lacks
the Western spit it of 'entttubiasea.'
How to :icccunt for that 1 sin not
ahle, hut to a Westerner that is the
t . ndition of caffeit•e as he (ere• it. The
young people Iii the F; est, no matter
-tow line a pn.ition thee 'ea ey hold,
seem to Iz uniformly dieeatt'flrd, and
the germ of discontent finds cote
genial soil. This is to be deplorel.
for conditions are much here ax to
make the ambitious Oatmeal, (Ilan on
woman mast optimistic.-
"lu the \Vest you will Hu.l that
sultry ane: a jot) i• the. Beet, his town
-'i the best, his Pruvinea is the best -
in fact, his tangtivge is one of
an. rlativee. Tbie may. at Eaete•rn-
ere • eetimes say. prove a fettle, but
1 dun t think it will, when one r.,utie1-
ere t i non.litiohe Ile. Ands. -in .the
West. In order to overri.le the no!
ural ru' wipe...th + Weill an 1 its
way. .111 11 est - h • 4.1 greet 1 aith. ani
heat net it Id int h•i.ia.4tie:.
"My trip ,'ro.s th. mo,ipt Lint. and
the p111ur w in ).t enj ty stale, and
united trly . v..r the prairies, 1. •e mise
1 resliv widths' herr we tb • real foun-
d.tin stn se 1) • t which (' in elate'
great sup •r -'rt •lure. is 1D h• bulls,
The m tentative'. 141 they redo- their
peaks into the he, vette hi their Ilhaj
etty inspire one w th their exy'Ii,ite
forts and rug4etlne Their h is tons
swell with the richesof on-. th el nue
day will be Pit' 1 •t to tomtit a
nerdy world. Vet, liv If a5 1 elo in
lbw mountain Provin of 1L11.Jet)
1' thimble and witnessing these seen••s
every day. lay appeeeia 4.1 would
naturally h• won with '1 at .tIiirh
was ne* end which after all e of the
getate•tt 1 ,grrr.l to 1' and 11 at 84 A
whole the pr aeries,
"it is a beautiful eight to s1 •td n❑
au ubservatioIl car 10141 (44111 it aI
Iuw the eye to lake in I be veer s woe
that lies aroma 1. Heeling out Hill nl
until lost in the vett les . ,. in is 1 e
prairie ever whose sinAn•, he i
1 hes the Moulted gt,aen, the har-
vest of IS fit•ason's work. (LW .eal•zet.,
the •grtatnettsi of the inoiriee (then'
nne travels over three day following'
clay and view% o%-er and nt-er mgein
the rich. fertile ',mil whoa/• ret el is me,
where t.. be f rand and bete n•lii •11 i
y.11 (0 Ia• extr.at'IMi the riches 4,1 a
use tuns
"%'hen 1h enillin,. of .circ• of
f •rtite pi.11 in that new count i% .h .II
b' occllpi i1 by the Ya.4t I►ot11cm of the
1•irntning settler,. anJ when the toil
1.h tIl yield forth hes Nu 1 t i filora-
dantly to they.. ind11.'t ii.u+ j. •Dpi.•. it
will he then that 1'anatlkns "Mall
ai.mirist.' their heritage to the full
and learn to understand that the.;
Canal's of mare Is to 1w a natjon ser
o.iel to none.
'(1f course all this development and
alvaneerwent cannot 1.e )tad wisp t
local and national troubles and difll'
cull fes. Our statemineu have a great
and serious duly before them in their.,
h andling of arrives in the N sat. 'Phe
West is a highly sensitive "roan in
whirl independent thought finals
rongeni+tt soil, Inhere is one Thing
they will keep the Went strong. and
virile and a united people, it i+ in
making. the forejgra popellalion toe
parr•iate es We do Brit AI frr.'dout and
the.xcelleney of littlish inetifnlious
government. '\'him cantata he 41
unless the interest' of the West ate
appreciated in the R•ast. 11 the We it
is to reeeite ilr fsir .bare of its uwu
label, there anal -'t he at. 151.1 ei 1.•ti•
'eon downwerdt.nf the tariff, anti in
0'•111'• 1nat110 t $ et IJ•ee 1t•+1de list.
"There le very little u)anufact tit ing
west of \Vinnipeg and east, of Van
mover ; the wealth of that gi s alt
intervening eonitittettcy comes dirert-
Iy front the su:l. Thiefearmera of the
est every year will foam a (treater
proportion of our p'tpul.ktitnt. Their
'voices must be heard : elle there will
he economic factions in Can td* of
bitter rivalry which will tenet to scp-
urate the E tst.lrt!jt the West.'
"1 do not advocate ahwltt't• free
.trade, hot Ido think that the farmeer»
have a right! to . env consideratieni
null flint 1hetefore t tariff should hr
materially Lowered nod as repeetls
numerous articles of which the f,rtn-
ers are the chief IItPI-a there eli.add be,
A cnmplet1 almilitiou of the duty.
"The Cit yof thePlaine --\Vi tin iper-
ie a most snhstanti•Ily buil( city. Thr"
Indite that goes on over He 1111 ntilea
of Irwrkege is immense. Winnipeg.
(bough, I think. will he outdate -el l,.
\'nticouver, for when the l'anem •
cant) opens we 1.11411 he ah!c In via
s)tecessfuNy with Winnipeg for at
least the expert, of half the prairie
grain product, And 1.. supplement this
we shill he the tonal 1'a -if)
enlrepot for all of the Canadian
Oriental and facile• trltele,
fa Inteeeetlne and etieitnlaling f�
live iht-the West to feel t1) it Yens. ae•"
in the pp ttk pf rap'.d prograte... t Mtn
the \Vest illseest alMation',(.ety. and i
even though 1 %twos th tt To onto
here is a great ety, tttpad use off sting
Infloltelygreat n p )rt infliN to a nhl-
tioue tit tit, yet 1 00,1.1 n It }},�(dile',
treat sael la tie Kist .skit .fox
F1 .11,1:
anv git'et IrugKrII ^•i i 1
Mr ('.aloha a Ids it poster, ipl :
"1 intend %(siting lioI eich. thie�
1'in let Ines. 1u .rr the (ild 1utv11 once !
re the peel heel town in..('anads.•.
When to Eat Fruit.
To obtain the most benefit from the
succulent fruits they should be, eaten
at the end of the chief meal. 811112111111
are an exception and may be eaten
with any meal. They are very ac-
ceptable cut in thin slices and eaten
with bread and butter.Stewed trults
often have, their virtues wasted
through being eaten at the wrung time
SU or eight iteteed prunes half an
bout before breakfast are btueficiel;
so are ate»vtd figs or stewed apples
eaten before breakfast. Peeled m
anges cittinto thin slicer so tbat the
juice is set free, with sugar strewn
over tbe slices. are not uullke Nue-
apple and form a highly efficacious old
to digestion. Grapes`sbould never he
eaten except after the chief meal of
the day. Taken when the stomach is
comparatively empty. they are a spe-
cially harmful fruit.-Fatr)IIy;Doctor.
Ruler of Russia's Titley
The ge'tn raI allusion to the rufer of
itussla as the czar is, strictly speaking.
Incorrect. Hie official title is "emperor
and autocrat." Czar 1. the old. -Rus -
elan word for lord or priuee aad was
abandoned by Peter the Great on his
triumphal returu from Puttees. his
crowning victory over Charles XII. of
Sweden.. Since tbeu the Russian mon-
arch has been officially entitled em-
peror, and at the congress of Vienna
in 1816 his right to the imperial term
was admitted by the powers, with the
pruvbse that, tholugh he was emperor,
he had no precedence over the kings
of wejtern Europe, -SL James' Ga-
ulle. -
Calais and Ila Lighthouse•
es noel`•
Calais Is rather an untidy place for
a French town. The Place d'Armes,
where the tower of the Hotel de Ville
bas remained since file fifteenth cen-
tury, is the center "spot. Here Calais
tnee4c Its free ids aud has
iib. r al
In •the• /square. Iowertug out uf the
roots ' of surrounding'. heust•s and
dwarfing them. fa the old watchtower.
Since 1848 1t bas been superseded as a
lighthouse bf •the magulficeet one at
present in use. - Never shall 1 forget
tbe effect of this Ilgbtbouseeta 1 stood
under 1t that night. The revolving
spokes of light dist away lute .filmy
space to all directions, looked like the
rfbs of u huge umbrella • being turned
by the white beadle, w•btcb was the
lighthouse tower. So tall is thea that
11. revolving light can be seen from a
distance of twenty miles at sea. -Wide
Helping Him Along.
"What 1s all this straw doing In the
roadway? Somebody sick?" asked the
Man passing.
"Easy:.' said We man at the gate,-
ate,-holding up a warning finger. "There's
a young man calling ou my daughter
tonight who has beeu coming to see
ber fur six years. He's very easily
frightened. We bope be's golug to
propose toulght, • and we are taking
very precaution against his being stag-
!"-Yotgkers Statesman.
The Barefoot Burglar.
"H ve you seen the barefoot bur-
glar?" asks the Florida Times-Utiluu.
We ba -. We caught ber Itt the act
yesterda morning, the three-year-old
miscreant, as she stole up to our bed,
stole a ki shook her tousled head
and said, "If ou don't get up, dad, you
won't get an bre fes'." -,Allentown
(Pa.) DemucraL
Un fah.
Mrs. Bockbay -\'by are you leav-
ing us. Bridget? • eston Cook -Me
reasonk are pbllnuth pI:'. 1 want to
give some wau else a chancel at the
joys atf living with yes.-Ilnrper's lIa•
A Family Jar.
Neighbor. - What 1s nn 1 ` :It row?
Willie -Ma's calmly; frultt 1 d pa's
a food luspnctur, end he's t•ylnp, to tell
her' how she ought to du it. -Ph idel-
pbla Bulletin. -
Her Sick Friend.
"1 didn't get w he'd nodi midnight.
"$Jsting up with a .ick friend?"
"Well. yes, welt n lot'twl. k friend:"
answered the girl - Kau -.::s City ,lour
((,glens ran )Irt•ttn1more crime
than any Me -NI ma -=teem
Forget Ones In Awhile.
The health of the body as well as of
the mind depends upon forgetting. To
let 'the memory of a wrong, of angry
words, of petty mannea. Heger abd
rankle in your memory .will nut only
dlalpete'•your mental energy, but It
will reset upon the body. The seer*
tions will M diminished, digestion 1m.
paired, sleep distnrbed and the general
health suffer In consequence. Forget -
Ung Is a splendid mental callltbeals
and a good medicine for the body.
First and Per,*,est.
"My wife has a great deal to tray to
,Apo about ber first husband."
"Nonsense! roar wife was never
Married before."
"1 know it. Tbat's what makes Ilse
reflections so psInfnl."--(Pack.
the ohm.
' 1 ay. my Man. Is that dog of years
a mongrel?'
"No. alt; ain't no elites to hof, eta'
common dog. alt."-Ralthttore After -
The greet mass of people Mee *yea
ab arik but net mash Moes, ape•
dally tittle power of jinx. .t, Aid
.-Y-M:%'' OAIhaaus
For the Children
Interesting Family el
.r Five Clever Boys.
Oue of the most iuierestlug fawllle�'
In the diplomatic corps aud, for that(
matter. to the/whole city tot Washlug-
ton is that of Count daelluissert. the
minister from Belgium. .The children
are great favorites at the national cap-
ital, where tbey have become kuown
through their skill an Ilugulets and-
musicians. 'Phe children are all ys,
and there are five of tbedi. en the
youngest Is if good mush -fan, for their
education beget) ata li early age. On.
occusiods wbenoife count and countess
entertain Are youngsters are often
called.atpou to show their skill ln'mu•
she -and so well -do they perform that
their effort, have won universal com-
Who Was Touched?
The two pluyerli who know the se-
cret remelt) Ip the remit long endugh
for tbe trick to'be Diads sieve:` •
Otte stands toms corder. and the other
In the middle of the room \calls out,
"Ebenezer, *do you . bear?" 'Ebenezer
sass nothing, but listens attentively to
Clear who among tbe company
first_ .,Tbe other partner repeat the
que'sth,n, uud still no answer. teems
one will be likely to make a remark
soon. and then Ebenezer will rouse up
attd answer, "Yee. 1 bear." Tbes
leave the room." says the otber play
er. and Ebenezer goes out. The part-
ner thin makes a greet show of choos-
ing which one be aball touch. but of
course Bade by touching the person
who first spoke after tbe game began.
Tbis.done, Ebenezer L called In to say
0'110 arae touched, aed every one is
puzzled to know bow he can tell.
My Lady's Toilet.
The player* are all seated except
one. for whom no chair must be pro-
vided. '
Eacb player takes We name of some
article of a lady's toilet -her neck-
lace. chain, bracelets. rings, comb.
gloves, hat, sboes, gown. etc. One
stands In the center as lady's maid
and says, "Sly lady 1s gotug ont and
wants her bat." The bat must instant-
ly jump up and spin around. If she
forgets to do so she pays a forfeit.
Eucb article must spin around w'be
"waited." Occasionally the • y's
maid says, "My lady wa • her tui -
let changed," when the players
must rise and c •ge seats. In the
scu®e the c:" er player tries to get
a seat. she succeeds the one left
chat .s becomes lady's maid for the
next turn.
The Ticket Celleetor.
One of the boys 1n the back of tbe
room was evidently think ttg of some-
thing besides his lesson.
8o the teacher. merely to attract his
nttenliuu, put the question:
"Harry, can you tell Inc wbere Noah
wee when the animals were going into
the ark?" v
"S'pose he was taken' tickets," was
the prompt 'response.
Center Ball.
Four players stand oilthe four
angles of a square and the four ndver-
snrles in the center. The ball is passed
m one to another of the players in
t corner,. and finally thrown at the
ce rn1 players. These last, 1f they
can etch the ball, may fling't back.
If tl layer 1n the corner hits a cen-
tral pl er the latter is out, an , vice
Th Thieving Magpie.
A few wee s ago a large tree in Eng`
laud In wW several magpies had
nested for yea was blown down dur-
ing it gale, and a hollow which was
unsuspected was found over 88(10
worth uf athletes len frotn various
houses. The principal thing was a dia-
mond ring worth $200. The largest ar-
ticle was a silver bask hairbrush.
All Together, *1 1
sparrow. swinging on a bran • sang the
softest trill.
lam and long 1t was, tun meaty
Robin, tugging at a worm, p awl
aIped hfs bill,
Paused and perked has head. ret... his
feathers pr+seing.
To lung his song at realty seemed be
forgotten quite.
A bee that new from roe to Iuy assured
In her 111(81
Hummed and bused and hummed again,
tried to give the Romolo.
Wren, though burp with her nest, stopped
to sing a wee ems.
Thee reminded, robes ablrped °heerily ase
sparrow trilled his very medset, sans W
sweetest, beet '
Week, ups the arbor ptr.lise. Mllwl/
at her asst.
aid wait sparrow 1fB the
The thing to ebnslder
lu pitrchn.ii11 a sound-r.•prtnha•iug instrument is
the fidelity with which it reproduces the human
}..ice in sungs or ept;t•t•ht•.t anal the ittueial notes
of instruments ' 1'ntil tau leave heard the
Edison Phonograph
1 ou c:uutut iepprtt iute butt far :.1r. Etliwu has
e.sirie'el his in%e'utiull-in-thi'. respect.
Every note or [sic anal rtery e'llable of a
.j•�•ech i• not nal' cleat el distad, nut ales() a
p. rfertt reprexluc•tlam of this sin , hand, or:•h:•etra
nr :its«el,,cr who nl:ole the original tic -Corti.
t6 •
are Edison dnlers er.•r)wMer, Go to the iwarrs* oust hear the
1'oouograI L plat boW Ed le.n, iIawlarduse 1 &sou.1 smberol Records.
a W oea from Sow d. st* or blow a.,. .
).uwm 1'I.4.scr rapW.51ah' 1' };4044. Lda.n •taid.r•1 Records, aix•.
Re•eoialp .5154 tare • lows.. aa^-. t.dlwa tiraud .tete.
nes, ,a,, to 524o. '
11x1 Lakeside Ase., Or , N J.. U.'3.A.
JAS. F. THOM )O[►►, Goderich
The underwear
without a fault
pr .'pnrston. hay -
Ing the rum, metanlng are 4onts,ined
In hundreds of the letters I have re -
...1:.1 during the fast year. Many
-were from women who had suffered
agonies from failing of v,omb: others
from women who 10.1 es, aped tang-
etmux surghal .operations, as (its
tumofs and ulcers had been remov-
ed 'fry the action of Orange Lily;
and others who had suffered TrLta-
suppressed menstruation, leucor-
rhoea. painful periods. isle, For all
thea. and the other 1.'0111,IP) known
In genera, as Women's en's Llsorders,
orange 1.1Iy furnlshre a p.mitlt•e
srlrntIfle never-falllrut cure. it. Is
spphed ,Ilrecl to he suffering cogen.. end Its oyeration Is .••rteln and lieneMlal.
Asa 111.41 h• (pally prove' its merit. 1 h.-rr o otter to metal. •ahsbiutelr free, a holt
worth a6a-. sunielent fur len slays' treatment, to every sufferings woman Who wilt
wilts for It. Enclose 3 stamen. MRg. FRANCES E. Cufenael, Windsor, Ont.
$uV )fl
.and you -
If shoes differ at
any particular point
it is in keeping thei►
shape. -
Shape - retaining
quality depends up_•
on good ,lasting, of
the way the Teat her
is stretched down
around the last, and
time givell , for the
shape 10 'become
Invictus Shoes
are never rushed at
any stage, and prove
themselves by re-
taining shape until
worn Out. „
corner E,t.t Stipet and `Squats
The follow ing p1 eyes
ate (wing paid at IAM
licitness ill. 14041 1 t a• y
(lens, lot Ib., I.'. ..- .. fir
'hi.ke►ii, per 11•., live. .Ik• W il.•
Turkey psi Ili. live .. . ..1:1.-
itnrt7, par tb.: strears.4 ._lett:
t i rci,r per 16. di e•.sl et .
All p•1111ry 10 1.e
da livered with `crop s
teem y nrt1londay, Toes -
mi \Wedursday
111- to stf of tach week
vi Ajt IIOL'NI►.
(Pill s".E d ON 142.
N. %%._ Trewartlta
Etc.. Etc.
Estimates cbterfi Iy hvntsbed.
W. R. Pinder
'1'horiegr i.
§pecial Offers
Farm and Dairy
the well-known agrirultnral weekly, FARM AND el7C
DAIRY. and The Signal will he went for one year for •
Ns v enl+i+rriheis to FARM AND DAIRY will hat.' ills
1 a4anre of (Ilia ye ar freed and in addition the subscriber will -hass
the chniee of to Fanners' Hormel Hook at two floe lithographed
pictures of King li neap and 4/liven Mary. IS x 21 inches. '
Stud orders 14, THE SIGNAL, 1Jsidrrich. �I
The Weekly Sun Wateh for THE SIGNAL'S
ddr"s $1.Canada tot
i Announcements
The farmer's Business rarer.
We will fiend ThrNignsl and
The Weekly Mao for a year to
any a
NO v 'o4tsea•ilwrs will receive
these plpent for Ihr Lslonee of
this year free.
Send olden. to
Anda rich. Ont.
and select your reacting metier '
f.'r the t•umjwR, yews. We .app If
ell the leading paters sold eeverdl
ntagaainee at reduced prime to
hill• Matiseriher1.
The Catholic Register
We leave snide .rreng vnett.s with CATHOLIC REGIS" R
"blesCt AdNitAA*nNI EXTENSIONtia, lofCsuhtnonelu,paohroff t1h6'
'+sn1rdsni, nhgt,
wbi• 1, e t e.► nli••r THE SiGNAL and CATHOLIC REGISTER and
CANADIAN EXTENSION for.i:te later foe the bargain
$1 70
um of -
onto, in the property of the Catholic- Ohurch Rxtension S tenet v ••f
('sneda, It is hrillianter-edited, well printed scventy-column paper.
of ten p tges or more each week, and ander it, new management ha4
tx•came thF Ie.etfng exponent of Catholic thoaght in (l•►nael*.
(' ►t holies abetil av»i1 therneulvrfijot.thstr1Y Mvnrahte
cban je'In secure the foremost .. Irnal ofis theeirrandenominslintiridnn•
nX PENSION from now ,e. lit January, 1912.
The Signal and -
The Weekly Globe
Wilt 11e tent for the h.alapce' of
Ulla Pat, to new suhacribera for
(Ioderieb. Ont.
The Signal and
The Luttrell Family
Herald aid Meeh Star
will he vent for the balance of
Ibis year to new subscribers Inc
(ioderleb, O&
The.Sigdial and
for melt'• `The Weekly Mail and Empire
wUl lie went fur the balance of this ',Par to new subscribers 25c
Address! THE SiGNAL, GoderloIl, O*t-
P ' t•a!
t'lala 1
Ell art
Jli piCO
e roust.
r Il.
Pier, I
14 I
11+ 11+