The Signal, 1910-10-27, Page 101• TeMu.vye Qoyainett 27, IMO
Railway Facilities Wringing a Fresh
Seclioro of Country Within Reach
of the , City Workers A Magic
Transformatl-on in the Seventeen
an' to Ride.
owe'," I: •w l ock 1'orresoon line. of Tits
• T1{I.I13 is sumcthing like magic in
the transformation of eeeues from
(he he*rt of \laubattan tothegte. n
fic•hlruf the deep country that tone who
eoer.. , may have daily on the Long
Isl.. Rails'. tot b) 'the new tunnel
friss Ile Pett:%)Iv:usia terminal.
Het the city end of the tube, ate
tiee, • Avenue . and Thirty-fourth
stir ' '•. ituir.rtatt thoroughfares,
a 1: rout Broadway, and throb-
-biti .h the Activities of the city.
t* ,•k•eeuth aaewl nue caiI just get
a glom. s• of the tree tops'of Central
Park ; Oleo a -Flit of ('arnegie Hall ;
the Time, huildiug, 1 he rear of the
Meta•o.•d(tan Opera House, and many
well-known lintel. frown. l'hii ty-
fourth•eet, to the • west i, Oscar
• •Hautuuet stout's Martha( p e r :1.
110111.1. ; the other tray Ntacy then
•the 11'ithloaf:Astotia. and ott r.,1 old-
- warkr. ('ar bell- Are cla Mg ; An
amlwtaltce d•..Ires Ihr,nl with a
loo-ne•nletr) fight of way ; AMOS are
thinking and darling here And there :
peal.,- vire offering their grails:
sea its.).- are yelling their evening
Impel •. and all the sta'Ige sights fl
• t•f:•ven(II avt•uue, ;. 1(1 interesting
lho.Coughlin e. -ore in familial view.
Nglhing is rt•ut:u•L yhle in all this.
- . You may ate it at tiny lays) curter of
the "et opolis.
•--14ert eh'trIv)..- ttti.t. U. is_ the'
where you may be whin
' Awn) fl one it all ie. t. twit • ng.
Here t,., the large classic rials of
tht•Magniflceot Penns tuna sitali(ne.
still t$L..n, MAW- mrd granite, two
full blocks it ze, and quite unlike
the nail python. one coinluonly
• nee.• hr gh the entrants., clown n
•t of st a', a fittte walk, then
• - and -atilt another
to floe brood cle:0) platform.. and there
atm, electric coals glides quietly in
{roto the gloom of .the underground
yard In A mouiei,l jou ,are abard.
Mid ib.• city's dill has maidenly erased.
She slides off, with no pulling or clat-
ter ; down, dots n the long, Almost hint
perceptible grade: down: down.
wider old New Cork. and then away
alom•g me:tight, under town and elver.
And then she curves, and (.ears uR\to
the left, vet) g.adunlly, mail 1•egins to
climb the grade into the Iknough of
CVO./ 1 3.. up to the daylight. I1
is 'ori four tuiuulrs since yon left the
sit) fond the sunshine in flooding the
ear It tin.
Heli 1 is i Lane glimpse of New
York, v. 'rh you could scarce distin-
guish but tribe V1hilt- campanile of
the Metre.).* dart building one side
and the ljue, lel«ao' bridge which
'mill, (:.utile Ira le just in a line with
the opening on th other side. There
is a little run thru h .t clean yard.
will, many tracks an denty of heart,
And no RI.ule crossin .to give you
convert. $trnight awn. is R green
hill, with it delightful eandeuiug
road rsinning through tin a ente of
11''t'1+ 1" 11 .- ,. .. and- CI.015 "rows -
tog levity on the sl toes. Si,, nu toes
(room New % otk ! ^
'1 bit Orst night out e.tdi payseng
wa'.^bcvl the bights with the •excite-
,ucl.rt of euuulr y !soy, on their ,first
train ride. Two }Minutes •1., and
nor Iraiii it fly inK pa ..l the *t1411o0 alt.
V.' oid We; on the second of the fo
trA^l, . A rapid view of slet' vil-
lage 1,1 reel - , qld baII.e* a lark
y111 dr' and Wilde w eel caught
unit was es I. the »rel, ('1 .iiig)t•ss
'that di•.1litho sem quire; s • kid
die. in a r • oh '1 fen'•e. waving *herr
ernes td ueoi,y oilier familiar sights
umsing one of boyhood 1 in the
quiet 1,,.ine town.
• Two minute.. nlr,re',utd Winfield is
pwt.e'J, with a long row. of faces of
pas:.••np:ens wailing sot: their north
shote leen,. The•(, deep we go into
the fertile truck farming section, on-
- touched, as 1• I in Orb. pot 11.• the land
bjus•c. wh.•I r patches of well roll i
vitt, •t I:•, r,, of ill shades meet the
ler) 1. •. k.•. '1'M• tit is gone com-
pletely incl she Is ;lidded 1 isle of roll -
big Lane Ist•..'d landscape strt!lrites
' • to right sold left and beyond. Now at
141 t:.w ill masts and hedger,- hill
side ied with sumach, and thin
pat h • e, ng l ominously over theism :
field., end s and fauns and a
churchsteeple le ti iul'there nestled
iti the Ores. The e • of this de-
lightful .:own/ IA rouninufck on
the !•'-n-•• while one ha': scare t•e-
lavevi bon, the dray's work is son
thing ..,t and tattiitow, AllgTve.
nor, l"•a, re strange in,pressiou as of an
1110 A,ion of pri ('4 le hu1(1.., so iititnale is
the vi'•ty o1' quiet old ratios and
hone- It will trod have this repose
lo,,:. :, • the pasaetiger traffic is in-
ctensirr,:0.eek I), sod the ado ant saes
of this,' shalt mute to the • n
country ale appr•i•ciated by in who
hate longed for suburban sig
life, tool have hesitate ,eesunc of ihe
hardships of tin icrttofon•e••
After %Vo ole and Winfield: f we.
ul) pretty !'laces, though
iyve'the charm• of quiet and
ire pet Inres,tir .rte--, dile next stat'
is Pot, , t 11,11'. (1n one side of the
1 tart, s 1• hole new low n is laid oat, in
riti.14 l t aids. got,..', parks and other
inti- ing to at tri es, :11113 :1 large gong of
men ane Iroust-or ming the brown hill.
ride' 1hal run hick into the oak
tret•s Mt(' IAdldhle; lots. At Ihe..ta
�, tion 5. (herr ruff hotel is lasing built,
-'s•... and e•. (at ,tinno byre And there denote•
that ramie *1berm etentiou:. building..
wilt"..lion he reared. All this has
happoeor it few weeks. A r•:ohba e
patch and a of corn stalks rir
a pet -filial cnnti'As i�gght at star
lion. Otl the .rlitiullte v of the
track there are some 1 •s
of two or three s st•onding, that
abut a Chart' I,t old farm. They
have cot the vers barnyard near
tln ", where all the homely par,t-
nolrA is Mit even about. Such sharp
'onttaf►te are seven at every hand in
this particular seet.ion.
Forest Hills le fifteen minutes away
front 'Seventh avenue, and Kew, a new
and mm -e pretentiooe suburb, is sev-
enteen minutes distant. The old
name of the station was Maple (trove.
The station that nerved its meagre
p.t*onage at year ago is now moved to
one side and plastvied and lined with
Elizabethan shits, to serve. some ether
purpose. The new station is a band-
'so,ne building wi'h a long row of cot•
u s, and a green -tiled roof as the
most conspicuous fes,ture, well put up
on a long concrete l.latform.
While the passengers- w•e st!It etrag
gling otf the platten!), the holy little
train is fast die -appearing down the
shining rads t. J:amai^a, the *render. wtu• saying nppolite isms;* to ills nran 1
point to placer the �.d. A tine hill- roe putting tau mu�'h of the water
side of old oaks in the glory ..1 autumn , down into hos eburs.
colors is being levelled end laid out in i Marvellous Changes. In a ra::mase the whirr of the I Mi•�)tau.'t'u.l had sren marvellous
tr• ain is gone, a::Il th,' ^f‘141.11111:1.1.14 MT'
wending their re.pective woo over ,Ichanges since those early days. In a
rho hills to their besides. New York I certain farm house s„ utile from ('Uu-
is for away in the golden westand., ton, where t)tuu thine was only u i
the quirt of the ..vrning.-has .wain* nlu*Wre au3Jdy of primitive house 1
over the land. I uteri»iia, there was Iii to
now found a
The trip back New Turk ill the tl•phiuue and a pian" in the front
morning is just ..F ^intereetint;• You a•�'sotilr•.'K,tn»fold also 1Pmeuti'ried well i
ba.• a pl••asaut jaunt over rued ands
hill 0 o tl" ►talion, ,'•td while yet, the thi• aid man, \Vhilxheed, who' one's
dew is clinging 0• von. sh';.ss, and .ter ms.' to- b._.•)ec ed Mayor. He
11a1101'alsul ..f c'dantfy• viei a linger: :n 1 w.,s to uuu' of very *1istht edtu,e',.)n
your Ws eye. i At are ti: tilt . tone l' Hort Ann a eea•Laln occasion• ,' In"tiull
shot time of sryrntern trim:tel. cat r inie -ip whi:h he snout* to see go
vied harp to the •its. AS: esc,.lat.•r •hr ••-int:
lakes you gently of troll the depth- Ohl yoet oleo who fev.•r this,,
of the stAtion and I •:•- yin' Oto 111:1ty 'notion, hold tot your rig bailiff.- he
fourth street, 'en.? ,t;i.,i❑ you aur in the '.A!:sd out. A .certain- number of
restless, •surging •ty. The1-e is lh'• lianas wwup
1L . The 'Lark sugg�ttd
Tatteher hu) wiris!'.fig. with,his ps;tII that he Balt for the 'contraries.
on- Min in the a •rin-h
dand--Melt. "1441111:3(rlelei Nt•,_1 qpon't want
hopping. about t1: e•Jy•1'.okingcus 'any "ontrsrrea. Ewob't hei1 1.W:'
Louie's- with tl nit halts •haud•gre'i he declared.
downs; the- d tgn"::' .1- •. 1.: Lyse -two . Then 1311. �fianatord to of the .well -
a, of Clinton. -•;a
great affairs a+'hry w•r:•e last sLening' great big ft• with a *,rite leap of
when I passed: the L "kyr hivwery Ireland ' is fuer. And tang, tiowing
mea rolling in laterkgs t.. the hl torr, a fine,- nig-hrartud waft.'.
snlonus; the L' usew,irr, her hair tr: Rumford denied that he sought
grebb •.3 up a: ' h••' i:. ::.est ling a g : any T omlin:rti to. He • refitted one.
with the bag '"1 3,rclas:wet r: : shop, a Anil Bah 1-101zi.l$r.' venion of the. Pat
girls, workiu,i 1.,:•n, told throng ••f 7Kelly.1101404.114 wan ail .wrong. Kelly'''.
tnk.and seedy, . famous utterance merely consisted of
little ways. ( the -words. , lttiOn'od, you':e tot)
(tie, . 1. I. I:, c. H. honest."
7, pile. - But -.1r. !tausford struck a serious
note when he said lir. could not sit
- -' - dews without 1•eferl'►ng to the one
RICH RED BLOOD.. great question which was before 3'an-
rads Ls Arty, and which had helm
You Wal Never Have :t as Long as You brought to the fore by the bravery,
Have Dyspepsia. honesty end candor of that great
Just as luny; is. : !lave .tyspe'pria 1ri'.htui r , Bishop Fall'vn - hamel9.
dual hl-uguagc.. To Canada's future
)our food
int; will c1.:•.roprrl)digest. and there wee no limit. but duality of
the nutritious a:ements in the. food lang'•aage -stat ,e pit .rode fur r.._...
will hotAa+extracted . 'alamorhri , and The conquering Anglo -Yatton tongue
i,u,»-,� s -�,r) hLrd wills-he.�af[ei.f ilia e0t-wl+yr
follow, • t 's (3r•eat'applau•te.l
'I'h com it:kn. rmby 1.•d hesur eat Huron Roads. •
at first, lett 1t will come just a3 s Isere 551. •Nothing brought Huron county' tel
the sun will .tine again. the trent more than those splendid
.toy stomach ailment, Including alt 1na,ls which the county hnilt with
forms of indigeyt •.n, ,horse promptly $]'Jr1 -,INN) of its owl) 00100e7 fifty treses
cured by titling �li,o•uia teh)r.f� a ago," deelat•ed Thouose E. Hays, of cSea-
scieh[iflc treatn,rutIusuil(sekbi forth, who knows what he is talk.
It slope ferinentstion, twl•obng of in about, for he was ,fair many year,
Kaa.and taste of et ur food almost at II turn -tiler of the Huron county coon-`
one...oil when •'HuI'on" meant the present
The mighty ptow,tr of )limo -ria 2:: 'n'
edruntiestif )'arch, 11uren.'Hruc and
vigolate and 1 e -t' re the otomoch to i
Is•rfect cunditi• ,i :r knilwn every- .mart 1.)f Middlesex.
1P stThe first- railway to be built into
Altoona cure-. !.y Ic.'Id ng un -tis that weern d
country," he explained,
banishing the caner. For thin people
the all Buffalo iint•. The Huron
it is a great fl+eh guilder: 1.,e,„ ie t people saw that to get the full benefit
nnes the atotnaeh to. -give more and . "f ,t they would have to build el oss-
Caictal. It cures I rolls, and they went at it and eon"-
purer nutrition to the 1
sr,. and cat• .hkneea and vomit lug of slr•ueted a large number of main high-
preguartcy Illniir4 intm'•diately-. E. R. mass„ -just as go,)d as they do arta
wit.t, all 4beir machines.p. Before
that fifty or sixty bombeis of grain
was ••onsidered a glycal load, but after
OW. lc(t
I1'atainued iron, µate 4.1
old Rattenbury hotel. Once he asked '
the proprietor if he could letve'a bath.
The latter 013411111d hitt* this w'as pos-
sible and went out. Soon (after the
troy heard » great uuiee o0 the stairs
and looking out of the room he found ,
old 11W 1i:lttruburyy and the suable
man carrying a wiseltyub, tbr:*e parte
toll of water, up OM stairs, stud Bill
3'*('hies at the Navarre, discussing' kn('wn'1a
good and had. i•rus
that forever g''
Until you have heard
Amberol Records
you have not heard the
at its best
Amberel Records .twit an: entirely new field a
music for Edison Phonograph owners. They ^
offer music which by reason of its length caunut
be secured wt any other record. 'l•hry offer net
only a wailer range of music, but a higher grade
and it fetter relutlitien than .has before been
The tone of Atuberul Records is nlatrhiess.
• They hies sarin' richer tone and more delicate
interpretation titan:that of any other Fdisun
• Ree'ortls, whk h :orales that they are superior to
all other records:
There are F:.Iorn, drsler. eser)'rhere. ¢n to the armee., e.o.f
Isar the I'lieu- rhonorraph play both 1'1,11..•n Mashed uud
Moen Arnhem' Record.. tart etaaaletc ralakK' fr,.a, ie.(
dealer 1.r fru», u,. '
F..t w•1. rhnu'yra. p•r 11-4 s1. 001/14f oo. li.11.011 Standard
Record•. W, )' I,r'n Au.lme of Knv.ds,,aa) dna, as MAKt
.,bc. kdis.'n 1 raid
Over.. gerund.. *J,. to 81..,0.
100 L.k...d. ...ow, Orutr. N. J..
JAS. F. THOMSON... Goderieh
If shoes differ at
any particular point
it is in keeping theit
Shape - retaining
•'quality depen.k:s up-
on good lasting, or
the way the leather
is stretched dowti
-`around the last, and
time given for, the -
shape to L. become
lnvictus Shoes
neyer rushed nit
iiny stage, and prove
themselves by re-
taining shape until
'-`rn out.
-,n'ro-r East Sir.. l
t:ulif:ttlt fl
*Nixie sells \li-1.r• t f• ::r, .:este alarm.
box. and gu:irar.'1*e it to carr (`f
money: best. :heir resole were built farmers toot teal
test and 1• haslet*, and saved half the ,
Corrected. ( aul,.g*.. 'There were tolls col-
liob was t' !lily;». ah,n.t his visit tot l(ri ed at tient._ but :he early settlers 1
the a try. 1Vhile thee• he had ar-' h4,t to go too far down into their I
gained Soule imta idioms. *0013• t114 trvisera pockets to fetch up the ten
-bei was cot 1e •ti1.3 1he"ctos l Para cent», and finally the tolls were ab.,!-
• •ti : I•- entirely."
- '• 1Velt.. wv• K' nit :_'' Lr. •
Rk.11ins. formet!y of Exeter, ad
•• %Vent up lith -a that he was leen in Huron in
%Vent ,mi, , !;' iris•pu __ P 1 Bot it was in Huron of the old
"To r fatlido for it was in the townshi , of
II the fare . • 1:d 1 here we see--- ' I Iliad .h. airs in the count) of alttt-
tell it prop
%VO•IL toe
There w••saw A
( Fin the' oar n'
hila. • 1ioW, -begin again and
Ia : 1 to the faro:, and '
hat a Lythe child."
-uspendcd.l ' •
How to Tell\if Your Hair s
''rhe E
southern 1
inripal products of the
t of the county in those
lair," said he. ••were Nish loyal and ,
girls -with A :eat predominance cf
(• a tight.",
Thus were temi 'neences-•indulged
f(' several hour,. and 'the banquet
was as tumid a grind sur•ese.
Even if yo(3; a !a'(uria t head
of hair you •..o..1) want Jo now
whether it is in t health) • (..iptiditio or
not. est per 0.7 id. • f the people nee
hair tonic.. '
I'ul_t a hair r o1 you! ut hemi ;';1 the
bulb at the en I life root is white
and »hruuken, i , that the Bair
is diseased, (+ , r•r,puirc.' prompt READY
treatment If its 1, ss would be avoided: FOR THE CENSUS.
1f the hulk is pie. -• and fait, the hair 11•
health). leeks and Commiss,on-
%Ve want ever. one w hose hair ceded.
requires !teat Mfg!! a try It.ezall '•ill"
Hair Terme. - %Ve pt intim: that it 'shall
not cost anything ' it d.+ei+ nn' give
-alisfacteryp t'•,ults. it is 'designed tie
overcome tf:lndraff.-1'scalp-Wei-
, f1
titian, to stituist.itt-
en the -hair :arta
grow 'fan.lcure t
11 is he
(lair Tonic_ a
faith in-1te good
oto to 11 )' it at our ti
Ie. and til.(,*, -".0'(1 only
The - Resell Store. H.
south side of Square. '
Clark's Pork and Ilea
People doing hard physical o men -
tail win k find ('lark's Pork and Beaus
admirable for restoring the vital
forces. '1 bey /14.• nut only nourishing,
rt appetiilug. and digestible. Wm.
k, Mrs., Montreal.
Large Staff
In Business or Professional life, well set-up Settli-ready
Clothes help the wearer to the poise all comfort which
build for Success.'
No retail tailor can reproduce -the finished style and
rfect fitting quality of well - tailored Semi -ready
l'oeo�monly r,411. values at ills. 1120, well $2.1, in Suiting. and tl,rfroatings,
Send for" The Court of Fashion." the season's style (wst
(wok of iiluratioaa
Gita _ Ct. '.I "Qualifying exatu-
ina its under this auspices of the.
FYvi! Vervice ttomllyssi wilt be held
seer sea.µ rt• in various centres thrvug ut Canada
thet r mta ' beginning on the second \ 'elnesday
iiie I- ' of February nett foe the appointment
of ermine .`.larks to assist the pt'esent
nesIt Wallet' the Granas Bureau in conil�'I-
d sincc ere
t -' xatl ogle in the ren•ne 01 next year's dere
.rI Died ti census. About ref) additional`
tit we want
Two sizer:.I clerks will be Appointed, Each canal -
sum, 1 dere for t•xatninat on mast 3a' a Brit-
ish subject between the ages of
' eighteen and fhir.y -five years', end
.t present rert.ifleate. as to health,
r and habits. The exat
will he ariting,
Her Need.
140..y •' No, 1 don't want n
nor no laces.•.
' Peddler '• Herr snit role,
•(irnmm:tr fur Beginners,' 1111
pease."- Tit -Hits. -
Lion -.11.1
�rush., i Slithmrtic.
and transcript:or'.
ttuL.tu, will he for oho,
six. • Cris,'+, thou
That's How Dodd's Kldn
Mrs. G. M. Hutchin '
(Special) 'I'
Icy the f
ition Pograpby
toe year in overt
anger pereels 'of em.
ill 3 necessary in some
ea of the work. The remunera•
1 to Ise psltd 11 not yet announced.
fn ivelditimr 4o thte -•tau - P1114 -it Clinks
there will also be appointed nextyear
s C red I .:.'', serums cornmisaioners to have
eumatisln. charge of the enumerators and 1he ac -
October :44th.. i tont taking of the census. One col-
I",1.,,t'ion is:bate* n*i»si.'ner will he appointed for each
rt• of di.,1•1••:'.1 kidrn-vrs o1'. electoral district. The total cost. of
tit. ie acid fr-•tn the hloo,l iii' -the r•en'.us will be shout one million
writ by the eure •'f \leas (3. M. Hut- \dollars and All- told the •cetnus com•
cities, of DunhamMissi•(puoi 1.o tntV missioners will have :.16 questions to
Orli-rradg Eaitnring
Mt I-1:•AN 1/1\ S , I�C�DE
The Family Herald and Weekly Star
combinata n awl three papers, - :
a�c of its.. kind-,
A Weekly Nev. paper -the-best i1. the world.
A Family Magazine lean, wholesome and
An Agricultural Magazine recommended by
the lending 1,r :t:ltt;.ri.ts of Canada:
All three for tl,; .;e of one -only -One-
-Dollar a ti:.
FreeTriplo theOld Couniry
readers t I i he Family Herald and
Weekly Star are >'aing to have a FREE TRIP
t.the Old t..•:iotre in June next. Write for
':ample copy, v i :'; . full particulars..
No home in l ar.'.l:t �llruld be without The
Fa"rlv Iter 1.1,1 ntlJ Weekly Star, of Montreal.
New Seasoll's Mi inery
hits secured : n,', s. lection of the very latest styles
\lillinrr ti will be i.1eAu"d tnshow thein to the ladies
tf lir 'tel and v eit,itt ret her show mom.., Hamilton
The tilmt sp:yrirced-effector in .strapers arta 41'0
Min4e r th'• • r.l311 .si(e nnslirt(1 Lu. Mina
chip i• • ' •• l....uo invited to call at then ,
ren -i' • •
MISS CAMERO''�i', - Hamilton Street, Goderi'.h
(2ur tiles', ilntchine tells the h llsir-' 1311 in on the sc)ledulee now being pre-
ing story of her care :. "1 vies fere- Pared. _---._-___
quentd) trinities; )Yittt and expMri• I iflnocent Wife (walking round with
enced fuller well-known 4y *optn►ns 't her husband. who. ah Pr several futile
kidney diaea..e. 1 was' a1Ao aAected�rttstea in the hunker guarding the
with' rheumetisnl, li,rnhaw' and neo- '•fleet green, htum mirarulfusly playedrsolgia. Mym1.w•1.•s wonld'r►trrp, my out into the hnlel-"My word, !tarty,
limbs would swell, was' nervous and you'll have a job to get out of that I"
had a heavy dragging seas it inn arrow. but it's
the 1 ' 1 eolrld not even walk Mteet7 loves company,
are'a's the room. rough on the company.
-I have only .»ken six boxes of "Isbell tell my daughter that if she
your Hood's Kidney Pills and they persists in marrying Jone's 1'11 not
have 1:1111'dIum
d nae opletely of all my leave her a helf•penny." "1t might
Aches arta pains. " du more good to tell that to Jones.'
"(More bread and
better bread "
Makes just the
kind of biscuits
you like to make
/Published Annnallyl
E 1 e.i'ttadere throughout tl•
orld to communicate direct
With English manufacturers all
dealers in each -lase cf good
Besides being a complete coo
tutorial guide to London rind it •
suburbs, the Ditectvey rontain'
lista of export merchants will
the goods they ship, and th•
colonial And foreign DtarkCtethey
"POT; steamship lines Arrant:
ed antler the ports to srbirh thr
sail. aril indicating the approxi'
mate sailings : Provincial trait.*entices of leading ManufaCty'
era, Merchant's, etc., in the prin
ciptl provincial t:rwns and in
dustrial centres of the United
A r o)'y of the current edltl•"'
be forwarded. 'freight paid.
rip reC*1pt of postal rod,f..I
Iiralers seeking siencies canadvertise 'their trade cants for
El, or larger .dvertisements
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