HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1910-10-20, Page 10Mr 10 Tl/011A04If, Ocreaes 90, telO .'hanksgiving j)ostctl Cards A spleinisJ aseurtmend. Price, to Co fee Met 41 eltoouted 'MA , , •1 ., !'e e.aelk 1 ., ti 'I'urkry. in envelopes tiling. M each i ,t I'onJIt 1 h > K• WALL PAPE ( 1'AI.I.1*O1'hl 'i.: -'.I'•'. r:.n.0.1iin Weil.1'owe 1 care le•i 8..11 tip to ti'. Iuipoi1:41 Wall Pepe( front 1:e pet roll tip 1»' k . The Colonial Book Store (11'7v►N(ii: i'roKTF.K, 1't- q1. 'PHONE 100 (inikeioh. THE SIGNAL: GODERIGH- ONTA RIO I�-' ` atches $1.25 iinsWailiee (r .e).1,, Iellallle Watrhe,, y'wkw en i', ever Par* N. • ;writ. ettaniel dial, stein w: i fel is 41J at.et jt- sett. T1aese Wee Wwtrltee. vitt clock., le rug sues h) the let Swine I'Vetchmakere. We 4/moraine! ( h e k e Vo iol'hrr. for ns.e year. the ssme es our. high gruel • kt✓a1.41 .e. Walter H. Harrison L lee:wile. , d Oefocien tele 14 e (code, ich I-oultry t� anted the 1411•twiog te. ace bring lurid nr els Holmesvllle pow 11 )at-•(!. : Ht•u pee Ib,live Mr 11101. ken., per Ii. , live. ,11• to 11.• Turkeys, pal 1b, bee . . ..1:14' 1►,irks, for Ill ,'dreee d.. . . `IIk• (erne»•, per 1A„ Dressed .. . . All Il.oulhy, to bee delivered with Or op 10 empty on Mnn lsy, Tues- day and t\'edheeday oho ' g of Nick week. lit 'VINO Al.[. inn: YF:Art HOUND. I'Hnril' 1 ON 11 y ��. . Trewartlla 1111'.11-.\1111-. 6'roung Men al it1' Tif 1: Y,M C.A. the, Bible claw no Motel I) evnna\ng,al the yymn i,iuin Habit on WoJu 10da7 evening and as alenetro• . 3.1i the tiny,.. Anne e/ rgtn,1*..b.p (v. ...$2.00 Gyrrrna 11,urr 000 (for 411 lea l: 1. atm,deneo I.. hr. al' in'ilnd td) ji►in the belies' Aie. il•,y Hen... .215o Mrs, (I1.'.'.. dins, 1're•illent, (lnrrip, Vire 1 sCle•tlt td, (I/r.1 Whitely, fleerere. Vs'ote 'd'reaaorer. )- t NOTHING SMALL ABOUT r BISHOP FALLON. A Great Figure Whatever Way You Take Him. "What kind . of alai. s this !bebop Fallon of London concerning whom all this fuse is about:'" &eke a writer in The l'oronto Star. and he fer•'r..eds to give the answer as follows : 1f the reader .ha)apene to kltnw any of the celebrated rugby stele+ of n quarter of x century Arlo let the ques- tion be tut to hirer, .'ted he will en wee : •'�k•'e a (hard fighter, one who hits straight one but who alweye lights fail." A Star Rugt+yutl• That's what' the retry w'If tie, fur Bishop Fallon rustle a mune -for hint - welt ou the rugby fields of I 'anadn when hr was manager and star player on 1 he (►ttewa ('slime fi:ntha111ewn1 that will lite• I, 'neer than -he does. Ilad he never been raised t.: the the tidy of a Bishop of •'he (iath:4w church. bad- .fie o'er hires 8 plaits. "Father" hxllrra, en.l h:o! :he reel of lis days been )lieu ii. li;l?Yej ,, whew he Wt44 1110(01,. he )."can -e 'Behold ..f lundole hi, name w'.' )ht net hat cdied out in Untrue...? or l j:leleec, bemuse he nettle Ino many 1rierds"inehiq':areer ss a fen rhea, trpr'iRt. s.;uare rughv' player that Arnold have I revenue -re -one contingency from hap peering. Now that he is Esh. p of l nndon, end that he has e'en. yery touch into the slim light be r.; seer el his attacks on the bilingual e11' r:4 of ' Introit). Ole friends are-re.•allini;t ..' days whop he was a ranch y„•iriver niece and when his soul dehgtateJ-not sr much in phtroling for the welfare .if •he youth of Ontn• ie, as in donning a well- wor•n trait of ranee.. and in teed:ng the joy that 00100. li• the ...dent player se he tattles hist way through an op' piling masa of .44 uggdirg' hurftauity to plant the pigskin ' ver the line tor e welt -earned try • Proud of Those Days. bishop Salton tot..:: hack on threw Jays with ronkiii f'a/1t- joy and pride, 1»+t -ane Bien. only-r'eme to-4Aat--nonce-e- t-ion by wetchtng the - smiles curve around 'lye corners of hie mouth at- one Oka him *bi'u.- t .'nt, He 0 loose on.deet.a n,ar, terpeeall them." apd, be- mg a bishop now. ore euppereet that be • sort of •'veee•th wit' he t. -reed" meaner. A. a 'toiahop be .has ruany'thinge tt• think nleint mere. 'wp++ttent.than rug- by, but, mos ranrs•t help•buv wi*it. that he could he hired away; just ter mew. to s•.• a Karns as ..f uta. erne could snake no mistake 'n iirig euro' that could he do it, hi mitran and every- thing eine c 'tiered. -he {would be about as dent a ro-'ter at' ever chee teato to v'rtery. Wever, thin is nut of his line now. it the character he evinced on the rugby Held he still has, and it is one that ell who knew ben and claim his friendship I,,.•vpr tire telling you ghoul. "Hes as equure rt man Re ever walked in *hese leather." is the wily r•ne who knows h rn well expressed himself. "He heti risk 1010 hnu'h hull - dog deterrninxtioe . dog w as he ever did ax a rugby pla-yer. He** a bard fighter. 1 know no harder' -nut it is always on the *Blare There's n an underhand Method or smart trick in hie whole maim -alp. 'V don't know how be feels about the ',publication of that letter Mr. Hanna wrote to Ur. Pyne, but 1 in agi ne'the trickery that was 'used in nisktng'that letter publie•,nlskek him feel worse than losing teiequoted mi.understnnd," Some Football Advice.' '• 110)11, when yr n' go after a man tnekle hits ha 1 (Io,r t b't him Irot 111, feeling se fresh s when he were down. Hut, mind you. he ` he is down. no punching 0t at-' lull,,.. 1 P R y t de,$and.ur' nlean tricks," That's t be ail l; L •• •'Hilaire " Fe'lon. . as he Was then eel!e ghee ie his fel- low pinyer•e. '!bete -o Jt.yimr when Ottawa (loll•ge r'i l by team wax known as a "band of ortIrishmen." "(;nplain " Fall"n t(•ok • hmrge of the team then and th'- l.layere\-ontintlpd to be called by .the sane' n, me. 14e didn't like it. hy ,tr y' mt'ane o when he took his t"er•. ti+ play a games in 'Toronto he railed to see the eptfrtit►g editor who first get et hem that risme and who slid remitter -a to emelt Look at me." he said te the news. paper man : " 1 1nr1: like n wild Irt.hnlan ? Now I haat rem to const alit and Fee toy !Pour slay and if you don't change your (.t,:el"n my Theme ie not Fallon.' 11e was right. Ther pottier nn the following day- paid a- tribute to the Collegians and the r :me •• Wild 1rish- meu" wax buried fen ever, A Model of Physique. - i'hey soy Rish p la• mune of Mt. Louis, i. the Hee.;! !e•,king preirut jn the tniteed Suttee. Thera ,iy' nr need tocompare"hint with Hish.'p Felton. but at the same time everyone ad- mits Hiehnp Fallen ie -the finest -tank- ing prelate in ('a nada. He is a couple of incites civet six feet • tall and line e Nee that knight ways :es a model for n pieeeof Deere eta' 1.A•y, if it wasn't Irish. ' up, Chet', it Fri a hair nn the top o uq h,•a(l. are for several inches down h side. hitt, while that might act no a•detrimeht to sono, people, it doesn't t,• Pi+bop Mallon All one batt to do iq t.' look at him and one instinctively Ihioke of a rtgb% layer, so nht91t0P are his shoulders, le'e to. big tnafP every way you take hits. phyxirally or 1 e e_htllr. THE BISHOP'S ^TATEME"FPi`.- age he Was appointed to the bishopric of the dioreare of London. In the 1 counties rt- Essex itnd Kent, in this ' diurese, is a considerable French -Cons adtan pdpuletion, and in this section are a number of "bi-lingual" schools, echoole in which both . English and French are suppxteed to be taught. In 'lay last the bishop, while at Sarnia. the house town of icon. H'..1. Hanna, Provincial Secretary, was called upon by the Uinieter. and in the eoneet'ra- tion which ensued the Bishop ex- pressed stt•oiigly hie dissatiefactiou with the results of these itilinlruel a,•huola. Mn Hanna wrote 0 Ineulor- andem of '.he conversation and sent it to 1)r. Pyne. Minister of }:'location, .fand Hon. Dr. i:aeume, who is 1•ecog- nired 9s the French-('anadian repre- _ltentntive in the Provincial l'ahinet, o'l'io apparently received a colic. A slur time ago a translation of this tu•emorurdunt appeared in a Quebec pergyA a1 im mediately there, was a stortit, ti. F'r'ench-Canadians charging lii,bop Tallon with hostility. to their race. The oulron,e ii the 11iehop's statienent, which was handed out to •this reporters during hie stay in Godes t ich 1)r. Raeteme s eeteretary, H. C. A. Maiwtnt-Ilk•. .rt French-Cartadiall• has eonfeseed that he waw responsible- ; 1',,r the tlublicatioduf the Hanna mem- ; orandom raid has Iwen distnj.eed from i the Government service. _ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - Oct 20th. PERSONAL MENTION. Sera Chaa, Doty waw the guest Of Mrs. Herb. Campbell, at w'rughatu, over Sunday. 8t. Clair Tweedie, from near Chicago, to la thea on • visit with relatives and friend.. Mr. and urs. !tooth. late of Seeforth, and little daughter. Dorothy, now reside oil 114- ebeth street, John Kay, lata of /'Hammiest, B. C., and his aster. Miss Kay. are in town atter an e1Wuded visit to Europe. M. B. Yilpwk is back to towd after as ab sane of three month, in Tueland, on n vbut to his old borne.. Mn., illr,) Herald, MIss Ralph and Mrs. Carleton lett yesterday for a week , visit with Mende at Amberley le. R. Wille was -411 ltn1OOed Io Wiarton lot 1 rtday TA attend the t:uteral of his uncle. the bate Sheriff Yorke. of !truce county. Mr. and Mr. Ales. Mitchell, late of Clinton. occupy the ':es re,ideuce of G. M. Elliott. corner of ICai t street and Calabria toad. Mex. Chas. Hatsihns. of eland••or, iv attend - Lug her sister Mr„ lir., ''lark. who Is stilt, Laid up aK the rest of the accident last week, Ain,. F.1'. �gsuer, of _Woodstock, with her 000, fleeter lklu..td Mall•awau, is visiting at the home Or het mother, Mra. P. Mae)':ware Max t'opelu,d: who has,. (wade her home at Chicago and other Flitted taste, eitieafor several yeah, o. •chewing old-ecquatutanoea In towel - - Mile Clain Ile)nolds. 'who wail abroad *11 tumuier. iu rundwiny .nth 4'ttawa trleud., re- turned home ;.ret week, -elle event several month, on the • un;ioeet end bad a m.st en- joyable trip. A. S. Gktdhia e.,d faintly. late of Belmont• belie taken up their reueeuce to town. Mr. merlin Ile no rtwsrfer fere, es hie former home was at Io' -wilier. • Be is a *On of our tuw11•111.11 nu ,. 01dh°lL The 001ow ,y; ren. !runt Th Durand i Mich., Expree. of u - •ret dark refit . to -the youny- w.t sou 01 One d u•.ir (steamed enlist)... Rend. :witrrr, Vivt rw .tract . "Dr. H. 4.. Switzer end faintly' le " e (Antes kbit week, and will brae UpIticu -.•.i+unoe in Detroit, where the lec,o, eel it,,.ti.c his profiewion. Thiamin. u004100mcut ca.l-u•• touch regret In obi'- com- munity. e* Dr. Switzer had not only a large" listotptlrroh..lfriends. but -he is known and bie llty. • rr.,of l laodealestomime friend. In Owns., In golug to Detroit Ur, switm le taking lip an opportunity that he did nut believe would be tante, to huuselt acrd faintly ,n refusing It. He bas an ofleninc there made b) friend* to the profeseion,aud will practically be able to step right tete ac- tive practioe. - ilt•-•0ten for last ween,* • \Ifs. Tinily teut.tthorpe 1a vislting le Handl. tori. W, J. Johnston. of Kosex, le a visitor with friends in town. • Mrs. W. A. Dietrich has returned }rent -ber vbit 10 Port Arthur. Miss Brownell hes returned to town atter ,pendinx the senimsr months In Toronto. • Miss Amelia Harland, of Clinton. la the guest. of Mia. Lena Waltou fora few days. David Bell lett yesterday for l.o.. Angelpa, Cahturbia, where he will spend the winter. • Neil U. Cameron left by steamer Wexford on :timidity evening for r trip to Fon 111lliaue. Mrs... h, u, Taisaaig P.. who varae chi' goer of Mr,.'Dr., t'larx. lett last week for her home. Mine -:lis. uerrie, of Bru,ael.. is the guard of her rioter, Mrs. Juno Lav :ton. V intorla street. .11ra..H: M. Jotneitln and daughter Arab, o K-wx, are 'Visiting Mr. And. Mrs John Grehein 11urou road. Mee. Hackle. of Albert street, will receive the fret and third Tuesday of each rho,,fh. in - ,read of Monday. Mr, and ,1n. Uro. 1'. McPhee and Mi.- Olive returned to town on Saturday. after a visit of several week- to Detroit. Bulla' l and otber ultimo Mr. and _lin. V. Hamilton. of Janesville. \v-ia.. are V(4110+ et the Leeburn and Union manes. Emit street. Illy. Hamilton i. a cvusio of Rev Jas. Hamilton. Joe. Kidd woos I•, attendance at the ticket Agentsconveu' ion at Quebec thta week. 8e - fore returning he will tasea run up to Nortb Hay and 8udbu-s rend call on his runs et thea points. Geo.:H. Sault,, of Winnipeg. brother of the SMmal, Saults of town, was here for a few days tela week on his way home from St. Louis. Ma. where be was attending a conven- tion of employing printers. H. J. A. atacEwan, secretary of the •Outaria W,t Shore Railway. has been at Atlantic city during the week to company with J. W. Moyes. president of the West shore, attending a n)eeting of electric railway managers, Jars. .11ex. Maunder., returned home last evening itrer her trip to the West, having agent n few day, at Toronto and Galt on her way holne. 4i., was :accompanist" from Omit by het daughter Mias Ague*, who had been visiting tbe:e. Clinton News -Record : miss Lewis. dauglt- terof E. V. Lew4, M. le,. underwent an tlpera- tion iu Unnn a hospital on Monday and is now iImewLtaad Yids as Julia Le•et.' areas can he xrewal,ingf 1s town. while Mr. Level,. comes down every day. Mr. and Mr,. Chas,, Blackstone And daugh- ter, Mid, 1'. Blackstone, lett yesterday after- noon on a trip to England, where they pun peso -trending Gm winter, They were aocom- eanteu by Nle. Black -.tote', *,,ter, Miss 1:. • liiackstoue, who spent the past summer in Lowe. Last Saturday A. Reid. who has been innior clerk in the local branch of the Bank ot Com - mere, for seve,al months. left fur hie house to eafort01 for a ehott vtait before going west to report for d'ay at the Winnipeg office of the 'sink. The vacancy here td being tilled by J. F- Rales, of 1/Wawa. L V savage; who ,has been expre', nles- senger for :be Canadian, Express Co. on live Goderish Hu ado run fur the peat four. peers. wee transfer this week to the Southempton - Toronto run. Mr, -lavage wily'utakc hie home in 3o'ltbampton. He moved his faintly a•,I household effect,' to that town thl. week. Page Cnnatlaa 'treaty.. seesesper The family Herald .aid K eekly star. Sinatra/0 . 5 New Catalogue -Cent r6l Business ''ollege: Toronto , .. - 9t Watch Wisdom J. e Davey . . .. • .-.. 1 11 aU:he..11 2.1 - w'aIlsr H Hern'nn . a ... .. 10 t)kh .'eatery Reared et" C. Pridham 0 Bingle Pere for Thenkegiring- F. F Lwr Amer,. ...... .. .. 9 New Fall ligri• W. .%cheae/1A son • 2 Young Men Wanted Y. M. ':. A -10 T'hark.aieing Postal Cards Geo. Porter.... 10 Hoye and lire.; w anted Mooney Riscuit R (Andy 1'0., Ltd.. Stratford .. . .. .,1 A w eek s BnaineseNew..--J, H. Cdborfe. •4. Tax Zetens(on W m. Campbell .... .- e 1400,10004 Howell' Hardware Co . . l oO• Alm -item at Rlliott y� Reader -G T. It::. . . 1 'te-v-.nt Wanted--}lt.. W'mlaos... 1- Rte-ader-Mr, $',ghww,„E'e Bpecieliet S . -A mitten" 'rine-Geo. HoHaad end. N no. IS: • %flush , . . .. 1 (NEie.toRoot -J. P. Brown'-:.. ., t 414,1 Wanted Mee,. -ale . 1 ' to Gddericb-,l W Ilenirotlgh-.__... 1 ,Noties %to'row air Morgan. .. ... Anne' J. wf Yanatter,N Reeder. --l.:. H.. Wick '. .. .- S Weekiy Store News -Caaeoae ilepart- 'me•tal Store 0. The l:tght "oats Aro Herr " Hodgeoe Bros, In ►tango for Vele . A. MacKinnon . 1 Stray Cattle It. Postletbwa/til. Cbiof of • Police Cattle tot Yate • it. Masan. ..,, ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL. Continued from page 0. Financial statement for twelve months from the :Inch September, Ha)11, to the 1st of 0 )ctober, l91U. agc T 1 r•re, Ilabvnwin o.. hand :ilk h .eptemher. MOP $ y(en, Need (ron: Hank of Mune real •111.00 .• Bank Of 1 ouuneroe :24.10 ' .. 'Berlina }lank :15.01 " etelwlan Bros. „ jle " town ,wuncil chi) -p/ " DAnghte.re of the Km pin. (including 111ll'J.4.1 for ' wall 2•J1.43 Huron Lodge 1.U.U.F. 7,M1.) " Herat Chap., Mamma :soft " Home Circle ... sol Friend.. ` 5.W " Rev. Sir, Friend. .5.00 A nor ymoua "' Huron county -.00401011 • 1410: " Untarie Government. 301,•1? I'lark tt.tate. balance 1 subscription . . , X) .4) J. ft. 'McKenzie .4,111 f Prelhar,, Estate 15..4) " F. H. Holmes. .. Saps' L A. M,. London, lest:i e( •• patient, . .. ..... • 3 br ._. Total .:.. 13.911.13 rl)eeyhr-ri WMA Paid tab, 01000 nor.o.int v ..1 25,31 • for ew.ti. Hnim••-. Lee and M c. Kwan ... .... 311e, u. n 0•••01linrotts Aseeunts Y.t.nl , ' caretaker.. ... 0.1.51' ' electric light ... acre; I ' for i',, ...... ,.. ..... 11)..11111)..111,.. water rate,.. • 114.8) • ('. harper, plumbing, repairing. etc 14e,urauee . Is. Munn painting " el.; . • (:lea•. l... relate. Cle• •for butch, 1 meet . ' nutter and egg" nn,ir, bread And Meal .. 94.40 ' tea And e-otto,- ' (100lram,•and other. eegeteble,. .. 1415 1113.07 111.21 0(4.41 114.':4 t2.30 34.01 . grocery,..11(1 ldpprevisions •. denote silt nuicine... •• nasi ire. mid enrlical soppllee. . 78,00 .• hoer. wine And spirits 1.101 ap ' Iredenng, nery, house turni401 Ings.' su:. tin 51 bratnts, bn..nea, mope. ntc.. ... 23.19 e alarle- anal W1toree.. 0 1.ti,74 }qt' retIL 0► te1r'ee-'(04(5(0.. 1:10.00helm nee ..... . .., -.,. 1119.11 Total.... . .. 13)0. i 43 Following the adoption of the re. floe( the president asked for an ez- prension of views by those present as to the proemial for rt new hospital. Several persons responded. and the general opinion /teemed to be that as ay d,0_ats potedhle a new hoepitsf should he created. I)r..Sfacklin statist that the doctors 1,f the town were unea- sily of ehre opinion •that a new hftspititl was needed at once. They stnngll advieeed egotiust the expend- iture ot anymore money on the pres- ent building. The question of the hest meth,ld of financing the' project was dinemosed and several plane were proposed. Toe trea+urer, 'C. A.. Nairn, Rub- . netted his financial I'eport, which was 1•ecet'ed and referred to the auditors. A vote of thanks to the preeideht and hoard of trustees for their services during the past year Wail unanimously and heartily' carried. Mr. Nairn ewes notice that at the next general tnc..fin-g '. Weida naive • that the byltwa bee amended by pro. viding that the hoard consist of eleven member* insteitd of ten. It is desire(' to give the president of the Medical Seciely of thle town a plare at the bolted, ex Mike,:l ext year's hoard, cansieting of s Holt and Doyle and Memos. Netirn, Meager, Mclionald. McLean, Kidd. Hcdgens, Flint and el0.y0r Cam- eron. pros re elected. Meese*. Lane end Tigers were again appointed auditor, 'At the conclusion ni .the• meeting Mee ft. Ii. Smith, on hehelf of the Daughters of the Empire, advised the, presidentthat on the opening of 'ewe* hospital the I)atlghters of theFinpire would hand the treanlrey-is'i•heg11' for gLtKe1, hoa- th 'rho rd at afterwards and elected otlfoern e. fellows : Pre'lident, •I edge, Halt : vice-president., Judge Ikty fP : trOaatlrer, ('. A. :Salm o ; sec- #iotary, H. K. Hodgens, Events Leading Up to the Present Goes troversy. 'r lli.hnp Felten is '1 a scarf of n live I) emit revere) to which a good deal' of newepeper space. pm been devoted during the greet week. Fee the 'nh►r- metion_of threw who. have tot kept track of the mi. ter 0'• the daily papers. we will give •e v.•ry brief and neer eerily :en ir•.rnpleee review of the incident; le,tdi"g op 1r, the iemlring by the !bebop o.° his statement on the sultject•, which is etil,Ii.hed ott'page a of thin paper. Mishap Palliln er P•*ther Fallon, as he ws'then' wee •osr.teelelet yi'arsago a priest at Utte eta and WAS then ah- rused, whether rightly or wrongly, of having ereoWirt antagonistic In some manner- to the French Canadian ode Mope.Afterward.' he woo for .nine :Pets at Huffily. until a ?PW months 1L EW 7,N.. in Ooderich. on Tuesday, October lath, to Mr. and' Mr*. J. J. McKwen, -a daughter, NORRIS. In Ooderich. on w(edneeday. Oc- tober 19th. to Mr, and ire.Norris. Kant atter!, a daughter, l'RINGLIf. In Ooderich, .on Th' rsday, Oc- tober 1411, to Mr. and Mrs. Thoeyy.. I'ringle, a eon. JAM(B.-la Ooderich, on Tue.dky,\October hr. hitt, to Mr. and MGeorge Inc..* MARRIEU. LOVS--BARKER.-At the re.idenoe ofMrs, (lean. Colborne township. on Tuesday. I h dost,. by Rev. Dr. Medd. Fred T. T. Love. of Gods -dere to Mese Ida -11. Barker. of (Colborne. HA('1 lrTT WlLBH.-At the residence of the-lride's father. Matthew welsh, Huron townehlp, on Deptemtter lath, hy Rev. John eAcearlane, Kincardine, Waiter 1.. Hackett. M.B.. of Detroit, to Mise Agnes Welsh. MITCHICLI.-2LL107T.-At therouidencc of the bride•'.. father, -on September 21.t, by Rev. H.J. ('ondell, of Bayfeli, Miss Mary Louisa. daughter Of Thoma* Elliott, of the 1st eoueee.,Oa of (Roderick township. l0 AIeiarx+er Mitchet'. of Stanley towu.brp, 01E0. MA( EeT• L -H. - In tkxlerlett. on Sall:Ma October 15th. John Charles Maclutoeh, aged 74 year* and 11 months, WHITRLY. in (Iederieb, on Tuesday, Oc- tober IMA, Borah i3eton McMahon. relict of the lata Joseph Whitely, aged 7.; yoap., 7 PARSONS. At the realdence of he: .on In law, Loftus a. L)•bcby, lioderieh, on Mote - day. 'Mtober lreh, Janet Gardner, third daughter of the late Major Uardner, of Athel•tan, Quebec. and widow of the late Edmund Henry Parsons, of Montreal. aged dM years, daughter. AUCTION SALES. wee -roomier. October itch- --Anet ion -Ale of household femlture and--fhrnlehfngs. retro mewing it 1:81 sharp efie property of A, 1.04 Mclimv.u.p, W ateeet, Upderich • tern'. rash. . UUN nor, aurtloneer. -Return Tickets at Single Fare eels (band Trunk Railway system account Thanesglving Day between I all etatinns in Canada, also to Niagara Fells Anil Ruffen, New York, Detroit. 1 and Poet Huron, Mich. Omni „going October est, 29, 311, 81, return Fruit November 2rn1, 19101 re tick.'te teem F. F. Iawn!ne red Trunk town agent, Ooderiott. OPERA HOUSE GROCERY One door off Square, Xfneston Si. EVERYTHING FRESH, PURE AND GO 01►. THIS WEEK Apples We have several barrels of Snows which' will he sold to clear at 215o per 11 -quart basket. Get a basket while the Stock lasts. New Rai -ins New Currants New Dates Nei,' Pigs New Prunes Biscuits ['lo, And i''sncy - complete stuck fresh every few -days. Headquartere fore oho.* batter and fresh Hggs. Jno. W. Yanatter Opera House Block ;Phone 144 Kingston Street /f 1 •ouHaven't a l =riend Buy a Kodak 0)orl't go on your vacation without 4 Kod.tt. Thr No. 3F.P.K. $17.50 i, very .citable. \\'e carry till other style's. . All !nettuctiens free... Send un your Blois redevelop and print. SAI LOW§ Cc:ser Montreal Street and Square GODEKI(t1 Hobby ha.l just rettunr(1 fr•.,,ti re- fired, slay at Scheel. end his tnotho i asked him what he. had learned. Didn't learn anything. ' se d Hobby.. '•\Vbat did you de, then i" ' Didn't do anything. a Indy wanterl to know 1 how to spell 'cat,' and 1 ooh e•r " • Quality Store Sweet Potatoes e4wret Potatoes • • \ r,ew 1n tturk six peon. CRANBERRI i' \1'e have just 1e, of Ce an berries. -- 1 E.1•,y Slacks," Teel . < htt 4er. Two pounds.! • GREEN TOMATOES J. t\ a are offer leg o.,.. tees this' week at, psi' 1 COFFEE Try a pound ('f- our i'enil of Coffee. 1'(.0 .e :t- tight. sl with it. Pet 1• -hit,lnrnt of fie.): n1 f'Iarlkh'1is 057'r- saturday, - it igbeet print k'eel f:., of farm produce. Choice Butter and (•':r - H. R. La. 1G H01.i. Special Offer to New Subscribers nu« t(r Ian. ii st, 19 1 2 --fifteen months ---for only TheRight 11This has beefs demonstrated beyond question the pat few week. Coats are Here business does not -come to any store the way it has been coming here, good reason. That relson is found in the all-round goodness of the stock th on our racks today. The.hest styles and leading lines of Canadian and (: manufacturers_ have been assembled in out \ New Sweater Coats A big shipnl •ret of oldies' it n.1 girls natty Coats right from the still this week. Every style gen sl. perfect -fitting gannet, in white • nr-cul $1 • $ fi.5O 1 1 values to e# 5 -inch Taffeta Ribbon I Sc A big lot just in free' Switzer- land." All silk Taffeta Ribbn, Full 5 inehee widt\, The correct width for hair bows, 1) 1'fi c k , white, eerdinel, sky. pink. etc, i. Splendid ribbon ata papa- 15c lar pries. per yard d department and make tip a stock that h ;. equal hereabouts, whether looked at from \ 1 -i point of good stvie or good' value. There wideness- of choice both_ .as to :style, color a11t1 materials that fehv stores attempt to show: '1'i': garments are here for your inspection and find us always.ready to show them. Man -tailored Coats in black and colors. $10.00 to $25.00 High-class (ierman-made Coats, $7.50 to $30.00 Elderly Ladies' Coats, $10M0 to $30.00 Caracul, Plush or Sealette Coats, $20.00 to $40.00 Cloth Coats with__fur collars, extra spc.iai each $25,110 Au Extra (load Stock -of Uirls' and Young Ladies' Costs Quite the best showing of girls' and yCunir ladies' Coats we have ever attempted to start season with', Strong, serviceable garments th'tl have good style as well. Many styles to 'CieLi from. All tailor-made. Children's Coats $3,50 to $7.00 Misses' Coats $5.00 to $ 15.00 Black, Il:iv\,'red, green, brown_and gray. You will Want;New Gloves 9 Vim will net find it tetter place to get them than here. The 1iggesteetook ice ever .0 11*o'd n geaillm with. All our well known etnnderel lines in a full range_ of_ s wit�i one or re: :re net` makes added. Every pair absolutely guarruitrr,T---- IFeal Kid Gloves, fedi guaranteed $1 .00 High-grade genuine French Kid Gloves, all sizes. black or colors $1.25 and $1.110 Heavy Leather Gloves, pique sewn; mannish effect $1.25 and $1.40 Silk -tined Mocha Gloves, new shades . .. $1.150 Dent's genuine English -made Chamouette Gloves, per pair. 76c No ; ter Vests at 25c You won't get a hotter Vest'for the looney than our extra eperial eft it -1w- mode- iroth eI9aa,--- pure yarns, soft finish, g o .v'tl weight, 'has open frooteand nn •k nireiy trihlntel. A .. p I n.1 i .1 \'rest for /early fell or winter wen r. Gassy or white. Drnwor•s 25e t(.•tnat. h. Per garment 4. 11 i