HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-27, Page 11THE SIGNAL GODERICH' ONTARIO
The News of the District.
MONDAY, Oct. 24tb.
Luckuo,w brew band Is planning
a concert on the evening of
% Novrwber 4th.
Sultan and. Frasier Patterson
tv roalrtbtir'll ase ieodurtattacks of tty-
e Wrote, who was operated on
sendicitis ata%lel ptram hm ospital.
Meals would wish.
J0.tph Little had the misfor-
to fat one day last week 'and
her shoulder. As she is nearly
years of agt• the accident it a
t one:
:emu IN MK Wrts the Ina5100•11.
t•ri _ .e-
aeL i paper repo
Kirkland Robinson, sou
and Mil. T. K. Robinson, who
, est several
o talride wathe s Miss Catb-
Rohcrtbon. The of that Western
The toting -couple have com-
d b01•-ekeepiog to Mews Jaw
ill toe• +accorded the best wishes
loam's friends at Lucknow.
MONDAY. Oct. 24th.
e • BEAN. -On Tuesday. October
the teeldeoce of Mr. and Mr..
v Bran, Loyal. was the scene of
tf ru•ut, when Ida Slay. second
der el John Harker. Dunlo t,was
lin marriage to Frederick Lye.
dente. 'The bride. *for ho as
un -
ad. entered the W o g
tbe arm Whin. father. to the
d, „f "Moonbeams" wedding
ebcrmingly played by Mrs.
Pi hove. The bride waw prettily
e green with net and
d iu 1'w
an triol
The nu
D r. birdie
rel •of evergreens and flowers,
'tbe oetemu07 the bridal party
red to the dining room, where a
fawn, lepsat wee served. The
; wen• te.tefully decorated with
.f. The guests numb•red about
rife.- The present* were numer-
ted Neely and sbow the high
■ . in Whit b the bride is held.
}appy r•ouple will reside in Gode-
od.o. @hrbetb stieet. Their many
ds join in wishing them long
l of happiness and prosperity.
Lore will #lye let home to ber
do aft.•r the let of Noeemb•e.
ioge a ad serried a
t o f carnations and
tial knot was tied by
tit derich, beneath
Folks Should be Careful in Their
elector. of Regulative Mdicioe. "-
-r hate t safe. dependable and
tether Area remedy that is par-
. rty edapted to the requirements
t,d•people end persons of weak
litution. who suffer from ct.niI.f
at or her teasel disorders. We
M cerl.rn that 'twill relieve these
plaint- land give Absolute 'etiolate -
in et,•ly particular that we offer
itb our personal guarantee that it
lent the neer notbiug if it falls to
tantiat.• oil, cleims. This remedy
Bird R. tall Orderlies.
stall o derlies have a .o thing.
and itg-
wels. They
• dryness. yore-
. They restore tbe
..ociete •organs to more
od healthy activity. They
ten .,Le candy, may 1.e taken at
tette withalt inconvenience. du
era -r 81V gr ipirtg, nCU.PI, diger-
,e, ri .•.•ive b.o.rne.a, fietul nce
nth.• di -agreeable effect. Price
.andel k. fiord only at our store -
1 Recall etor,•. H, C. 1) nIop, route
of acme,
aVeDeEunav, Oct.:Jtith.
Mn. James Ferguson entertained a
few friends '1'ueedity evening.
Mae. (Dr.) Smith lett on Monday for
a trip to Citicagt. and other points.
MISS Marg .ret Campbell ie spending
$ few bolideyr with friends at Galt
and Tcrouto.
J. Gardiner is buffering ft um
very sure arm. N-hile out ehuothel
his gun kicked.
The hiends of Mrs. Cowie will he
fireweed to learn that elle 1. *hie W be
around again after her short illness.")
Rev.. Mr. Todd, of Centralia, oc-
cupied the pulpit of St. Andrew'e
church last Sunday. Rev Mr. John -
Ston, of Vanbeck. will• take the .eye-
viced next Sumba.
Methodist people will hold their enni-
weteary services next Sunday. Oc her
80th. Rev. Mr. LIMO will preach
Moth morning and evening end`, on
Mondry night the ladies will eery u
fowl supper in the ba.en ent of t
church. followed by a concert in t
town hall given by for choir of 0
terio street Methodist church, I'I(aton.
ung. stiengthening, to
ire acti.nl upon the
ore :oil inner
lead weak
tel, awl
TcgsDAY.Oct. '2 th. ,
Mr.. (:Tenn visited friends at Lite'
towel last week.
Mr. and Mn. W. 'Finials. of tlruwleie.
visited in town this week. •
Leon Scott, of Sento' t h resited with
his parents bene, this week. '
Miss Tena Cut t was .visiting frienda
at Exeter and London the past week.
Jar. Cott and Robt.• Stewart spent
$uodry ire mend with Brussels friend.:
E. Cummings. who has been fieri
oudy ill, id now on the road to better
T. B. McArter left last week foe
Aylmer. where he bye secured a posi-
tion at photography. . -
Peofeetor Graham. of Toronto. an
eye sprciali.t, is1 ere this week at E.
Adam* jewellery store. '
Robs. Sloan. of (inderich township,
ien4MiW Baker. of Clinton. 'pent Sun-
day with friends in town.
Two can of 'sift coal arrived this
week• one for A. Mct'reight and the
ether fur the electric light rdant.
Rev. Mr. Farr id to address the Or-
angemen November dth in Trinity-
rinitychurch, when it is expected tbere will
be a large turnout.
School was cawed last Thursday and
Ftiday on eccuuot of the teachers' be-
ing at ('lintet itlrnding the East
Huron contention.
West, who is now editor of a
paper at Glenboro , Sask.,. is %killing
with his wife et the hotue of her par-
ents; Mr. and Mrs. E: Watson.
MostatY. Oct. 241h.
tat. Long i- e1 present visiting
redo and renewing acquaintanc '
ieil Campbell. of the bo
as taking a trip
idsy ooh busine.
)u4..n , earl;-i,rm of-34Am Mc-
• boundary, was Lest week
with u very severe bore throat.
rich Irquirrd medical attendance.
is now, however, rapidly reeover-
rand will soon be :able to go around
endon next
144, r
Reeovsg1S,. Hi. HEALTH. - The
ends of Juan McIntyre are well
rased to- see that he ie rapidly re-
vering his wpnted health, which hes
es ib a very precarious condition
rte last spring. He has regained e
lama of bis weight, which he had
Pito an alarming degree. Owing to
1 attack of congestion in early @us-
er, with subs vent heart weakness
Bother complications, Mr. McIntyre
u,1 pretty sick man, and for a few
Peke in midsummer chances seemed
rimiest him, but he is fairly
etate ll com•
lya young man his rn and ahe tstifriends
ieto see many years %et spared to
TF1. FALL Muieeetoa.-Last week
e carious spectacle we. seen of
'hat might he called an leregular pro-
huon of hawks moving along the
tett line of Lake Huron near this die-
rict. Theta would he an interval of
tom ten minutes to half -an -hour after
eh detachment, and all were slowly -
'greedily going south. As they ell
Reared to be of the sante .peels., one
ithem was .hot, and it was identified
.the"American rough -hogged hawk.'
'bis kind of hawk in not seen at all
luring the ,tlmmer in this southern
art of Orit Brio, as it breeds very tar
Bd hand is nen here onlyin spring
Decildly in the fill wen on its
It iv well knwn
it hirrl• try lwhen }migrating oft.ennfot-
ow east lines of large bodies
b'It Io PgIlAren es, fanrn dgaappaidanron
Ates'' hewn. were following the east-
sat mouth. o'f I "e Huron on their
P. very The NevKh-legged hawks
sBrth, *nlarge, to e*eily (dent fled on
w rIw b"n t of their legs being covered
Bather, down to the yery toes.
N t:nss:suay. Oct. alth.
John McGuire attended the anni-
versary servio•es at Lang.ide on Sun-
Mibat„Elizabeth Salkeld, of Goderich,
ep"nt a few days last week visiting
frienda here.
Mr. and Mrs. 1r. B. Murray attended
the funeral of Duncan McDonald, of
Toronto. late of Ripley, this week.
It hate been decided to risme. tor the
oyster supper Monday, October 'slat,
commencing et 8 o'clock. All mem-
bers are supposed to he present. Neil
Humphrey and Wallace Miller are the
John Vincent lett this w for
Winghau,. wbere,be h+u are t a pos-
ition in the electtie li plant. He
will not move his fa v for it while.
The younit pe of Trinity church
held a ten • 'the rn M.iltar'e bell Wed-
nesday ening of net week for their
end his wife.. There wa- te Rad
enders. and a splendidtine- wase
spent by all.
The heavy rain which fell. Mondaii'
evening rather spoiled the track fur
the Matinee 'urea ou Tutkday. How-
ever. it was bright and clear Tueday.
mottling and the tuck dried up some:
what but still was rather slow.
A public meeting was held in Indus-
try Hall Tuesday evening of t his week
to diecu.a the idea of buying the An-
derbun stere and hall for the town's
use. It wee decided to submit a by-
law to the electors in the near futuref.
J. H. ('hellew's 11.-w auto rad
Monday of this week and l'heMew
bad it out trying iLe who tide
in it claim it nee -Very oe
ry easy -running
machine. ';'bete are good prospects of
othtrs own getting machines of the
sa eke -the Hegel. •
Bt.s1Se:N ('H.AN.k.-.I. Stothers.
who has conducted a restaurant and
blakery herr for a number of years.
he, disposed of hie business and stere
to Neil Taylor. Reeve of Morris. who
will take_ possession Nov,-ntlei lath
his is a gooi1 business and Nelt-ought
to make a sut'ce . of it, as' he ie well
known het•e and is popular with the
voteng people. Ile in having it sale of
his stock in the near future. ae he has
tented his term to C. Bembridge, of
Mullett. F. Everett, "Who has been
the baker. will t•emein for a few weeks,
so we can guarantee that the baking
will be good as usual.
SATs RraAY, Oct. =Dd.
Tows:ewe Cot-NcIL.-All the mem-
bers were present at regular meeting
today. The minutes of September 17
and 24 were read and adopted on mo-
tion of Messrs. Hunter -and- Dalton.
The clerk reported notifying the sec-
retary of Ontario West Sheer Rail-
way Co. re compaint of Wm. McCon-
nell and calling their attention to .our
agrrewent with them re the erection
of suitable guards along the fake
hore road and read the reply or. the
outpany's engineer thereto. It was
oved by Messrs. Stothers and
tinter that Councillors Dalton and
Steweat be appointed to arrange a
toting at Port Albert with lepre-
sent tivea of the Company in regard
tot!) McConnell complaint and 'the
luatter of guards. Carried. On mo-
-tion of Mes-re. Kickley and Stewart,
thirty -eleven accounts to: gravel,
gravelling. ditching. grading. tiling.
repairing bridges -and new bridges
nen ordered paid. amounting to $:Il48.-
7a. On motion of. Meears. Stewart
nd Delbert, council adjourned et No.
ember Beth at 10 a. m. Tato.. G.
LLKs, Clerk of Ashfield.
Nki%ette at Littere(`Orr'a. •- "The
Lads' of the Spur," David Potter'e
bl-illiant new novel, bas met with so
,many encomiuuw Chat it is eafe to .ay
that -An Accidentiel Honeymoon," a
complete novelettethis author, in
the November Idppii ott's. will field a
host of eager readers. Mr. Potter's
latest story is of modern times, and
the scenes are laid in Maryland. Hie
plot ie refreshingly- novel and delight-
fully handled. The heroine is one
the ';fetchingest" little persona the
realm of fiction. The other ,char cters
are Also excellently drawn, each
standing out clear and distinct, even
the minor once. The dialogue of the
story is remarkably good, and through
it *Brume vein o.1 delightful humor -
thrall the author can be serious
ough when be tries. • Besides the
novelette, there are seven complete
stories. •'Genevieve' Mantle's Per-
ishin' Soul," by Elizabeth Jordan. ie a
deliciously funny child -story of family
Loyalty. Stage life on its human side
ie depicted in masterly fashion in
"The Failure." 1.y Will L e-vington
Comfort. "Out of Bounds," by Owen
Oliver. is a graphic tale of life at a
rye' school. "Stockings and Pumps."
by Anne Dans, is a toplance of Civil
Waylays. "The Door That Opened."
by :Marion Hill. is a picturesque tale
tel low life and a man's redemption.
•'Mia. Billy tVeighttuan'. Grouch." by
l'arolihe Lockhart, is a lively story of_
the West. and "Snitzky." by DcI.y
ltinehai•t, tells of an instao , bern-
ism in it hospital.
How Old People
May Prolong
Their Lives
At advanced age the organs act
more slowly than in youth. Circu-
lation becomes poor, blood thin and
watery, appetite fitful, and diges-
tion weak. This condition leaves
the system open to disease such as
Coughs, Colds, Grippe, . Pneumo-
nia, Rheumatism, etc.
V-INOL is the greatest health
creator and body builder we know
of for old people, as it supplies
the very elements needed to re-
build wasting tissue and replace
weakness with strength.
asst LY Tac PROOI
A rek t. roeordeal to Albany, N. Y., of
▪ wooam who felt oho wee bro.kl.g
dew■ by .g. ud rye.o d0000d to rho
w omb ..d Ioeblo oo.dltto. ..f old people.
.be bad so .tre.gtk wad the slightest oz-
e.tL■ ttr.d ber, but VINOL ....do bee
troll mod .trosg, sod mho kolas lh.t e1.
tools too roost rou.ger than .ire did
ter* taking VINOL.
11•e ask every aged person in
this neighborhood to try a bottle
of VINOL with the understanding
that we will return their money if it
does not prove beneficial.
H. C. Dunlop, Druggist, O.elerich.
Tc ttrDAY. Oct. 5th.
Peter Cameron returned this. week
from Seakatoon, where he spent a
pleasant and pr)tltatle time.
The fowl supper at C'hiselhurst last
Tuesday night waw a splendid suc-
cess, 81314 being taken In at the door.
A. McBeath has returned flow his
I timber limit and scwuiill near I'owas-
odists bad very successful servicer. last
Sunday, it being their anniversary.
Rev. J. Livingstone, of Mitchell,
preached both sermon@ and also ad-
dressed the Mundey school in the after-
noon. Ile Is a good preacher and all
those who heard him were deeply
peened. At the evening service the
church was peeked, the Preehyterien@
having closed their church for the
e% ening. The sermon was in the na-
ture of a talk, but was very impres-
sive. The choir rendered some beauti-
ful selections. The church was nicely
decorated with flowers.
Many different remedies have been
tried tot eczema and other Akin
dineesn. But it is now known that
the only possible cure ha a mild, sooth-
ing liquid made up of Oil of Winter-
green, Thymol, Glycerine, and other
ingredients so carefully compounded
that each ingredient hoot in proper
Thi. compound et now wide up in
the D. U. 1). Prete rlpUon. Ten years
of encases and thousands of cures
show the merit of this wonderful com-
pound, hut the most convincing proof
Is a trial of the n'medy by any eczema
D. D. Ia will prove to you that you
can he cured. The very first drops
will give you instant relief.
Write the 1). D. D. Lwbiratoiiee,
i)ept. (4. H., 49 (tnlhnrne street. Tor-
onto, for a free trial bottle, and prove
its wonderful effectiveness.
For sale by all drogel•t•.
.an. Out.• where he found th rigs
Rev. W. H. Butt, of Centralia. and
Rev... Butt. of Parkhill, were %ieit-
ing their cousins here in the home of
J. B. Dinedale Int week.
The Presbyterian church people in-
tend holding their anniversary ser-
vice@ nn the first Sunday in November
and the Methodists the eecond Sun-
J. B. Din.dale'e gale last Thursday,
the 111th inert., was largely attended
and gool prices were the rule. The
three spring colts were sold at $78,
$1110 and $ialI, respectively.
Mrs. Logan hits returned home after
a three months' trip in the Nest, vis-
iting her sons, daughter and other
friends. Her eon Bruce came back
also recently, but he has gone to lk'
troit, where he expects a position for
the winter. Bruce has a homestead
and pr.'-emption sout h of Caron. Seek..
near hie brother John, who owns .191
acres there.
Mr. Dinsdkle is contemplating a trip
to California or some other point in
the hope that he mtly get relief from
a serious attack ut rheumatism. All
join in the hope that he may come
back completely restored. Mrs. Gins.
dub. may accompany him. They have
rented their tamer for three years th
Jae. !McDonald, who Pete control at
once. This with his own farm will
give hint plenty of work.
Is Your Horse
Lame or Blemished
Itis Timber's Sure Cure is
a positive cure. This is t h e
greatest remedy' ever plat on the
market, ire it never fails to cure
the horse. no matter inhere he is
lame. Si:RE CURE will cute
Mange or Eczema on any animal,
in one application.
is _ a pt.';tive cure for Curb,
Splint, Bowed Tendon-, Bog
Spavin. Thoropin, Big Knee or
arty similar trouble.
I. R. Wigle
Goderich. Oat.
The follow ' g p tices
are being pa at
Holuaeecille p ••u la rye
yards :
Hens. per lb.. live ec
Chickens, per Ib., live.. to Ile
Turkeys, per lb., live .: ...1aC
Ducke, per lb.. dressed.. ..1:ic
Geese. per ib., dressed 11^
All poultry- t o b e,
delivered with crops `.
empty on Monday . Tues-
day and Wednesday ,
mot•ning of each week,
'PHONE 4 ON 14.2.
N. %. Trewartha
t� MOob.
110~ 1410 be.
laiaa 27dna
Vewasa •a gee las
This represents a fair ra-
tion for a mea for a year.
Bat some people eat and
eat and grow thinner. This
mesas a defective digestion
and unsuitable food. A loge
size bottle of
Scofl's [mulsion
equals in nourishing proper-
ties ten pounds of meat.
Your physician can tell you
how it does iL
noir Ye Lr .T *LL ehee018le
Oral Iso.. ._ ..4 p.pnr ..d air .dt.,r ou
k...gfd map aaok .w.1 VA. Id • . Mk u
ark kook w.u.r ..4..wl Lu. -k Po..r.
Scoi r a ■owl•/[
1a. W.■ire.. Street. W..t T...mse. OWL
October 16th
Good partridge: ai(atting
on the tine pPt( notth P'n
Sound, o
th to Nov. 15th
• Moose are plentiful be•
tween Sellwood Junction
`anal Gowgands . uncldt)n.
.Open brawn flow
Oct. 15th
Deer hunting commences
Nov. 1st.
For details as to favored
locations and a'l useful
information. write Ps.een-
ger Department. Canadian
Northern Building, T o r-
onto. Ontario.
TtureemAY, O.-'o.eEto'!.7• lOjl 't'10
You must have
tq wear. Wiry not have
The best in quality
I he best in cut
The best in price
Call and see the wondertul
values we are- offering at
Hard Indeed.
During a social function in Wash-
ington, where one of the guests was a
you.g than in Uncle Sam's consular
service in the East, the conversation
chanced to touch .rpou the cheapness
of human life in China.
(Inc young woman was horrified to
learn from the consular officer that a
Chinese condemned to death may al-
ways finds a substitute to die in hie
"How awful t" exclaimed the tender-
hearted young women. "Do you
know. I've heard of that before ; and I
understand that many la poor fellow
in China muter-beeWeiner•by eetin ss
stimulat the kidneys and
bladder to • action and
livens up the lip It cer-
tainly will banish the
back and promptly kill th
slight twinge of rheumatism.
Price SA.. and 81.00 a bottle.
g•• bis
with 55.
Sold .ad gaismass4 ter
Single Fare
for Hunters
Oct. 1[0 to Nov. I2
to all stations Chalk River to Port
Arthur inchlsive. and to best hunt-
ing 'HAWN in Quebec- aud New
Brunswick. .
Oct. 20 to Nov. 12
to all points Sudbury to .tbe Soo.
Havelock to Sharbot Lake, Cold
waterto Sudbury, and un the
Lindsay Branch.
Return Limit December 16th, 1910
Liberal stop -over privileges.
Ask for free copies of "Fishing and
shooting," "Sportsman's Map'' and
"Open Seasons for Game add Fish."
JOS. KIDD, .Agent. Goderich.
was who
OM Nie..
)' . DUt-Nrrr' F. R. WIGLE.
Cr,t 1
yfor Round Trip
betweett all stations in
Canada; also to Detroit
and Port Huron, Mich.,
Niagara Fully end
II.1t elo, N. Y. (io bid
ening October 214, 2), :4),
31. Recut n limit Nov-
ember 2. 1910.
tringle fere `fir round
trip. Deily until Nov-
ember 12, to all pointe
uta Temagatni ; October
20 to November 12,
to Muskoka and Ni is -
.sing Districts. etc. Re-
turn limit December 15,
except tat points reached
Iv steatners November
Recur . 'bete from
F. F. LAW • . CE,
Up -town O. 7'. R. Agent, 0
Offtc.r haunt 0.30 a.m. to i) p.m.
Or address .I. D. McDoNAt.n, D. P.
A., O. T. R., Toronto.
House Furnisbings
Low price induce ts, ngkss coupled with
reliability add sterling wegtilr, „Mg e4little interest
to the prudent buyer, b t standard grade ankles
priced on a bargain basis,"re extremely gratify-
ing. Immense assortrite�ts and the lowest
prices snake this store headq eters for everything
pertaining to HOUSE FUR SHINGS.
eorge Johnston
The Square
=== ==as1
Fall and Winter U
With Fall comes the question of our'Winter C0'11(011 /1. One ,
of the principal things about the house is the oink stove, heating ,
stove or furnace.
We handle the world -wide -known Happy Thought Range,
which i. in ;t class by itself. It will do more cooking and use less
fuel in a given time than any other range on the nsarket. We
Also have cther makes of ranges at very low prices and fully
'rhe Radiant Horne is the must economical heater un the
market. Call and see it.
We handle all the most up-to-date F'urnacee and Iloilel•e on
the market. let us figure your job.
Plumbing, electric Wiring and Transmitting promptly
attended to acid all work fully guaranteed.
Portland Cement always on hand.
Does your chimney give you trouble'! if so, see our new
improved Bell Ventihttot• and Chimney Cowl. it does away
with a high stack on your chimney.
Now is the time to see to your roof before the cold weather.
We handle the Canadian .lohneeManville hoofing, Made from
pure Lake Trinadad asphalt. no compositions which deteriorate
under the actions of the weather.
'Phones :
Sten 'Phase 22
Howe 'Plume r u