The Signal, 1910-10-27, Page 3THE
Press Assn-
e1Yrtt lit, 1116. by American
`t"°°'THEs way began itis
cross that day. i.'or. one thing,
she had u big l banki,gtt faA THANKSGIVING"'" BY
baking 10 do in un oldisilibiuued
house -a here pies n Valet ' w'i're made FRANK II SWEET
by the quantic
diem, *sly remise whirs OWNS still
general!y mambo a visit to the taw
for ler usual Meta.
Sbr toot not born out very lour when
dawning Margery seat out to SOO
'Ger awl sloe was roue. I4o one had
seen her sinee breakfast. Margery felt ,
very bad and atter looking all about
came to the sad cuncluskn, that she
had strayed away and got lost, for the
whole flock wuud,•retl far off to feed.
But flu next morrti ip at breakfast
time Kris walked in, an usual. and be-
gan to beg for food. Margery hugged
her and fed her. nod she ate as though
she was starved.
When she had finishers ber meal she
went out Again. and about noon her
tittle mistress sought ber again, ant
again she was missing.
'Phis now Iwcpme the regular thing
with Kris. Every morning she was on
hand for her breakfast, and in spite of
watching she vrouldr slip niyay ant
hide so that' no one could find her
Poor Margery 'flan simoet henrtbro- .
ken at this tendency to vagrancy; to
her pet, but Hannah only smiled and
'Wait a bit and you'll see something
But. thongb •Ilannah had her tempi
clone. she•was not prepared for what
really occurs$ one day.
-alfttir this strange conduerbad been
going on.for • few weeks there came a
Then. shift' she twine out 0( the I•it011- •uah Sure, autl can It he the ooe 1
tip u- minute, Margery lu a (relit; with l,leketl myself this evening has come to
puss had tweet the cburu with Its load
"How did you kill 11?" asked Mrt
"1 didn't kill it at all. The botberin'
crater killed itself akin' beans that
gut soaked ID no brandy, and I had
le stop mywork and dress it before if
cooled." -
"Well, it evidently was not dead."
said Mr. Winslow- ' "But now We
'dressed you better cut off its head
"Ob, no, papa!"
died \largery.
who stood on
the 'delis "Don't
kill the poor
thing: I'll take
care of It some-
"But It'll freeze,
dear." said papa.
going heck ,IoW
the kitchen.
"No; 1'11 -fix it
I'll maks -it
ns on top, was supposed to be safe - wait'. Plea/filet
ugh. bot unfortunately oo this ape- f y. a d e d
afternoon the outside door was Nargeryesmeat-
of creuw all the.suow White door.
•That made plenty of extra work. but -
Abe, crowning disaster ties to 'Diet
when she went to the pantry for -Hie
beans she Iitended to bake that a bot-
tle of ',rattily that she bad kept last
primmer to Lathe ber aukie, which she
bad y.raloed to falling down the cel
lar stairs, had been upset.
It shred far out of the way on the
top shelf, but unfortunately the dish
of beana was directly under It, and the
brandy had dripped 'over them. soak
log them so thoroughly that it was Lot
possible to use them.
' But (11. and was yet to come On
ending the beans ruined she simply
emptied them Into the pall which stood
at the kltcheo door and, washing her
bands. set 10 work to koead her big
pan of puffy bread dough
Now, the kitchen door opened Into
',woodshedand the ash pall, with .the
'f'be besot. had not been there Mug
before •e turkeys canoe atouwi to be
fed,"aa t ual. sad one of then. of a
pia nig .11 .nsltton. uoticet tie opeu
door and, robably remembering the
pod things t t tame out of the door,
to the etre and walk-
s�uia•lly b'ul'b.!
ed In
Nothing to to
for the eras0m. now gettlug severe, and
--yea--a pall withptbing In it
"Ab; that looks gotil: l'11 try It."
thought the curious tuttey (Do doubt).
She did try 1t, and, not being aenal-
ttve In either taste nr smelt she never
Mopls•d trtlIlg It until ahs bad swal-
lowed all the top ones, soak 11 bran-
dy, and then turned to go.
The etre• t was sad.
Her bead whirled around, It la sup-
posed. ' At `. any
rate. tier legs, re-
fused to hold tier
up, and she fe
to the ground ID -
Half 80 Hour
later LIanuab
went out for more
wood to repien-
lab her Ore and
In the gathering
darkness s t u m -
bled over the tur-
key, still lying
A glance at the
fowyfo see that
Odie wait hot out-
wardly hurt and
another at the
pail told the
Shameful story.
"Here's n One
a OL.A/ICS TOI.0 Till bit u' work!" ex-
IHAn/IUL STORY. claimed Ilannah,
Dining the limp turkey over. "The
1t1iot has gone and killed herself en-
tirely with those . ?ans. I'd like to
know who left open that door! Well,
wee, I want a turkey for Thanksgiv-
ing. and this Ode died by accident, and
its meat will be as good as though I'd
wruug ber neck."
lin. muttering ant grumbling to her-
self, after fixing ber Ore she attacked
the turkey, for. though she was some-
times croon, she was always eeoi•om-
kal, and she knew no questions would
be asked as to bow It came to Its end,
provided It was fat aod was roasted
In a few minutes she had the feath-
ers off, except those on the wings and
tall, 8,111 she laid the !ricked turkey on
a bench to cool, shutting the door to
ke.y out the Cat while she finished
some other work.
Meantime tea time arrived. The fam-
ily came home and were All at the ta-
ble when the door Aural open and 11111) -
nab rushed In. evidently frightened out
Of ber with,
"Ob. !d r. Winslow," she cried,
"there's something in the woodshed,
all In white, and it ran after Inc when
I went for aotne wood, and 1 dermal
go oat there, if you plisse!"
Mr. Winslow, supposing some animal
had got in, left the table and, Arming
himself with the poker as he passed
throngh the kitchen, threw open the
Silence and darkness only.
Yet In n moment came nn nndlhie
rustling nn the wood pile and an Indite -
tint t glimpse of something white.
"ltring the light, Hannah!" rolled
Mr. Winslow, and, taking a candle
from her trembling hand he led the
way to the strange nbjeet
"it's n white --sky, no. It isn't!" he
%femora ,1 lane.f ea be drew nearer
in the flnttering. f t trued thtng.
'It's 1 4trlare, It's a pl' ked tnrkeyl
Wine,' on ea� :.
but piles of wood
"Web. I doo't
rare, child." said
her fat her, laugh-
ing. "De as you
like aod dress It
up. 1 want a
fat gobbler and
Dot a five pound
ben turkey for Thanksgiving "
After some trouble the ehlverlag,
naked turkey was caught and carried
into the warm kitchen It was care-
fully u-ratmed In an old skirt fur the
night and tied into a basket.
The astonished creature rebelled and
fought against the Indignity of wear-
ing a flannel skirt. bat cold conquere-sI
sea really a pretty good tit-conaid-
M Iitg. r
As orunment Margery,newed some of
the fringe of the abuwL--.around the
neck like It ruff, at the edger where
the wltigs ought to be and around the
le•gw ' So when dressed the unfortu-
slate. or. rather, naughty. turkey look•
tri like a new plaid variety of the scar-
le1 flamingo. with side pockets and
fciiiged drawers.
.The appearnIee of ,lirlstine stalking
amend lu her new snit was very fun-
ny. •Ilnw We boys did laugh! And
even pagan had to wipe away the laugh-
ing tears.
In tuts dress the next morning, OM
,lie bad been ted daintily, Margeryln—_
troSlnced her to ber old friends of the
poultry yard by opening the •kttcbee
leer and letting ber walk out where
the turkeys were taking their break-
fast. .
'Margery thought they would be glad
to see her; but. alas, this dietingulabed
stranger In gay attire was not recog-
nized. They stared and scolded at ber.
am] the old gobbler ruined up his
ftort\hers and dragged his wings on the
t:rt,,toi nnd.08me up 1,10 her. saying
"Gobble, gobble. gobble!"
Kriatine`eeemed to be disheartened
at MIS ecolne'etwon tbe part of ber fns
Ily and slunk into a corner, as though
ashanttad of her oe dress. Then the
family crowded a and Ger to punish
her impertinence 1 coming ahnon;:
them and „etaally been to peek nt
het ,-
�targery. who was watiebing from
e 0Inik.w, could hardly I tieve her
gyral �attrsed. aCIn_
all. + king at the poor outcast,. who
finally fled aereaming across. the• v. rd
MMrtte'r�i flew to the door. anti Krish
herded lis, just ID Anne 10 evicape tbe
whole fain! , who were close upon ber.
"You poor, \clear Kristine!" she mar
murepi over her echen sbe bad tier safe-
ly lu her artns. \"Dttl they peck you"
The naughty things! You shan't go
with theta any inn ' You shall stay
with me In' the hoot
So it came to be at st. Hannah ,
grumbled a little: but, atter all. she
^ouldn't say mach. fer 1t was by ber
own fault that the poor thing !oat Its
own winter coat. Before long the
family grew quite attached to Mar
gery'p pet. whose name they shortened
to Fats. •
On Iger part Kris was a very bright
bird. She.would come when cola -by
mune, and she never failed -fo be on
band 'at mealtimes, whet, she would
walk aeound the -table and receive del-
e•ate bits' trofn every one. • ,
W • her little mistress was study -
Kris would Vend and
book nt her. turtling her knowing bead
first one side 811(1
then the other
a o'd sometimes
saying in a reflec-
tive way:
As soot as looks
and work were
put away she was
ready for play.
In fact. she en-
joyed her atraoge
life very much
and grew fat un-
der it, so that
pretty soon the
boys began to
tease Margery by
suggesting that
ber pet was'ready
to take her place
on the table.
The only time
she seemed to
be uncomfortable eeTnta IN A BF.Ft.F,
w'as when the Tier WAT, "Quit:"
TitURSDAr. Ou'.OnFR $l. 19,1f1 i
Massey -Harris
Best Range
for Your
Ther'_'s c'li1V one best in anything ranges t.r
thing els',
W:GA i ' i,c1if(41s.tratt' t.) y.'ll why 11.1 sikv
this 1=1lperiial ()xi, r+l 1Z:4nt;t is the best range i`ii_ r
\'i QUI' 1:itt'ht'tl. ,
This i,.. era ri.,l i.:Itent timid -only en Gurney -Oxford Rangrt.-
-e,hi e -i hut.. h' 1,1 a•xl.• Ase•. , Keel.s tit+ r-unnil.g 0,1 1. , tilt h, t hr clot.
Figutc that milts d„Ilse :uul scut, -
smother Cnrt,ct-t':c91.1 patent •.!'read-. • , .,ver the entire
over. "Matteit kik: i i 1, tt u': mell:ns KWh ,:i:,,,-,- .ru-t us t•1l ..
upper. Figure 11s• tow,.:::;,1 v•,rry,av04 un that
Ibis a h:df.sluzen other •• I'eci,tl features worth et•ery-thing 1., v•,u
1,,r e'+uvenien'.c'auh ei•onoir'.. Features that tan be demon•.trate•d in
the stere it; .. i+tiy, i ,+ •oo.• .:curt etplaift here.
ia18'r11'f1 WA
It, and nt last It cud
In its strange new
Through the long 9
lowed the turkey was
prtaoner, and by the
malty plans had been thou
its etmfort.
That was a great day for .
who was eonflned to the house
irate lungs and who longed for
thing to pass away tbe hours
iea1Olte were over and the daily
ing "stint” finished. -
Here was aomething to do: The new
pet was fell and the lessons and sew -
Ing hurried through, so that by noon
she was free to carry out her plans.
By this time the
turkey had fon' .l
out that Marg. v
wouldn't hurt it
and was not so
frightened as It
had ten Mat
night, so **benthe little girl
took It In her
arms It made lit-
tle objection.
"Now you mast'
have a name.”
said Margery
softly, carrying
her new play-
thing oft into
her especial cor-
ner of the 'bTR
kitchen, where
work and Han-
nah never enme.
" me ere e."
she went on.
MARt:ERY FFn 1118. „I'll name you
after my lovely doll that got broken-
Krlatlne- and I mutt make yeti /tome
clothes so you can walk nround end
not be hobbled tip s0."
With the heti) of mamma the nosy
timegirl enntrlved a tort of eget for
Krlafine. 1t was made of an old shawl
and was bright scarlet, with black *
white plaid.
It enme pretty well ap en the nee*
and of course covered the toted len.Thr wings were left Inside It wall
fastened together at the breast *0A
day that fol-
ept n 'close
n t morning
ht out for
cheerful kitchen Was scrubbed. '
o sooner did Hannah appear on tbe
•ne with scrubbing brush and go
(10 n ou her knees to polish the door
i .0 (:ria would hop by a sort of lad-.
for he
she sued.
enable, till
her Iltile nil
into the sitttn
The pinta.
to .pend the-tln
from the yard d w.
over the woodeliet ....which was ..-ept
worm by the kttch ehlmn: y. t nu'
there's where her duet or roost. if ta--
prepared for her and sere she aas
thin up every night. Bu she was s^
lonely and unhappy and t 1 to hnr,1
lo get out and %forgery w so fond
of her for a playmate that a genet- •
-tltr got down before brcakf t and
did not so hack until Mi111ta'', hich
Is at dusk In the turkey Garnity, ou
Welt. site winter passed away. nt
rprtnK (nn)e. ,.K.ri* drew a new tort of
feathers under her plakl time, and
when the weather !secant. warmtnans
the snld she must leave -off her dress
-Ind an out of doors with 11►e rest. F,')
the first really warm day Margery
took off the red dress and drtlre ber
Krim bed not fort/Ott/en her root re-
crptlon In the winter, so oho at -Rent
was cnretnl not to go too near the tut
Mays, though they did met dbj et to het
new In her feather drew. After a new
sari she stayed Nese ef,tbe Rai isle
kb one of the boys had made
up to n corner of the high
ver the tireplate`, and there
It, nit humped np nod inis-
be work ens dune or till
teas came and took her
e Kris 'ant Intended
of ber has i ti,tdnt
n larva. ,.r
day whet. Hannah had another scare.
Sbe declared) that tramps or thieves,
were Up in the woodshed chamber
be beard them. and she dared not go
le she stood In the woodshed tell-
ing Margery ID a whisper about It the
child beard a step that she knew.
Kris hopped down on to the -top step
of the stair' which led to the room
overhead After a moment she hopped
to the next, and after her came. one by
one. twelve baby turkeys.
Margery screamed with delight and
ran to catch Kris atilt pet the whole
family, while Hannah rusbed upstairs
In 41_4.rnai and saw a sightvttwt shock-
er more than the fear of tramps.
1n that room trunks and things not
to use were stored. and a mobtth or
more ago Hannah bad carried up there_
n Targe square "squaw basket" wit
corer, a ,basket such as the Oneida In-
dians of New York state make for
various household uses of tbetr whits
This basket was pearly full of the
winter supply of woolen etockings, all
neatly mended and laid away till fall.
In this basket, on these soft stockings,
had Madam Kristine made her nest
and -snatched out bet- Interesting fain-
. il}.
!,:he must have found the door alar
and managed to pry off the corer,
which lay on one side, and here she
had hidden all these weeks. - -
The room was put .1n order and tbe
door cloeed, and Kristine was provid-
rovid•ed with d Mace nt the yard. Every
day she wandered off with her babies.
but she never started until she had
visited the breakfast table with her
whole brood to get her regular morn-
ing meal:
At first it was funny to see them run
mound and pick up crumbs, but as
tiiey grew it began to be troublesome
to hove a flock of turkeys so much at
home In the house. So mamma made
a new law that Kristine and her fam-
ily mat be fed at the door.
After tbnt her life was like that of.
the other tttttkeys, only she knew her
name and would come when called and
never failed to run up to Margery
whenever she saw her.
And the dinner that walked away
last year supplied twelve tables with_
dinners this year and provided Mar-'
eery with a fine lot of pocket money
for her pains.
Please give us ten minutes of your
A full line of Fara) 1Iachinei•y
iindere. Mowers, Rokes, Nay
Loaders,. Manure Spreadect.
Cream Separators, etc., (4ray
and Mount Forest
11e bate also the
Standard Wire Fen c
Company's G o od s
and the Brantford
Wind Mills.
Agent,' for the
Mason & Rise!) Pian'•
t'nll and are nue before put fin.•
fog an}':Lige in toy lists. -
Good DPI./ p.s and Work RRCrees
Po, sale.
Robert- Wilson
These range . • e r,i.. .- b , ' . „l t he , eldest 1111,1 mast - reliable
collect tis to 4 :Imola 1 hen --ga►aariyitet•„f dµial e
want tu show '!"u their tows! boort . • .
\ c
.11-4-.) e.d'ry other-C,irnvf-Otloi l stomp-. 1;1 1111 purposes .
•'1.fuel Whatever you want. t; .u"re t., la, iii their line-- Ad.
(asp. it' ;6n.j
" Jv t Around the Corner."
THI LI,.AUl`,•;
Funeral Directt•r5
Mrd Emba•'rr.r-r
Orders cerefylly atterded to
'tt all hears, n ; tt c: di y.
Thankspivinp Day.
Now the turkey rooeting low
Finds his spirit full of woe:
Notes that popularity
Is not all '111 sold to Oa:
WIshea that he had been wise
In his corn fed paradlee.
He'd by far the wiser been
!lad he rented 'monsst the lean:
Ilnd he dieted a bit.
Keepin4 all hie museles flt.
'lurid or, like a prideful flat,
Gorging until plbmp and fat.
See! In state at last he Ilea.
__ Sl alted about be som0kln 0105.
Flanked with fresh cut cetery,
011.1et sauce and cranberry:
Cowled with a pall of crlep.
Here and there a parsley wisp
I,ytng testily on his breast:
ntnffed with spree and nuts of sheet
P.a,r old hirkeyt Victim he
Of his gnhbPng V*wlty -
tlla•trome day for young and old.
Whether wind* he "oft nr eold:
In)•.that loves a nation pause
r Its grate/et "Geo i sus;"
that twinge us face *whiles
. 11'1 the fount of love an( grace-
' 11 w bleating nasi-eMnpave
That t have it day so ries;
Day f others all apart
of 0 r to the heart,
To a real sag genre
et the greet beneficence
Ot 1110 Mase /Irina Shore
That Kalb ruled us hut Ihrangti IOve.
•4Na KISIUMh Hangs In Rarpte"
Etc.. Etc.
W. R. Pinder
EM$ALMER and "
fitrr...tlrq .. .:�:•.
1 H' , F: 8•nr a tin
Re•id.' Cr 1:1 .,
.nt l • , ., a tc. aaDC • .
Right in the
That's where we are
is hen you are talking
ahu it Groceries. We
ate not advertising
special bargains, for our
pi lope are always at rock -
loot um for goods of
guell%y. ,Try tie for
Canned Goods
Butter and. Eggs.
Etc , etc.. etc.
To Hsi ysam Buk co,
Deal. Blvs. 1 havo found Zatn-Buk moist r.':.,bie foe
h.alllsW nuts and abrdudona t will! for the Pell.. of skin
tla4l,sHon 111s invaluable. Yours tnithtully.
- (Signed) RODNIIY M. LLOYD.
On the $gtuare 'Phone tib
flow 1t Healed= -Tfbte-Butnt-\
From top to bottom of the great British naval
ladder ZAm-Buk- is kno and used. Admiral and
haw:.stoker alike ha• tdrgyed s value, as the foregoing
and the following show`
Stoker Kingsnorth, of E. IQ. First Class Cruiser
" Cochrane, ' says :—" One day 1 slipped and fell with
my arm on an exhaust steam pipe, Whieh fairly frizzled
the skin. At once the ship's surgeon dressed my arm.
but from the first, the burns took the wrong way, owing
to a lot of coal dust and dirt from the pipe having
got embedded in the flesh and setting up blood -poison:
A large scab appeared, and from underneath the
festering flesh matter oozed out. 1 vias in fearful pain
and didn't know how to get ease
" For weeks I remained limier treatment, but tho ordinary oint-
ments proved no good for my arm. Indeed, I got wok's', and I
becamoi alarmed at the spreading of the poison. l therefore' obtained '
a supply of 'Lam-Buk and almost as soon ,ul this was applied-) got-
pace. From the very first application, healing commenced ; and a
few boxes of Zam•Ruk healed my wound completely."
No matter in what occupation or stage of life you may he, for
skin injuries and diseases of all kinds you will find Zorn -1%k is the
latest and hest in scientific healing. That is why it is so popular
today. Mothers should see that it is always handy in the home.
It is a proved cure for eczema, ulcers, ahscesses, ringworm,
poisoned wounds, tetter, itch, bad leg, varicose ulcers, suppurating
wounds, cold sore*, chapped hands, h:,hies' sorra, inflamed patches,
eto. Ziim-Buk is also a specifio for piles. All druggists and stores
at 50o. box or post free from Zam-BilkCo., Toronto, for. pito..
Refuse all substitutes and harmful imitation..
Good Time
is watch Intlst have a
good movement. The
case is. a matter of
nice. i•
W e J a n
supply you with a
thortlughly rrlia h 1 e
f1OVPInllpt iii a n y
style or kid of case
yo,i may hay.' a pref-
\� erence tor.
Call - and see O
11.50 WArofi
J. S. Davey
Prat al Wal. htn... ..
Weller and Optici*n.
"gmlh site of Square. (loderleb,