HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-3, Page 6t. irtllial,UAY • Navi n o -A 1010 THE SIGNAL GODFT;TCTT,' I'�'ARTO !"BACK TO - Tiff [ARM" munttlea jest noir need leaders much more than they need men who eau simply make money on tbetr own firms. It Is necessary fur the agri- cultural collegd g baduate to succeed on his own farm. of course 111. every mord' 111 closely watched b>v entteal neighbors. Even the shadow of a failure starts a chorus of "1 told yob so," THE MARKETS Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futon" Goer Lower -Live Stock- • Latest Quotations. .• Mu,.dev Evening. Out. 21. jj.Iverpu0t wheat. futures reeled to -day I%4 to IAid lower than i;aturday, and cora futures %d to Id lower At f hlcaSC. Ur mher wheat rlgred 1(a Meer than Sat ,rr. 1weom hr earn, lobe riot, and Ire nut r o , �•,t higher. 1C1. -Rural Education -The success on bis own farm is the orae Winnie., o .ons A ricultural Coll essential to the young: man wbo would 1 w)..._urtuher P2y,.•, 1. miter 90144 g be a leader. Given that for blocking, Dias •ttyr,. --- • ---be can do almost anything he wants t mat* --,J. whet. , Tt'yr, 1 .e. es ,her ,:fC'ib& to with his community. }antlers Imre MH'h at t•urhtl f< +• 1, b• -a vast deal of respect for the man Toronto Crain Market. Nt3-fit V. GDtltGORY. iOopyrlght, 1910, by American Press Assn dation. r N 1862 congress passed a law ap- I propriating money for (he estab- hshmcut of colleges of agricul ! lure end 'mechanic arta, 'today '..hereare sixty-seven such institutions i.D the United States. Tb. establish- neit of the agricultural colleges open- -,'•td up an entirely new field of educa- tion. 'The study of "deuce and the ape •Ifcat}on of that societies to the prob. - was of everyday life bega.n'to take the ' Aare •of the study of classics. Diu- '. sang a emu merely to have him edu- ,tstedMan 'booth to go out of style, and the , ,r'ruer education .that better fits a man . to tackle the problems of life took lee 1 •,lace. • .-+... The•growth of the agricultural cot- . reps was slow at first, anal not untL 1 yilhtu the last fifteen year have they OTODY1Nn ?AIM NACHINiRY AT AN Ar1bI- OULTIMA!, OOLL"GL f nlly come to fill (he place for whieb ' they- were designed. • At first the idea if educnliug a farmer was laughable (o omit people who rejofred in a ilt- tie learning. Even, the farmer him. -.elf dill not realize the advantage of a cnilegc• educntlon to a man who must 'lake n living from the toll. It took n good niftily years to bring people to re• Mire that college education Is us va1- e tsble for a farmer as for a doctor or a lawyer. 'The mein difference Isthnt 'he law compels n man to get n call-, 'Pip.- diploma t.efore he steres to prnc, es. a • medicine, while he may start ••inning with nothing but n team and • plow•, Even et the pceecnt time there are tinny mei( loth on the farin and In hr cities who doubt the value of it ollege education for the farmer. t dnny a farm boy is squarely , ern= f• •ronled with the problem of choosing ^ retween four years In college or etnrt- ng to farm at once. four years Is e hong time to a young man: Fifteen hundred- to $Z000 is n large aiim of money to him. To epcnd both for n .'ottege edurntion regnlree n great deg; lad courage end faith In the fntnre. The amount Of money neeeganry to , gray ' four years' expenses In college AGI enable the young men to start •`arming on n rented farm. The four genre will, If Ire Is Industrihug, enable him to yarn enough to make a good • ;reed payment on n farm of his own. a1f he 'goes to college he will have Lnthhng at the end of the font gefirs hoot- the experience and knowltige he b'ss gained there. is It worth it? . 1 have put this qu tIon 'ornately to Loretta of even to their last yenr et bre, agricultural college. Without .x I epilogs they say that It Is worth the L•uotny. Not one regretted the' time r the money which he had bartered . 'or hly (slue -Anon. Pew of them placed :1' on n money bnsts alone, but even 'rum that standpoint they considered :OM the chances were In favor of the 1:diege men. The boy who ,tarts farming for him self without any education will run up gafniit a goal nary slugs which the ollege man will Was. Ile will learn by experience many of the things whirl' the college roan learns In .,-Aro.(. In doing no ile will pay much Jeerer for his knowledge. 'rhe old , pr••Jndtre against "book farming" Is ins( dlsnppettring• People ore craning to realise that hook farming k merely Ur.• !need experience of successful farmers everywhere, ezpinined and ;'rntnilnedl,y Ibe light of science. rrob- rhly in no one respect Is the ndven- Nte.r of the college moo more clearly t•plsrent•than In the ense of soil for til,ly. hong niter the nntrnlawl man burs begun to notice and wander at the decline of his cmp Wide Il'e'tnan who has stediel the nelenee of sell fertility will be relatrix uudiminieh.d (repot The ert.of keeping up the wall fertility cannot be learned from the neighhnre, for they here not pear - tired 1L It rennet be teemed from father. or grandfather, for In 'nett oaf the fertility of 'he *MI wee coo- 6Weisel InesfinuslIhle. The strewn of the egrlf•ltltnrel eel - lege g radiate cannot he mesenre4 in :- Looney alone The agrMnitnraL'eoa- who can do things. Their prejudice against college farming is lost In ad- miration for tbo regntLs a.•t•leved by the college fernier. at be .dvises or- ganizing a club they are willing .to juin in and help. If he tells then) the shoot needs reorganizing they are willing to be convinced.' They may even consent to bringtag two or three schools together end using the money gloved to hire better teachers: The in- spiration of one man's success and the energy imparted by bin, is'safficient to start a whole community to thinking. Once you get a man to thinking, there Is uo need to worry further about him.. !Ie wilttake care of himself. 1f au energetic young farmer •witb au -agricultural education could be placed In each township throughout the; farming sections the results would be en enlightened agriculture - that would be the 'envy of the whole ',meld. A leading educator recently Made, the. statement that three live agricultural cellegc graduates could In' ten years lnee'eaae the value of the land In any' agricultural county $20 per nem. That sounds incredible; but' It is literally true. The community would . heroine so ptogreesive that It would be worth $''0 no acre more to live tbere. The charge hag been mide that gg rh•ultnrnl college graduates do not go back' to the farm. The facts do not. bear out tine assertion. While the percentage varies, it is safe to say' that fully 50 per cent of the graduates go directly to the farm. The others - go Into acme work closely relabd to farming. In 'my acquaintance with yellntr'ifte$--frier-`matching cotte4e 1 base knod'h of very, few who were vet anxlnuti to go to farming. A good inanyof them do not do so b(lcattse of lack of 'capital: They have 'spent all their money in college, and It looks to them like uphill business to start fanning without a cent They aro overwhelmed w.ttb offers of salaried positions at salaries Of from 51.000 to -12.000 a year to start with. Experi- ment stations, agricultural eolleg.•s, agricultural 'lepers and inanifactun•rs of agricultural products are all looking for agricultural college graduates. Many of the men go into some work of this kind until they can save money enough to start farming. Of the college graduates who do take up farming as a business the greater number rent the home farm or go into partnership with their re- spective fathers. This is the ideal way for a young man to get a start Under such favorable circumstances he cannot help hut succeed. Often, however. there are enough brothers at home to occupy all the land. The young college, farmer parer look else- where for a job :: ,'r •.:r the agri- cultural colleges 4:1 • r r ;i:;: g e larger number of calls ?..0 1!) • ,nanagcrk. Mahy of these offers ere exceedingly liberal. They come foe 'the most port from farmers who w:r' to retire from active work and nr ,5,. seam time do not wish to sell or fir• t their farms. They are often w!It. ,. to taker the right sort of a yoau : •tan In on a portnerahip bale of •1' • him a per - Wheat. et.,., b., . , e'8."" - Liu, .i.,,1.eat .. •.n, Vit ;Slee... b,, ; he- ....... A raset , ` t it 1• w' trot-, 4, .1, ! ..t 39 .... Toronto. Dairy Market; I:,tier, separator, dairy, lb0111 • i lather, store 01s 0 211 010 Ilutter. cro.ener2e, !b .rolls029 011 Is,:rter, creamery, solids ..,- O M.. ..•• I:Kg`. eaw.i:ad _ 0 31 1•:aca, [..1711:1, o!d storage ... .•u o •31 Cheese, In .u. 11uuq>..on,ba, dosen 2 e0 960 Now York Dairy Market N EW )'..1:1:, C' t. 1' -1;utter -P^Ine; rseeip,., 40:15 •'reamesft, en. taIs 11 • la "Av...!.era, :'1c: third h flea:. tic to Se; resumer to ;d s0rotsyi to lope• 411 -"..r_• 1• V5e , state (;airs .enntet to f'r1 xt. 2:le 10 .Or.'. tectum ,.. o 4 1,. rp•^ta.. (. t, hie; ItnITtu•9 -'. t, Faure :--f1H't :t. 1e 23(, fan' t icy �J u+e u-. ' .. lata: .►t w__h .lrtior7. , urre:•t make nett. .7r. l•, -nee ---$1. ad, receipts. toe ?team, wrote inure .t...•141, L',•.•. f• 16%r. doe aserase •faae) large a,; 'road!•a,lpred. Its 'do. n' 11.•. 14%., do. to tourer. nose, and 4144&1: ..:t .rd, 0 -ea'. t44st dna, whit, Inti,, ..t ,aria 'w'hole rn14k good 1e. choice. 1.'.. 4..'OG. t•mtm.n k. -fair, 10'4e 10 L% "shine-, 1.1 to anoxic. 2.- Tc L''ebs(• - l•;i;,, S'ea.;1 , rem let r; 64:41• 131.„ Penn- - ryl..ni.. and Lea: by' 1e:.riery. white faire.. 47, to f.s., da. gather.:,. white, :Lea to 3b,., do.. penmen•. 1,r1.84. IaQty'. 310. 1,• 1. , dna. pothered 'browr S1' to frewl, gathered. extra fur•�t. .1' . 3.e. 10. Neat,- :6c TO 2sl i -do.. ,eiseaaif.. ( to 24c; 1. lr.4h gathered. diroirs. No, 1 i andied. 10 1„ ss, d:,....„4,, ley. " lac. to 3ik . rtfelg..7141K. 404'1*I ' 1aM•y. *444• 0 :Ifs' de.. fent 74'ia to St 410', second Linc r CATTLE MARKETS. One Doctor -Only One No sense in running from one doctor to another! Select the best one, then stand by him. No sense either in trying this thing, that thing, for your cough. Carefully, deliber- ately select the best cough medicine, then take it. Stick to it. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for throat and lung troubles. Sold for nearly seventy years. No alcohol in this cough medicine. 1. C. Ayer Co., LoweILMss. Why try this thing, that thing, tor your constipation? Why nut stick to the good old reliable family laxative-Aya's Pali?. Ask your ductor if he approves this advice. Union Stock Yards. T4)Ru\Ttt.- 14.•t 1L- of . luv, -lock at Ito. Cn.ou `•,• e; 2 artla .w4•r. 10Q t..ih'ot-hnrr t, r.- ,"74 tattle. �' boo- w'36 Pio .1, and lambs, 'p• (44 t r, 41`,1 : 1 tier+e• ' Exporter's: I;uget, t'An,t.I, , ,I,,.11:-1; !or swift Ar Ca. Iw 'l -(P4 -for 1 "*,don I A i1- each, at 1...0. or a yang., of 110 ac to 'H• .4?e :MR fit b verlro'. .IN, I6,. ra'. 0. lr 7 &v..- ,,gt.: nr ;s ranee • 1 5 •v. to Ir.1. - outchirs, _ The -.beat but••t -re' .:attic sold from 13e to. Nr per cwt. lower; and the neellum and ,.murnr, were r .ti 1■ per r4('d low- er. cows. ar a-ru.e.,- Were off Iron, lie (0 :e- yri i wt. from 1st week . feint picked hutahtn roil frim 116.111. to M•. •tut only 10 cattle bu.•vght the -lat- atr price, loadv t.f good Z. it to 95.70: me- dims., f.dims,, 15 to 16.8 : torenmJ r.; (1..1, u HU; et w+s. 1' to 94.0,, with a '••w good erviugh 10 pawn. at 14.10 k. 5', Stockers and Feeders. Mocker. And feeders we-. C,c to lin lower, 1n eymp:•th, with the ,•A.t.ort nattiS. A couple of 1oa.de mf short,ki•ep feeder" of conal quality vend at /4.:1 1e, 16.80 par cwt ) )'ender. of goo.' quality, 1010 to 1050 'hot . a bJ 3 S to 1-, 4o fe.der., N 6(• OA, to 1 , w t.• V.I. 10 •trwkrr•, 11 to ft-' • Milkers and Springers.. Fred leo•,.et-••,'.• 10 m,. kers and tsrloger.. at 1st •.. MS east Veal Calves. (est* Itmltt.l number '11 la1., which. ebonite.) ha•..b sr 1• to 36• per c;wt., and 1 r:,elf lit• $Jtfe. •- ' Sheap and Lambs. - slices.. ewe-; .ei,• • Ss H.• to W. and one siiieele.l lc of ewe-. at 15 21 rams,: o 11 t 11 '0, hush., f.5 C. 4 • 1:. v. her cwt. Hpa - • W J. .Iohnwton, ,. ,yrr for ;;.inns. re. pertsl a•I/k•t►- fed and Jrat.red, st .the mark L f7.',. nod 410 •o .drovers for hoop. 1 . b., ear!, at country pellet, Tha- l) 8111 he ..en.- la a drop of`lir .tnce.last week . . • Montreal Live Stock. MONTIei:.'.1., •r . 71--(1o.ciaL)-At the Mnotreal Stock Stmt. ,'A'een End Mar- ket, the tecelpta✓Gf Iee stuck fpr the week ending to' 20; were 2170 cattle. *840 nheep and 0.rnh 11110 hop. and 4(0 • eaves. The offerings on the -mark'et 11:Ia nrtrfilog nrnln.Ht4d to )40 ,attle, L4' 'heel, 'soil ro tat,,. 700 bug, end 214 '.alvete A feature of the trade was. the. Mro,Ker feeling In the market for cr.ttle and Wires el.uw an whale,' .•1 fully 14,. per It-, s• ccn,p.r•rl with thnve reallrxd last Wed. uenday. Sales of full car llonde 4.1 north - nerd -ranch •truer- were made lot 10.14,. helfer.. at 11.41 1.er .wt. There re a few distillery fed rattle iron, lark, on the market, whiel, sold at .4* per ',wt. Chol.r steer Poll ut 5 . 'th gor.;l at Lc to 4i4e; fairly �.. t 414c to 44he ..-lair, at 40 to 41.4x, an, omrnon, at 'lytic to The per pound. Felons for mem scored another decline M 3fw• to 50r per cwt., as rontpared with *h.00 ;.aid a weak aro. and the indkatlo0s aro that they : will go MIL (ower. dales of 4 40 ted Iota were made at 4718 1.1 r., per cwt., weighed off car. 1410,4,4 - nho8 an advance of 10,r to Zia per ' ew1. Solea of 1'ppe• Cheada aunt k were made at to to 4" .4136, ani -ituebec stook at 36.7' In 36 1-,.r cwt. 1n sheep th0 feeling wa': firm, but price* ahoy/ no chaetae, alt the offerloga t.eing (leaned M. at 3%r to .4r per 'Ill. "hives were star,Y, for width the demand was good, and priss ruled firir, 6,1 itis 10 gc MT M.. lis. %%00 1. • t .,,/ . East Buffalo Cattle M+ek.t. . 1A.'4T RI'F)'Ai.f), (let. St. -Cattle -- Receipts, 4800 head; heavy, slow; others fairly active and arm; prime steers, 417 to 57.21;shipping, 16 to 11.75; butchers', 14.26 tires so , twining. 14.26 to 1e: rows. 12.75 to I6: bulls. 8:1..50 to $6,27.; otorkers and feeders, 84•24 .to• 85 75: •tock heifers, 11.7: to 14 I5: fresh cows and springers, active and firm, 830 to 149. Years-)tecelpla. 120u head; active and bur higher; 17 10 (10.75, a few 111. flogs- - n.Celpta. 16,000 head; fairly active; plasm,. 6•• higher: others 5e to 10.• lower; heavy. mixerl•and Yorkers, 18.;5 to ;RSO, piss, (9 to (5.16, a few $8.26; roughs, 87 So to 17.75. stags, 86 to 17; dairies, 11:10 to 48.76, eep an m a --Relator 1W - head; steady; sheep active; lamb, alum•; lambs. 16.50 to M.55i yesArhng.. 45.25 to f.5 50; wethi.rs, 14,50, 1" 14.75; ewes, 44 to 14.26; sheep, mised. 12 14, $4.40; Iambs c•Iosing,10e, lower, Chfcagto. Live Steck. CHICAGO. (rl. 31.-(7attlr--Ittredpt, Mae; market weak: fully 10e: lower M'evea,-14.40 to $7.70. TP1&a eteera, (1.10 Ie 0.*0: wtytern mirrors. 84 to 40(6. at.4etere and fp4era, 11.1. 1, «.E. mesa and helf- (0*1 8115 to M."--0; calves, 17 SO to 11027, floats- 1tr. ipta 28000, market slow lad' weak, Ilfrhl, flat; to thin. mixed, 1710 la Mae; heavy, 17.36 to M.m; mole. 17.31 to 17.711; good to choke bevy. IT 716 to ** rasa. NIS to ,sen. !silk of asetee 11.10 IA KO. *neap' R*^.Ipta 4,.91, rmar•kM weak. motive. 12 A to 14 S. we"tees Vats to SUB: yearlings. 114 M to fit. mauve, $.2 ter 141 ae; weete ra , IlL Mmauve,- r A 1350,te unVILDItb mecum, 410 41st =ACHING or A0*ICVLTVU. ceuinge of the net profits. A position of this kind is the nest beat thing to owning n farm. Although 140 agricultural college ed- ,acation is of great value, it tnust not be token from what I have said that success without such an odneatlnn 441 Impossible. Many farmer boys ere not fitted for an 04911(101) of this kind either by temperament or ability. Many others ere so situated that they cannot be away from bome for four yetis. Still ethers do not have the -Money For three .toys an ag;rlcnitiral eollege nifientlnn Is on Impossibility. To teach thein some! bing about their bushier(' 'tome other form of educa- tion le oeesaaery Thiel is twin' sup- plied by the .er•ondery eehnola '1M work of these gchoola will be dinctibtli In the next article. The Old Folks !,nd advancing years bring an Increasing tendency tc constipation. The corrective they need "NA -DRU -CO" Laxatives Entirely different from common laxatives. Pleasant to take, mild and painless. A tablet I or less) at bed -time regulates the bowels perfectly Increasing doses neer needed. Compounded, like all the 12� NA -DRU -CO pre- paration= by expert chemists. Money back if not satisfactory. 25c. a hex. If your. druggist has not yet stocked them. send 25c. and we will mail them. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED. MONTREAL. .22 Many dope fiends contracted the drug habit in the cradle Certain dangerous drugs were given to them in their baby days in the form. of "Soothing Syrups,' "colic cures" and "infant -friends." The harmful effect of "soothers'; c6titaining opium, .porphine, chloroform, chloral, etc., cannot betoo strongly stated. Do not give babya," soother unless you positively mast. -Th hfr ere it • The Man of Today has come to .'ec4 tt h standard in ('lot hes 8.11) 411 gI. 11.' ,Geta; tint '•110W tint "11,04 Sterid,". and he known tit:11 It !t( 44(11, 11•••4,i lu' pwcb t^r� nn t hot i 1,11uwi it The' .n. 1141 alit' 111x1i h'41.' out. it is & • Im:ghty r.or aebtt f•'r hitt to west' chest cluthieg.tlu4 better it will be for hits. "t'huap :..',thee ire the d.fiust Its noes -•hu)-. You will find in our clink rinUtir .if ••,•!nar- i•I,thlr(g thitt pe.•l.te u(lntitr, clothing that fila well um� Our SUITS and OVERCOATS , r , 4•41 and-I'o, - . • ,••' ,•,- :old guo,l that. is why ..u: .ra.•1. .:-'ng 104)1(1 ly. Men's -Sults and lJvercoats, Price $10,00. to $25.00 t3ors' Suits arid 'Overc..,.,5, Prfc $4.00 to =g.ap NOTE. We are n,ents for loth Century Brand Clothing. Soinur!d s Un;hr.•lkablc Unde.wear, WALTER C. PRIDHAM 1 he Hoes,: of Real Vale. s. 4 eb1 K ror to trill"' bllretal J iefel Perrino'.. frisk Matne tel left far prank were 1M cert returned .lobi; D.r laeaed �b h+ Widla oug to mat n is tee r Mow t!a• Ilan ' rigs s twit est sad lou N. I ecuty. t iN the 314 link ea nil Al brim I dumb son Birt 11, Lir. ▪ ti s pal-. ether Toed;, and mil gore. J1wef '415101 Bedard • ban n i,slery The Boyle! Oros net ri Pled SOOTHING ., SYRUP and rest contented, "Zv t1'a So othing'Syrup. con- tains no, opiates. tt induces natural, heathy sleep-gises_immediate ,• telief to baht', ,calming the mother's tired nerves- -does pot put on soft, flabby flesh,. making the little folks easy victims of childish diseases. ' We wouldn't think of . recommending .Nyal's Soothing Syrup if wa were, not certain of its beneficial effects. Anything ' you buy with the name will give you entire satisfaction. Sold and guaranteed by F. J BUTLAND S. E. HICK. H. C. DUNLOP. E. R. WIGLE. GODERI CH .erae .saocale ':Cs_ re i0 Two IVIinate Talks AoT✓_t N ORA RANGE 1 4 • for Goal or Weed ►rHE Pandora Range is for thcse l who desire;to make apermanent investment: The high quality of the materials and the superior method. of•construction assure long life. The Body of the Pandora is very heavy. The Rods and Bolts are on the outside where they cannot burn or.rust •out.. The Expansion Rings - of the cooking section provide ample allowance for extreme expansion and. contraction and eliminate the possi- bility of the metal cracking. The Cooking Top is Burnished which toughens the surface of the metal and increases its strength. • McClary Oil Cement is used between the joints. Unlike cheap,, ordinary cement. it will not dry•out and need' . replacing. . The Nickelling not tarnish -and.: -1s . many . more durable than the sing (fat of nickel on ordinary ranges: The Semi -Steel Eire..Box Linings are twenty per cent. heavier than caste gray iron, linings. Sulphur ft1rn *, so destructive to cast iron. Cannot penetrate the hard, smooth as Mass surface of Semi -Steel. The Gra.tee have Three . Faces, which allows the 11111U .10 -be distributed on three sides, insuring triple durability. if you want a range of guaranteed comity get. the P' dors. It's buiitto g,Yd yc,1 last service. • 1 :moat. .0.r111.t. `moi .-• MC c 1._ a ryss r-. __r,_ '..- n., -----'---r , OPEN-MINDED DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC QUESTIONS "A newspaper -not an organ:" The newspar fir foe the map who courts open-rniided dile cushion on all public questions and who e--.pects support cf right -of justice -and of decency in the treatment cf public. affairs; A newspaper with definite opinions on all political -social and moral questions -has the courage of its convicticns-whose .editorials are fair-broad.minded-honest-and written by,.sans 'of the cleverest writers in Canadian Journalism ts-day-.'just such a news r as' an aggressive and intelligent Canadian people wii enjoy and read with profit. $ 1.50 a Year This paper and the Toronto !)arty altar together. %r one year %*- $2.20. TORONTO DAILY STAR„ SPECIAL OFFER TO l' NEW SUBSCRIBERS We will send you The Signal from now t • Jar.. st, 191 2. -fifteen months -for only Tb. Ole, . lake I crew bide I day, u Th. Hoon Otto( meth by di Mr, boat LekI .btl esti . en kdy. Ree Wk ane ell Ian r4 tial Tat kin Mab tam st Ai ke lei seat 1dh .nth 44th alfa Anti d1) roti sit of I lint WI Mig �s1 lel lot kift A ti. Many people want Shoes that look at little. different from . the common run of shoes. They want want those little marks o r "kinks" in their:shoes that show them to be'"discri m i n a t i n g dresser§: The WALK -OVER �1 OE is_made from 'the hand- somest of selected skins and from the most flexible of spe- cially tanned sol leather. In construction if sho�ss all the ear- marks of the thoroughbred shoe. SOLE AGENTS. at bio his tat n� oa •,MA'. Wfnn,pef Cr 1.. ..,. (`siquytiminemen-ij For sale by The Nowell Hardware Co., Limited NORTU $IDK OF SQI1AHF tel on el 41, Ib .o 14 TI M 71 • ti