The Signal, 1910-11-3, Page 1pine printing The Signal Job Depart- ' meat maker, a •pedally of fine commercial print- ing. Estimatesftfrn:shed on any claps of work. Quality of work guar - mitred. - SIXTYTHII:D Y)Att -No Gos 'E1t1CU. N 1'AIt10, CA ADA NuVE11I►E1. 1910 I 'C [like!, hest and Cndiv ideal it TavI**4Mr. Nov. 3rd. Profits afli4,700 Total /tweets over *41.101,004). I OVER 190 B1tAm.itt: _ FINANCIAL Wilom • OF CANADA EOOTAIII.INHE1) 1M45•. -Metchant.wh • Co GODERICH MARKETS. in Canada enable 4h).. Ban to offer excep- onal service to the Firm, Corporation or usiness is widespread. ions made anywhere. Negotiable paper s punted_ `ravellers' Letters of Credit issued. Money,t-ransmitted by Money Order, Draft or 'I'gie graphic or Cable Transfer. ' oder-ich Branch, W. L. HORTON., Manager. Phying near the Square wlehme a lady eeler. .\pply to P. U. BOX A. i• 1 v . g Hotel public • (4UNIFRY S . i. r NOVEMBER 'tAT SATURDAY„ I:rH. conmtencieg at 1 o'clock sharp : r. A number of gess doff conk : •bomthirty good much cows. In calf, andel nu bet of yearling and two year-eld +accts. The cows *reran extra (tool! lot and will be r t at time -ale. o►rarteed r e e t of e R Pts D gill). Ht LLA. y: THGUMMY. AN ED. (►:11 pt.:R WANTED. - A I.A1.1Y vamIA AU1'TION SALES. AUCTION SALE !i or HOW) DRAFT CULTS, MILCH- a OW S -AND YOCNO CATTLE. Fall wheat, per boob *OM tog o sn heal I K bash.. to , Dor { Itye, } pet bu-h u w, to u esu But kwheat, per bush 0 45 to 0 Ott New hate. per buehel. .. . U Y. W 0 9) old oats. per bush.. . ®10 W ,s 1't i Pea', per hush 0 tj to 0 k5 ( Y ve itl Flerly r bush 0 w 0 20 1Mtoreenfn "I ralto g . ton 9u 8 I Flour, family.per2 73 to 6 75 Speeches by Mayor Cameron, ex- Ftour. patent, per oat. s lel to I let Orem. per Wu 111,0W to I Pep Mayor Macklin, A. Saunders and , Shorts, per ton es for to 23 W Members of the Club -Event ▪ - Na e ;Irl to 9 110 Wpeool. per cord • VIII to 0 W Marks the Opening of the -Winter I 23 1"heoe. Per rtlb lb.-. _ ».. • 0 Is to to 0: I Season.K - 'e are fresh, per dot " a `•- 25 to n Yi New Vetatrle, per bushel.. . 0 31 to ' u 15 --- u Cattle, ordiu'y tq Rood, per eat1 , to 5'rt I Cattle, export, percwt _ 5. to a to I L 0 A BARGAIN As an Pxtrlt induce- inenl tt new llhbtct•illet•s The Signal will 1* sent from now to 1st January, 1914. for the price of a yesi'srubitert 81,00. NOW ie the time , send in your n, and your i dollau•. Rt. -ZONAL PBINTINO ('U„ Ltd.. Pvausas 11. parents.. Mr. art! Atrs-Juke Pullet A GREAT MEETING i Galdd, (,f Formosa, gate a eeiy'inter- IVi. C C . Britannia SUPPERthe ladle.'Dr - e rating address. dwe cling particularly I Ih.. turd, tilt,. week. Mrr F. W Doty hxs returned to town cher Ion the difflcultites nt the Chinese tan syfndiotr .ever* mouths at N'iuuipt•g gnaw.. this sells of f• Art -binding. and loreinte. Mb. O1ad)s Alc4evin' who t" teaching BOARD OF TRADE ROOM FILLED FESTIVE OCCASION AT CLUB school at % arveh, w'ar hupne for the Thrnk.glv- lug hulht.'(. . BOOMS WEDNESDAY EVENING. Alex. diver. of Omit. was a visitor with his uncle w d aunt, Mr. and Mr-. A. •Saunders, chi., week: Mis-es in -'e and Alit maunder-. of Hayergal College. 'I' ronta epetlt thr'. holiday at their borne het 4 Mrs. George (iirnble and "on \raster spent the hotida7 with .tames .1, l elver, of the Red k)tar Theatre. .Ari.,• Mabel Doty end Moe w41 tweAllene /or of Loretto Abbey `cheer- oronto, This, ksgivinv. R. J. Dean, of )rt. Jerome+ College. Berlin. spent the 7 h,anksgh:lig bolidatys under the Geos e.Holland will sell by auction at the ('ornmer•'Ial OIC 'table,. t' nton. on 1-.Livery,.a d u5 Cab and• B Stables TIIE• RED BAR • N • South Stle.•t. K:('dfpich'. unset all Trains end Steamers. Pat lic'iI r .tttentinn.. given to calls irolp psivete residences. 'Phone No.:w . 'Phone 3U. WAN TED. \ I , Teams and Teamsters wanted 1 at once; laic en hour will to )paid. Teenisterr to use one and. :[-half yard oxer. .'n their' - wagons. Come ready to work. ) .11t1AV STEWART CO., jAppIy - ( LTD., '11.t. the Big MW, VO (dl rich. • I.CMICE AND 'SHINI;LES All kinds rough h 1un I ber in ..heck at the . N' Lumber Yard. e nest to, Menet ton Furniture - Fat tory, op ami 1:.T.R. track: C)rlYrs filIed at sh rt notice. S. New Brunswick Cedar,. 1 Shingles- -Larkin" brand -the hest on the market: - JAS. • DEAN & CO. 'Ptjiontixo. 2zs. `v-ti'-.r''v-vv-,--,c+--•r--- L THE (jul)ERICH CONSERVATOR OF MUSIU J.H. HUNTER, L,L,('.M.MCt'gl'andt P.T.c AI. eforontol, Or . 4 Knox Chureb. ' Volpe C • re, Organ and HOBO* H y Counterpoint, etc. K. Piano. Harmony, Ueaater- Point. etc. .1NUR4W8, Kindergarten sad Plano- M110• HEINitKE, Violin. Ai E SHORE, Mandolin. Geltar ands Dino- int. . For int"royation se to tiffs. eta. the Conserv STERLTTN1 BANK G OF CANADA HCADO►rica Tomer. .1 TBGw4Zltn CAPITAL - sieesure1 lN'C01tPORATED DY $PF.('IAL ACT OF DOMINION PARLIAMENT TO RECEIVE DEPOSITS To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the Fromm. 8ALE NOTES D elCOU "'j'En Highest current rate of interest ld in MA8 VIR(lMBANK r DEPART MENT nn deposits of $1.(IOelnd upward,. fODgRFCH BRANCH. A. G. GAMBLE. Manager. .l uctionper. Ting Pemba S YS to ."0 wt d cep, per cwt 401 410*?, m ►o . 1 A'• Tallow, per :,(4 1°1°4 '74' to Hides, per cwt s,st to 7 (0 !Sheep ..kits thicken. fnrkeys VIEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Nov. 3rd, Page Houma for Rent --J. B. Hawkiw • 1 Aitch Free --, -„ - 9 Ones-it/CA -oldest %Vatted, Harnett le central Husain.. ('0441Re. "traUisi-D. A. Atel.u•hlau..Princtpal .. . ,. 6 Barred. hocks for tide =H. A. Hovey. (lin. - ' ton - 1 Agent.. Vo anted--F3eetrie Bean l'bemlcal C0„ Ltd., Otters", . . .... ...... Reeler C. 1'. R .... yl to it to to u 46 to 12 • TENDERS. MENDERS WANTED. FOR THE 1 renting of the furling and -skating rink for the year 1910.11. Poe.e*.ion to be given Deosmher 1st. 1k10. Tender. clone November tSth. W. L. HORTON, Mgr. ads • TEN DERµ WANTED. . Tamers wily se rece- ived by the under- signed, ndersigned, solicitors for the admintatr•tor of the meat. of the hire Robert Orr. for the followi0R properties to (400erich Pgwt.-zL No. 1. tot" 4S -d: inclu.txe, In Me- Dongall's eervey in the town of Ooderic)L each lot one-tllth of an acre. large brick house, harmrrtable,dri%log,4,ed end other out build. No... Lute :2. and 631. good build. Ing.lote fencing on Park street Poo el No. 3. Lot 276. This lot fronts on K1rrRvton .u.rt. and upon It Is • new. brick - veneered hon.•,. Keeled tender" will be *Relied until Mon- day. November 7th. at 1 °clack p.- m., and should be marked "Teederfur µ[reel 1 e:--.- • Every -day Valor.. - Hodgen. Brea '... 10 Italie ay F:tnployment -- ('antral Telegraph School .. ..... .. :... Announcement -W. J. Muir k (b .. ...... Hunter's Kxcursloo-F. F. -Lawrence 9 Header- W. M. tl. North St. •Methodist (-hutch, s.,. .i Furs -John Stead . ... ,4 Header -F. B. Wille... .. 1 tj uahty. utile and -Fit -]Merlin tiros . Y Anhouncentertt- Reb kali Lodge. . 0 ' Watch Lo -t, The Signal .. ....• ... 1 seven Itaya'iett V*areton.; Depertweraal -story.... ... 5 The Men 01Todal \V. C.I ridham a Auction Sale-Veo. H31fan1..,. 1 . W Routledge House to ant Mr.. m. H Re ... 1 Offerings This Week -J. H. Colborne. . I Ernest Tbumµ.on-Seton-Y. 31.( .A. ('puree 10 1(ORN. MILLiAN.-In ('alborne town -hip. on notes day. uetoher 271h, to Mr. awe Mrs. G00(Re Mlllian, • daughter. - MARRIEU. flow weft Me('AItTNt•,V. In Goderich, en Saturda). October :ash. by Kev. Dr. Dougall. Mies !Alien Alct artney to James Howard. all of tioderich. PRICE-WOOTTON. In North street Aletho• diet church, on Monday, ih•totwr 31.1. by Iter. 11r. Domed'. MI-- Martha W.lottou. - .Ides[ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas . VPmol . toP Huron road. to 11'm F.H Prue, of Guelph. . Orr ).-tate. I - - -- For further particulars and terms. apply to tbe undersigned or tot'. T. Dean. Dated at Onnetictl this lath day of October. A. D. tet+. !'kUCIF'OOT. HAYSRKILLFIHAN,. ` • Polk. iter. for Adminbirator. .... ._ n ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE PUBLIC OF GODERICH AND VICINITY We leg to annnllnc- o you that the (urnitn d under- taking hush -oars formerly conductedfy Mr. (leo. John- etor><>5t Goderich, will. on and ter November lst, be carried on under the firm nacre of W. J. Muir k Co. T h e business will be under the personal supervision of Mr. Muir, who bas had an exten- sive experience in this line and is fully competent to handle it in its different branches. Through strict attention te business, a well -selected and up-to-date etnck, roltrteoue treatment a n d reasonable price.. we hope to secure your esteemed patronage. Our aim will be: "The beat possible value for your money," and our motto is : "A square deal to everyone." A visit to our .how -rooms (west tide of Sgwale) will always be appreciated ; and remember we will esteem it a pleasure to show you our good". Yours very truJ7, .7 MUIR SE -C.O. APPLES FOR SALE Anyone wishing to secure apples may do so by ceiling at my storehouse. 1 have Jost received a carload. D. F. J-IAMLiNK FOR SALE. AI{RBD ROCKS FOIL SAt.E.- L 'TIIilt y -ave fern -d rock .rockerel' : ppart. Pringle -train •• four to .yfx months u1d. 1140 to (14.34* tech. 1(udi tind.•1 Made 0n more tha fT one. H. A. HOVEY. (- nton. It t uORSE FOR A1.E: - :OOD ,1t general per horse. el peers old. or particular. limn Pei T difjNAI. .Mt% VICE. ND ,FOUND. -A 'LADY'S OOLD HUNT- G ease 0 ateh and cob last week, be - eon thp-t'olborne'hotel and Warrener'n bakery on H•niaiton street,. The monogram •M. D, is engraved on the outside of the sue. The finder will be suitably rewarded upon leaving it at THE A10NAL OFFICE. + ttt ASTI* A Y. -FIVE YOU h(i CATTLE. font heifers and one bopil. strayed into town this week end are now 1n.Cherwe of the town authorities. Owner may have same] on provInR roperty and {1s'aatiegR expenses. Apply to RICHARD 1'O44TL4THw'AITE. Chief of Police.' SITUATIONS VACANT. AGENTS -WANTED FOR TWO new lines. Apply for particulars to THE • ECTRICAL BEAN CHEMICAL CO.. LTD.• Dept. A.. •=7d Albert street. Ottawa, (Int. atm I)AILWAY EMPLOYMENT AS AN hi pl ween[ and telegraph (vent,* scHool. ('ENT A I. tiCHU01.. Venire street, Toronto. prepares you *short time. Write for Information. /14104) GENERAL SERVANT 11 wanted. Apply to MRA. WM. WAle I. to E. Wellington street. 21-tt FOR SALE OR TO RENT HOUSE TO RENT. -CEM E NT block bonne on Brook street. Apply to MRA. WM. HOLTLEDOE. T1017SE FOR RENT. -MEVEN II room., centrally baste., Kelsey furnace, electric light, hot and oold water. bathroom and toilet. Apply to J. B. HAWKiNS.et 8t. Patrick's street. 9-t f OFFICES TO RENT ON NORTH street. lately occupied by J. 1.. Killoran and Andrew Porter. Apply to J. P. BROWN. 21st HOUSE FOR SALE. - A TWO- STORY brick hon...., with *even roome pnieeIParticulate can be ifHretSGNALO eb FOR SALE. -LOTH 23, 24 AND 26 on ('edam Amer Ooderich, .e bntalning three-flfths of an acre. There are on them loth a one-story frame hones. newly painted, a e mail ..table and a good orchard, A imitable property for a retired farmer. Terms and con. dtttons will be fnrntehed on application to the undersigned. M. G. CAMh,RRON, R*rrtrter, Hamilton Onset (ioderich VOR HALE. -El V E ACRES, W EST P Ade Hayfield road. between Britannia road end Bennett street : gond portion of [hie land r, It able for market eerden,,,mall trusts• rte. Ala sell In two pert+ of two and nnehalf sores e. For price *pd tear write H. A. 10141/AN. 173 Windsorre., 1VInd.or. qnt. rI1OWN PROPHHW FOR SALE. - Holten and Into known a. the i'apt. Mac- Gregor roperty nn Anglo...A at re,l. Goderich hones h' rooms. hot water heating and modern convenience., with one Int on Trafalgar .treat. Will be mold jointly or eaparately. Home and lot an Napier *trent, * rooms, rood rewiglenoe dial met. ('otter'at Sett ford with 3 entre of orchard winter ^pplce. 'I ns'e• (]OMsties eon be had at reaoebie prise.. 7y to J. L. KILLORAN Harriette.. rI It ct The '•%teneowtung ('an/ie Club liar ' been prt•pa.ritig for til ,tt•tivv winter seivent at the viol) iix.tis, and ktst evening it supper was held to 114811. the opening lot the segs m. AIlO4It twellt'V- fivp members were, in ataetelanet•, and Mavur 'Cameron; ex -Mayor Meek - lin and Alex.. Saunders Were present a'1 invited guests.. Ur. Sale. ptesidrnt of the Club, presided ttt the heal of thr prettily decerata•tl table, and Holwrisou seas in the vice.prosillent's chair After jtistire had leen dome Yui an excellent bill of fare, the president took Mel -timid Ih.t in hand, taking the ow1•tuuity do thank the mend*, for 1 hp)e• hutlot• which they, had emit.. sal upon hilt in electing id 111 I. 0, the presi- delU')' of the Club. In etAillet•t ion with -the mart lily. "The flub" Mr. -Saunders was 1•alleul opine_ Fie expressed his ,pleasure in. the fae•t that the le•neeetsing Canoe Club was keeping to 'the front' the water privileges ut phis town -pelvis- . . r•I. 1 \' u r t.•w n Ir e tri which Many f.th 1 1 K 1 but which E did not. fully ajq,rw•ia•c• 1 1t w lu r(nun)` other WM in. .tt.ol,l Isr 0011T - possess. He dlulldiment4tl the, 4'luh 1 opt' its "access in the poet And ten- dered eY his good analv fur it clmtirm i prosperity.- • 1.1.. Willman }epx,.;.1ra :114 a nlemit%r of the Club,' of tvflic'h they- all -were t•I.sttR nu 1. He' healers that the flub tui ht du * met thug al.nIK t he line 0 the Canadian flub movement. and have a series of meetings addressed Dy I pis uiiltent men of the Province -a I sttggeistie)n that was afterwai-ds en- dorsed by others. .• .. The toast -Our Country" brought 1)r•. Macklin to his fret. He earn -need the pride which Canadians' felt in their great country. and spoke strong - ah• „f 4he. nerwlikity of leashing to the clatter of defence. Newly all the great war.. he pointed out, were remised by a desire for the possession of increased territory, and he felt fleet Canada's gtr*ttexte•mt 0111104 was all object of envy 1 ,g - tins' eations. It 1141uwoval 4'atlnalians, therefore, to take Seine r(p-f,ir-1 he defence of their land. % W. W. Rols•rtwm spoke briefly in r(,n.nt•etion with the mime (omit, pre - firing his remarks with an acknowl- edgment 1 11•w•hi/'lt e Mem- bers e m- erlgnlrnt(fth hro t l h ut nl Ie't•s elf the ('lub had 'conferred upcn )tbn1 in eleet'ing hint :L: their' vire-pon- ident, .Mayot• Cameron Wit: aeki'il.to *peak, to the toast of ”Commercial Inter- ests." lb- spoke of harbor improve melts, the forinrtion of a p•t•u)anent 11011141inilitaryromp here. • and ether mat- ters w•lii.th 11a•1 lxr'eivell his attention II, Iill, Mayor of the town. Hr appealed for [lie. election of •the best. men that could he got as members of the council -nen who were not afraid to handle big things. The' people of Goderich had long been looking for• w"rd'to a bright future for the town, and he believed that the time had now. and that (4oderich woe on the way to rapid development a.. an im- portanti 4 p/Mxnt commercial p Int. .Ir. Cam- eron paid a . tribute to the Board of Trade for the assistance and support received from that laxly during the present year. He also, spoke enthusi- astically of the advantages to the town and to th ' members themselves of such an a nizntion as the Mepe• wetting Coulee l'1AR1. Songs by G. L. Parsons between the toasts were received with great ap- After a hearty vote of thanke to the visiting gentlemen for their. attend- Roca and their speeches the proceed- ings were concluded With the singing of "(led Save the King." . parental root. Mrs. J. E. Nelson. of et. Thoma.. wa the gue*t of her mother, Mrs. Yat.w.:t. 1'atoek's street, this week. -Ilea,.ald M -Ivan. who is )n -atteudar,-•r at '1ronto Unl'eer.ity. was up from the (lurrn City over Sunday. Mir.. Hoar Mo'evin, who 4- in atteu,ivnne at the Normal' School at Stratford was home for Thank.givif*• • Miss llaijory Kelly, who 1+ at Stratford in attendance et Loretto Abbey School. was taxa fur the holiday. Mn.. int, .1 H..A. Wright. of KineaMine, eve.. 1 vieiter here. the week witrt'Ter parrot.. Mt'. and Mr-. ,lanle- 1'onnolly• Mr. and Mrs. 11'. Sharman tamnoency the - •-- Geo. (•. PERSONAL MEN)*ION. marriage of their dwghter Mn Duggan. M. Ie.. 91 I teuolt. Frank Saunder3. of the head office. Of the 1Ve.tern i'anada Flour Mill. Co. at Toronto. wets home for the holiday. Prod Shaalo't, ncrompanied by Mr.Gleeeon. of (Ittaw'. came tie from the o teitel for N obit of r few days the past week. t'ilnton Heir Ent : -Wm. Johnston and fam- ily have moved to todprich, where he br+ been employed -for the past:week-. Mr and Mr'. E. 1.. ArmetronK, of Water - 100, we,e the guests, of Mr-. m. t ox. St. Pat ek's ..breet, fur two -days (his week. ,(r. and Mrs. H. R. Symonds end family. of `Jfrentford, Mere Kue..t- of Mr. and Mre. H 111 Symonds at Seaford this week. Mr. -.and Mrs. Win. Aldon+ en1 daugh',r de:of Toronto. weirgue+t• of Mr. and Mrs. Jiuren road, Mae -week. John o le. -who has • po.ft on alit- the Penmen Manufacturing -0. at Preston, is spending a few days at hie burry. berg. Jas. oracle attended the great Y. M.C.A. convention at Tor,mto la -t week ar the reline - mutat We epromutative of the Ooderieh Association. Mr. d Mrs. J.. E. Elliott _ of House were ro wa the arrest.of Al end. nA Mrs. Alex. Nseip. of Victoria it:rect, over the hold Miss JNrqueline Ewart, who is ending Mie. Veal "school at Toned" is w ogling the h., achy- with bee aunt. I(rs. W • n Herald. with his little the hone of his . on rhanesaLvfoa- Jack lids was up from Toronto over Sun day. Reg. Elliott, of Toronto. spent the holiday In roan. Henry Shildtodt• of Hanover, visited Thos. Carroll this week I.r. T. (4. Holme•+. of (Detroit, vl.lted hi. Me- ter. here fhb week. '''he Missy. Donogh spent the Thanksgiving holiday 1n Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will King of Hamilton. were in town on Monday. J. Arthur Sutherland, of Toronto. was in town for the holiday. Fred. C. Hon& a former Ooderieh boy. t. In town on bustnei- today. Thoma.. Nairn, of WalkervUle, was In town fora few• day. 0' . Mldte Orate John.tonthworkway home from Strat- ford for the Thankegiving neseon. Dr. H. Wigle. of Wiarton, etas the inept of his ..on. F It. 1Vigte, over the holiday. Kenneth Boyd, of Ryrie Bros., jewellers, Toronto. was home for Thankpllring. Silas M.•Kenzle, of London,. antpart of the Thanksgiving hohday.. with friend. hero. Mt. and Mr.. It Macdonald were In Toronto for the Nordhelmer Kirk wedding last woe". Mi-..\m111.la MacLeod wem hone from her echool near Exeter for the Thank.Rlvin1 holi day. + Mr. and Mr-. Joists (pnldthoriw, of Cooks *111e. -pent Thank -giving with ret.tltee b1 town. Harry Hillier. whn le attending the Toronto College of Pharmacy, wee home for Thank*- gl.ing. Per. Joseph and Mae. Deacon, of Rldeet own, were thy reeds of relatives in town over the holiday. Kincardine Iteporter : Mie. Rotolo, of (lode rich, Is the goes[ of her .0.t.er. Mn. P. A. Mal ,x'm.nn. Mr. and Mr-. William I.n-e and family, of Newry. Ont.• and Mr. and Airs basin Nichol and family, of Wh,gbane were the guest* of TO OVERFLOWING. Action Taken on a Large Number of Questions , for the Advancement -and Betterment of the Town -An Enthusiastic Gathering of the Busi- ness Men. ' It. e. Robertson. of Stratify daughter. Mary, visited father. 11 It. Hebert flay. Mrs. Geo. Aeh " and Mrs. M. W. Howell Wall Come U for Preliminary Ttia are deleea0•• to a Method[ -t woman's M►sP ry "ionary Socket -'nesting at •Owen euund this Next Wednesday. week. the folly of sticrstrul worship. Her illustrations were such as appealed -ore and held the interest of, the children. A duet was sung by Agnes Maunders and Ruth Hamilton. Mr•w. MrIhail, of Manilla, who was present, very kindly favored 'the atl.iiencr wit b a Polo. which was followed by a colo by Beet ('utt. After the close of the /meeting tea Was served. We ahoutd•like to be able'to report a meeting ibttt' *Gold fit the above heading. but to keep to the truth we Shall have to say that the meeting of the Board of Trade'• on Tuesd•►y then- ing was very different. It war the quarterly general meeting, which had leen ed jtrurned trout the regular meet- ing night in the hope of getting out a fail replresent*,iuu •'f the member- ship of the e..at-J. The attendance. however. was' very sparse. owing partly, no -doubt. tip the rain. How- i ever. 1f the husine•se filen of the town Want the Bran' Of 'Trade to to a use- ful institution they will have to shake some effot 1 t(( attend the meet i nits anti give their. :tablet/ince in handling the gttestiuns which •some before tbv heard. - • - A.aumber of matters were disruesed on Tuee ay, evening. but eery little could. be done in the way of definite'/teflon. Among the subjects discussed were the plasty une.tinl14the proposed new elevator,- the elec4 e.. railway situation. the questa of\ the city r n e t llf`wl n Jar user h a ins- 1 h y business. . and e package mei ht business.-• • The pees F' n . ±: iiambtr hen t lip the , (ter of an *pplielition t t bad 1 .. n inside for an appointment a n inspector. aid the presideor, e secretary and Meilen. CaenpheII, were appointed. tinder - t r Lee and Frame PPro section 25 o: the Boa. dm of Trade Act. AsAh'w,d (.0 examine applicants fnr the office of inspector of any articles 'tibiae' to inspection, - TEMPERANCE FIELD DAY. Arrangements for Services to Be Held on Sunday. 'Arrangements have been tuade es follows for the temperance -field day" to he ohot•rved ha this county next Sunday. under the- auspices of the Dominion Alliance : Ooderich-11 a. m.,' RevB. H. ele•nce at Knox church: Rev. J. B. Kennedy. B. A., at Baptist church. 4.15 p. tn.. mese meeting in Knox church. with addresses by Rev. Messrs. Currie, Mpenee and Kennedy and solos by Howard Bussell. 7 p. m-, Rev. " B. H. Mpence et North street • Methetdiet church: Dr.' A. M. Currie 1 et Moist church.( Rev. J. B. -Ken- ordy at -Victoria street Methodist ,chat en. • Leeburo - 11 a; w.. Rev. I)r. A. M. Currie. • Union chnreh, tioitericb township -- 3.p. t l't 3 . m.. Rev. 1 r. rrrie. • %ion rhnreh. Goderich townsbIp-3 p. m., Rev. J. B, :Kennedy. I , AMONG THE POLITIOSANS. erm..h -e c n rem od- J Je lectin i Dru Ar,thahatte, Qtsetpecr take, pl:t e t•1- -MY:- , "- The Dnminiou Parliament will open on Novetnber 17th *nil preparations the fession. a P al program are now re - , I e wing the daily at tendon of the Oab- It r - n t P. McKenzie, ex•M. P. for Sour t Bruce, been appointed as an im- migration\ agent by the Dominion 1.iovernment, and has been sent to JARDINES REMANDED. - Mcotian's. Hugh Clark.*, M. P. P. for Centre Mr*. D• ear Johnston and little daughters. Edward Jardine. who. is charged slid Mildred. have returned to their with nnlreleiing Lizzie Anderson. and at I'rostonafter a visit with friend. in his brother Thomas, who is to answer of a charge of'twung an arrewulry after . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shaver.' 41 Hamilton the fact. were tattle Magistrate Bnt. spenl'the Thank,R,t•Ing holiday,. at. the 8888' ler\Vt•elneisslay morning ftor a prelim- ofr-. (leo. Harris 117.110n ofth e former a 'dater. M eo avenue. - lousy hearing. 1.. E. Ilnnrry ap- T. 1.. I're:•. forner'y of the 'loss! brach of resters fol the pri4cmer* and 4'cunt V the Hank of Commerce sod lately of the Attoi•ney Meager re'pr`eentext the ].,•,Teal office. 1- vi-iting (fiend. in town crown. Ar the coilt-t reporter had thi' week. Al n. Meson. of Toronto, and her son. not had wnftleient time to prepare trop - Thomas. of Toronto and Dr. J. t'.: of Dunn- ie$ of the evi(lenr'e taken at the last vllle, were gue.tsat4),'.dtragesfor afew days session. of the inquest, I*) - tualcon- (h4.. work. sent an adjournment for .rt week erns Mrs. John seeder. of Preston. -pent Thank..• grrinted. rhe ease will therrfote be w 'Per 11 Hamilton ".fret. Riving cc Mr.. L ro she war accompanied by Asks Annie flogaly. I hr:u•tl on V% trinetrlay' •next. Novelit- of Hes ler. pe her tet h. Earl Allen. Ralph flereld and Wilfred - Dan-ey. of tit. Andrew'- $cbool.l.p'onto.+pend CHURCH. NOTES. the Thanksgiving holiday ht theft re"prefile -- home. In town. - - it is announced that it i" intended to Cheeterit. Farrow left on Monday on his re- turn.to T.xo t o aver • visit •t the Wants' conduct an evangelistic catnpaign home here. He "pent a week at ',New Yore in each congregation throughout the during gio holidays. An -tin Chisholm. who holds a podUon In Presbytery of tui an during the fleet' the Department of Finance In the Caoadhtn' two week of 1911. etvil"ervice at Ileum'. was in town for the Thanksgiving holiday. Tnrsday. November 1st, was All B. H. McCreath. of The ▪ Toronto Star, wan Sainte' Day. It -wa, observed in St. no from the t)neen mCiptayo over Thanks/mite George church and also in Mt. Peter s Arthur KnIwas a oceuipanie to n his trap by by special services /which were con- Orlaodo 11ean, whoot haw been employed pt ducted. morning and evening. Windsor doring the pant summer. wan hone Rev. J. A. Turnbull, D. D.. of Nest for the Th tnksgiving holiday. He is -leering this week for Preston. who'd he ha" wanted church.- Toronto, will nerupy the lul- etkployment with the Penman Macutecturing ,pit of Knox church on Monday, Co. November 13th. The .reverend gentle - It. R. Sallowe lett laat sat .1rday for Toronto. man will he remembered as • former where he wee to join the Niagara Hunt (Aub . on • hunUng-arip up the Magnetewan River. assistant pastor of Knox church in, He will be away about two weeks. .We he- the time of the late T)r. ,U.re. *gine Mr. i!•liows will do a good deal of his . bootlrg with a camera. Nines, Man., to spend the winter with het daughter, Mrs. S. E. Hick. oh.• was accom- panied on the trip by her daughterin-law, Mrs. Geo. T. Robinson, of Ninga. who is VI.it ing relatives at her old home at Ctlnton. Aeaforth News : Arthur 1'. geld, eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reid, of town, was transferred from the Goderich branch of the Bank of com- merce to the branch et Itis-ano, Alta. He arrived there last ,.eek and in writing home states that he had w dpliwhtfnl trip end is very favorably tmpreerwd lei; h the country. Professor J. C. Robertson, dean of Victoria Uni.ersity, Toronto. wa. in town for • few days during- the week visiting at the home of his father. W. R. Robertson. Profits/tor Hob. crtson has recently rethrned from a tripof a year and a half In Europpee, during whch he vf'fted England anis Scotland and many of the ('ontinental countries. Mrs. James Farr and Miss Mabel Farr left on Saturday for Stratford. where they w114 make their home. M-. Far, has been run ning out of Stratford on the 0. T. R. for acme time. lard hart been able to get hotne W 'lode rich only occasionally : hence the move. The people of Goderich are very sorry ro lose thia family. aA they hese been excellent citizen., and they will hope to see them back again after a few yearn. land once more occnpying their beantifni residence on hast et,eet Rev. J. E. J. Millyard, of Heneal), Mrs. Wm. Robinson arrived last week from occupied the pulpit of North .et;reet Methodist church ]art Sahhsth, Rev. Dr. Dougall was at Herman preaching anniversary sermons. At the evening service, Rev. Jnaeph Deacon. of Ridge - town• assisted in the devotional exer- C,$e.. • Word was received on Tueeday that the call extended by the eongregatior. of Knox church to Rev. Ciro. E Roes, B. D., of Charlottetown. P. E. 1., had been accepted. The Presbytery of Huron meets en Tuesday' next and it is expected that arrangements will be made to have the induction tike place on Tuesday, 22nd inst. At Noah street Methodist church next Sunday morning !the quarterly services will be held. Love feast and testimony service at 10 o'clock ; recap- tion of new members during the regu- lar service, and et the close the sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper. Dr. Doti - The following from The Courant. of Hot gall will preach, sunject "The, Empty Gnaw, North Dakota, will be of interest to Fin'["e." In the evening Rev. B.Gnaw, our reader.: Mew. A. R. McKay leave" )ton- Silence, secretary of the Dominion day for Ja. k"onvllle. Florida 40 *tt.•++41 the Alliance, will preach and HowardGeneral Orand Chewer of the order of the jj KasternStar. Being the(:sand 10,tro'. of the I Rus14r11, of Torn t0, will render special Order for the present wyars, -h. Rost a. rho 14010$. Mr. King, of (iravenhuret, wi dote rate from North Oakot«end will .1x•114 w preside at the• ot•gan next Mund,ly day in Minneapolis. at the home of Mre-ser tor. Grand Secretary of M;nnwaut. There sheT A few months ago the gen - hl edu- Pei l coin the Grand Matron of [South Dakota cation committee of the •• ohwterian r ant other delegates from Atinnewlta. The par yt will ntaae .top -mere *t. several t lace.. church of the United ' , tee offered a of Intere.t *Inn` t e way. \(r•, McKay niay DUmhlT Of prizes f e best sermons wit at her old home in Huronemanty, Un on, the subject he Appeal [aria on her way heck. Christian M' ,try." The contest was Steamer Manitou in Collision. open to .e churches tenth in the The steamer Manitmt of the I)0min• `•ni - /States and Canada and the ion Tran"r[port$[ ('onlpany collided is the examining litho} have V . with the en,zurlaat midnight Mn, u"t been announbed Rev. v, day night off Point irnq.loi•, in I -Ake 'harp, B. A., B. D. of Cavan Preeby. y - Superior. While the Veneziref, es teriptn church, Exeter, won the thir'rt caped comparatively uni>ajitred, the prize. of the value of $30, taking Manitou was not so lnirtnnate, her ninety-five pet' tent. The first and bow being stove in flftoen feet aft of second prizes were won by eminent the stem, and paft of her bulwarks Chicago doctor" of diiinity. carried nway. 1 he cense of the ('o)li- .A goodly number of the members cion lifts not been learned. The Mani- and friends of the MacGillivray tou, whfeh was hound up, mans.ge.1 to Miseion Band assembled in the lee - get tack to M*tlt Ste. Marie and went lure -room of Knox ('dhreh hue Matnr- at once into 1licklei'* dry dock for re- day afternoon at :i 0' c I n c k . the pain. The damaged Meat wee built occasion being the annual thank inlOoderich about six years ago, offering meeting of the Band. Mrs. Bruce is mentionedasa possible Lao= didateJ in the Coleservative interests for the North Bru'e seat in the Do- minion House. THE "BREAD AND BUT'TR'1DBA- As in Ontario, so in Qt1ebee\gi nar- row conception of education` bots gained sonde vogue. and The Mont Witness itne a eomments on it thus: 'The stealth wd fallacy' was what Dr. Ai. W. Farm -lee, t.h.' able EA fish eecretary of they i)epaitment of it'tibite instruction. in an address Itt' Cowan♦ villa, the other Clay. called one of the prevailing failacie* which are of the very ,seenc a of the itreatpr part of the backwardness in many of the schools of the Ptovince. The livelihood fallacy bs the idea and view that education is simply a• Htting for earning a living. This 1, the material view that in, a greater or less degree. perhaps, needs combatting everywhere and at all times : and- it is only by replscing-ft with higher views that broader and better conceptions of educational duty will prevail in any community. It does not follow, of course, that the material advantages of education are to be ignored.• But as' Dr. Parmelee abowed• the narrower conception. for , instance, of the education necessary for a farmer produces poorer Material results than that broader one now pre- vailing in advanced communities, which refeognizee the value to the farmer of a sound training in litera- ture and science. The larger view of education as a fitting for life as a whole was what Dr. Parmelee urged as the right ideal. This, is the view 14, which, ass whole Province, we need urging. -With all our natural advan• tagee. and the splendid qualities of the - two rares which inhabit it. ,Quebec must put forth greater and greater efforts to advance educationally ea Ioee, in the rural parts at least. tbe most progressive element" of it* popu- lation. Much has been done by gov- ernment and by individuals in this direction, but there is every indication that only a beginning bse been made and that united and strong effort is still dentwnded." Si' Wilfrid's Great Memor Toronto Star. A correepbndentvouche or another illestrptibn of Sir W' rid Leurier's wonderful mernor ' " several year, ago, before he--- . .ams Prather, lid - spoke at Duspoon, during An elec- tion ca' aign in West. Hnt'on, in ethic , +e Liberal standard -hearer was tb ate M. C. Cameron. Being anxi- -1s to return east the same afternoon, he wail driven to Ooderich, and there Wok a waj freight on tint(1. T. R. A supporter of bis living at Clinton Ithe first station east of Goderich) who beard of the circumstance, in the mean- time' gathered up a crowd of shout fotty and met him on arrival at ('lin- ton station. As the train had about half -an -hour's shunting to do here, Sir 'Wilfrid entered the station and wax introduced all round. chatting casually to while essay the time. When the train wae ready to leave he walked around the entire circle, shank hands with each tuan, and addressed him by name; not making a single mistake. In ere'', cough, however slight, there lurk":the danger of some m•Ifg- tent throat or long trouble. You rant avoid rough" and sold*, hut you an (serape danger by promptly using Itrnwn'.. Syrup ..f \V11t1 1't)Prr7 Bark, Mold by E. It Wigle. druggist, suc- cessor to Ja•, Wilw'n,