HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-27, Page 5i'11, `EAY t, , NE O,AN &B ; ;HED ON ' SL II ,ce 7.S CIS. pC111I 1 MKRITS OF ►I( RDS IINiMEHTGO• -- LIMITCD - 311NARU S `CRICJMr a _0410170 S L111MENt , THE 11 ORIGINAL' AND ONLY GENUINE II 1: l\ A 1: I' UE' iMITA- THE SIGNAL : CODERICH. ONTARIO ODE TO A GOBBLER By R. K. Munkittrick Pi? 11014 1 BOO1i-1 N DING ' NIAC.`B ZINES, 1'RRIODICALS suit'__ LIBRARIES bound or repaired. (:61.1) LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS Altnrden. pFomptlJ at ed ie ea leaving ll.vel at SNF: SIO. L, rico. A. E. TAYLOR STRATYORD , CIVIL ENG( ERING VIL v and HT ,autrc $Hgir err,. O, lea o 11.an t Surveyor. entice- McLean Block, Oerten. •gorut- Montreal -tree!. Telephone 137. MEDICAL DR. W. E'. ()ALLOW. M. I. .1a1rc . i.d re.ldence. North -treet. )oterirh. • ,,grit. „f '.Hrty I:egisttynMce. Tele hone la ('AiIEI-U)N, K. C. BA HIS- I F.It, wartulr.-nWatY publle. ju,.,:', . rneea, t•:d ii'li. thhd door grow EI. a•t.•inee., roll(Hor. n,t1. \t,•ey'ohrttsit lo"r.ttaM•. - 11. u. JOHNSTON..BARRIS'I'E solicitor. it IIIIn1Yl.,l:er• Dotety pubil ,lairs. Hamiltul, rum!. ritalericn Ont. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. i,I ILLC.P MUTUAL FIRE • IN - ,1 V N A N (' I. 't' U. -Fano and t.otisted w..•.. erne uu'ured. 1 Unite• .-J.'11. McLean. Pres.. _rib 1V1 Jib, i o. ,oiIy. yiee-Pres.. Ooala•!fuertch 1'. 0 Thoma. . Har-. c'ee.-Trea... reatorth 1'. o (Mecca-Wm.-4'to..oey• Ne.Ifurth : Joh:, ti. uric'% e. w uabrop : lloorge I►ale, Monfort e: John hrr eyds. Ilralhrgen: Jain,•a Evan.., " Brim h A .A :. John %a ae t. list lock ; Nalroltr. M•• I. . , t cuticle. • .l g. ,... J. '1 leo, C.. Kende rn0 h. Fra,( s L - ,a. (.tliniutl,g•. lCgaion die : M:. • nu t •afuh. l'v •o(dem Mur 1•4 ) -. {. ,. .I et•' .r cards receipt/ad a' 1ut A Tho%on. or s It. S. CULL" gr,., r). •i.•, fi 4,4 reel tiodericb eAlliikik Pit' A'rE FUNDMTO Tun . 5'--.V to M. 0. t'AM• lir •... fiat,ata itttr,.'fret (io,lrtil 1. 11 U. HIfite:IITS JN. • IN:,l'ItAN t•:.IrE'T 1, t .to. 1.5 n ..\n: It i•h, C.o.ntnap and \ r •,n 154\1 ;n.xvls$ AND is PZ.orratt' Liar!: i 1 1 h.- Wean Acralei t and t uaraute. rt••rat ion, I.iwiled, of ondon. Fang. 1'1 11i 1' A\I,('1•ANAVYKr:i wla.. The l'.` - (id, fityand Iivarantet t'u pour. 4,141 •'• at re.i ..•nee.l.urthea.t\corner el yi.- r d rt. David "seer•,. 'Phone 17 MaHN W. ('ltARiIE, L'1 E. FIDE t n•1 arcnIent in.Dra..ce. Aateut- foid r lulr • ,!.nal and .tock comuatue•. In.uiytnec in ne.s•tft'eted on bee.. plans and at detest nit e- .. all Ae 'dare, corner Weet :!n -t et au 'i--t4.Ire or edam.. J. W. l'ItAlUlk, Ooderttyr, Uut re!.• ,t „• .,It I LL hail! All hail! Oh, rare and antique bird That lately on the venerable tree Rolled in a ball of sleep, the chill winds heard Moaning in mournful gusts thine elegy! No more the sen will gild thy red cravat Or ripple on thy wing, For time hath caught thee, even as the oat Catches the gray and agile whiskered rat, And now thy praise we sing, Gathered about the board, serene and gay, Upon Thanksgiving day. With joy we see thee lying on thy bark Thy chaste, lush drumsticks sticking in the air; Thy wings in sweet peace folded and, slack, The incense of thy stuffing, pungla' rare, Filling our souls with heavenly melody, The while with fork and knife Thy dark meat and thy white meat fondly we Suffuse with gravy in our revelry And, then, with pleasure rife, Each dainty morsel neatly tuck -away Upon Thanksgiving day. Tlron'rt nobler than the canvasback or goose, The lordly shanghai or the ortolan Or any other minstrel that is loose From Tuscaloosa to Cape Mary Ann. Compared with thee the woodcock is a mere Delusion -all in all; The upland plover neer can be thy peer, Beside thee to the epicure and seer The prairie hen is small. Thor art the bird of freedom anyway Upon Thanksgiving day. -New York Press THE TUBERCULOSIS EXHIBIT. I E Mowed :to Winghao After a Week 1 Goderich. I'Hrltsumr. t)eri I r.k 27, 191 pilepsy, Spasms, °) St. Vitus' Dance e The Provin 1ul tuhrrculobie exhibit. I suffered for many years which ,w,•as shown 1or m week et the 1 from what some people. call lawn hall, moved last week to Wing -1 epilepsy. Dr,, Miles' Restora- barn. Much iutereet was taken in tbe ; : exhibit herr, and Knott results tray b... tier Nervine cured me, and you expected in inereanet. prP( IULlnb' tan imagit►e how thankful I am." against the conuitfous'nhide inane i1..'1. COIF\l:\N, disease. Coldwater, Mich. Below are the %cordo of Kone of the • , My daughter was carol numerous mousier which were ite eluded in the exhibit: I •with Dr. Miles' Restorative CONSUMPTION- Is THE 5.411-! Nervine, after having- been IDEST THL1(I IN THE WORf.D afflicted with•fits for five years." AND iS LARGELY UNNECES- 1'E"TER \IcAC'LEY, SARY.Springfield, Mass. "For a year my little boy had N DARK, DA\IP• 0it POORLY I spasms every' time he got a little VENTILATED ROUMuTHE GERMS cold. Since taking Dr. Miles' OF DANGER. of these. spasms. MRS:' MYRTLE DAGUE, C(INsteMPTION CAUSES MORE DEATHS THAN 'ANY OTHERI)IyE.\SE. NEARLY ONE-THIRDOF ALL THE PEOPLE WHO DIE BETWEEN THE .1GE8 OF 'X ANI) 41' YEARS DI E• O}' CONSUMPTION. REMAIN FOR MoN HN A SOURCE Nervine he has. never had one DON'T LIVE IN A ROOM WHERE THERE IS NO FRESH Al R. DON'T WORK iN . A ROOM INHERE !THERE Is NO FRESH :\IR. DON'T (SLEEPE. IN . A ROOM WHERE THERE IS NE) FRESH AJR. THE 'TROUBLE is TII \'T I'EOPLE DU INOT ALLOW EN(It n1I E'RESHAIR AND ENOUGH SuNLIOH'r fN1'U THEIR HOMES. PRiSCILLA PREACHES. On the Nelda Art sf Being Thankfwl Oraosfulty. ' ' Every Rlrl wisber'sbe was ebarmlnp ole Vele_ w it So fervently they a.•tunllj' o "lolmethlog to briug around the happy result. Otbers Just build nirentitles on such foundatk,us and a full pocketbook, which gives un• United I•rieileges In the • matter of boosting frocks and frills. - \Ilore arty than you can count on yobr two haled' go to !take up that composite gift, personal t harm. Oce of theta is appropriate to tbe seneon- tbe net of giving thanks gracefully. Hav1e'yoii er practiced -it? It not. Thankeelting, Is the appointed time to begin tt make,' men adore you.. old people speak beautiful words id-j•ou and young. women envy you. Perhal.v you are going to Thanksgiv- ing service if you are the kind of girl who Ilves up\to the good old New Eng- land custom). ‘Perhaps you belong to .the new Idea r'ti*v With whom football. hal risen super, or eten to the turkey Perhaps you are day's oiiting In the matter where, it et going, too. and It e." .'Armed Wif h C'(Nst MP'f1Oa )►AY BE CURED TAKEN IN TIME. Har ALLY -NOT IF OTHERWISE. E'ItE. 'H AIR, RE•VY, FOOL-`FHEME GIVE SUI" Y5 ''R ('HANI'E "'R) (,ET Vp LL 1F U(N1l'MPTIVE. BE KIN TO THE' t'ARJI.FUL VE AS YG1; WOULD. M+ KIND 10,Y01' iF -- . THE FIRST .THANKSGIVING. IIAVE (1'1'11 It Was Celebrated Under ''Many Per- • • plotting Dif lculties\.• ' !! When in the autumn of itAT( Mama. that 1 tHereted-G ..vy- ninon to join the colonists in a h festival the Thanksgiving day tri or woolen began. Mistress Brew. end Priscilla Mullins and Constnn Hopkins and little Remember- Alter - ton and thle rest of the dozen wotnen •who had sure ived the first terrible Plymouth winter set to work to maks ready for the celebration. Their alp` .hoard+ were not mucb like the gener- ous 'ardent of merry England, but wbat they were to eat zit this feast should 1* nt their best. Thiere was the "standby" of hasty pudding nnd moles/we. 'There were dinner at meldRidge_ for n long frosty country, pretty Rut* that he ' ought to be written ' t ehry4fanthemum and n pnrelvinaaeu ORne'lenge of gratitude for n day away from the grinding eerie] of nitlee or (, shop. be will call for yon early with n g' blithe "Well. Isn't tat] n days to be till thankful for?" And what reply will yop have ready for him? if mother conld not nfferd to give you a new frock for the day nr tf your ]lender salary forbade quite as stunning a costume as your mind's eye pictured. will you say to cold, care. less fakhlon. "Wen, i don't know that I have much to be thankful for." or. "Plense do not spring that chestnut on me; you know Thanksgiving day is a mere form In this money making age" Girls do any-sucb absurd things-- when Something goes wropg'irlth their clothes' . Can't yon see how von will queneh that Venue man's enthusiasm and his MARRIAGE LICENSES ODUKHI(tH, ON7. 1 --,'telt OF NIS H/ UADIC LIC(:\ -F:.•'. W. (.AVE, ISSUER OF NEARED mit; licenses. Ooderieh. Ont. • - 'SHAVING PARLOR URDFORD BLOCK BARBER SHUP- - Thi. well-known and popular stand otters it. patron,. the best cervico In shaving hail. e u ins, etc., etc. 1A4154..hampooing a -r»1alti- 4)1147 skilled hands employed. lour tvronese will be appreciated. H. 11. HOEHNIES. Proprietor. ARCHITECTURE + {t7'lll'R J. BARCLAY,'UEDA L t1 I.Ir'T Royal institute British Architect - Ho -iArorr ",Gtr House. Ooderlch..J'Ians.dr Ai•d -1 •tiaeation. prepared for rtla4denee. sod p•,h!u 'lou ildings, 4;orre-pondencc in vio•d AUCTiONEERING 'f IIUMA5 GUNURY, L1VESTOCK and general auctioneer. 0411res on South due% where he v.111 he found atall tine. when Hot erykng .ale,.. Terme ren -unable and every 'wort u.rd to give yuu satisfaction. Thune ATTEND THE BRAT. IT PAY. Elliott BusinessCol/ege TORONTO. ONT. Best place in Canada for Superior Hnsim'sa Education. (tontmen••e new. Catalogue free. LONDON. ONTARIO Business & Shorthand AUSJI:CT5 Resident aryl Mail Courses C.talogu.. Pose 1 0. w.,eer..l.. 1. W. w....r..h. 1' . ( A Pnnne.I Vie.-Prinno.l. r\' est Ulna Ae A DAY TO nR TIIANAT TIA eon. faith In yonr good temper at the same moment? One night at a dinner some clever men were asked wby they bad not married their first love. One men Raid because she had not spoken to hlln ail the way to the theater. He bad been ten mtnntes late and the cnrtaln had risen. He thought how awful It would be to live twenty years or leant with a woman who turned 'tient and morose over every trifle. To he thankful In a graeetnl wry learn to look down instead of up when figuring on yonr blessings. Do not look at Alice May's golden hair end then worry about your own pale brown treat -S. Look at Mary Ann's freckles and be thankfnl for your own olive titin. Real gratitude ronetetrl of ma- ts* the host of things, and le not tat forth In any church- Star. esssAsorr 141400QHT wrre urM SIN or Etta PROM elan) chowder sad oysters roasted in big clam shells. Wild turkeys were abundant, and one day's ebooting de- termined the characteristic dish of the feast fur all the year to come. Plum porridge delighted the few children, and the guests were to introduce child- hood to tbe festive pope -ore. Rut when Massasoit came tie brought with him ninety of his people. The first Thanksgiving dinner, instead of being served to fifty. was served to nearly three times that Dumber. More- over. the 'mica, stayed three days, and in spite of I. .r present of fee One deer one dues ant doubt that they lett empty pantries and weary bostessea t.ctilnd then) and that for a week thereafter the colonists lived on "pick- ed up dinners." 11nfttlry repeats Itself, The noble uturn festival too often wenn for -mother"' only a week long baking day 1111(1 little time or atrengtb for the giv- }!i. of thanks. Bat we need not repro- deer the Plymouth situation. Priscilla could not set her wild Indians to serve her. bat today the preparations for the dinner %may be divided among tbe many hands which make light work. Stoning_ the raisins, picking the tur- key, straining the cranberries, spIIt- ting the kindling, cracking the nob, petting the tnhle, furnish oeoupation for ell, from grandfather to sir -year- old. For one day In the year "mother" must have more help than she can use from the busy how before breakfast tfotll The last dish is weshed et night The guests at this family festival should be at home In kltrhen and par- lor alike. So the homemnker may hernelf an- swer to the esti for gratitude for "the return of eeedtlme and Aarveal the inrmnac nt the ground and the gats- ering to of the fruit thereoL"-Yoatles Companion. VUL' LID'f4 Rochester, Ind. ",\I% daughter couldn't talk or walk from St. , Vitus'. dance. Seven bottles of DY: Miles' Nervint entirely cured l!er." - MRS. NA\'NiF. LAND' Ethel, Ind. "t71ttil my son was 30 years Id he had fits right along. \Ve r;t\ ( h;nl. seven bottles of 1)r. 'Il1•. • Restorative Nervine. He tear: not hail a ht since he began ton tL'l fifth kettle. M RS. R. DUNTLEY, . \Vautoma, \Vis. Pelee 51.00 at ur drupylst. He should supply you. f yohe does not, send price to us. we forward prepaid. IDR MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto. SLEEP WITH O1:1t,\VINU0\V ()PEN. DuN'1' }, ' .\ E'ItA11) 01' 41' 144" COLD AIR..: REAL REDUCED TES. A Pair of Leading. Papers at Little • Cost.. . We always have iotrn for e Fob.. 1'114 1 4 4411(1 we'coMe .eve l y .flew '1railer eve anothtr valued mend of N ever increasing clientele. y a tips- 'ial. inducement we are c .0 t•,. anent able to offer The \Week( 1 Unit 11'1 Etnpit4-.along wnh out own 1'+.iwr, the two together'ttom not4 to Imolai • t, 1911, for 2.i cents, or from i ow l,e !maty I, 1.014 toe ;teem Either rate is re rare opportunity to i r.l Iain a (wore arqu' iiitan(tr welt; ese two tit suable 'uewbpepres--that , •t viler own 11i .t f let and a great Canal- - .'.ar week!)Send .111 t.td.'ts to rift' 111' this pat:?h t, Anything Se Thankful Tor an the gond things of this earth Ut m!n&imd gall and honey. rem maidensmelody and mirth And. moat of all. for money- Thla to the der when thanks amass And shoots he paid with pMaaere While tnolhennw tarkoye yield tet 1w A wawa. eerne tretesra I A DRY SADDLE WHEN IT RAINS IF YOU WEAR 40.6411Fish Bcol) POMMEL SLICK 111•! la.c nCIANO 77(1 CAYrsrr /7 Orlj AGULJ A Ti f SUCKER OF QUALITY (lib- Neese owl? e. TOWER CANADIAN LO. ire TOPOMTC. CANADA. ACE CREAM is the next hest thing to the secret of irrtwtual youth. sk the young -looking ladies - hey E.nt,w 'why. 25 cents bo a nice big jar. b ij on the Job. ' re•• bey % r. 4•t nit•. Stain ale with the i' the Coo.- ae;lt - 111 I • .. Int l\ let able , '•'h,• I,t, b •- t ••elf dt.❑ ,tell, horyeyr i, ! .fold and guaranteed by 22!7 ''!....h „:l,tInt • his Soon F. J BUTLAND. '. • F. f, ! •-5s . :•.'g''.tl•t II:ettaint i. H. C. DUNLOP. E. R. WiGLE. .',Iv. • . h.t.-•!w,i) resented, GOD"?RICH t, •nr•1, - 7 he ,pies(to is rat'rtl' _-- ,••w by a 1.1,4 .'fun .\rtny C Main ill t - iregtt, who tits no lit mht of the' • , dee ies rontin't..l' exlbtellrt 11 W.••d .Ictiel, v. Ho ai,l 4 h them, ..tyAsQlpafl0!1 Is the Ile in th.'Witlnv C r t' • VVP.iM•I ove• •11 he'll, tit» and 1 i', -' root of many forms of era One yea entire 14ErfE Iltes.a Widow. tiler. nc. ••\'1'" think the I,cntluhim .tier swing+ a* far hell t am Po u -l- y does he.tyenwnr. • fl devil till the 1 1 sickness and of an endless amount of It' (rya ly '41 on J•,) i►114 king /4110411 far vie! wee." , human misery. ,one INIMIIIII %\•ho five .w if t h• ' I4. v,i had ibilrrd gene 1114.1 of 4,4141,., - .1..111.1 Nate -this in their hat-. Dr. Morse's \Windsor peened. \ Indian root pills lixt Iry did coos stnp.I etntin't "fil':,_"tYet+,-rtr%r Ri[t -Root Pills, 1.,.iy Ile wll right, as far es I know•. t T gut to think the colddnt 1 leach or she wouldn", he going w' n 4154'• 40 1 denied tjtadys lahn ing the fstrrily wlhnu.t Phis is my Aim! 11'nr.th. 1'b. v' =:'e 1 resenthhe bel•. Sh.- d°.• I .1 -10 !- • Tom 1.tfu.iVI lyi_"Um slur 111-1 wasn't her Low:" Antl alcnlo had no Int. ieet after that. title (tft,- r •.'lop•'men! I -"1 i errired 4 '1tlter from Julyt to a). He writes :liar he I a. jil-t tin'Mhed braking hr ! t%•I1. Hr--T2'iLhe_ le arra-eTelot.s 1 . hr -"Ye•, inurrtl' he ha- l.R .0I•hi'-1 - iu-,nty to .an uy%! •.. for Lolsflestii nlinl .•• - . thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred troubles. TrY therm._ - 25c. a box. FE!tJINGLE UNDERH'EAR THAT is the name, and below isrtha trademark, you are to Look for next time -y u • buy underwear. • Your sizeIti-any liiiment with that trademark will fit perfectly, will oft;wear ordinary underwear, will not shrink. Yet you pity nothing extra for this 7Ctra value : and you get oar arantee of " money back if you etin fairly claim it." '.':Ade at Paris in Canada, fry PLNMANS Limited. 51 ingie to XUPISHIRINKABLL"alt Trade nark 'Phone 'liar's Scotch Store Phut* MORI_ New Mantles RECEIVED Tills WEEK. • We" regret the. inconvenience - tt►at was reused last week by our New ('outs not arriving. They arrived fi week, and are. wit It• out a doubt, rcen nattier garments then even write oar tirbt lot. They are all marked at our usual popular- prices, and nun here can better garments be nought for lets than at our stole: Three special- in 'ladies' Bieck ( aide, 11111 length, wait -tailored. very hands garment*, at $Lo.oc, $12.59 and $i5.00 each. GIRLS' and MISSES• COATS. Our sales of Kit lb' ':uu) wissr- Coate have been bigger than we exiweted. Nate have got iubt the kind of garments that the girds want. at nest the price (het mothers went to Ivey for thele. in all the rte %e t cloths, anti color 1I1 *. . I N PANT S' and LIT TLE. l: l RLS' e COATS steal Patters No 3677 We say. with all sincerity, we ATTRACTIVE AFTERNOON COSTUME have the hest Assorted stock of inf lute' and lat.tie girl-. Coat, in tht- county of Hut or. and not excelled for variety, ttyie and aetilerstiun in price in many of _the city elm,. • , Children'.. Be,trakin (hints. tactit two to ,1v yeei•, in %%hitt• and color", at $1.75 tot *6.011.\Tbawe nytty 11Nle garments have l., he eeon to be N ppl•eCillt. d. Infants' embroidered Cashmere Coate and Rolwis are aspecialty with has. A large belection 1.1 et' ewe from. $'2.111 upwacdr. E:VE'ItYTHING IN CHILDREN'S SMART WEA 1t. Stork Pants. Stork Sheet:ngs. Have' Tots tried-MeGell-Patterns -y't t ? 'Phone 56 D MILLAB CO. 'Phone 56 s OUR AIM The .,im ‚Cita. firth o4 He111 Elliott {s and will lir to gt%r S 1 . • i n ,c h BEST to' e public t Ih a cornett t -tyle and %freer in tit t Shows rand It -utters. %Vt' ,1 . • t let it; the to a n 11- I.0 un.•t-, awl thereby procure It • held. got ,l- :1 t Lot tom '11 ices. We handle the ce'ebratf•d. GRANBY RUBBERS'. Trunks and Travelling Goods_ 111 4 hi rte ;intendtterrying the at 'eoniplete assn tr.te(1 :,1•• of the city. Shoe Repairing Wie 'have in charge of on' ; shop one of flee lest meehanit s. Nark promptly tied well di rte. HERN ELLIOTT The Signal and Weekly Globe to Jan. 1st, 25c A Cold Weather Need The chilly evenings of the t:li winter w(';itht•t' will (it-i,ri t' ht'rr, \\ h t h t\ i11 sitate,your purchasing,a.gooLl Kitchen Range or an up-to-date Heater. We have' the exclusive-agencl iiT-Crodericlr for the MOFFATT and- GARLAND STOVES We carry the best assortment in the c•ounty and we ..lig) u1 l be pleased to bave you cstI and inspect our lines fore you decide as to the kilt .to buy. When ging any. painting, call t111 .u,. \\:( handle the bet- Martln•Senbur 100 per cent. Pure Paint Fred Hunt's Cheap Hardware Store HAMILTON STREET, GODERICII PI ;inhale, Heattng, Hardware, Eavestroughing 1