HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-11-3, Page 3THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY INC .1: 1 . , t I 4L.U, ON !1' %rte .BLAST.' THE - Ice2Scts4a Jls)I••1,rr' al• 11clIRUIMSLINMENTCIlhafD, S-1Mcu.crnesTCsa1rIINIILNT BOOK BINDING NI AGA.LINES, PERIODI(ALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. t,ol,ll L -TI'ERINO' In LEATHER GOODS 1 eadrr- rets ,fly art aided to 00 lerr.nlr . theta a' Til,. v11J.'Al,. tiodei:^b. A. E. TAYLOR. STRATFORD CIVIL ENG EERING t'A('IUI.1N N. HU -1:114, UIVIL An,1- II)draullc Cngt ee Ontario laud f urges "r. 901.e. cIpsn Mock. *God Is, comer Smotrwi •t rraeaat. Trlephone-I37. MEDICAL W. F. UALLU1i . M. B. I :1:.. 1 a•..',...., .'.vete ••.,vt.CO,:.r:411 rvl`1•.111.ry-14. i• ry oared. Telephone I. LEGAL - l)ItUI`I)hl)lth lis\1'!t & KALI:I11- 1 .t'. esus -ter-, •olieltr F. 1101.1 ie- p'lbiir, ppro . , etT•. �11_vat.• ('u:d• tn lend at Inwr.t'-rate. '!2 ii.ta rye's• . : ,setter. " 1.n•t •ide, `'r'Irtrw. (Mldeneb. 1V. !)tut I•Er>erl k. t , H. C. HAYS. .7; L. Kt1.l••K t O. CAMERON. IC. (''. BARRIrI- t F.H..olie(tcr, notary public.(tFM••e.- X. ton. Street.- b;derteb• tblyd door from L tHA}{LES (.;ARI{OW. L.L.B., BAB- E HI&I kit..110, a( e) , .a :u (tor. etc..- Gu .al, stone)to lend et owret _ _ 11 o. JOHNSTON, BARRIS'IF;R Dl• orbiter, comtai.•IMeel, notary p b. 'awe, Haw;aual •tires. Uodelieb t'..t. • INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. 161LLGP MUTUAL FIRE IN- kI CItANl'P C'lc-Yarm and Lo:atrd •.W:.,, prui.ily n.•uted. trlh.-rl.-J. EC McLean. Pies.. neafer.la 1'.0 . Ja• ! uunelly. dce•i?as.. Uoden••h P. O mesa. E. bay-. $t T,ca,... besforlh 1 . tr. lit, tbr.-N m,.4-he.•a•4. teafurth; John 8: brier., tt iutarnp ; (:r.•rge 1'..:e. nee/et-tr.. Jabs Kenuead.. Hre:di a•v,: Janie. Keane. /leer t. ate1 : John \Vat. Garlock.: Slaleulrl: •11 r, tuee.neki. • •senile 1, W. tiro. 1101mo.rtlle : R. Smith. H atleck: J.a,•. t en,ur.rK•. 1'Klnoud, ale: Jti si>.-.•afoith. Yo..cydNa1e•I4 Cru p.) 14.ew•u.en;4 •.1,d. gest 'thea reveredcat•!revered•.•. - Tozer at Btswa'+, , lateen. or et It. II. butt • g crew. Ktnvwteu sheet- bon rrieb. �2F1111117 P loan.. Aptil. L FLTI1 nly to M. .IG. i. CAM• Ut0.. 14irTl.ter. Hamilton .tract (ladetich: • • 11' R. ROBERTSON. IN$l. KAN(E AGENT. tike- act 1.14.11 NIM.: Hritl.b, ('enadlan nod Anlencau. '• Ili;Y1, $IPKYY.lee 4WD k>aPrL1A1117 111' 1 h. Ocean Accident and 44'4.010- . orporation, Limited. of Loudon. Eng. E'u•1.ITrAND Fe4KAvTrrHd!rtw: The C.:. Fitteloy and fivara.otee Company. intimi at rad _ewe!. nett belied corner of Vie • and 8E David a et rrot.. Phone 11r • iNH-N" W. CRAiGiE. LIFE. FIRE 1 rind accident In-urante. Agent forI...fji -' in' 11.d and stock eomt.anfe... Itrutative to a I nes inertia on be-• plana ind at'lowe.t rare. all at mace. corner west street and equate or wider.. J. W. C'RAIGIE, Uoderich. OL'. fete .hone N -MARRIAGE LICENSES `t]ALTISR E KELLY, .l. 1t. GODERICH. UNT. OF MARRIAGE LicENr4Etl.- WM LANE. -ISSUER OF- ARRI- . AUIC ifos0ae*, Uoderlc4 Ont SHAVING PARLOR. BEDFORD BLOCK BARBER hHUP- TTLa well-known anApular ,land offer, its patrons' the beet .ervlopur in /having lereyntting, etc., etc. Ladle.' •hatnpooina 4 rtie Itppaayt (1117 bye a handa employ,!. nolehaiidt oprletor, pptr!ciatad. H. It. ARCHITECTURE ARTHCR.Jr BARCLAY, MEDAL LiST Royal Immune British Architect,' dente -fraena House. 0oderteh. Plane de - btans and .or serene tens prepared for reeidetcee public building." ,Correspondence in AUCTIONEERINO THOMAS (1[JNDRY, LIVE STOCK and general auctioneer. Olrlre. on South ' (freer. where he Will be found at all timerswhen not crying Amos. Terme reasonable and every effort used to give you netiefaction. Ph„ne ATT• END THE BEST. 1T PAYS, Elliott Business College TORO1vro. ONT. Beet place in Canada for Superior llnsine** Education. Commence now. Catalogue free, Uniform Cooking. Means cannot to properly baked et home *Monet a groat deal of trouble. (:lark'"' Pork and Beane are cooked for many hour* in even heat, making them uniquely delicious and diges- tible. Wm, (lark, Mfr., Mont reel. A NIGHT OF TERROR. THE. SIGNAL': GObERIC'H DOTY-BUILT VESS$L • Cons• tructed at Winnipeg Yards for Trade LAUNCHED. GOOERICH MAN TELLS OF AUVEN• on the Ned River. TURN OF FORTY YEAR:; AGO. The vessel • which hes been under ''"1s1L•,•liop -><.t lh« '%'lit 144rg t'al (1 of the I hit Engen.' Woi k, t'nluP' 11), A Foueteen Hours' Swim in Cuban Hodes,• b, for the Eli bawl t'ere111duy, w 4L• 14.440p-11 til N.tos 4i.y, 11.•tobrr Pith. •1'heineerbiu1 14tr0.)4'a 4' ''.41id4 1141'lt1011 in lint %Viunit'•>f Freer Pleas, .t ',triter' of ite 1•..lella•rllt 114'.ng rl( t4411ewe : • The l•wnrhiug of alteeneyotopelled. suer-plutc.I harke this week la the Eli Sand CJmyany, a widely known, wort ( u'.e•rpri'u.g Mail highly pl osier t.us (en•'rlu.utn,u the {ted Kiser, may be -a:41 to iiaelgllratr ► new 11,4 in the 1 avigetirer! ..I .'lauitull.a'w waterw.ys,- It in claimed for ttle•11e•w lettge4,whirfi its 170 feet I.ufg by 411 feet lies t4, that it is toe fir•I of iter 8111,1 en the routi- urpt. f).e this as it may, the " Rosa - re '' or '' What ': i+ rel lx lily the don steel -pia. -1 barge to plow the waters of the 11-.1 River. Dip log the teat -t sews µ•40t I, the rtt•ettintt .,1 tl.e• press r; of ttCs v..., -I has liven I,. .0 (l al the iu.-,t vi •t}'ustor 4431 t:t, and there spent, ((i I• every'pt• .pact that this: 'sound. so eeltrg«.tree of the Clyde and the Tyne. an-IL-tluring futon* heading blaWnr, •Ion t. row utun 111 the activity e.lung the 11'lnuipeg .water fr..01, •' The outldlag ni steam veeeels filth the one hi',ti'bed 111i%wee1 in a direct con'eel11011ee of lin• teinlpletion of tit. • tndrrw'w-{w.-kw.i 'Phis e-1(.'.'alliund Hillett." with f'wo .walla t• bargee in tow, ls capable of bringing las) tone (:f sand .t:• ;quill* tr0m I_:ak- Winnipeg to the , ity .,n rain tl ip. I"n •ti••w of th" 4,t.4 quar,titie. o1 .anal. g1. vt'l. !o.e.twu', gt•.111ite, tend other building •II.a'et i..l'.to 1w paled 441) t11e11411.04 of .1.)k« 1Vinnipe'g NId /long the'til aro, •*114th Clow into the 1 4c. there will be • n eve.' in.-r'•a.ing eater -berme ti aftte In these art ,rt.•i of r• .renie e.' The 1':ri. flee. "goes tots to show what 11147 lip' lc„kp. fur, ae the reaglt •fitho evening up of rhe new lout.•, its the ,lot.'lopnlent 44f varei,ll( linen of Lha 1- . n• Lul.ng t lair. n(inersls, fish: et... ' All there •4.401)..11no Opal.t- other.•. are ,urely joist nine" it -04411- 044.•, "now that' wi' '•anga «,11po• the pieneer.te8n1•prepelled elms -barge. wlri,•h h.►s ..(04' $\.,'gal, rvpoting nn) h•• )110illll of tlle'i{e'd.' Waters, Every Moment 'Expecting to be Attacked by the Sharks- Capt. Norman McAuley's Th.jll ng Tale, r Captain soI-Illan MiAuh•y, an o1d resident of li•wierieh who ha. ti-ittel war• y parte of the world .la 11 s.uL•r, gives the following mutative et The Signal : About forty yo4l( age, 1 wag second 111a10 of a Live, tool ship Captain .lt, P. •IeEIhinney. at guise'- merino. etJ- itisur, Marine Department. (►tt.. alas %Ve wile at anchor in t lrniague I a, • bur, 44404h 444(10 of -('ohne. di.''4iatg , a 0.140 of c.eil (ram Li% el 41444,4 .1Vhen we arrived our supply et wale' had run .hurt and lve gut a fer,h supply from a "water halt. The water was hrakinh end nut fit to drinks: Th,1i1 been 111.1(141 the hay 11%.) -or "three tiers Where there was a geed spring of frroh water. One alar fhe chief mate t.ild me I wut►Id-huttaj to go and get a supply of drinking a'at••r. .%fter dinner ere gel ter' large watercu.ke anti a tutu pump put luta? -the V4w1. The captain held htted the yawl .with mainsail And jib. .1 tt•ok ten, of eon .ail. IA 'With 1U4' - Herm art. 4 Disteb- ulart, and McIver. a Neve S.•utidn. I left the shit, a little after l ei cl..•k. It had (eel breeze until 1 g."t Reif• Ivey Mcr the, ley, when tip. breeze died{ away 1 a dead -41o. I was. ion the 1 int, of Ito ring for ,gals and putlin the • nest o the was' when. without Marning, a tett(: „1 Wife' stn trek to nd totter.. 1 emit :', go the 111ain.bee the boat Ist• •.t T(an.l tilled. T two water -Asko,. :04. h holding. about , nu gallon., on' tete pi tbeTalleat,-made the y.twt tnp•h.-,i-y and before a host "olio -Way on her it doesn't take mutt •w ..111•.1 t'itn her over. • , I neglected to !earn swinnuing wbe•n a boy And 'AID!, l went to ..-a I had 11.' hanre t'' I4.u,11. Thr ,we.ght .•1 tee last tuok_the Leo it 1.. the h„1 tom. 1 'tn niy 110.4d got a1w,t•,r tlf.,4ti•4• un« -SOCIETY W.ONIEN'S'HAIR. Tat t • rm. war leaning in (..int of - -_- me an 1 grater . d •it. The only was A Sunp a Treatment that Will •Make It I .pull keep my head. *love ware, TrulyFascinating. w:tot-Cu-ST 7Rtetrai rnr. G„,„..4.4111.-ye,--_g w,.4.-fT--•.- e`' . the oar with Ms „hood... Thr loin- = coati t1 ied-to clung he ode of the water Now.ulay..eery rep -to -date • women casks, hut!thr rusk kept turning And ho- ladiaut hair. _ he exhausted himself i, .t. few retire What a (,1014-h creations a woman tote. ami -ark. Melver mtai:t••tt to would he it•'she lost the opportui: swim to the nr►reet &b••re. The hay itv to add to her attraction..,,• at the• place was about five miles Yet in Canada today there are h'an- wide. 'HP "nu" a couple of min•tte. deeds ,,f then*.tnd* o. *omen with and tuned Mark. 1 cnu:d see that he Klub, faded., chat:.^te,lp.s Moir who waw 4114.00P. awimmer. He asked where 410 ant make any at:• mgt to 110f11020 the otflerar wan and 1 tnld bim it it- nrust haus-gone down with the teen. In Paris meet women hate herniating He was praying to (:.al to (cagier his hair. and in Canada all women whn airs when he a:iddenly lifted bis bond.. owe P.tu,•iau nage hove Listreue and above his hears .uta sank. The oar 1 11'ittii iant hair. had we, tourt.•rn fret !Ong. it was And any woman I +asses ..( The Sig - armoire and tinted light; but !'had to nal can bav attraet.ive and hdtrou•+ move no arms continually to keep it 11.411 141 a few darn' time h7'.t.ing 1h'- balapceel.-- 1 began treading water. Rrrat hair tr; trrnat.,r, P4ii.iwn tiag,•. and after nem. time 1 "-Mold see that I ' E. R. W•i,.!.. sells a large 4...ttl« f": was getting nearer the shore. •1 :,n cents .tad he guarantee.. it to hen - little after •rundown a thunder siniell ish d..udnrfT. step felling hair and carne on and it blew anal rained h std lt.hi11g scaltrin ten work'. .'.• nine. y (or About ten minute.: I had .to 1111n hark. the hack of alt heats to the ■est. Parisian Sage lotion ideal hair Coni,:, was try this time it ws dark. Fiat 1 kept not st:^k7 ^ Kri,t4y. (reeding a, hard .l( 1 (•gulf, for 1 Was I ••' --- -- i1. drv.tdful fear of the 4h,lrk-. 1 knew One Wahl of Being Entertaining. the, e.were many of then in the. hat- • ' sheie eV delight fiat euterteiner " • •' I- that s> •'••Ye•. she always lets err gar -t• . , her, for when our cook, tiuew rivet - board mtet bones or scrape from. the galley WP could see 'be%eral tot then! N Fo''ngaide. Every • minute f that. .t long might 1 w. in awful dread' of having III( legs biz e.f7. Several time.' i was 0p the pl.iot of letting go the oar. ford knew death by 'Down- ing w,tn much easier than teeing turn to pieces by the ..barks. Although the water was warn) 1 got Chilled and nee teeth chattered. At the break of day f felt one of my feet touch *omething and 1 thought the elm km had in.. 1 tried toyell, hut. I tound that my throat wits swollen. I felt spy other foot touching and 1 knew that I had touched bottom, When I got my head &hove wetter b could ue4 the mangrove trees ahead. and when i got on the beach 1 stuck the oar on end agein..t amangrove tree and thanked nod for delivering ole from a terrible de...h. I, rioted for about an hour and then walked to a Targe warehouse that 1- could see above the low trees. This warehouse was built to store eager In and a num- ber of Mpenlsb ruddier, were guarding it to keep the rehele (roan burning ,it. The t'uhane were fighting for thVIr liberty. When d got up tibthe warehouse a eoldier was paciog in front 0f" it and 1 tried to tell him what had happened in the little broken Spanish that 1 could speak. He went in and an officer• cline out that spoke Englii . They took me in. took my shirt off and rubbed me all over with a liquor somewhat like whiskey ,that -teeny called aquadent. They put me into a hammock and ..lade me drink some of the liquor. 1 went to sleep im- mediately. i was wakened and when I opened my eyes the captain wag standing alongside the hammock. "You are saved, anyway." I said, "i am, but McIver and Berman are both disowned." my shirt and pante %tet'e dry and f put them on and walked to the boat. When we got aboard the captain went whore for el (lector, who said, "You must have good nerves and courage to cling to an oat for fourteen hours, every minute of the time ex- pecting to get your lege bit off." }Pe told the captain to send the boat ashore and get some ice and to keep my head cool to prevent brain fever. The captain sat tip all night and kept my head cool with thk-yce. The cap- tain was a Christian apd a -gentleman, The next day we grappled for the drowned sailors, hut without .!meets.. The water was ten fathoms deep. For several months after my ter- rible experience I used to wake rep in the night in dreadful fear, dreaming that the sharks were tearing nip to plena. ••!.end me a sovereign. and 1 *hall he evertaetingly indebted to you,' said an impecunious man to an Ae- (plaintance. "1 don't doubt it," was the reeponee. the eingiug, Rash. . Lithe Walter Was always. a"arm illy g'i. rded agaiinst Kerins. The t -•le - phone was tpl .teed. t he drinking uten. toile sterilized: and 4.Ublir r(%nveyanree and places were for -hidden him. "1',tther." Its said one night. in . t tieI11 de.lwrdtion, ''Ili) you .knew What. l am going to do when I grow up` •'What?" inked his fathee, meli.tr- ing himself for the wop.c. -"-••l'Hi•gointf to Pat a (term," An Object Lesson. in Barrie a 4411 -arse lot Mud been u►w (. used for thirty years. The assessment wee $tat A manufacturing concern offered ;11Lu ----- The owner demanded ;2,4W. The deal fell thriough, but the' MK sea.'ut• was Ootjfled, and raised the ae- *emIrlent. t.• $1.200. - The owner - became anxious to 4414, He cut the property up into building lots. and it is now adorned with a nimber of attractive residencep. No Crazier than the Most. The asylum doctor was going -,bis sennas when one of the male patient.. who had spent many years in the in. sTu lies tron.bnled-htpr. "Do you know, doctor. T alis thin -king nf getting married ? " be said. "But you dr? teal old,'are yo0 not P" "Oh. no," wag the reply.. •'I'm just fifty-seven." "That'* not PO bad," returned the doctor, humoring him. ' 1 Yount see if we can gf+t ymr a dire wife about flfty." •'Fifty, doctor. fifty !" ex- claimed the lunatic. "I'd ratber bare two at twenty -flee." TAKE- tR1tEt-- D.o You Have eadache • TAKE ONE' CF THESE LITTLE' TABLETS AND -rHE PA: N "My fest ex t•rilt.ce tt'i.a ' De.' Mile's:' Aliti-fain P 4 t^.11'4 a s:unylc 1,•;�!ca:t t• handed r;.'e.. They rt In, veil; the 1rairr 1-'' promptly that. I ha, e; tic; co- 'bean ri,et.n svititout them a,itlrc. i I. have ,.g1\'cu thein to 1:3.1'44 frig} w1i n they . lead ..11eatl- :.clie anti they never failed to relieve, them. i irate suffered t•; ith neuralgia' in my lit ail. and tail -first (.RC I took re- 1it•2'cd me.. 'i•hl y --have cured me of I j'uttt(l nf>t- 1,e•v:ithotlt th tn." -.11SS LILI,IE B. CgLLIS R. F. I). No. i.'Salem, Va. Pr,lce Ise at your druggist. He should supply you. 1f he deal net send pr:ce to ea. we forward prepao CR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Toronto i AMRAI NY DAY INTERFERE WITH NOT tM;OYMEN1 01 YOUR OUT e . , D(•CR WORK OR SPORT •°!;,ts,a �''f, WEAR A 10,ERs 4004 >'sx p4l,; s' Massey=Harris Agency A full Iii•• ei Farm Mlarilinct•y 1{inderv, '.\lowere, 1{akre, Hay Loader.. Aletmue tipr44►dr,a, Creafu Sep,)raters. etc., (flay ,and Mount Forret 1lugaboo,' t , e have also the Standard \Vire Fence C,ompanv s 1r orad s anJ'tllC 13rantford • ,Wind Mills, .1ern(•y fur the \Ias4.n • (� 4' iSth Pian.. t all and .w' One before purchas- ing wtytliir,g in 110) litres. Good Deere's and Work Horses for sole. Robert Wi1so - HAMILTON ST., GODEIZICH THL.'RKDAT, Noveuhtg i, IWU MI SLICKER t o gwerenteed to "rep i yet: dry in the hardest -g !WArMr1:r,Pt• TOWER CANADIAN CO. LTD. TO101,TC CAMADA 1.••••• •••••••••••••••••••• NEW GOODS FU1t 1'.(LL See the fine .nitinge and evrfrn+.'tings .t•, H, DUNLOP'S Weer til KEi!T • -ti lr-, I•erteet fl•. ti -t t .:l/,slut;. J 1 Corner k/ontreal Streit and Square GOiH RICII If 1ouHaven't aFriend Bute Kodak 11,•n't Ke on your vacation t4 1I, .(1t a Kodee. • The No. 3F.P.K. $17.50 i. very .bitable. SVe rarry ell other rtylw. ' Alt inlet, ten ions ft pe. Send .us yew lila.s te,de0Plol, and print. SALLOWS Phone 6 o"rmillar's Scotch Store YhoSG,,e -.r. ()UR New awl�t�ti Mantles at(aa�- RRECEIVdt:D. LA"1 WEEK 441 r, witlplUt-a d(,ul,t, even nattiv 1' gallllerlte- thee even were eon - first lot. 1 hey are 4(11 Marked at Aur usual popular • t•IMee, and note Isere ears het ter RAI mellte be bought fur less than at ()osmose. Thus- special.. in Gedie.: MIA 1',>ate. 11111 length, andul•td(lored,' vet v hand..mop garlllellt', at fro coo, $ts,5o and $i .00 each. -;I11LS' and AIIstiEs' COATS. Om sane' o1 int M' and wiper.' Collet hayse liven bigger Ihan we exptectel. We Wive got just the kind 4.f gernients that the {tirle-Werr►F.-sal-j;uat.-the_ pricr_that _ b ialtere'wiset to flay for them. ' in tilt -Hie • t.enett clothe and (ail INFANTS' and LI'I'I'LI; l.1 RV. ' COATS - Mcco:1 ra,.rn Ito. 3C7T '%(' ,a). with nll,inrerity, we - ATTRACTIVE AFTErN00:1 C05TUMF. have.1he twee ...errtrd snack of int ulte aunt little fiir_r l'r.at. in the, counter of Ilium,. sa(1 not 4'1(ctIled for variety, ntrie and wen's::ntiun iu prat, iu many of the city rem es. - Children's Hearakill Conte, to fit two • Gi niY years, in white and colitis, at $1.75 to $0.1111. 'These to .try little gas meets• h.tve t oi* sere to be ewe echo' ed. - lofontl' embroidered Cashmere ('rats and Robe,' are a sl,etrialtf With us. A large %tinction to ct„•!".• floral. . 1[j ,ill tope L, - '.`EVERYTIUN(: IN (HII-I'hEN s ..0 %It's' tVEA!:'.- Stork Pants. • . S•ore Sheeting'. Have you tried McCall Patterns yet4- Phone 56 O•• M l LLAR CO. 'Phone 56 CANADA'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER The Family Herald and Weekly Star MONTREAL • A combination of three'papers, • each the best of its • kind. A Weekly Nei; c pa pe r -the, best in the world. A Family Magazine --clean, wholesome and • profitable. An Agricultural' Magazine- -recommended by the leading 'Agriculturists of Canada. I�_thrr�lflc . _price__o e"-ot11 - One Dollar a year. FreeTripto theOld Couotry Some readers of The Family Herald and Weeklv Star are going to have -a-FREE TRiP to the Old- Country - sample copy, giving full particulars.Write for No home in Canada should he without The Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal. Of Year Kidneys and Vour Health Will Take Care albeit -What Dodds Kid- ney P111s Do. Ottawa, Ont.. Oct. "31st.-{tipe vial.. • "As I feel indebted -to you. thouitht I would write to canopy my thanks and app >reeiation for the good effects my wife has found from Dodd', Kid- ney Pills," so says'.Mr. ,lo..pph %V. Vincent, a well-known resident Of 10 Robinson avenue. Hurdman's road, Ottawa, Ont. "My wife guttered for twelvemonth* from backache, headache, diiiine*e, dark circles round her eye* and inac- tive kidneys. !.never had much con- fldence in paint medicines but thougast,1 would just try a hoe of your Dodd'a Kidner P1118 and go press was the resllhithat i agked her to per- severe in the treatment and follow your advice in detail; 1tpd 1 mum say whether It was your Dedd'e Ehiney P111s or her fakh in the{ tekaraUve propertise, iohe had owed heror- nl health and cbglsrffilpess." '� RUPTURE NEW ENGLAND SPECIALIST FRED C. BOND My treatment of (Hernia) Rupture or False Rup- tures Scrotal Femoral or 'menial, is tht most Reliable Method. Indorsed by the beat medical men of of Ontario. I will visit (3ode'rich ion one da ted evening only rHuksI , 43rd OUR AIM The aim of the firm of Here & F -Ilion i.i;'and will hr to give to the/nubile the BEST i n eunsf(rylf' tyle and wear in th' I toe of Shoes and Rubbers. %V.. hay direet fit 114 . tl v no a 1i. 1.u•tul•e1., and thereby pruc,ll(C .111' lest good* at bottom 'once We handle the ce'ebrated GRANBY RUBBERS.- • Trunks and Travelling Goods in thin line we intend cyrrying the 1.1 re,111pltee a• -el tn,e11: thie side of the city. • Shoe Repairing We have in (itarge, ret oar rely shop one uf-the lest mechanirr. Work promptly and well d..ne- HERN c ELLI ')TT The Signal and Weekly Globe to Jan. 1st; 25c A Cold Weather Need - The chilly evenings of the tall and the frosty .winter weather will soon be here, which will neces-, sitate your purchasing'a good Kitchen Range 9r- affil up•toAdate Heater.' We have- the exclusive agemcy in G6derich for'the MOF'PATT and GARLA STOVES We carry the best -assortment in the c ty and we -should. be -pleased to have you call and _inspect our lines before you decide -as to the kind to buy. When doing any painting, call on us. - We handle the best= • - Martin-Senour 100 per cent. Pure Paint Fred Hunt's Cheap Hardware Store HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH Plumbing, Heating, Hardware, Eavestrouglung