HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-27, Page 4iyrt'R4D.%Y, Ot-roBCn 27. 19111
A , .
The B1ak-Shou1dice Co, Stock, of Toronto
THIS biz wholesale house assigned several weeks .Igo and the stock was sold for the benefit of the creditors. It was bought at a low rate On the dollar and then slaughtered to
the merchants who were fortunate enough to be at the sale. We were one of the first to get in the door when this sale started and you can imagine the result We simply
bought bale after bale and case upon case of new and seasonable goods that had never been opened. It would have done you good to have watched us buying right and left among
'the sea of merchants that gathered there from all parts of Ontario for the big sale. Yes, we bought heavily. We knew the people of Goderich and surrounding country wouldlap-
'reciate getting goods at the low prices that we could afford to sell them at, and it was this faith we had in you that urged us on in this heavy buying. We knew that if we made
the prices right you would 'do the rest. This is going to be your opportunity. We have never deceived you yet and we are net"going to start in now. It will be a sale of real
bargains- the kind you will appreciate.
STARTING ON TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1ST, AT 1 P. M., our doors will be open for this, the biggest selling event of the season and
for eleven days (to November 12) there will be a regular bombarding of prices in every department every day of the sale. It will take us all forenoon 03 the first Tuesday of the
sale to get the goods opened up and marked for selling, and we hope our customers %% i11 not be disappointed in our closing our doors for a few hours, as otherwise we could not get
ready in time. On this page we can only give you a slight idea of the values that you may expect here during this sale and as we said before this big purchase will affect the sell-
ing prices in every department. Come as early in the sale as you can and come every day. We will certainly interest you as we have never done before. It's a sale of unheard-
of values the sale is for you DON'T MISS IT.
Staple Department
7 groes cel ton
I...uls, 24 to 0)black. .
..id white. bale OWL
3spools for
1 cane Adamantine
Pins. regular :ic.
. Sale, 0 papers for 5C
10 gi o.s '1&f e t y
Pin•.onedor n ou
• card. assorted size.,
regular 5c. Sale 4.1111.price 2 tor
. &gimes li,mkt; and
Eyre., all sizer. ret.
obit per e a r d 3c.
Sale, i c e 3 5C
Shoe Laces. ;1'
and /5 inches loin/
sale price, p e r 5c
111 dozen ('urtain., regular $111.4 and $1.2.. 79c
1u:e. .7
:.1111 y trete heavy Flannelette. good value at 91
1_1r. Sale prier- - _ __---• 4C
4i,It yards Towelling, regular 7e. Sale price at1
price less than cheesecloth- per yard 4_c
10 dozen Towels with . red borders and fancy -ch
Fig, regular 2.11. Sale price 1 T..wels for 29
575 yards -Wen pneret tea, all extra widths, regular 10
15c. Sale price while it hate o
1 case Fe.ctory Cotton, 40. (eche. wide. extra
,quality, regular 14c. Sole, per yaR•d 100
5114 yards of Ribbon, :3 to le inches in width. in a go•.•I
range of colors, suitable for hair rihhuns, regular
- values pinad
to A $e: Se prieel per yard 11 o
We will take terns produce in any quantity ring.this
•,ale. and w.• will continue tap do as wed. always done
--pay the highest price and higher tharrie paid in any other
store in any part of the county. We have a market that
few can reach and we re. produce to be right. We
are giving 27c a doze r new -laid eggs. We also take
apples, potatoes, er and all kinds of produce.
hop as early in the day as possible. Doors open dot t
ing the sale at A M. m..ctose at 0 p. m. Men's depart men -
open from 7 to 8 p. m. to give the workingman a chance.
511 dozen men's
linen Collars. t egu-
Iar 15c and 25c val-
uer, in all styles end
Sale price
each only .. .. 50
11 dozen men':
four-in-hand ,N.+ek.
ties, excellent pat-
terns, ..ellregularly
at 2.k'. .,4 de 121
price, each. 2o _
1511 pairs men's
w.,nl S .r x ...extra
weal weaves, regu-
lar 'Sic. Sale
price. per pr. 150
:01 pairs Mitts
and pilus✓•, travel-
lers' samples. divid-
ed into three _lots
for easy selling, all
sizes.' Special price
1'. it. No., 1, 450
lot No. 2, Ido
Lut No. 3. ddo
:ii dozen suits
men's fall weight
Underwear, mostly
shirts in -tile lot.
Sale price ..-. 250
714 dozen nom .
fleece - lined under-
wear Shirts and
Insister". goo.) qual-
ity, amid regularly
all over at $1 per
4�- rllamelntP prim
only .,..,,.. 390
4 dozen men's
fine negligeefihirts,
sizes to 161r,
.regubir values 0;k.
/'ICnd lar. Special
sale price while this
lot lasts. per
garment.. 470
:15 men's Suits;made from striped and checked tweed..
Ali sizes to start the sale but we cannot promise them
to last the entire gale. While they last, $6.95
regular 810.041 suite for
111 men's Suits, made from fancy and plain all -wool
worsteds and merges -the kind of suits the test -dressed
men wear. These are better than home -tailored suits
and you can easily save a len-dollar bill at the pt ices we
aro *siting. Some of these suits would sell regularly aa
hisft as $.'. Bale price, any suit in tln• en $15.95
lire lut (your site is here)............• . ... .
Ladies' Ready -to -Wear
5dozen slack sateen
♦l sista, regular $1.'9. Sale 7 c
5• dozen Skirts, trade tion.
striped worsteds, panatnas and vene
tian cloths. regular value $2 X7(7 9
6450 to SO, Sale price..
I0dozen nniy whitelawn R ai..tr.
re•eular values $1 50 to- $:3• 69.
Sale price . ... v✓
110 ladies. snits and Coats. '1'6e
are all roan -tailored in the lat• cr
.•loths and hent ahades at values the,:
dont come every day.
No. 1 is a nlnin, man -e -dieted
suis, ftinuped with fancy hnttoes.
self collar and rutin. two pocket.'.
satin -lined, meets from f e n e e
wnrated, strips effect collars. little,
Meek, envy and green. RP..III.r
value $18. Sale price
.per snit $12,50
211 IadIPfl Stilts NO in nae 1.'•
values from $12 to $15. c8..75
-Sale price per suit
25Iaditm ('oats in a gond ra_nge
of styles. This lot is most) - an-
uferturerli samples, o Iv one of
Path P
style. R
$10.110 to $Z _ .IO Male $15.00
prices fro to. .
1 all lea f11,111
Shoe Department
3Parasols, regular
"85c. Sale price .. 09en
5 dozen sateen Skills, well made with dust frill. 49
While they last, sale price • • . • e
70 pairs ladies' Gloves, regular $1.0'1. Sale price C9
per pair o
10 dozen 'rubes' V-neck MoMlers, one in box,
usually sold at 50c. Stale price 35c
Men's Department Continued
Boys' Suits. all sizes selling doting this .ale ,.t pti. ea
that should effect a sale every time, Prices $1 60
range range upward from
25 boys' Suite, regular $3.00 Sale price $1 00.
75 men's black Overcoats, full length, gond heat y
linings, all size*, regular in any other store $6.50
$s.UO. Our hale price each only �l
75 men's Trouser.., -"regular 81.25. While this
lot lasts sale price, per pair 850
85 pairs men' ant*, in gond amid tweeds. plain
and striped. regular -value $2.It0 and $2.25. V
Sale price pts pair .....noon.
pair& ladies Dongola and grain Bal Shoes. si7ea
to 7. regularly .sold at $1,50. ' Sale $1 19
price .7
110 pair,; la,lise fine box calf and Dongola kid Shoos,
all Blucher rut, sizes 3) to 7, sold repnlarly at. 82 25 t ,
$3.511. While they lust, tale price, 'Per $ 1 95
pair 1�
a case-. men's fine patent cult Bats. all eines f►• tm 5
to 11. sold regularly at front $3 50 to $4.00. $2 98
Special rale. per pair s
" •3 raves men's fine b .x •• df Shoe.. Blucher style. extra
well made, all sir.•s, 0 to 11. regularly sold at $2,75
$3 50. Our epeci tI s ale price, per pair
Grocery Department
20 sacks rolled
flats, at., 111 lbs
for 2 O
2011 Broome, reg
ulav 411c and 50c.
Sale price each
only .,.. 250
250 marks of Red-
path'. granulated
Huger, in Pealed
sacks. mold all over
for $5.50 to$3. 75 per
aaek. Our special
rash sale $4 98
rice noon DC7
A. full line of choice gr.tceries always fresh, and the
pri,e.:.re always r:ght.