HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-27, Page 2Ti u. tO.t'r.O t TonER 27, IAio 1 THE SIGNAL: GODERI('H ONTARIO. GODERICH, O\'T kale. PUBLISHED EVERY THUItSUAY ■e HE SIGNAL PRINTING CO. 1, metal Is Telephone Call No. 35. Terms of aubeer„teen : von per annum to advance. Sex month-, sir • three months. Z. To United State. .t.b.criben. $1.51. a 1004 .triols in &At ., ore. be scriber- who fwd to receive THE SIG. at regularly by mall will ooadet a favor by eu:- naintinr u, of the fact at as tsrl7 • date f1.+ pe.adble. N'nen • ...nature of address t+desired. both the and the new address should be given. Advertising Rates : 1 1 and other similar adyerta.en�ine for each ts. lac pet flue for tint insertion and tc p' nonpareil settle. t subsequent welve l nes to an asured by a inch. buslnear cards of six liner and Studer, 1 Je year.Slt - uAdvertisementd of Lost. Found, Strayed. Oat Vacant, Situations Fea ars for Sale Wanted. Houses for aleor to to Rent, Articles for Sale, etc., not exceeding eight Urges. Se. -each insertion montb-for Larger advertises. eachbs h rueq menta in proportion. announcements in ordinary reading tree Zen Dents oer tine. No notice lees than 2.+c. Any special notice. the object of which is the pecuniary benefit of any individual or weinci av •tion, to be considered en advertisement cd meso be charged rtingly. inucb with the bUingusl schools in themselves as with the manner in which they are conducted. It is doubtless more dim,ult to secure com- petent teachers for schools in which two languages are used than to secure them for one -language ecbouls: but it appear' that, instead of making an effort to secure instructors possessing the special qualifications necessary for such- schools, the authorities have allowed the schools to remain in charge of teachers whore qualifica- tions were actually below par. The difficulty has not been faced ; it has simply been ignored. with the disastrous results which Bishop Fal - lent points out. Obviously the first thing to be done is to hove an official and authoritative inquiry into the•conditions which pre - rail in the districts affected. t\ ben the results of such an hntestigation are at band the -Department of Duca tion mutat- proceed . to make iucb changes in the method of conducting the schools in these districts as will give the children who attend them is fair chance to secure the education which is every child's tight.. In the meantime Bishop Fallon is to -be thanked for bringing the ques- tion to.public attention in his cour- ageous. outspoken. plain -dealing man- ner. - Rates for display and contract adverted. menta will be given on application. Addree' all oommuoicatloos to - THE SIGN it.L PRINT INUCL� ld..tweets GODLRICH. THURSDAY. OCT. 4 ,AIRS. ose A LOP -SIDED SENATE. On several occa*ions during the lest few years The `signal has protested Against the one-eidel system of mak- ing appointments to the Dominion gemytecstent which filled the see• ond-('hamper with Conservatives in the days of Conservative Government • and is now ttlliteg it with Liberals. TheSwl ban' pointed outtbat. while it is right and- props -TT -that the party holding a msibi'ity of the seats in the Commons should ale.+' he able to secure a majority iti the Senate, it isnot right norproper that one party ehould pack the Senate to each s■ extent that another party coining into power could be the acted by an overwhelm- ing adverse majority in the second Chamber. The Signal is thereto • lad to ob- serve that other 1. Ovral kers see the danger involved in the prevent systelll, The Montreal Heherald. Toronto Ke ingston Whig a Globe are three influential Liberal papers which have been' advocating a change. The til"ire says: "If it war wrong to have a Senate composed almost entirely of Tory par- tilling i1prior to b4111 eriutit ancot h� d sh- in lino to have a P most entirely of Liberal partisans. It is true th.►t the Liberal tinkly has had it!Wallet' of great questions to settle since it assumed power. but there is a very general opinion among the and file of the part) that the time is fully i ile for some radical change- in the composition of the Senate of Can- ada,- • Nu interest which the Liberal party need recognize would be injured by no!-i,artisen appointments to the Sen- ate. if we ate to have a Senate at :ill, and The Signal is not at all convinced that a second Chamber is necessary to desirable, at le:a.t lei twaveid tying it up sO completely- to one party as to render it a menace to representative government. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Olympic, the, White Star Line steamer launched at Belfast last week, is uow the biggest ship afloat. Her length is f3llL'?.. feet—over a sixth of a utile. these ships go to the bottom of the sea. Lauf ier has sold us to the Eng- lish in return for the honors he has re- ceived, and in twenty-five years there will be no French-Canadians left.' The Conservative candidate for. the Legislature in South Wellington- has been elected by acclamation. This is something for Premier Whitney to thick of on Thanksgiving Das , Dowu in Quebec Bourasaae says Laurier is a traitor to his race. In Ontario Laurier is assailed as an enrlay. of _the Empire. .Sir Wilfrid smiles at both accusations as be can well afford to do. Color Time. Autumn. like a day new been. Flood* across the Weeping Isnd. Ripening the fields sof corn. • Till yellow throng, are nodding band in band. slowly thtotnth the world of mist. 4 old ta n red the sun mot w down. Till the wooded hW-top. limed Are amoliftg crim'a, like • plundered town•, France may stow of colored hind, Vineyard* purple in the tall. Emerald waters on white .and... A yellow grove behind a gray t.,ced wall. Ubalk•white turd. through tainted bloom. Crooked hill. of crooked tree. . Slashed with lavender and broom. .And scarlet .rel• gamiest the vivid But L know a woodlatd sow. [there when autumn drifts and1dls Colon bu4l as rich akaln, • %nd of erflowiiia nod the silent hills. Douglas Roberts.)dTbe Cans iltaa Magaxiue _ b FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Where Agriculture Comes In. Stratford beacon. Last year the tour largest oc••upa- tions iu ('anad:t employed the follow- ing numbers : Agriculture. 716.Rf7 manufacturing, 3419,b33; domestic, 2T7,7:5: transportation. 2.i4.2W. Be - bides these the professional clave num- bered N4,ttip, twining employed AMIC , the fisheries gave work to L3,I1o4, the forest and lumber industry employed 17,113, and a miscellany of occupations engaged 4.413. In cousideriug mat- ters of trade, including ouch questions as reciprocity. the fact must be borne in mind that agriculture is today, and is likely to remain for all time, the chief industry of Canada. and cannot be ignored. wishi d to enter Canada, and. being *it hoot the $.3l'esch to pay the head tax necessary- under our law, are be- ing bun fled back to China ip durance vile. - Now, if the Chinese Ooverument eb'ould object to these missiouatier being admitted into China to pureue the work which they hate set them- selves. a British warship would prole a ly fon e their admission. and Brit- ish bullets and bayonets would guar- antee them the libertiew which they weak to exercise there. Canadians, Christian ('anadiens, must have such rights in ('bins. Canadians tuner be free to refuse to Chinese cifwing to Canada any such rights. If a Chiuere missionary were to pi remit himself at Vancouver, be would he• held up for $ OI) bead tax. and his mierionary career would be made extretuely un - cocain table. Of course we have a,perfect right to deal with China and the Chinese fu we please. Aren't .. e a tree. Christian people? And wouldn't it he monstrous for ('pine. to attempt to charge a head tax on white Christian niiesion/tries, or to circumscribe. their activities itt the Celestial Kingdom ; • Certainly it. would. But. afterall. considering the mat- ter in the light of the Golden Rule. wbicbis as old as Confucius himself. there i..otnething in therituatiou cal- culated to stir up doubt. But why should the rights of any measly Asiatic be submitted to such a fine test as the Golden Rule shouldn't that be reserved for t bus- t en white men atone Good Roads. Lund.o, Danner.. A good road increases the value of the taros fronting on it ; give+ the farmer bettet opportunities to get to market quickly et all seasons of the year with bis goods, and adds power- ' fully to the social intercourse of the - people. Along with ruts! shows, )cowry life becomes more pleasant and lees monotonous. Sense seven- teen counties have established county seven- ,teen systerus under the highway im- As a contemporary declare°. the hi- I provewnent met. The act was passed in lingual schools question is one for the 11101. and Wentworth wets the Hats educationists, not for the politicians. Colylty to Create road system, being folrowed, in IOW, by the counties ht Simcoe. Wellington and Lanark. Let it be nettled without any heroics from those whore desire is to air their prejudices tether than to' benefit the people of the F rich-Canadiao settle- ments.. - i Toronto Star: Niobe, the name of cation system of the. Province. It has the first ship of the Canadian navy to no patience with the manufactured ex - reach • shores, is a word of three case that in abolishing them the Whit - syllables, Ny-o-lx• with the accent on nes Government was -raising the Not a•Bril iant Success. Hamuton.Ttntes. The Goderich Signal cries out for the restoration of the Model Schools which pia% rd so important a part in the edu- the first. It is often e►roneously ac- status of the teaching prufelsiou." It celled ..n the second s Ilublr, and twee clearl- that is not the fact. More- y oves, if that were true, tbeGovern- sometilueo. quite as wrongly, divided i went buy a still higher duty to ler- into two syllablee. Ny-oab. I form in providing all the children of the Pi ()vim* with pa Nam aducat ionaI A wonarr de natation of Uermet is facilities. And it it surely right. The 1 Edtici tion Depaa talent as it has been of lute as. -not a brilliant success. ' Assessments and Taxes. From The Square Deal. There Feenis to be a fear in some quarters that high SSsessIueuts neces- sarily saran high taxes. The fact is that just about so much money per capita ot population mu -t he seised to meet public expenses. and underaiosessu'ent means a high rate, For exampple, take the three town- ships of tjoderich, Aberdeen and Der- by. The following table show* the population. the esteemed value of land per capita, and the assessed value of buildings : l'opu. Lund. Bldg'. Rate. Go derich Ti.,.l,$7() $706 $hill 0.2 Aberdeen Tp...1,1473 370 lit 111 Derby Tp......1,$02 310 1711 Ilk It will be noticed that in Aberdeen and Dethy the assessment on land is only about half as much sal in Gode- rich, but the tax rate is about twice us high. The low assessment does not lessen (be tax burden. Thele can he no doubt on the other hand that the practice of underaasess- ing property does lead to inequalities, and that nothing would do more to es- tablish equitable assessments than the enforcement of the rule that all prop- erty shall lye assessed at full market value. From the figures given above it AO pears that in Derby buildings hear one-third the tax burden, while in Ooderich they bear only one-fifth. Either the assessors iv/ the latter two townships have discriminated in favor of the improver, or the nsesee'tt in Derby has discriminated in favor of the 'peculator. This discrimination bet ween the two classes of property by the a°seseore is not legal, but it is practiced simply be- cause there- is no cheek at present on the assessor's work. V% here the aaseeaor discriminates in favor of improvement-', moot progres- sive citizens will approve his action. At the next session of the legislature n measure will be introduced asking that municipalities be granted the right to do legally what assessor- have for years leen doing. to discriminate between the different classes of assess- ments. The proposal is that the muni- cipality be allowed to place a lower rate on buildings, improvements, in- come and business assessments than on land values. to wait upon the Government at Ottawa in December to present the views of organize.) agriculture in rela- tion to the tariff. It is expected that the deputation will number several hundreds, representing the grmin- growers of the Western Prot iuces and ulsu the-tarming interests of ••Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces, The cruiser Niobe, the' pioneer ship of the Canadian nae'., reached Bali• fax on Friday and anus accorded an official wflcome by representatives of the Dominion Government, the,Pro- . bidet Government of Nora Scotia and the city of Halifax. The Cana- dian navy is not so far a very formid- able affair; blit "great oaks from little acorns grow," anti Canada's flag will doubtless some .lay fly over -a strong fleet of big battleship*. The trouble is that the hill. for the maintenance of the navy will be growing bigger all the time, too, and the country will be spending :. lot of money for a rather doubtful purpio — The Toronto Neve' says : "Tens of thousands of farmers voted against reciprocity_ when Canada needed the American market much worse than it does toga),' The News is probably referring to 151)1, when the Liberals stood for unrestricted reci- pr.ycity and Sir John A. Macdonald countered on hie opponents by de. claring for reciprocity in natural products. it will be remelnbered flint after the election Sir John Macdon- ald's Government actually sent to dep- utation to Washington to secure a treaty, but failed. The News, there- fore, is very much astray when it says that "tens of thousands of farm- ers voted ageinst reciprocity." As a matter of fact they voted for it, as they would do today if given the opportunity. BILINGUA. SCHOOLS. The qut•stiou talked by Bishop Fal- lon in -his tdatement-issued from Gude- ri,Ch hilt week is one that requires careful and tactful handling. No per- son, we hope, desires to deprive the French-speaking ,people of the Province of any of their rights, hut even a- movement to - give real assi-tatfee may 1w gone about in such a way as to arouse the alai en and resentment of those whom it is pro- posed to help. • It will not do. to apprthicb the ques- tion with the idea of fashioning the schools of the whole Province accord- ing. to some preconceived notion. We have more than enough uniformity in our school. already. The question must be" sppr'•ached, if it to to he settled in a tight manner, with the view of giving the children of the French-speaking districts the best possible opportunities of securing an education. To say that no language but English must be recognized in the public schools of Ontario may be the language of sincerity, but it will not help much to wive the difficulty . «e can have no sympathy with the ides of educating with • club. It is stated that one of the difficulties in the French settlements is the apathy and indifference of the parents in the mat- ter of their children's education. To attempt to force the children abruptly from French speech to English would still further strange the parents from the schools and would aggravate the present difficulty. Judging from the expressions of opinion that have appeared in the papers since Bishop Fallon's Mate- ment was given out, a gnsd deal tan be said both for and against bilingual schools. 1t nay not ba far wrong to conjecture. amongst all the confusion of opinion, that the trouble is not so 5100 Reward, . S100. The I enders of this piper will be pleased to learn that the,e is :tt least one dreaded die eve that science etas been able to cure in all It. -Lyre. and that ie catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure nom known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh. behig a cob - •titutloual d,e.aae. requires s oonetitutlon•1 treatment. Hall + Catarrh .t urs tr taken in ten.ally. acting directly upon the blood and mucou- •unser of the .y •,rm,,,tbereby de- stroying the foundation of the disease. and Riving the patient strength by building up the *institution and aawistiwt nature is doing it. work. The proprleton. has + w much faith in Ire curative poser.' that the, otter one bun dred dollar• for any ease th d It fails to euro, �vad Loc Ilst of testimonials' Addreso F. J. c'H ENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. leo d by all drug,d.ts. 73e. rake Hair. Family Pilo for coast i potion. _ a CENTRAL __ IT1IATFOI D. -42f4T- � - If . o.0 purpose attending our school this winter you should reg. eater on November let. Spend two months with us this term. Students are entering each week. We have three del'attmeats? - Commercial Shorthaod Telegraphy t'Ur cnuraeeare practical, tet.lhers are experienced and nal graduates succeed. Tne demand upon us for help exceeds the supply. Write for our free catalogue. D. A. hieLAICHLAN. - tenne iµ.l AFTER FOURYEARS OF MISERY Cured by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Baltimore. Md. — " For four years my life was a misery to me. I suffered from irregulari- ties, terrible drag- ging sensations, extreme nervous - flees, and that all gone feeling in my stomach. I had given up hope of ever being well when I began to take Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. Then I felt as though new life had been given me, and 1 am recommending it to all my friends ”—Mrs. W. S. FORD, 1968 Lansdowne St., Baltimore, Md. 'rhe most successful remedy in this country far the cure of all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. It has stood the test of years and to-dayis more widely and successfully used than any other female remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflam- mation. ulceration. fibroid tumors. ir- regularities. periodic pains, backache, that hearing -down feeling, flatulency, indigestion. and nervous prostration, after all other means had failed. If you are suffering from any of these ailments, don't give up hope until you have giver Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound a trial. If you would like special advice write to Mrs. l'inkhain. Lynn. Mau-. for it. She has guided thousands to health. free of charge. Here is a sample of the sluff the Quebec Nationalists are haeyding out to the French-Canadian electors in the attempt to beat Laurier. It is s re- port from Le Soleil of the remarks of a speaker at St. Anselme a few days ago : "The navy is a conspiracy of the English to drown the l'anayena. Laurier has consented. after having betray .d lis as regards our language, The New MID Catalogue. of the Central du,ines• College 1 of Toronto cont, n, some seer e.'1 1 guarantees of .e.- great interest to students who dolor.* to attend a first-cla.s rel.anle sr nmol You are invited to write for .t Ad dr.... W N 511,. President 393 j Yonge Street Toronto Il What About the Golden Rule ? Aamllton Time.. The Empress of India which sailed the other day from Vancouver for China carried twenty-six missionaries. who go out to preach the gospel of Christianity to the Chinese and to teach them the principles of brother- hood and international good will. These missionaries go prepared to en - to man all the ships of war which we dure disoomfort and make personal will ha.. with French-Canadians. sacrifice for the uplifting of the This will take 60.00) to 80,000 este, all heathen for their gond in this world. fathers of families or young men on and tor their everlasting welfare. the point of so becoming, who will Alongwith them in the Emptww of have to go to Japan. China, or India. ut in Lew comfortable quarters Oceania, under the ooeamend of Bing- and very much against thou will. go liah ofneere, who, wishing to make some forty or more Obin.ee. They our race disappear, will see to it that an being deported because they Special Offers Farm and Dairy "111.• well-known agricultural weekly, FARM AND �� DAIRY. and The Signal will be sent for one year for - I 7 New subscribers to FAHM AND DAIRY will have the - 1 alunce of this year free, and in addit' the sulwcriher will have the choice of n Farmers Record Book ut two tine lithographed pictures of King (4eorge and Queen Mary, is x 21 inches. THE SIGNAL, tioderich. Send orders to The Weekly Sun The Farmer's Business Paper. We will tend The Signal and Th.. Weekly sun for a year to any address in Canada Tot Si .85 Ne -W .ubserihersdear-receive these papers fur the balance of this year free. Send orders to THE SIGNAL, Gealerich. Ont. Watch for THE SIGNAL S Clubbing Announcements and select your reading matter foie -the coming year. We aupl•ly all the leading papers and several magazines at reduced prices to our subscribers. THE SIGNAL. The Catholic Register We liar. made arrangements with CATHOLIC REGISTER and CANADIAN EXTENSION, 'ef Toronto, one of the leading. ablest edited, and mo -r influential Catholic paper; of Canada, by which we nay offer THE SIGNAL and CATHOLIC REGISTER and CANADIAN EXTENSION for one year foe the bargain $170 num of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 CATHOLIC REGISTER and CANADIAN EXTENSION. of Tor- onto, is the property ot the Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada. It is a brilliantly -edited, well-ptinted seventy -column paper, of ten pages or more each week. and under its new management ham become the leading exponent of Catholic thought in Canada. Catholics should avail themselves of this extraordinarily favorable chance to secure the foremost journal of their denomination. All eubecrihers get CATHOLIC REGISTER AND CANADIAN EXTENSION from now to lst January, 191.2; The Signal and The Weekly Globe will be vent for the balance of this year to new subscribers for only 25C The Signal and Tne Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star will he sent for the balance of this year to new subscribers for only 25c Addre. THE SiGNAL. Address THE SIGNAL. Ooderich, Ont. I (.odsrich, Ont. The Signal and The Weekly Mail and Empire will he sent for the balani• of this year to new subscribers for only 25c Address. THE SIGNAL, Uoderich, Ont. W. ACHESON c( SON A List of Bargains FOR THIS WEEK. Here is a jolly roll of goods you want, and at a price which will make buying very easy, for you can recognize such values. Costume Cloths or W rapperettes Lll pieces splendid patterns aril suitable fot waists, wrap- perr, dresses or lodes. Neat patterns, inedilltn and dot': eolorr a n d warranted ea fust. Keg. 1214-. fur !,(1.. C Floor Oil Cloths 1, 14, 13,'1 yds. wide, 25c at per square yard Men's Cashmere Sox 'J dozen fancy stripe. germ- ' less and good weight. rizee S1t, 10. 104, 11.' Reg a3a �� C a pair, for Cotton Blankets :%1 pairs -grey only, Int,;, full double-hed size 11-4. Sar urdtyy sale•. teg.0 �1 0 81.00 per pair, for Lill Dress Tweeds :a inches wide, all pure wool suiting.. medium weight, neat patternsend beautiful (401111 y. Regular price were 814.1, $l.2. and 81.50. at per WC yard V�7 Curtain Net so ♦aids .P6int D' Esprit Net, rim ehr' wide, lice iia• assn! and wide lace , Reg. 45c, at yd, 25c Rugs English Wilton Hu. and Axminster Mets. f3ises 3 z 3. x :e•• 3x41, fd'to.N3.o' "e eelsttordinary at - $14 to $29 'twenty other lines omittedhere for want of space. W. ACHESON & SON WHAT WHAT GOOD CLOTHES MEAN TO YOU MEAN TO YOU "lhc tent impression created by good clothes is that- the wearer Is a successful man. GARMENTS TAILORED BY MARTIN •BRCS. win instant approval, admisaticn and respect. Amateur Photo Supplies We carry everything in Phots Su plies -Finn. find Packs, Plates, Developeer, Toning and Fixing Powdeis, etc. Also a nice line,of CAMERAS THE FAMOUS BUTCHER CAMERAS —the best in the• world, c Ince tried. always used. It. one and be convinced. F. J. Butland, Druggist The Square, aoderich. DISPENSING The greatest rare is taken in dispeinsing at this store. The purest dregs are used. and yeu may bring your prescription here with the greatest confidence that it will receive proper attention. TOMS ARTICLES • We make a specialty of these; M4 eatysupply you with the latest and hest goods. • N. C. DUNLOP, The Druggist, South Side Square, - - Godcrich. 7